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May 23, 2024 27 mins

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Discover the transformative keys that can unlock a realm of harmony, peace, and fulfillment right in the here and now. This episode will guide you through a journey within, where you'll learn to harness the power of unity consciousness and love, inviting a flow of positive energy and karma into every aspect of your life. By understanding the ancient wisdom of giving and receiving, you will learn  how to manifest your own personal heaven on earth.

This conversation will take you through the importance of balance in mental, spiritual, and financial spheres, revealing how these facets intertwine to shape our overall well-being. You'll hear anecdotes, like my own experience with the ukulele, that exemplify how simple joys can deeply nourish your spirit. We'll also delve into practical tips for achieving financial stability, ensuring that your life is not just rich in spirit but secure and prosperous in the material sense as well.

Finally, we'll share the art of co-creation with the universe by setting intentions and taking purposeful action to manifest your deepest desires. You'll learn why service to others is not just noble but a cornerstone of personal growth, as I recount the origins of this very podcast – a testament to the impact of following your intuition and contributing to the greater good. This episode isn't just about listening; it's an invitation to weave these timeless principles into your daily life to witness the unfolding of your very own slice of heaven on earth.

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
In this episode, I want to share with you the keys
that unlock heaven on earth foryou.
Everything is related to theway that you show up in life,
and when you apply theseprinciples, you'll enjoy greater
happiness, harmony and peace.
The world needs what you've gotto offer, and whatever you've

got to offer is going to beunique, and even though there
may be loads of other peopledoing similar things, it won't
be done in the way that you cando it, and so if you've got
something that you can give,it's your duty to share it.
In this episode, I want toshare with you the keys to
attaining a little bit moreheaven on earth in your life.
And why is that important?

That's important because, whenall is said and done and you tap
out of this physical life,you're going to be asked this
question were you happy?
Were you authentic?
But, most important, did youenjoy yourself?
Because if you didn't enjoyyourself, then you're not really
living in heaven.
Because heaven is a place inyour mind where everything's

going right and your heart isopen, and hell is also a place
in your mind where you're livingin your mind and it's chaotic
and your heart is closed.
You have the choice, and byfollowing a certain set of ideas
and certain set of principlesthat you can apply, you take the
power back in your own hands.
I'm a firm believer that youcan create your own reality.

I get to see it in my own life,and if you've been tuning in
long enough, you can recognizethat you too are a creator of
your own experience, even if youdon't know how you're doing it
But by applying some of theseprinciples, you're going to
create a life of your ownexperience, even if you don't
know how you're doing it fully.
But by applying some of theseprinciples, you're going to
create a life of greater harmony, greater peace, greater love,
greater vitality, greater energy, but, most of all, greater
satisfaction inner satisfaction,because to be happy and

successful is one of thegreatest gifts you can give to
the world, and that only cancome from within, from with
looking within, healing withinand trying to add value to the
world from this position.
The truth is, it is not yourjob to try and heal the world.
It is not your job to createheaven on earth for everybody,

but it is your job to do it foryourself.
And when you do it for yourself, you're also doing it for the
So the first principle toachieving a little bit of heaven
on earth is by understandingthat you are part of this unity
And unity consciousness is thisreally simple principle that
what you give, you will alsoreceive.
It's called the golden rule,and Jesus used to talk about

this golden rule.
In fact, every spiritual masterthat's been on this planet has
also shared this golden rule,and it's really simple to apply.
What you give is what you alsoreceive.
So when you give to another,you're also giving to yourself.
So when you're shouting atsomeone, you're also shouting at
When you're upset with someone,you're also upset with yourself
And you might not think that'sthe case, but in truth,

everything is a reflection ofyou, so life is but a mirror.
So when you give love, you willalso receive love, and whether
that's in the form of takingcare of somebody, you will also
be taken care of in somecapacity.
So understanding this unityconsciousness and working with
it is the first principle tocreating a little bit of heaven

