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March 10, 2024 90 mins

In this episode of the Taproom Podcast, hear from Tim and Steve, the co-founders of Hardihood Distribution. This duo expertly shares their unique journey into the craft beer world, from their individual paths to their shared passion for the industry.

From touring as a musician and early microbrew tastings to military days and discovering new brews, these guys recount their bundling experiences that led them to the world of craft beer retail. Learn how these encounters sculpted their skill set, familiarizing them in the distribution scene and leading them to establish Hardy Hood Distribution. This episode provides rich industry knowledge, hilarious encounters, and an insightful peek into the world of craft beer.


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Episode Transcript

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Alright, and we're back. This is episode 56 of the Taproom Podcast, and I'm your host, Mike.
I've got a good one today. I had Tim and Steve from Hardy Hood Distribution.
Also, I got to talk to Josh from Noble on Thursday.
They had an industry night over there, and we got to talk about the new Minty

Charms. It was really, really good.
It's the, how we describe it, so I don't want to ruin it, but it's obviously
a mint chip type stout, and it's really, really good.
So that'll be at the end of the episode. But yeah, so just wanted to give a
quick intro because I slept in a little bit and I got to go to,
I got to go to Villains in a little bit and go record. So I'm excited for that

one. That one will be out in two weeks.
Next week's episode will be the real Al Sharpton episode.
So really excited about that. Dennis was such a really nice guy.
We got to record an episode on Tuesday.
So super excited about that. Yeah. So I said, it's going to be a pretty, pretty quick intro.
I did want to talk about the real quick, some, some stuff that was going on
in the world of sports, but saw Russell Wilson got released.

It's like you you're paying a guy $85 million to not be on your team. It's like, holy shit.
But yeah, I thought that was pretty crazy. And then also I saw they were released
some renderings of the new a stadium.
And it kind of reminded me of the Sydney like opera house in Australia.
Australia, I was like, I just thought though, I don't know if anybody else thought
that, but it looks obviously really cool, but that's the first thing I thought

of when I saw it, but it looks, uh, it looks pretty awesome.
The NHL trade deadline was the other day.
You know, it wasn't anything like the abs made some moves, traded Bowen Byron,
which I was kind of sad about, but I mean, I mean, as much as I,
you know, you got to do what you got to do for the team and they haven't like
really insane forward depth now.
So it should be pretty crazy. And they got some bodies, you know?

So when they get in the playoffs, it should be pretty good. We'll see how that all plays out, though.
But no, like, crazy moves. I was just kind of surprised. Usually there's,
you know, some kind of big name going somewhere, but unless I missed it.
But yeah, like I said, it's going to be a short intro. So I hope you guys enjoy
the episode with Tim and Steve. And stay tuned for the outro.
All right. And we're back.

We're back in, well, I was going to say we're back in the taproom,
but we're not really in the taproom at Noble. We're in the office. Not tonight.
Because they have an event going on. But I have two special guests on today.
I have Tim and Steve from Hardy, but I said Hardy, but I butchered that.
I'm so sorry. Let me start. It's a party store, actually. Yeah,
party. Yeah, it's party city.
I'm just kidding. It's Hardy Hood distribution. I was going to edit that out, but I'll just leave.

It's fun yeah it's a it's an interesting word
there it's kind of difficult i blame tim for it
i mean absolutely but i but i must have said a hardy hood
i don't know how many times today because people kept asking me like oh are
you doing anything later do you want to hang out i'm like oh no i'm sorry i'm
recording with hardy hood and what was their response like what the fuck you
say to me yeah i'm sorry can i tell someone oh you can see your hardy huh yeah

he's like they're hardy hung oh just i wouldn't know that just kidding that was a josh I'll take it.
We are not naked right now. We are not naked. Maybe. Not really naked. Yeah.
But we're over here at Noble. Just shirts. There you go. Shirts over the pants, hand stuff.
We need the poo in it. There you go. But yeah, we're over here at Noble.
They're having an event today. So we got to come in the office.

This is actually the first time I've ever been in the office.
It feels like the lab office part of Noble right now.
I'm seeing like a microscope, some testing kits. Yeah.
Yeah. It's not creepy at all. Yeah. It's like they're, I don't know,
there's like a fedora, Like a mystery fedora back there.
I think that might be a interesting place. Some like, yeah, some lotion and a lot of tissues.
Yeah. Yeah. I thought the seat was sticky. And a certain amount of keys are

really pushed down. I'm just kidding. That was Josh.
One hand typing. You've got one hand typing. He does type like a baby.
That's a multitask. Yeah.
Oh, but no, so you guys distribution company, like obviously like you guys,
I met you guys initially, was it back on the social media one?
It was a back in May here at noble.
So it's almost been a year since I think it's been a year at least. Yeah.

Right. It's been, it's been a while to, you know, and apologies for that,
man. We're just scrambling so long.
I'm busy. Like I'm busy. And like, there's times where like,
I forget to like, you know, to follow up sometimes.
And, and that was, you know, so don't even like it's the way man,
what life and work, right.
But for all good reason though you know yeah keeping busy
oh yeah yeah we met uh met like about a year and

change ago i would say yeah comfortably and always keep
on meeting up at different events and always wanted to do this we always
end up finding each other somehow yeah but uh yeah we're glad we're here right
now yeah man and just so everybody like can kind of like hear like how did you
guys so your journey like with craft beer and honestly getting into the distribution
side like how did that all come about it's a little bit of a story yeah yeah

definitely do Do you want to go first, dude? Yeah, I'll go first.
So, I mean, my fascination with craft beer started when I was a musician way
back when, and I was on tour.
Okay. So, for some reason, when I first started, I didn't like beer whatsoever,
but then I got into craft beer, and someone introduced me to it.
I don't know the guy's name anymore.
A lot of drinking. But that being said, yeah, so my thing when I was on tour

was just like, where's this brewery around here?
Where can I find the local brewery that I can buy a four-pack and take with me?
Yeah. So I started there to the point that like my, my bandmates were just like,
Steve, why? Cause I used to like save the can too.
So I would just lug a trash bag of like recycled cans with me.
Yeah. Dude, Steve, we're starting to get gnats in the fucking band band.
I'm like, so I was like, fuck it, I'm gonna throw them away.

So luckily, I mean, it was before like, no, we had, I think we had cameras on
our phone, but that being said, it wasn't the same thing, you know? Started doing that.
Long story short, I broke up and then gained a job at some random craft beer market.
Basically started from the bottom as a box boy. From there, I started working
hand in hand with one of the owners and started working as a photographer for

their online retail shop.
Do you want to mention that shop or not? No, probably not. Okay.
I don't want to plug anybody in. We'll just say that a lot of people go there.
Yeah, a lot of people go there.
They're actually the first innovators of online shipping craft beer cross.
Craft beer cross. Oh, wow.
Yeah. Yeah, you'll probably guess it if you wanted to guess it.
But that being said, we did that.
From there, I ended up partnering with the owners of Open War O Shop in La Habra.

Did that for a little bit. Found out that actually owning the barbershop wasn't
for me. It's just like endless hours and just probably, it's just,
you know, it's a long time. Yeah.
Just time consuming. So I ended up taking a break from there.
And then just honestly randomly started looking for a job kind of in the crappier market.
And I saw that one, this one wholesale company was looking for like just basically
a marketer because that's my background.

Okay and ended up trying to like i interviewed
and i just wasn't the market looking for you like hey
we want a graphic designer i'm like well that's on me but i
had knowledge of craft beer and like well you want we want actually want to make a
craft beer division for our distribution side i'm like well i copy out there
so start doing that and start acquiring brands and all of a sudden open up our
open up the wholesale distribution company for just craft beer yeah from then

we started to start booming to the point that like i ended up like you know
higher sales reps how how Tim came in the picture.
Yeah. Okay. Yeah. He actually, yeah, he actually started to,
I was a buyer, a buyer at a wine shop.
And then, um, yeah. And then from then on, we just kind of like,
we grew that portfolio into COVID hit and I'll chime in later,
but take it from here, dude. Yeah. So yeah, going back to where I started.

I have to say one of my first loves was Budweiser. You know,
being in the military, that was just a go-to drink for us back then.
Got out in 2010, did a little road trip home.
And on the road trip, my very first craft beer was, I don't know if you guys
know it, but the Big Sky Brewing Company Moose. Oh, yeah.
Yeah, Montana. Fucking love that beer, man. That was, that thing just opened

up my eyes. A brownie, oh, really?
It was a brownie. It was this little pub up in like Coeur d'Alene,
Idaho. Wow. They just had it on there.
My nickname when I was growing up was Moose. So like, that's how I ordered it
off the fricking list and fell in love with it.
And then since then, you know, speeding and speeding forward,
just always interested, you know, like where can I find a new beer that wasn't

like the big boys, you know, all the chain market kind of beers and stuff like that.
So that's what sparked the interest and kind of a fandom for me with that.
And then found myself managing a boutique wine shop, started a beer program
for him and started doing pretty well, actually.
You know, I built my shelving up there, had some beers on tap that were really exclusive.

Really nice shot. And yeah, Steve came in one day and was, you know,
running his own section with that other distro that was a startup.
And, you know, we were pretty cool. You know, our first meeting,
I kind of gave you a hard time.
Yeah, I didn't go so well. I was just like... He was super late.
So back then I was like super military time.
Oh, okay. And I told him, I was like, yeah, come by the shop at 1300.
So I rented it as I'm 30. Yeah. So I was just like, he's like,

you're late. I'm like, What?
No, dude. And then he was like, $1,300. I was like, what the fuck?
I broke his balls a little bit.
Can we cuss on him? Or you say whatever you want. Okay, cool.
Awesome. Just wanted to make sure. But yeah, I was like, what the fuck?
Are you kidding me, dude?
So I'm like, okay, this is going to be a bad start. But no, we ended up hanging
out. Yeah, bullshit. Tried some beers a little bit. It was cool.
And I just kind of told him the backstory of what this company was and how I built it, basically.

And then I told him I was looking for a sales rep in a certain area.
Instead of walking out, he ends up calling me right away. Like hey,
dude, like I'm kind of shit in that spot that actually I.
I mean, that territory you're looking for. I hit my glass ceiling at the spot. Yeah. Yeah.
It just sounded like, you know, Steve was putting on a good program and definitely
something I could grow in.
Yeah. And I was already interested in the craft beer community and trying to

get involved in a different way.
So I hit him up. Yeah. I was like, hey, dude, I'm game. Yeah.
I want to give the shot. Give it a shot. I've never been a beer rep before.
Yeah. And yeah. What I interviewed.
I think not that long after. Yeah. They see him walk in in his little purple suit.
I have a purple suit. You have a purple suit? Would you like to got that?
I don't like that. This is a joke.

Oh, yeah. No, it was like a blue suit with like a purple tie.
It was pretty cool. Pretty flashy, dude. But regardless, you know,
for a sales rep, I'll let that pass.
Are there pictures of this blue suit with a purple tie?
I'll go back to security cameras of the place to work at. They won't let you
in the office, so they don't like you.
Not only burning bridges, but
I don't want to say I intentionally burn bridges, but hey, life goes on.

Well, it's kind of a segue into how we got started. Yeah. Yeah, exactly.
So basically, yeah, so we hired Tim and maybe three other sales reps.
Both of them, Tim and one of the other sales reps was actually one of the founders of Hardyhood.
Yeah. I'm not a founder. Well, I kind of am. No, you're the founder.
I'm a founder, but. Long story short, we'll give a shout out to John. Yeah.
John Treble. No, John V. Oh, John V. Oh, sorry, John Treble's our other guy.

