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January 4, 2024 30 mins

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In this episode  I share with you how to actually transform your aspirations into reality the easy way with a dash of cosmic alignment.

"if you know what you want and move towards it in some small way every has to happen".
-Mike Dooley

This conversation isn't just about chasing dreams; or setting goals, it's harnessing the power of your mind so you leverage the universe to help you manifest a few key areas in your life where you desire improvement. This ushers in positive energy and self belief which is priceless.
Goal setting can be effective but if you've set goals before and they didn't happen (like me) then you've got resistance which will put the brakes on them ever happening. That's when I came across a few ideas that made me approach it all differently.

This is a 3 part comprehensive strategy  that will help  guide you:

- How to set clear and easy intentions the easy way, 
- Asking the right questions to help  shift you to a new desired identity
- Ways to shift your energy to a heightened state.

With actionable advice and real-life examples, this episode will show you how aligning your actions with your aspirations invites success in every facet of life when you have the right recipe. This is it -  a how to course condensed into a great show. 

Tune and tap in.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
In this episode, I'm going to share with you things
you must do to manifest yourdream life in 2024.
Are you someone who'spreviously set resolutions at
the beginning of the new yearand then they didn't kind of
work out when you look back onyourself at the end of the year?
Are you somebody who's setgoals previously and they

haven't come to pass?
And if that's the case, thisepisode is going to be for you,
because that was me.
For years, I set really biggoals and they just never came
to pass, and so I becamefrustrated with the whole goal
setting process.
Even though I'd read thetextbook things about how to set
goals, they never really cameto pass in a way that made me
feel like, wow, my life'sactually changed for the better.

And even though I'd been doinglaw of attraction for literally
years and years and years, itjust wasn't doing it for me
until I did something different.
And most people don't achievetheir goals when they set
resolutions at the beginning ofthe year because they're coming
from a place of motivationrather than inspiration.

Motivation can get the firegoing, but it won't continue.
You've got to keep putting thefire in and most people can run
out of steam by about March ontheir dreams, but inspiration
now that can keep you going foran entire lifetime, because
inspiration comes from a placewhere you feel lit up.
It's just got this fuel ofspirit that comes through you

Do you know what this feelsright?
There's just something aboutthis feels absolutely right and
it's almost serendipitous insome kind of way.
So I want to share with you howto tap into inspiration, rather
than motivation, with regardsto setting goals, setting
intentions for 2024, so that youcan actually begin to manifest

your dreams in this year,because it is your year and it's
your year to shine brightly.
And I'm going to give you acouple of things that I think
will blow your mind, becausethey have blown my mind when I
look into my experience.
And this episode is going to bedivided into two sections
Number one, getting really clearabout what it is that you want.
And then, number two, whatthings you need to do to become

different in the way that you'reshowing up energetically in
your day to day life, becauseit's only when you shift your
energy, you change your energy,raise your frequency, you raise
your vibe that you're going tobegin to attract differently If
you want to attract a bigger andmore beautiful life, you've got
to change the way you feel andyou've got to change the way you
focus, and you've got to stopfocusing on what is and start

focusing on what you want.
And this can seem a littletricky, but I'm going to clarify
this for you in this episode.
So the first part of thisepisode is I'm going to teach
you how to get clear.
So get out a piece of paper anda pen and let's get really
clear on a few areas that willchange your life for the better.
Now, most people want to getsuper specific about this.

Now, to a certain extent,that's great, but if you've set
goals before and they've notcome about like setting a goal
of making X amount of money andit's never happened then setting
that goal is not going to behelpful.
So instead, I ask you to dothis.
And if you wanted a specifictype of person they haven't
shown up, then you've gotresistance about it, so I'm
going to ask you to do this.

And if you've wanted to get inshape and it's failed previously
, then I'm going to ask you todo this.
Everything I'm going to sharewith you is the simple way where
you can cast out your desiresto the universe and the universe
can pick up on it.
And then from that we're goingto go to part B.
Because part A is about gettingclear and sometimes, when we

are super specific about what wewant, if we've got resistance,
then we're pushing it away andif we're general, then we are
attracting it because there'sless resistance to the general.
I'm going to show you what Imean and so I take these general
In my experience and I've gone,wow, these simple little goals

are very general, but theuniverse knows exactly what I
So if you wanting to attractgreater wealth and abundance,
right for 2024, universe, bringto me greater wealth and
Don't put a specific amount.
You want, just want.
I want great wealth andabundance Now.
Number two if you want toattract a loving partner, just
I want love, romance and afulfilling relationship.

