All Episodes

March 13, 2024 47 mins

Ever find yourself chuckling at the wild speculations about royal family dramas? Our latest episode takes a jaunty romp through the conspiracy theories that have the tabloids buzzing. We debunk the whispers of King Charles's health woes and Kate Middleton's mysterious retreat from the public eye with our signature blend of wit and skepticism. As we navigate prince scandals and Harry's stateside saga, we're peeling back the curtain on the British monarchy's allure and asking the hard-hitting question: is all this gossip just tinsel on the tree, distracting us from the real issues at hand?

War is no game, and in this episode, we juxtapose the raw truths of the battlefield with the entertainment industry's portrayal of conflict. From the lethal mishaps of food drops in war zones to the eye-opening Ukrainian war documentary featured at the Oscars, we're bringing you a conversation that's as enlightening as it is sobering. We don't shy away from contrasting the distressing reality soldiers face with the sanitized violence of video games, offering a poignant reminder of the human cost of conflict that often goes unseen.

Politics, humor, and a dash of southern charm - that's what you're in for as we meander through the political landscape of South Carolina. With special focus on Senator Tim Scott and Nikki Haley's dance around the Trump limelight, we examine the shifting tides of voter sentiment and what it means for future ballots. Alongside tales of Pookie, a disenchanted Trump loyalist, we're serving up a smattering of comical quips and podcasting misadventures. Trust us, you won't want to miss the laughs we share over our technical foibles and next week's anticipation for our guest, Selena. It's all here in our melting pot of discourse and humor.

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Speaker 2 (00:15):
Hey, this is Chris, this is Costello.

Speaker 3 (00:18):
Here we go.
I gotta take Costello, we haveto.
We gotta open today and try tofigure out what's going on in
your home country of England.
They're having a stinking cow.
Okay, let's review here.
Okay, you got King Charles, whohas cancer we don't know what
type of cancer.
So he has he's because he'sbeing treated and he's, you know

, going through treatment.
Yes, his wife Camilla, thoughwith the face looks like a you
know nut sack, with hair andteeth, is pulled back from her
appearances because I guessshe's staying at home taking
care of him.
Okay, that's right.
That's a you know Prince Andrewwho's at home.
He's, he can't do stuff, sohe's at home watching internet
porn or he's in it.

Good point.
And you got Harry.
Of course, he's using a marketnow in America and he's in
Now you got the two favorites,which is William and Kate.
Now here's Kate, and this isthe Domino surgery in January.
No one's seen her since then,even though they said she'll be
back in public in Easter withpeople just to, just can't take
And so she releases this photoof her and her kids for Mother's

Day and then they, they do thefuck with it.
It's been Photoshopped, beenPhotoshopped, you know.
So like it's an old photo ofher and it's surrounded her face
with the kids, I mean, I mean Itook a big conspiracy theory
going on in England.
Why are you guys so obsessedwith this?

Speaker 2 (01:39):
I don't know why.
Why are they so worried aboutif she?
She said oh yeah, I edited it.

Speaker 3 (01:45):
I mean, but you know English.
They just say they're coveringup something.

Speaker 2 (01:49):
Well, here's the thing, right, what's kind of
The original, you guys in yourmonarchy.
I just said what, what I mean,so she, so if she did, I mean so
now you can't see their hornssticking up and the fact that
they're all really aliens.
So what I mean, what exactlyare you editing out?

It was a hand and something todo with the zipper.
Big fricking deal.
It means nothing.
Wait a minute.

Speaker 3 (02:20):
That's what's missing on her hands.
She's not wearing any weddingrings, so I did conspiracy

Speaker 2 (02:26):
Oh, I didn't know about that.

Speaker 3 (02:28):
Oh, waking up.
That's why you don't see her.
It's over.
There's one theory that saidshe's dead.

Speaker 2 (02:40):
Hanging out with poor McCartney, I guess.

Speaker 3 (02:44):
She's dead.
They're by the queen.
Okay, oh, hanging out with thequeen, yes.
She's not dead, she's justhanging out with the queen, your
home country, as you would say.
They would say they're just alittle bit of tither.
It's like what is wrong withyou?
You're your country, man.
Come on, you know what.
You're English.
You went through what's goingon there.

Speaker 2 (03:04):
I'll tell you what's going on.
The price has gone so much toshit.
I mean everything.
I mean they've got a shitparliament, a shit prime
minister, the economy.

Speaker 3 (03:15):
I forgot shit.
Monarchy though we're talkingthe monarchy.

Speaker 2 (03:18):
Yeah, I know, but no, I'm just saying that everything
else has really gone to shit.
Even TV is not to the greatstandard that it used to be when
I worked there.

Speaker 3 (03:29):
Anyway, looking to BBC One or BBC Two.

Speaker 2 (03:33):
Well, I went for all BBCs.
My whole family did.
But that's another story.
Probably oh BBC.
So here's the thing they havenothing else.
I mean, everything else theycan think of or talk about is
So it's like okay, then, themonarchy, the monarchy, yeah,
and now it would be so muchbetter.

Speaker 3 (03:56):
Why the big secrecy?
Why won't they say what kind ofcancer the king has?
Why won't they say what type ofabdominal surgery that the
princess had?
Okay, she had a hysterectomy, Idon't know, I mean probably.
Why won't they say, I mean, ifthey just release it because
they're used to being, you knowthose type of things, come in,
they tell the public.

You know, why are they sosecretive?
And they're all hiding?
I mean, show yourself, I wantthem to balcony.
Do the queen way, which isthey're so famous for doing.
Do that.

