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October 10, 2024 27 mins

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Ever wondered how four simple phrases can transform your life's emotional landscape? 

This episode we will explore the ancient Hawaiian practice of Ho'oponopono, a method for reconciliation and forgiveness that speaks directly to the subconscious mind. Through the story of Dr. Hew Len's remarkable success in a psychiatric ward, we uncover how saying "I love you," "I'm sorry," "Please forgive me," and "Thank you" can act as powerful cleansing tools to break down negative patterns and traumas. This episode offers a deep dive into the ways this practice can improve personal relationships and elevate your quality of life.

I share my own heartfelt journey, recounting the profound shifts I experienced by consistently using Ho'oponopono during challenging times. 

I also discuss the fascinating link between Ho'oponopono and spiritual laws, revealing how this practice can even change the molecular structure of water within us, as demonstrated by Dr. Masaru Emoto’s studies on the transformative power of words and intentions.

This episode is not just about listening; it's an invitation to practice and share your own experiences. We encourage our community to come together, sharing stories and insights that foster growth and support. Your contributions enrich the discourse and help us create high-quality content that empowers everyone involved. Together, let's embrace Ho'oponopono and open ourselves to a world of healing, balance, and abundance.

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Speaker 1 (00:04):
in this episode, I'm sharing with you an ancient,
traditional hawaiian practice ofreconciliation and forgiveness
known as ho'oponopono.
It's a very powerful wordbecause it means to correct and
make right, and if you'relooking to move forward and let
go of the past and allow amazingthings to come to you, then
practicing this healing modalitymight be the cure you've been

looking for.
Hello and welcome to the JamesGransford Podcast Super Soul
Model Series, where I help youtune and tap in to your natural
state of wellbeing.
Have you heard of the ancientHawaiian practice of
Because, if you haven't, I'mgonna share what it is and how
it will help improve the qualityof your life and the quality of

your relationships in thisepisode.
The word Ho'oponopono means tocorrect an error and it comes
from the ancient Hawaiianhealing practice of
reconciliation and forgiveness.
And the reason why it's sopowerful is because it's so
Why could something be sosimple and yet so effective?

And that's what I want toreally clarify in this episode.
When we are trying to correctand make right, we are using
this ancient Hawaiian ritual orpractice, and when we're doing
it, what we're actually doing iscoming from a place of divine
energy, and that is what wascalled in this book that I read

back in 2008, zero Limits by DrJoe Vitale, who was one of the
main cast on the Secret.
And the reason why Ho'oponoponoreally sits with me is because
I've been to Hawaii three times.
I've studied this beautifulculture and yet there's
something in it that reallyresonates with me.
And if this episode resonateswith you, then that is amazing,

simple phrases that you can useto empower the quality of your
life, to release negativity, tofind reconciliation and healing
and allow more abundance in yourexperience.
Then ho'oponopono is somethingyou really really need to be
considering, thinking of makinga daily practice, a daily ritual
So what is ho'oponopono?
Ho'oponopono is an ancienthealing technique that helps

restore balance in the body andin the mind, and when we
practice Ho'oponopono, whatwe're essentially doing is
talking to our inner child, thesubconscious mind, which would
be another word to describe theinner child that's always
running the show.
And when you're talking to itfrom this position, with these
four phrases that we'll talkabout and why they're powerful,

what it will do is reset yoursystem.
It will reboot your mind and,if you can imagine, before the
ages of about 10, and in 12 insome cases, you were storing and
receiving information, spongingfrom your guardians, sponging
from your parents, understandinghow the world works and if you

had any trauma in those earlyyears, which most people have.
What's actually happening isthat stored in your subconscious
mind and you start to act outthose painful traumatic programs
later in life and when we arelooking to heal ourselves, one
of the first places we need togo is to go back to this

subconscious mind where we canclear away the negative patterns
and impressions that have beensponged by us vibrationally or
in the environment that we wereconditioned in, in order to
return to a state of zero,meaning a clean state, meaning
that divine state of which youwere when you first came in to

the world, when you were alittle baby.
But when you come from thisplace of being able to be clear,
to be open, to be receptive,that's the place where great
ideas come, that's where theplace where you receive good
ideas for business, for art, forcreativity, for flow.
But when we're in the mind andit's incessantly playing, we are

