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August 29, 2024 21 mins

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What if adopting five simple habits could transform your life and lead to remarkable success? This episode uncovers the secrets behind the routines of high achievers, diving into the benefits of setting and reviewing long-term goals, and the transformative power of continuous learning. 

Discover the pivotal role networking and visualization techniques play in reaching your goals. Learn how building strong personal and professional connections is indispensable for success, and how mental rehearsal—used by top athletes can be applied to your own life.

Embracing failure and leveraging feedback are also discussed, supported by inspiring stories of individuals who turned setbacks into comebacks, showcasing the resilience required for sustained high achievement.

Get ready for practical tools, strategies, and mindsets designed to catapult you from where you are to where you want to be.

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
In this episode, I'm going to share with you five
things high achievers do, andthen I'm going to share with you
, as a bonus, some of the thingsthat are often overlooked by
High achievers maintain highstandards, and if you want to
upgrade your life, then this isa great episode in which you can
learn some of the traits.
Enjoy the episode.
There is a blueprint thatpeople have who are operating at

high levels, and if you couldtake that blueprint and put it
over your life and you startturning up as that person, that
too blueprint will come alivefor you.
I've noticed it in my ownexperience, but I want to see it
in your experience.
Hello and welcome to the JamesGranstrom podcast Super Soul
Model series, where I help youtune and tap in to your natural

state of well-being.
In this episode, I'm going toshare with you five things high
achievers do on a regular basisand if you're wanting to start
attracting some amazing results,here are some of the traits
that high achievers do.
I noticed that in my clientsthey've got these certain habits
and traits that they do andthat they have, and they can all
be learned when you apply them.

Everything can be learned, andI'm excited to share this with
you, because I'm going to sharewith you some of the things they
do and some of the things thatthey do behind the scenes as
well with you some of the thingsthey do and some of the things
that they do behind the scenesas well.
So I'm going to break this upinto two parts, and the second
part is more or less the bonussection.
So I hope you enjoy thisepisode.

I hope it enlightens you andgives you some clarity about
some of the things that you cando so you can start living the
life that you really, reallywant, with some of the practical
tools, strategies and mindsetthat will shift you from where
you are to where you want to be.
Success takes time.
Anything of great value takestime, and it's so interesting
learning from people who arehigh achievers about what they

do, but also what drives them.
So here are some of the fivethings high achievers do on a
regular basis.
First thing that high achieversdo is they have goals, they set
goals and then they reviewthose goals, and reviewing those
goals helps them monitor howwell they're doing, monitors

their progress, because withprogress comes confidence and
then you can see that thejourney in itself is heading
towards a satisfying conclusion,because you can't have a
successful ending or conclusionor reach your goal without
having a satisfying journey ofseeing progress along the way.
This is one of the main traits,the first traits that high

achievers have, because they,number one, have a vision and
then, number two, want to worktowards it so it comes alive,
and they are very open for itbeing a long-term goal as well,
because they see the value inthe long term rather than just
quick solutions, because quicksolutions may not be satisfying
but long-term gain nets very,very large results.

And you're going to think aboutit in terms of investing
Investing for the long term.
You're going to see very, verylarge, lucrative returns in the
long run than you would do inthe short term.
One of my clients had a goal toreally reduce the amount of
alcohol he was taking in,because it always seemed that
whenever they go out, they wouldalways be celebrating drinking,
but he felt that he wasbecoming a bit of a slave to

drinking and to alcohol, whilsthe wanted to enjoy it.
It felt like that was somethingthat they always did to
celebrate, and whether it's themost amazing bottle of wine or
the most amazing bottle ofchampagne.
Whilst that might seem elegant,it also felt like that's just
what we do, and so my client wasvery specific to say I would
like to release the need to havethat in my life always, because

I don't like the way I feel theday afterwards, I don't like
the way my body looks byconstantly having that in my
life every single weekend.
So my client was very, veryspecific and he thought it'd
probably take about 18 months todo to be able to get to this
level of not needing it.
Whilst it was challenging formy client, he managed to do it
in 14 months.

Until about two months ago wehad a conversation and he was
saying to me I managed to say noand not even feel bad that I
could say no, and that was sucha game changer for me, because
some of the things that we areso used to, so ingrained within
our society, within our families, even within our businesses.

We get so used to things beinga certain way, and so when
someone does somethingdifferently, that really sort of
disturbs the nest, so to speak,and people are a bit startled.
It was a bit like me when Igave up drinking some 20 years
It was very unheard of to beable to become sober at the age
of 28.