Speaker 2 (04:26):
I well, I wonder if we could put a bet on what kind
of cancer King Charles has.

Speaker 3 (04:35):
I bet you know because in England I think we
talked before I guess that hehad like like a dick cancer.

Speaker 2 (04:41):
A little further back .
What do you prostate?
Prostate, I think that's it.
Well then, why would you besecretive?

Speaker 3 (04:49):
about prostate.
I don't know why.
I mean, it's just the mostcommon cancer, exactly.

Speaker 2 (04:54):
Exactly, and in any case, you know, it usually for
some reason helps people out.
All the kings got it.
I guess there's hope for me yet?
No, not, unless you're a royal.
But I mean, hey, you know Idon't understand it either.
They're just looking for yetanother story that isn't there,
and that's not the first timethey've done this.

Speaker 3 (05:14):
It's all the time it's on the front page of all
the because they do.
They still sell, unlike here inAmerica.
I mean, newspapers don't reallysell out much anymore.
But back in England I mean, man, those headlines there are,
people grab that, they want toread that stuff and every paper
is they got something about youknow, bingo.
Are they divorced?
Are they separated?
Is she not recovering?

She got a stroke.
I mean, it's just like you know.

Speaker 2 (05:41):
I doubt that, I doubt that.
But no, I tell you what or no,it does.
It does just show what you know, shit journalism they have in
England anymore.
You know the tabloids, the sun,the daily mirror, the daily
I think that might be gone, ohwait a minute the sun is gone.

Speaker 3 (05:59):
The sketch Is that your thing called.
That's funny, there was.

Speaker 2 (06:02):
Yeah, there was and there's.
I realize the sun is gone nowas well.
So okay, the daily mirrorwhatever.

Speaker 3 (06:09):
That's the big one right.

Speaker 2 (06:10):
Oh, the Daily Mail is another one.
It used to be a good.

Speaker 3 (06:12):
Oh, I've seen that.
I've seen that.
I've seen them.
I've been over there and theyjust said that they grab them up
in a hurry.
Big papers, big headlines, andI got to get your attention and
sell those papers man.

Speaker 2 (06:22):
Well, not only that, you also have the evening paper,
the evening standard and theevening news, and those are huge
And so I mean but that's thething, what are they reporting?
Oh, I don't know anything.
Let's make something up.
Have you talked?

Speaker 3 (06:33):
to anybody back home Find out what all the buzz is
about, why they're there.
But I've been in a state ofconfusion and worry and
conspiracy theory over cakehealing from a surgery.

Speaker 2 (06:45):
Have we thought about this earlier?
I'd say we could make a phonecall right now, but we can't
because we're oh yeah what thetime difference?

Speaker 3 (06:52):
who I think would be?

Speaker 2 (06:53):
I don't think four o'clock in the morning, but this
would not be welcome.

Speaker 3 (07:00):
I wouldn't do that, I mean you know.
I mean, relations are still alittle strange, I don't know if
you have a number to BuckinghamPalace, when we just call the
palace straight away.

Speaker 2 (07:10):
Oh okay, We'll pretend we just go.

Speaker 3 (07:17):
Hey, make sure Camilla stays on scene.
We'd like that.

Speaker 2 (07:22):
Hello, this is Buckingham Palace.
Speaking Whom?
To me I direct this call?

Speaker 3 (07:29):
Well, it's an American click down phone.
Okay, you are correct.
So, yeah, well, I thought youmight have some insight, but
it's just, it's just really fun.
Sorry, I mean, it's just, it'sjust everywhere.
You've seen it right?
I mean, they're covering allthe stuff just coming across the
pond about Princes and Prince,the future king of England.

Speaker 2 (07:49):
Have you noticed that 90% of the news is bullshit
these days?
You've got two wars raging on,you know?
Don't, don't get me started.
You got Netanyahu starving andthreatening to kill a shitload
of children and women andchildren, and hey, go, go, take
refuge over there.
Oh, by the way, we're bombingover there too.

So, good, good, you know theTrump channel to do with who?
Oh, I'm surprised me.
And then you got.
You got Egypt Sitting theregoing no, you can't leave.
I know you're gonna get bombed.
Tough luck, you know.
And so, although I do like,what the Americans are gonna do
is is put a Doc, I mean afloating doc.

Yeah floating doctor yeah.

Speaker 3 (08:34):
I gotta get in the food because you know the some
other countries going.
Okay, we'll do a drop and dropit on you.
Oh, we didn't check theparachutes.
They don't open.
So if the food drop doesn'tkill you, the lack of food
probably will do you know?

Speaker 2 (08:46):
that is actually a thing.
They used to happen in theSecond World War too.
When they do these humanitariandrops, people get killed.
Yeah, kill people, yeah you'reheavy man.

Speaker 3 (08:56):
Yes, they're very heavy.
You know all those, all thosesemi-automatic rifles Be better
way to come with the floatingdoc.
I would thank that.
Guy needs something like that.
It's crazy.

Speaker 2 (09:06):
Oh, something's gotta happen.
They've closed up.
Well, they've closed up thatyou can't.
You know there are no bordersleft.
So what do you do?
You go to the sea.
Go to the sea side.

Speaker 3 (09:21):
Yeah, and so as they go to the sea to get food, the
the other guys will line up andshoot them as they line to get
Right, that's probably they aresitting ducks.
Oh, you know, they drop thefood, they kill people.
Come over the doc, somethingwill happen.
People falling and drown tryingto get a bag of rice.