running old programs and oldstories the whole time.
So that's why Ho'oponopono isso effective and it's so
effective to wash away andcleanse any trauma that's been
in our system.
It's so effective in being ableto help you find a place of
abundance within yourself.
It's so effective in being ableto help other people in your

sphere, in your life as well.
So talk about raising yourfrequency.
Ho'oponopono will raise yourfrequency, it will empower you,
and I want to share some casestudies of why it is so powerful
and how it's helped others andhow it will help you.
But let me first talk about thisbook, because this book was

what inspired me in the firstplace.
I'd already been to Hawaii afew times and I really loved the
culture and there was somethingabout it that talked to me and
spoke to me on a sort of soullevel the positioning, the
beauty, the way that the cultureconverse and interact with one
It's always like a celebration.
Yet they're strong, they'repowerful, the seafaring folk and

yet there's this some, thisbeauty, this goddess, this real
connection with the land.
This is why I really love theancient hawaiians.
But also, what I want to shareis that what I particularly like
about ho'oponopono is thisstory, because the story that
inspired me is a Hawaiian namedDr Hugh Len.

He went into a psychiatric wardin Hawaii in the 1980s and was
fully practicing Ho'oponoponoand he was doing it quietly,
without telling anybody.
He was just going on goingabout saying these things, and
these four phrases that he wasusing was I love you, I'm sorry,
please forgive me, and thankyou.

And he was repeating them overand over and over again I'm
sorry, please forgive me, I loveyou and thank you.
These are the cleansing phraseshe used over and over again.
That is the Ho'oponoponopractice for reconciliation and
healing and forgiveness.
Because ho'oponopono is sointeresting, it's an inside out

type of healing, meaning theexternal world out there will
change when I change the inside.
And ho'oponopono states thateverything that happens to you
and in your sphere of influenceis a result of your subconscious
patterning, your subconsciousprogramming that's going on, and

so everything that's happeningin your life is a result of your
subconscious mind that'srunning the show.
Running the show because ifyou're with me so far, then
everything that's happening toyou is you're doing, and
everything that you like isyou're doing, and everything
that you don't like is alsoyou're doing.
This is part of the law ofattraction.
But what we don't understand iswhy can we attract some things

and not attract others?
And the reason being is becausethat subconscious mind, that
inner child, is preventing you,with stories and negative
programming, from allowing youto experience what you want.
Maybe it's more material wealth, but also it might be releasing
trauma, it might be beingunable to forgive, it might be

challenged with a parent, itcould be a host of different
And until you start cleansing,until you start using this
practice, ho'oponopono, you'rejust going to stay stuck.
So this is a very quick,effective way to be able to
cleanse your subconscious mind,to clean the slate, to nourish

that inner child of yours and toclean the system, the negative
programming that's been going onin your life for so many years.
So, if you're ready, I want toshare with you a story that
really inspired me.
So Dr Hugh Len went into apsychiatric ward in the 1980s in
Hawaii and what he did was hewent through all the files of

some of the hardened criminals,the crooks, the murderers,
rapists, all these veryunpleasant people, and he'd pull
out the file, not necessarilygo in front of them, but he'd go
into their files and he'd startsaying these four phrases and
after a period of about fiveyears, most people were released
because they were of sound mind, and then the rest of it was

shut down, meaning the wholepsychiatric ward was shut down
because it was unnecessary forthese people to be here anymore.
And this was really unusualbecause Dr Hugh Lenn said when I
cleansed myself of my ownsubconscious programming with
these four praises by usingHo'oponopono, it also healed

these other people.
And this is not dissimilar tothe buddha or the christ.
When people sat in theirpresence, they were healed
because they weren't looked atwith judgment anymore.
They were healed by the purityof the energy.
So this is why zero limits thebook means you're becoming zero,

which means you're becoming onewith that divine frequency.
And whilst you may not be thereall day, if you're able to
practice this divine energy,which are these four phrases,
then what's going to happen isthat you too will emanate that
divine frequency from within you.
That will also cleanse yourenvironment as well.

