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September 12, 2024 20 mins

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Could artificial intelligence be the key to a healthier, happier future? Discover how AI's revolutionary potential can transform your well-being, offering personal health recommendations, like heart health tracking, and cognitive behaviour Therapy.

"Artificial intelligence is a tool, not a threat.
Rodney Boon

In this episode, we explore how to leverage AI's capabilities while maintaining balance and avoiding over-dependence. Drawing wisdom from ancient civilizations like Atlantis, we discuss the importance of using technology wisely and the role of spiritual growth and intuition in navigating this brave new world.

We'll also focus on practical applications of AI in everyday wellness, from wellness apps to motivational coaching and behavioral insights. Learn how these tools can support your mental, physical, and emotional health, all while emphasizing the need for human connection and intuition. Personal practices like turning off alerts and embracing nature and meditation are shared to maintain peace and well-being. Join me as I guide you to find your unique balance in integrating technology into your life, recognizing your inner power, and achieving inner harmony and balance. 

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
In this episode, I'm going to be speaking about
artificial intelligence and thefuture of a healthier, happier
you, and how it's going toaffect you.
The potential of artificialintelligence is huge.

It's unlimited, and it's notonly going to be physical
assistance that it will be ableto help with, but it will also
be able to help with youremotional health by giving you
solutions as well.
But there's one thing it's notgoing to be able to do.
It's not going to be humanconnection, it's not going to be
your intuition, it's not goingto be you using your discernment

Hello and welcome to the JamesGrandstrom podcast Super Soul
Model series, where I help youtune and tap in to your natural
state of well-being.
In this episode, I'm going toshare with you an exciting topic
, and that's AI and yourwell-being the future of a
happier, healthier you.
Ai is revolutionizingindustries, and not just the
tech industries.
It's going to revolutionizepretty much every industry, and

one of them that's at the heartof something that's important to
me is healthcare and well-being, in particular, your well-being
At the moment, ai is currentlyon your phone, on your
smartphone, and it's currentlyin our homes, in things like
smart home devices, and whilstit's already subtly in our lives

and in your environment.
What's happening is it's aboutto expand, it's about to explode
and it's about to get evenbigger and more prominent in our
day-to-day lives.
And so in this episode episode,what I want to share with you
is how to use it wisely, how tosee it for what it is, which is
a tool.
And if we become too dependentupon artificial intelligence, we

miss the most important thing,which is our ability to use our
own discernment and use ourintuition.
And AI is fantastic.
It's going to have someincredible things that are going
to help us and so many peoplein different industries.
Yet also, we need to know thatto keep a balance and balance is

basically what my message isall about because when we find
personal balance in ourwell-being, emotional balance,
balance, spiritual balance,healthy balance, financial
balance, physical balance wereally begin to thrive.
And that's when you tap intoyour natural state of energy.
And whilst there are many toolsand things available to gain

information at our fingertips,just like AI will be able to
give us if we rely on it solelyfor connection, then that's when
the challenge begins.
But in this episode, what Iwant to do is share with you
what AI will do for a future ofa happier, healthier you and how
it will help you.
One of the things that willalways help us is to learn from

our mistakes of the past so thatwe can use those mistakes and
make better choices.
This is like using discernmentand this is a massive spiritual
And I love to look back atancient civilizations of things
where people have been verysuccessful, or even business
leaders or companies that havebeen very successful, and
looking to see what theirstrategies have been and when we

need to understand ourselves asa human species and knowing
where we are and where we can goas a possibility.
And when we're talking aboutthings like artificial
intelligence, we're sort oftapering on an understanding of
We don't know what could happenand where we would go using
this type of intelligence, thistype of technology.

