All Episodes

February 5, 2024 34 mins

In the latest episode of "The Multiverse FanCast," immerse yourself in an intriguing exploration of the world of superhero castings. Delve into the depths of popular superhero movies and TV shows, examining the casting choices that worked wonders and those that fell short. From Christopher Reeve's iconic Superman to Chris Evans' admirable Captain America and Jared Leto's divisive Joker, we get up close and personal with the stars behind our beloved multiverse characters.

Acknowledging the memorable performances of Jack Nicholson, Heath Ledger, and Joaquin Phoenix as Joker, we shine a light on the controversial portrayal by Jared Leto. Join us as we scrutinize a range of portrayals, applauding Colin Firth's sought-after performance in Kingsman and expressing disappointment with Shaquille O'Neal's airy performance in Steel. From big screen adaptations to cable favorites like Grant Gustin's Flash, we encapsulate the essence of superhero casting in a thrilling, engaging discussion.

Dive into insightful discussions on performances that range from Seth Rogen's surprising stint as the Green Hornet to Danny DeVito's unforgettable Penguin portrayal. No matter your opinion on a casting decision, we guarantee a riveting ride of emotion, celebrating the triumphs, and analyzing the disasters of superhero castings. Whether you are an avid comic fan or a casual moviegoer, this engaging episode will give you a fresh perspective on your favorite (or despised) superhero characters.

Beyond the superhero realm, our episode also reflects on some iconic sports personalities and Hollywood's high and low casting choices. Relive Shaquille O’Neal’s reign as a 90s sports icon and join us in critiquing movies like "Batman Begins" and shows like "The Walking Dead." From disappointing casting choices of Stephen Ewan as Glen and Katie Holmes as Rachel Dawes, we tackle it all, giving equal credit to brilliant ones like Michael Rosenbaum's Lex Luthor.

Round off your experience by engaging in the "Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" of comic book adaptations and revisit your superhero favorites. Remember to check out our website, for more episodes, news, reviews, and keep up with us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and TikTok. Tune in for a nostalgic and enlightening journey through the most iconic superhero castings!

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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You're listening to the Multiverse Fancast, proud member of the Misfit Faction Media Network.
All right, then. On with the show.
Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the Multiverse Fancast.
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There you'll find links to not only this show, but some of our other shows like
Cinematic Adventures and MF Uncensored.
As always, I'm one of your hosts, Paul, and today I am joined by two variants
of the multiverse, two hosts that are not supposed to be here,

but they are because Ronnie sucks, and I said it.
And that is, from Cinematic Adventures, we have Sean. Sean, how are you today?
I am wonderful. Ronnie does not suck. I will stand by that to my grave.
Oh, right then. So we have one co-host that's already wrong.
But anyway, we also have from the YouTube side, our friend BlindBad8719,
Brendan. Brendan, how are you today?

I'm doing well, Sean. Paul, dang it. Oh, God, it's been the third coffee. No.
All right. And so many variants. I never know which one I'm talking to. I'm always hosting.
We should always be concerned if I'm not hosting. Okay, that steady episode
right now, whenever it's not getting any better than that. Full send,
full send right now. Nailed it.

But we are glad to be here. We're glad to have some of our other co-hosts jump
in and always happy to have Brendan, I guess.
But anyway, so we're going to change
it up today. We're not going to speak specifically on a movie or TV show.
We are actually going to do a little topical discussion, a little debate,
hopefully, and just something to, you know, kind of just argue with each other

because that's what we do here at Multiverse Fancast.
We argue. Or just kidding. Actually, Ronnie and I usually have the same opinion. It's weird.
But we are going to be talking about some of the best and worst in the superhero casting category.
So we're going to be looking at superhero films throughout the entire ages. It can be movies.
We can also do some TV shows if we have some actors that jump to mind.

And we're going to argue who we think are some of the best and who are some
of the worst. We're going to do it as a roundtable discussion.
Everybody's going to get a chance to kind of throw a good and a bad out there.
We'll discuss and then we'll move on to another one. So we're not just going
to bash one actor, Ryan Reynolds, for the entire episode, which is ironic because
Ryan Reynolds, some of them are best and worst.

