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February 14, 2024 23 mins

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Discover the alchemy of intention as we uncover a four-step process that could effortlessly draw your deepest desires into your life.

"If you believe it will work out, you'll see opportunities. If you believe it won't, you'll see obstacles".
- Wayne Dyer

Imagine the power in knowing exactly how to ask for what you want, believe it's within reach, take decisive action, and open your arms to receive it. I'll walk you through this transformative journey, sharing both the missteps to avoid and the affirmations that can fortify your belief. We bring theory into practice with compelling stories—from a serendipitous ski trip to a father-daughter duo's dream realized—each one underscoring the potency of a clear and committed intention.

As we unravel these steps, I'll show you how to crystallize your goals, whether it's financial abundance, a loving relationship, or radiant health. You'll learn why jotting down your intentions could amplify their manifestation and how a simple mantra may unlock untapped potential. We'll explore the significance of active faith by taking inspired actions that bridge the ethereal world of wishes with tangible outcomes. Join me, and let's embark on a path that not only inspires but equips you to become an architect of your destiny, building a life of your wildest dreams with the bricks of intention and belief.

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
In this episode, I want to share with you a four
step process to help you attractwhat you want using the power
of intention.
Hello and welcome to the JamesGrimes from podcast,
supersoulmodelseries, where Ihelp you tune and tap into your
natural state of wellbeing.

Now, in a previous episode,I've talked about the power of
writing your intentions down,but what I've discovered in my
own experience is the intentionis like four steps, and I
noticed, with something thathappened to me recently, I
wanted something and I didn'tknow how it was going to come
about, and it came about soeasily.

And that reminded me to say doyou know what?
People need to know this?
And this is a step that I don'toften see when other people
talk about it or I've read aboutit in previous books.
So I want to share this withyou.
Now, everything I share is basedon something I've done.
I'm like the guinea pig who'sgone out into the world and
tried to find out what works andwhat doesn't work, and I'm

always wanting to report back inwith you to say, hey, I found
something that really works, andthis is what this podcast is
all about.
It's got to be practical,because when I have read
literally hundreds and hundreds,if not thousands, of books on
subjects like manifestation,like health, like wealth, like
What I've realized is that Ijust wanted to know what the

practical tools, what theprocesses, what the strategies
that are going to help me getfrom where I am to where I want
to be, and I want to share thatwith you.
And so, if you're on board, Iwant to share with you something
today my four step processabout how to actually intend
something and for it to comeabout in a way that's absolutely

easy and natural.
Now, this will blow your mindin its simplicity, but to
actually execute it may be alittle different.
So I want to share with you myfour step process so that you
can start using intention in areally powerful way and start
attracting into life what youreally want not what you just
think you want, but what youreally want.

So, before we do that, we haveto understand what intention is,
and intention is setting a goalor having a desire and then
wanting that to come into yourexperience in a natural and
beautiful way.
So intention means I wantsomething, I have a desire and I
expect it to come about.
That is the word intention, butoften, what we don't realize is

that there is a period ofgestation between what you want
and it's unfolding.
That's what a lot of peoplesometimes miss in a world where
there's a digital age whereeverything's instant.
So just like having a baby, thelaw of gestation is saying that
you plant the seed, there'sconception, and it takes nine
months for the baby to grow inthe womb before there's actually

a baby.
The same thing is with yourintentions and your desires.
There is a period of time ofgestation, or a buffer of time
before what you want can comeabout.
Now, what I want to share withyou is this four step process.
So what are the four steps tobe able to start attracting what
you want through usingintention in a powerful way?

So the first one is to ask.
Now, you're always asking atsome level, and asking means to
be totally clear about what youwant and your desired end result
Now, sometimes people ask, butthen there's this little thing
in the middle which is, hmm, Iwant that, but, and then

suddenly you're asking has justgone right out the window and
you're just stuck, which is whya lot of people don't get what
they want, because there's abutton between Number two, to
Now, believing is knowing it'spossible for you without
contradicting the actual belief,tätäicipating and making it's
possible for me, but I haven'tseen it.

So suddenly again, you'reasking and it's not happening.
You're believing and then it'snot happening.
And then the third one is toshow active faith.
To show active faith that it'spossible for you by putting your
stake in the ground.
And number four is To receivethe fulfillment of your desire
or of your goal or of yourintention.

Now, all of these four rulesare so important, but if you get
the asking wrong and if you getthe believing wrong, it's just
never going to unfold in a waythat will be satisfying for you.
So the four step process to beable to intend powerfully is to
ask, is To believe, is to showactive faith and then it's to

Now, often people have talkedabout ask, believe, receive, but
they miss the third point,which is show active faith.
Now, this is the part thatreally drives it home.
This is the bit that turns anidea into something Physical,
into reality, and this is whatI've noticed.

