All Episodes

January 29, 2024 33 mins

Join us for another intriguing episode of Multiverse Fancast as we dive deep into Marvel's latest mini-series, 'Echo'. In our comprehensive appraisal, we unpack the unique character portrayals of Maya, Ronin, and Kingpin, exploring their complex motivations and the impact on the overall Marvel Universe.

We probe into the potential missed opportunities and the tremendous potential the franchise could harvest in their future episodes. Also, we give you our take on the 'Marvel Spotlight' - a banner that focuses on character-driven stories and sets the tone for future Marvel releases.

From acclaiming the performance of its lead actress, Alaqua Cox, and examining the entire cast to discussing storyline development and speculating future Marvel projects, this episode has it all. Special mentions include characters like Bonnie and Biscuits for their surprise contribution to the plot, and Kingpin for his compelling journey in the series.

Passionate about everything Marvel? Well, this episode of Multiverse Fancast unveils the very essence of Marvel's 'Echo' and also invites your insights and participation. Tune in today and let your voice be heard in our Fan Feedback Friday segment!

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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You're listening to the Multiverse Fancast, proud member of the Misfit Faction Media Network.
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Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the Multiverse Fancast.

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cinematic adventures and mf uncensored as always i'm one of your hosts paul
with me via the zoom studio is ronnie ronnie how are you today i'm doing great

how are you sir i'm sorry what was that there's a bit of a echo.
Echo echo oh it's gonna be a weird episode i'm good thank you for asking and for those of you
who haven't figured it out by our incredible advanced sense of
humor right there we are talking today about marvel's latest mini-series
because that's what it was echo all right so

it just ended about time of recording about
a week ago like yeah yeah well i
think actually scratch that they released all the episodes at once they did
yeah so that's actually so then what was
that that would have been january 9th so
it's been out for a little less than 20 days at
the time of recording so we we did finish it we

wanted to give everybody a little bit of a chance to to get caught
up on it and also also we've had other projects that
we've been working on weird so weird check out our youtube channel like subscribe
i know right look at our youtube channel like comment subscribe but anyway so
we finally sat down it's a very short show it is only five episodes i want to
say it's the shortest marvel show that we've had thus far yeah because Because,

I mean, you can't really count,
oh my God, I'm drawing a blank, The Werewolf.
Oh, well, that was like a TV movie.
Yeah. And it's also the first Marvel Spotlight that they've ever done.
And the Marvel Spotlight banner is for select series that focus on more grounded,
character-driven stories and are less about impacting the larger MCU universe.

So Echo, like we said, was the first one.
And I don't know if they've announced any other ones.
Ones but as of right now marvel spotlight is what echoes under but it's still the mcu obviously.
Yeah but let's let's go back in time but first
we do have only one tiny bit of news that the marvels is finally going to be
released on disney plus so we're finally going to do an episode on the mark

that we still never saw on theaters i'm next up is going to be aquaman when
it comes on to hbo yeah oh god we suck the worst i do i do want to go see madame
webb because it looks so bad.
Yeah it that's gonna be one of those where i
like it because of how bad it is well so well
let's talk about dynamite so madam

webb is coming out next month like it's it's right around the corner
and it's weird because i've i very we only had
like the one trailer for it and then a couple of tv spots but otherwise
pretty quiet super bowl yeah the
super bowl is gonna have quite a fair amount i think i know
the rumor is deadpool 3 is gonna have of hits trailer during that
that just ended filming too so obviously we're definitely gonna get some

some footage in the near future it's funny because it
just finished filming but like we still only got
that one set of leaks yeah of like
the big fight scene with you know in the desert and stuff like that but
yeah like we haven't heard anything otherwise so
i know we what else we got we got
madam webb we got craven and we

got i think venom all three sonar marvel movies
are coming out this year which is wild big rumor
none of them looks like you
really want to see it well obviously we don't know anything about
venom 3 right now i know yeah i'm looking forward
to the most just because of the character venom yeah and also we want to see

