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September 11, 2024 24 mins

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Is your senior photography business stuck in 2010? It's time for a serious upgrade! Join me as I reveal why the outdated methods can't keep up with the ever-evolving preferences of Gen Z and Gen Alpha clients.

Discover how to break free from the old ways and rejuvenate your senior rep teams with fresh strategies that resonate today. Learn from my personal journey of transforming a niche market into a thriving $200,000+ business and how you can sidestep the rookie errors that many fall into.




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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
It's really important that if you are still trying to
run a team like we did in like2010, 2011, it's not going to
convert as well.
A lot of you guys who have beenrunning teams for a long time
have seen already that yourclients just don't really share
organically the way that theyused to.
So there's some things changingand it's time for you to pivot

if you haven't already, andmainly for you newer
photographers, or just newer tosenior photography you're trying
to get into it.
A senior team is really thebest way to build and leverage
yourself in your local market,but not if you're doing it like
in an old school way and not ifyou're doing it where it's

exhausting you and it's free andit's not making you any money.
Welcome to Tried and True with adash of woo, where we blend
rock solid tips with a littlebit of magic.
I'm Renee Bowen, your host,life and business coach and
professional photographer atyour service.
We are all about gettingcreative, diving into your
business and playing withmanifestation over here.
So are you ready to getinspired and have some fun?

Let's dive in over here.
So are you ready to getinspired and have some fun?
Let's dive in.
Hey, hey, welcome back to Tryto True with a Dash of Rue.
I am your host, renee Bowen,and today is a short and sweet
little episode specificallygeared toward my senior
photography friends.
You guys know how much I love,love, love, love talking about

senior rep teams and teachingabout them, because it is how I
built a $200,000 plus seniorportrait business in an area
that didn't even really offersenior portraits back in the day
So when I started in 2007, 2008, nobody was really shooting
senior portraits the way Iwanted to do it in a very
editorial way, and I had to sortof like a very editorial way

and I had to sort of like teachpeople what this was about,
because they had just gone totheir school's contracted
photographer, you know, done thevery basic drape and cap and
gown, and that's not what Iwanted to create here.
So I was able to really do thatby starting a team from the
get-go and I didn't know what Iwas doing and I was running by

the seat of my pants.
So I made a lot of mistakes andthat's one of the reasons why I
do what I do now teach otherphotographers is because I wanna
save you from that.
I also run a very largeFacebook group now of Jets High
School Senior Photographers.
I think we've got like 16,000of you guys in there.
If you're not in there, it'sfree, I'll post the link below.

You should hop in Lots of gooddiscussions and things like that
in there, but I see a lot ofyou guys, especially the newer
people, really, reallystruggling with this whole team
Right, you can call it anambassador team, a model team,
There's a lot of words.
Back in the day, we called itmodel team, but our Gen Z
clients don't really align withthat word anymore, so I call
mine a creative team.
I was the first person in ourindustry to use the word

influencer team back in like2017, because I could see the
shifts that were happening.
I'm always paying attention toour Gen Z clients and they're on
the move again.
They're changing, right, we'reabout to get into Gen Alpha
pretty soon, so it's reallyimportant that if you are still
trying to run a team like we didin like 2010, 2011, it's not

going to convert as well.
A lot of you guys who have beenrunning teams for a long time
have seen already that yourclients just don't really share
organically the way that theyused to.
So there's some things changingand it's time for you to pivot
if you haven't already andmainly for you, newer
photographers or just newer tosenior photography you're trying

to get into it.
A senior team is really thebest way to build and leverage
yourself in your local market,but not if you're doing it like
in an old school way and not ifyou're doing it where it's
exhausting you and it's free andit's not making you any money.
So in today's episode I'm goingto be going over the five most
common rookie mistakes that Isee you guys making with your

senior rep programs and, moreimportantly, how you can avoid
them and how you can build aprofitable, stress-free team
right from the start.
I know it's intimidating.
I know you're probably thinkingwhat if nobody signs up?
What if it's a waste of time?
You might be thinking I justfeel really intimidated and
overwhelmed about starting ateam.