So I want to share with you ina little bit more detail each of
the steps and then give yousome case studies about what I
So number one ask at some levelof you being.
You're always asking, but whenyou write it down, it's a lot
So when you really clear aboutyour end destination, about what
you want Maybe it's some ofmoney, maybe it's a relationship

, maybe it's a healing, maybeit's an improved health
condition of some sort, or maybeit's a better job or a better
home when you're really clearabout it and you know what you
want, then that destinationbecomes a lot clearer for the
universe to deliver.
It knows what you want, you'reclear and there's no

contradiction about what youwant.
You're like this is what I want, I want to go here, so write it
There's a 47% chance it's goingto come about a lot quicker
when you write it down, which iswhy I did a whole episode on
writing your intentions down,and I'd also suggest doing this.
When you're asking and you'retrying to get clear on intention
, always say universe,orchestrate this for me in an

easy, comfortable and naturalway, and so the universe can go
about doing it, because you havea universal manager that will
help you Get what you want.
But you've got to ask and ifyou don't ask, you think that
you always have to do ityourself.
But there's this beautifuluniversal manager in the sky, as
Abraham Hicks likes to say,that will help you with every

Request that you ever have.
And when I first came acrossthis idea, I thought, hang on a
If I don't ask, I'm not goingto get.
And it's the same in thephysical world if you don't ask,
you're not going to get.
So you've got to ask, but askwith clarity.
So writing it down and askingthe universe to help you is a
far more powerful way where youcan leverage the Angels or the

universe to help you get whatyou want.
So if you have a desire andyour desire is really clear,
there should be no contradictionin that.
That's what I want, I want togo here.
Think of it like an enddestination.
That's what I want and that'swhere I want to go.
It's not like, oh, I wonderwhat's going to happen on the
Is I want to go here and I wantthat?

And as soon as you're clear,that time frame is collapsed and
the universe knows exactly whatyou want and will start Showing
you the route to getting there.
But now comes the second part.
The second part is Believe.
This is where most people don'tget what they want, because
they don't believe that theirgoal is possible, because at

some level of their being thereis I'm not good enough, or it
hasn't happened yet.
I've never seen any evidence ofthat, or I've never seen
anybody I know have that.
But it's only when you startlooking into your experience or
other people's experiences, thatwhich says They've had that, or
I've seen that person have that, so if they can have it, I know
it's possible, and then.

So this is where the belieffactor really needs to come in,
because you can't get what youwant until you believe it's
This is where most people gowrong, and so this is what I
started to do when times werereally challenging.
I thought you know what I'mgoing to have to have some sort
of mantra in front of me that Iget to see every single day that

keeps my belief and my mindwide open to that anything's
I wrote this thing on a post-itnote which says anything is
possible, it's possible, andwhen your mind is open to it's
possible, then that creates themind to be open to all sorts of

incredible, infinite, unlimitedpossibilities for you.
So I really recommend gettingyourself a post-it note or
something you can print outwhich says it's possible.
Whatever it is that you want,it's possible.
If you've seen someone else doit or you've seen someone else
have what you want, then it ispossible.
If it's possible for them, it'spossible for you.

The only thing that separatesthe people that have what they
want and the people that don'thave what they want is that the
people that have what they wantbelieved it was possible for
And the only way you're evergoing to believe that it's
possible for you is by openingyour mind to thinking and
knowing that it's possible.
And there are so many casestudies of things where I've

looked into my own experiencegoing well, that hasn't happened
before, but it's still possible, and I want to share with you
some things in this episode thatis going to stretch your mind
open to beliefs that things arepossible for you, because as
soon as you get on that train ofthought and that trajectory,
you're going to feel unlimited.
You're going to feel like amagical, masterful manifester,

and that is really importantwhen it comes to intending what
you want to come about.
So number three showing activefaith.
Showing active faith isessentially putting your stake
in the ground and this isperhaps the most important part
of intending what you want tohave come about.

So, whilst your believing iskey, showing active faith shows
your belief is actually in thephysical world, because
sometimes your desires, youcan't yet see them.
But showing active faith is anessential part of saying in this
physical reality this is what Iwant, so I'm preparing for it.