But I decided that that wouldbe a good idea for me and so I
followed through.
And whatever your goal isbusiness, health, making a
certain amount of money,specific have a goal, work
towards it every day, measure itto see if you're on the journey
and if you're taking the rightaction.

You know you will feelconfident in the progress of
that journey.
And don't be afraid to setreally long-term goals.
So five-year goals you canreally surprise yourself, but in
one year we often tend tooverestimate.
So high achievers really havelike five-year plans about
achieving something really big.
So try and fit in thatlong-term category and notice

that time is your greatest assetand number two.
Another thing that highachievers do is that they are
continuously learning.
What I love particularly abouthigh achievers is that they
recognize they don't know it all, but they just happen to know a
lot in their chosen field, andthat I find absolutely
So they're humble enough to beable to recognize what it takes

to become an expert in one areaand they're willing to employ
the services of another to beable to learn more about the
areas that they're willing toemploy the services of another
to be able to learn more aboutthe areas that they're
interested in.
That I find absolutelyfascinating, and if you really
want to succeed big, then youhave to recognize you've got to
be an expert in at least onearea, and this is something that
these men and women all do.

The third thing high achieversall do is they're very, very
good with their time management.
Time management is essentialbecause time is the greatest
asset that we have as humanbeings and we're either using it
wisely or we're wasting it, andhigh achievers recognize the
value of their time.
I recall reading with RichardBranson that he had 10-minute

meetings, and that's what Ifound with high achievers.
He had 10 minute meetings andthat's what I found with high
They block their time out withtheir businesses in 10 to 20
minute blocks so they get tosatisfying conclusions in the
And that is why time managementis so important, so that they
can use the rest of their timeon making sure that other areas
of their life are in balance,because when you are managing

high amounts of people, largecapital, when you're managing a
family as well, when you'remanaging your own wellness,
there's so many moving parts.
So it's so important that youutilize your time wisely.
So time management is such ahuge part of becoming a high
So how do you spend your time?

How do you spend your time?
Where are you spending yourtime and who are you spending
your time with?
Because, as Jim Rohn said, thefive people that you spend your
time with is going to reflect inyour income.
So make sure that the peopleyou spend your time with,
whether in business or in yourrelationships, are all moving in

a direction that is going to bewholesome to you and that's
going to fill you up, because ifyou start to spend time with
people who are not going in adirection that you want to go,
what's actually happening isthat's taking your energy away
and sapping it from you.
So become a master of your timeand who you spend your time
with, because you want to investyour time with people who care

about you and you care about.
Number four physical and mentalwell-being.
This is my expertise, sophysical and mental well-being
plays such a big part in highachievers lives and if there is
not a level of decent nutritionin the life, physical activity
and mindfulness and things likemeditation, what people find is

that when you're at high level,you get burnt out.
So having a fantastic state ofbalance in terms of physicality
and wellness, both for the bodyand for the mind, this plays
such a huge part in being ableto allow high achievers to
remain at this high level.
Otherwise they get burnt out,and often I have clients who

start moving in this directionbecause they've missed out on
this number four quality.
And so this is where I tend tostep in in terms of business,
because people don't necessarilyknow how to manage and balance
their lifestyle with theirbusiness success.
But once you start to balanceyour well-being, your business
success starts to thrive as well, because you've got more mental

You've got, you're more focused, your body's in better
condition, you're eating better,which means you've got greater
energy and you're sleepingbetter, and then that creates
this beautiful positive spiral.
So managing and maintaining alevel of mental fitness and
physical fitness, combined withnutrition and exercise and
mindfulness, is paramount tohigh achievers being able to

stay at that high level.
So this is so important on aregular basis, and I even recall
like thinking about people likemark walberg, who has an
interesting story he gets up atthree o'clock to work out and he
prays and then he works out andthen he's ready to start his
day, whether he's on a set orworking with his family, but

that's his allotted time tospend time on his physical and
mental well-being and his soul'swell-being as well.
Now, not everybody's going toget up at three o'clock, but
that's how mark walberg likes toroll and that's his discipline,
and so people who are highachievers go to great lengths to
be able to utilize the timethat they have in the best

possible way.
So whatever works for you,build that ritual.
This is what I find with myclients.
They all need to add thisritual and make sure it stays in
their life so they maintain ahigh level of equilibrium and
Number five networking andrelationships building.
The high achievers that I'vemet and the high achievers that

I've studied they all recognizethe power of a good network.
They recognize thatcollaboration is such a huge
part in success and well-being,and making a lot of money and
enjoying great success and highachievement is done through
helping people and collaboratingwith others.