on earth with you, because whatyou're doing is building a
foundational layer of energy forcreating more wellness, more
green lights and more beautifulkarma in your life.
The second principle forcreating a bit more heaven on
earth is developing love andcompassion.
Now, in Buddhist nature, theytalk about love and compassion,

but how do you actually havelove and compassion when it's
not always something that youfeel when you're upset or you're
irate with somebody?
Love and compassion comes fromusually when you've gone through
a deep state of suffering fromyourself.
But you don't have to go to astate of suffering for yourself
to have compassion for someoneelse.
But you don't have to go to astate of suffering for yourself
to have compassion for someoneelse.

You just need to have yourheart open.
And when you truly lovesomebody else, you can also have
compassion for them by puttingyourself in their shoes.
So this is a wonderful principleto develop a little bit more
heaven on earth by recognizingthat you might not understand

the challenge that someone elseis going through, but if you try
and put yourself in their shoes, you can see how they think and
why they behave the way they do, which means that you don't
take things so personally.
And that's a really, really bigpoint to creating a little bit
more heaven on earth for you,because often we want people to
see things our way, but that'snot the way it usually goes
We need to develop this conceptof compassion, this virtue of

compassion, because it will helpus understand other people
better, why they do what they do, and then people can also, in
turn, see that, why we do whatwe do, because not everybody's
going to truly understand.
You don't expect everyone toget you, but as you develop a
little bit of love andcompassion, you unlock, you know

, a layer two level of creatingheaven on earth for yourself.
And when you do that, you feellighter, you feel freer and you
don't feel so attached toeverything that you need to have
in your life.
You can relax a little bit,trusting that life will work out
for you, even though you can'tunderstand why people behave or

do the things that they do.
People usually do the thingsthat they do because they're in
fear and separation, which waslevel one which we're talking
about, which was feelingseparated rather than feeling
So the more love we have, themore connected we are, and the
more connected we are, then itleads us into experiencing a
little bit more compassion.

And look into your daily actions.
You know how compassionate withyou are when someone is driving
quickly or tries to cut you upin traffic?
Are you annoyed with them?
Or can you be compassionatethat they might be having a hard
day and even though they've cutyou up and even though it's
annoyed you can?
You still send them blessings,can you still send them well

Because when you do, that'scoming from a place of
compassion, because you don'tknow what's happened to that
They might just split up in arelationship, they might be
going through a divorce,something might be happening to
their child, something reallyscary might be happening to
their child, something reallyscary might be happening in
their life, like a healthchallenge or a health crisis or
a financial crisis.
You don't know why peoplebehave the way they do.

But when you come from a placeof compassion and you can say do
you know what?
I'm just going to send themwell wishes, even though they
cut me up, then you're comingfrom a place of heaven on earth
for yourself.
Because when you keep yourenergy nice and relaxed, then
you're creating that spacearound you for other people, and
sometimes you need to bechallenged a little bit.
So you practice unlocking thesekeys within yourself.

Treat others with kindness,because you don't know what
they're going through.
Empathize with others,recognizing that you're also
going to be empathizing withyourself and make decisions
based on love for yourself andhow you value yourself, how you
respect yourself, but also whatwould give love and respect

another as well.
Only you know.
So give yourself that love,give yourself that kindness and
also do that for others, butmake sure you do it for yourself
, because that's a key to beable to unlocking heaven on
earth for yourself.
Remember, make decisions fromlove, not from fear, because
when you're coming from fear,it's always going to be a very

unproductive outcome.
Now number three.
The third key to unlocking alittle bit of heaven on earth
for you is by practicingforgiveness.
Forgiveness means that what youdid is not necessarily okay.
However, I'm not going to holdon to the energy that's keeping
me heavy.
I'm not going to hold on tothis heavy energy that's keeping

me bound to this thing or thisevent or something that you said
or something that you did orsomething that you didn't do,
because everybody, in truth, isdoing the best they can with
what they know at the time, andsometimes it takes years before
people actually come torecognize that what they did
wasn't okay, because peoplebehave in certain ways because

they don't know any better andthey were treated badly at some
point in the past, and sothey're just replicating that
same energy.
But don't let that chain of paincontinue and let you carry the
burden, because essentially,forgiveness is saying this and
this is the bit that reallyworked for me when looking in my
own experiences was thank youfor giving me this experience so

