All Episodes

January 31, 2024 70 mins

Welcome back to our lively podcast, as we share our recent experiences and conversations revolving around the hysterical to the haunting. From opening an unexpected laugh-out-loud gift from a devoted listener, to delving into the appealing Ghostbuster fashion fad, this episode is sure to have you chuckling.

Discover the world of Ghostbusters in a new light, as we analyze the upcoming franchise's movie whilst also discussing about local hauntings, and geeky adventures. Tune in for an amusing rundown on our unexpected hobbies and experiences – like learning to drive manual cars - and immerse in amusing discussions about unique collectibles and wild antics.

In a more serious turn of the conversation, we explore the alleged dark side of Vincent McMahon, wrestling industry executive, detailing a former employee's grievous accusations and unfolding an unnerving narrative of exploitation and manipulation. Nevertheless, we bring back positive energy by sharing our heartwarming experiences with a toy drive initiative, promising to lighten the mood.

Join us on a joyous trip down memory lane, reminiscing about our early experiences with Ghostbusters, hilarious celebrity encounters, and reviewing the intriguing dynamics of conventions. In addition, we indulge in the world of video games, pondering various eccentricities of games like Pokémon. Lastly, we round off by sharing our views on the famed horror movie – Exorcist: The Beginning and its continuity with its predecessor, The Exorcist.

This episode is a mixture of memories, laughter, obscure fascinations and a shared passion for pop culture and gaming. Tune in for a delightful session full of lighthearted banter and intriguing discussions.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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What is jesus christ all right we get it lighters.
Sorry i thought you were actually gonna count down the time for the music too
since we couldn't hear it well no that's why i was counting uh classic form
all right yeah let's just yeah no let's just go okay this is fucking classic

it's a typical nerd offensive right there what What is up,
guys, after six months? Hello, everyone.
July of 2023 was the last episode.
If you listen to this, you're either my ex and you're stalking,
or you're Tim, or you're probably a first-time listener.

So, welcome. I'm Scott.
Along with me on this ride is... I got Sean over here, or I am Sean over here.
I think you have shot do you have him tied up yeah
are you a fucking like pretty like whoever you
are you've got a you've got his voice down pat yeah he's
my victim and and and i'll let him go when i decide to

sit no that's terrifying all right
let's at least do some sexy things to him play with
the butthole yeah he's earned it and
then we also have that beard i'm sorry
yeah name's tim what's up y'all yes the lovely ginger of the group hey he adds
a little bit of flavor it's a little bit of spice everybody needs a little code

red every once in a while no don't ever i am not cherry no.
You're just straight up orange cream you were black cherry
once no that's why i don't want to
be talked about but fuck off i'm done i quit
oh all right see you in another six months i'm
out mountain dew game fuel when we finally do uh the ghostbusters black suits

you gotta bring the hair back too no i'm gonna match it why are you trying to
get me to dye my hair that awful color again because it was funny for me oh i looked so terrible,
not i like yeah it's not a flattering look on you no i was so everything.

I can't say I didn't do it So Sometimes you just have to learn the hard way Yeah terrible,
I've had my hair dyed every color under the sun I was having a late 2000s moment
Like my phone was Doing something And then it started fucking with the headphones.
Oh no so anyways what were

you saying my bad technology oh no i
was just saying yeah it's like at one point my hair was colored every color under
the sun and that doesn't work very good in a restaurant that's
why i stopped dying it because when i stopped dying it started it stopped falling
out but it's like that's not my hair they found a hair in their nachos like
it's not my hair unless it's blue like yeah it was blue damn it yeah that was

my hair my bad so don't dye your hair if you You work in a kitchen.
Yeah. Unless you want to get very easily.
I've, I've diced off the edge of my thumb a couple of times.
And I think people might've eaten it because as soon as I walked off the line,
I don't know what happened, but I came back and everything was cleaned up.
I don't know if they got served or got cleaned.

Don't what you Wendy's chili. Well, I'm saying in a kit. Oh,
no. In a kitchen. If you cut yourself, you got to walk off the line immediately.
And then everybody else has to finish your shit. So now they're all like,
what the fuck is up with here? So I don't know.
They ever found my missing thumb tip but i think somebody might have eaten it.
But you know whatever that's sometimes

you find prizes in your food hey we don't all mean to be a fucking cannibal
but every once in a while it happens jesus so a lot has happened in the the
past six months apparently somebody's
eaten a piece of sean's finger oh no this was years ago Oh, okay,
okay, okay. But anyway.

So somebody's had a long time to deal with it. Uh-huh. Fair.
That thing is still probably just jiggling around inside their intestines.
Just won't digest. You just can't digest a Sean.
Like all that meat and John Wayne's colon when he died. He had nine pounds of
undigested meat in his colon when he died. That's a man right there.

That's a lot of meat. Meat. Yeah, because it takes that long for meat to digest.
But vegans suck too, so fuck you. Jesus Christ.
Yeah, I'm coming back hard. Apparently. Gross! Put it away and just talk to
us. You don't have to get aroused.

Just because we are casting again does not mean you get to whip your dick out.
You do not need to come at me hard. Just come at me flaccid like a normal human being.
I am so happy. I've never been happier there's no video I'm coming at those vegans.
I'm sorry vegans I'll show you a carrot He's bringing out that hot dog Alright,

I'll murder a bunch of plants in front of you I'll show you Gross,
Alright so anyway He's eating mulch with his cock Hey speaking of cocks Remember
when you guys were telling I want everybody to send me a box of dicks.
Yeah, somebody actually fucking did it. What? They sent it to they sent it to

scene but somehow because they managed to find out my PO box directly that's what showed up.
But it was S-E-A-N D-A-R-C-Y.
I appreciated the Darcy because I'm like Is it S-E-A-N Sean though?
No, it's S-H-A-W-N. But is it S-E-A-N a type of Sean though?

It is. And so is S-H-O-N and S-H-U-N. Oh, yeah. I forgot you hate that version, though, don't you?
How do you get S-E-A-N with the sound? Unless you're fucking drunk. Thank you, Irish.
Being Irish, I got nobody else to blame. I just happen to be one of the Irish
with their names spelled correctly.