if they're going to do anything with you know him leaving a piece of the symbiote
in spider-man's world so big rumor was was Madam Web was supposed to have an
Andrew Garfield Spider-Man appearance.
That was the rumor. And then they said that that was squashed,
and then they were saying it was going to be Tom Holland. Those are both...
Prevalent rumors nothing confirmed yet i don't even

know when does madame webb come out it's gotta be soon i think
it's right after valentine's day oh how
romantic yeah right all right let's
see it is coming out it's coming out
on valentine's day well is it on that oh look at that
look at that there you
go valentine's day to go watch madame webb it's

gonna it's gonna it's gonna be be rough that's another
character that like never really cared that
much about but for those of you guys don't know Dakota Johnson starring as Cassandra
Cassie Webb or Madam Webb Sidney Sweeney is
gonna be one of the spider they have three spider women in
it the costumes look great though like I will say
Sidney Sweeney's costume especially she plays Julia Cornwall we.

Have Celeste O'Connor as Maddie Franklin and Isabella Mercad
as Anya Corazon and then we also
have I want to say hey what's his face
adam scott's in the movie supposedly his uncle ben like
like it's like a a younger version of him which would
be stupid anywho we'll talk
about madame webb at some point i definitely want to see it because if

if there is a connection to whatever spider verse
they want to do like and if it is andrew garfield
i'd be totally down yeah i mean the
only challenge is if you connected to
andrew garfield say for whatever reason
sony's like we're done with this marvel stuff here marvel have it back and and

say say like dakota johnson's like madame webb is fantastic imagine you know
like like now you can't even have her back well you could it's still spider-verse
like and they've established their multiverse in In Marvel,
they've established that, you know, the Venomverse is happening in one and whatever.
I'm just glad we're not getting any more. I swear to God, if Morbius cameos

in this movie, I'm going to I'm going to walk out.
I'm going to literally get up and leave. See, I wouldn't because I paid all
that money to go see it. All $14? No.
I'll give them another $14 to let me leave. Out of here. You leave. All right.
Now that I'm annoyed. Thanks a lot. We're going to talk about Marvel's Echo.

Now, again, the whole series is out. It's been about a month.
Full spoilers. We are going to go all the way through this. And we're going
to be, I don't want to say harsh,
but we're going to be very critical because it's let's get
initial thoughts roddy what are your initial thoughts on echo so
it's tough there were a lot
of things that i did love about the show like

a lot of the fight sequences were great
almost like daredevil meets
hawkeye kind of stuff which there
was more though with it you know echo is
a unique character i think it
was portrayed in a very interesting way with her background but i don't know

like for some reason i thought there was going to be a lot more butting heads
between her and kingpin and there was like in five episodes i know you had kingpin in most of it,
but a lot of it was just flashbacks until the last two.
Even then, he did nothing. I was expecting him to.

Fight people like like we've seen him do
right well i mean it was middle of
the road middle of the road yeah i really i
dug it especially when it started i actually really liked
the the whole scene and obviously the scene with daredevil is fantastic it's
a great the fight scenes are really good in this in
this show for the most part i agree i would have liked to see kingpin

kind of throw throw hands a little bit more yeah i don't
know i feel like they don't know what to to do with kingpin right now because he
he eats up every scene that he's in like he's fantastic it fits
a d'onofrio he's really good but i don't
know he like he's like please be be my friend
again like yeah i i would have
preferred if he actually did come in and he was like i'm i'm gonna

ruin your life you shot me in the face yeah yeah but
like he was kind of sad and i yeah i i
don't know it was a little it was a little off-putting but for
the most part yeah the show like i like you said middle of the road it's
it's not it's not their best and most amazing project but
it's still pretty good and obviously it's the first
it's the first mcu technically mature

rated show because there was a
lot of discussion about the continuity and what was happening.
And what was happening with the other shows and the netflix official they
have now officially determined that not only is the
new daredevil reboot is going to be part of
the mcu it's still going to be all that stuff's going to be continuity punish your
iron fist all that stuff's going to be technically marble continuity which

is good because it's funny we were watching like i
said producer melanie just started watching daredevil yeah we're watching the.
First episode and they're talking they talk about the battle of new york they
talk i was like oh yeah that's right they did make a few references to the bigger
mcu so it was it was interesting and i liked it but so So also,
fun fact, I totally forgot this news.