Some of them have done both the best of a character and the worst.
And Ryan Reynolds is a perfect example.
You got your Deadpool, which is awesome, and he nailed it. Then you got Green
Lantern, which why? Why did it happen? Sad face.
But we're going to go around and I think I will start it off with best casting.
I'm going to to throw this out there, and I want to hear especially Sean's thoughts,

and that is Christopher Reeve as Superman.
We're going to start off with, I don't want to say an easy one,
but just one that when you think Superman, as much as we love Henry Cavill,
and I have autographs from Tyler Hoechlin and Tom Welling on the wall right
now, both in their Superman attire.
Where when you think Superman, Christopher Reeves is just the guy.

He comes to mind. He embodied that character in every capacity,
every part of him, from his smile to his mannerisms, to the way that he spoke,
to the way he differentiated between Superman and Clark Kent.
He was perfection. The movies themselves after the second one are not perfection.
However, you will never see... I don't think anybody can actually say a bad

thing about Christopher Reeves as Superman.
So we'll go to Brendan first. Brendan, thoughts on Christopher Reeve's Superman?
I think you did hit it on the nail with that because anytime somebody gets cast,
somebody new gets cast as Superman, they always get compared right away to Christopher Reeve's.
I feel like if you look at, say, Batman, nobody really right away compares anybody
to Michael Keaton. Sometimes they jump around more.

They might change who you're comparing it to, whereas you don't have that issue
when it comes to Superman.
You get somebody new, they cast somebody new. Did they announce what James Gunn
is putting into as the new Superman in his new universe?
Yeah, they announced. Who's playing Superman in the new Superman Legacy?
Do you remember, Sean? Well, they look it up. I don't know.

Yeah, well, you guys are looking it up. But again, you probably see what's the
first thing they probably did.
How much is this guy going to be like Christopher Reeves? How much does he look
like? Is he the right height?
How many people are talking like how fit was Christopher Reeves for the role
and whatnot? So I think, yeah, if you have to, if he's the one,
he's the high war mark to everybody else after him has been compared to.

You can't say that about a lot of other roles.
It's David Korenswet.
I'm not very familiar with him. He's got the look of Superman, but he, it's.
Again, we probably won't know, don't really know him that well because DC will
probably want to do the thing of get a relatively unknown.
He's a good actor. So this way he's cheap.

And then when you get the movie 10, then he's expensive. Yeah.
Hollywood was his big one. He was in the Netflix show Hollywood.
That was probably his biggest claim to fame around here anyway.
Sean, thoughts on Christopher Reeve's Superman? man i mean
we've beaten this topic to death in terms at least
i have i stand by that i think the original richard
donner superman film is the best superhero movie ever made

without that movie we are not doing what
marvel and dc are not doing what they do now that yeah it's just it's it's probably
one of the most iconic casting choices ever because he was an unknown actor
he was was literally in on stage
he had not really done any work on film i mean he just happened to be.

Found by the director and you know
it was just one of those lightning in a bottle type things and
there's not much more you really can say about
it it's to me he is the greatest actor.
To play that character no disrespect to the
other actors who have played the character i'm not saying they're bad i'm just not saying
they're as good as christopher reeve has been you know and he is

the one that i mean honestly until henry cavill you
really that was it i mean you had
why am i blanking dean kane on tv you had
tom welling on tv brandon ralph
did his one movie but he was he was made to look like
christopher reeve right you know he was cast because he
looked like christopher reeve so was tom welling henry

cavill was the first one where it was like i don't want want you to look like christopher
reed but you have to kind of embody that character in
what the comics look like and they did that so you know
it's hands down i think it's the greatest
movie casting in superhero movies of all time all right
no no just no no disagreement for me on that
so ironically we're starting off at the highest pinnacle

like this is perfection all right that's i mean
that's an easy one easy one i yeah i wanted to start off just
kind of set the tone let's go Brendan a perfect superhero casting from you a
perfect superhero casting I was already trying I was trying to figure out who
my worst one was my favorite superhero you can do your worst one if you want
no I won't stick on the positive note you know I'm gonna go with Captain America

Chris Evans yeah because I'm.
I feel like he did a great job of embodying what the characters and have that are.
I remember watching a video about kind of talking about even offset when you
go when they're doing like the promos and whatnot on the talk shows.
He acts like Steve Rogers in much the same way that when he's not filming, Robert Downey Jr.