Okay, fair. Yeah, but so entailed in this box was three pussy suckers.
I still have one You still got one?
Maybe two Holly threw mine away, I was trying to save it Because I was actually
going to eat it Why'd she throw it away?
She does that, she doesn't like me having treats Because she wants to keep me

around For a while And if I keep eating all these sugary treats I'm going to
die real soon I just got health insurance actually As it turns out,
and she signed me up and I didn't know,
But I had to pay for it So I found out that way like
you got health insurance motherfucker it's like whoa she wants
me to live but there was like a vagina sucker like

it was oh i know yeah i was about to
i i i had a feeling it would probably taste like shit but
you know like generic suckers well i know yeah those generic suckers sometimes
they keep them just because they look like yeah i want to keep it for the novelty
i really did especially with the big gummy dick sucker there was a big gummy
dick sucker please tell me you You enjoyed it.

No, she threw that away too. I was going to and I wanted to but she threw that
away too. I didn't get to it in time.
If I leave any sort of She thought it was going to turn you gay.
Somebody's Yeah, she's like, yeah. She's like telling me I need to go get a
goddamn, you know, goddammit, what's the thing where they stick your finger up your butt?

There you go, right? I need to get one of those.
You could use the gummy dick. Yeah right You're not 40-ish yet I'm 38 man I'm
38 That doesn't mean you get a colonoscopy yet,
No, but I was like, I need something. You don't need a prostate exam until you're like 45.
Maybe that's just it, you know, where they're just like, do you urinate a lot?

Because sometimes, sometimes.
If you urinate more than 11 times a day, well, that's true. I have to actually
check on that. I might be wrong, but I know it's not yet.
Yeah. But yeah, so also there was chocolate dicks. And then when we went to
the one thing. The little gummy dicks. No, cummies. Yes, cummies.
That's it. yeah they were little cums and then she sent again I'm just assuming it's a she.

Unless it's a very gay fan I don't know nobody is
very comfortable buying a dildo and they sent me a dildo that they covered in
sparklies and I figured if it was from a gay dude it'd probably been a little
more decorative so just like this one it said this is for decoration use only
like I'm gonna stick it on my fucking desk and be like look it's my dick desk,

should have put it on something But it's still in the box with all the confetti dicks.
Silver glitter confetti. Glitter dick. And middle fingers.
Oh, I didn't even bet. Yeah. So, yeah, I'll post pictures to the page tomorrow.
I should have posted pictures the day I got it, but I'll do it tomorrow.

And, yeah, so you guys can see exactly what I got. You guys already know, but the fans don't.
Somebody actually sent me a box of dicks I hope you don't think this means We're
going to stop asking for that Right?
No, and to be quite honest I hope they don't That means people care That means

we do have fans Somebody sent me a box of dicks That's fantastic They took time
out of their day To make you a custom dick,
Exactly You've said it enough I've said my thing enough.
I didn't know my name, but they remembered my P.O. box.

Or did you ever consider the fact that maybe they purposely fucked up the name
just to irk you a little bit more?
Uh-huh. Well, they must have known I was a fan of... They must have known I
was a big fan of Married With Children to use the name Darcy.
So it's like... Or it was just that they wanted to keep it close to your last

name so it would actually get delivered.
I'm thinking this sean was because there was an episode
where you went off about the sean name so they
probably wrote your name sean just to piss you
off a little bit the darcy yeah even more
of a dick but brazy doesn't sound like darcy
at all somebody was in a hurry and again they had to listen to

enough episodes where like there wasn't just one episode doesn't you
know what i'm immediately gonna send this my
first episode i'm balls deep no that
would be hilarious i'm all in balls
to the wall baby so what color was
your baby so they sent you a bunch of little dicks and a full full blown dick

and the confetti dicks uh it's uh it's just sparkly they they just color it's
like pink and purple glitter all over it nice and you can like stick Stick to the wall.
You are breaking up. It was one of those ones you can stick to the wall.

Can you hear me now? Yeah, we got you.
Yeah yeah no you should totally stick it to the wall then just like right above
your like shower or something just still in the box no it's still in the box that's where it belongs,
no it belongs right on the open stuck to the wall above my desk oh i got memories

man i don't need i don't need to see it to remember it i know it showed up.
And again yeah this was something and it was very local because it was definitely
somebody from aurora that's where it came from it came from aurora the name
was scratched out blacked out with permanent marker before they put the tape
over it so it's like somebody's like nope,

don't want you to know who it was but good call he definitely got some local
fans that's hilarious Hilarious. Yeah.
That's why I was just surprised when it showed up again.
My lady was like, you've got to open this outside.
This could be a bomb. I don't know. You just showed up. It's addressed to the wrong person.

I don't know what's inside. Open it up. She sees what's inside.
She's just like, you motherfuckers. Yeah.
Box of dicks. She's like, you've got to tell everybody about this. It's like, oh, I will.
I'm just sorry it took the fans so long to hear about it I wanted to talk about
it before I showed it Because they would just see pictures and be like Well
why aren't we talking about this And I was like well we tried to a while ago

And then you know Our schedules just didn't match up.
Schedules and fucking machinery We're still recording right The thing hasn't
fucking shit on us yet has it No so far so good Okay Because technically we could have reported,
this when we were doing the thing over at Fort Collins Con. We could have talked about it then.

Oh, yeah. I mean, I forgot about that. We should have done that. Where the fuck was that?
I forgot when that was. That was after Denver. Yeah. July something. Yeah.
It was like literally like a couple weeks after I got the package.
No, wait, maybe not. It was like July. I don't know. I think it was like July

something. It was really fucking hot. Either way, yeah. It might have been August.
It was really fucking hot that day. It was really hot. That was not jumpsuit weather. Oh, God.
No. All I know is it was before the red fucking coat pandemic. Fucking epidemic.
Jesus fuck i mean even if
the red coats would have come out then i wouldn't have worn a

red coat that day fuck no but no
this red coat thing with the ghostbusters you have
not been paying that much attention fire huh
empire they got the new red coats right yes
episode of the cartoons i think they're talking about
for those episodes or those things were still used as well
is that why it's such a big deal no just

it cosplay reasons everybody that watched
the trailer went fucking nuts over this
coat well we found out who the maker of
the coat is and it's this company called woxley or woxley
or woxley i don't know how to
fucking pronounce it it's some swedish company well either way
they're fucking making this coat this coat turns out

to be what three grand yeah whoa yeah
and people are actually paying three grand for this
fucking red parka and then it turns
into this it turned like literally every ghostbuster chat chat room fucking
page everything like every red coat was selling out on timu and amazon and you

know why those coats are so expensive because they're meant to actually last
in the Arctic non-invention.
Yeah, they're for ice climbers. They're not for normal recreation.
But now they've caught on to this whole hysteria. With an expendable income.
No, but now they've caught on to this, and now they're going to be putting out a...