And you're not alone.
That's a very, very commonthing.
I coach in group settings, inone-on-one settings, and I see
and I hear that a lot.
But it doesn't have to be thatway.
Okay, with the right plan andthe right strategy, your team
can actually market yourbusiness for you year round.
That's what you want.
It can bring in high-payingclients and make your job a lot

So the first thing that I seeyou guys doing that I think is a
big mistake is trying to offeryour team for just free right
and offering it to just anybody.
And I know that it can feelreally tempting to offer your
team like this, thinking thatit's going to attract more
people, especially when you'rejust starting out.
But here's why that's a reallybig mistake.
Free rep teams tend to attractpeople who aren't serious or

invested in your experience,people who are not your target
You hear me talk about targetclients a lot across the board.
Whether you're in my freecommunities, paid here on the
podcast, whatever, you know thatyou need to be talking to your
senior and your parent targetclients.
We're pretty unique as seniorphotographers because we have
two target clients.
So when you do this for free,you end up putting in a lot of

work without seeing a realreturn, and this is a slippery
slope it's just hard to comeback from actually.
So just putting out free modelcalls.
There's also this energy ofdesperation, which is never a
good thing, right, if you'retrying to leverage yourself as a
higher end photographer,especially if you want to be

more of a boutique photographer,which I, that's what I am and
that's what I teach.
It's not a great look to justsort of like cast this really
wide net and you know, pleasebook with me, please do this
It's got a little bit of likethat scarcity vibe and that's
not a great place to build aprofitable, strongly positioned

Instead, I do want you tocharge for your team.
It makes your reps morecommitted Okay, when you pay,
you pay attention and itpositions your program as high
value, exclusive and experiencethey can't get with just anybody
And when your team is payingfor something that they see as
valuable, they'll market for youharder to take their role more

It actually is a win-win.
There's a lot of ways you cando this.
I'm not going to go into all ofthat right here because it
would just be way too long of apodcast.
There's a lot of different waysyou can run a team.
Okay, I personally like toteach a two level method in the
creative team method.
I break that down for you, butI also go over some of the other
ways that you can run acreative team.

You don't have to do it exactlylike how I do it.
What works for me may or maynot work for you.
I've also run a team with justone level, but there's always
been, it's always been paid, andin the creative team method, I
do break down exactly how tostructure your pricing so that
it does attract the right people, the right reps, and, more
importantly, how to communicatethat value to those potential

The number two rookie mistake Isee you guys making is not
having a clear year roundstrategy.
Okay, so a lot of y'all arejust kind of running by the seat
of your pants, but I see thishappening a lot.
I see photographers thinkingthat their reps are only useful
during, like, senior season, butthis leaves a lot on the table.
Truly, even if you live in acold climate where you're only

shooting, let's say, may throughearly November.
The reason why this doesn'twork is that if you're not
consistently using your teamthroughout the year, you're
missing out on really hugemarketing opportunities.
Your team really should be yourbrand ambassadors year round,
spreading the word about yourservices, bringing in new
clients year round in your localmarket.

You want people to be talkingabout you all the time, so
between your team and theirparents.
You need to have sessions withthis team throughout the year,
even if you live in a coldclimate and even if you can't
shoot outside.
And there's so many, so manyways you can do this.
For instance, in the creativeteam method, I do teach you how

to create a simple, actionableplan to keep your reps engaged
12 months out of the yearwithout burning yourself out.
That is the big part.
I don't want this to createmore work for yourself.
From social media content tocommunity involvement, that's a
really big one.
It's all about making your repteam a continuous part of your
marketing strategy.
It's just integral.