John V, he's a great dude. So we got fired during COVID. You know,
right when COVID kicked off, all the reps got canned.
And Steve still kept his job because he was, you know, the favorite.
But so John approached me during COVID maybe, I don't know, a month or so after,
you know, everything kind of fell apart and originally hit me up and was like,

hey, why don't we just start doing it ourselves?
To be quite honest, didn't take them serious at the beginning.
It wasn't until my wife now kind of, well, tell them the story on like how like
you're playing video games.
Yeah. So I was sitting on the couch and John calls me up. I'm like, Hey, what's going on?
And you know, he kind of runs the whole pitch through and I'm just,
I'm listening to him on speakerphone, not really giving a shit because I'm just
kind of feeling sorry for myself, but the phone hangs up.

And then, you know, my wife, Morgan, she comes in, she was just my girlfriend at the time.
She comes walking in and she's like, Hey, you know, that sounds like a really great opportunity.
Like, what do you think think about it and i was like you know it's kind of
cool whatever and i just didn't give her much feedback and yeah she she kind
of called me out she's like you know pretty much like what the fuck are you
doing yeah this guy's giving you a great opportunity to start something for yourself,

get off your ass and go do something so so yeah i you know i got i got a reality check right there
she kind of snapped me too and then yeah started getting the paperwork done
fortunately for john him and his wife you know they they got pregnant and as
i was doing the paperwork trying to get the business set up,
he had to bounce and kind of take on like a full-time job to have consistent

money because we weren't going to be paying ourselves for like,
you know, the first year. Yeah, exactly.
It's a startup, you know, and we don't, we don't have like a shit ton of capital,
millions of dollars backing us.
So I thought that, you know, it was a cool little split. He's still a good friend now.
And then I started kind of reaching out to Steve and trying to poach Steve from
there on. It was before all that actually.
Oh yeah, he was still with me. So John V was still a part of the idea.

And I had a meeting with you. Yeah, but I had a meeting with Tim directly because
we were his homies. And he was like, hey, can we once in a while have a beer?
We were at Wolf's? No, it was Westmoreland Burbank.
It doesn't really matter, but it was for your bar. Sat down,
he did that to me. I was like, oh, that's cool. No, no, tell him what you thought.
Honestly, I thought it was a really cute idea. I was like, dude, that's awesome, man.

But like, do you know like the logistics it takes to make that happen?
And he's like, well, I didn't ask that question, but that was just me.
And he's like, well, I want to make it happen.
And I was kind of like, well, sad to say, like, I am in no position to like
cut my profit or what I'm making,
mainly because i was married at the time and it's just you know it's all me yeah

so i had a house had all that going on and my ex-wife at
the time just didn't work so i was like i can't do that dude but
you want to what we'll do i'll definitely consult i'll i'll definitely lend
where i could help and we'll work from there long story short was doing that
we started seeing actually money going into i saw tim's dressing i was all by
himself because at that time now yeah like shortly after that meeting i think

this john found out that he was yeah he actually gave me a call when i was on
we're working about the gig i was like driving because a sales rep at the time too,
drive to some sort of account and he's like hey dude what do you think about letting John go,
and to be honest and nothing against John if you're here ever hear this dude
just like yeah you want to work dude I actually feel more comfortable just you and I mainly because.
There was not much communication with the other dude it was just kind of like

we hit him up and it was like,
John was going through a lot of the time and that's the big reason why I think
he chose to step aside because it was just like,
I'm worried about a kid life happens his focus is somewhere
else and I don't blame him for having that we still love John to death he's
actually you know he helps us out he's yeah he's still out he's still in the
industry as well so the guy's fucking killing it and god bless him yeah but
yeah so just like actually yeah I don't mind just you and I and from then on

we just started just kicking ass and took you a few months it took me yeah I
was fucking I was like a little stalker dude and every I think every like week
I'd shoot like Steve a text and be like hey yeah what's going on and then
you know hit him up a little bit and be like so you ready to
hop on board yet yeah it took what it took
some months it did I think it took roughly like I jumped on
fully in October of 20 20 21 21 but

yeah we covered the entire the entire state of california so tim was like up
north down south all that all i all i was doing
was helping out orders what i could and just kind of helping acquire suppliers
yeah and that's all that's kind of what it was finally october i was like you
know what dude fuck it i'm at this at this time i'm actually like separated
from my my wife at the time or ex-wife at the time or wife at the time and yeah
i was just like dude just fucking make it happen so i did that quit that gig

i kind of actually You gave some bogus, like,
initially you gave a bogus idea about, yeah, I go to them.
I was like, yeah, I'm actually moving out of state. I'm just,
can't do this no more. I'm not in the beer industry. And then just not for me.
Yeah. Yeah. It was, I just told Z was like, why don't you just fucking tell him the truth, man?
This asshole ex employee fucking stole you away. Yeah. On a whim dude.
It's been a big risk, but like, I gotta say like, Steve's been like a pivotal,

the pivotal piece of this fucking, uh, company man.
Definitely couldn't have done without him, for sure. But, yeah,
man, since October, you and me have just been cruising, dude. Yeah.
That's awesome, man. Hitting the ground running. Yeah. Just trying to make relationships
and visit as many accounts as possible, as we physically can do. Yeah.
Yeah. Which is, you know, LA, brother. Of course, dude. It's crazy.
For the first, like, year or maybe— Five months, dude, for every get-to.

Yeah. Yeah, I think, like, for the first year, it was just Tim and I just fucking hustling, dude.
Hustling no matter what. Again, covering the entire state of California.
Rather than it being like visiting, telesales, social media sales,
whatever it was, we just did what we did.
Yeah. But now we finally have two old sales.
I have a driver and we're just trying to grow, dude. Yeah.
That's just in a nutshell. Yeah. That's basically how we started, yeah.

And that's, I mean, that's all you can ask for. I mean, like,
you know, you get a, well, the good thing is like you guys were friends before,
like, and you guys obviously have a really good rapport.
You guys can, you know, bounce, you know, ideas off of each other.
But like when you have that kind of support system, And like,
you know, like, and what you were saying about your wife,
like sometimes you need that kick in the ass and sometimes you need Dick,

you know, someone to, to kind of tell you, do you like, yeah,
you need somebody in your corner and you know, for her not even being my wife
back then, just being, you know, really solid, solid girlfriend.
She's been like a huge rock since day one.
She's a pain in the ass and I love her, but yeah, no, anytime when it comes
to the business, she, she's always got me on that one too.

Here so yeah but yeah it's it's
funny a lot of people think that like from what i've heard is me and
steve balance each other out steve is definitely the
nice guy a hundred percent well ninety percent of the time i've been called
an asshole several times yeah yeah yeah it shocks me when people like that guy's
a dick i'm like really you didn't talk to me before steve steve's the dick okay

yeah they had like a bitch face with my dad dude so we'll see you have some
rbf sometimes yeah yeah but uh yeah it's uh we definitely have good nose that's why.
We balance each other out dude bitch face
no that's awesome and i you know honestly i
remember the first time i ever heard hardy well heard hardy
hood hardy so i don't butcher that again was when we had lucy from louis on

way back when it was taps and tailgates when it was me and my brother and that
was shit when we had her on i want to say it was like every year 50 or something
that was like a long time ago and now it's not even Taps and Toby it's just the Taproom podcast but.
Well, it's been that, oh, for a year, a year ago to today, tomorrow.
It'll be one year that since I took over and did it by myself.

Wow, dude. Well, cheers to that. Congrats. Yeah, cheers to that, dude.
Thanks for cleaning it up, for sure. That's, uh, but that first time hearing
it, oh, let me, you gotta drink it after the cheers, dude. You gotta do it.
All right, Sean. There we go. Either way. Yeah.
But yeah, I was talking to Lucy and then the first thing she did was shout out you guys.
Yeah, man. She's the people, dude. So Lucy was, yeah. Yeah. Lucy was definitely

one of our first accounts.
And like when, right before Steve actually hopped on board full time,
you know, I was just running around by myself, kind of cruising,
saw her spot and decided to walk in, you know, and check it out.
And sure enough, met Lucy. And then she just happened to be on the beginning of her journey.
Yeah. You know, becoming the freaking kind of beer influencer that she is now.

Which she does. She's crazy, man.
But I don't know how she sleeps. i don't think she does man lucy's
just full of energy and yeah we met
for the first time there she gave us a shot and you
know she's been just nothing but an amazing
friend and account like yeah since the start she's just nothing but good energy
solid attitude always eager to learn about beer when she didn't know anything

about beer and now now she's like a she knows everything you know she knows
everybody she knows everything she's done so well for herself but yeah she's
been an an awesome, awesome friend through this whole journey.
And she continues to do it nowadays, even though she's kind of grown to bigger and better things.
But she's still always a homie, always, always a good person.
Oh, well, 100%. Because I was always curious, like, you know,

when it comes to, like, your guys, like, the process you guys have to go through,
like, because you guys get breweries from, obviously, from the East Coast.
Yeah. And all, you know, all these different places. Yeah. So I always wondered, like, how...
How does that happen? Like, how do you make that connection?
Like, is it like what, like, you know, going, like, what's the whole process
is what I'm trying to say.
I just want to say straight up, we're just lucky, dude. We're lucky.

I mean, it's a lot of networking.
I'll guarantee you that's 100% networking. A ton of networking, yeah.
But ultimately, we are lucky and blessed by those that actually are drawn to
us or the ones that we reach out to and they give us a thumbs up.
But other than that, it is a process, too. It's a lot of just homework as well.
Like, you got to have your ear to the ground to see who's next whale,
you know, who's going to be the next, you know.

Let's talk about slushy terms, like who's gonna be the next 450 North? You know what I mean?
And I think we have that, you know, right now we have Spanish Marie and they're
fucking dominant. It's not especially and raw. They're, they're killing it.
Spanish Marie is just insane.
Both those guys and, you know, shout out to them for giving us the opportunity
to even work with them. Yeah. Cause they get to have the pick of the litter.
I think after having conversations with us and understanding that,

you know, obviously everybody's in this business a little bit to make money, make a living,
of course, but there is a difference between us and some some other people where,
yeah, we want to make a living off of it, but it doesn't just stop there.
They're not just another skew to us.
We actually, you know, we respect them. We nerd out about their beers all the
time. Yeah. We have conversations about what they're doing, what's exciting.

And, you know, we're just fans, too, of the beer community.
Let's just say that, like, most distributors, I would, from my experience,
at least, is basically, it's kind of hard to sit down and just actually have
a level-headed or be on the exact same tier and have a great conversation over
a beer, you know? Yeah. But we are those guys.
All of our suppliers are our homies as well, too. Yeah. You know,
we, it's an easy text message, phone call.