Cosplay quote unquote cheaper version that's you
know thinner and more toned down yeah perfect
for florida okay then like four different other
companies magnoli ecto clothers
some other two groups that's
an actual branding clothing and no clothers something

that's sad and they're all fucking making
this coat now there's like five so many marks it's
just it got ridiculous yeah oh
yeah this is ridiculous it's a but it is amazing to see the star or the ghostbuster
fandoms fan base being this starstruck over a jacket oh and the thong a cyclothon

oh boy i i remember seeing an article like just earlier today everybody was
pointing out they're like Like,
look at this walkie-talkie that Ernie Hudson has in the promo photo for Frozen
Kingdom. Me and Timmy already have them.
You already have the walkie-talkies? Yes.
I've been waiting for them to get a fucking new walkie, man,

because mine was taken a long time ago. That was me.
You took my M5 photo?
Yes. You son of a bitch.
You knew it! You knew I did it! He's been trying to figure it out for months.
He's like, I had to have left it in the FJ.

I don't know where it could have been. I'm like, no, you had it after the FJ was gone. We did a Venti.
I almost had it since... I almost spent $300 on another one just to have one, you son of a bitch!
I think I've had it since the corn maze
oh that totally makes that

lines up with your timeline to me that lines
up with your timeline that's why yeah the
fucking fj yo no you let
me borrow it during the corn maze and you never asked for it back and
then i kept forgetting i had it i even had it at
the convention of port pollan's that line i know
you did and i was like where did he get one i even

commented on it i asked scott it's
like where did he get what he's all i don't know if he stole indies and
i was like he had to have no i wish i was still in indies god damn it kept your
earth yeah lines up with fucking taiwan well i would appreciate if i could get
that back eventually for collectors and if you'd like to buy the new one sean

they're available for like 18 bucks on amazon,
that's it 18 bucks yeah because it's actually an in-use walking so it's a ham
radio actually so actually talk to each other so me and timmy are going full-on
fucking nerd and looking into ham radio licenses.
Okay so that way i can use it and actually talk to anybody you have to do the tests in person.

You do which is okay dumb but the the program i sent you it gives you a bunch
of mini quizzes that you can take as much time as you want and then you get
three tries at the actual test,
like a mock test three tries and then it gives you a list of where they are

locally and there's a shit ton.
I looked at it and there's like 35 within the next two months. Whoa.
So they're always trying to give out these ham license rates.
I don't understand why nobody wants to get them.
Because nobody wants to take the time to study for a 35 question quiz.
It's not that hard.

It's like being in the restaurant business and trying to learn how to be serve
safe. You better fucking learn it. It's more than 30 questions.
The quiz is only 30 questions? 35.
Well dude i've already answered i've already technically because
each quiz is 10 to
25 questions holy shit so

i've already answered like 35 questions on the fake quizzes i mean i know i
have to know all of it but yes and obviously i say me and timmy have gone to
the next we've evolved to the next level of nerd right i just i just logged
on to the one thing today and saw I saw you guys talking about hats.
I was like, oh, shit. I missed something. Yeah, that too.

Yeah, Dave already did. We also invited you. You're actually in the NoCo chat now.
Well, no, that's where I saw it. I just looked at it today.
That's when I was like, what's this all about? And I saw Jeffrey was in there
too. I was like, oh, shit.
Yeah, well, that's good. He's cool now. Yeah, he's cool now.

He just chose the wrong team.
It's not even that. It's that he opened his mouth when he shouldn't have.
And it was unfortunately towards you and Scott has problems with freaking grudges sometimes.
What are you going to do? You piss Scott off for years if you're not lucky.

Oh, it's only years if you're lucky. if you're lucky yeah that's right there's
some people have made the list for life sorry that's exactly did anybody get
that reference you can hear somebody tuck dink in there talking shit about you
and it's like I hate that motherfucker for life,
yeah like the NWO some people be talking shit need

to be hated for life but he was cool Jeffrey was cool I
love Jeff he's a good guy you gotta come down here and his fucking haunted tour
is fucking awesome too I was gonna say you gotta come down with us so we can
take you to his bar and his fucking haunted tour well I remember one of his
haunted tours that's how we met him in the first place no this is like a haunted bus tour downtown.

He's in a bar called the mansion he's got a bar called the mansion during Halloween
it's the haunted mansion,
but it's the haunted it's the mansion on Colfax it used to be a Polish,
restaurant restaurant but he's doing i think
i know exactly which one he's transforming it
into a bar and it's very very nice it's

amazing it's like a gothic mansion feel inside
and underneath it underneath it he has escape rooms and then he also has a giant
like 24 person bus that is a haunted tour that drives around Denver and gives you ghost stories,

about the different buildings and different landmarks.
Whoa, that's cool. I like stuff like that. It's not a haunted house. It's a ghost tour.
Yeah, I like that. I like that a lot. So you guys gotta come down and we gotta
take you there because it's really awesome.
We like to say it's the ghost bus tour. Get it?

Well, yeah, and I gotta start making more trips down
that way too my mom has been a little sick
so like that i gotta at least make
a monthly visit down there for everything so i gotta that's what i want to do
so fair yeah it's like i would love to be able to do that yes yeah i would love
to get you out there it'd be fun i'll be out there for a couple drinks and meet

up and get you on the ghost tour well yeah yeah Yeah,
because it's mountain living. It's busy work.
You've got to do the job. You've got to do a period.
And then again, it's not that far, but at least an hour, but still being able
to get down there. I've been lucky.
Go ahead, sorry. I think he blanked out again.
Nope. Can you hear me now? No, but we didn't hear anything before that.