Acts like Tony Stark would. so i
think with chris evans with his arc and everything in the
as captain america and all those films i think he ended
up being the right choice even though people were like questioning it
because he didn't do as well as johnny storm the
first time around right you know so i think that that to
me i think is a one that ended up being like

one of the better ones that out there you're like yeah that's like
it's hard so hard now to like see a comic
book now of a draw like like a comics only like the at
the mcu the ultimate let's say the ultimate comic version
of captain american like that's not how steve rogers looks
you know he's so much of that character right i
i'm gonna agree and i was also i was of the

opposite camp when that first got announced sean sean remembers oh
yeah that was like i steadfast like
i do not agree with this casting and it wasn't until we watched the
movie the losers that i was like okay i could kind of to get behind you know
Johnny Storm being Captain America you know the
guy from not another teen movie being Captain America so
I I definitely needed to warm up to it and I

was pleasantly surprised I agree like you know he doesn't necessarily completely
look like Steve Rogers from the comic books like you know traditional blonde
haired blue eyed you know type all-american boy but like he embodied the role
like he physically got there and just he he owned the character it was all him like he.
Created that role or he like curated that role towards himself and he did a

great job Sean Chris Evans thoughts.
No, I totally agree as much as I it's funny looking back and watching just the
stark difference between how he is in the Fantastic Four movies and how and
what he became in the Captain America movie. Oh, God, yeah.
You know, it's it's it's I mean, it's great acting is what it is.
And, you know, I remember when his name was bandied around for Captain America.

We were all like, how can you cast him? He's already been in a comic.
You can't you can't cross.
Can't cross the streams. James, I have crossed lines here, guys,
you know, come on, there's got to be other people out there who could play this character.
And, you know, good thing for Marvel that they stuck to their guns and they
cast him because he's the glue.
I mean, you could argue Robert Downey Jr is the glue, but he I think to me,

Chris Evans is what held the Avengers and that this strain of the phase one
and phase two of the Marvel movies together because he was just stoic.
He was you know the perfect guy
to run everything and even when you know
he had to be on the opposite side of his friends i
mean he you know he stood fast with what he was doing and it was just very well

done very well done all right let's let's rip somebody apart now let's talk
worse oh sorry yeah that's right sean i got excited all right go ahead so i'm
gonna do i'm gonna do a group here because I think you'll agree with me.
Everyone who's been cast as the Joker. What?
Okay, hear me out. So you got Jack Nicholson. Yeah.

Mark Hamill as the voice in the cartoon. You got Heath Ledger and you got Joaquin Phoenix.
You cannot argue about Joaquin Phoenix as the character. He's fantastic.
So how's Jared Leto fit in there?
Oh, shit. I forgot about that. I know. I was laughing. We were really confused.
I forgot about Jerry. So that's also his worst. I actually liked him in the movie.

It was. Listen. Well, you're the one that says he was pretty good in his little
appearance in the director's cut.
Well, so nobody's seen the air cut like it does. It exists. It's very much in
the same vein as the Snyder cut. Like it exists.
And it's a thing of the original suicide movie. The original Suicide Squad. Yeah.
And it is a completely different movie. basically the air

cut came out and then they wanted to make guardians
of the galaxy that's why if you watch the trailers they're very like
bohemian rhapsody's playing it's very guardians of the
galaxy type but the original movie was much darker
much bleaker like and it connected further into
the justice league stuff i think at the end of the first movie
originally steppenwolf was supposed to appear as the one