Sometimes when suppliers want to reach out to the distributor,
it's like, you know, they're receptionists or whatnot. Like,
no, it's these two fucking guys. Yeah.
Let's be very personal. You get Tim, you get me. And if you get any of us,
I'm sorry. But ultimately, yeah, exactly.
But that being said, like, yeah, I think that's where I think we stand out definitely
is our homies are our partners or suppliers. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, we got good relationship with most of them. Actually all of them.
But again, you know, full transparency to dude, we definitely don't pull any
punches when we talk to, you know, our,
our partners, because the game is super competitive, as you know,
you can't, you can't pull punches, you know, so many different styles,
so many great breweries just in SoCal alone.
Oh, for sure. Well, especially when the suppliers think like,

oh, distribution, dude, I'm gonna be selling like a thousand barrels a month
or a thousand barrels a month.
Yeah. And sadly, we're not, we're not in that world anymore.
I wish we were. I wish we were back.
So 2019, dude, yeah, 2000, fucking now I say eight or nine, dude,
when crappy was fucking booming, dude, that was like, yeah, the stone era.
Yeah, that was like, yeah, it was like, you could have been a stone and a cold

stress. No, that's yeah, you can't be that nowadays.
No, now it's what's hot, you know? Yeah, it's so crazy that you mentioned that
because earlier today I was over at native son and I was talking to John over
there and we were talking about like, what.
The craft beer industry was during that time. Cause when I was a kid,
I mean, I was 21 in 2008 and I had like, I remember the first time going to

fricking the world bistro of stone world bistro.
And I remember trying the first time I tried like dogfish head there. Oh shit.
Yeah. And I was like, Holy crap. Like I had their Midas touch and I,
and I, and I thought that was like, Oh, that's fucking nostalgia right there.
Dude, that's an old one brother.
And like, I remember having that and I'm thinking like, wait this

is what beer could be yeah
you know and like especially from the world that we like kind of know especially
with commercials and all that budweiser cores all that
stuff let it against fucking cores banquet fucking yeah death but
that being said like that's all we kind of like were pushed to
you know for sure yeah it was the only thing in everybody's face man
from our yeah dude i still cook with it like like

when i make like if i'm like making like a like a beer kind
of brine or if i'm doing something like that like you know
like asada or if i'm doing like if i'm making a marinade i'll throw
like i'll throw coors banquet or like a dude yellow like beer
brats that's my jam yeah or beer brats i'll do coors you
know of course i won't use coors light but oh he's
coors banquet that's okay coors banquets uh we kind

of got hooked on that after our freaking trip to frisco yeah is
it golden golden colorado uh no it's frisco
colorado what they are oh where they are yeah yeah where they
do a trip so we have a brewery out there called um utter range
oh yeah i know i've had i got a couple of them
from i've had a few from out of rent they had to kill the
program is fucking stellar consistently just making

out yeah but then they also have killer like i mean if he's on
nobody really gives them credit for their stouts or if
they're in their their barely program or their stout stuff or their
wasn't a season right was a belgian that they did
that was fucking fabulous man was it they got
mad skills they're obviously known for for like their hazy program
their ipa program which is freaking excellent

but god damn dude their stouts their.
Belgians even that lager i think it was like chicken something.
Or whatever it's called yeah chicken yeah it's like
a playoff of that other one but uh yeah man out of
range all around just a really amazing
brie oh yeah they should be coming making another visit here
another month or so yes yeah they're great dudes but

yeah up in uh frisco colorado i'm gonna go Colorado
yeah yeah on our way back to Denver we stopped by
the Coors uh facility it was still kind of COVID time so we couldn't do a tour
but we got some food at some place right yeah it was like those are the freshest
pasta you get yeah there was a difference I think man maybe there's some novelty
there but I can I can imagine it being better on it was it was it was good so

that was a cool experience that's awesome I mean and.
Being able to do that and like go to the different places for what,
like, you know, like your guys, you know, job and stuff like that.
I mean, I know it's probably hard to like, you know, whether it's like being
away from family or stuff like that, but I mean, it's probably pretty, it's probably fun too.
It's hard, but it's, it's definitely fun. It's definitely fun.

Going to Miami was a blast. Yeah. Yeah.
I just feel bad for my liver. I was saying that. Oh, same brother.
Yeah. But ultimately, it's always a good time. I mean, this is why we're all
in the industry, I would say. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we're all fans of it, right? Like, yeah.
We all start somewhere, and this is why we're still here. Oh, yeah.
And I, him, probably you either, wouldn't be here if this was like a fucking

bullshit environment. Like, he might not know.
The ambiance, the brotherhood we have out here is.
Oh, no doubt. In this industry, it's just nonstop. Like, let's all work together
to better ourselves, right?
Oh, for sure. No, I'm better than you. Yes, we have those.
There's some competition. Yeah. But the pie's big enough for everybody,
typically. and I would say majority of everybody in the industry just freaking good people. Oh yeah.

There's Jimmy.
Jimmy's disregard what I just said.
Let's eat the brotherhood back. He was just saying how great you guys are.
You didn't bring, that's your glass. Yeah, well.
Oh, don't worry about it. So
Cam's back on the show. Jimmy's back on the show. Yeah, we're doing good.

We haven't gotten to our story about you guys yet in our relationship.
Oh, yeah. People are gonna be like, you know, stories about it just live on
it. No, it's a great. We're gonna be like, cams cool. Jimmy, I'm not sure about him.
Why is it being mean to me? Yes. I like you. We're the bears of this whole group. Yeah.

Almost like bad news here. Yeah. I'm trying to go, oh, I'm at Paul.
And then we got Paul and Thunder.
This is what happens in here. Look who decided to show up. Do you guys happen to have a napkin?
Brewski went on my pants with his burger. Yeah. With his burger?
Yeah, look at that. It was burger juice. Yeah, it's pretty bad.
Do you have a little meat juice on you?

And I'm not going to eat it. I wasn't going to put it in. No, man. Good.
I'm leaving all this in. This one? That's the one I was going to drink out of.
No, the other one. okay i was like there's another one
wow what a jerk that was mean bro sorry i
still love you paul how is this box right here what about i
don't know how no that's that's what's it called so
it's ghostbusters all this dead air right here oh that's

a good bubble but what's what's the ghostbusters what my god goes a muster oh
no but like they're talking about that thing down there where oh dude oh yes
that's all i have that is that box is a like what oh my i mean i mean We clean
our lines. Is this Paul's office?
You guys are in Paul's office. Paul, why is it so sticky in here?

If we take a black light, does it look like a fucking... Are those sad tissues or happy tissues?
Yeah. It rains down. Those sad tissues or happy tissues?
We turned on the black light. It looked like a fucking Jackson Pollock painting.
Is that Jack? You got it. I have to go get my shirt now, right?

The Hawaiian shirt after this. I totally do.
Oh, I didn't even know we were doing the Hawaiian shirt thing.
Put your shirt back on, Tim. There you go. I love that. I'm not editing any
of that. Those dudes are great.
Again, as we say, homies are suppliers. It's been a really great journey with them. Yeah, man.

What they approached us with, December of 22. Especially on how noble it was,
I want to say three years or four years back.
Yeah they weren't yeah what they were when noble
started yeah noble started with like a fucking blast obviously
they kind of they fell off a little bit after they lost their guys like
evan and yeah these other people they they're
doing their amazing work over at green cheek and stuff yeah and then uh when

we first talked to them you know me and steve being fully fucking transparent
we told them right off the bat we're like listen guys like thank you for reaching
out but honestly we're not quite interested in partnering with you and uh the
owner steve was actually like, no, like I got a whole new brew team.
You have to check them out. Come down and hang out for a minute.
Pretty persistent, yeah. Yeah. And we're like, yeah, okay, cool.
We're always open for a conversation.

And meeting Jimmy, Kim, Josh, and then Paul, and then trying some of the first
batches that they came out with, man. We're kind of like, holy shit, Noble's back.
Yeah. And since then, I think they've only gotten better. Oh,
dude. I mean, fuck, dude. Everything.
Not everyone's going to be a winner, but geez, the Felt series is freaking fantastic now.

Now these Tiki cocktails that they kind of did their own little swing about.
They kind of cornered the market with those two because you weren't really seeing
the Tiki filters or anything.
I'm sure there's going to be a lot of people jumping on the game.
There's another one, another brewery in Anaheim that started doing it. Yeah, I get that.

And then props out to Josh Josh, for changing around their labels,
man. The artwork on the cans are... Oh, it's great.
Freaking fantastic. But I think what Tim said, it's all about transparency.
It's just like with these guys, it's like they ask us questions and we give them our feedback.
Yeah. And that's how it happened. Like, what do you think about these labels?
Well, Josh, we are pretty much on a text- Constant communication, yeah.

What's your take about that? And that's how it works with, because we're the
guys out there selling, you know?
Of course. They're selling to the taproom and they're going to have their followers
always over here or their audience always here. drinking no matter what it is.
But ultimately, sorry about that, but ultimately like, yeah,
it's all about, it's about what's selling.
Even like I was before this, we were at our, our other supplier,
Asylum. I was talking to Jamie. He's like, okay, cool, dude.

We just did Tigers Are Awesome, which is going to be like a Nelson forward.
What's next? Yeah.
Take your top off. I don't know. There's some crazy shit going on. I guess that's next.
Yeah. I guess that's what's going on. Maybe that's the new beer.
Yeah, there you go. Take your top off. Maybe it's Josh, dude.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but that being said, it's just kind of like,
you know, asking us questions and seeing what does the market want.

Yeah, we're feeding off of each other. And like Steve said, like,
we're the ones out there. So we do see a lot, you know, face-to-face with buyers and what they want.
And, you know, we kind of give that information directly to them because,
you know, if you're just making shit that nobody cares about,
then nobody cares about it.
And you don't make any sales. Especially in this market that you're just oversaturated
with just like some play on anything.

Labels are what sell nowadays. The 1,000. No matter how weird your liquid is,
if you don't have a solid label, you're going to be overlooked and you're going
to go to that other, like, I'm not going to name any names, but that other, like, crack.
There's so many beers out there that are pretty amazing, but their labels are really not doing them.
And there's a lot of, like, beers out there that the liquid's disgusting,
but, you know, the labels are fucking cool, so I'm going to pick it up. Yeah, and that way, too.

It's funny, man. And communicating that with, like, you know,
like an owner of a brewery or whatever, it'd be like, listen,
man, your first battle is being on that shelf in competition with 80, 90 other SKUs.
Yep. Cause it's all singles and one door. And you know, if you don't pop,
yeah, unfortunately you just don't get picked despite whether your stuff is
amazing and better than everybody else. It's, it's such a huge part of the game.

Oh no, it definitely is. And like, I mean, cause I don't know if I told you
before that my brother works for Burby X, but he does some of their labels now. Okay.
But the, like I had one the other day from, I don't know why I plugged my brother
in it, but I did either way. It's all good dude. Love my brother. What's up man?
I want that pickle beer. Yeah. Oh yeah. The new pickle lager.
Yeah. It looks fucking great. Yeah, he was talking about it yesterday.

But there was one, cause I was at, I was at Louie's, I think two weeks ago. Okay.
And, and I went in and I was like, like looking at the different ones and I
was like, all right, well, I've had, I had that one already,
but I've always had like, you know, like, you know, I, I'm there like at least once a week.
So I'm like, I'm always loading up. So like, what's the selection, man?
Yeah. But there was one with, oh gosh, was it Claremont or Laverne maybe,

but whatever. It was like a peppercorn.
Well, yeah, that's Claremont. Yeah. Yeah, pepper and like salt or something like that?
Yeah, it was like pink peppercorns or something like that. Something like that.
IPA, right? Yeah. Honestly, it was a super simple can, and I normally wouldn't,
but I was like, you know what? I've already had a bunch of these other ones. I want to try this.
Like, I've been kind of putting it off, and I tried it. I was like, fuck.
But you guys are 1,000% right. I mean, it really is about the can artwork.