Oh, I was saying I've been learning how to drive a stick. The transmission on
my one car went out, and they wanted $5,000 to replace that,
and it's a lot cheaper to buy a manual,
because it's only $150 to replace a clutch instead of $5,000 to replace the transmission.
Yeah. So, yeah, I've been learning how to drive stick lately,

so i'll be doing that soon i'm getting
decent yeah it's weird at 38 learning how
to first nope i've been automatic the whole time okay i've driven yeah i wish
yeah i wish it was stick yeah no yeah yeah once you learn stick so easy i wish
you're gonna stick what once you learn stick you You want to touch a dick?

My problem is the timing between the clutch and whatever other button.
Usually the gas pedal reverses really hard for me right now.
It happens. You'll get there.
And I know I was there the first time you drove a stick, Jimmy.

I know. We both tried learning that day.
And we both sucked that day The very first day yes And then I never tried again
The timing is the timing of the foot I love it,
So anyways Sometimes you kill it Sometimes you fucking make it into a popcorn

machine It's retarded Sorry okay I just had to get that out.
So yeah Alright so we covered covered for Foco con dicks in the box. Dick in that box.
Yeah. I'm about to add the story to the Facebook page right now.

What else? And so am I attached to the Instagram?
No, we still need to connect those two. I was like, do we haven't?
I always forget. Yes, we do.
I need to. Yeah. We still need to connect the two. Fair.
So that way, when we post it, we can post some both, but continue.
Yeah random question where the fuck did you find kevin's fucking denver pic,

i've had it i was like oh i missed that picture this is so awesome i was there
when he made took the picture that's why i had it,
all right so anyways let's see so we got july covered august nothing important

happened i don't Thank you. Oh.
What else is, I mean, do we want to talk about the Ghostbuster trailer some more?
Because we haven't talked about it at all.
There's a new Ghostbuster movie coming out. Yeah, very soon.

In like two months. Less than, I think, now.
Yeah. Frozen Empire. March 22nd. They had actually moved forward.
About a whole week.
Yeah. but yeah so what we know so far it looks like they find some kind of mystical

orb that ends up releasing or summoning some kind of cold spirit what's his name elemental ghost,
we haven't learned how to pronounce it yet.

It's g-u-r-r-k-a or something like that yeah freezes everything in his path
fucking hence the the big red coats random random question what's up it's a capital k,
no okay sorry i'm

posting that photo now and the only reason why
we know what the freaking name of the the month
the the ghost is is because of funko pops yes
yeah they really they release
the pops and they have the name in the box that's the only thing
we see then there's also a ghost that we've yet to see named pukey apparently
yeah that's obviously gonna be like the other one from the last movie that spit

up everything we have probably similar not that was oh that was Metal Muncher Muncher,
yeah Muncher, yeah, that's the name.
Fuck, where was I going to say? Where was I?
Oh, not from the trailer, but from what we've seen from just other advertisement stuff.

Slimer will be making his return, as well as it seems the mini-puffs are going
to be coming back in some capacity, since they're literally in everything.
Yeah, I... Go ahead, sorry. No, no, no, no. I was pausing for you.
I was just saying, yeah. It just appeared.

It's i think it's pronounced garaka and
it's j-a-r-a-k-a yeah
garaka it's pretty
cool looking from the just the pop like if he's half
as creepy looking as the pop is like i'm
down with that yeah i'm gonna send it
to shiny boy continue on with

what you were saying sorry yeah you're good you're good so
yeah many puffs are gonna apparently be
back as well we're all assuming
from what we've seen that the ecto is
going to perish especially from some of the steals that they released from the
new empire magazine that just dropped there's a lot of oh kind of like kind

of like how it perished in the 2016 version because it drove into the hole yes
because maybe Maybe they need the stuff on top to blow up.
Maybe they're doing the same story and they think they're being original.
Well, no, we were. And if there's that Kevin dance, I'm going to be pissed.
We were kind of thinking possibly self-destruct because what you see in the

picture is like a giant solid red line like flashing in the back window with all the lights going.
So we don't know. We'll find out.
Love it. But on top of that, I mean, other things to think about.
So it looks like, too, from the steals that the containment unit's going to get destroyed again.

So maybe that's how the mini-puffs come back? Like, who knows?
Or maybe they somehow were able to keep the mini-puffs around afterwards and
have trained them to be their little buddies?
I think it's just because... Or podcast minions? Or he threatens to tase them?

I don't know. know i don't know how to fix how to it has
to do with the containment unit breaking because that
would be the only way that what's his
name is out again gozer there we go who's sitting on my fucking lap anyways
but yeah that's the only way that he could be out again yeah so so the The containment

has to break and the ghosts have to get out.
I don't think slimer's in the containment unit i think he's living up in the
attic this whole time and he
i do think he's trying gonna be like you said they didn't catch him in two,
no and i do think he's going to be a lot like the real ghostbuster slimer,

just a mascot well i think
he's going to try to help him i don't know if he's going to be a mascot mascot
yet but i think he's gonna miss them
because he's been there by himself this whole time maybe
that's why there's a voice by oh sorry go ahead no
never mind because my theory kind of fell apart
anyways in my head so go ahead oh i'm just

saying i hope to see your voice when the real ghost bless his cartoon of
frank welker and i sent
you those pictures sean oh i just
got the dick pics no garaka
and then one of what slimer looks like now he looks
really good he's still got a badonkadonk i haven't

seen the back end of him i only see the front of him all the toys have a badonkadonk
so that's true yeah and the toys do have one hell of a donkadonk yeah and i
mean me and timmy got sucked into these new little fucking mini vinyl figures
that they put out of Stay Puffin' Slimer.
I saw the Slimer with the pizza and the thing that Timmy posted.

Yeah, Timmy's got three of the Slimers. Yeah, is it Garaka? Garaka?
However you want to pronounce it.
Garaka. Yeah, it does look like Baraka. No, there's not enough Ks.
Garaka. That's going to be Garaka. Oh, shit. So that's one of the villains from the new movie?
Yeah, the The big bad, we assume, from...

That's the new Gozer or Vigo.
Oh, right. Because they were trying to talk about somebody showing up,
but I can't remember what the name was. Man, I got to go watch Afterlife again and cry.
Oh, that's so hard to get through. That is a very sparkly dildo. Right?