It's a bit like saying I knowthe baby's coming, I know my
idea, I know the goal, I knowthe desire and so I'm going to
get the baby room ready inadvance for the babies to come.
So you start painting the room,you start getting the cot, you
start getting all the thingsready for the new baby that's
due to come in nine months time.
That is, from the time ofconception to the time of full

Now it's the same with yourdesires.
It's the same with your goals.
Are you preparing for yourdesires to come about in total
physical reality, even thoughyou cannot see them just yet?
Because when you do that andwhen you prepare the soil, when
you prepare the soil and dig thetrenches, essentially what

you're doing is saying I'mplanting seeds and I'm expecting
it to grow, but I'm just notdigging up that seeds every
single minute going is it thereyet?
Is it there yet.
Is it there yet.
What you're doing is trustingthe process.
But you're trusting the processby showing active faith, that
you're painting that baby room,or that you are preparing for

that relationship by makingspace in your wardrobe for the
other person's clothes.
Or you are buying two sets oftowels instead of one set of
towels, or you're buying twosets of slippers instead of one
set slippers.
You are booking that holiday,or at least looking at holidays,

even though you don't knowwhere you're going yet.
Your bag is kind of ready to gofor a weekend trip, even though
you don't know where you'regoing yet.
It's all of these little thingsthat you do that shows active
faith, that starts to showintention, that you believe it's
possible for you.

Now, years ago, when I didn'tknow when I was going on a trip
or a modeling trip with my work,I used to pack my bag and have
it kind of ready and it wasamazing that in a week or two
I'd be off on a trip justbecause I did that, because my
bag was kind of ready with allthe things, and it just blew my
mind away that.
That was just something Istarted to do.

Another thing that happenedshowing active faith that blew
my mind was I wanted some newclothes in my experience, and so
I got rid of 80% of all myclothes.
And getting rid of 80% of allmy clothes, I got an idea to
enter a competition and thatcompetition was something I won
on Instagram for GQ, and I endedup winning thousands of pounds

worth of clothes, because mypicture got selected out of
everybody in the whole world andit went in the GQ magazine and
the company said come in and youcan get thousands of pounds
worth of clothes, and I wasliterally blown away.
I was blown away because I wasshowing active faith by
releasing the old clothes that Ididn't want, giving them to
charity, and then, within a fewmonths, I received amazing new

Talk about being blown away.
Talk about showing active faith.
This is the power of intentionat hand.
Now number four is receiving.
So the first three parts arereally important.
You've asked, you've got clear.
Number two you're believingit's possible and it's possible
for you.
Number three you're showingactive faith by putting your

stake in the ground in some waythat says this is what I want
and I'm preparing for it.
And then number four, it'sreceiving.
And the receiving comes in anatural timing.
Now, this part is not up to you.
This is up to your ability torelax, let go and trust that's
all coming about within that lawof gestation.

Now some things can comequickly into experience and some
things take a little time.
Now, if you're wanting to moveinto that dream home, it might
take a little time.
If you're wanting to manifestthat dream card, it might take a
little time.
If you're wanting to manifestthat partner, are you preparing
the character of yourself forthat perfect person?

And that's when number fourreceiving comes about.
Receiving comes about whenyou're detached, relaxed and you
have qualities such as you'rejoyful, you're playful, you're
relaxed, you're easy, and thatis when wonderful things start
to come into your experience.
And when you're tight, you'reclosed, you're needy, you're

tense, what you want can't comeabout because the opportunities
that are always there, you can'tsee them because you're in that
So in order to change yourstate, to start to receive what
you want, you need to relax, youneed to chill out a little bit,
you need to be good to yourself, you need to be easy, you need
to be playful, you need to belight hearted, you need to be a

little bit more fun, you need totake things a little less
seriously, because these aresuper attractive qualities for
what you want to be able toreceive.
This is the receiving mode.
You're always in some type ofreceiving mode, but you're in
the receiving mode of beingsuper tight and needy.
Or you're being in thereceiving mode of being super

relaxed and chilled and happyand playful, because now you
could be dancing between acouple of these from time to
But when you know what you want, it should feel good, which
means you should sway more tothe I'm relaxed, I'm easy, I'm
expectant, because as soon asyou get into that expectant
feeling, that expectant attitude, that yeah, I prepared, I've

showed active faith, it's just amatter of time then what you
want will come about easily andcomfortably in your experience.
I'll give you an example ofsomething that happened to me
recently that kind of blew mymind.
I went home for Christmas andwith that I came back, and I
came back with a suitcase of allmy skiing gear.
Now I knew I wanted to goskiing and I knew where I wanted

to go skiing, but I didn't knowwho I was going to go with and
I didn't know when.
And at the beginning of theyear I was moving into my new
place and I was super chuffed,super happy moving into my new
I found it within a shortamount of time and it's exactly
everything I wanted.
But I also wanted to go skiing.
And one of my clients said I'mgoing skiing on one of our calls

and one of our sessions, and hesaid would you like to come?
And that was the window ofopportunity that I didn't even
see, I didn't even think of, andhe said there's some great
people coming.
I think you wanna meet them aswell.
And I ended up saying yes.
And it happened to be anamazingly fun, easy, natural

experience and it was so goodand the weather was phenomenal
and I had such a good time, weall had such a good time.
So what I did was just showactive faith by bringing my ski
gear back with me.
It was as simple as that, eventhough I didn't know all the
That's how easy it can be whenyou know what you want and you
demonstrate active faith.
That's when the receiving canbe really, really quick.