Like, it's about drawing people in. It's that nostalgic kind of thing.
Yeah, man. And like when my brother did the Ninja Turtles one.
Oh, I remember that one. Yeah. yeah yeah yeah it's all
like crazy like that's still probably the most liked post i've ever
had when i did the thing with him that's funny and
it's like but it was people love like nostalgia man like this other size i think

going back to spanish marie like that's what they're doing yeah even like the
sky guy and all the gushers their artwork is fantastic oh it's phenomenal uh
shout out to my boy albie he's the uh he's the guy that started spanish marie
and yeah He's a mean honcho there.
Yeah. He takes a lot of pride in the artwork, the juice, everything.
And damn, they just hit on the head every damn time. Yeah. So good.

I would say, should we talk about the other cans that have changed for the better
now for us? Or our boy, the owner of Tashby?
Yeah. So our boy Tyson of LCB. Big shout out to him. Oh, local craft beer.
Yeah. Local craft beer, man. He does, his hazies are his bread and butter. He does such a.
Incredibly great job with those what uh they did the was
it what's the name i said the ninja turtles that the

simpsons um the treehouse the
treehouse yeah oh dude yeah last october phenomenal can
dude that was awesome epic can and then you know and the video was great yeah
man he's he's uh i don't know if you're listening to this tyson but i remember
having me and steve having tons of conversations with him like we gotta switch
up your can artwork dude you gotta switch it up something's gotta give and one

day the the honestly this This can art was dope as hell.
It's funny, but go for it. It was a Butthead release last year.
And it says, dude, it's pretty great. They're sitting on their couch.
They're a little different, but it says, this can sucks. And I was like, this label sucks.
Oh, this label sucks. I do remember that. And Tyson texted us in our group and
he's like, hey, you guys are going to love this. You guys are going to hate this label.

Yeah. And I was like, what are you fucking talking about? Oh,
shit, dude. That's phenomenal.
Yeah. And we brought that on, dude. And we typically, South of the World could
have a good amount of cases.
But this time, we had at least, I think. I think we reordered twice on that.
Yeah, I think we tripled the order, maybe. Like, people just love the fucking can. The juice hit, too.
But it was just so funny. But since then, Tyson has just been cranking out fun

fucking labels, man. Yeah, like off the bat. So, Simpsons, Super Rom.
And he's been doing this, too. Yeah, but I just saw the Bender kind of looking
one. Dude, the 40% Nelson. Nelson? Yeah.
Phenomenal. That was a fucking amazing beer, dude. In the past,
like, three months, being like a spoiled by OCD, that's my favorite.
Yeah, it's in my fridge. I haven't had it yet. Oh, my man. but it's
in the front but i'm also the kind of guy too like i won't ever

just like reach for the back like and whatever's in there i'm gonna
keep on going through the rotation i'm gonna keep going through i'm gonna make sure
i finish so you have your fridge right yeah what's your typical go-to
style beer is it gonna be like a lager star are you gonna have a
triple just a one and done what are you doing just a bourbon
barrel age or you're one of those oh no no so i i appreciate the barrel age
stuff i will i can't drink a whole one like i'll like i have i'll share that

with somebody but if my go to like if I'm going to a brewery is I will either
go with her like a logger Pilsner because.
That one, like I know if that's good, then everything else they're probably
making is pretty good. Dude, I think that's kind of my rule of thumb too, man. Yeah.
Yeah. If you could do this really
well, then now I'm curious to check out everything else you got. Oh, yeah.

I was saying like I will definitely venture out to like, because I know there
was like the haze craze and stuff like that. Don't get me wrong.
Like, I don't mean that in a bad way. Like, I still like hazies.
Yeah. But I prefer like anything New Zealand.
And if it's got Rewaka in it, take my money. If it's got Matoaka,
take my money. Dude, New Zealand hops, man. And how about those in the last year?
Dude. They have been on fire. And then all the, and a lot of times,

there's Josh in the back.
What's up, brother? Dude, we're talking shit about you, man.
I do. Yeah, I'm going to sit down and grab a chair, dude. Yeah.
Jump on in. Water's fine. How are you guys doing?
Doing good. Yeah, Nat, come in. I can get you one. You have something to do.
No, Bruce got his burger juice all over him. Yeah. I know.
Oh, you're going to step out real
quick? All right, well, Steve's going to step out. Let's take a photo.

And we're back. And we're back. How you guys doing? Pretty good.
Didn't mean to intrude, you know? No, not at all, man. Had to come say hi.
We were just singing you guys' praises a minute ago. Yeah.
Talking about how the team has fucking turned this whole program around.
Thank you, man. Just a year or two, which is actually, in the grand scheme of
things, pretty fucking short time.
It doesn't feel like a short time, but it's been a plus, like I said.

You guys have been a big part. So if you guys don't know, like Hardy Hood,
as you guys already probably heard, their distribution, and they've been one
of the key factors for us.
Appreciate it, man. you know on top of the growth of us with the beer without
someone out there pushing and selling it.
It's not going anywhere except for the tap room and we need more than
tap room to make some money here of course so you know it's been a it's
been a good partnership and i kind of you know the best part is we i feel we've

also built like a really good friendship out of here besides it's not just business
like yeah that's the cool part some people we deal with that's strictly business
and that's fine and like said at least with steve and tim like we get to like
we go disneyland we hung out we go drinking so yeah so actually you guys keep
on catching up i keep I keep on missing that.
Yeah, you got to come back. I have a little FOMO when it comes to that.
Because Steve, he takes care of the territory down here in Anaheim.

There you go. And I feel like every other week, he's like, oh yeah,
me and Josh were going to Disney. I'm like.
I always welcome to the club. But yeah, I mean, that's been the cool part,
though. I'm almost sad. I'm like, I'm in Bakersfield. I know.
We'll plan a day. We'll plan a day. If anyone else wants to join us, go drinking.
We're very, I think we have pro status on drinking in Disneyland.
Oh, yeah. So, yeah. I mean, because you and I were talking. It was like,

you're like, I think I need to get a pass just so I can go hang out with you
guys. Dude, you gotta honestly.
People are like, oh, you go there to drink. I'm like, yeah, I'm all. It's expensive.
But it's also, you can get away from reality. That's the best part.
Yeah. I'll check out for a minute.
We'll go ahead. Oh, no, I'm sorry. I was just going to say, like we talked earlier,
like the first time I heard of Harding Hood was through Lucy,
but the first time I ever met you was because of Noble.

Oh, yeah, that's right. Yeah. Yeah, because, I mean, we had like the episode
and when we did the episode in March and then, you know, I think in May was
that, you know, when we did the social media night and... Oh,
hold on. In your head? Please.
You almost got it right on you there, bud. Yeah. I got to go.
I just want to say hi to you guys.
Yeah, dude, We're going to be out there in a bit, but we're also talking and
singing the phrases about your labeling. Oh, thank you. And the communication we had together, dude.

That's one part, yeah. Like I said, if you guys don't know, yes,
we do communicate quite a bit, and they give me feedback for what we're doing,
so we collaborate on everything, so it's been good.
But you guys have fun and joy, and I'll see you guys get done.
Appreciate it, man. Anyone who's not busy tomorrow at Super Bowl,
come on down. We'll be drinking in the evening here. Come on in. There it is.
Sorry, guys. No, you're good. Small bladder.

But even just talking about like you know you know of
josh right now like if it wasn't for him i might not have i mean
maybe we probably would have met eventually might have been later who
knows but yeah but like it's just kind of funny how we've kind
of kept running into each other dude yeah and also let's see it was like i feel
fucking bad man like no say yeah let's do it and then but dude it wasn't just
you though like it was it was me too like it was there was times where like

oh like all right i'm gonna text you and then like or i'm gonna email you or
something like that i wouldn't forget and then i would email and then i would
be like oh crap did i you you know,
did I respond to their last one or what, like, or text message? dude, it's crazy.
Yeah. But life's, man, but life's busy, bro. Yeah, this grind is wild,
man. Yeah. It definitely, like, even right now, as we're talking, it's already fucking.
Dude, I just said that. I was thinking about, like, I had a list of things to do in January.

I think I got, like, maybe through a quarter of it. We got, like,
a quarter of it. Yeah, that's what I was trying to fill in, too.
And I'm like, I got to just, you know, buckle down and finish it all up, you know?
Well, you and me are still having, like, our one-on-ones because we still have
our projections. Yeah, because, like, you know, January's typically a slow month,
right? January, not bullshit.
Yeah. Which everyone usually gives up two weeks into it. But regardless,
like, regardless, yeah, this January's been actually pretty wild for us,

man. We've been pretty busy. It did, oh, yeah. specifically in NorCal.
NorCal has been fucking dominating my man. Shout out to Northern California,
man. Those boys can drink.
Yeah. A lot of my family's from there. So it's probably a lot of them. There you go.
You got it. Those guys are just, they're intense, man. They just,
they gobble up everything and they're just a huge support.
Great communities up there for beer too, man. Sacramento, freaking blowing the hell up. Yeah.

Do you guys ever make it up Salinas way? Like, yeah, dude, or Alvarado and all
that. These big fans. Yeah.
My dad grew up in Salinas. So like, we would go there. That's not a bad spot
to go there. Dude, if you're hearing this, we're interested.
Yeah, there's a shout out to Alvarado, man. We, big fucking fans, dude, huge fans.
Especially the Monterey Taproom, dude. Oh, the Monterey Taproom's amazing.

Fucking love it. But like, there's so many good breweries up there too, like Other Brother.
Oh, I haven't heard of them. Oh man, if you ever get a chance to like,
to try some of their stuff. Check it out. Phenomenal. What do you, they specialize in?
They, well, when I was there, I had their West Coast, and I had,
No, it wasn't a rice Pilsner.
It was a Czech Pilsner. I want to say it was a Czech Pilsner.

But even though like there's like field works up there. Yeah.
I mean, I have all these. Yeah. Yeah. The work. Cell maker. All that.
And then the other big boy, do Humble C. Oh, yeah. And I mean,
they put, they produce what? 30 hazies a month. It feels like. Oh, really?
They do. But they're consistent. You know what I mean? And when you,
when you're, especially when you're a distributor, dude, consistency is fucking
key. Oh, for sure. The can artwork, dude. Yeah. The can artwork.

You look from across the way. You can see Humble C. Yeah. And the skateboard.
Yeah. You can tell that they're on the shelf or not. and you're like that
there you go we'll see going right over to him those guys are fucking dope
and nick because i got to talk to nick
for about 40 minutes he was a really nice guy oh
okay cool yeah i'll tell you a story off here okay but a really nice guy though
yeah man i think one of the first dates me and my now wife went on she has like

uh she graduated from davis right no no i think she graduated from slow or something
like that up there but but you know, it's got some bangers. Tell me,
obviously liquid gravity.
There does not exist. Yeah. There does not exist as buyers. Shout out to my boy. Is it Tony bag?
Yeah. It says a Tony bag. I think everybody fucking knows that guy,
dude. I think he has like a teleport machine or something.