Jesus. Very sparkly. And that's not even all the glitter dicks.
That's just some of them that's just oh i forgot about the i forgot about the
book the book that's actually basically just a diary which is just a book with
blank pages says it's okay to have a small penis,

that's great and i'll tell you what this bitch doesn't know me very well oh
i'm a grower not a shower i've never really posted any of my pictures either
but i don't want to see them don't you You dare be posting.
Don't get our Facebook taken down, you son of a bitch. No, but everybody be surprised.
Would I be riding the Magnum Trojan Sparaskin? I can't think because those are the only ones that work.

We're not a shower. Let's continue the show. Yes, please. Yeah,
way more than I wanted to know.
Anyways, fuck, what I wanted to move into next, I don't want to go into right after that.
It wasn't Vince McMahon, was it? No, no, but it would make Vince McMahon would

be a much better transition than talking about children and how much money we raise for them.
Oh, you know what? Well, man, I am so sorry.
That's why I'm the wild card.
Let's talk about McMahon. How about that? Let's talk about McMahon for sure.

Wow, we're about to get into some shit.
Keep his dick to amazing because you hear about people.
Why are you cutting out so much? Yeah, weird shit going on with him He had allegations,
We're hearing like every third word Damn it I heard all of damn it How about now?

I think maybe What about now?
Alright, let's try it You can hear me now?
So far so good Okay, so I gotta stop touching my phone Is what that means,
don't touch your phone and your dick at the same time oh trust me it's not Nintendo
it doesn't look like that it never has it never has the phone keeps working

after my dick stops so it's like I know that.
So where are we at now exactly Vincent McMahon you just start over some allegations,
against Vincent McMahon because Vincent McMahon keeps being a fucking major pervert,
There's some shit going on. Can you hear me? Yeah, what's he doing?

Yeah, what's he doing? Okay. Okay, so this story came out today.
So some of the allegations contained in the new lawsuit against Mr.
McMahon, a lady named Janelle Grant, a former employee at WWE headquarters,
said in a lawsuit filed Thursday, meaning today, that she was abused.

And sexually exploited by McMahon while she was the chief executive.
She alleged that McMahon lured her with promises of career advancement,
and then he allegedly exploited her and trafficked her to other men inside the company.

Oh, my. This is crazy.
Larynitis. Yeah. Exactly. That had to be the other dude.
In fact, the lawsuit filed in the Connecticut federal court describes in graphic
detail Graham's account of interaction with the businessman slash TV personality.
She alleged that McMahon and another WWE executive locked her inside an office

in WWE's headquarters in Stanford, Connecticut, on June 15th, 2021.
Ben took turns sexually assaulting her while other staff were working in the
middle of another workday on June 23rd, 2021.
So not even eight days later or exactly eight days later,

McMahon locked Grant inside a private locker inside his private locker room,
sorry, at WWE's offices and forced himself on her over a massage table.
The suit said later that day, yeah, later that day, McMahon's personal assistant
delivered $15,000 in Bloomingdale's gift cards to Grant in her office.

So Rachel, here's Bloomingdale gift cards. You didn't even get to the worst part.
No, I have not, because that's coming up. But still, gift cards.
Gave her a gift card, but couldn't even give her $15,000.
No, you specifically have to go to Bloomingdale.

Exactly. All right, and here we go. Here's where we get some crazy shit now.
So the suit also includes screenshots of explicit text messages that McMahon
allegedly sent to Grant in May of 2020.
One message said, I'm the only one who owns you and controls who I want to fuck you.

Holy shit. So here's where we get to the craziest part.
And so another example of McMahon's extreme depravity on May 9th, 2020.
He defecated. He defecated on Miss Grant during a threesome.
And then commanded her to continue pleasuring his friend with feces in her hair

and running down her back.
Meaning not only did he shit on her, he shit on her head.
Yeah, and then told him to continue.
Why do all these famous people have something with piss and shit?
Is that why we're not famous? famous exactly and that's

not even the crazy part exactly so it didn't well while mcmahon
went to the bathroom to shower off upon his
return from the bathroom mcmahon and his friend actively resumed the threesome
which lasted over an hour and a half with each other no she was involved and

that's the weird part too because i'm like Like,
McMahon's a 70-year-old guy.
And it's like, I can hardly last 15 to 20 minutes. It's that Viagra.
How does this shit go in an hour and a half?
It's gotta be that Viagra. And then during another alleged encounter,
McMahon and Laurinaitis took turns forcing themselves on her while she begged them to stop.

And they kept telling her, no means yes, and take it, bitch.
Whoa. I wonder if that's the one where they locked her in the offices Whoa Yeah
I wonder if that's the day she got the Bloomingdale's gift card Holy shit.
That's fucked man He needs to fucking go McMahon is a monster,
Well we knew that Did he just fucking Is that why he changed his looks Maybe

they won't recognize me She won't know it was me A sass I never had before,
He looks exactly how he acted now Yeah like a total fucking villain that would rape somebody.
Yeah, he looks like he did before the mustache. And that's who did the shit
with the guy before the mustache.
What a monster. Yeah, with the mustache, he looks even more like a guy that would do that.

Ugh. It looks like the creepy that he is on the inside now. Right?
Right? With the mustache, he's the guy that drops you off and is like, don't tell your mom.
It's like, what the fuck just happened? You got a lot of shit on your head.
That's what happened, bitch.
Ugh. I saw a movie like that once.
There was a movie with his sleeve. Yeah. That's some crazy shit.

No, I saw a movie with his sleeve. I don't remember the name,
but it was a British film.
But the dude talked the lady into letting him handcuff her to the bed,
and instead he just dropped Trow, took a shit over her chest, and left.
Her mom had to find her. It was fucked up. She was there for like two days.
I've just been learning that, listening to all the true crime shit that I listen to.

All the famous people, Jeffrey Epstein, R. Kelly.
Oh, man, Jeffrey Epstein. That fucking Stephen Hawking shit.
Some cult leader. I can't remember his name. Stephen Hawking.
He had a weird kink, but it's hilarious.
Don't remember the cult leader's name. Yeah. All of them, though.

These rich, famous dudes.
All of them have this fascination with piss and shit. I don't get it.
Because they're rich. I don't get it either.
And I guess money is shit to them. So they're just like, yes, please, more.
Just they get they can pay for the cleanest stuff so
they want the dirtiest sex including shit in

people's hair like how does that even the smell
alone makes me want to gag right right yeah
i've heard of those people that like women to stomp on their balls like jesus
christ beef is strong i don't want no pain in my balls no no my balls are good
but some people are like please with the with the torque wrench or something

it's like christ jesus christ,
yeah exactly i'm super thanks for asking and even they'd be like that's a little much.
Uh so right that's a hard place to go off from oh so.