Now it's really easy to saythis, but it's another thing to
practice this.
But another way you could lookat it is by saying that if I
were to give you $100 fortelling me every red car on the
road, you're gonna be really onthe lookout to show me where the
next red car is.
But if I don't give you that$100, you're not gonna be that

full of intent to really lookfor the next red car.
You see, when something'simportant to you, there's
intention, but when it's notthat important to you, you're
not gonna do much about it.
So if you really want to changeand transform and start
attracting what you want, thenyou've got to show active faith
and really mean it, becausewhat's important to you can come

about when you're clear and youput your stake in the grounds.
So there's this beautiful storythat I wanna share with you that
I came across a few months ago,and it was about a father and a
daughter, and the daughter didthis tip-talk and it was so
interesting because this isexactly how intention works.
Yet the timing or themanifestation of the intention

coming into reality took a bitof time.
But there's magic and this isexactly how it works.
So a father and the daughterwent around looking at
properties and the father wantedto buy property for his
daughter and they went to thisbeautiful area and they found
one house that needed doing upand it was abandoned.

So the father and the daughterwent in and had a little look
and went oh, this could be agreat property if we could do
this up and this could be agreat place to live.
What a beautiful neighborhood.
And the father said to thedaughter he said let's put our
stake in the ground and let'sput a deposit down.
And the daughter goes how arewe gonna do that, dad?

We can't afford it.
And he goes what we're gonna dois we're just gonna put our
intention in.
So he put a one pound coin, putit under the doormat and they
left, closed the door.
And, funnily enough, that housecame on the market on auction a
year or two later and it justso happened that the daughter

and the father were able topurchase that property for the
daughter, which she ended upmoving into, and she was blown
away because it was the veryhouse that the dad had put that
pound coin under the doormat.
Yet it took a couple of yearsbefore they were actually able
or in a position to get amortgage to actually buy that
But that was the property theyput the stake down.

That was the property wherethey showed active faith and, as
money is energy, that showedactive faith.
Now you could do that with a lotof things.
Whatever it is that you wannado, put your stake in the ground
and show intention, becausewhen you intend, magical things
happen, because there's clarity,and when there's clarity,

there's power.
Now, one of the things thatblew me away when I first
started understanding dig thetrenches was years ago when my
grandma was alive.
I was studying Feng Shui andone of the things that the Feng
Shui practitioner said come on,they came into our house, came
into the property and said, oh,you need to put some hedges

around this area of yourproperty.
This will create a beautifulborder, so the energy flows.
And I was just starting to getinto energy and I thought, golly
, I'm gonna need like 25 ofthese, like little small trees,
to create the border that theFeng Shui practitioner is
thinking about Now.
My parents were veryopen-minded blessed them, given

their strange son.
But I was getting into energy.
You know like I wasunderstanding these natural laws
and I was thinking do you knowwhat I've got to put them into
practice to see if they actuallywork, or they're just something
that you read so Funnily enough.
About a day or two later I'mround at my grandma's house and
she says oh hello, darling, canyou help me?
I've got to do some gardening.

I've got all these little treesaround my garden.
I'm trying to get out so I canstart planting all these rose
bushes, but I need to take allthese box trees out, can you
help me?
And I said, oh, my golly, thoseare the exact trees that I need
Can I take them off you?
She goes, you can have them,darling.
And you know how many werethere of those trees?
There were 25 of those trees,exactly what I needed to create

that border.
So I started digging all thetrenches and Planted all of
those things and I was literallylike how is this actually
It's possible that when you'reclear and you believe it's
possible, then things will comeabout in the most miraculous and
mysterious ways.
We live in a magical,mysterious universe where

anything is possible, but youneed to have your mind open
enough that things are possiblefor you, even some of the most
outrageous things that you can'teven Believe yet.
You've got to believe at somelevel.
It's possible for you first,and if you keep that up and if
you show active faith, then it'sgot to come about.
And all I would like to say isdon't believe me.

Go out and show active faith inyour own experience about
something that you want, thatyou want to manifest, that you
want to attract into yourexperience, and just see what
comes into your experience as aresult.
You'll be blown away.
But, more importantly, you'llfeel powerful.
You'll feel powerful thatyou've harmonized with the
natural laws, and that is abeautiful thing.

Remember, some things will takea short amount of time and some
things may take a longer amountof time, but if you prepare the
way and you prepare the soil asthey say in farmers terms
You're gonna receive what youwant in divine time.
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Thanks for listening and untilthe next episode, I wish you a
wonderful week ahead and greenlights all the way.
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