They have announced that not only are Foggy and Karen coming back for Daredevil,
but Bullseye's coming back.
Oh yeah oh did not know
that yeah they just announced that this week so that's this
was also a very good warm-up to see what they were gonna do with daredevil i
miss that suit i really do like the red and yellow was fun for she hulk which

there's all this talk about whether or not it's gonna get another season some
people are saying yeah some people are saying no but no no No.
They, no. They're not good. Yeah. But this was, like you said,
this was a good test because how can Marvel do mature?
Right. You know, we haven't really seen it. We saw it with Logan.

We'll see it with Deadpool, obviously. And then we just had it with Echo.
That's really only been it for the most part. With the exception of the Netflix shows.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that was not technically at the time MCU, but now it is. We come to find out.
So I'm curious as to how, because now this is Disney putting the show out, not Netflix.

Right. So it's going to be interesting in the next couple of years to see.
They want to do more of these Marvel spotlights. I actually enjoy the idea of
a shorter miniseries type event that's very contained.
I think really my biggest issue with the containment of it was like,
all right, Maya is going to take over Kingpin's Empire from Oklahoma.
Homa wait hold on and then he he offers it to

her like he's like you can have it she's like no i'm gonna
do it on my own terms and he's like wait no no he
was giving it to you like yeah save the bloodshed
take the money and run take the money and
run man so it's an interesting
show i think it benefited from a shorter season but
also could have done a little bit more i did really

enjoy they did more flashbacks to ronin and the
hawkeye stuff because hawkeye is probably probably my favorite of
the disney plus shows really i loved
hawkeye it was it was way better than it that it deserved
to be not not i'm not i didn't mean it
as in the fact that i didn't like hawkeye because i did yeah
i thought for sure it would have been

falcon the winter soldier i really do like falcon
and the winter soldier i if you put them next to each other it'd be
a really tough discussion but yeah it's it's
tough like i really like i said i really enjoyed it but there's something about
just hawkeye like they finally gave clint barton his due yeah you know he got
his suit at the end and it was just really cool we haven't seen anything though

about sam wilson since apparently he's going to be captain america sam wilson's
going to be in what if season three.
But like i i don't know if it's a combination of you know the pandemic and then
the writer's strike and all these things but like i i don't even know when his
captain america movie's coming coming out at this point.
I think originally wasn't it slated for next year? I think so.

But I think it was supposed to be June of next year.
But like you said, because of the writer's strike and the actors and,
you know, basically all of Hollywood, uh.
It probably is going to get pushed back a year. That's a summer blockbuster.
No, dude, it's coming out February 14th, 2025. So almost exactly.
Yeah, really. I feel like we haven't heard anything about it.

So I'm kind of surprised that in a year they're going to be able to get all
the shooting done and the editing and promotion. Yeah, interesting.
Interesting indeed. So let's go back to Echo, though, because we're all over today. We are.
God we're so bad all right so let's we'll go through the cast first obviously we have a lot,

alaqua cox i don't know if that's how you say her first name but i'm doing
my best as maya lopez she's reprising her
role as you know the character of echo from hawkeye
and she was the former leader of the tracksuit mafia i i missed
when you do like the flashbacks i was like oh my god
the trash the the mafia guys the tracksuit mafia
look at that which i i i don't

remember why but i really liked it's like so yeah she's
of native american descent and we we
learned a little bit about her in hawkeye but she's deaf and she also is miss
she has a prosthetic leg but she is such a it's so much fun watching her fight
oh yeah like just watching her like throw down and i think she's doing like

she is she did really well in the show,
yeah no i agree i think i mean it's easy to say she's like a standout because
she's the main character she's supposed to be but sometimes i feel like with
some of the tv shows like the main character kind of takes a back seat in a
way so they can bump up other characters but.