You can't just kind of start ateam, do a couple of shoots with
them and then be like okay,we're done, and expect them to
continue to market for you.
It just doesn't work that way.
You've got to kind of play withthem year round.
But it doesn't have to beexhausting.
I promise you, I've alreadydone that work for you.
By the way, in the creativeteam method, it comes with
ready-made templates, contentplans, systems that you can

start using like ASAP with yourteam.
And right now this current saleit's insane.
You can get it for $700 offbefore my birthday, september
17th, so you do have to actquick, but everything you need
is in the creative team method,because I have made these
I have seen what works and whatdoesn't work, and I also see

what a lot of other seniorphotographers are doing with
their creative team or theirmodel teams, whatever they're
calling it and I can see whythey are not working.
So I've made the adjustmentsfor you inside of the program.
Okay, mistake number three isthat you are failing to connect
with your Gen Z clients and whatthey really want.
So a lot of photographers setup their rep teams like it's

2010 still, but Gen Z is a wholenew generation with different
expectations and values and,honestly, we're at the tail end
of Gen Z right now.
We're really on the precipiceof Gen Alpha, and Gen Alpha is
like Gen Z on crack, like theyare even more savvy.
Even more savvy.

They are even more harder in alot of ways to reach because
they're super online and supersaturated with everything that
they see.
So if you're not tapping intowhat Gen Z and Gen Alpha really
want their experiences, theauthenticity that they value,
the individuality if you're notreally focusing on what they're
consuming okay, and I'm nottalking about, like what they're
eating, but what the media isthat they're consuming.

You're going to struggle to gettheir attention.
These generations crave waymore than just pretty pictures
and like these high value themedshoots.
What they want more thananything is this sense of
belonging and exclusivity,without feeling like it is not

available to everyone.
So there's that fine line Like,yes, it has to be positioned as
not available to everyone, butthey do not want to be involved
with somebody who's just pickingthe most popular kids.
That's not a great look foryour business.
I personally have never run myteam that way.
I just never felt right to me.
But I do limit it.

I just limit it in a differentway.
So in the creative team method,I show you exactly how to
create a senior rep teamexperience that resonates with
Gen Z, with Gen Alpha.
I'm constantly updating it aswell.
I really want this program toevolve alongside of Gen Alpha,
so I'm going to be adding somenew things to it within the next

few months so that you canlearn how to stand out in a
really saturated and crowdedmarket and build a team that not
only markets for you but makesyou the go-to photographer in
your area.
That's what we want.
Mistake number four isovercomplicating the management
of your team.
Okay, so a lot of photographersI talk to are hesitant about

starting a rep team because theythink it's going to take too
much time, too much effort tomanage.
The truth is, it can beexhausting if you're trying to
handle every single detail byyourself and if you're trying to
build like this beast byyourself and if you're trying to
build like this beast of a teamfor free.
That's the other part of it andwe'll get to this in a second,
but burnout's real.

Okay, I have definitely beenthere more than I like to admit,
but trying to micromanage yourteam or handle all the planning
on your own can really makerunning a rep team feel like a
second full-time job.
So I believe it doesn't have tobe this way.
I help you kind of go over allof the tools and systems that

can automate your processes,streamline your communication
and allow you to really likedelegate some tasks.
It's really about workingsmarter, not harder.
Obviously, I always want you tobe doing that, but there's a
way to do this too, where theteam has to be a collaboration
between you and them.

These kids, these teens, reallywant to be more of
They want to be more creators.
This is a very big reason why Iconverted my team from a model
team to an influencer team andthen now to a creative team.
Our younger teen clientsidentify way more with the word
creator because of TikTok.

Mainly that's where they are,that's where they're spending
their time.
You can not like it all youwant, but that's just the truth
and we can use TikTok toactually help us in our business
, and I don't even mean justlike posting on there.
There's some tools that you canuse on TikTok that are going to
help you know what to post,come up with ideas for blogs,
come up with ideas for content,and it's super easy.

So, like why not go to thesource?
Why not go to where your teenclients are actually living?
Basically, I go over all ofthat inside of the creative team
method as well, because I wantyou to be able to use what you
have at your disposal and stoptrying to like create stuff out
of thin air.
And, even if you don't want touse your team as a way to work

with other brands, because I doteach you that inside of the
creative team method, even ifyou don't want to do that, which
I do, suggest you at least atleast look into a little bit as
far as like your local market,because using the power of other
local businesses is like a fasttrack to grow your business if
you do it strategically.