Speaker 2 (09:37):
That's gonna happen, that's gonna happen.
But you know, you guys, I couldsee it now like I was just Just
exclaiming oh look, a20-something Arab.
He was a terrorist.
How can you tell?
I don't know, but he looked atme funny.

Speaker 3 (10:02):
You know you probably , I know you probably what I've
The whole thing I did.
I was glad I did.
I mean, I haven't what?

Speaker 2 (10:08):
the whole wall just watched it on the long side,
academy Ward.

Speaker 3 (10:11):
Oh, I thought it was really good.

Speaker 2 (10:14):
I'm sorry, I thought you were talking.
We were talking about the war.

Speaker 3 (10:17):
I mean I've watched.

Speaker 2 (10:18):
War two on TV.
Do you didn't politicssomething fun.
Yeah, you're right.
Okay, forget that.

Speaker 3 (10:25):
No, yes, the you know I'm up on politics stuff.
You're getting all the old bentout of shape.
I was trying to say you know Ido, why, you know I do.

Speaker 1 (10:34):
I'm just trying to stand, just trying to snap you
out of it.

Speaker 2 (10:37):
So the Oscars?
Yes, slash the Oscars.

Speaker 3 (11:10):
It was.
It was actually non-politicalpretty much to the end.
There were a couple of speeches, yeah, and you know people, I
mean I don't blame them.
What they said, they weresaying the right thing.
It's the one guy who won for adocumentary about Ukraine.
He goes I'd give this thingback if they never invaded my
country, you know so.
He said I, I didn't want tohave to make this documentary.
It's about the war.

He is anybody standing about.
But if I don't, if you, Ilooked at it.
It's pretty gruesome.
They show the things you don'tsee.
They show the dead children,really slaughter and carnage.
It's just, yeah, a lot is this.

Speaker 2 (11:46):
It's disgusting.
We're gonna look at this iswhat kind of bugs me these?
You go right back into politicshere.
Well, you did.

Speaker 3 (11:53):
This is there he goes there, he goes.
No, I'm gonna say it, let meget soapbox there you go, stand
on it, go ahead, that's creaky.

Speaker 2 (12:05):
It's not.
You're not gonna take thisseriously, then I'm going to go
Listen, listen.
What I was gonna say was whatkind of bugs me is now they?

Speaker 3 (12:25):
I'm just gonna give you a background music to go by.
You can go ahead.
Stop it.

Speaker 2 (12:35):
All right, I'm just really gonna make the point very
quickly that they do have, andthat's all the time we have.
What's the point?
What boy?

Speaker 3 (12:44):
now you want to hear.

Speaker 2 (12:46):
Okay, no, I was thinking of these super
realistic video games.
You know you shoot people, butyou come back to life.
You know you shoot people, butit doesn't show you the horror
of the pain and the hell thatpeople go through when they die,
have a gunshot wound, or thefact that the half their head is

Speaker 3 (13:01):

Speaker 2 (13:02):
I mean it's and that's what you know, the youth
of today Probably think that'swhat it is.
Oh, you, you, you get shot.
You go out and fall over.
No, if you get shot in the head, the back of your head's gone,
probably your brain with it.
You get shot in, you know, inthe stomach.
Well, there go your nuts done,you know.

Or the horrible paintings shotin the stomach.
Anyway hurts like hell, yeah, Imean, and it lasts forever.
I mean now you're gonna go homeand you're gonna be, you know,
looking like trunk going, youknow, in a wheelchair.
Poor bastards, I feel I, I mean, I, I almost get mad at him
Why did you join?
But the fact is you did, andyes, but he did this for his

I guarantee you 100% that if hehad the possibility of not
doing it for his country, losinghis genitalia and his legs, I
think that young soldier mighthave taken that option.
What do you think?

Speaker 3 (14:02):
Late ladies and gentlemen, this, this Debbie
Downer part of the show isbrought to you by Castell.
Thank you, thank you very much.
Okay no, you're right, pop off,pop up the soap box, you okay

Speaker 2 (14:16):
I'm okay, unless you mention again Don't start me and
we didn't do a show last week.
So you know, here we did, oh,dude, oh we did, didn't we?
And I don't know a bloody day.
It is, as you know, theminiature, the miniature, the
That sounds like a song, I feel.

Speaker 3 (14:37):
I don't know if you, if you, enjoyed the Academy
I did I mean because I've beendoing all, just actually a lot
of people.
I like the way they did it,like five previous winners would
announce a winner in each majorcategory.
I thought that was really goodthat was clever, that was neat.
I know I love Al Pacino, I'mcoming out at the end.
Yes, I'm going.
He didn't read the nominees butyou know he said afterwards it

Because it was doing crap.
He said the producer said wewere short of time, that it won
a run over.
So just, you know that's, therewere 10 nominees and you go
ahead and announce the winner.
Well, he didn't do like thenormal build-up, like okay, you
know what are the best pictureof the year is he just went.
You know there were 10nominations, only one come.
When I open the envelope and my, I see it was like going what?

And is this an Al Pacino moment?

Speaker 2 (15:29):
Yeah, you know.
You know what, though I thoughtthis this year?
Right there, all they wereagain talking about it was
almost a repeater last year ofOppenheimer right and Barbie and
the other one that I reallylike called was it.
Damn it, I forgot my nightwrote it down.

I know I did no, no, noadventure, adventure, adventure.
Hello, I'm.

Speaker 3 (15:58):
It was in the movie that youlike.
I still no no, no, it's.

