Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Did you know that
most people find it very
difficult to switch off the mindand allow the body to enter a
state of relaxation?
The reason being is because, asa society, we've been trained
So in this episode, I'm goingto share with you some
strategies that will allow youto rest, reset and reboot your
Resetting your energy is likerebooting the system, and there
are many ways to do it.
But the most important reasonwhy we need to learn how to
reset or reboot our energybecause, as a species, we are so
bombarded with stimulantsexternal stimul stimulants like
news, tv, magazines, billboards,advertising, social media and
we, without our realizing, aretaking in so many bits of
information per second, so manybillions of bits of information
per second, that we get a systemoverload.
And if you find yourselffinding it very difficult to
switch off, difficult to sleep,have challenges inside of your
body, then for sure, this is allrelated to your inability to
actually rest and reboot yoursystem.
This was me many years ago.
I used to suffer from insomnia,I had physical challenges, I
had physical challenges, I hademotional challenges, and it all
came down to me notunderstanding how to rest my
body and my mind.
So I went on an absolutemission for several years to
learn everything I could fromsome of the best teachers on the
planet and apply what I learned.
Some of the things that Idiscovered were my own, and some
of the things I discovered werethings that I picked up from
other teachers.
So in this episode, what I'mgoing to share with you is many
different ways whether you're abeginner, intermediate or
advanced about how to reset andreboot your system so you can
get naturally high again.
When I mean naturally high,what I mean is your natural
energy rises to this beautiful,buoyant space where you exist
from, and you get more greenlights.
When we are using stimulantslike alcohol, drugs, caffeine to
try and make ourselves feelbetter when we don't, then it
can work for a little bit, andthere's nothing wrong with that.
However, when you are dependenton those external stimulants,
that is when the problem arises,and I know that because that
was me once upon a time, and itwas only when I began to reboot
my system that I saw incrediblechanges come about.
Now this has been over a periodof 24 years, so I have three
stages in which to share thisinformation with you Level one,
level two and level threeBeginner, intermediate and
And the advanced person is theperson that does all of these in
one way or another.
So I'm not asking you to do allof these.
I'm just here to share and beyour guide about how to reset
your mind and body, whereveryou're at right now, so that you
can feel a little better, feela little lighter and start to
see those green lights in yourlife, so you can sleep better,
you can feel better rested, soyou can do your sport activities
better and you feel betterabout the way you are living
your life emotionally, becauseit's your emotions that govern
your state of well-being, and ifyou're emotionally reacting to
absolutely everything, thenwhat's happening is you're at
your inner state of imbalance.
This is stress, this is fight orflight the entire time.
This was me once upon a time.
It's where your cortisol levelsare super high.
So what we want to do in thisparticular episode is share some
information that you can applythat will steady your energy,
help you become more buoyant.
So what I'm going to do in thisepisode is share with you
several practical tools andstrategies that you can apply
that will improve the quality ofyour life by helping you reset
and reboot your system veryeasily, very comfortably, by
only making a few slight changes.
Now, if you're a bit more of aneager soul, if you are really
wanting some serious change,then you want to hang around to
the end of this episode, wherethere are a few more advanced
strategies that will help youreboot your system at a higher
These aren't necessarilyimportant for a beginner, but
they are if you've beenpracticing some of these things
for a little while.
So the first thing that I'mgoing to share is why it's
important that you want toreboot your system, because
stress is the number one causeof disease on this planet.
It's about 70 or nearly 80percent of all challenges we
experience as human beings isall related to stress at some
level Stress that we're eitherabsorbing from our parents or
the people we're living with, orstress about how we're turning
up and reacting to life as such.
Either way, stress is a hugepandemic issue that we're
dealing with, and the only wayto combat that is by
understanding how to haveeffective rest, how to
effectively reboot your systemevery single day in one way or
another, by having somestrategies in place, because
when you have strategies inplace and you learn and apply,
that becomes wisdom, becausewisdom is knowledge applied.
I keep sharing that.
But when you really get that,you'll be thinking oh, I did
this and I got this result.
That becomes very effective andnow you've got tools for your
own well-being which you canapply.
This is exactly how I began topivot from being a person who
experienced insomnia for acouple of years, many different
types of issues, a bit ofemotional instability from my
side to finding a lot morecenteredness, finding a lot more
calm, finding a lot more peace,finding a lot more happiness.