I could have swore Baja Blast had been around a lot longer than it has.
What is it? Yeah. I thought it was at least around when I was young, young. Whoa. Not 20.
It's only been 20 years? I thought it was around since we were in our teenage years.

No. Taco Bell is crazy like that. It's celebrating its 20th year anniversary this year.
Weird. That's why you're able to get it right now.
Yeah i remember 2013 was like i was
working at a gas station that was the first time that they actually sold it
publicly besides taco bell was 2013
it's 2024 sir no i know but 2013 when i was working at the gas station maybe

2014 we actually got bottles of mountain dew baja blast and before that it was
literally only available in taco bell that's what i'm saying the The first time
they let it to... Can you hear me?
Mm-hmm. Yeah, you're good. You're good.
All right, sorry. No, I'm just saying, it's been a little over 10 years since
they actually let people buy it publicly.

Because, again, that's how long Baja Blast has been around.
They've always done it sporadically, where you can get in stories on and off.
Oh, I just remember the gas station they were working at in 2013.
They were just like, that's the first time this is ever happening.
We're going to sell some Baja Blast.
And it's delicious yes it is

especially as a slushy some more
ghost busting it we gotta get these
comics when they come out from barricades that they're
putting out new comics i saw a bunch of new uh merchandise like a giant slimer
with some hands that come separate and make it look like the kind of another
piece of the wall and ghost dog and there was a few things not or is Is that

the dog that I'm thinking? Terror dog. Sorry.
What? And they were showing a picture. What about Terror Dog?
It was a Terror Dog. It looks just like a mounted headpiece.
So you can put it above a mantle or something. Or maybe it's supposed to be coming out your wall.

You did see it. Okay. Yeah, I've seen that. And I've seen that with they also have a Slimer.
And a Stay Puft. There's a Stay Puft head too.
Okay. So I'm not sure. But the Slimer hams are like detached from the body so
they look like they're coming out of a different part of the wall okay i get
to what you're saying there yeah it looks like a glue in the dark too but i could be.

Wouldn't be surprised but yeah there's so much new stuff coming out
with the movie coming out this year so awesome and
then on top of that starting february 1st
and going through february 10th the buffalo
ghostbusters are putting together
a playing card deck and on

these playing cards are going to be 50 different franchises logos 90s franchises
have submitted their logos for these so they will be voting having voting uh
to see what franchises actually make it we are one of of those franchises.
Are we one of many, or are we just

one of one? We're one of 90 that have entered. We're only choosing 50.
So we need to push that voting hard, starting on the first and going to the tenth.
Because I want to be on the playing cards.
Timmy, are you still there? Yeah, I'm working. I'm listening.
Okay. I'm working. Do you know how we vote? I'm working. Not yet.

Details will, I don't think, come out until the day of voting.
We will post it all over the place. Yes, we will post it on the defensive page,
everything. Oh, yeah. Yes.
We've got to be one of them. And then they will announce the winners and everything.
I believe it's on Ghostbusters Day at the Firehouse.

And how many do get to be represented again out
of the 90 50 50 so 40s
getting cut we don't want to be in that 40 no we
don't want to be in that 40 so it's all about the votes baby also going in with
uh ghostbusters stuff so we were involved with our first big toy drive this

year uh yeah I'm sorry I missed that. That looked so good.
Part of a giant effort of franchises all throughout the country.
Yeah. We in Colorado worked alongside the Fort Collins Ghostbusters and the
High Plains Ghostbusters to collect toys and donations for Kinsey's Causes.

Yes, we did. A great charity that helps get toys to needy children during the
holidays and school supplies and backpacks and things like that during the summer months.
And what did we get, Timmy? What were the final numbers? Do you remember?
Our final numbers were 600 plus toys and $325, I think it was.

Man, when people give actual money, that's cool. they didn't give toys what
toys did you guys get all kinds everything,
Just everything they can think of. Nerf, fucking wrestling. Yeah. Funko Pops, Legos.
Someone donated a $50 Lego set. Whoa. Yeah.

There's so much. Man, Lego is crazy. Yeah, I like that.
No. Also, huge shout out to St. Nick's Toys and Collectibles in Longmont.
They were absolutely amazing through the whole thing.
I don't know how many full containers that ended up getting picked up from there.
And then our final Fill the Ecto event.

I mean, ridiculous amount of toys. And considering last year they brought in
about 200 toys, and then this year it jumped to six,
is absolutely incredible and says a lot for everybody involved.
And this is the first year you guys got to help out, right? It is.
That's awesome. Yeah, I can't wait for next year.

One thing we learned is we will be jumping on it early. Hell yeah.
Mainly just the people getting the events set up.
Not even starting early. It's just getting everybody ready early.

Then helping all those kids stay excited through the holidays.
But yeah it was nothing better than that it was
fun it was good oh yeah tons
of fun um i've always wanted to do something like that ever since i started
watching the uh the major wrestling figure pod do their toy drives you're like
oh man it's like they get some shit going it's always cool to see what you can

do and again getting a full ecto filled that's awesome and then nationally Nationally,
with a little bit over 20 groups,
we raised over 8,397 toys, and $18,291 was raised.

Plus with the toys, that's still over... Yeah, that's a lot of money.
That's a good job right there. everybody should
pat themselves on the back to participate in that it was
a good time we had a lot of fun yeah I bet and especially to put a lot of smiles
on a lot of kids faces meeting Ghostbuster Santa was freaking fun his sled was

really cool it is and then having the inflatable terror dogs in front of it was just the chef's kiss,
I'm sorry I think I missed pictures of this you got pictures of this right,
yeah somebody posted them,
Okay, I'm going to have to find that I just can't believe I missed those.

Oh, it was good times, man. What am I talking about? Yeah. And then, what else?
We had the parade down in the springs. That was freezing balls, but fun.
People got a kick out of Murphy hanging out the window dressed as Stay Puft.
Nice. He loved it. It was cool.

Doing the parade, who had to walk in the street? Oh, fuck that. I rode in the car.
You always write in the car that's why patrick's day parade and like that thing
just banging against my ankles the whole time i can't remember oh you cut out
again after banging your ankles,
yeah i'll bang you while you're holding your ankles boy.