But one thing I like to relateback to is an ancient
civilization called Atlantis,and it's not often talked about.
It was talked about by Platoand Socrates and later passed
down into more recent peoplelike Edgar Cayce and Shirley
MacLaine and, more recently,matthias de Stefano, and in my
own study of Atlantis Idiscovered that this

civilization was a highlyevolved society where people's
minds and hearts were open,which sounds amazing and being a
highly advanced civilization,must be because the
consciousness of the people werereally high.
But at the same time as theAtlanteans were highly evolved,
they were technologicallyevolved as well, which became

phenomenal, yet to theirdetriment.
This is what some of theancient texts and readings have
said is that their technologicaladvancement got them out of
balance, in which case there wasa cataclysmic event which made
the Atlantis civilizationcrumble, and that could have
been an earthquake.

It could have been usingtechnology to such a way that
actually created a cataclysmicevent.
So what can we learn from thispast civilization that's being
written about?
We can learn that if we can usetechnology in balance, along
with being evolved human beings,conscious, spiritual beings,
using our mind, body and soul insuch a way, then we will enjoy

what is known as this golden erawhich we're embarking on now.
And this could be a phenomenaloption for us to use technology
in such a way that we use it asa tool rather than an absolute
necessity for everything.
And that's where the story ofAtlantis ended, because they
used its technology way too muchand depended on it and used it

as a power struggle instead ofusing it as a tool to help
So this is where we're talkingabout.
This is where we're going to inthis particular episode.
We're going to talk about usingartificial intelligence to our
advantage and for what it is,which is a tool, not as a be-all
and end-all for everything.

So what will AI do that willenhance your personal happiness,
health and well-being?
Well, number one, it's going togive you personal health
It could track your heartbeat,it could track your heart health
It could track your fitness.
Some of these things it's doingto a certain extent already,
but it will do in more detailgiving you statistics and

information and even being ableto tell you what you need to do.
So giving you feedback aboutcertain things, which could
become incredibly enlighteningif you don't know, and it could
give you signals to tell youthere's something that you need
to do.
This is really interesting.
It could also give youindications how to enhance your
sleep quality and use apps likethings like sleep cycle to even

greater advantage than perhapsyou're even doing right now.
So so these health apps AI willrecommend to you and be able to
say why don't you try this toenhance your personal well-being
This sounds fantastic becauseit seems like the AI will act
like an aid, as an assistant, toalways be there for you, like a

virtual assistant, so to speak,and it will also help you with
things like mental programs andmental apps that will assist you
if you're finding yourselfdipping in mood.
This becomes really interesting,which takes me into number two.
It will assist you with yourmental health support.
There'll be AI chatbots.
Things like Wobot and Wysa willbe offering mental support live

virtual chats if people aresuffering from any form of
depression or anxiety.
Be able to have a relationshipwhere you'll be able to have
virtual feedback, to be able tosay what's the problem, and this
could be a solution.
It'll be able to help trackyour mood, to tell you what you
need to do if your mood'sdipping.
It will be able to even giveyou cognitive behavioral

training, which is superexciting and stress management.
So artificial intelligencecould really step in to tell you
what to do if your mood'sdipping.
And then there'll be artificialintelligence in therapy and AI
will analyze your emotionalstate through your facial
expressions and through youreyes Can you believe that that's

And even your voice patterns.
And then, number three, it willbe able to help you with stress
So if you find yourself in astressful environment or you're
feeling anxious, ai willintervene and offer you apps
like Calm or Headspace to helpfind where you're at emotionally
and then offer you solutions tohelp you enhance your mood.

That's very powerful whenpeople often don't know what to
do, but the AI will be able tounderstand where your mood's at
because it will notice yourfacial patterns, it will notice
your voice, it will noticeperhaps even your heartbeat
beating too fast.
This is what AI will be able todetect and it's pretty
stimulating, pretty interesting,but to a certain extent it

might seem invasive.
But if it's coming from a placewhere you programmed it to be
able to assist you, then itcould be a really good thing.
And then the predictive AI willbe able to identify the stress
within you and it could detectif you're experiencing any
It will know by the amount ofwork hours you've been doing or

screen time you've been havingor social media time you've been
Ai will be able to predictwhat's going on in your life and
give you solutions based uponhow you're using your energy on
a day to day basis.
So AI will help you identifyany challenges that you've gone,
based upon the algorithms forthe amount of work that you're
doing or the amount of screentime you have.