Write that down.
Number three if you're wantinga fulfilling career, if you want
an amazing job, then write downI want a fulfilling career.
Write that down.
Number four if you want to havea new bunch of friends, new
people to hang out with, right,I want fun, friends and laughter
Write that down.

And number five if you'rewanting international travel.
If you're wanting to see theworld, if you're wanting to
explore and have some greatvacations, then write down I
want universe delivered to me,international fun, travel and
lots of trips.
Write them down.
Those simple intentions are thesecret to beginning to attract

what you want, because you'renot being really specific,
you're actually being supergeneral about it.
So greater wealth and abundancemay find you in ways you don't
even know, but when you'respecific, it has to come through
this avenue, from thisparticular job, in this
particular way.
You are limited, but when youare general, you cast a net wide
The same with love and romance.

The same with internationaltravel and trips.
The same with health andvitality.
All of these bullet pointintentions that you want for
2024 will serve you greatly.
The universe knows what you want.
It's been listening the wholetime.
It's been eavesdropping on allyour thoughts, all your
conversations and everythingthat you've appreciated over

But when you specify, sometimesyou've got so much resistance
that you're only allowing asmall amount to come through to
But when you are general withyour intentions, with your
resolutions, with your goalsetting, you allow the universe
to work on your behalf in waysyou can't even imagine.
It's like you're leveraging theuniverse at a newer level.

So when I started writing thisdown, I was flabbergasted to see
what happened.
You know ways of which moneywould show up to me, ways in
which a relationship showed upto me, ways in which my health
seemed, you know, even greaterand more vitality.
You know like I remember goingfor a run one day, thinking to
myself my god, I feel so fit.

I feel even fitter than I didwhen I was 20.
So, being general about yourintentions, about what you want,
is how to set some reallyphenomenal goals.
So, with your list, have itwhere you can see it every day.
You've got your four or fivebullet points that you want and
you write universe, bring to methese things in this year wealth

and abundance, internationaltravel, a fulfilling career, a
Loving, healthy, happyrelationship.
Because when you're general,you have less resistance.
That's what I've noticedpreviously for the last 15 years
When I was goal-setting, I waslike this is just not happening
for me.
So when I became general withmy goals, when I became general

with my resolutions, I noticed,wow, I've actually tapped into
something so simple, and so Iwant you to do the same.
Notice how that works for youand your experience when you
Now, in part two, I'm gonnashare with you things you must
do to change the way you feel,because things won't change
until you feel differently.
So there are a few things thatyou need to do that seem a

little unusual, that I'm gonnashare with you, a little kooky,
but if you can do them, you'llnotice that you're gonna begin
to feel better and then you'regonna begin to attract better.
Now, in the word attraction,most of the word is action, but
that action must be inspiredaction for it to be able to be
serendipitous, for it to feellike that green lights going on.

And so if you're wanting greatwealth and abundance, then the
actions that you need to takeare one of a wealthy person or
one of an abundant person.
So if you're gonna break thatdown to attract greater wealth
and abundance, you've got to askyourself what does the wealthy
version of myself do?
And if you're asking yourself ona moment-to-moment basis, what

does the wealthy version ofmyself do, and Then follow
through with the answers thatcome through, that you are
tapping in to this version ofyourself that's wealthy and
Now it might mean you give alittle money to someone on the
street or a homeless person.
It might mean that you arelooking to find ways to invest
your money and not spend all ofit on consumption.

That's what I started doing.
As soon as I started doing that, start having more money really
And as soon as I signed, whatdoes the wealthy version of
myself do and what does thewealthy version of myself wear?
Then I noticed that I didn'tneed all my clothes, so I got
rid of most of them and I onlywas left with the 20% that I
really liked, and I gave awaythe other 80%.

And I keep Simplifying myexperience until I'm left with
total quality.
And this is what wealth feelslike.
This is what abundance feelslike.
And abundance feels not justfinancial in nature, but it
feels like good timing.
It feels like good attraction.
It feels like health andvitality.
It feels like being in theright place at the right time.