who was like actually controlling enchantress the whole time and yeah
so and the same thing in in batman versus superman in
an extended cut he does appear talking to lex luther that's
how lex luther knew that dark side was you know or steppenwolf was
coming so the movie's very like the
joker's an actual abusive monster in the original cut like he's he smacks harley

quinn around like he tries to kill her several times like it's they romanticize
that relationship a lot for the actual theatrical release but yeah it's it's
a different beast that hopefully one day they do release.
I'm surprised they haven't already, but what do I know? I am not.
Well, I have to admit, when they first announced that they cast Jerry Leto,

I was not opposed to it. I actually think Jerry Leto is a pretty decent actor.
Yeah, I think the script just didn't do him any favors. Oh, no. Well, okay. My bad.
I forgot. I totally forgot about him, I'll be honest with you.
That's fine, most people did.
But we'll still give you the Jack Nicholson, Heath Ledger, and Mark Hamill points.
Thank you i won't give you the joaquin phoenix points because i

the more you don't like the movie in the first place i did
not like the joker movie and even though the sequel is coming out i'm
still just kind of meh all right now let's
ruin somebody's life besides jared leto's because we just bashed him
terrible superhero casting and sean's gonna
appreciate this one this is a little deeper cut seth rogan
as the green hornet yes thank

you god i wanted to i wanted
to like that movie and i think that the only reason he got it was
because he pushed for it like he wanted to like he wanted to make the
movie which is hilarious because now seth rogan's behind i
think both invincible invincible turtles and
the boys i definitely the boy invincible i don't
know maybe not invincible but definitely the boys and and the new

turtles movie which is apparently very good the mutant mayhem movie supposedly
it's very good okay but yeah like now he's got a good superhero hero resume
but oh my god that movie came out and it just the movie sucked he was poorly
cast like they went more on the goofy Seth Rogen side like don't get me wrong
he like he slimmed down for it and he definitely put everything into it.

You can't fix a bad script and just poor casting that, that combination.
It doesn't matter how much passion you have. It's not going to last.
Any thoughts, Seth Rogen?
I don't disagree. I have not seen that movie since we saw it in theaters and
probably never will watch it ever again. Yeah, it's rough.
There's like, there's like one or two moments that I chuckle at,
but for the most part, it is just a rough movie. All right, Brennan,

terrible superhero casting. Hit me.
That's I'm, I'm still racking my brain. I guess the ones that popped,
I mean, I'm going to go for an easy cop out.
You could argue might be, i would go with keanu reeves as constantine besides
the hair color change from what i understand he's.
They made them the whole thing as i'm not i don't know that's the one i'm going
with i think maybe the hair is not the right color i guess because it's i just

can't think of someone where i'm like,
i'm never really good at judging what something's obviously bad or really bad
i'm trying to rack my brains like what was obviously really bad choice you know
i mean there's another one i'm debating about but i'm like i haven't actually
seen the movie the live action version of this thing because most live-action
adaptations of comic book or comic properties are just poor choice in casting
in the most part, I feel like.

But, yeah, I'm going to go with Keanu Reeves being, you know,
didn't have the right swagger. I think he had the brooding part right for that.
But if you look compared to, like, the Matt Ryan version, you know,
there's a little more of a cocksureness to him and it's like,
you know, like, yeah, no, I can handle this.
And he'll just weasel his way out of it with his magical luck powers and whatnot.
All right. I mean, I like the Keanu Reeves Constantine movie enough just because
I'm a fan of the character.