I mean she held her own it was great
seeing her and like you said and you know at the
beginning of our show was her her fight
scenes were unbelievable and that's
a real prosthetic leg she really she's an amputee um
not disclosed how that happened like ever
so she's only been in hawkeye and

echo those are her only acting credits yeah and she's
she's really good like i think she's gonna have a very good future and i would
i would like to see more of her it'd be really fun to see her and like in daredevil
as like a client of matt matt murdoch's or something like that yeah that's what
we wanted for she hulk though we wanted like she hulk to have like Like we wanted
that to actually be a like a law and order type show.

Yeah. I wanted to see the scene with her and Matt Murdock going against each
other in court was awesome.
Oh, yeah. But then like they went too far into the goofy, unfortunately, with that.
But that's neither here nor there. Anyway. All right. Let's see.
Going down the list. Some of these names are going to be really hard because
they all all the cast for the most part are of Native American descent.

So they have Native American names.
I'm going to do my very best. i'm trying not to offend anyone all right
we got chase spencer as henry black crow
lopez and that's maya's uncle he owns
the owns the roller rink which is hilarious but then
again i was like it's a small rural town in oklahoma of course
they have a roller rink right let's see tantu cardinal
as chula who's maya's estranged grandpa grandmother

charlie cox is matt murdoch daredevil now i will
i will be very blunt and
say i am so annoyed that he was they promoted so
much that he was going to be in this for one scene yeah i
i like you said i definitely thought we
would have seen him a few
times not obviously the whole thing you don't want to rely on

him and you know and his name to
promote a almost like a c-level character
right in in the marvel scheme but like
you said i would have loved to have seen in the
beginning cool introduce them like tease them um
and then it would have been nice to see you kind
of come back you know towards

the end but then again they're not in new york at all it wouldn't make sense
yeah you know so i guess that's that's where the challenge relies on you know
so apparently originally he was going to be looking for a former ally like his
he was going to have like a little story beat where he was looking for someone
the rumor was that it was going to be jessica jones yeah but.

Obviously i i did just like that he was just staking out that warehouse and he was going to
beat the crap and the fight scene with him and
maya but yes she gets in some licks and she does well but
there's there are a few moments of this in that fight where you knew he
was just he was holding back yeah there's a great shot of him like hitting her
and then just kind of turning his back on her like like not even working and

it was it was a great scene and again i missed that suit it's definitely it's
funny because like in the original previews it almost looked like he he was
wearing a black Daredevil suit.
But I think that was just the lighting. Because Daredevil's had a lot of different color schemes.
Obviously, red is his most popular or most well-known. But the red and yellow
was comic accurate. That's why they did it. And it worked for She-Hulk.

But he's had a black Daredevil suit, too, with red eyes at one point.
So I'm curious to see what they're
going to do in the actual show and who they're going to bring back.
That was another thing. This was a great opportunity. They could have brought
back a lot of characters. I actually kind of miss Jessica Jones,
Luke Cage, and even Iron Fist, even though I still haven't finished Iron Fist.
You know, it would have been, but it would have been tough to do because of

the premise of it taking place in Oklahoma for 98% of the series,
or season, I should say, because it's not a series yet. Who knows?
But that's the tough part. I'm sure if we get a second season,
which I'm not sure if they,
i don't know nothing because this is only a spotlight miniseries

but you don't actually really like i would
like if they did like call it like marvel street crimes and every episode was
like a different street level hero and like like almost like a little anthology
type yeah like one episode and like obviously they could cross over because
new york as big as new york is it ain't that big no but like you know what would be cool to see,

echo teaming up with punisher oh god that'd be a lot of fun they have like very
similar like mindset of the world
i feel like yeah yeah i don't i think that'd be a lot of fun anything,
they end up doing with punisher is gonna be a lot of fun but i don't know like i could see her,

having echo in the daredevil at some point because this show also does set up
what kingpin's gonna do So we have Vincent D'Onofrio is coming back as Kingpin.
He survived getting shot in the eye. And it's fun seeing him with some actual MCU technology. Yeah.
Because Daredevil and all that stuff was very grounded, exceptionally grounded.
Like the most advanced thing in the Daredevil series was his suit.