It feels like good attractionwith people.
This is what abundance feelslike.
It feels like you're gettingparking spaces everywhere, feels
like you're getting deals.
Wherever you go, I'm alwayslooking for a deal.
So ask yourself what does thewealthy and abundant version of
myself do and what would thewealthy and abundant version of
myself wear.
And if you asking that and thenfalling through with the

answers that you get, you'regonna start tapping into that
version of yourself, your futureversion of yourself, and Bring
it into the now and theneventually, what's left with is
a new identity of yourself, ofsomeone who's wealthy and
Now that will go through levels, like on a game, and it doesn't
matter where you are on thelevel, it just matters that

you're playing that version ofyourself in the game of life or
the matrix.
Now, if you go to the secondthing on your list maybe you're
wanting to attract love andromance in a fulfilling
relationship Then ask yourselfwhat does the part of me that's
in a relationship with someonespecial?
How do they behave?
What do they do?
What don't they do and whatdon't they do on social media?

What do they admit on socialmedia?
What habits do they have?
What qualities do they have?
And if you want to try, yougotta be that version of
yourself now, and it's reallyamazing that you will start to
go okay, if I was in arelationship with somebody in,
these are the things that Iwould really like them to be,
then I've got to be that as well, otherwise it won't happen.

So look at your habits on socialmedia.
Are you following people thatyou just want recognition from
all, all that you think are hotand sexy?
But if, would you want yourpartner to do that as well.
So if that's not, you let it go.
I'm following them.
You know these little habitsand things that we don't realize
All these small details playsuch a big part.

If you want to be in a lovingrelationship, you first got to
be in a loving, honestrelationship with yourself so
you can begin to attract it.
And when you're steady enoughin your frequency and you're
happy enough in your frequencyby yourself, single, then
someone else will show up inyour experience because you are
calm, centered and happy justbeing by yourself.
And then, when you're with them, you have what they call in

thanks for a double happiness,because the greatest thing you
can do is bring your happinessto a relationship.
And when the other person ishappy as well, they're gonna
rendezvous with you and it'sgonna be fireworks.
And that is what you want toexperience in a loving,
fulfilling relationship.
You don't want to becomeattached, to become dependent.
You need to be someone who isalready full of energy, already

full of life force, alreadyfeeling connected to oneself.
This is what will bring aloving, fulfilling relationship.
Ask yourself that question everytime what would the version of
myself and a loving, fulfillingrelationship?
How would they behave?
How they talk, how they show upin the world?
What would they do and whatwouldn't that version of myself

Because that's what's gonnaplay a part in what you attract
now the next up on the listmaybe it's a fulfilling career.
What do you love about yourcurrent job?
What do you love about yourwork that you're currently doing
Because if you're not lovingany of it, then, alas, you're
only gonna get more in the nextjob.

Now it's really important thatyou find something that you like
and find something that youlike about yourself when you're
doing your work, because this isgonna fill you up now.
It might mean that you stillneed to have a side hustle, but
when you say to the universe Iwant a fulfilling career, it
wants you to find fulfillmentnow, before the career actually

unfolds, because nothing canhappen to you until you start to
feel fulfilled first, until youfind a way to feel happy first,
or at least excited.
This is really important.
Most people don't get.
It's only when you think I'llbe happy when, or I feel
fulfilled when that happens.
This is not how the universeworks.

It works backwards.
You gotta feel first to revealthe manifestation.
This is what I had backwardsfor years.
So it was only when I managedto find a way to get happy first
, find a man and find a way toget fulfilled first, that things
began to shift.
Now this is always work inprogress with me.
I'm always noticing that youget to one level and then
there's another level.

So I don't want to say that Ihave everything that I want,
because I totally believe thatthere are always an unfolding of
the next level.
And the next level just like ina game, you get to the next
level is an infinite game, andthis infinite game is called
life and it's meant to beenjoyable, it's meant to be
satisfying, it's meant to befulfilling.
But we've got to find ways tobring more satisfaction and

fulfillment into our life todayso that what we want can reveal
So we're going to go to thenext thing.
It's like friends and laughter.
What do you appreciate about thepeople in your life if you're
wanting to draw in more fun,friends and laughter into life?
What do you appreciate aboutthe people already in your life
and what do you like aboutyourself as a human being?

Because when you can look atyourself and be appreciative for
who you are and how you show upin your world and you're
perhaps your fun sense ofplayfulness in the world, then
you are going to be highlyattractive to other people.
People who are highlyattractive, or people who are
not needy, people who are funand bring something to the table
, that is what attractive.