He's everywhere. Every good salesman has a teleport machine.
Yeah. Tony is a good dude.
And he went through the whole thing too, but I mean, like he's good now.
He's good now, man, but he's, he's full of knowledge, full of experience, super enthusiastic.
There does not exist. like alex up there they got such a
great dude and tony and they are doing so they're

hey some of their hazies are just like i've yet to have anything mediocre from
them yeah i haven't had anything bad they had like i think maybe five or
six different ones they're fucking awesome dude everything yeah everything slaps
great dudes too man such great people but yeah man so we went up there and like
like her little gift to me was like hey since you're coming up here like i want
to take you to a brewery i found these guys my just like four year four and

a half years ago so humble Humble C wasn't like Humble C of today.
And she took me to their tap room, their OG tap room over there,
man. It's such a fucking cool spot. Oh, yeah. And fell in love with them from day one. Yeah.
But those guys. Anyway. Santa Cruz, right? Is it Santa Cruz?
Yeah. Yeah, it is. That was their original was in Santa Cruz.
It's a small one, but it's so sick.
That's what you want, man. Yeah. It's a cool freaking spot. But I mean,

yeah, there's like Northern California, like you guys are saying.
It's just booming up there. I feel like we're crashing. So many good ones.
I think one of my favorite ones up there right now has got to be Shred.
Yeah. I love the Oak and Otter up there in Slow, too.
Oak and Otter? Ooh, I've heard of them. They're not, I don't know if they can
yet, but I mean, they have like a small system, but it's a killer little spot

to go in. Where are they out of?
Oh, I know, just San Luis Obispo. And like when you go in, I want to say,
I'm trying to remember the streets, but I've only been there once,
but I got to talk to Dylan, who's the head brewer there.
Nice. Really nice guy. And him and his business partner, they salted the earth,
hard work, and just wanted to get you in the military too. I think one of them was.

So, I mean, it was just, like, really, just really good people.
He wasn't a Marine, was he? Huh? He wasn't a Marine, was he? Oh, my dad was, though.
Your dad's a good man. Yeah. The other guy, he's cute.
Nah, I'm just kidding. No, I always joke about my dad because,
like, he grew up, like, in Central California. Like, oh, the one,
like, growing up in Salinas.
But he, like, lied about his age and, you know, got into the Marines.

But he didn't make it three times because he didn't make weight.
Oh, to the big boy? No, he's freaking skinny as all hell.
Oh, shit. He was called those double rats. rats yeah had to
give him double rations in america before he was cut back we had
one of those guys in a boot camp dude he was a little dude and they
had to feed him twice yeah he was a double ration cat and

he made it but fuck dude it was it
was hard for him he put a whole ration yeah you call him double rat so double
rations meaning like if you go eat in the morning you get
your food but he'll get twice that oh you're trying to
put weight on them got it because we're doing so much bullshit that
like like i went in at 205 i came out 173 dude
i think i have a picture i'll show you later on but i

think i have a picture on my phone when my dad's holding like get a kid's
military photo and he's holding it and it looks like it's just as big as
he is fucking a fucking a they worked yeah
back then it was probably even harder to get through bootcamp so i
fucking hell but but i mean like and that's
one thing i've always had a like an appreciation for the military because
i almost went into the air force after high school

okay but so you're a a smart one i couldn't i
couldn't decide what i wanted to do with my life yeah
so i was just like all right so i was just doing all these different things
but yeah that was like the military was big for
me because my grandpa was a screaming eagle like so he did that my a lot of
my family like military men yeah like i kind of you know my dad used to fucking

play the fucking trumpet and wake my ass up in the morning oh that's fucking
dope dude it's annoying then but that's oh no it was the worst.
And it would be hanging above like the like because you don't
come through like the walkway in the living room and then you'd have like
the arch and it would be hanging on the arch so he just grab it and then you

know go to town just go to town yeah like you're a son of a person waking up
man that feeling's rough it's not like i had to wake up to mow the lawn because
we lived in a condo so i was like why'd you wake me up he's just like because
i'm up yeah I was like, oh, thanks.
Everybody's going to be up now. A little beer. Yeah. So I guess I'll watch cartoons or something.

I'll figure something out. Today at 6 a.m. This is awesome.
Oh, man. But honestly, it's been super fun. I have just a couple more things
before so we can actually get to the party. We've been rambling.
Oh, no. No, you guys are great.
This is like people like love this part of it. Like they love. I hope so, yeah.
Because I mean, they love obviously
hearing about the beer. They also love hearing about like, you know.

I mean, beer, like, in our industry, beer is life. Yeah. But it's also not your entire life. No.
Like, you have other aspects of your life. You have other stuff you love and stuff you care about.
And I want to know, because you mentioned earlier, when we started,
you were in a band, so I want to know what you're in a band,
like, what kind of band you were in. Okay. So I'll ask you that in a minute.
But, like, some of your favorite breweries, like, that you guys,

like, I mean, I know we've been kind of talking about it, that you,
like, local breweries, say, like, OC breweries that you enjoy going to,
like, obviously Noble is one of them, but other ones. Ah.
I'm kidding how long are their beers fuck those guys,
nah it's all it's all it's all you wanna go first or yeah I'll go first yeah
you have the tighter jeans so you're real shambo yeah so for OC dude off the

bat of course I'm a big fan of Green Sheik yeah sure yeah now Monkish is over
here that's one of my of course yeah Monkish.
Radiant and then sad to
say like I was a big fan of Phantom Hills but for RIP now
they're gone sour program was so good they had a
solid hazy dude but i feel it
was called i think it was like juice jockey there it is juice jockey

you know it's just like dude but it was like when i was when the haze
quiz was fucking kicking that was that murky monkish that
you're always looking for yeah of course monkish now that i don't know what
i said again but i didn't that those are the ones man for sure just for me at
least in this area if you know any other ones please oh for sure take my way
yeah i guess for like the oc area it's kind of tough for me like i have a little

bit of bias, honestly, uh, noble recently.
Yeah. We work with them, but I mean, God, they're just producing some really great things.
If I gotta go out of the area a little bit to kind of mix it up from Steve,
I actually fell in love with years ago. I fell in love with common space.
I don't think it's got great. So like in Torrance, dude. Yeah.
They're in Torrance. That's what I said. Going out of this area. Oh yeah.
Yeah. Common space is really great. I think they're kind of a little under the

radar, but man, they produce some great liquid, super, super, super good spot.
Honestly, I'd like to go down south, dude, to SD. Oh, same. Carve that.
Virgin. Dude, shout out. Shout out to our boy Dave from Sea. Yeah.
Fucking hell. Like, Dave is. That's on my.
So I'm going on the 24th for, oh, my birthday's on the 21st.

In a couple of weeks. But I'm going to.
We usually go to the same breweries. But I was like, dude, I got to go to Seek
after I had a couple of their beers. Let us talk to Dave. I'll reach out to
Dave and see if maybe you could talk to him.
Because Dave is, I think, one of the best people we know.
Yeah. He is a great. It's him and his wife, right? Him and his wife now are running the show.
She just hopped on board to help him out. But man, Dave, God, he's a wizard.

Yeah. He just makes liquid gold. So back on him. He comes from the urban South. Yeah.
HTX location. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. So he's the one who was a GM there
that kind of innovated like the spilled series. You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah.
Jacob. I forgot his last name. Or Justin.
Yeah. It was just something. And I would.
He's now a corporate ladder over and off. Oh, yeah. I would always just see

the initials on the can. Yeah.
Okay, yeah. He's a whole other story. We'll talk about him, man.
He's a great fucking guy. Yeah. So cool.
What a fucker, dude. So cool. But yeah, so that stays background.
And before that, he has years of just being working at a brewery and all that.
I think B-52's B-52 Brewery. Prior to that, yeah. But other than that,
like, yeah, man, his life is phenomenal.
Big fan. If you go down there, also, I would definitely pitch Barley and Sword.

We just partnered with them I want to say this week, actually.
Dude, yeah. So look out for actual traditional ales. Like, if you like a solid
Irish red, an Irish stout. Great ESV, dude.
Dude, phenomenal English bitter, which I just... Yeah, man.
I fucking love it. No one makes it no more, so...
Yeah, we're hoping to do some good things with them, dude. Get them off the
ground, give them some notoriety. Yeah. Fucking good stuff, dude.

Really, really great stuff. It's just, you know, it's a tough market when you
don't do the traditional Cali stuff. We live in an easier, smoothy world.
More like a West Coast world. No doubt.
But check out, yeah, Barley and Swords. It's fucking...
He's doing a really good look. It's right next door to Seek.
You cannot miss it. Okay. And of course, next to them is Goal,
which- Goal's freaking crushing it right now too.
But yeah, man, Seek down south is, I think, my favorite brewery out of San Diego.

Yeah, their Pilsner's- The Fortune Pils. Their German Pils is phenomenal, dude.
Okay. It's called Fortune Pils, man. Oh my God.
I'll drink that beer every day. Yeah, that is my- Like, no problem.
Yeah, my nightcap for sure, dude. Or my first go-to. Go back to my first question.
When you open your fridge, what salad do you want, dude? if i have a fortune
pills there i'm cracking that and then maybe i'm cracking a
double claw in my you know but there you go like that's that's what

i go to i love that yeah but yeah like
for well for me i mean i love obviously the orange county birds but like
i'm always here all the time and i'm not when i
say i'm here i don't mean i'm not talking about noble yeah but i am
here all the time but i love going like you
know i love going down to like san clemente like i love going to lost winds
down there like lost winds has got like they put out some really good sours

and they they have like you know it's like like a good west coast and they and
they won medals but i also love going down to like a like a carlsbad like going
to burgeon or going to helia dude burgeon's dope.
Burgeon's a phenomenal place shout out to mackenzie
klein she's the oh gosh she died she wanted to she's like the not the director

of social media but she does something like marketing yeah and she's a phenomenal
person like she's super sweet and like she knows all of her shit when it comes to the beer side.
You know what's funny about them is like they came out to like LA for a minute.
Yeah. I haven't seen them in like over a year. Yeah. Oh, they just did a collab with Brewery X too.
Virgin was the shit. I think it was a Pilsner or something.

It was at our homie spot, the bottle shop in Silmar. Was it Split Pils? No.
What was the name of the... They have a couple of different ones. But it was fantastic.
All phenomenal. And shortly after that though, I haven't seen them.
So I was kind of like, you know... Have you tried the new collab that they did
with Brewery X I don't know yet, man.
I'd be down to because I like virgin a lot. Oh shit. I should have gotten,

I don't think I get enough. I got some cans from our brother.
Let me see. But I have the, I know I have a picture of the can.
Cause I'll tell you what the name of it is, but yeah, man, they're good to go. Virgin's though.
Yeah. They got, oh shit. I think it was an Instagram. I'll show you after. Yeah.
But I know it was a, like it was a really good West coast and like,
it was about 7%. Nothing crazy, but like super easy to drink. Yeah.

Floral. Like you get that floral pot, but then you also like get
that smooth kind of finish too so it's not like you know
overly bitter i did that man yeah yeah yeah
and for me it's like uh now i get in my late 30s and stuff like
it's like you were you saying earlier like the bourbon barrel age
stuff delicious it's fun to experience share with a handful
of friends but yeah share yeah share yeah you have

a good story of doming one down right the heck yeah the one
does like that he said doesn't tell me one i'll dome
down anything steve oh there you go okay there it is
whatever but uh yeah dude the black tuesday man had one
of myself years ago it was a bad fucking
idea yeah it's so good going down but then you know
19 what 192 or 1909 or whatever the fuck it is oh but when i was talking to

john today like isn't it crazy how like back like way back when like you know
craft beer like like when it was like stone and carl and all this but mostly
stone but it was like or like pliny or like russian i I mean,
I remember buying the tickets to go get Pliny,
like one pint and then you get the fuck out and let somebody else come in.
But wasn't it just, but it was like, oh, that's who can make it the dankiest
kind of thing. Like that was a period.