Speaker 2 (16:01):
It's called like poor people or poor things.
I think it's called, yeah, poorthings, is it?
Yeah, now that's the one a yearago, you and I having this
exact same conversation and Icouldn't remember its name then
But I said I really want to seethat movie and I'll be damned
it want one on Oscar one, a fewOscars.
What if you did you actuallysee it?
You just know I never did and Iknow, I will now.

I mean, I was anyway, but Icould never find it, so you know
and and those kind of thosekind of movies I want to see in
a movie theater, and I'll onlygo to RG movie theaters because
people are far more respectfulin there and I don't you want to
watch it on your fights on Hulu?

Speaker 3 (16:39):
Just let me know.

Speaker 2 (16:40):
Oh, really, okay, yeah, don't do that after the
show I'm cool Hulu open yourscreen at home.

Speaker 3 (16:47):
Just you know, we got a good size TV.
Just watch it there if you want.

Speaker 2 (16:50):
Well, I do, I got a 55 inch.
Thank you, allison, there yougo yeah oh yeah.

Speaker 3 (16:56):
You should be doing porn, man, 55 inches.
Hello, crap, I Do walk with alimp.
That's no, I know you knewthose, something to that.
Okay, I tell you what the setwas nice.
They sing all the nominatesongs.
I mean Ryan Gossum when he did.
I'm just kin God, that wasfunny.

That was a great production.
Wearing the pink suit, all thedancers having to sing along, I
mean it was, it was, it wasgreat.
It was good, it was a bigstanding ovation.
They weren't crazy, didn't youlike it?
Big production number I lovedit.

Speaker 2 (17:30):
But you know what I mean.
It's just, I would see them.
I love it.
But the thing it seemed likelast year's Oscar's just the
same thing again, but taken alittle more seriously.
It didn't seem to be thatserious last year and in fact it
hasn't really been serioussince they announced their own
winner a few years ago.

Speaker 3 (17:51):
Yeah, it's been kind of boring and really kind of
formatic, and this way they madeit participatory and everyone
seemed involved.
There were a lot of, I guessyou could say, legends.
You don't normally see theOscars anymore, which was great,
you know they have to pay forthat.

Speaker 2 (18:07):
Did you know that Well?

Speaker 3 (18:09):
I'm sure why not?

Speaker 2 (18:09):
you know so get them there, it's good for the show.

Speaker 3 (18:13):
Yeah, the best line of the night was from Jimmy
He saved it to the end when hedidn't realize he goes.
I took his phone and he goes.
I'm reading a review.
Oh yeah, and he actually was areal review from Trump on his
Truth Social Network and talkingabout how he sucked as a host
and the actually let's getGeorge Salopas to beat the host
next time.
And then he goes make Americagreat again, and he goes.

Mr President, I'm just reallyshocked.
You're watching, isn't it pastyour jail time?
Oh, that was great Coward nutsand he was watching.
He was watching.

Speaker 2 (18:42):
He was watching.

Speaker 3 (18:43):
That freaking bastard .

Speaker 2 (18:46):
So oh, that was real.
I didn't realize that was real,I thought that was just you
know like no, he actually thatway.

Speaker 3 (18:51):
he read word for word .
Wow, that was written by Trump.

Speaker 2 (18:55):
Yeah, we need him as our president again.
Oh, who gives Newsflash?
Newsflash Trump has lost thekinderway black vote.
He has.

Speaker 3 (19:12):
He what he's losing.

Speaker 2 (19:15):
He has lost the kinderway, my street.
I'm sorry.
I guess I should write.
Oh, okay, he has lost the votehere.
He ain't getting it.

Speaker 3 (19:25):
Oh, I said, sit down with it with an after the black
person, I would just go.
If they like Trump, I'm just gobuy.
I just wanted, I just would go.
I just want to.
What it slips slaps him.
So what do you do?
How could it black Hispanic befor Trump?
You know you suck at me.
Back to politics again.
What do you do?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.

Speaker 2 (19:45):
But here we go.
Well, you know what I mean.
You suck at me into Trump them.
Oh, dan, that goes to whistle.
Well, that's it for that.

Speaker 3 (19:56):
You'll go ahead, spin it out, man.
We're on it now let's go.
I was going to say the otherguy who was running for the
Republicans was.

Speaker 2 (20:02):
one of them was black , okay.

Speaker 3 (20:05):
And representative Scott from your state of South
That's right.
That's right.

Speaker 2 (20:10):
And you know, and he backed Trump.
Now, a little miss.
What's the name?
Who we've already said, whosename we've already forgotten?

Speaker 3 (20:18):
Nikki Haley, from your state in.

Speaker 2 (20:19):
South Carolina.
That's right?
Well, she did.
She never backed Trump.
However, my political informanton such matters, pookie, who
lives next door and if youlisten, if you listen very
carefully, you'll probably hearhim screaming, yelling he was
doing it earlier.
Yeah, he was saying that hedidn't like nickel Haley, nikki

Haley, because, yeah, she was,she was using, she was she was
being racist.
I go really when and what way Idon't know.
She said something as he took asracist and I said so I want to
just something you couldn'tunderstand.
It was above the third gradelevel that might have been,
could well have been, but anyway, so I think you're making fun
of me.

Speaker 3 (21:04):
I don't know what you're saying, but it's not like
you're making fun of me.

Speaker 2 (21:07):
Yeah, yeah, it keeps calling me pookie, I don't know
why, anyway.
So I mean, I thought it waskind of interesting that you
know for someone who was adiehard Trumpite, and I think
this is actually okay.
It's only one guy in the middleof South Carolina, but for as
strong as they are, here were Ithink he's done, because if you

can lose pookies for vote,you're done.