And that was just like a costume. Yeah.
Having him first, he has like the healing eye patch. So I like how it's not just, oh, he's healed.
It's a progressive, like he's got to constantly be using it.
And i actually kind of like the the sign language contact buttons yeah like
we thought he was gonna like beat the crap out of her he's like nope just put
this in your eye yeah you hear what i'm saying.

When i was a boy yeah and the one thing
with king the only kind of kingpin move
we saw was was where they're
at like his condo or
his apartment wherever it is right in new york and he's
like oh i don't need the sign language interpreter anymore oh

that was cold and she's like
you're dismissed and then she's walking the next thing you know his
dude's like kill her like shoot her dead right there in
the hall they're putting the tarps down i was like i'm not walking to
a room where they're putting tarps down get out of here yeah ready i
was like that's the only like actual kingpin
move we saw other than like i liked

when he beat up the ice cream guy yeah i was in that too
yeah that was more like instead of
in a flashback show it more modern day stuff
yeah but so it looks like he's gonna be
teed up to run for mayor which i think happened in the comics a
few times i know norman was mayor at one point kingpin was
mayor like you got a lot of characters that have been mayor

of new york oliver queen was mayor of star
city for a minute it yeah but i i
would be curious if that's going to be the premise like for daredevil
that kingpin becomes mayor and you know it would
be an interesting kind of thing because we the last
time we saw daredevil and kingpin was the fight against bullseye and like he.

Knows who daredevil is yeah so it's it's gonna be very interesting that time
i love that scene where he beats him and he's like yelling at him that he beat
him such a good scene i gotta i really hope producer Deuce Melanie wants to
rewatch the whole show because it's so good.
Anyway, let's go back to the cast list. We are terrible. We're all over today.
Davery Jones as Bonnie, who is in it.

And they made it like she was good. She actually voiced Kihori in the second
season of Marvel's What If.
That's really funny, actually. Yeah. I thought in that opening scene,
when you see the Native American people, I thought that was actually some sort
of callback to the What If stuff.
Yeah, I did too. Yeah, no, it turns out that that was not it.
Let's see. Zach McLaren as William Lopez, Maya's father.

Cody Lightning as my favorite character. Cody Lightning, stop. What a cool name.
You deserve to be called Biscuits. Bad Biscuits. And he's like the well-meaning
cousin and kind of the comedic sidekick to Maya in this.
And I love the scene with the train where he goes to save her. It's a lot of fun.
Oh, yeah. And then he straight up just murders a bunch of people with the monster truck.

Yeah. but they made it funny so it's okay yeah
right he was he came out
of left field and just stole the
show oh yeah i mean it was
really really it was just him and my everyone else
i did like the uncle as well but that was kind of it was really just those three

that were the show i like the uncle because he was kind of it was kind of randy
like with the grandmother like i guess they they They had a relationship before Maya's mother dies.
And afterwards, like, obviously, that's not a thing anymore.
But they still, like, flirt. And they're still like, hey.