That was like, it didn't matter about anything else. It was just like,
how bitter or how dinky can you make this?
And nowadays, I feel like it's the complete opposite.
Like, I mean, don't get me wrong. There are still those dinky beers. Yeah.
But like you, like, it's also because of like the clientele that's coming in.
You need to cater to what they want. So it's hard to be more approachable still. Yeah.

I think the complexity overall with the game is, it leaves some bounds of what it used to be. Oh, yeah.
Because you didn't, you can't, you don't just have to make it dinky.
You have to be able to, you can give it that, you know, that punch.
Yeah. Yeah. But you need that, you know, that you have to find the,
people want to find those notes.
Like if it's on the can, if it tells you, oh, it's brewed with this,

you want to find those like, well, it's brewed with pineapple or brewed with whatever.
Yeah. Yeah. It's, I find it fun. Like personally, I love it when people do,
when breweries do like single hop series.
Oh yeah. It's so great to experience like, okay, cool. Matueka.
This is what it's supposed to taste like. Yep. Or I love it when that shit comes
out because, you know, again, as a beer nut, But it's fun to kind of keep my

game and my knowledge up to date.
Yeah, you get to experience that. You get to experience, okay,
I know what the hell that is now. That's what I was tasting over here.
And those are like some of the fun things I like to drink too.
Yeah, and then you take it to the next beer. And then you find another beer that has that in there.
Maybe it's like two different hops. Maybe it's Lotuaca and Rewaka.
And then you're like, okay, well, I can find the distinct flavor from this one.

So this must be the other flavor that I'm getting from that hop.
Totally. Exactly. And when you can kind of find, you know, those little things
and like, you can find your gateway drug, well, your gateway beer into craft beer. Yeah.
And that's like, to me, that's the best part because sometimes you like beer
education is important, but like, there's also, if you can, if you can go to
a tap room or if you're buying a four pack, but you know, you can go into a

tap room and try this one and build that trust. Yeah.
When it comes to North Park or Pure, shout out to Chris from Pure.
When I see those things on the shelf, I'm like, I know that they put out a quality product.
So I'm going to pick up that can. I don't care what the can artwork looks like.
You're just going to give it a shot, yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to do it. For sure. Those guys have, both of those breweries,
man, have like, dude, they've earned their spot out there where it doesn't matter what it is.
It's because he made a great impression on you. you know it's kind
of like it's like David's Seek like you know it's like no matter how the labels
look like if you have a Seek beer you know it's going to be a solid beer because

now you're into it for liquid not because of label now all this crap beer drinker
has flown to the Louis liquor you know and they see like some brand 90 beers
right there like what the fuck,
do I do you know like yes maybe they're there to get fucked up so we can triple or double,
ultimately like they're going to grab the can that actually stands out to them
oh for sure and it might be a win it might be a loss It's so creepy. I know that audio.

It's just like slowly creeping. It's like an axe murderer coming through the
old creepy house. Did you bring me that afghan?
There he is. Hey, pal. That was the longest. I bought something from Tiki Pony. Check this.
I saw he has some gnarly stuff. I know. I need to buy a print from him for my
brother. Oh, dude. How much was that?
$50. I think I might have to buy it. That's Chewbacca.

Yeah. Does he have a lot of them? Oh, there's two. No, that was a one of a kind.
Really dude they have some really cool glasses you should just leave that in
here we'll watch over it yeah I'll keep an eye on it.
We'll make sure nobody takes it 50 bucks there you think you're fine right Paul
I promise I'm actually tempted to leave 50 and just fucking walk out like you

pinched a $5 bill so it looks like a 50,
I'll just write an IOU dude that's all I'll be like it's coming it's as good as money yeah,
Cam is hammered already is he always oh
here it is good boy look at a sandwich sorry if
this is yes i'm coming bear yeah we're coming there
we go all right

so i guess we're well we'll round it
out but i did want to ask you about your band yeah like so i think right out
of being no fucking before i was at high school i was in a in a in a rock band
it was kind of like i think if you if i was to give you some sort of style it
would be like a black piece no okay not black so our thing was bringing back that classic rock.

All right. So we were like heavily influenced by Van Halen and like ZZ Top.
Banger. So we did that. Yeah. So we did that for a little bit and we got some
good exposure. We're like on work for like five years straight.
Oh, that's awesome. What was the name of the band? Delta Rose. Okay. Yeah.
So we did that a little bit. We went on tour with Guns N' Roses.
Before, everyone asked this. No, it wasn't with Slash. It wasn't with Duff McKagan.
It was Axl Rose's fucking like Guns N' Roses. But still, we did that across the states.

Yeah, and ultimately just ended up just not working out. I think mainly my thing
was kind of like, as much effort as I put into the band, there was not much
return, you know what I mean?
Like, there was not much money. Every time I had to come back,
find a new gig, either working at DC Penny, either working at K-More,
or K-Metri, I don't want any more.
But that's how, like, it just became to the point of, like, nah,

I got to go back to school, get something going, and start making some money, you know?
So I think I left the band, or the band broke up, I should say.
I broke up, I want to say, 2017?
No, 2016, I want to say. Oh, okay. And I think what kind of made that happen
more so is because of the fact that, like, you know, we're at this high,
touring, all this whatnot.

Yeah. And you're back to, like, working your retail gig and trying to find a
job and barely even making rent.
So that's what kind of led me off of it. Yes, I still have a massive passion
in music, and it's still one of my hobbies. I still play.
You play the harmonica, right? Oh, ukulele. Ukulele, there you go.
There you go ukulele yeah oh sorry yeah thought maybe we played the steel guitar

or something like that and the jazz and the jazz flute when he needs jazz flute
cowbell he's very personal you just pull out your jazz flute exactly
I might pull it out right now depends on how many tiki cocktails I have or tiki
scissors but yeah so that's that's what I that's what the band was basically
you cannot find on Spotify because my manager has a restaurant music.
Sounds great. But you can find it on YouTube. If you want YouTube, Delk for Rose.

Okay. You can find some stuff. Night. And white footage and all that.
We'll have to go have a little chitchat with them. Long fucking hair back when.
You looked raggedy back then, dude. Yeah. You looked raggedy back then.
I love you to death, but it was a little scary.
Nah. I saw some old pictures of Steve. I was like, what the fuck?
I was all like, Skeletor, dude. Dude.
Like, you're skinny, but like, you were like skinny.
Skinny, man. So I was that, well, I mean, I was really skinny too,

but then the beard happened.
But then we fell in love with beer then I had a baby then I
had a beer baby oh it's like a beer and burger baby
and probably pizza too oh dude I mean the beer munchies
are the best munchies oh exactly especially after like a barrel age like
if you do like a barrel age tasting with the homies dude I've never
had the worst munchies after that like I smoke and all that but when it comes
down to like actually barrel age shit that's no dude I wake up with just some

random fucking like sprays on me and I'm like fuck I just tipped over my fucking
bed on my fucking comforter like I do laundry tomorrow Do you want to hear a really wrong story?
Okay. But it wasn't off of beer. It was whiskey. It was Jameson.
But it was one day I was living in Whittier and I was renting out a back house
from my now, oh, my brother's mother-in-law.

Okay. And my brother lived in the front with his now wife.
They come walking in the back. I don't know. It must have been like two in the afternoon.
Yeah. But I didn't go to sleep the night before until about 730.
I took my last, it was 7.30 in the morning.
Well, I guess the night before it was that morning when I went to sleep.
But I took my last shot at like 7 a.m. And it was me because we had a big Christmas party.

Oh, okay. And me and my buddy were the like the last, it wasn't just a random
day, but it was like a Saturday. It was a Wednesday.
Yeah. It was a Christmas tree decorating party.
After sunrise service. Yeah. Jeez. So I, all of a sudden, like because my brother
left his keys because he had to go to work at like three o'clock and it was about 2.30.
So he comes pounding on the door and,

I don't even remember falling asleep. I barely remember being awake.
I woke up and I had my, I think I was just in like my boxer briefs and a hoodie.
And it was a Coronado, a Coronado brewing. And I opened the door and like,
because normally the person, you know, that's knocking on the door says hello.
I opened the door, I was like, hello?

And I had no idea what was going on or where the fuck I was.
It was just, your body was just in muscle memory. Oh yeah,
I think that whole night, me and my buddy drank uh the 1.75
of the jameson it was not a lot of thinking about
that just gives me a headache right now dude jameson's not my friend
i mean yeah now it's it's not my friend ever
ginger best friend ginger gin gin

oh gin i don't know vodka sodas aren't so bad
for me anymore i still drink whiskey every once in a while but i love
gin i just this does not work with me man i
thought it was like just on the christmas story about you and gin and how i
had to like fucking walk you out of that place that was
great to him and his is now wife know what
a fucking party dude so i'm gonna hang out with him oh yeah and your wife's a

sweetheart i got to talk to her for a little while yeah i had an asylum family
of friends yeah sweetheart yeah sorry go ahead
the girls dope as fuck so but that being
said like yeah like this gin does not work with me we're
doing we just anytime we have like we and steve know we could
like let loose a little little bit and party i always fucking peer
pressure steven and drinking gin with me yeah because you

it doesn't yeah dude you it hits a switch like i had beer
all fucking day you drink beer whiskey all day it's funny
because like the last at that salad sneak peek right that we saw last time you
that i worked the whole tower room he's like hey come in on the bar let's have
a drink and i was like yeah dude so my thing i'm i've been into these boiler
makers dude just a nice light lager yeah shot of whiskey so that's that's my

plan to go dude yes and so i go there He was like, here you got your drink. I'm like, what is that?
Shit. And I'm like, nope. He's like, really? I bought it for you. I'm like...
In ways he's like i paid 35 dollars for this drink
and i don't give a fuck i buy my own drink dude thank you
i appreciate that you got two drinks now but you are
typically working i'm not gonna walk into a salon just fucking slosh the fuck

out and i make i tried and i'm making out with tommy or something you know what
i mean so that being said like nah but that is my poison now if i'm gonna be
like if i'm in like a safe space i might dabble with it a little bit it does
hit your switch though man like steve switch goes off when he's had one or two
gin cocktails okay And for some reason,
you just leave the Earth. I'm a fighter, dude.
No, I'm kidding. No, you're not even a fighter. You're just gone.

I'm fucking... There it is.
Yeah, I'm off this planet. That shit's so funny, dude. Yeah,
everything else you're good to go. What about you? Do you have anything?
No, I just go to a point and then it's just Irish goodbye, everybody.
Yeah, that's my buddy. My buddy does the same thing. Like, oh, where's Ivan?

He's like, gone. on yep no that's what i do man i just uh actually went to our
homie jose's his daughter's quinceanera,
and was drinking a shit ton of tequila and yeah i felt myself like hit the limit
i'm like cool there you go wake up the next morning's like 34 missed calls a
bunch of text messages where'd you go why'd you drive when'd you leave are you

okay and it's like yeah man i just knew i needed to go,
don't chicken drive oh yeah yeah definitely don't so i drove i just left oh
yeah oh no one time they I think I left.
He flew up in a hardy helicopter. Left in a hot hole.
That's all I did. I'm going to tell you one more story because we're talking
about like having missed calls. One time I was, I think I was 19.

And we had a New Year's Eve party. And it was at my grandma's house, of all places.
Because it was a back house. Oh, no, so it wasn't that.
She was asleep, but my cousin lived in the back house. But he was like,
he had just got divorced.
It was like his re-releasing into the wild. Oh, yeah, your re-batcher party. Yeah.