Yes, it can take time, but itdoesn't have to take time if you
apply some of these things andget into your own groove.
So let's begin with level onefor the beginners how to reset
your energy.
One of the first things we needto understand about your energy
is the better sleep you have,the better you're going to show
up tomorrow.
So getting good quality sleepis huge, but a lot of us don't
realize that sleeping before 12am is huge for your brainwave
In fact, if you get to bedbefore 12 and you're actually
asleep before 12, the quality ofyour sleep is enhanced
significantly because you'reactually tuning into delta brain
waves by about 3 am.
So between 3 and 4 am and assoon as you hit delta as a brain
wave activity, that is deep,restful sleep, which means you
feel so incredibly revitalizedand fresh the next day.
However, that is greatlyreduced by sleeping or getting
to bed after 12 am.
So try and get to bed before 12am and actually be asleep.
So like I try to settle intobed by about 10, 10, 30, and I
might do a bit of reading, Imight listen to a little bit of
music and this helps me, in mycase, rest and replenish and
look at the day from a nicepeaceful, calm perspective.
So to get to sleep before 12amis huge, but also not to be
watching news or checking socialmedia heavily before you go to
sleep, because that then isactivating the brain.
That blue light before you goto sleep is activating the brain
and again, it won't make for arestful night's sleep.
So if you can do your best toread, meditate, listen to gentle
, calming music just before bedand notice if you can do that
before 12am, you are going to beway better rested and you're
going to have a prolonged periodof time in that delta brainwave
activity, which is one of theslowest brainwaves.
That will help you enjoy agreater quality of life tomorrow
and you're going to feel betterrested.
Number two on this level, onereally simple is hydration.
Hydration is important.
You know that.
However, using a little bit oflemon in your water will
actually enhance the alkalinityin the body, which will move
towards the gut, which willsoothe the gut, which will clean
the gut, which will soothe yournervous system.
And if you're also using a bitof Celtic sea salt, which
contains about 85 out of the 92minerals that we need for the
human body, that is amazing aswell.
So a little dab of Celtic seasalt on the tips of your finger,
followed by water, will absorbthe three magnesium molecules
and will quench your thirst.
It will hydrate you at a newlevel because the magnesium is
getting extracted from theceltic sea salt and that is
amazing for the body.
So that will hydrate you andreplenish the minerals that you
lost yesterday.
So, particularly in hot weather, having a little dab of celtic
sea salt on the end of yourfinger and then following it by
water, and then maybe not eatinganything for 20 minutes or so,
is fantastic for being able tohydrate correctly.
Number three taking gentle walksevery single day.
Just moving the body, movingthe lymphatic system, by gentle
walking in nature, will sootheyour system.
Because when you're actuallywalking in nature rather than
down the street, when you'rewalking in nature, you're
actually tuning into nature'sbio rhythm as well, which
operates at an alpha brainwavelevel, which is why the more
time we spend in nature, themore relaxed we are.
That's why we all go on holidayin nature.
We might go to a beach or wemight go to the mountains or we
might go to a lake.
The reason why we do that ashuman beings because
instinctively we know that wewant to plug back in to that
alpha brain wave which naturenaturally provides us with.
It soothes us.
Just that greenery or that bluenaturally soothes us.
Really simple and 20 minutes aday will absolutely chemically
change your system so you getbetter night's sleep, but also
it will enhance your ability torest and replenish and recharge
any parts of your body that areout of balance.
All of this is about finding abalance and just gentle
You don't need to do strenuousactivities, but moving the body
is all you need to do for 20-30minutes a day and you will reap
the benefits.
I've had my mom walking like20-30 minutes every single day
for the last three years when Iwas taking care of her and I
noticed her energy levels hadincreased significantly and
she's like 80.
So it's incredible to see evenan 80 year old see results
significantly just by startingoff really slowly and
implementing some of thesethings.
Number four on the list is justlike light yoga stretches.
One to five minutes of a lightyoga stretch you can do.
This is like super easybeginner, just do the yoga
In fact, even if you don't doany yoga, you could just do some
light stretches.