But yeah he does not they could have called it anything
else and it would have been the same i do like the
movie as well i just think maybe he wasn't the right exact
right choice shawnee i can't really speak to it i'll be honest i have not seen
the keanu reeves constantine movie i know paul is a big fan of that one obviously
the character in its own he loves so i really can't speak to it but that was

kind of during keanu reeves's you know down period like really really wasn't.
As big of a name as it used to be. So I don't know if that was a reason why
they cast him or not, but I got to end up watching that movie.
Yeah, you want to do a movie, then I'll watch that with you.
But what's a casting choice that you're going to bash?
Well, I mean, I could go easy and pretty much everybody in Batman and Robin,

or I could like, you know, I'm trying to think of like one that's,
you know, a little more fun to talk about.
And I'm trying to gauge who would be the best one to do.
Give me one sec probably gonna go with
ben affleck as daredevil oh yeah all
right that's fair that's fair that's fair that's another

movie that i kind of i don't hate
it but again he was just strictly cast as being ben affleck he just added nothing
to that role in my opinion that's fair and like the movie's fine ish like we
did an episode about why why they both that and electra suck Electra's just bad. Yeah.

Daredevil had the bones of a decent movie somewhere in there.
And there is a director's cut, which is a little bit better.
But yeah, for the most part, I'll give it to you. As much as I love Ben Affleck,
and I do think he's a great Batman, Sean rolled his eyes. I'm surprised you
didn't say Ben Affleck is Batman.
No, I wasn't sure. Just had a stroke. But anyway.

But for me, I can get behind Ben Affleck as Batman still, and I'll still defend
that. But as Daredevil, it's hard to defend. It's hard to defend that movie in general.
Like this, the suit looks fine for the most part, but, and Colin Farrell just eats up the scenery.
You can't go wrong with Colin Farrell. I love him so much, but all right,
let's see another really good one.

I don't, I'm trying to stay away from like the big ones. Like you're Hugh Jackman,
you're Robert Downey Jr.
I got one to throw at you. I think, cause I was just thinking about this when
I heard Colin Farrell, like, wait, there's another Colin that was pretty good
in a superhero esque movie. I mean, I think it was Colin Firth in Kingsman.
I can get behind that. I wasn't. That's a solid one. I like that.
Yeah. I wasn't a big, I wasn't like, I didn't know the comics per se.

And unfortunately, like the most recent movie, The King's Man was so bad.
Oh no. Oh God. It was rough. Like the more I thought about it,
like we watched that movie in its entirety in the theater.
Then I tried to sit down and watch it again recently. I was like, this is just really bad.
And it makes zero sense continuity wise. like i
just remember when i saw the first one because i think colin first is more

so either being a romantic lead or a
serious role i think he just did the king's speech recently before that makes
it really confusing when you talk about his movies and i was
like oh wait he's kind of playing a little more goofballish action
hero thing that i wouldn't i wouldn't peg
him for playing a role like that right and he he slimmed down he got into great
shape for it like and he did a lot of his own stunts i know sean's a big colin

firth kind of guy i love colin firth i think he's fantastic yeah and you know
the kingsman movies the first two are really good the first one's the best okay
the second one is still really good and i'm glad they brought him back but
it just it wasn't necessarily like the better move i don't know it's a it's
a weird franchise is that another movie you think that ronnie would say that

channing tatum got because it was good looks oh yeah thousand percent he's actually
pretty funny in it and i don't know why everybody's being and so mean.
All right, let's see. I'm going to, I'm going to pick a, I want to pick a good one.
And like I said, I want to stay away from some of the biggest ones. Like.
I don't know. It's tough for me. Like, you know what? I'll go,
I'll go with, actually, I'm going to go with a TV casting.

I'm going to go with Grant Gustin as the Flash. Oh.
Grant Gustin took that, like, as much as I wanted to like the movie,
I wanted to like Ezra Miller as the Flash.
I really wanted to, guys. I did. I did. I walked into that movie excited and I wanted to see it.
Oh God, I was so disappointed. And I still
say one of the biggest gripes of that movie is they did not take advantage

of the fact that they had a well-established and popular flash that
could have cameoed and say what
you will about the show the show had a lot of ups and downs like a
lot of ups and downs but for
the most part grant gustin was never the problem
he he embodied the character he was always just
like optimistic and you know he was he was more

like the superman of that of the arrowverse in that
regards like where he was like the hopeful hopeful optimist with all the
superpowers and no lantern yeah and Oliver
Queen was I was gonna go with Oliver Queen but he he
had to Stephen Amell had to grow into that role unfortunately Grant
Gustin already had some pretty solid acting chops and he
I hate to say he took off running but yeah so