When we're needy, we pushthings away.
So if you wanna attract agreater circle of fun, friends
and laughter, what do you loveabout yourself, what do you
appreciate about the peoplealready in your life, so you can
begin to attract a biggercircle of friends?
This is gonna be reallyimportant for this particular
general goal.
Now, also, if you're wantinggreater health and vitality, you
gotta ask yourself what wouldthe healthy version of myself do

What behaviors would they have?
And you kinda know, you alreadyknow deep down inside what
things are good for you and whatthings aren't good for you, and
if you can keep asking thatquestion, if this is a real
mission for you.
I've noticed with clients ofmine that they're like well, I
do know, but I don't do it.
That's because they're notasking this question.
It's not important enough forthem, and it's usually only when

the pain is too much.
Are you willing to actuallychange what you want?
And so when you ask thatquestion, what would the healthy
version of myself do?
What habits would they have?
What would they eat and whatwouldn't they eat?
Would they walk up the stairsor would they take the elevator?
You know all these littlesimple things you know.
And just with those littlehabits shifts of asking a better

question, you will shift thehabits that you have, and I've
noticed that was in myexperience when I used to drink
a lot of alcohol.
I would ask myself you know, Iwanna be healthy, I just wanna
be healthy.
I want perfect health.
Now, that was a really generalgoal, but I managed to achieve
perfect health within about ayear from asking that or setting
that intention, and that was myfirst time I had success about

doing this in a general way, andI noticed since then I've been
well for such a long period oftime just because of this
general intention is I wantperfect health, whatever that is
, and I always ask myself andstill to this day, unconsciously
sometimes is what would be ahealthy choice, and you could
ask that with relationships aswell.
You could also ask that withyour wealth as well.

What would be a wealthy choicehere?
What would be a greatrelationship choice here?
And when you ask thosequestions, you'll be surprised
about that.
You already know what to do Now.
Last but not least on the listwould be if you perhaps want
more travel and adventurebecause we all need
entertainment Ask yourself whatfun trips could I go on?

Where could I go?
Where would I like to go Now,even though you may not be able
to afford them right now?
If that's the case, just atleast start thinking about where
you'd like to go, what you'dlike to do.
You want to get excited aboutgoing someplace, and if you
don't have any excitement inyour life, if you don't have
something to look forward to,you're going to feel pretty

depressed, and we all needsomething to look forward to,
and having travel and adventurelights us up.
So think about some placesyou'd like to go.
Maybe it's a good idea to cutout some pictures of some places
you'd like to go so you canfill your mind with pictures of
things you want to do.
This is when vision boarding isreally powerful.
So now you've got yourintentions, and then the next

level, which is what would thatversion of myself do?
The next is the actual actionsthat you might take.
So if you're wanting to attractgreater wealth, you might need
to learn about investing.
If you want to attract greaterwealth and more money, you need
to learn how to be grateful forwhat you do have.
You need to learn how to spendless than you have.
You need to bless every dollaror every pound or every euro

that comes to you and that goesfrom you.
Each time you're blessinganything that flows through your
experience, you're sending itout, bringing more back to you.
This is so powerful.
I remember a time when I gave$20 to a charity and thinking I
didn't even check to see if itwas a legit charity and I just
pulled it out my wallet and gaveit to that person.
Even though it felt great, Iwas like I doubted myself for a

minute, so I spent five minutesdriving home going.
I'm so grateful for this.
I'm so grateful for this.
I'm so grateful for my family.
I'm so grateful for thegroceries.
I'm so grateful that I couldgive that.
And you know it's not.
It's not really making any denton my life, but it might make a
dent on theirs.
And I just kept on thinkingthat.
And when I got home, I cameinto some extra money and I

thought my God, how was thisactually?
So there's something reallytrue about being grateful and
activating through the law ofgiving.
So if you're wanting to receivewealth, you've got to learn how
to give stuff away, but you'vealso got to learn how to be
really appreciative of whatcomes in and flows out of your
experience as well.
That's super important.
Now, if you're wanting toattract greater health, maybe

you've got to start putting morefruit on the table.
When you see fruit out in yourlounge or in your kitchen,
you're going to want to eat it.
But if you have chocolates andsweets and candy everywhere,
you're going to eat that too.
So in my home I really onlyhave stuff that I know is going
to be great for my body and acouple of treats, and otherwise
it's not in the house because Iknow it's not going to be a