Speaker 3 (21:31):
I mean, well, here's the big question why did pookie
change your mind?

Speaker 2 (21:36):
Change his mind.

Speaker 3 (21:38):
Okay, why do you change his mind?
He knew pookie was a man,surely.

Speaker 2 (21:42):
I had a female I know , pookie.
Oh, do you?
Well, there's an avenue thatwe'll get down later Chris
Bailey and his friend pookie.
The adventures of my girlfriend.
Well, no, I forgot what youasked me.
Pookie, I see your girlfriend.

Speaker 3 (22:00):
She has a really good pookie, oh I see Okay, well,
there you go.

Speaker 2 (22:05):
So why did he change his mind?
Why did he change his mind?
Because he's been watching thethings he's saying and doing.
He goes the guy's an idiot.
I go bingo.
I said fine, yeah, you justfigured it out.
And he goes, yeah, but Ithought he was really cool.
I said, okay, exactly.
I said, well, you know so whathappens?
I don't know man, he's just anidiot, he's not saying anything.

I said exactly, and what do youthink he's going to do for you,
mr Blackman?
Like in the past times, nothingfor nobody.

Speaker 3 (22:41):
Maybe he'd be upset on those stage photos Trump
takes with some black people andsome were photoshopped.
Some of you were Really.
I mean I'm just going oh, giveme, give me, how much are they
getting paid?
And then you know, it was just.
You know, all set of photos,not real people, not real
You know.

Speaker 2 (22:57):
Of course, and those guys should have done things
like they did in Vietnam.
When the prisoners that getcaught, they make like little
signs with their fingers.
You know, as subtly as theycould and to say I'm saying I'm
not doing this by my own freewill.
He probably went to a chair.

Speaker 3 (23:15):
I was hoping that the black guy to his left he had
kind of like his head, his handon the shoulder, which probably
broke out in a rash.
He was just like what isfingers sticking his ear out
when the camera was taking apicture.

Speaker 2 (23:24):
I was watching the news.
He was talking, he had a wetone man in there.
Well at his hair.
They were showing you you knowa picture of Biden and a picture
of him and I don't know.
You could see the makeup justglowing and his hairpiece was
glowing orange, the side bits.
He doesn't have a hairpiece,that's right, some mouse or

something, but it was.
It was just so obvious.
I mean it was just funny.
I mean I don't understand.

Speaker 3 (23:54):
So he has lost the black vote in South Carolina.

Speaker 2 (24:00):
I think someone should have a whole like radio
station devoted to just you know, pulling the curtain back like
the Wizard of Oz.
You know, my God, if youhaven't figured it out from last
time, we'll help you.

Speaker 3 (24:14):
A close man, half the country or some reason.
Well, we get seven and a halfmonths for things to happen, and
things will happen, so we'llsee.
That's true.

Speaker 2 (24:27):
There's fat as he is.
Maybe he'll have a triplequadruple bypass.

Speaker 3 (24:32):
He choked on one of those KFC chicken bones that he
eats all the time.
I'd be kind of fun to watch,Wouldn't it just give him the
name like?
No, we're just going to watchhim If you spit out his own okay
, we will just point out, I'mjoking.
Oh well, tough shit.

Speaker 2 (24:47):
Put it on repeat, just have it on continuous
That's right yeah that's sick,that's okay.

Speaker 3 (24:54):
American politics, you get all the stuff going on
with idiot, all these messcoming out of England about
what's going with our royals.
Right, yeah, exactly.
Academy Awards had one of theirbiggest audiences in years,
went way up in ratings, sopeople felt the same way, I
And what I'm excited about isthat a lot of people this week

said a lot of stupid shit.
Stupid people say guess whatI'm in.
That pookie yes.
Yes, did you, would you like tohear it again, I would Talk to
me Stupid people say guess whatI'm in.

I like I'm glad you've come toa census.
I will read the quote thestupid shit, and you need to
tell me who said it.

Speaker 2 (25:53):
Alright, just a couple sentences to bear with me
who said this?

Speaker 3 (25:56):
I'll read it kind of like he said it in his speech.
That was a clue.
No, not what you think.
Look here people, White folkscame here with nothing and built
the most powerful nation onearth.
I'm not saying the Mexicans andBlack should not be proud, but

who do you think has the most tobrag about?
The folks who built Mexico, thefolks who built the nations in
Africa or the folks who builtthe United States?

Speaker 2 (26:30):
Oh God, that sounds horribly like Fox News, doesn't

Speaker 3 (26:36):
Well, they carried it .
They showed the clip on FoxNews.
It's a guy who's running forgovernor of North Carolina and
he's currently the NorthCarolina Lieutenant Governor,
mark Robinson, and he's a Blackman.
Really, he's praising the whitepeople.

Speaker 2 (26:52):
That's not as unpleasant as, say, like a
Native American praising whitepeople.
I mean well, I mean he's thewhite people did it off the
backs of the Chinese.

Speaker 3 (27:11):
Because someone asked him if he was like a part of
the Black movement.
Whatever he goes, why would Iwant to be that there are people
who have families with multiplefathers, mothers who are abused
and kids are going nowhere.
Why don't I want to be a partof?
That Well he's got a point I'drather be white people.

Well again, he has his name.
Future Soundbites.
North Carolina LieutenantGovernor Mark Robinson.
Wow, he is a walking stupidshit coat machine.
Stupid shit.
People say Guess what I mean.
Thank you.
Thank you, boogie.
Stupid shit number two.
You're up, costello, you ready,I'm doing so well here, yes, go


Speaker 2 (28:01):
Would you take a?