So we got... I got so shit-faced. And I remember my grandpa had like...
Well, my grandma and grandpa had like a lemon tree on kind of like a side yard.
But it was still technically in the backyard yeah and
nobody could find me like i nobody knew where the
fuck i was everybody thought i left and like and i drove
and but they're like they're like his car's here where the fuck is his
car i was gonna sell the lemon tree

next to the virgin mary statue my god my hat oh god
i'm praying for your life dude and i and i was and
i was and i don't know how what happened but i was only wearing
boxer briefs oh it was a wild night i
think we could tell you what happened were you walking
okay the next day uh everything a little sore well
no i actually had to wake up the next day because i went to the rose bowl game

because sc was playing michigan at the rose bowl and that was a was a hard day
that was probably hard but i had because i was underage i had to pretend to
my dad i was going with my dad i had to pretend that i wasn't like room over
oh yeah you weren't dying on the inside so you want nachos and a hot dog i was just like.
You're like no i'm good what would sound pretty

fucking great after a night like that yeah just be like
give me water yeah no but it was bad because we did like jello
shots we did tequila whiskey vodka i mean but
that that's you're like 19 years old like you wake up pretty quick yeah you
would think so not anymore it takes a good day man fucking head splitting headache
fucking honey hangover do you guys oh you know i'll talk about i'll talk about

that off here but there's There's a product that I'll have my buddy send me
and I'll give you guys. Liquid something? Drinking Buddy.
Oh, shit. I've heard of it, yeah. Yeah. They sell it on Amazon,
too, and it's, like, I think, like, $25 for a bottle.
But it's, like, you take two of them and it's all vitamins and you take it before
you go after you're, like, just before you go to bed.
So you don't have to, like, take it, like, after every other drink.

Yeah. As long as you remember to take them before you go to bed.
Yeah. So now I keep mine on my nightstand. Oh, I remember.
Okay, there we go. So shout out to Drinking Buddy. Yeah. A little trick,
dude. dude. I go to Costco to get my men's multivitamin. Oh, yeah.
Men's one a day. I take that every day. So if I know I'm going to have a hard
night, I take about nine of them before I go out. Wait, nine?

I OD on those things. What it is? I'll take like eight of them and then go out
like, hey, we're going to get fucked up. Bro, it's like one day of a flip.
Yeah, well, I take eight days worse. So when I wake up the next day, I don't feel better.
It's a normal day because I've peed it all out. But
I just overload load myself on those vitamins man and it helps out

a lot it really does i think a vitamins and then the shower and
then i'm like usually okay after that but i'm usually kind of a
pretty functional hungover person extra strength excedrin too like i'll
make up and i'll make like chila quiles or breakfast that's a good one yeah
i typically just sweat it out dude so my like my like hangover regimen is like
waking up going for like a good you haven't done it right dude oh dude yeah

like i used to do with hikes like hike a hike would help especially if it's
really really cold in the morning.
Like it kind of like, cause it like contracts your skin and it like,
and as you're like, and especially if it's like a, not a grueling hike,
but like, you know, a pretty good workout. Yeah.
You, so you're, you get that, you know, you, you're sweating it out,
but you're also getting like your skin kind of contracting.

So it's like, you know, doing the whole thing, push the blood through.
I'm not, and I'm not a fitness guy at all, clearly, but this has been a blast brother.
Like I said, Oh dude, I'm really glad we got this done. It's really Mike.
It's been come on here again, dude.
More stories to tell so please have us again oh no for sure what
i think we should do is i'll because i'm i'm gonna have more mics so
what we should do is have you know jimmy paul

josh you guys will have a group of
us yeah do a whole thing dude i think that'd be fun those fucking guys man they're
like a five hour episode probably yeah that's fine dude for sure geez yeah so
i'm gonna take my multivitamins right before that one i've never done a part
one and a part two on an episode so we might have to do so we'll do while we're
drinking and the part two will be the next morning hungover,

That'll be like five minutes. Five minute episodes.
There's times where I have to wake up in the morning on a Sunday and I have
to record an intro. And I'm like.
I gotta take this beer out of the fridge because I gotta review this one.
Oh, another guest. Are you drinking a Black Sands? Oh, no, that's not Black

Sands. That's like a Whippet or something.
That's not Black Sands, is it? Yeah, it's green on the bottom.
That's not Black Sands. I'm going to swirl you, pal. That's not too sweetening,
brother. I can totally prove it. I'll go pour it out of the tap right now.
Yeah, I'll check it out. Really? That's what they said about my mom. Oh, okay.
Oh, shit. Just kidding, mom. Love you. Oh, boy. That's how we're going to end

the episode. Thank you, Tim. Thank you, Steve.
Thank you, brother. We'll do something again soon. For sure.
Love you, brother. Thanks for getting us. Yeah. All right. Cheers, fellas. Yeah, cheers.
We like some more beers on us, dude. You know it. All right,
guys. We're back at Noble. We're a What's New at Noble segment.
I got Josh with me here and Cam's going to jump on here in a little bit.

So what's going on, brother? Not much, you know, another day in paradise.
Yeah, I know. It's been a while since you've been on What's New at Noble.
I know. It's been the last couple of months I've been a little busy with my other business.
So unfortunately, I haven't been able to have been here, but I know the guys
have enjoyed filling in and working and talking with you and having a good time.
Oh yeah, it was a blast. I'm glad we were able to do that. Oh, for sure.

And the perfect thing is this week, I mean, when we're recording this now,
but it's going to be the outro for the Hardy Hood episode.
So that'll be good. And obviously those are some phenomenal guys,
but we have Minty Charms. Yes. So there hasn't been a ton, ton new from the last time you were here.
So this was, we had to re-brew a few other beers that were needed for distro,
but we were able to slip in, yes, this is our Minty Charms.

So we talked about it last year.
We ran out of time. And then this year I was like, we got to do a chocolate mint stout.
Especially after the success we had with the banana one. Oh yeah.
So we pretty much took the same base for the banana one and we added chocolate and mint to this.
So it came out really good. Like I said, Jimmy played around with it a few times.
We're going back and forth.

And the couple of first renditions were just too minty.
And I was like, you got to get the chocolate. And he was able to,
this edition, you know, you get the chocolate on the forefront.
And then the mint hits the back. And it's just been, it's an easy drinking stout, you know.
I got a couple of people like, oh, it's not stout weather. I'm like,
well, it's still kind of cold. Yeah. So, drink a stout. Southern California. It's been chilly.

It's been raining. It's been a bunch of that. And it's super light.
Yeah. But let's have a sip. Cheers. Cheers.
So good. You know what it reminds me of is, uh, you ever, when it is cold,
when you're in the mountains, do a Girl Scout cookie?
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. A little, uh, a little mint stops and,
uh, peppermint stops and, uh, hot chocolate. Good to go. Oh, yeah.

No, it's, it's frigging delicious. And you get, you do get that chocolate,
like that chocolate kind of stays with you, but so does the mint too.
It's not like one is overpowering the other.
I mean, and that's all you want. I mean, you want balance. And like,
you know, like you said, you were talking to Jimmy, you needed more chocolate
to be like, oh, the chocolate to be more prevalent in there.
Because it was mostly minty and i remember the day shit
what was it three weeks ago when i when jimmy was at the desk trying to

oh sorry oh oh yeah i forgot you were
here that day when he was mixing with it on his desk yeah yeah
he was trying to dial it in yeah but i
mean like it's freaking came out so damn good yeah dude
he's been he's been killing all these doubts like i said it and it's
all playing game but he's he's been having a lot of fun and
playing you know messing around with different ingredients and they've

been coming together so i i mean we have a couple we're
going to be doing a root beer float one
here real soon oh yeah so that'll probably
be it's gonna be a few weeks because we have a couple of beers take care of
but yeah we have uh we're going to be doing a root beer float next so same thing
we're gonna take the same pretty much take the same base that we've been using
and then we're gonna you know get some vanilla ice cream in there and get some

root beer in there and you know make a make a nice little uh root beer float oh that sounds Yeah,
that sounds like it's going to be really, really good. Yeah,
so I'm excited for that one.
And we're going to have, so you have to come back hopefully after next week.
Well, depending if you're not busy next week or the week after,
we're going to have. I can always make something work.
Okay, well, let me know because if we're going to do, so we have a new felt

series. It's going to be felt majestic.
Okay. So that's coming out. Paul's pretty excited about that one.
Jimmy's been raving about it. Nice.
Got to try a little sample of it last night. Like I said, it still needs to be carved, but.
It's definitely going to probably, you know, we keep saying,
oh, it's better and better.
And it is really good. And we got some Idaho 7 that we got to put in there.

Nice. You know, we got hooked up from a friend of ours.
Okay. And so we put it in this beer and we were tasting it last night and the guys are excited.
And then Jimmy, we're going to have the next in the animal series,
which will be Dogs are Noble.
Can't wait. So that one also, we're refining that right now today.
And we'll be, like I said, next the 14th, we'll be packaging that out.

Okay. So we'll have those here. So you have to come down and record later,
but definitely want to check those out. But next, uh, next Thursday,
right? The 14th, the Thursday.
Yeah, I believe so. Yeah. So we'll have those, uh, available.
Awesome. So they're, they're, we're pretty excited. Like each one just,
I mean, the game just keeps going up and some of the ingredients we've been
getting access to is just, you know, taking these beers to the next level.

So we're, we're excited. Yeah.
And that's all you, I mean, that's all you can ask for to just keep on,
you know, keep on, you know, doing, doing what you guys are doing,
but then also just taking it, you know, a step further each time.
Yeah. And that, and that's what they've been working on. So we're,
we're, we're loving it. So I'm, I'm happy or good and we're getting busy and then case.
So a couple of things I'll tell you, you know, we talked about what's going on.

So we did release a video. You guys haven't followed us on social media at all.
We did release a new tee called O'Nobel. Oh, yeah. That works.
So we took the logo pretty much from the Minty Charms can and put that on there.
And it's, you know, first day, Badger's Day. So if anyone's looking in,
they're on sale right now for 25 bucks.
We're doing sizes extra small through 2X. Okay.

They're available now and we'll have, I mean, they're selling pretty quick,
but we should have no stock to get us through the next week.
If anybody wants to pick those up, Minty Charms, let you know.
We're down to our last 10 cases. We blew those pretty quick.
Wow. Yeah. Yeah. So we were down to 10 cases right now and it's been going.
So that one, I'm not going to say it'll be here by next week.
So if you're looking for it, definitely get in here sooner than later.

But the plus side is, in case people haven't been around, see that we finally
got rid of our old POS system.
We're using Toast now. So the plus side is with that, we're offering an award
program for all our customers.
So now when you guys come in, the more you spend, the more you get back.
So every point or every dollar, you get one point.
And so pretty much, you know in the way we're working as

every 50 you spend or 50 points you get
you'll get a five dollar reward so i mean you
know it's 10 back every time you spend and we get people coming here all the
time buying cases so it's a way to get back to them and and hopefully you know
give you a reason to you know come on over to we can't offer you know by the
abc and all the rules can't offer free beer but you know we can give you a rebate

on that so that that part is has been been pretty cool.
People have been pretty excited about that this week just because some of the
regulars are like, oh, we can, like, yeah, you can earn, you can earn rewards.
Yeah. I'm like, come on in.
So we, we've been doing that. And then did you see the thing for the beer mile?
I have not. Tell us about it. Okay. So-
As you guys, if you do follow us, we do a couple of beer miles a year.