And when we have a wonderfulnetwork of people we're able to
do incredible things together.
And high achievers recognizethat and they recognize it's not
all by themselves that theymanage to achieve their success.
It's done by helping others andallowing others to help them.
So they recognize the power ofgood people in their life and
they recognize the power ofrelationship building and look

to build relationships withother people on that same level.
So if you are really wanting tobecome better at what you do, if
you're wanting to achieve highlevels of success in what you're
doing, then it's absolutelyessential you build a foundation
of network of good people inyour life, because you're going

to find people on your way upand you're going to find people
on your way down.
And if you're not humble enoughto recognize that there is this
wave of success that goes upand down, then you will fall
Because we need each other.
And there's the poem that JohnDonne wrote, which is no man is
an island.
And when we recognize that wecan't do things alone but we can

work together as a team, thenwe're going to be able to
collaborate and create auniversal win-win.
High achievers just understandthe importance of a strong
professional network.
So if you're constantly lookingto maintain good relationships,
both personally andprofessionally, you're going to
find that your relationshipswill grow and opportunities will

also find you because you'renurturing those relationships.
So this is part b, the lessobvious traits of high achievers
, and the first one is mentalrehearsal and visualization.
Dr Joe Dispenza talks aboutvisualization and he talks about
coming from the end and feelingthe feeling.
In fact, if you've heard aboutthe law of attraction or several

of my other episodes, I alwaystalk about the law of attraction
and manifestation.
But high achievers really dothis and the best people who
constantly come back to this arethe athletes, because they can
actually see them lifting thetrophy.
Novak Djokovic, at theWimbledon final or any final
that he's won, has alwaysreferred back to that time when

he was seven years old, buildinga paper mache at home, saying
this is my Wimbledon cup.
You know that as he was playingand pretending that he was
lifting the Wimbledon trophy.
So when he eventually liftedthat Wimbledon trophy several
years later, remember going backto that first trait, which was
long-term goals.
That's exactly what he managedto do, and one has to use the

power of the mind to be able tothink, to feel, and then what
that does is you start to, towork on those goals, then you're
building confidence and you'reseeing progress.
All high achievers tend to havethe vision or the blueprint in
the mind.
Lebron James talks about theblueprint for winning the NBA

When he was at Miami Heat,before he took it to Cleveland,
before taking it to LA, he wasalways talking about the
blueprint of what it takes to beable to win the NBA finals.
So this is using visual mentalrehearsal whilst doing the work,
whilst moving your feet, whilsttaking the day-to-day actions,
to move in the direction of yourown dreams and goals.

So the second, less obvioushabit is embracing failure and
receiving feedback.
So, instead of feeling failure,high achievers recognize that
the failure is the feedback, andthat feedback gives you the
idea, the memory and the feelingof what you did that wasn't
successful, and yet you dustthat off and go again.

I recall hearing a real estatedeveloper in london a few years
ago who bought a property andcost them about 1.5 million and
the deal was supposed to beshared and renovating a property
with somebody else, and yet thedeal that they were supposed to
go through with the otherpartner fell through and they

became bankrupt, which meantthey lost all their money that
they invested, which was the oneand a half.
So, from having that failureand that property, they were
able, within about two or threeyears, were able to come back
and do another deal, and thatwas all because of that lesson
that they had.
So, whatever lessons that youhad whether it's financial,

physical relationships, whateverit may be just recognize that
failure is just feedback, thatwhat you were doing wasn't
correct in that moment and thatyou can dust yourself off and go
And, yes, it might take a yearor two or three or four before
you come back, but you can comeback stronger with the lesson
and intact with your dignity ata later date.