And Dr Hugh Len has always saidyou must always be doing these
three things Always be cleaning.
And Dr Hugh Len said in some ofhis lectures and in the book
that your mind is very much likea hardware of a laptop or a
computer, and there's somepositive programs on there and
there's some negative programson there, and the negative

programs need to be cleansed soyou can have more storage space
for your divine essence, whichis who you really are to be able
to flow through, so you canreceive the ideas that improve
the quality of your life, so youcan be one with that improve
the quality of your life, so youcan be one with your heart,
mind and soul.
Now that sounds fascinating inthe bigger picture, but the

practical work is by sayingthese four phrases I love you,
I'm sorry, please forgive me,and thank you, and it doesn't
really matter which order you'resaying them, it just matters
that you think them, you saythem and you do them, and it's
always like a computer programthat's running behind the scenes
I love you, I'm sorry, pleaseforgive me, thank you.
Now, I was fascinated by thisand, of course, at the beginning

I'm very open-minded and Ithought, yeah, I want to believe
And so it was only when Istarted to have my own
challenges in relationships thatthat's when I started to use
them, uh, those four phrases,and that's when I was like, wow,
I think this really worksbecause I got my own experience.
So I'm here as a messenger totell you that this will work if

you use it, but don't believe meuntil you get that experience,
because your belief has to comethrough your own personal
And that is the bit that Ialways find fascinating, because
when it comes to receiving newinformation, particularly
spiritual information, I alwayswanna ground that spiritual
information in a way that'spractical and down to earth.
And does it work?

I know for sure gratitude works, and that's one of the phrases.
But to use the other phrases aswell, such as I love you, I'm
sorry and please forgive methose kind of phrases, I was
like, well, I'm not sure, butlet's just try, let's practice.
So about six or seven, sevenyears ago, I moved into a new

place and I just finished arelationship.
And when I moved into this newplace I was living with a friend
of mine and when I was sleepingat night I heard this voice.
And it wasn't a voice inside ofmy head, it was a voice in the
next property, on the other sideof the wall, because I was

living in a Victorian propertyand the walls weren't that
particularly thick or soundproofand I could kind of make out
that it was an old womanspeaking and and I was like,
well, what's she actually saying?
And she'd say it for literallyhours in the middle of the night
, and I like to take fullresponsibility of my life,

knowing that everything that'shappening is of my doing,
whether I like it or not.
And in the end I managed todecipher.
This very strange voice wassaying you're bad.
So, and she kept on goingyou're bad, you're bad, you're
bad, you're bad, you're bad.
And that was a judgment she wasgiving herself, because at some

point in her life she'd feltprogrammed that she was a bad
And I know that this personnever really left that room,
because I looked next door whenI was looking at the property to
see these really shabbycurtains and that that person
wasn't well.
And so I took it upon myself todo this cleansing.

I took it upon myself to beable to do ho'oponopono work,
say those four phrases to tryand find peace within myself,
because at that time I'd alsofinished a relationship which I
didn't feel good about and Istill felt like heavy.
And so I thought, well, I needto do cleansing, I need to do

cleaning work on myself, solet's just do some ho'oponopono
So for a few minutes everynight, I'll put my hand on the
wall and I'd say I'm sorry,please forgive me.
I love you and thank you andjust try and send like love and
well wishes and forgiveness onthe other side of the wall.
Now, sometimes I put my hand onthe wall in the middle of the

night when I'd hear her speaking, and sometimes I just do it
from my bed.
But either way, I did it, and Idid it for literally months,
until one night I heard nothing.
Months until one night I heardnothing.
And it was a very unusual nightbecause I'm not actually
hearing that person and I wasalways kind of intrigued to see

who was on the other side of thewall.
But I always wanted to thinkthere was another version of
myself, because in truth we'reall one.
So if that's the case, then itdoesn't matter who's on the
other side of the wall, it's me.
And even if they're in pain andeven if they're saying this
thing that seems very annoyingin the middle of the night,

nonetheless, the only ways thatit can be healed is by someone
trying to come from a higheradvantage, point, someone
wanting to come from a higherfrequency.
And the higher frequency, abovepain, above guilt, above grief,
is love.
So that's where I was wantingto come from love and

forgiveness and compassion.
So that's why I was putting myhand on the wall and if you're
with me so far, after about, Ithink, seven or eight months of
saying I love you, I'm sorry,please forgive me, and thank you
, the noise stopped, the voicestopped and the next day I saw

an ambulance come and it wasn'tto our property, it was to the
next door property only todiscover that person had passed
Only to discover that personhad passed away and I like to
think of that as a beautifulcoincidence to say that by my
cleansing, that person was alsobeing released back into heaven,

back into a better place thanbeing bound in a body and
feeling really awful aboutthemselves and about life and
speaking to themselves in thatreally painful way.
That is a real compassion.
And so that experience of me wasreally really visceral.
I couldn't escape from thenoise.
I couldn't escape from thatsound like, you know, 12 o'clock