Normally last year we did St. Patrick's Day and then we did the one for Oktoberfest.
And we're doing the same thing this year. So this time we're doing a little
closer to St. Patty's Day.
So next, the 16th, we'll be doing our beer mile. You can still register.
And we have four, there's four ways to sign up. We have individual runners.
So you can sign up if you just want the beer.
Or we have a special package deal where you get the beer and a t-shirt.

You know, your choice depending on how much money you want to spend.
And then also if you're not in the mood to drink
four beers and run four quarter miles because it
is a lot yeah we do have team relay so you can
sign up you know you and three friends each you get a beer
each to do a lap we also have a custom race bib that's for the event that we'll
be putting out that everyone will get and we'll have beer specials as well for

anyone running on that day but we'll be partying all day so we'll be check-in
starts at nine o'clock okay And the first heats will start between 10 to 10, 15.
And based on the amount we have right now, we'll probably be running until about
12, a couple hours. And then after that, it's just, it's party time.
So we're going to be, we're going to be partying.
And then we have good food that day, vinegar and smokes coming all day.

They're going to be doing breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
So morning time, again, even if you don't want to run it, you just want to come hang out, drink.
We're going to have beer specials. We're going to have breakfast burritos for
lunch and then, or sorry, for breakfast. And then lunch, he's going to be doing
some like smash burgers and hot dogs.
And then for nighttime, he's going to be doing some corned beef and cabbage.
Oh, there you go. So, you know, have a little fun that way. And the day doesn't end.

So starting at six o'clock, we're going to be having not a big,
if anyone's familiar with the Saturday night vibes we used to do.
It's a little smaller scale, but we're going to have about 20 vendors here.
Okay. And then we're going to have the Rockaway, I think it's called,
right? The Rockaway band.
They'll be performing at 730. So they're a cover band for the Ramones.
Oh, so that's free and it's family friendly.

So again, come on down, bring the kids, have a good time, but there'll be vendors
for apparel, you know, collectibles, candles.
Like she has a bunch of Vanessa who's putting together, has a bunch of little,
you know, good little selection to come out. Yeah.
And hang out and, you know, it's fun shop, hang out and drink.
It's just going to be a full day. I mean, again, do a lot of it on Saturday.
Cause I mean, you know, a lot of people on Sunday will be open.

So if anyone wants to come over, please come. We'll have green beer.
Yeah. But I know same as for us, like we're going to go find an Irish pub and,
you know, and go do that route.
So. Of course. What about you? Any plans for St. Patrick's day?
Well, me and my brother usually do. Cause I mean, it is a Sunday,
so I can't get too crazy. Cause I got to work in the morning.
But what we always do is we watch the Dropkick YouTube.
Cause Dropkick does it. Wait, is it Dropkick or Flogging Molly?

I can't remember which one, but every year was one of them.
And I should know by now because we do it every year, but I'm always usually
hammered. So, but we both love Dropkick and Flogging.
So they usually do like their YouTube live concert. Okay.
So we'll probably just watch that and probably knock back a few.
I think my brother usually does like a Guinness, like, like not a roast,

but like something like that.
And we have like, you know, meat, potatoes and, you know, biscuits and stuff. Are you going to.
So I know there's something that's going on the 16th. So Shamrock Rebellion from OC Bruja.
Oh, no. They're playing that one. Yeah. So there is over in Oak Canyon down
the way. So we'll actually, we'll have a booth there.
We'll have volunteers running it, but we'll have a booth there.

But Floggy Molly's playing.
Oh, damn. Yeah. Oh, yeah. So there must be a dropkick that does it in here.
Yeah. So I was like, well, I know Floggy Molly's. That's all I know.
I know Floggy Molly's there.
Oh, yeah. And they're amazing live. I've seen them a couple times. we
saw we saw them a few months ago when they were over at the grove and the show
was so it was awesome funny part was watching jimmy and and paul in in the mosh

pit yeah i was gonna ask you about about paul for uh the beer mile is he gonna
be wearing like uh some type of attire.
I'm sure he will last year he wore his grinch pants yeah he wore his greens
his grinch pants his saint patrick's day t-shirt and they had a big like marriage
ameriqui like oh yeah like Like one of those, he had a big green one like that.

I kept telling him like, I'm all, well, you're all over the place with it,
but you know, he'll dress up and have fun. That's his thing.
Dude, I'm the same way. Anytime there's like, it's a WrestleMania or it's a,
like a theme party, I'm dressing up like I'm going to, you know,
I'll spend the extra money to do it.
Yeah. Well, I mean, I'm hoping, I mean, last year, a lot of people did dress
up for the same match, say Bear Miles.
So we're hoping, you know, that we do a contest at the end of the best costume,

you know, you get, we'll give, you get a case of beer, but we,
we do a little bit of, you know, a little bit of fun that way.
Extra incentives to dress up yep exactly so and it's fun
watching some people in their outfits running down the street especially when
you drive by because uh two years ago we did a zombie run yeah and paul was
in a one of those medical nightgown things oh geez and he said people were just

staring at him left and right because we did that was just a 5k wasn't a full
beer mile thing so they actually went out like down the through we call it the.
Area i can't think right now but backside of
catella yeah over there and then ran back upstate college
and he came back so so man everyone's just
hearing me i'm like yeah i'm like you're wearing zombie makeup in a nightgown i'm

like oh my god that was fun so it's always a good time so yeah it should be
a lot of fun like i said and even if you don't want to participate it's open
everyone come just oh yeah hang out and drink and we just have a good time and
party i mean that's what it is yeah and it's always especially i mean this place
is you know especially like a friday or Saturday, it's always, it's always going off.
But I mean, especially after like the beer mile ones, cause I think I've been

to like, well, I didn't go on the run.
I always joke with my brother. He's just like, well, one of my buddies always
does like five Ks and all that sort of stuff. I was like, I couldn't even do a half a K.
It's a lot. Like I said, I don't, I mean, chugging the beer.
I was like, I'm like, I'm a man. I'm like, I don't. Oh, I'd, yeah.
Well, Steph, Stephanie did it last year. Yeah. We were laughing at her cause

I put her down for about three hours.
We were teasing her. but like it hits you differently it
gets the blood going but yeah it'll be fun like i said i'm i'm
excited everyone always bugs me like when you run i'm
like i gotta run it i'm like i don't got time to actually run
the run i'm all i gotta run
the event to make sure we're going so that would be good so hopefully that's

always an all-day thing for you too because you get here at what well because
it's you guys open at nine but then you know i'm sure you're here way before
and then you know you're here till you know the almost end of the day yeah well
normally we'll like i said we We can the beer here and that takes,
we normally do that the day before, sometimes two days to pin,
but that's like four, we do about 400 cans, you know, about a hundred people.

So it takes about four or five hours. So we do that and let's get that all prepped
up and then get everything lined out, get everything printed off.
And then, yeah, we normally get here about seven o'clock in the morning and
then it's just setting up everything outside and getting it ready.
And then it all depends on who, who shows up to help us. And if they show up
on time, normally it normally it's me and Paul here first.

And then, you know, Candace shows up and then see, we'll see,
we'll come in. And then Cindy, it's one of our friends from Frisbee sellers.
She'll come down and she helps us out and, you know, we'll get it done.
It's just, it is a lot of work, but it's a lot of fun and people enjoy it.
So it's, it's a good time.
I'm, I'm normally by the end of the day, it's like ready for bed,
but then normally it's like we grab another beer and we're just here drinking all day. Yeah.

So, yeah. Yeah, well, especially this year because Paul's birthday,
so I don't know if you know, his birthday is St. Patrick's Day.
Oh, shit, I didn't know that. Yeah, so we'll be drinking and partying because
I don't know if he'll listen to us yet.
So, yeah, his wife's planning for that night for us to party and get him a little drunk.
Nice. So it'll be good. It'll be good. Oh, that's going to be a blast.

I did want to, I mean, I'm not on air, obviously, because I'm not going to describe
it to anybody, but I do want to see the dogs are noble can artwork already done? It is.
It's almost finished. Okay. Uh, unfortunately, unfortunately.
This week got away and I aren't, I forgot to follow up. So a little bit of my bad way.
I should have labeled on two days ago and I forgot to follow up with our artists,

but Mike and me, me, Mike spoke today. So we'll have it tonight.
Actually. He's supposed to. Yeah. Actually I should have something.
Well, I'm going to text him. Just to be sure. He said by eight o'clock,
he'd have everything finished and to me.
Okay. So I'll show you tonight. Oh yeah. All the labels. Yeah.
While the labels for the noble dogs are noble and for the felt majestic.
We'll have both those tonight.
Awesome. Yeah. Cause I think was when me and Jimmy talked about when he talks

about all all the, the, you know, the animal series.
I was like, and they talk about dogs and nobles, like, dude,
you got to have like all of your guys' dogs on the can.
Yeah. Well, that's what we did. We got a picture pretty much of everybody that we could.
We'll see how it turns out. Cause I said, it's like as much as you can,
it's like a scribble could be any dog, but yeah, but we tried to at least cover.
Do like the paw prints or something like that too.
Yeah. Problem was getting paw prints. We didn't get it. Yeah,

that would have been tough. But we got pictures. I tried to get three to four photos of each dog.
Okay. So that way he could kind of like figure out the personality draw a
little bit of it so i'm i'm excited to see what happens and i
think between that and the beards coming out like it's going to be a
good a good combination once it
goes i mean everybody loves dogs i really want to do when jimmy said
we can't but i want to do once his cats are whack but but

uh yeah we got we got a few more like so there's we have
the animal series lined up though pretty much to the
end of the year yeah so every four weeks we'll have a
new one that's that's the plan right now sweet and because
your dog's name is loki yep okay i was trying to remember
i know i was like is uh he on there yeah he'll
be he'll be on there somewhere i mean he's on there a
little brat i love him but he's a little brat that's awesome

he's a needy little bitch yeah anyone had
bulldog you'll know what i'm talking about like they're they're needy little
uh love them but jesus for sure so i mean that's awesome man i'm love that you
guys are doing the reward stuff i mean minty charms obviously is really good
i'm gonna finish this stuff it off got no one right here cam couldn't get cam
here yeah i know he's still he's doing some uh no he's busy he's doing his thing

but yeah so make sure everybody because this will be out when this releases it'll be sunday.
And then obviously next week is St. Paddy's. So come on down if you want to
do the beer mile or if you want to just hang out.
Like you said, the Vinegar and Smoke's going to be here. This should be an awesome time.
Yeah, it'll be fun. Hopefully I'll see you. Oh, yeah, for sure.
I'm always down to make an appearance.

All right, man. Well, thanks for being on, man. Appreciate it.
I appreciate it. Take care, bro. Bye-bye.
All right, guys. Well, I hope you guys enjoyed the episode. Like I said,
stay tuned for the next couple weeks. Might actually be recording.
Forgot to mention in the intro, it might be recording at Brewery X with Greg,
who's a buddy known for a long time now works with
my brother jake so i might be recording with him sometime this week as well

so stay tuned for that one also went to hamilton yesterday hamilton family brewery
over in rancho like what a kick-ass spot i had the young fool ipa and i think
a couple of pilsners and they were everything was really really good sorry i'm not gonna edit that out,
but yeah so hope you guys you guys everybody has a good week and i'll end it

with a quote from a movie today, I'm just going to say, what is it?
Oh, Land of the Lost. I'll do that one. If you don't make it,
it's your own damn vault. And that's a bitch slap of truth right there.
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