I thought it was very funny. And then the last of the main cast we have.
Oh, no, we mentioned the other. Let's see.
We have some other characters. Very, like, five-second characters. A couple of, let's see.
We've got a couple of cameos from, you know, Clint Barton, obviously.
He pops up in some archive footage i'm see that's

another thing this was a perfect time to show how brutal ronin
could have been because yes he was a killing vigilante
like very similar to punisher and stuff like that but yeah
we didn't we never got to really see the full ronin and i
would have loved it yeah but so like
we said the the show's only five episodes long and basically the

first episode is backstory and
it's just all backstory and it's literally
just how we got to where we are the story itself doesn't really start till the
second one and again there's still there's still some flash there's a lot of
flashbacks in the show blah and i i also have to say i'm very glad that this

entire town in oklahoma knows basic sign language because.
Yeah, well, it seems like it's
a small town and it is seems like it's almost like like a tribal land.
Right. Like it's only, you know, what was it, the Chacatawas or something like that? Like that, yeah.
And I'm assuming because of that, they're all close to each other.

So because of maya i'm assuming
that's why they all kind of no sign
language because it's all like family and.
You know you're my cousin even though we have
no relation but in this sense i think with you
know your your tribal lands they're all
related so yeah i also

found it very interesting that's that this small town has a paid emt
paramedic situation yeah that's what
bonnie does she's a paramedic i also one
of the strangest things in this entire show is when
they're captured not only does like
the girlfriend like they had like the two i don't
want to say redneck but the two appalachian americans yeah

that's the term have them captured she first the
girlfriend gives the leg back to her like why would you give the leg back
to her like yeah you had a full
advantage lady you lost it and then she manages to
make a fully functioning firearm with laser pointer in
the workshop of a skating rink like yeah
but you can't like we don't think that's possible oh you

can you can you do that i didn't know i know i want to
see i'll do it right now do it right now suddenly that's click
but anyway so that was actually the most unrealistic part of that but for the
most part like the story is kingpin trying to get her back to to join him which
again it was very strange how like obsessed is a weird word but like how.

Concerned about her he was i don't know it was
very strange and she poured out that whole bottle of wine i was like no
make him just drink it first what are you doing right stupid
but it it's very strange how
that dynamic kind of went about and how like
almost desperate he was to the point where they were going
to kill everyone at the powwow yeah i i

just really also wanted to say showdown at the powwow yeah but
it all comes to a head at this powwow maya
gets her new costume which costume was pretty cool i did
i did like the costume i'm not too familiar with
echo in the comics and like what kind of costumes she sports but
i i think that this costume worked perfectly for the
show yeah we're still very confused about

how she suddenly got powers yeah well
i think it's it's passed
down from generation to generation because we saw
in a flashback her i think it
was the grandma had the same powers well her.
Mom was able to heal a woodpecker that she shot as.
A child okay see i thought that was the grandma that did.

That but yeah which was also a little like
hey what are you doing killing small animals yeah monster
yeah which i know mom does yell quote-unquote
yell at her for that but right yeah so i'm
assuming it's just something because we saw in the original
flashbacks you had you know
i don't know if we ever got the name of the

ancestor or whatever that got the power
in the cave i don't know if
we got that far back i know we had two clo
was the one who wanted to be a light horseman and then
let's see we have lowak who was the
one that was playing in the the stickball game which was a lot i
for some reason i really like the stickball game i was like yeah i

guess i i thought it was lacrosse but maybe it's
just like an earlier version i don't know
if we ever get like the chaffa yes yeah
chaffa is the name of the the first chukta i
really hope i'm pronouncing that right who she becomes a
human after coming out of the earth yeah yeah
so we never get like a full explanation about

the powers but yes that they're just passed through generations so i
don't think it's like she's a mutant or anything or anything like that i think
maybe it was just purely like hey you get these powers to save your people otherwise
you don't have so which i'm fine with you know we have different styles of power
i think a little bit more like tribal like magical type power i i I actually prefer it at this point.