I'm I'm gonna go with I'm gonna go with some Grant Gustin on that one and thoughts
anybody I know I think I'm the only one that's yeah I'm the only one that's
watched the whole show I think I think also I think his performance is definitely
raised after we saw just the hot mess that the movie was and the whole Ezra Miller experience.
Because I remember when that when the movie was just coming out and the whole

stuff was going on with him.
That's when everybody came out of the woodworks going like, oh,
we had Grant Gustin here and we didn't do anything with them.
And I'm like, guys, this Ezra Miller has been basically cast as a character for five years.
I've never heard anyone bitch this much until now. Yeah.
All right. Brendan, you got an iconic one, a good one that you really like?
Well, I was saying, I just said Colin Firth, but I think about somebody else.

Oh, yeah, that's right. That's right. So, Sean, you got anybody you want to exalt?
I'm trying to go back a little ways, and I'm going to go with Danny DeVito as the Penguin.
Ooh. That's a good one. Very solid.
The Tim Burton version of the Penguin he works in.

Now, if he were to be the Colin Farrell Penguin that we got in the Batman,
I don't think it would have been as good, but the mutant character we got in
Batman Returns, I thought Danny DeVito would really cast.
Oh, yeah. I can't argue that one. As much as I do like Colin Farrell as Oz,
it's a different type of movie. It really is.
Danny DeVito just melts into that role.

He looks horrifying in that movie.
That was the stuff of nightmares for kids.
Yeah, I remember that. I don't know. All right. Let's pick a,
an act, a casting choice that we hated. You're ready, Sean. Cause we always
talk about how we want to do this movie.
Shaquille O'Neal as steel.
God, if you have not watched steel, steel is probably, I rewatched it.

I think it's on max and I rewatched it recently. And Oh my God,
the, the, the dad jokes in that are on, on par with the cold jokes in Batman and Robin.
Like the, he actually says at one point,
it's hammer time i kid you
not like i would rather watch kazam then

watch then watch steel like
it's just oh it's painful he's a
terrible actor they basically just they wanted somebody with some name recognition
because he was steel was a seamless character even though this was in in the
90s this was the the time where superman had died and had now just come back
and like steel Steel was an established character in the comics, but oh, my God,

they could have hired so many other people to take that role.
But woof, is it just bad?
And I know, Sean, you've never seen Steel. No.
No, I saw it when I was a kid. I don't remember much about it,
though. Until recently, you wouldn't find it anywhere. Yeah, thank God for HBO Max.
I mean, again, it's, I don't know. I feel like, again, going back to the lens

of a kid who watched at the time, it was just a fun movie where something bad
happened to the protagonist in the beginning of the movie.
They had to reinvent themselves a little bit, and then they go out and get the
guy who wronged them in the first place, and they beat them up.
Like, that's a storyline that any 8-year-old boy is going to watch. Hey, it's Shaq.
After Michael Jordan, Shaq is up there with a list of people you think in terms of sports in the 90s.

I feel like Shaq would be above Patrick Ewing, Malone, and John Stockton.
Who else was up there after Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen and Dennis Rodman?
It was Shaq and Shaq
was like mid 90s late 90s but
yeah he was behind Jordan and at then
but he had I mean it was him and Penny Hardaway those were

like they were they were just a big of a duo as that
but oh my god his little streak of movies there where it was was just it was
painful even his cameo in Good Burger was painful to watch still better than
the Good Burger Good Burger 2 they they tried They tried to reenact,
they try and reenact that scene.

