Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Get everyone. Samwood here with a motivational moment for this week,
and we're going to talk about the importance of getting
a check up for skin cancer. Now, it's a bit
of a different motivational moment this week because it's a
bit of a check in. We were thrilled to have
the incredible doctor Adrian Lee come on the show probably
a month ago now, maybe five weeks ago and talk
about the full rundown on the importance of getting a
skin check And I left that podcast episode with Adrian.
She left the studio. I left the studio. I made
a note in my phone to go and get a
check up. And I'm being honest with you, I'm angry
with myself. I haven't done it yet, and that we're
now in summer, and guess what will come. Summer will
go and we'll have the best of intentions, but it
won't happen. And I was driving to the studio today
knowing that I was going to be chatting to you
all and I am going to get a check up
in the next seven days, and I thought, you know what,
that's what I'm going to talk to you guys about.
I'm going to implore you to get a check up too,
if it's something that you haven't done in the last
six to twelve months. So if you want to listen
to that whole episode, Adrian is an absolute expert in
this era, and I thought I knew a bit about
this topic and learned an enormous amount. So please go
back four or five episodes and have a listen to
that episode. But for those of you that want the
quick refresh, the quick recap, let's do that now. First
of all, there are a few little zingers from that
episode of just simple things that make so much sense
when you hear them, but they really resonated with me.
I've written them down. So the first one, remember to
put sunscreen on your legs. I really don't do that,
or don't do it anywhere near as often as I
do it on my face and my shoulders and my
neck and my ears. Remember to put sunscreen on your legs.
It's often a forgotten place and you can absolutely get
skin cancer down there. SPF moisturizer is not enough to
protect your face. You must also wear sunscreen, and I
think that's a big one, probably more for females, But
a lot of these moisturizers have a level of SPF
protection in them, it is not the same protection as
putting actual sunscreen on your face. That was another little
light bulb moment from that episode. Next one, wearing clothes
is better protection than sunscreen, and I just I'll often
just be in my bodies and reapply the sunscreen. And
there's really no reason I couldn't like a T shirt
on or a shirt on. So I just that was
the one that too. I sort of thought that were
the same my head, it was like, ah, if I
put sunscreen on but have my top off, that's basically
giving me the exact same protection as having a T
shirt on or a shirt on. And it's not the
case that wearing the clothes will give you a greater
level of protection. This old chestnut. Remember to slip, slap, slap,
but wait, there's more seek and slide. So seek is
I think we all know what slip slop slap is.
Slip on a T shirt? Is it? Yep? Oh god,
I just I just doubt of myself. Slip on a
T shirt, slop on a hat, and slap on some sunscreen,
but seek, seek some shade and slide, slide on some sonny.
So slip slap slap Seek slide. There's a tongue twister
that you can work with the kids on. And then
I just said, if you haven't done it in six months,
but set a reminder on your phone to check your
skin every quarter. So for me, I'm going to get
it done in the first week of summer, and I'm
going to make sure I then set a quarterly alert
in my phone own to get that check done because
it's so quick, it's so easy, that the consequences if
you don't are so serious, and I wanted to share
that with you today. So I think you know what
your listener to USK is going to be. Your listener
to tasks is doing the same thing. I might see
you at the doctor's clinic this week, hopefully I do,
because I want you to get your check up done
if you haven't done it in the last three to
six months, and I want you to put it in
your calendar so that this isn't a one hit wonder
and you make sure you go back every quarter to
do that little fifteen minute check because it makes such
a difference. We'll see you next week.