Number three prioritizing restand recovery.
High achievers recognize thatit's so important to sleep well,
to rest well, to take vacationsso that you can come back
stronger, more invigorated bylife and have more creative
Most people think highachievers are constantly working
and working hard.
That's not actually true.
They recognize the power ofrest, because in rest comes

creative ideas.
When you're resting or whenyou're on vacation, you get an
idea because you're not in thisheavy state of constantly trying
to find solutions to problems.
You're in this relaxed state.
And the more you're in arelaxed state, high achievers
recognize the power of thatrelaxed state and how good it is
for their health, for theirmind, to be free to receive

creative ideas so that they canput those ideas to work.
So things like sleep, naps,vacations are so powerful.
Winston churchill swore by thenap.
Maggie thatcher used to swearby the nap.
The spanish swear by havingsiestas is absolutely essential.
Little naps and power naps arescientifically proven to help
the brain reset and help youproduce the chemicals that

allows you to be more relaxedand more empowered.
Even before I did this episodethat I'm recording right now, I
had a 20 minute power nap, andso I felt fresh with the ideas
that I'm sharing with you onthis episode.
So if you want to enjoy greathigh levels of productivity,
make sure you're prioritizingyour rest and recovery every
single day.
Number four deep work andfocused sessions.

High achievers recognize thepower of intense focus, and high
achievers are really singleminded when it comes to their
work, and this is reallyfascinating because they're
single minded of purpose, andthis means that they just have
one thing that they're focusedon and they give it their

undivided attention, and that isconsidered genius because of
their ability to focus for aprolonged period of time on
something that's important tothem.
So to become focused requiresskill, single-mindedness of
purpose and a dedication tofulfilling the task at hand.
Bruce Lee used to talk aboutbecoming single-minded and he

managed to have the short burstsof intense power that he was
using through his kicks andpunches.
But businessmen and women andentrepreneurs are also using
that intense focus to be able tocomplete the task at hand.
So high achievers have thishabit of being single-minded.
You know, when I look at my ownexperience, when I go to the
gym, I've got a 20 to 30 minuteintense workout that I do

because I'm absolutelysingle-minded when I do my
workouts and I've noticed thatmy workouts and how I feel in my
body, I feel super energizedand I don't need to speak to
anybody whilst I'm doing thatworkout unless I'm working out
with somebody.
But I tend to work out mostlyby myself unless I'm in a class
and I'm able to enjoy that 20 to30 minutes and keep my body in

fantastic shape because of thatsingle-mindedness.
And I apply the same techniqueto my work, to my business, to
my finances, to my relationships, so I'm utterly present in what
I'm doing.
That's taken a long time to beable to get to that, but that's
been the power of focus, whichI've developed through habits
such as meditation, which helpsyou become single-minded.

So this is such a very powerful, less obvious habit of high
So to become single-minded isone of the most incredible
things you can do, because itfeels like a drug when you're
single-minded, because you're sopresent, and when you're
present it's almost as if timeflies by.
And the fifth, less obvioushabit of a high achiever is
maintaining a growth mindset.

High achievers believe thattheir abilities and intelligence
can be developed over time,through effort and learning.
This mindset is really just allabout seeking out new
opportunities, opportunities forexpansion, opportunities for
growth, opportunities forimprovement, whilst pushing
their own boundaries to thinkwhat's actually possible.
If you ever look at anyentrepreneurs who are bringing

new things into the world, theyare trying to push their own
boundaries to see what'sactually possible, whilst many
of the world are saying, no,that's not possible.
And one of the best examples ofthis is Thomas Edison, who
invented the light bulb.
After about 10,000 times, hejust kept on going, believing
that the light bulb wouldeventually work.

And even though peoplecriticized him and said you know
, you, you took 10 000 times toget that right, he says but I
found 9999 ways that it didn'twork.
So these are the traits of highachievers and how you could
potentially incorporate some ofthese into your own life
Remember your life is your ownand it's up to you how you live

Your legacy will be whatever youchoose it to be, but in order
to succeed in the way that isfulfilling to you not in the
eyes of the world, but in theway that's fulfilling to you the
best thing you've always got toremember is to maintain
meaningful relationships andhave meaningful work, because
unless you have those two things, all the money in the world

won't be satisfying.
But maintaining meaningfulrelationships and having
meaningful work will give you apurpose, which will help you get
up every day and work towardssomething that brings you joy,
because real success is measuredby the joy you're feeling, not
by the amount of money thatyou're making, and whilst money
is super important, the joy thatyou feel will be radiating out

into the world.
I hope this episode has beensuper helpful for you.
Thank you, as always, forsupporting the show.
Your support of the show reallyallows me to keep bringing you
top quality content and if youhaven't already, please consider
subscribing, because yoursubscription really helps with
the algorithm of this podcast aswell.
Thanks as always and until thenext episode.

I wish you a wonderful weekahead and green lights all the
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