It will just literally knowwhat's going on in your body,
what's going on through yourmood, through your heart rate,
through your blood bloodpressure.
It will be able to know all ofthese things and give you
feedback, which is prettyamazing.
And also, ai could help increaseyour well-being by helping
improve the quality of yoursleep with, like I mentioned

before, with apps like sleepcycle, but even better so, with
smart home devices.
It could cool the room, itcould darken the room, it could
put on soothing music before yougo to sleep, so you really
enhance your state of well-being, so you get the best possible
night's sleep.
It could even cool your bed.
If you live in a hot country, Iknow that people often use

cooler mattresses now toregulate temperatures, because
when you're cooler at night, yousleep deeper, and then, when
your sleeping patterns arebetter and they're more
regulated, then you're going tofind yourself really enjoying a
greater quality of sleep there.
The next thing that ai will beable to do, which is my all-time
favorite, is managing chronicconditions.
This is really powerful, andwhilst I've seen a lot of the

other things that ai have donethrough science fiction movies
and futuristic movies.
I really like this one becauseAI can help in diagnosis.
It can help in challengingmoments If someone falls prey to
an injury or if there's anissue.
Ai will be able to assist intrauma incidents in the moment

and it could assist doctorsabout quicker diagnosis for
challenges in the moment thatpresent themselves when someone
is suffering from something orother.
And I find this really, reallyinteresting because it's going
to provide immediate data andimmediate solutions about what
to do in the moment.
I remember reading an articleabout a doctor who would use

ChatGVT to be able to give acertain diagnosis where he
didn't need to read like a bookthat would take him five days to
He could just know in the next10 minutes, and that was
So just think what artificialintelligence will do for the
doctors when they're trying toget to faster diagnoses, which
will save lives.

This is why I like this, and itcould be able to do personal
alerts for medications andhelping with physical therapies
and even sort of monitoringthings like diabetes, automating
that to such an extent that itwill be able to help save lives,
and particularly young childrenwho might be suffering from
chronic conditions like diabetesas well.

You know, being able to haveartificial intelligence will be
phenomenal for things like this,and you know what if artificial
intelligence could also tell awoman in a cycle this is the
best time for being able toconceive a child?
You know there are certain appsthat are already doing this,
but AI will take this to anotherlevel.

The next thing that AI will beable to do is create a social
and virtual connection, or avirtual companionship Artificial
intelligence or using AI botsin offering companionship to
people who are really isolated,who might be on an island and
don't get to speak to someonebecause they work in a
lighthouse, or it might be anelderly person who's really

lives far away from you know thenearest town or can't get there
because they can't drive.
So having people around orsomeone to talk to can be very
uplifting and things like how,in 2001, a space odyssey which
was like, directed and made over60 years ago, was just seeing
the future of humanity throughartificial intelligence being

able to talk to us, because weall need connection, and just
imagine what this could do forthe elderly and lonely and
people who are isolated, itcould create a sense of
well-being, but also, to acertain extent, it is artificial
, but we all need to connect inone way or another.
Which takes me on to the nextthing is it will be able to help

us connect with morelike-minded people when we put
ourselves into that forum saying, hey, do you want to speak to
this person who's available now?
And when we see artificialintelligence come to life like
this, this could be reallyinteresting.
The next thing artificialintelligence may be able to do
to assist your well-being goingforwards is create virtual

You know that people feellonely and when we are able to
develop a sense of connection,we feel we feel loved, we feel
we feel, at some level, seen,and that's really important for
the human species that we are,because we all want to feel
loved, we all want to feel seenand we all want to feel heard,

and when there's isolation, it'sone of the greatest absences
that we can have as human beings.
So it's really important thatwe learn to connect so AI may be
able to offer solutions to theelderly there and the lonely.
What if AI actually helps bringpeople together rather than
separates them?

This is a question that I have.
And, last but not least, aicould really help improve the
quality of your life byassisting you with wellness
The quality of your life byassisting you with wellness
It could offer you personalartificial intelligence coaching
, like tools like wellness apps,wellness reports, coaching for
motivation, inspiring, helpingyou set goals.