I could choose better.
So I love that littleterminology.
Thank you for giving meforgiveness, thank you for
giving me this experience sothat I could become more
conscious of myself, because Iwasn't conscious in that
relationship or I wasn'tconscious in that experience
which caused that pain and thatgrief and that suffering.

So, even though you might bereally challenged right now,
even though you might find itvery difficult to forgive
someone for something thatthey've done, when you say thank
you for giving me thisexperience because it made me
become conscious of myself, tobe a better human being, more
compassionate, become stronger,you unlock the keys to a little

bit of heaven on earth foryourself, because most people,
when they fast forward theirlife, even though they had some
tremendously difficultexperiences sometimes even
horrific experiences, sometimeseven horrific they often feel
better knowing that they've comethrough an experience and have
survived a trauma and have comethrough with greater strength in

the human spirit, because itmakes them a better human being
in the long run.
Not saying that we want thosedifficult experiences, not
saying we wanted to invite thoseexperiences, because no one
deserves to have any difficultexperiences but we need to learn
how to become more consciousand in order to not only treat
ourselves better but treat theworld around us better.

This is one of the keys tounlocking a little bit more
heaven on earth.
When I look into myrelationships, when I look into
some of the challenges that I'vehad, I always like look back
and go.
Do you know what?
Thank you for that experience,even though I disliked it and it
went on for a few years.
I'm grateful for thatexperience because that
experience taught me a lessonthat's priceless.

And now look at what I'm doingand look how better I'm feeling
as a result of some of the lifechoices I've made since then.
It all depends on how well youcan see a situation and turn it
into a positive, how you cantransmute a negative experience
into a positive, because reallyall healing starts from

transmuting your pain andsuffering into something that's
going to uplift not onlyyourself, but others in the long
run, because when you helpanother person, you're also
helping yourself, which is partof the first key, which is
understanding unityconsciousness.
The fourth key to unlocking alittle bit of heaven on earth
for you is by managing andcultivating these four areas,

and I like to call itcultivating the four.
And it's by cultivating andmanaging the physical, mental,
spiritual and financial aspectsof your life, because when you
get these in balance, your lifebegins to take off.
So the first thing is to manageyour physical body.
So what would that look like?
What would that sound like?
That means learning how to eatcorrectly, eating more fresh

produce, eating more organicproduce, eating more fruits and
veggies, nuts and seeds gettingmore of these in your diet, and
also lots of exercise andmovement.
By having this and gettingenough rest for your physical
form, you're going to hold a lotmore energy and it's going to
be way easier for you to havehigher levels of energy when you
take care of this physicalaspect of your life.

So the second part ofcultivating the four is the
mental aspect of your being.
So what does that look like?
That means managing yourthinking.
It means practicing gratitude,it means practicing an
optimistic and positive outlook.
This really cultivates moremental balance and one of the
best ways you can do that is byspending a lot more time in

That mental aspect of yourselfneeds to remain in balance and
it only takes 51 percent of yourthinking throughout a day to be
more optimistic and positivethan not for you to start seeing
green lights that you are thecreator in your experience.
It's so easy to look at lifeand be upset by it because the
mind is always looking to thenegative for some reason or