But I'd really advise that youtry yoga or pilates, because
these types of workouts juststretching the body elongates
the elasticity of the muscle andthen when eventually it's been
stretched, it releases a lot ofenergy back into the body which
makes you feel lighter and freer.
And then, when eventually it'sbeen stretched, it releases a
lot of energy back into the bodywhich makes you feel lighter
and freer, and then that givesyou a greater headspace when the
body feels lighter and freer.
It's amazing how many men arepoor at stretching, and the
reason being is because, as men,we think we need to be tough
the entire time.
But each athlete I've everworked with or observed or
studied are constantlystretching stretching their
bodies and stretching theirminds so they can perform at a
higher level.
So if you want to perform at ahigher level and have a greater
quality of life, then stretchinghas got to be part of that.
And if you're new to any ofthis, then just start a simple
light stretching exercise andyou'll notice how much better
you feel.
I've got a client who didn'tstretch and has been stretching
for the last eight months and,oh my golly, is he thriving now
just as a result, and he doesn'twant to miss a day because of
how good he feels and how heshows up in his business.
This is a CEO we're talkingabout, so this is huge.
Just by having thisimplementation of just small,
consistent actions daily willnet you wonderful high levels of
naturally high energy.
Now, another thing that you cando that is underestimated is
fascial release muscle release.
Now, the fascia is the coveringthat goes over your actual
Now, when this is released andone of the things I use is a
foam roller when you release thefascia you are releasing a lot
of pent-up energy that's inknots.
So each time you're able toroll over the fascia, roll over
that muscle and iron out some ofthe knots that you'll be
experiencing in your body.
I mean, I do this for two tofive minutes every single day
and I noticed that for the mostpart, I am in incredible shape
regularly and I can do anythingI need to do physically because
I take care of the small thingsand I do it regularly.
Only two to five minutesdoesn't take long, but it's nice
to see the see my own personalresults when I'm transferring it
into playing tennis or paddleor whatever sports I'm doing, to
always have this considerableenergy resource on tap whenever
I need it.
There's a great freedom inbeing able to have energy, but
there's a great freedom in yourbody being able to perform in
ways that are satisfying for you, and all it takes is you
showing up for you every singleday in small increments.
Massage is also really important.
Can you afford to get a massage?
But if you can, then I highlyrecommend getting massages,
because that is also releasingthe knots and freeing up energy
inside of the body.
These are the things that youcan do and last but not least,
for level one for beginners isdeep breathing and the two
rhythms that I like for deepbreathing that have really
performed particularly well inmy experience.
That I really recommend is thefour by four box breathing, so
when you breathe in for four,you hold for four, exhale before
and then you start the roundagain.
This is a very powerful way toemotionally steady your ship and
it's incredibly powerful andvery energizing for the body as
The next breathing techniquethat I absolutely swear by is
breathing in for three andexhaling for five.
This actually helps you enterwhat I call the theta brainwave
state, which helps you restbetter.
Now, when you rest better,you're also going to digest your
food better.
This is very, very important.
So people with stomach crampsand who find digestive issues is
because they're not operatingat some of these deeper levels
of brainwave activity.
They've gone into high levelsof cortisol and fight or flight.
The nervous system is basicallyactive the whole time at a high
So breathing in for three andthen exhaling for five like a
longer exhale and then carryingthat cycle for a few minutes.
I do that for about 15 to 20minutes a day and I do it in the
morning and I notice thephenomenal experience that I
have of lightness, of well-being, of ease that I feel as I enter
my day Now.
I do this in a meditation, butyou could just practice counting
in for three and exhaling forfive.
These two different types ofbreathing techniques brings
mental restoration and it willhelp you enter a deeper level of
mind and reset your energy andhelp you tap into your natural
So level two, the first strategy, is grounding, and for those of
you who don't know whatgrounding is, it's basically
just getting a part of your skinin contact with the earth.
Might be sitting on the beach,swimming in the sea, swimming in
a lake, walking on the earth,whatever it takes, but this act
of just exposing the skin to theearth is known as grounding and
what it's actually doing on acellular level, on a biological
level, is reducing inflammation.
Inflammation is usually one ofthe causes of, or byproducts of,
stress, mentally and thenphysically, and grounding
soothes your electrical system.
That's why, when you plug intothe wall, particularly in the uk
, you've got the groundingelement there, that is, to stop
excess sparks and excess energyand residue of excess energy
getting out of control.