And it was with, they, instead of just casting a celebrity to cameos themselves,
they cast a celebrity to play another, like a character in the movie. And I was like, why?
All right, Brendan, do you have another really crappy one?
I think I'm just going to go with this one because I guess more of the,
I think it being like, I think it came out in 2021 or the culture and sensitivity

a bit was like Scarlett Johansson as Major Kusanagi in Ghost in the Shell. Well, yeah.
Again, Scarlett Johansson's an amazing actress. I think she probably did a great job with the role.
I will admit I haven't seen the film yet because, again, it's where I fell into
that trap of a live action adaptation of an animated project.
Usually they miss the point of it and they just go by name recognition alone.
But I feel like in this day and age, you can have a non-white person lead a

role, especially as popular as Major Kusanagi, and they can do well with it.
They could sell out the thing, make somebody else, maybe make another character
be the big name recognition in some regard.
You know but like i think that was one that they had a missed opportunity to
find the next michelle yay i mean michelle yo yeah thank you michelle yo to

for example to be the next generation you know of leading actresses you know
and whatnot so i think that was something they definitely.
They tried each other they were trying to make the story work oh it could
be anybody and you can make that argument but if at this
point there are certain properties that they've been around so long that
to make a change to that person character's identity
in some regards you you might as well just call

people you are going to cause outrage among the fans and
you might as well just take the time to try to create a unique character than
just do like oh carbon copy but change the last name and you know maybe you
know give them a little suntan like you know you got to stop doing stuff like
that sean a character that you hated casting wise oh that was the be Jennifer

Lawrence as Mystique. Ooh, hot take.
She was overrated. I just, except for the first movie, I just felt like she
really didn't add much to the franchise.
Oh, all right. Yeah. But, you know, watching the Dark Phoenix movie and she
literally gets killed five minutes later. Oh yeah.
Well, she was done with the franchise. Like after the second movie,

she openly was like, I don't want to do this anymore, but I'm on contract.
But that's that's that's the thing. She and then I'll be honest and she hasn't
done anything really of substance, you know, in a while.
So, yeah, but that that was one that I liked it in the first movie and then kind of as you went on.
But as with all those X-Men movies after first class, they just kind of went downhill.

I still love Days of Future Past. I know you're not a bigger fan.
No, Days of Future Past was fun.
Yeah. Yeah. Sean's not a big fan of it. All right. We got time for one more
good, one more bad each. All right. So start thinking, because I have a fun
bad one that Sean's going to argue with me.
But let me do one last good one, because I've done a lot of DC.
I'm going to do a Marvel. And this is an interesting one, because I don't like

the show, but I love the casting.
And that's Jon Barenthal as Frank Castle, aka The Punisher.
Jon Barenthal is one of those actors that he doesn't get his due very often.
And he's really good. hood like but he he's good and he
does a lot of small roles like he was

in baby driver and the wolf of wall street for like
a he's in both those big movies that do really well and
he's in it for like a total of 10 minutes both those movies and i love every
minute that he's in so he's one of those actors that can be funny he could be
dramatic he could be a tough guy he can you know do all that stuff so i i really
do enjoy him and he as much as i i wasn't a big fan of the the Punisher show per se,

but the second season, I liked much better than the first season, but he, he kills it.
And he really does a great job. The scenes of him and daredevil are fantastic.
So I I'm a big fan. Do you want, I'm going to do my bad one too.
So I'll do a good and a bad. You guys can too. And here's my bad one.
I want to hear Sean's thoughts.
Ben Kingsley as the Mandarin in Iron Man 3.

I will stand on that hill. I will stand on that hill.
I get why some people thought it was funny and all that stuff.
And some people really do enjoy the Mandarin twist. And then they make fun of it in Shang-Chi.
But oh, my God, when they did that, that would be like if the Joker.
When that purple accent comes up, I just remember Paul going like.