It's like that monkey mind isalways trying to look at what's
But you need to take ownershipof your mind because your mind
is the driver and your body isthe vehicle.
So if you want to have a greatbody, you've got to have a great
driver upstairs, and that iswhen you take care of your
So ask better questions,practice gratitude and spend a

lot more time in nature andyou'll find it's a lot easier to
manage your mind, that mentalaspect which a lot of people
find difficult.
Number three, on that,cultivating the four is the
spiritual aspect of your being,that spiritual aspect of your
You tap into that by meditation, by prayer, by again hanging
out in nature, but also doingthings like creations, art,

drawing, sewing, painting, music, that type of thing, and play
as well.
This is the aspect of yourspiritual nature that wants to
feel upbeat, uplifted, and weconnect to them through
We could connect to it throughplayful, non-competitive
activities that are really,really joyful.
This taps into yourspirituality, and so I have a

lot of things that I do.
I do all of these things.
I pray, I meditate, I playgames, I make music.
You know, I play the ukulele, Imake dance music.
I do everything I can in orderto tap and tune into this
spiritual aspect of my being, inorder to feel lighter, feel
happier, feel more unlimited andfeel more free, and you can do

that too.
So all of these things arewithin your power.
And, last but not least, oncultivating, the fourth
unlocking the keys is yourfinancial balance.
Now, this is a whole episode initself, but some simple
principles to enjoy greaterfinancial balance.
That means managing whateveryou have, however large or
however small.
The same principle applies isspend less than you earn, always

be grateful for what you'respending and what you're
receiving, and are you investingBecause you want your money to
The universe is an expansivebeing that's alive and we are
expanding over time.
We always want more.
More is the essence of theuniverse.
Expansion is the message of theuniverse.

So, if you want your money togrow, think of it like a
Think of it like soldiers.
Can you send every dollar,every pound, every euro, every
yen, whatever.
Can you send that out and canyou get it to go and make more.
That's why investing is soimportant, because it creates
expansion and it's a microcosmof the universe and it's within

your management.
So, if you don't know where toinvest, learn where to invest in
something that excites you andinterests you, because you want
your money to grow.
And when you spend less thanyou earn and you invest a
portion of your income I tend todo about 30 percent of my
income, but I started off waysmaller and then it gets bigger

and bigger and bigger over time.
And the reason why I do that isbecause as you expand, your
universe expands and your moneyuniverse expands.
And this is a really, reallyimportant philosophy, because,
as you feel as though you aremore relaxed about your finances
, you feel more freedom, andthen that freedom makes you feel
like you're living in a littlebit more heaven on earth.

That is why cultivating thesefour areas need balance and need
your attention.
Number five the fifth key tounlocking heaven on earth for
yourself is co-creating withlife itself, co-creating with
the universe, co-creating withGod.
So get your intentions clearevery day.
You are a creator of yourexperience, so write down what
you intend to have happen todayand if you are wanting some

things into experience, writedown what you want the universe
to work on.
I've got a things to do listthat I intend to do and I've got
things for the universe to do,which means I set the universe
to go and sort that out, becauseI know I can't do it with my
small mind, but the universe cando it and it will bring it back
to me when the time is right.
And I'm always amazed that whenI'm overwhelmed or I've got

loads of things going on, theuniverse can literally bring
things to me.
And I'm always amazed by how itdoes that just because I wrote
stuff down.
Because when you write stuffdown, you're focused and when
you focus you set the universeto work.
That's really really powerfuland co-creating with God.
Life, the universe itself, isreally really powerful and one

of the best ways you can keepthat energy flowing is by
keeping your word, keeping yourpromises.
I can't stress enough howimportant it is for you to keep
your word and keep your promises, because when you do, you're
telling your mind I believe you.
So when you say you're going todo something, your mind knows
you're going to do it.
And that's so powerful becausewhen I used not to do that, I

could see why my life was a mess, because I'd say something and
I'd never do it.
And so now I've got to a placethat I always say what I'm going
to do and then follow throughwith it, and now my mind
actually believes me that I'mgoing to do it.
So when I set my mind to itthat I'm going to do this or
this task, or I have thisintention, my intention is very
clear with what I'm trying to do, with my work is I want to help

a billion people and I want tohelp them transform their lives
for the better in happiness,health and well-being.
And if we can do that, then mymind's going to go, I'm going to
find a way, and it doesn'tmatter how long it takes.
That's the mission and it'sjust a process.
So by saying that, by askingthe universe to show me how to

do that and declaring it, thenI'm already started my mission,
and I started this mission atleast five years ago.
So how else would you be able toco-create with the life force
itself, the universe?
By visualizing, by giving yourmind a blueprint of what that
looks like, what the end resultslook like, by writing your
intentions down and beingthankful in advance, as if it's