Speaker 3 (28:01):
nap you with me.
Next school please Secondstupid shit part of the week.
Here it is.
He's dead to us now.
You're dead to us.
Good luck, man.
You're dead to me.

Speaker 2 (28:18):
Somebody pissed in his weedies, I guess.

Speaker 3 (28:22):
Do you think right?
Yeah, this is a sports thing.
I'll tell you that.
Okay, there's a lot of freeagent signings this week.

Speaker 2 (28:29):
Do you know what?
Do you know this Basketball?
I think Am I right, WrongFootball.

Speaker 3 (28:38):
Football that was.
Barclay who played for the NewYork Giants and he was talking
about Sequan Barclay who was.
He was jacked about the Giantsplayed for them his first six
years and he just took adifferent contract.
He was traded to thePhiladelphia Eagles and you know
, tiki was the Giant for Lifeand he's expecting Sequan to be
the Giant for Life.

He said he wanted to be.
He took the money and went torival team Philadelphia they're
in the same division, oh really.

Speaker 2 (29:05):
Oh well, his daddy's got money and he's got money.
What the hell Look?

Speaker 3 (29:11):
at the hell.
He's made millions, man.
So, pookie, talk to me again.
Buddy Pookie, one more oh.
Stupid shit.
People say Guess what I'm in.
Yeah I know, stupid shit.
Quote of the week Number threeAre you ready, castel?
You're over two, I am listening.
Oh, make it this one.
Okay, make it what.

Here we go.
Here's the quote here's thething.
All right, Because I'm a dick,probably because it was easy,
because I don't like CNN, and Ireally mean that.
Don Lemon.
Now, Guy, I admit it, he was adick.
So who's on cable TV as a dick?
Don Lemon.
Oh, that um oh, when you can doit, you can do it, you can do


Speaker 2 (29:57):
You can do it.
Come on, it's coming along,pull it out of the brain.

Speaker 1 (30:02):
It's deteriorating, baby every day.
Go on Pull it out oh.

Speaker 2 (30:04):
God, it's like shitting a pineapple backwards.

Speaker 3 (30:09):

Speaker 2 (30:10):
Times up.

Speaker 3 (30:11):
That was Tucker Carlson.
He said that oh, of course, ofcourse I knew that he was
explaining why he attacked ChrisCuomo in the Fox News show.
So Chris Cuomo, you know, was adick.
After you know, carlson justpeaked on him all the time he
Why'd you pick me all the time?
That's his quote.
Because I'm a dick?
Probably because it was easy,because I don't like CNN.

I really mean that.

Speaker 2 (30:33):
That's what he told me about.
That runs beautifully intoexactly what I was thinking
about earlier, and that would beyour good buddy, joe Rogan.
You don't like him, do you?
Well, you know you don't Let medo so.

I thought we would have JoeRogan's insult corner.
We're going to put him and youtogether and you're just going
to insult him.
He can't send anything backbecause he's not here.

Speaker 3 (31:08):
Well, that would be, that would be have to find.
I'd like for him to say stuffback so I can just keep beating
him up.

Speaker 2 (31:12):
Well, you know, eventually somebody will go.
Hey, have you heard what Chrisof Chris and Costello on the
original canceled Radio Guyssaid about you?

Speaker 3 (31:20):
So we can talk about he's got short man syndrome.

Speaker 2 (31:24):
I mean, that's exactly it, he'shere, you know taking steroids.

Speaker 3 (31:28):
So he's all steroids.
He's a UFC announcer.
He likes watching those guyshumping the cage.
He's not funny.
He's a boy.
He's a midget.
How far do we go?

Speaker 2 (31:39):
You can go as far as you like, but save some for next
week because I'm going to makeyou up a.

Speaker 3 (31:45):
Close Dana White to keep going.

Speaker 2 (31:47):
Well, I was going to say I'm going to make you a
little jingle to go in there, soit'll be an actual thing.
How do we get a jingle?
A jingle, yes, you will.
Okay, because I like that.

Speaker 3 (32:03):
This is full participation for our listeners.
So if you want to, you know,call in.
I mean, go to our website andleave an insult.
Please do, and we'll put itright on the show, okay, join in

Speaker 2 (32:17):
You'd have to email us at christencostelloyahucom.
You can do that, which,strangely enough, nobody's found
The Easter egg yet A few peoplehave mentioned.
No, I don't have it stuck up myass.
Thank you very much.

Speaker 3 (32:35):
I was my first guest too.
Oh, that was you, was it yeah?

Speaker 2 (32:38):
it was me, sorry.
Copious amounts of cash will beone.
When somebody figures it out, Ithink we'll put two weeks on it
, and if they haven't found itby then, bailey, you and I will
go to the National Associationof Broadcasters in Vegas and go
live it up for a day or two.
It's coming up soon, man.

Speaker 3 (32:55):
It's coming up around April 14th, so we will have the
copious amounts of cash with usat the convention and of course
, that copious amounts reallykind of relates to the change in
my pocket.
That's pretty much it, copious.

Speaker 2 (33:08):
That's copious, right ?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, well, me too.
Yeah, you got it.
You got it, buddy, yeah.
So there you go, the Easter egg.
Where is the Easter egg I got?

Speaker 3 (33:19):
Yeah, find the Easter egg,leave your Joe Rogan insult, or
do your Joe Rogan impression, ifyou like.