healthy choice, because I'mgoing to eat it.
I remember my sister came onceto the villa and when she came
she left me loads of chocolateand I was like I don't want to
eat that, and it was in thecupboard for three weeks, but
eventually I ate it because itwas in the house.
So if it's in the house, you'regoing to eat it, but if it's
not in the house, you're notgoing to eat it.
So if you really want to shiftyour health and vitality, then

you need to be mindful aboutwhat you bring in, what you
bring into your home, and Idon't mean that just your home,
but also what you're going toput into your body.
So it's really important thatyou are mindful about what
you're going to put in yourexperience.
And that goes for the show withregards to your pictures as
The pictures in yourenvironment will determine how

good you feel.
So if the pictures in yourenvironment look good and feel
good and feel uplifting, thenthey're going to reflect on you.
When I look at the place I'm inright now, it's got not many
pictures on the wall.
I've got really nice magazinesthat I look at, but it's
allowing my mind to be superclear so I can receive good
ideas for new content.

I can receive good ideas fornew products and services that
I'm looking to offer in 2024 andreceiving new ideas so I can
help my executive clients.
This is what Steve Jobs didwhen he lived in San Francisco
and was creating the iPod.
He had a very simple butbeautiful home that was zen-like
, and the reason why he had thatwas because he wanted to

receive good ideas, and out ofthat came the iMac and out of
that came the iPod.
So having very clear homes is aclear mind.
A tidy home creates a tidy mind.
These are just simplephilosophies that I appreciate
and that I like to apply to see.
Does this actually work for me?
Next up, if you're wanting tohave a fulfilling career, what

do you love to do?
What I realized for me was,even though I was doing another
job before this, I used to workas a male model and I used to
work doing events.
What I realized was is that Irealized I was good at talking.
I realized I was good atlistening.
I realized I had some insightand knowledge about health and
wellness that not a lot ofpeople had, because it was just

something I was naturallyattracted to.
And little by little, I thought, well, why don't I set up a
And that's how this began.
And out of this has comecoaching.
Out of this is coming more andmore infinite possibilities and
things where I can help more andmore people around the world
with things that I love to do,which is communication and
uplifting people with thisinformation.

So that was my side hustle thatjust started and now has become
a business.
And so ask yourself, what do youlove to do?
What brings you fulfillment?
Because this doesn't feel likework to me, this feels like fun
to me, and so maybe it's music,maybe it's making cars, whatever
it may be.
For you, ask yourself that.

Stay with your current job andstart and find a way in which
you can find greater fulfillmentand what you're doing, until
one day, people will come to youand go, oh can you sell me that
or can I buy that from you?
And then maybe that's anopportunity for you to start
That's how these things happen.
Fulfillment comes when you feelfulfilled first, or fulfilling

career comes when you findfulfillment and what you're
doing first.
This is just the simpleprinciple of the universe, and
it perplexed me and stayed awayfrom me for literally years
until I started to find a way tofeel that first.
Now, whatever it may be on thelist, that list goes on, ask
yourself the question and thengo.
What action or activity could Itake?

If I want more fun, friends andlaughter, could I join a gym.
If I want more fun, friends andlaughter, could I join a social
If I want more fun, friends andlaughter, what activity or
groups could I join?
Could I join a yoga class andgo regularly?
Because we all need communityand if you want more fun,
friends and laughter, then youneed to be part of a community.

The third section of this isbeing able to get into a good
feeling place every single day.
This is absolutely important.
Now, not every day are yougonna feel amazing, but you.
A few years back, I attractedan incredible opportunity into
my life and I remember justprior to that, nothing was
happening and it was only when Istarted going for brisk walks

and starting talking about mylife as if it was amazing Every
single day for like three weeksstraight, that I received a
phone call Out of the blue.
I received a phone call from myagent.
My agent said James, I've gotan audition for you and you know
it was a bit strange for mebecause as a model, you get
castings, you don't getauditions, but it was an

audition for a movie and thatled me to receive a part, a
cameo part, in a movie alongsidesome amazing actors and it's
called the World's End.
So I was with Simon Pegg, nickFrost, rosamund Pike from Gongal
, pierce Brosnan, martin Freemanfrom the Hobbit so many amazing

actors were in this film and Iwas on set with them for four
days and it was amazing and Ihad my own trailer and I was
literally blown away that I wastalking about my life as if it
was already done and that iswhat showed up in my experience.
Now, talk about manifestation,talk about attraction.