And it's the same as us,because we're electrical as well
and being electrical, we alsoneed to ground ourselves.
That's why spending time innature and exposing ourselves to
nature in ways where we'reactually getting our skin in
contact with it for a prolongedperiod of time reduces that
The result that you get is thatyou feel lighter and happier
and more relaxed.
Just the other day I went to thebeach for like for three hours,
and going to the beach forthree hours after having a very
busy week with clients and sportjust absolutely set me up for
the best week, and I noticedthat it was just the good
feeling that I get from being onthe beach, but also like how
good it feels to be in contactwith the sand and the water and
also getting the minerals of thesea on my skin Amazing.
But we don't understand whyit's so good.
You might just think, oh yeah,it's fun to go, but when you
know why it's good for you aswell, it becomes like a double
whammy effect.
So swimming in the sea, havinga beach day or lying in the park
is really good for you to resetyour energy and it will also
help you have a deeper night'ssleep, because, remember, when
you're well rested in the body,then you can also be well rested
in the mind, which then carriesinto that deeper night's sleep.
So these negative ions thatyou're collecting from the earth
, which soothes your body ofinflammation, works absolute
Number two on level two is justlike little power naps and
afternoon siestas.
Winston Churchill did it,richard Branson does it.
Some of the top leaders havethese afternoon naps 20 to 30
minutes and it's amazing howmuch resting the mind of
constant, incessant activityjust for 20, 30 minutes creates
an expansion in your brain andalso produces more serotonin
inside of the body and producesmore oxytocin in the body, which
is the love chemical, becausewhen we're pushing we've got
resistance, which is red lights,and when we're having naps and
we wake up from naps we feelrefreshed and alive again.
We back, we enter back intowhat I call that green light
Then you're going to seebenefits that will help you live
a lot longer.
So you're not pushing againstlife, you're not increasing
cortisol levels, you'reincreasing dopamine, serotonin
and oxytocin back inside of thebody again, which are all the
good chemicals that make youfeel good.
I noticed that when I startedapplying this, my productivity
and creativity went up about 80percent.
That is how important orpowerful it can be when you just
take a little afternoon rest oran afternoon nap.
Huge, but don't underestimateits simplicity.
The next point on level two,which is the intermediate level
for resetting your energy, istaking in about 12 fruits and
veggies a day.
12 fruits and veggies a dayseems like an awful lot.
In the UK they say five isenough, but it really isn't.
I've done my homework and I'vehad five fruits and veggies a
day for a prolonged period oftime and I realized, hey, I'm
not getting as much energy as Icould.
So I decided to double it, oreven triple it in some cases,
and getting to a point where Iwas having about 20 fruits and
veggies a day and I was making alot of juices, a lot of
smoothies, and maybe that was alittle excessive.
So I brought it down to about12 and I realized that was a
lovely happy medium.
So if you could have a juicemaker or a smoothie maker or a
blender, you can get these 12fruits and veggies in a day and
what it's going to do is keepyour gut clean.
It's going to make your skinlook really good because it's
going to add so much alkalinityto your system.
Usually what happens in thehuman body when we only have
five is, we still take in a lotof inflammation, and
inflammation is caused by a lotof acidity in the food, in the
air that we breathe, in thedrinks that we drink, and of
acidity in the food, in the airthat we breathe, in the drinks
that we drink, and that acidityjust builds up over time,
creating inflammation.
It's kind of like fire withinside of the body.
So we need to alkalize the body, and you alkalize it by having
more fruits and veggies, and oneof the best ways you can do
that is obviously by having ablender or a juicer and trying
to eat the colors of the rainbow, and what you're going to be
doing is extracting all thosenutrients and that's going to
help you reset the body and itwill also give your mind a much
better place to live from.
You're going to be have ahappier mind when the body is
being fed the right fuel.
The next thing on the list ishot and cold therapy, having
saunas and also having coldbaths or cold showers.
This is really importantbecause we want to expose
ourselves to extremities on theskin, for us to be able to feel
more inside of our body, becausea lot of stress occurs in the
mind but when we exposeourselves to heat or cold, we're
getting out the mind and backinto the body again.
Stress is always caused in themind, so when we expose our body
to hot and cold, we're gettingback into the body again and the
blood capillaries burst wideopen and that allows us to feel
more inside of our body again.