Speaker 2 (33:25):
So it's kind of like this oh, you can do that.
Well, you'd have a lot ofexperience.

Speaker 3 (33:29):
man, oh fucking man, we got some fucking stuff.
Good show today, man, in fact,don't we?
Buddy, you're talking to thisproducer.
I don't know, joe, do we?
Oh yeah, it's a couple thatsaid so.

Speaker 2 (33:40):
I tried.
I'll be quite honest with you.
I tried listening to it todaywhile I was cooking and I just
I'm sorry man, I tried.
Did you have a guest on?
Yes, he did.
I mean it was interesting in asfar as the guy who kind of
invented AI, and so in thatrespect it was kind of
But that guy was pouring too,it's like oh Jesus, you got a

scientist on there.

Speaker 3 (34:07):
How are you going to pull the fun out of a scientist?
Well, somebody wants to knowabout how you did at AI, but
it's just going to be reallyclinical and scientific.
It's going to be, you know well, it was.
Yeah, exactly At this point,right.

Speaker 2 (34:22):
Yeah, yeah, it was oh gosh bad, bad, bad.
So yeah, I don't know.
I don't know what the fuss isabout that guy.
You know you kept talking aboutit.
I don't know the hell you'retalking about as well.

Speaker 3 (34:34):
Well, I just you know .
It's like he was one of thefirst guys to do a podcast.
I guess, he's got a hugeaudience that knows him from UFC
He's been doing it and so whenhe came on, he did just kind of
follow them and go oh Joe, he'sthe UFC guy, let's just do what
he's doing.
You know what.
He's kind of on with them andjust made him a lot of money,
you know.
But if you want entertainmentvalue, you want an alternative.

Here we are.

Speaker 2 (35:00):
Grayson Costello at the original canceled radio guys

Speaker 3 (35:06):
Like a flat rash.
That just won't go away.
Here's Chris and cost now.
Yeah, we need to say that wecan get costello up on the
political soapbox if you want.
Don't even Go, put him on andput him beside your organ and we
can both just have a reallysound sleep.

Speaker 2 (35:27):
Oh, Thanks a lot, at least, at least I'm a little
more animated than he is.

Speaker 3 (35:34):
True, yeah, maybe he's been doing a podcast for
too long, maybe he's just he'sbeen doing it so long that they
used to call it chain letters.

Speaker 2 (35:45):
His first book this first podcast was done by mail,
so you know ha ha ha.

Speaker 3 (35:54):
He's getting older, he's shrinking me.
Can get much shorter to be.

Speaker 2 (36:01):
You know what, if he's done, if he's done all
those steroids and everything,I'm quite sure it's genitalia is
probably Sucked right back upthere.

Speaker 3 (36:10):
Oh, it's inverted.
Yeah, it's just like it's givenhim a second evil.
Okay, is that your penis?
That's my navel I used to be,but now it's my other name.
What you can do with that?
I can't use it anymore, man.
I'm dick dead.

Speaker 2 (36:27):
I'm DD, dick dead.
A penis and genitalia by anyother name would be a buttonhole

Speaker 3 (36:33):
It's a terrible male affliction, dd.
Is that disease.
Is it?
Is that disease reach over inthe pond, yet Is it rampant in
England, dd?
Well, look at the King.

Speaker 2 (36:47):
I mean.

Speaker 3 (36:48):
I was.
The King has it every time helooks at Camilla.

Speaker 2 (36:52):
Yeah, run away, and wouldn't you?

Speaker 3 (36:55):
Okay, but you would you King me?
No, I got DD.

Speaker 2 (37:01):
I'm gonna go back.
Case of DD.
Yeah, that's right.

Speaker 3 (37:06):
I'll put a bag over my head.
Well, let me have a shot then.
Okay, but otherwise England'sproblem is not America's problem
Again, I think we got to dowith Trump.
You gotta do with Camilla.

Speaker 2 (37:24):
Hey, you know what I'm just thinking, completely
changing the subject.
Okay we've talked about thisbefore, but we're gonna talk
about it now.
Podcast radio UScom.
And it's really important youput the US there, because I
wrote them a very rude lettergoing look, you said, you're

gonna put us on air.
I Sent you everything.
I stayed up overnight.
I slaved over a hot, a hotthing microphone a microphone.
Thank you, yeah, we're Mixingdesk and and and I grew older
and you haven't done anything.
I don't see it anywhere.
You said it would be here, so,um, god man, I'll listen to us

this week.

Speaker 3 (38:11):
I listen to us on On the Charlotte Okay, oh, okay,
and we're in Atlanta.
I'm gonna check that out nextbecause it's what they do.
It's really funny because who'son before us and actress
because they they want to justdo a hope.
It's called since podcast radio.
Right, instead of like doingmaybe a full show, like an hour
show, back to back, I wouldthink that would be the smart

way to go.
You do, you have an hour showand and this your show's done.
Another show comes on for anhour but they're doing these 10
minutes snippets.
It's kind of like comedy radioand they play a little bit of a
comedian and they go to the nextone, to the next one.
Oh, yeah, yeah our lead insometimes can be funny.
I mean, we had a therapist leadus in one day.
He goes, you just did she closeout and have some good brain

Okay, and if you just check meout, if you have any issues and
questions, I'm here for youalways, so you have good mental
And then we come on and go andwe're followed by a scientist
talking about yo.
It's the spring when the algaeforms on the rocks, you know,
and it causes all kinds ofpollen and allergies.
I'm going, it's just, it's justfun.

You know that's what.
As podcast radio they get alittle bit everything.
Well, you know, it'll be amystery after that.
You know or you can.