But in the creative team method, I teach you how to do that
with brands online, with allkinds of other different brands,
because your team clients arealready seeing that they can
make money as an affiliate bydoing that for other brands.
They can wear stuff that theyactually really like and talk
about it online and make someextra money on the side.

So why not just kind of likeembed that into your program and
just teach them how to do it ina very safe and professional
And the parents really likethat.
You are the person sort ofleading that, because, as we all
know, teens don't really listento their parents as much.
But if you are the person who'stelling them, hey, here's how
we actually really want to workwith brands, here's how we

actually want to tag them whenwe do it and you're sort of like
running it for them so theydon't have to do it themselves,
it really is a very cool way torun your senior team.
It's a cool aspect to add toyour team, if you're not doing
that already, and it's very,very, very much in line with our
Gen Z and Gen Alpha clients andwhat they want.
So, in the creative team method, I teach you how to do that.

It's like the heart and soul ofmy team and it doesn't have to
be hard, like the reason why itfeels hard is because you just
never have done it before.
But I break it all down for youand I even give you templates
on how to pitch yourself tobrands, how to work with them,
how to leverage yourself withbrands, how to create
relationships with other brandsso that you can be that go-to

person that they come to whenthey have new clothing, when
they have new products that theywant your team to try out.
Okay, mistake number five isunderestimating the power of
Okay, so if you're new to repteams, you are probably afraid
to charge what you're worth,thinking nobody's going to pay
for it.

But underpricing is one of thebiggest mistakes that you can
actually make, because when youprice too low, you attract
clients who don't see the valuein what you offer, and that
leads to way more stress andless profit, and I'm not saying
you have to be where I am.
I do go over all the pricing inthe creative team method, for
instance, but you don't have todo exactly what I do.

In fact, if you're brand new,you shouldn't be charging what
I'm charging.
I've been doing this a longtime.
I didn't start my team at theprice point it is.
Now I can bring in $45,000 to$50,000 in the month of January
and February signing up a team,but I couldn't do that right out
the gate, so let's just kind ofget real for a second.
The thing that matters, thoughokay, because I have had clients

come through the creative teammethod and within two to three
years, they are making $35,000,$40,000 in the month of January.
It can be done.
I'm not saying it can't.
Your work has to be good.
Okay, that is a very, very,very big part of this.
Your work has to be good, and Igo over some of this inside of

the CTM as well, like how toshoot for these younger teens,
like what are they really into,without compromising your
professional style that you'vebuilt, but you have to know what
kind of images that they'reattracted to, because they are
different than it was a fewyears ago, and the teen and the
parent want two different things.

It's our job to give them bothand to communicate that we can.
So I go over all of that aswell, because I think that is a
very, very big part of it, of it.
You know, being able to produceconsistent, great work is very
important and it is why you cancharge higher prices for it.

So keep working at that.
Okay, like, don't, don't takethat off the table.
I'm not talking about raisingyour prices in the absence of
honing your skills.
Okay, the skills have to bethere as well.
But I have seen photographerstwo, three years right out of
the gate in the creative teammethod being able to command
really high prices becausethey've done all of that work

and they also have followed thestructure of the psychology of
the pricing.
That's what I really want youto get inside of the creative
team method is why I am chargingthis, why those two levels make
a big difference.
How that works with, like theactual really want you to get
inside of the creative teammethod is why I am charging this
Why those two levels make a bigdifference.
How that works with, like theactual cost of running a team.
It's expensive to run a team.
Okay, breaking down the numbersof like.
Okay, are you going to includehair and makeup?

How much is that going to costyou?
Each time I pay my makeupartist?
I also work with a hair salon.
You can do trades.
How much is it going to costyou for each of these shoots
that you want to do throughoutthe year Because, remember,
we're getting content throughoutthe year?
How much is that going to costyou and your business?
It shouldn't be in the red.