What I noticed was is that whenI began to feel the feelings
inside my stomach, like anelectrical, magnetic feeling of,
like a whoosh feeling so what Istarted to experience was these
good feelings in my stomach,like butterflies, happy
Now, the opposite would be true, as if you're putting on the
brake in the car and suddenlyyou think, wow, my golly, that

was a close call.
That is the opposite.
So what I noticed in myexperience was, each time I was
talking about this story, I wastalking about the story as if it
was done, but I was feelingthese feelings, these excited
butterflies in my stomach and Inoticed they came as a result of
me walking uphill.
They came as a result of mewalking really briskly and they

also come as a result of me whenI'm running.
I get these good feelings in mystomach and that is the time
for me to talk about my dreamsas if they're already done.
And so I take my phone and Iread my script and I talk about
wow, how amazing my life is, howamazing things have gone, how
amazing this has happened andthis has happened and this has

And then that's when I got therecall from my agent and then I
received this cameo and I hadthe best experience.
So if you really, really want toattract what you want into your
life, you've got to do a fewthings.
You've got to learn how tochill out, you've got to learn
how to relax and you've got tolearn how to switch on your
energy and flow your energy.
And there are a few ways toswitch on your energy, but one

of the best ways I know toswitch on your energy is to get
physical get outside, go for awalk in the park, try and walk
uphill, walk briskly, or even gofor a run, so you get these
good feelings starting togenerate in your stomach, and
one of the best ways to get thatgoing is by being in nature,
because nature is general enoughfor you to look at it and go,

wow, that's beautiful, that'sbeautiful, beautiful.
And then, when you're lookingthrough eyes of appreciation,
you switch on your energy flow,which is your own
electromagnetic being in yourstomach, which starts to be like
iron filings to a magnet andyou start to attract.
So when you learn how to switchon your energy and you start to
feel good maybe you're takingbrisk walks or a light run or

doing something physical youswitch on your electromagnetic
system in your stomach.
That is the time for you totalk about things as if they're
already done.
That's the time for you to justgo wild in your imagination and
talk it out as if you've gotsomething amazing that's
happened in your life.
The future version of yourselfis talking about what's happened
as if it's done.
That is the time you can gospecific and that's a fun time

and thing that you can do.
So if you haven't checked outmy scripting video or my
scripting podcast, get yourscript out and read them when
you're feeling these really goodfeelings inside your stomach,
maybe when you're going for abrisk walk.
So make that part of your dayto day life and do things that
light you up.
So in order to start attracting, we have to start to find more
things to feel happy andsatisfied about.

So what lights you up?
What do you love to do?
Do you love to exercise?
If so, do more exercise.
Do you love to walk?
For sure that's going to reallyhelp you switch on your energy.
That's what it does for me.
So I love to go for walks,brisk walks.
So I start to feel this goodenergy in the pit of my stomach
and when I do, I talk things outas if they're already done.
This is magic.

This is what I did to attractthe movie into my life, the
movie part.
This is what I do to attractother things into my life,
because I know the better I feel, the better things get.
So you're going to ask yourselfwhat satisfies you, what lights
you up?
What do you love to do?
What makes you happy?
And do it.
Make sure that you're doingthings that make you feel happy
every day, because the happinessis the magnet, the fulfillment

that you feel every single dayis the magnet.
You know, taking a hot showerwill set you up.
Having a nice drink in a newplace will make you feel great.
You know frequent places thatmake you feel happy.
Go and try and see a sunsetevery single day.
If it's a beautiful sunset, goto places that make you feel
amazing every day.
The more you give to yourselfand fill yourself up with

fulfillment and happiness, thenyou are starting to magnetize
what you want into your life.
This really is a game changer.
The better you feel first, thebetter you're going to attract
and then, little by little,you're going to rendezvous with
You're going to rendezvous withgreat ideas and you're going to
be inspired about what to donext on your list to attract one

of those five things that youput at the beginning as one of
your intentions for 2024.
I hope you've enjoyed thisepisode.
I hope fully.
It's enlightened you and givenyou some ideas and where to take
But remember, you've got to doall three of these things.
These are all really importantfor you to begin to attract what
you want.
But the last one is probablythe most important, which is

trying to raise your vibe andfeel satisfied and fulfilled and
happy in any which way you can.
That will lift your spiritsevery single day, because the
better you feel, the betteryou're attract.
Now, until next time, I wishyou an amazing week ahead and
green lights all the way.
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