When you're doing hot and coldtherapy, you're going to really
feel more alive inside of yourbody.
You're going to invigorate thebody, particularly with the cold
, and whilst it can beuncomfortable doing hot and cold
, you're going to be surprisedand delighted by how many
natural endorphins you give offas a result of exposing yourself
to the hot and cold therapy.
Easy, because all you need is ashower and water, and you can.
You can do it.
So I always tend to start myshowers hot and finish really
And each time you are finishingon the cold, you're also
allowing yourself to beuncomfortable, which is
stretching the mind, and if youalways only ever make yourself
always comfortable, you're nevergoing to stretch, you're never
going to grow as a human beingand you're never going to enjoy
a great quality of life, becauseall of these things that I'm
sharing with you to getnaturally high means you're
preparing for any eventualitylife will bring to you, and you
never know what life's going tobring to you, and life can bring
But when you have thesewell-being strategies in place,
you're going to be naturallyhigh and so, whatever happens,
you're going to be able to dealwith it from a high state of
being rather than a low state ofbeing.
And the old me was operating ata low state of being, so
everything felt like such a hardslog.
But as soon as I started havingall these well-being strategies
in place, I've been sosurprised and delighted not only
by my successes but also by myclients' successes.
So just notice and try and findwhat works for you.
So just notice and try and findwhat works for you.
The next thing you can do on thelist is start your day with
mother nature.
So the first thing I start myday with is like a lemon water
that cleanses the gut, but then,shortly after that, I'll have a
juice, I'll make a green juiceof some sort, and then, within
half an hour of that, because Iknow my digestive system is
cleansing and absorbing all thenutrients then I can have
something a little bit moresturdy, like porridge or granola
or whatever else I want, oravocado on toast these types of
breakfasts the actual food isgood within about half an hour
and the reason being is becauseyou want the water element in
your body to be able to flushthrough before you can start
giving the earth element, whichis the food.
So this is really important.
So starting your day withmother nature will also help you
start your day with high levelsof alkalinity.
That will give your body whatit needs to have the best
possible start, which will alsogive your body the best possible
reboot and refreshment for theday.
So if you can, water and maybea juice of some sort, followed
within half an hour with themore of the earth element, which
is the food, you'll notice thatyour digestion will be way
better and you're going to havea lot more energy.
And last but not least, forlevel two is something for the
Can you start your day withreading something that's
uplifting and inspiring beforeyou jump in trying to answer
emails to everything?
Can you read somethinguplifting, inspiring, that gives
your mind something that'senlightening for the day?
It makes you more high-minded,where you're looking at life
from a different perspective.
Some people like to doaffirmations, some people like
to have incantations by sayingbeautiful things and beautiful
prayers, but reading somethinguplifting and inspiring can
really change the course of yourday if you start there rather
than going straight into thereactive mode.
You know so many times I've hadto tell my clients start your
day with something gentle, easy,uplifting and inspiring and
notice how those ideas empoweryou and your team throughout the
Now, as we enter level threeperhaps a little bit more
advanced for some people thatknow level one and level two Now
we're going to talk about someother ways you can reset your
energy and get naturally high.
Level one and level two may seema lot easy.
They may seem straightforward,but let's start doing some
disciplines and having somestrategies that could really
shift your energy, replenishbetter, have way more energy so
that you can be more focused inyour business, more productive
in your work, make more money,because if you want more in life
, it means you've got to havemore energy.
It's really that simple, and ifyou don't have a great deal of
energy or you're not sleepingwell or you're finding life
difficult for one reason oranother, it's because you're not
relaxing and everything thatyou want is on the other side of
where you are, and in order toget there, you need to enhance
your energy, reboot your system.
You've got to have these skillsin place, these strategies in
place, these techniques in place, and implement them, however
small, but regularly.
The human system just works byshowing up, and the more you
show up, even if you don't knowwhat you're doing at the gym on
day one, if you keep going foran entire year, you're going to
have some more clues about whatyou're doing, just by showing up
and watching other people.
And the first thing on levelthree that I want to share with
you that will help you rebootyour system faster than anything
and I talk about it a lot ishaving a daily meditation
practice, and the reason why isbecause it nets you so many more
green lights in your life thananything else I've ever come
Just the act of sitting stillin silence, despite your mind
going round and round like ahamster on a wheel.