Are you achieving your goals?
Always sort of giving you likereference check-ups and
check-ins, which you may or maynot like, but it will also give
you mental and physical andemotional health and feedback
and tools that may be able toassist you.
And it will also be able tohelp you with behavioral
artificial intelligence insights, helping people track their

habits and helping them makebetter conscious decisions.
So the potential of artificialintelligence is huge, is
unlimited, and it's not onlygoing to be physical assistance
that it will be able to helpwith, but it will also be able
to help with your emotionalhealth by giving you solutions
as well.
But there's one thing it's notgoing to be able to do.
It's not going to be humanconnection, it's not going to be

your intuition, it's not goingto be you using your discernment
All of these things come fromwithin and, in my personal
opinion, I really am a fan ofartificial intelligence.
However, when we use it forwhat it is, which is a tool for
the mind to give us solutionsand information that we need in
the moment, until we recognizethat everything we need has been

given to us in this amazingphysical form and that, as we
learn to tune ourselves tohigher levels of understanding,
higher levels ofself-development meaning we're
taking exercise, great nutrition, taking time to relax, taking
time to spend time in nature,taking time to be part of a
community and assist.

This is what lights people up,and these are where the blue
zones of people who live to wayover 100 all have these common
denominators they live incommunities, they have
meaningful work, they havemeaningful relationships and the
health and their well-being isbecause they have purpose, they
have meaningful relationshipsand they're taking care of

mixing with both the young,middle-aged and old.
Altogether, this is how wethrive, when we are living in
this beautiful harmony of MotherNature and helping other human
beings as well.
Other human beings as well, andI always like to point back to
that story.
I was talking about Atlantis,which was.

Whilst that civilization wasconsidered advanced by old
scholars like Socrates and Plato, they eventually created their
own downfall because they reliedtoo heavily on technology and
we need to find a balancebetween using technology and
having our own discernment,because when we have our own
discernment, we activate in thatspiritual law to find what is
best for us.

And what's best for you may bedifferent for what's best for
somebody else, but ultimately,our free will and making our own
choices is where we feelempowered.
And by me sharing thisinformation, I'm sharing with
you that when you use theinternet or your apps or your
crackers or your smart homedevices yes, they're fun.

Yes, they make your life moreconvenient.
Yes, they're super helpful.
I'm a big fan of things likeShazam and being able to be able
to track a song I really likeand have it play down.
But what I really love to do isto go outside in nature and
feel inspired and feel in tunewith my body.
When my body's giving mefeedback about what I need next,

or when I learn to sit insilence in meditation, I'm able
to sit there and and literallyfeel such ease and relaxation in
my body that no app will everdo that for me, but silence does
that for me.
So let's just find a lovelybalance and I'll be very
interested to hear what you'vegot to say about it.

So feel free to write in andshare what your thoughts are
about this subject, because alot of people have fear and
anxiety thinking about thissubject, thinking that they've
got no control.
But the fact of the matter is,you will have control about what
you set up, what your settingsare.
Even for me, I have all myalerts taken off.

I don't want to know my alerts,I don't want to be reactive to
the next email that comes in orthe next message that comes in.
So all those sounds and beeps,beeps, I turn off because I
don't need my mind inundatedwith new information.
I'm trying to find my own peaceand when I'm good and ready,
that's when I look at my emails,when I look at my texts, and it

may seem irresponsible to toquite a few people, but quite in
fact, it actually gives mepeace for me to make my own
choice, and that's what you willbe able to do when you program
artificial intelligence in yourhome.
Anyway, I hope you've enjoyedthis episode.
I hope it's inspired you andenlightened you to recognize
that the power is always withinyour hand and when you start

listening to the voice within,using your discernment, life
gets way better and you start tofind your own inner harmony,
your inner peace and your ownbalance.
If you've enjoyed, pleaseremember to give it a like,
subscribe and share, and thankyou so much for all of your
Really appreciate it and untilthe next episode, I wish you a
wonderful weekend and greenlights all the way.

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