every night for at least acouple of hours.
I mean it kind of drove me alittle bit insane.
So it was my way of being ableto cleanse, being able to heal,
and that was a true story, and Inoticed that my life began to
improve significantly when I wasusing these phrases.
So if you're out of sorts in anyrelationships, if you're

experiencing any trauma, then ifdr hugh len did that with a
psychiatric ward in hawaii forlike five years and I had my own
experience of perhaps somethinglesser but nonetheless still
wow factor then if you're out ofsorts with anybody, then
practice ho'oponopono, practicethese four phrases and just be

open-minded that what you'redoing is cleansing yourself,
which is also allowing otherpeople in your sphere, in your
sphere of energy, to also behealed by your presence, to be
healed by your energy, becauseall energy can be also non-local
They've shown this in quantumphysics that you can have

something going on in London andin Australia exactly the same
amount of time, and we humanbeings are all made up of energy
and molecules, so it's nodifferent.
So when you're thinking ofsomebody, how often have you
thought of somebody?
And then they phone you,particularly like a parent.
That is such a normal aspect ofenergy.
So our thoughts are creative,but it's also our feelings are

So when we're able to think andfeel with these four phrases of
ho'oponopono, then what you'redoing is starting to heal your
subconscious mind, you'restarting to become in touch with
your inner child and you'reallowing that divine energy to
flow within you which willuplift everything that comes

into your sphere and into yourday-to-day life.
And like dr hugh len said inthe book, zero limits he goes.
You've always got to becleaning something.
So what?
Another story I really likedthat I put to practice just for
my own personal test, because Ilike to test these things is
that Dr Hu-Len said that hewould go into, like a cafe or a

restaurant and he would cleanseand say these four phrases to
himself and he'd go into anempty coffee shop or an empty
restaurant somewhere in Hawaii.
And you know, when he'd go inthere, he noticed that by
cleansing that place, by havingthose four phrases running, the

shop would fill up and hisenergy alone was very magnetic.
So after a while he said wouldyou give me a free meal if this
place fills up with customers?
And the patrons of the coffeeshop or the restaurant said,

yeah, we'll give it a go if itfills up.
And lo and behold, it filled up, with him being in there.
So he got a free meal becausehe just wanted to know is this
energy working?
Does this ho'oponopono work, andhow does it work.
And it just really worksbecause it helps you raise your

And when you raise yourfrequency, you become more
And in order to attract greaterbusiness, in order to attract
love, in order to attractharmony and restore balance back
in the body again, what ittakes is a higher frequency.
And, of course, these fourphrases I love you, I'm sorry,
please forgive me and thank youare very high forms of frequency

And if we're looking at thingslike water with Dr Emoto Masuro,
he studied water in Japan andI've talked about this on
another episode, but when he waswriting these phrases of I'm
sorry, please forgive me, thankyou and I love you underwater
water started to produce thesebeautiful crystals, these

beautiful patterns that we cannow see under the microscope
once it was frozen and we're allmade of water.
So if we're thinking thoughtslike I'm sorry, please forgive
me, thank you, we're alsochanging the dynamics of the
water inside us.
We are changing our frequency.
This is why ho'oponopono is sopowerful.

So I went and tried to do thisstudy, although I did it a
little bit differently.
I didn't ask for a free meal,but I did want to go into
certain shops to see that if Iwent in there and I was
practicing being in a higherfrequency using these four
phrases would it fill up?
And I have been astonished tofind the shops have filled up.

When I've got been the firstperson in there and that
actually even happened last weekin a shop I just went in
looking for a product and Ithought, oh yeah, it's something
I'd like to buy.
But I was saying those fourphrases, thinking about this
episode that I wanted to sharewith you, and, lo and behold,
like 10 people walked in theshop and this was like on a
Sunday and I was reallyastonished by how powerful this

In the end, I didn't buyanything in that shop, but I was
intending to, but I didn't.
But it was really nice to wasintending to, but I didn't, but
it was really nice to see thatthat shop filled up regardless.
Now, is that coincidence, youmight ask, and I would say I
don't know, but I tell you.
What I do know is I know thatenergy never lies and when
you're practicing a higherfrequency, good stuff happens to

everybody, you know, in yoursphere of influence.
That is the power of being at ahigher frequency, because when
you're tuning and tapping intoyour natural state of energy,
that higher frequency, that isyour divine energy flowing,
which will be benevolent to all.
So let's just go in a littlebit more depth about the four
I'm sorry means acknowledgingresponsibility for your thoughts

, words and actions and yourenergy and how it's affected
That that is why when you sayI'm sorry in a relationship, it
disarms any negativity betweenyou and the other person.
Now when you're saying pleaseforgive me, you're asking
forgiveness for yourself and forothers.
Because when you're coming fromthis place of please forgive me
, it's just stating that youknow that that was incorrect.