If you can just sit there andfollow your breath, or you can
sit there and listen to a pieceof music that allows your mind
to just unwind, or you can sitthere and look at a candle flame
or a dot on the wall or you cansit there and just feel the
warmth inside of your body.
But you're sitting there in aplace of saying I'm going to sit
here and focus on one thing fora prolonged period of time, the
mind is going to give in.
And when the mind gives goingto give in and when the mind
gives in, that's when you entera state of meditation, because
you have literally said to themind I'm focusing on one thing
here, which is one of the thingsI've just mentioned.
It's so powerful because mymind used to run around like an
absolute dot, running around thescreen on a TV, like on a game,
and eventually, when I began tojust sit down and say, hey, I'm
going to sit down, my mind gavein and I noticed that there was
a space between thoughts thatbegin to extend a little bit and
that space became bigger andbigger and the relaxation inside
of my body began to feel deeperand deeper.
And if you want to net greenlights, then meditation will
help you improve your cognitivefunctioning inside of your brain
It's going to give you greatermemory.
It's going to help you reducetoxins inside of your body.
My body went absolutely haywireby eliminating toxins over a
period of a couple of days.
This is what happens when youreset the body.
The mind needs to relax and letgo of all tension, and when it
does, you reboot the system.
This is what a daily meditationpractice does.
If you're not sleeping well,meditation is going to help you
sleep better.
If you're finding stress oranxiety or worry, then daily
meditation is going to help you.
If you're finding stress oranxiety or worry, then daily
meditation is going to help you.
You know, if you want to havebetter productivity, then daily
meditation is going to help you.
If you're in a rush, then dailymeditation is going to help you
Just relax a little bit,because then you're just
fighting man-made clock.
But when you relax, it justchanges how you view the world.
You see the world through a newset of eyes.
The world hasn't changed, butthe way you see it has changed.
That's the difference.
And when I started showing updoing a meditation practice,
within four months I'd quitalcohol, I'd changed my diet, I
began to see the world through anew set of eyes.
But, more importantly, I beganto see the world through a new
set of eyes.
But, more importantly, I beganto see more green lights and had
more fun and saw a bit morebeauty and magic in the world,
whereas before I didn't eventhink that was even possible.
So daily meditation is perhapsby far one of the greatest
things you can do to learn howto rest and reset and reboot
your system.
Next thing you can do is toreduce alcohol, if only for a
Just reduce your alcohol intake.
Try and eliminate alcohol for aweek and notice how much better
you feel, because there'snothing wrong with alcohol.
Just remember that it is highlyacidic and when your body's
highly acidic you're fightingagainst that, so you can find
your state of balance again.
So I don't drink alcohol.
I don't think that it's wrongto drink alcohol, but just
remember, on a biological levelit's acidic for the body and the
body doesn't thrive in anacidic level.
It thrives in balance.
Everything is about finding astate of balance.
The next thing on level three isintermittent fasting, so not
eating for 16 hours and thenhaving an eight hour window.
I've done this several timesand I've noticed that it can be
particularly challenging becauseone feels super hungry.
But the reason why intermittentfasting is great is because it
begins to cleanse the stomachlining and if we're always
eating, you're not really givingyour stomach a break in order
for it to replenish and heal.
So having periods of fasting issuper important, and there's
several different types offasting.
The next type of fast that canbe really amazing for you is a
one-today juice fast or justwater fast.
But make sure, if you're goingto do a fast, that you're going
to do it with a little salt,like a little Celtic sea salt,
because at least it's going toreplenish the minerals that your
body is losing.
The reason why fasting is sogreat is just because it
cleanses the gut and it cleansesthe stomach lining.
If you can imagine that yourbody is like a house and each
time you're filling it and younever give it a chance to
cleanse it, then it's just goingto build up with junk, and it's
the same with your body and thesame with your stomach.
So in order to get the best outof your house, you've got to
clean it regularly, and that'swhy fasting is so powerful.
There's another type of fast youcan do, which is a total body
fast, which is something I didin Thailand.
I did a two-week total cleanseand it was a period of eating
just salads for two, three days,having a week's's fast and then
having salads again to come out, and this was really a gentle
way to go through a wave ofcleansing the body.