I that would be like if in the towards the end of Batman, Joker wipes off his
his face makeup. And he's like, just kidding.
I'm actually Alfred the whole time. Wait, what? what like oh
that hate that comic joke as well i've seen that
in the comics like that's terrible i like for me as i'm
not even like the biggest mandarin fan like i was never
like a mandarin purist but not

even an iron man like i i'm like a lot of kids i
i knew of iron man growing up but the movies
are what made him popular like he was a c-list character same
with and he had c-list villains but yeah it was
for for the fans it was it was a rough rough kind
of casting but i love ben kingsley i really do and
you can put him in a movie and i'll enjoy it but yeah i'm

not a not a big fan of that choice all right brendan a
good and a bad to close it out you got me a little bit
inspired there so i'm actually going to pick for what
was a great one i think it was going to be a great surprise stephen ewan
as glenn re from walking dead okay all
right that's a comic book property that's right yeah so i thought that
was here's you know it's like again he started out as a nobody in

the character but then to see him grow and he just kept
getting better and better you know they they kind of
played with the character a little too much in in the last season with
that one but i thought that was a really surprising choice
surprising i just thought it ended up being something that
it was a bet they made and it paid off really well in that show so i think that.
Would be one that i would say was a pretty ended up being a really great choice

casting in terms of bad again my problem is I usually love everything I see
for the most part and it's hard for me to find the bad in anything so.
I'm going to say I have nothing for you for right now. I'm going to kick it
over to Sean. If I think of something, I'm sorry, Sean, for cutting down on your time there.
No, you're doing great. I'll give me a little more time to think of something bad maybe.

All right, Sean. For my good, and Paul will definitely agree with me on this,
Michael Rosenbaum as Lex Luthor. Oh, yeah. Good one.
Arguably the best Lex Luthor I think we've seen in any property.
Maybe, again, you like Gene Hackman, which I do.

I enjoy Gene Hackman's take on the character, but we agree we don't care for
Kevin Spacey. We don't care for Jesse Eisenberg.
You've grown on John Cryer, correct? Yes, I did enjoy what they did with him.
And then Superman and Lois had another actor.
Another guy who was a very good actor. He played Abraham, I think,
in The Walking Dead, the redhead.

Oh, yes. I forget his name, but he did a very he was very menacing in Superman
and Lois For the seven years that Michael Rosamond was on Smallville I mean,
you and me would conversely just be like wow, this guy is just,
Michael Kuditz is the actor He was so perfect at, you know, one second being
just that nice guy who, you know you could trust to have your back,

and on a dime, he turns into this egomaniacal you know, just just sociopath.
And he just, you just watch this character go from beginning to end and become
this, you know, maniacal evil genius.
I mean, it really was a great character arc because I remember when that show
first came out, it was like Alex Luther is Clark's friend.

And we're just like, what, what, how is that going to work?
But they, they did a great job with that in terms of bad casting. I'm going to go with.
Katie Holmes as Rachel Dawes in Batman Begins. I mean, like, what are we doing here?
Yeah, I'll give you that one. She added nothing to that. And I'll be honest,

Maggie Gyllenhaal, in my opinion, didn't do much better in Dark Knight either.
I just thought that character was
just poorly written and just kind of got annoying, you know, very quickly.
So either or, I take it or leave it on both of them as that character.
All right. Brennan, you got anything else before we close it out?
He's got his thinking face on, for those of you guys who don't know. Yeah.

No that affleck is bad man shut up shut up
no i love that affleck has been i thought he was really good
with that one shut up sean you're in
the minority here shut up nope i'm sorry i didn't do the homework for three
i only do homework for two all right well no worries we hope you guys enjoyed
having a little bit of variety on the show even though you know they didn't
bring much to the table that's fine you know sean shut up but anyway that is

going to wrap us up for today don't forget if you guys are looking for more
of our content you can check Check out our website,
You can also find links to all of our other shows, like if you want more,
Sean, Cinematic Adventures, that's the place to go.
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and of course, our good friend Brendan's on there for his YouTube channel if
you're into Magic the Gathering.
So make sure you guys check out all of that on our website. We also have news,

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Just type in The Multiverse Fan Cast or Misfit Faction and odds are you'll find some of our stuff.
But that is going to wrap us up for today. As always, I'm Paul. I'm Brendan.
And I'm not Ronnie. And we'll be back in a flash. Oh, Ronnie's not here. See ya. Nailed it.
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