We don't need an actual explanation, but yeah, the, the show ends with Maya,
you know, she's, she defeats this man and let's see.
Maya takes fist to the memory of her of his father beating his mother in an
effort to heal his trauma and help him let go of his anger yeah and he was more
he was more mad about it yeah,

that was a tough scene though because i i didn't
want to spoil it for melanie who was watching but i was like because he
takes out the hammer yeah the hammer's in i
think also he gives it as a gift to maya at one point but
yeah she didn't know that that like fist was
abused as a child and all that stuff so it'll be curious when
we when we finally get to it and we get to the whole when i was a

boy story scene oh god i kept saying that
to her she was like what are you saying i was like you gotta watch daredevil you
just gotta watch but let's start city rating for this guy what do you think
all right i'm kind of torn i think i'm gonna go a three on this slightly above
average and i think the thing that's saving it for me is the fight scenes and

biscuits that's And by that, obviously,
I mean the character, not the food, even though the biscuits are delicious.
But yeah, I would say it's a solid three. You know, the fight scenes are there.
The storytelling is there. I think what's hurting it is Kingpin not being more Kingpin.

But again, I kind of understand knowing Spotlight means this is just a focus
on the main character and their story.
Because again, this is, it's almost like a.
Origin story in a way for an
act because like i said earlier she's like a c-list
character you can't even say she's b oh yeah

you know maybe eventually she becomes a b
or maybe an a depending on popularity um you
know and where her story goes so like i kind of
understand why you don't want to have too much kingpin in
it or too much daredevil in it as well
but yeah just above above average nothing
like i would necessarily change just other than

you know maybe extending it so we
can get other people to come into it yeah i would
i would have been okay with it i'm gonna give it a three also i think it was
well above average it was better than i expected it to be everybody kind of
thought it was gonna be a dud just because they were doing a full episode release
which disney plus has not done that that was their first time releasing every
episode at once so everybody was kind of like oh they're just getting rid of

it like blah blah It was better than I thought it was going to be,
and we enjoyed watching it, and it went quick.
It was a nice little miniseries. I think Marvel does better with their smaller
stuff sometimes, especially the character-driven stuff.
Werewolf by Night is a perfect example that it was great as a TV movie.
I would love to see more of this character in some capacity,
especially if Wilson Fisk is running for mayor.

I could see her making an appearance in Daredevil.
It would make sense. And I would love to see the whole point is getting all
the street-level heroes together to defeat Kingpin at some point. Yeah.
Speaking of, Fan Feedback Friday. This week, who is the ultimate street-level superhero?
Me. We got some good answers. I actually really dug this. All right,

we have The Punisher. We have Kick-Ass.
We have our friend John, who runs Hey Pal, What's New?
And from BlindBat8719 himself, actually, this is probably the ultimate answer.
He goes, Danny the Street. Thank you.
Damn it. That's pretty good. I'll get on that one. Let's see.
We have Batman, Daredevil, Spawn, and Casey Jones.

Huh. Yeah, this was really good. That was a fun fan feedback Friday. What was that?
Michelangelo. No, get out of here. What? Michelangelo's not the ultimate street-level superhero.
Yes, he is. He's the best turtle. Wow.
Then be fighting words. Be careful. Be careful. I'll stand by it.

100 and that's just because if i was a turtle that's the one i would be of course
that would be you wouldn't be my leonardo all day man.
Bebop and rocksteady no even emil's
casey jones i'm gonna be a detective oh dear god you know you have failed this
franchise sir yeah right if you guys want to participate in fan feedback friday

it's super easy just go to our facebook page every friday between 8 a.m and
participate. We have a lot of fun with it.
Nice group conversations going. So make sure to like the page while you're there.
You can also find us on all of our social media. We're on Instagram,
Twitter, TikTok, YouTube. Just type in the Multiverse Fan Cast or the Misfit
Fashion. Odds are you'll find some of our stuff.

And when you do, make sure you like it, comment, subscribe. It really helps us out.
Our YouTube channel finally got monetized, which has been a big thank you,
a big help from you guys and a big thank you to all of you. So make sure you guys head over there.
And especially if you want to see our, I was going to say beautiful faces,
but here we are mediocre faces i mean if we put it together we might be handsome
yeah just gonna combine the two videos into one but that is going to wrap us

up as always i'm paul i'm ronnie and we'll be back in a flash see ya.
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