No when we do the saint patrick's day parade that thing was banging my ankles
and i don't remember who i was holding the sign with but i think it was a lady
and it was banging her ankles too, which was funny. I can't remember who was
holding the sign with me.
Was it that annoying photographer person?
Maybe. I thought it was... We both ended up with bruised shins at the end.

There was PVC pipe in the bottom just banging.
My bad. There was a poor design on my part. My bad. I thought it was...
You could have taken it out. Damn it.
Tony was that Tony maybe I just know we both ended up with fucking Bruce Shins,
because there should have been nothing at the bottom 11 years ago Timmy there

should have been nothing at
the bottom though nothing at the bottom we are celebrating 10 years I know,
I'm reminding Sean yeah I know,
the time just fucking flies that's why it's like I think about the conventions
like I've only ever had to pay to go to a couple of them because we usually
just have a table and we're there. Or a podcast.

I like doing the podcast more than the Ghostbusters at the convention.
They were both fun. They were.
The best day of being a podcast was definitely watching that Dale Gribble interview. That shit was crazy.
And then I was talking to Loki the next day. I'm like, who's that?
That was Dale Gribble from yesterday. It's like, cool.

And then he's also one of the main guys in Bigsby's fan film.
Oh, yeah. I keep forgetting. I haven't watched that yet.
I got a lot of scrolling back in this. I'm not a fan film guy.
I don't know. They just make me feel awkward.
I'm like, oh, I can't watch this. This just makes me cringy.
I'm just like, did they say Ghostbusters? We'll see what happens.

Because I have seen a lot of them. But a lot of them aren't that great.
I used to watch like those ones like from the.
There was a local group. There was a local group. They did the one that was
the Ghostbusters versus Freddy Krueger.
And they filmed like the old Gates plan or something.
Yeah. They filmed at the Inca Theater on Broadway as well. You're in Inca Theater. That's racist now.

Unless the theater is still open. I don't know. Been a mile since I've been
right there, but that's first in Broadway where they were filming.
Yeah, now it's just all fucking apartments over there.
Like everywhere else. That's the other side of the street. But I wouldn't be
surprised if it was that side of the street, too. It looked like they were working that way.
Hell, it's been since 2020 since I've been down there, so.

No. That's a long time ago. Well, yeah, I was a sous chef at the Historian's Ale House.
Oh, yeah, way back in the day after.
Well, it was 2020, the early 20s. Yeah, it was like to the end.
We tried that we we closed originally
because the original pandemic when they tried that soft open near

the end of 2020 and that didn't work well that's
the only way you can put it it didn't work and everybody was breaking the rules
there was this one place called the zanzibar they were on an episode of bar
rescue they were off of they were a couple yeah there are a couple streets down
from 19th and blake they're like right across the street from the marquee aren't they.

Pretty much yeah and right after the
pandemic they're like you only have so many people and this
much space and somebody took a picture outside and
there was like 300 people in there and i
was like oh this is why we're gonna shut down again i was just
like come on man we're trying this pandemic sucks ass
you could tell from his

bar rescue he didn't give a fuck oh exactly when
they changed the name to like spars and striped
it was a pool hole and he's just like going outside and
like there's naked girls yeah you
want sex we got the sex yeah i
remember that yeah i've talked
to that guy and he sucks yeah i've

talked to that guy he sucks man i was like you should have fucking listened
to john taffer and he's like you're on bar rescue you're probably not the greatest
person in the world no no i went in there for an interview and i was like what
the fuck is this i apologize no no you're absolutely right.
You're on bar rescue shit's in trouble that's why

it's like i remember going in there for an interview and i was like what do you got going
on in the kitchen it's like ah nothing good it's like fuck this
guy everything out of his mouth was bullshit and nonsense so now just because
they're on tv doesn't mean they're cool people agreed no we've met enough celebrities
in our time to know that a lot of them suck ass right what was the coolest one

you met probably dj chris who,
wasn't it DJ Chris who's DJ Chris he was the one MC Chris MC Chris my bad,
you know what I hear a lot of people called DJ these days so it's like I can't
remember what type of music they do we didn't actually meet him I thought you

guys went on stage at his show for a costume contest I don't count that as meeting him,
we just kind of danced on stage and he didn't say anything to us really yeah okay,
another one of the events I missed if I miss it I just expect extravagant things happened fair,

especially with celebrities who've been on uh god damn it what the hell was
the name of that show Aqua Team Under Force yeah,
That's that.
Oh, fuck. What else? I'm really sure I wrote out a timeline.
I'm bad at that. I don't know.

It's been a while. We're rusty. Exactly. Rusty Sheriff's badge.
Timmy, have you played Pokemon with guns yet? Yeah, I'm playing it.
What do you think so far? I like it.
What is Pokemon with guns? I mean, it's nothing like Pokemon, but it is.
Is that that mod to that game? No, it's called Pal World. Yeah, that's what I'm saying.

So, never mind. So, it's its own game, but people keep thinking that it's Pokemon.
They're comparing it to it because they're cute little monsters that you catch with balls.
Okay, yeah. But it's much more a crafting game than it is that.
It's more of an arc. It's more arc than anything.
Yeah, that's weird. So, they got guns. That makes sense because I was watching this video.

This one dude keeps putting these videos where he's like let's see
what happens if we put like a hundred thousand of these things against
a million fucking toads yeah but they were doing the paki or the whatever it
was the one thing you were just talking about yeah it was like three thousand

of them versus a million toads,
and of course every time they do that a million toads win they were doing a
million toads versus like six godzillas.
Godzilla's didn't win either. A million toads always win.
I thought the toads lost against Bowser, though.
Was there a million of them? Yeah.

No. No, that one was, I remember that one. There was a different one.
Maybe it was a different one.
But there was one where it was five Bowsers against a million toads.
And, yeah, the five Bowsers still lost.
Oh, that's what they won. Anyway. Back to Palomar. You can't beat a million.
Have you caught any humans yet?
No. I have one. You can catch humans? Yes, you can catch humans.

I noticed this is part of the game path. You can sell.
Weird. Yeah. What happens? Nothing. I'm just going to sell him into slavery.
No, I'm not that. No, that's what I'm saying. He deserves it.
He attacked my base. Nothing. You get money.
But you can keep the people that attack you? If you catch them,
it's harder to catch people than it is pals.