Now that you're co-creatingwith this life force that only
responds to you in this verymoment and, even though you
might not be living it this verymoment, you can experience it
in your mind first, at this verymoment.
You can experience in your mindfirst, and this becomes how you
start to use your own lifeforce, energy, to work in your
Some people call thismanifestation, but I like to

call this working with yourenergy, because this is really,
really important.
Your energy is a response tohow you're feeling in the moment
, and the universe doesn't knowwhat you're thinking and feeling
If it's about a future event,past event, it's all happening
right now, and one of my guestson a previous podcast always
used to write this to me inemails.

He said until then becomes now.
So anytime you're practicing anend result and it feels really
You're bringing it into the now.
And the more you practice thatenergy, the more the like-minded
events will come into yourexperience.
And now you're co-creating withthe divine, with life force,
with the universe.
That is making you remindyourself that you're a powerful

co-creator for creating heavenon earth.
The sixth key to unlocking alittle bit of heaven on earth
for you is to be of service.
What are you doing tocontribute to the lives of other
Who are you collaborating with?
Life wants to help itself, lifewants to expand, life wants to
add value to itself.

And the universe God can onlyknow itself.
By how you're giving and howyou're feeling, and when you're
collaborating and when you'recontributing, which is a human
need, you are tapping into lifeitself.
And the universe will alwayshelp you when you're trying to

collaborate and contribute tothe greater common good, and it
doesn't help you when you'retrying to take life away.
That's why people often havevery difficult lives and having
very difficult experiences,because they're not looking to
find a way to be of service andadd value to the greater good,
to the common good.
So ask yourself the questionwhat can I contribute today?

Where can I contribute today?
Who can I help?
Where can I help and how can Ihelp?
And if you're looking to createa business, one of the best
questions you can ask is life,what business would you like me
to do where I can use my gifts,talents?
What business would you like meto do where I can use my gifts,
talents and abilities in a waywhich is really fun and
Because I want to help.
So show me.
That is a really wonderfulprayer.

And then just wait for theanswers and then act when you
get some ideas and, even thoughyou might not know what to do,
follow through with the littleimpulses you get.
That's how I first started thepodcast by saying life, what
would you have me do?
And it first said I want you todo a podcast.
This was the idea that I had,so I followed that up and one

good thing has led to anotherover a period of time of just
showing up.
So find a way to be of service,even if it's for free at the
Find a way to be of service andand then, in time, the way to
create money and turn that intoa business will be amazing for
Because life wants to help thecommon good.
Life wants to help life itself,cultivate and expand, because

expansion is the nature of theuniverse and expansion is the
nature of you.
The seventh key Expansion isthe nature of you.
The seventh key, thepenultimate key, is to live
authentically and to embrace andexpress yourself just as you
Often, we all try to hide behinda mask where we're safe and we
are not exposing ourselves.

But that is not where the funlies.
The fun lies by you puttingyourself out there.
The fun lies by you puttingyourself out there.
The fun lies by you sharingyour gifts and talents.
And if you've got a wonderfulcreative talent, whatever it may
be music, art, sewing, dance,the ability to speak, the
ability to make spreadsheets,create apps, create books,
making films If you were not tobe able to share that gift with

the world and live authentically, expressing that gift, the
world would be a poorer place.
So it's really important foryou to just put yourself out
there, put your talents outthere, because you never know.
And if you keep showing up foryourself, expressing your true
self and living authentically,going hey, this is me and owning
You know I'm a singer but I'mbeing a bit frightened to sing,

but you do it anyway.
Then you're living moreauthentically.
The the scariest place to liveis when you're not shining your
light, when you're not showingup in the world and living
I remember reading a book yearsago and thinking to myself, and
I had this vision, which waswhat would my life be like if I
didn't share my gifts andtalents?