You should be making money offof this team.
Yes, they are going to give youmarketing and, ideally, bring
you more ideal clients, but theyalso need to be paid clients.
Your team needs to pay you.
Okay, and there are somedifferent ways to do this and
there's some ways to like figureout this process as you're

building it.
I go through all of that insideof the creative team method.
I break it down for you because, again, it is not one size fits
I want this to work for you,your market and your team, and
the way that I have structuredit does that for you.
It's really about you know howto set your pricing confidently,
using pricing psychology,because that's important, and

positioning this as aninvestment so that it does
attract clients who are excitedto be a part of your rep team.
So it's not just about chargingmore, it's about showing that
value of what you do.
Okay, we're going to wrap up.
That was super quick.
I do have below a freebie thatyou can download.
It's a PDF and it's called thefive steps to build a successful
, profitable, engaged senior repteam and it's not just a

regurgitation of what I justtalked about.
There are some similarities butthey're five different steps.
It walks you through like thethings that you should be
thinking about as you build thisteam or revamp your team.
There are a lot ofopportunities in the PDF for you
to get good clarity.
Like I ask you questions, Iwant you to dig deep into your
business and actually get tolike the heart of why you want

to do this, who it's for, like,unless you're getting some
clarity on that kind of stuff,it's going to feel chaotic.
So I go into all of that detailin that PDF.
Definitely download it.
If you've been in my freegroups for a while, you may have
a copy of it, but I haverevised it just recently because
, again.
I'm always like updating andrevising the stuff that I have

because our clients are changing, so the content that I produce
for you had to change as well.
So go ahead and download that.
That'll definitely be a bighelp for you.
But these five mistakes that Ijust went over, that you know
they can really make or breakyour rep team, and right now you
do have the opportunity toavoid them from the start with
the creative team method.

It is on sale for $700 off, butonly until September 17th, so
you do not have a long period oftime to think about it.
If you have been thinking aboutgetting this, now's the time.
The creative team method isalso included in my coaching
So if you sign up forone-on-one coaching with me and
you go through my level upprogram, which is my entire
blueprint on how to build asuccessful six-figure senior

business, you get this includedin that as well.
But if you can't invest at thatlevel yet, if you are not ready
to invest that kind of time,you should jump on the creative
team method while it's on salelike this.
The link is below.
You can definitely go and checkit out.
It's reneebowencom slash seniorrep team and that page has all

the information about what'sincluded, why I include it, and
you can click that link and thenyou can get to the checkout
from there.
So if you are ready to build asenior rep team that markets
your business year round,attracts the right clients
effortlessly and actually makesyou money, go grab the creative
team method right now, while youcan, for $700 off, and start

transforming your photographybusiness.
And if you want to go evendeeper, there are a couple of
spots open in Level Up.
That's my deep dive.
Okay, you do get the creativeteam method included in that.
It's my blueprint.
It is how I built a $200,000plus senior business and you get
one-on-one coaching with me aswell.

So that is not for everybody.
It's a much higher investment.
If you do want something likethat, hit the link below that
says book a call.
It's free.
We'll chat for 30 minutes andyou know, think about whether it
is right for you, because, inall honesty, I don't work with
everybody that books a call withme.
It's going to be right for youor it's not going to be right

for you, and there have been afew people that I have told you
know what.
I know you're ready to sign up,but I don't think you're
personally ready to do it yet,because it is a commitment of
time and money and you have tobe ready to be coachable and you
have to be ready to let go ofsome of the things that you
probably have been doing,because you can't go where you

want to go doing the same thingsthat you've been doing and
because it involves a lot ofhigh touch coaching.
For me, I want you to beprofitable, like I don't just
offer this to anybody.
It has to be something that Ifeel like you're actually going
to implement, because I want youto consume this, be coachable

and then be profitable, likeimmediately.
I want you to make yourinvestment back ASAP.
So that's level up.
Book a call below if you wantto chat about that.
But if you want to build aboutthat, but if you want to build a
senior rep team or revamp yourteam, it's the creative team
that you need and I would get itright now, before it goes off
Have a great rest of your week,guys.
Love you Bye.
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