But he deserved it. He shouldn't have attacked my base.
Now he's going to sit in my pocket. Dick.
That's funny as hell. I didn't know you could do that. I've been having fun
building my base too. It's getting tall. Yeah.
It's exactly what Ark is except for Ark you tamed dinosaurs and rode them.

I remember Josh playing that game. That game was crazy.
I really wish I wouldn't have built my little little main tablet thing where
i did though because now there's certain creatures i can never summon to work
at my base because they'll just phase into a wall rather than,
destroy it i if i rebuild it

somewhere else if you destroy that everything you've
built goes away yeah then you get all the
material back though do you have any idea how many how much time i've spent
building my base you can do that or you can start building another base somewhere
what do you want me to do and then i also have like every almost every upgrade already built,

because you can build another one of those yeah I'm up to where I can build
two now yeah so I'm guessing I should get this game level 8 or 9 base me?
Should I get this game? I'm almost
level 7 and yes it's fun it's free it's literally did you ever play Ark?

No I watched Josh play it like even
the leveling is the same you get like list of
things you can unlock like that
but cartoony okay yeah because lately
what i've been playing has been a cyberpunk because co-worker at work bought
it for me for my birthday and it was like you should play this it is such a

good game i don't even know where i'm at anymore i played like a little bit
i know i'm already in the part where i'm keanu reeves at points i've had I had
a couple arguments with myself in my head.
It's such a good game. I had fun with that one. I need to go back and play the DLC.
That's what I've been talking about. I was like, I want to get some of that
because it's like what they've been talking about. I guess I need to get to

the original game first.
Yeah, there's so much for you to do in just the normal game before you do worry
about DLC. I haven't even done any side missions.
I've only done mostly the main missions and like all sorts of shit.
Do side missions. That's where a lot of the fun is.
Like the talk and venting mission. Yeah, I'm trying to figure out how to do
side missions. that's the fun part I can't figure out oh nice.

I've met a few people that have talked shit to me in this game.
Oh, yeah. But yeah, it's like mostly doing the main mission.
But yeah, Cyberpunk is fun.
But yeah, so what's the other one you're talking about now? PAL World is the
name of the game. Okay, that's right. Yeah, P-A-L World.
I think that's the reason why they were trying to say, they did a mod on that
recently where everything is Pokemon. Yes, and it was immediately taken down.

It was all the Pokemon and you were what, Ash just killing everything?
Yep, and it wasn't even up a day before they took it down.
That's hilarious. But I will admit, some of the creatures look like they were
straight pulled right out of Pokemon.
Like that electric teddy bear thing that you run into. Well,
doesn't the main creature look like an Oddish?

There's a main creature. Showing that was fighting, and it said the name of the game.
It was the name of the game versus all these toads, and they looked like Oddishes.
That might just be me maybe it's lamb lamels.

Oh there you go I think that's what they're called lamb bells whatever they're
I don't know all I know is I chop them up so I can get meat and wool,
are they probably the most often thing you
run into in the game they're just usually the first thing
because they're the lowest yeah those are the chickens chickens have you

run into any lucky pals yet yes the
little sparkly glowing one yeah i
haven't run into any glowy ones yet i ran into a fucking
cat and he fucked me up oh i didn't know they were
more powerful oh man he fucked me up
i didn't even get him halfway in his house down and he whooped the shit out

of me i got palsy and tried to fight the mammoth that didn't go well oh yeah
i'm sure it did i'm not ready for a 35 pal yet he fucked me up.
Yeah, so that mammoth fucking destroyed my world, jammed his tusks right up my ass.
So don't fuck with him unless you're a very high level and have some high level

pals. And I think we want to bring those back.
Yeah, no thanks. I'm glad you're enjoying it. I wasn't sure if you would or not.
Yeah, I like it a lot. Sean, you definitely need to get Pole World.
Yeah, it's available on Game Pass, so I'll hop on that soon.
I've got to finish Cyberpunk first. Different Pauls.

Paul Walker. Paul Walker.
Ooh, wait. Are they all different Paul Walkers? Do we get a crispy Paul Walker?
Is that too soon? Is that too fast? Too serious? That's an extra skin.
Maybe lack of skin. Crispy skin.

I don't know. We're going to hell The KFC special edition,
Extra crispy Yeah Oh man I'm glad you asked that question I've been waiting
for a good Paul Walker joke.
Shake and bake He was baked He was shook and baked,

Since we're running a little long And we got to cut soon I'm going to Give you a quick horror thing.
You're wrong. Boom. Damn it! Damn it! You took my joke!
I watched... Exorcist Believer. Ooh, I like that one. It was okay.
I just thought... Is it a remake, or what is it? No, it continues. Do you just...

But it's two girls. One cop. From three.
That's their biggest jump scare? I'm not sure. That's the one where the girl
comes out with the scissors and chops her head off. Oh.
Yeah, that was Exorcist 3. Biggest jump scare of all time.
But the concept of the movie was good. I just thought bringing Regan in was stupid.

Because Regan's the little girl from the first one. yeah and
like throughout the whole movie they're like making it
a point that reagan reagan this reagan that reagan
this reagan that she's literally in the movie for
five seconds was it actually linda blair
i can't even remember yeah yeah it was okay
yeah she like her mom went to

go help with the exorcist of the two girls they stabbed
her eyes out with with scissors and
then her mom is in the hospital the entire fucking
movie and then the last like scene of
the movie is linda biller coming in
going mom i'm here and then credits roll
i'm like i sat here this whole time waiting for reagan to come that like have

a confrontation with mr or captain howdy this entire time and captain howdy
nothing happens have you ever heard of a movie called Repossessed?
Not really. No, but I've heard of it. It has Liam Neeson and Linda Blair in
it. And it's an exorcism.

Like, mockumentary. Blair is the Repossessed.
It came out in the early 90s.
Interesting. Well, that's also the name of Ray and Podcast's new YouTube show.
Repossessed? Yeah, in the movie. Oh.
Okay, maybe that's why it's there. I guarantee you that's why,

because Repossessed was like a 91-92 film.
Anything else you want to add, Timmy? No, I'm good. All right.
Well, then on that note, until next time, guys. Yay! Keep it nerdy. Keep it nerdy.
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