And so when you're askingforgiveness, please forgive me,
you're saying I want to cleansethat, I want to allow that to
And when you're saying thankyou, you're expressing gratitude
for the opportunity to heal.
And when you're saying I loveyou, you're sending love to
oneself and to others.
So this is a wonderful,powerful sphere of high

frequency with these fourphrases that, when used with a
sense of emotion, can reallychange the molecular structure
in your body and affect yourexternal world.
This is what ho'oponoponoreally is.
It helps you change yourinternal world so you can affect
your external world, becausethe world is always reflecting

your internal state, as above sobelow, as within, so without.
These are the spiritual laws.
Ho'oponopono has these fourphrases to help you return to
this state of zero, this stateof divine, infinite intelligence
, that which you are, that whenyou are present, when you are
clear-minded, when you arefeeling good, when your heart is

open, that energy that flowsthrough you, is absolutely
So Ho'oponopono is mainly justto restore balance and restore
harmony again.
And if you had any past traumas, this is a wonderful healing
And if you're looking to healrelationshipsas, this is a
wonderful healing modality.
And if you're looking to healrelationships, it's a wonderful
healing modality.
And if you're looking toincrease the level of abundance

and prosperity in your life, soby using ho'oponopono you will
cleanse that data, you willcleanse those negative programs.
So, in short, it's powerful tobe able to reset your programs,
your inner program, yoursubconscious mind, so that you
are able to now operate fromthis state of zero, the state of

cleansed, because when you feelclean you're able to receive
It's basically like clean yourhome of negative programming,
meaning clean your home ofclutter, and you will allow more
good stuff to come in.
So another spiritual law whichHo'oponopono applies to is.
Nature abhors a vacuum, andwhat it means by that.
If there's any space, don'tworry, nature will fill it, and

if your mind is filled withnegative programming, it can't
fill it with more good stuff,because those are the seeds
you've planted.
So, in conclusion, ho'oponoponois super simple and it's super
powerful, but don't believe meuntil you start applying those
four phrases.
I love you, I'm sorry, pleaseforgive me and thank you, and
just notice what shows up.

Just as a little caveat, I hadthis gratitude practice that
I've been doing at the beginningof the year, and I call it the
art of extreme gratitude.
But one of the things thatreally took me was when I'd
misplaced something, not once,but twice, something really
important to me.
I just said thank you, thankyou, thank you for helping me
find that, thank you, thank you,thank you for helping me find

that, which is just one of thefour phrases and thank you,
thank you for great business,thank and thank you, thank you
for great business, thank you,thank you, thank you for helping
so many, being able to help somany people.
Thank you, thank you, thank youfor the success of this show
and this podcast.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I'm really feeling.
All my thank yous.
This is just one of the fourphrases of Ho'oponopono.

I noticed not that I needed it Inoticed that my fortunes turned
around even when I was feelingoff, even when I was feeling
like, oh, I've lost that item.
Those items were a pair ofsunglasses that I really
treasured and had sentimentalvalue, but when I found them I
was like, oh my golly, thisreally works.

So then my experience becameknowledge.
So this is really what I'mtrying to share with you
ho'oponopono will work and doeswork, but you have to get your
own experience.
So I hope this inspires you.
I hope this message inspires youto practice it.
So you get your own experience,because that's the teacher, I'm
just the messenger.

Feel free to write in and sharewith me your experiences and
what's happened to you, becausethis is powerful when we share
it with each other.
And if you'd love to supportthe show to keep getting more
high quality content andmaterial, I really appreciate it
Whenever you're supporting theshow, you're also supporting
that which will empower you.
And I'd just also like to saythank you so much for tuning in,

because you make this showpossible and I've just got so
much love and appreciation foryou all.
So thank you so much for tuningin and until the next time, I
wish you a wonderful week aheadand green lights all the way.
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