And I felt this really strongfeeling of emptiness.
So when I first started thispodcast, I recognized.
I thought do you know what?
I'm just going to share mystories and I'm going to
interview some guests and I'mgoing to have a look into my own
experience and say what can Ishare from the plethora of
stories that I've had that are alittle bit out there, but wild,

but true and hopefullyrelatable?
That would improve the qualityof other people's lives, and the
world needs what you've got tooffer.
And whatever you've got tooffer is going to be unique, and
even though there may be loadsof other people doing similar
things, it won't be done in theway that you can do it.
And so if you've got somethingthat you can give, it's your

duty to share it, because whenyou live authentically, you're
going to really, really enjoyexperiencing a little bit more
heaven on earth and a little bitmore freedom by putting
yourself out there, out there.
So the last key to opening alittle bit more heaven on earth
is by honoring the sacredness oflife, which means you've got to
try and have some respect andhumility for all of life,

because when you respect life,it will also take care of you.
I always love this story.
When I was in the ocean a fewyears back I was in japan and I
went out to the sea and Iremember saying the waves are
really tame when we were surfingand I sat out and then went
back in again and then a freakwave came and dumped me so

heavily on the beach and it musthave been about 15 feet and it
knocked the living daylights outof me and I was winded for 20
minutes and I realized that Ihad a lack of respect for the
ocean in that moment.
So whenever I'm on mountains orwherever I'm in the ocean,
wherever I am, I always like tohave this respect, and it's the
same when I'm playing any sportI want to have respect for my

opponents, I want to haverespect for myself, that I take
care of my body.
I don't have respect for theanimals and all of nature that's
around me.
If there's's any litter on thebeach, maybe pick up a piece and
chuck it in the bin, but anytime you're taking care of
nature, you're taking care ofother humans, you're taking care
of plants, you're taking careof animals.

What you're also doing istaking care of the universe, and
the universe always likes toreward with protection and
benevolence something that'shelping the common good.
So these are my key principlesfor unlocking a little bit of
heaven on earth in your life,and hopefully you can apply some
of them, if not all of them, intime.

But what you will notice is thatyou'll feel a little more sense
of ease, a little bit morehappier, but for sure the most
important thing is you're goingto feel a little bit more
peaceful and a lot moreharmonious, that your life is
being guided, you're being takencare of, you're feeling
You're not always feeling soscared and worried that there's
this big bad world out there,because these principles will

give you a greater sense of easein your life.
They have for for me,particularly in times when I
have been in some of the mostdifficult situations.
I've managed to find myself outof these moments and found a
way to peace and harmony andthings working out, particularly
when my father died and I wasgoing through some really
difficult moments of trying toorganize funerals and things

like that.
I noticed that even then, justby practicing some of these
principles here, it's brought mea greater sense of peace and
harmony and greater state ofwell-being, and I have to say
it's down to cultivating all ofthese little attitudes and
It's not always easy to executesomething that seems really

simple, because it takes work,it takes effort and it takes a
consciousness, because all thepain and suffering that you ever
experience is always a resultof being unconscious.
So these principles will helpyou become a little bit more
conscious so you can apply them,so you get to experience great
happiness, peace, harmony andwell-being and hopefully improve

the quality of lives of thepeople around you as well.
I hope you've enjoyed thisepisode and, if you have, please
hit subscribe, because you'llbe surprised how many people you
can help just by hitting thatsubscribe button and sharing or
even leaving reviews.
Thanks for listening in and, asalways, until the next episode,
I wish you a wonderful weekahead and green lights all the

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