Speaker 2 (39:23):
But you can hear full , full versions of our show
You had to go to comedy, right?
You got a podcast radio us dotcom and Says comedy.
You hit that.
And we're like the second onedown with a picture yeah, we are
picture two punk girls that Itook for over 40 years ago and

won an award with it too.
And then he got my clock cleansperson and take my PT, you

Speaker 3 (39:53):
We can do an x-week show if you, if you want to.
You know, it's like.
It's like the 25th anniversarywhen Selena got shot and then
there was oh, I think it was 80or somebody who carried the
shooter, I mean the woman aroundthe fan cup, the most hated
woman in the world.
That's right.
The interviewer and she was likegoing it was an accident, it
wasn't my fault and I wasn't.

I wasn't skimming from the fanclub.
She was wrong and this is mystory.
So this is what really happened.
Well, no one believes thatbitch worth anything, you know.
So and then they gave herairtime for that and it, what it
does, is spikes.
What's on YouTube is myinterview with Selena.
I interviewed her Four monthsbefore she was shot.
It was like the last Englishinterview she did and it was

like one of the first ones she'sdone in a long time, because
she's getting ready to releaseher English you know album,
because everything she did was,you know, the Hano music and now

she's gonna do the big popmusic.
This is gonna be a big deal.
You know people you know northof Texas and to the east and
Don't know who she was, youknow.
So it's like Texas, westernstates, lower western states and
below, and she was super starand she was gonna be one as well
too, but it's practically that,that's idiot.
This is what a way.
Son, 22 years old.

You know she's funny.
The interview is really good.
You know we can play the nextweek's show if you want to.

Speaker 2 (41:47):
All right, well, we'll work something.
Out is to listen.

Speaker 3 (41:50):
What long, long time ago, back in 1994.

Speaker 2 (41:58):
Some of us is one even born then, oh my god.
Now you go for only 10.

Speaker 3 (42:06):
I did the interview, so all right.

Speaker 2 (42:08):
Well, listen, I can tell you.

Speaker 3 (42:10):
I was only 10 years old, hi Selena.

Speaker 2 (42:14):
Selena baby.

Speaker 3 (42:16):
You're pretty.
Yeah, big ass you got.
She did.

Speaker 2 (42:22):
I saw a woman.

Speaker 3 (42:23):
I saw a woman a little more than that when they
had to pick someone to play her,I mean, you had to do that, dad
, have a big ass like Selena Atthat time.
Jennifer Lopez, you know shehad to look, you know with the
makeup, so I didn't really callpush it a big ass.

Speaker 2 (43:03):
I'll tell you what.
Let's put that on the books fornext week.
We'll do that.

Speaker 3 (43:07):
We'll listen to it Sniffing pale thing.
Whatever it is.
Where do you feel Well?

Speaker 2 (43:12):
how well we'll talk about that.

Speaker 3 (43:14):
We'll have a pretty Good news new cost on you.
I'll leave it up to you, mrEditor, mr Producer, well, I,
that's the record button.
I forgot to push.

Speaker 2 (43:27):
I traveled 600 fucking miles to be here and I
got nothing to show for it.

Speaker 3 (43:33):
Can't wait to hear next week.
I'm glad I did a lot ofmalnourished be attacked as a
party, just by the way.

Speaker 2 (43:41):
I'm still paying for that.

Speaker 3 (43:44):
Are you?
Oh god yes yeah, you know, I'mI'm not thinking about it.
Oh, what did I?

Speaker 2 (43:49):
Well, I like, I say I know whathappened, but that's not the
point, doesn't make it.
Doesn't make it, make it anybetter.
Oh god that was one of thesecond worst feelings in my life
Oh my god.

Speaker 3 (44:07):
We crowd there a lot of guests and fun interviews,
great stories and and no one'sever gonna hear it, so that's
great, thank you.
Stupid, be our new feature.
You can do it.
Stupid shit people do.

Speaker 2 (44:29):
We could and we probably will.
Oh okay, enough of that.
Thank you.
I'm glad you can go home.

Speaker 3 (44:34):
You can, we can have fun with you about it.
It's just, you know so manythings, man, it's a course.

Speaker 2 (44:39):
Good god man, Good god I had him think man.
I had a cabbage man.
I don't care anymore.

Speaker 3 (44:49):
We just think about the street food.
You like them shrimps and stuff.
You forgot to hit the recordbutton too busy.

Speaker 2 (44:54):
I don't have another show that wasn't no, no, no, no.
I did hit the record button,but the MP3 slot that I put it
in it records and then then westopped it because, okay, oh
look, it's recording, great,wonderful.
But what we didn't know is thatyou couldn't record on it again
I didn't know.
But what's this?
We shit?
Well, you were sitting next tome.

Who had the board it was?
It was in between us.
You're memory right, yeah,that's right, but but the thing
of it was that the little chipin this thing Ah, you've already
recorded once, that's your lot.
But I'm gonna let you look atthis and see the me to go up and

down and the little red lightwill still flash.
So how the hell are yousupposed to know it's not
recording and still, I have tosay about it really, Just just
for me to fill out a bend over.

Speaker 3 (45:49):
Take your medicine, man, for messing that up okay.
I'll make him his next withSelena bend over, take it.
Take it like a man's hangingaround here.

Speaker 2 (45:57):
Well, next week We'll have Selena.
Charles give it to him.
With a royal set the car.
Hey, he's got DD, dd, templeday, temple day.
All right, hang on a second.

Here you still there, bailey.
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