And I noticed at the end,whilst I'd lost quite a few
kilos, my eyes were very clear,I saw very clearly, my mind was
very clear and I could feel thatmy body will be a bit lighter.
I felt very strong and veryenergized and, yeah, it was
challenging to do a fast, butthe results I got over a period
of time were phenomenal.
So if you're interested indoing fast, think about having a
supervised fast and notice howgood it could feel.
But but I really recommend thisDo not try and do fasting when
you're trying to work, becauseyour mind is a lot lighter and
foods will ground you and keepyou a lot more steady on the
ground, but when you're doing afast you can be a little bit
more in the air element, so tospeak.
So the next thing on the listthat I recommend that will help
you rest and reboot and reset isoxygen therapy.
Oxygen therapy is justbreathing in pure oxygen for a
prolonged period of time, maybe20 minutes to half an hour or
even an hour.
This is resetting and rebootingyour system so you can come
back even stronger.
There's 20% of oxygen thatyou're breathing in, 79%
nitrogen, so having oxygentherapy will really help
replenish and cleanse the bloodas well.
This helps you come backstronger and rest even better.
That's why when someone'sinjured and goes into hospital,
they go straight onto the oxygenbecause that's going to help
repair the body faster thananything else.
Another thing you can do if youwant to really go into deep
levels of rest and reset is goto a flotation tank.
A flotation tank is a salinatedwater which resembles, in my
experience, a bit like the deadsea and you're just floating on
that in darkness.
That's what I did for an hourat a time when I'd go to these
flotation tanks and sit, lyingor should I say even floating in
the dark resembled going backinto the womb, going back into
your mother's womb.
So it can be a very relaxingand resetting place.
And, yeah, until you try it,you'll never know what the
experience is.
That's why it's a bit more onthe advanced level.
So flotation tanks areparticularly good and the high
salinated water is interestingbecause it's also replenishing
the minerals as well on yourskin.
Other things you could do, likeyou know, going into clay pot,
clay ponds and putting clay allover your body, or mud ponds
like healing mud ponds.
I've done that too and had themost amazing results and slept
incredibly well as a result oflike having all this clay all
over the body and all thesenatural minerals all over the
What it really does, more thananything else, is it eliminates
and pulls out all the impuritiesand toxins that are found on
the surface of the skin and oncethey're all rinsed off, you
have the most phenomenal night'ssleep.
Again, this is all about youtrying to reset and reboot your
system so you get the bestnight's sleep.
And there's two more on the.
The penultimate one is going toa sound bath and having
beautiful sounds.
Relaxing sounds soothe yournervous system.
Cephagio frequencies anddifferent types of healing sound
frequencies have the ability tohelp you have restorative sleep
and help you go to deeperlevels of mind where you begin
to really relax the muscles,tissues and reduce cortisol in
the body significantly.
Sound is the healing modalityof the future, and going to
these sound baths for a periodof time, or even just trying
something on youtube, can workreally wonders if you want to
relax and really reset, becausethe frequencies that certain
sounds produce will change thecore structure cellular of the
water molecules inside of yourbody, helping you go to deeper
levels of relaxation.
So that's why listening to goodmusic that's very calming can
have such a profound impact onyou.
And, last but not least, sittingin darkness for a prolonged
period of time could work actualwonders for you to turn off the
external stimulant of light,and all light is information.
But when that information iscut and you're in total darkness
for a prolonged period of time,the mind can be free and create
an elongated period of spaceinside of your mind between one
thought and the next.
When there's a lot of light,when there's a lot of music,
when there's a lot of images,there's a lot of stimulation,
but when all of that is takenaway, there's a lack of
When there's a lot of images,there's a lot of stimulation,
but when all of that is takenaway, there's a lack of
And that's when the body andthe mind begin to really settle
Only those of you who arereally willing to go to the next
level may wish to sit indarkness for a prolonged period
of time.
So those are my techniques andstrategies for helping you reset
and reboot your system and sothat you can sleep better, so
that you can recharge yoursystem better, because when you
do, you're going to feel a wholelot better.
And I hope you've enjoyed thiscontent.
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Thanks for listening and untilthe next episode, I wish you a
wonderful week ahead and greatnights all the way.