All Episodes

May 8, 2024 26 mins

In this milestone episode, we honor four years of insightful dialogues and unmatched episodes of UncleDad Talks. We kick things off by expressing our gratitude to our sponsor, Skyline Smart Energy, and highlighting the advantages of opting for sustainable energy solutions to combat California's soaring energy costs. Skyline is offering a unique deal – a year of free Brinks Home Security with every solar installation.

Our reflective journey navigates through episodes brimming with humor, unexpected revelations, and treasured recollections. Each anecdote, from the mystifying quantum healer interview to missed engagements with famous guests, speaks to the wild and wondrous nature of this podcast.

We also reminisce over our memorable moments sharing intimate narratives with Eddie Furlong, Sadat X and many more. Recollecting these instances, we are thrilled for forthcoming captivating dialogues. As part of our continuous innovation, trivia games are expected to be a new addition to our platform.

In this episode, we look back with nostalgia, but more importantly, we look forward with optimism for a future packed with more engrossing narratives. Our goal remains steadfast – to make Uncle Dad Talks a podcast that stands out for its quirkiness and unconventional charm.

In part two of this episode, we talk about our unique guests from influential musicians to beloved mentors who have left an indelible impact on our lives. Recollecting our conversations with John from System of a Down or the unforgettable episode at the Bar Bridge store in Oakland, each has been a valued memory.

Looking forward, we have set sights on expanding the podcast. We discuss potential Kickstarter campaigns and the inclusion of more on-location interviews. We urge our listeners to be an integral part of our journey, by interacting with us and helping sustain the podcast's lively community.

As we conclude the episode, we extend sincere gratitude to everyone who has helped us in this journey. We appreciate the constant support from our listeners and guests who have helped shape Uncle Dad Talks. While the journey has been a roller-coaster, the experiences have been rewarding and we look forward to creating more unforgettable moments in the times ahead.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Welcome to this week's episode or this little hello and hey, what's going on?
A little, I don't know what you want to call this, but we're just stopping to
say hi because and by we, that's right.
Give it up for the man, the myth, the legend, the one and only Mike Hampton.
I'm a guest host on my own podcast now.

I'm featured as a guest on my show.
It's good to be here. yep could there be in the seat yeah
you know the joke we kept making was that you
had the big shoes to fill literally well literally
and figuratively yes that's true yeah same

but they can hear all they can hear all those episodes without you right now
we're here to talk about one specific thing and mike today right now when i
release this it is our fourth anniversary that's right uncle dad Bad Talks has
been running for four years. Wow.
Can't even believe it. So much excitement. I mean, four years, just like that.

But you know, to be fair, a few of those years were COVID years,
which I feel like everybody can relate to, goes into a weird vortex of time
that it's like a, it's like a, it's like a alternate universe that's,
that existed in this universe.
But the time was just, it was almost like the blip.
Right. The Marvel. Yeah.

COVID blip. Like COVID blip. I like that. I like that. I hope that's not a trademark, but I like it.
Yeah. So, you know, I guess for those who have not heard the story,
I'll just give a quick little background. We started the show,
as Mike said, during the COVID timeframe.
And when this show kind of kicked off, not to get too many details,
but it was originally like a comic books podcast where we just kind of talked

about comics and their relation to things and whatnot.
But slowly I kind of realized, all right, well, this is great. This is fine.
But I think we want the conversation aspect of things more.
Would you agree with that? And then we kind of started seeing the change of interviewing people.
Yeah. You know, I think, you know, you can only talk about comics so much, right?

I mean, I do that. Yeah, no, I know you're absolutely right.
But, you know, we, we just kind of followed the, the, the thread of what was happening,
you know, for us and and within the
comic book world we know a lot of
people who are associated with comics but also
associated you know in that industry through

other industries like you know music and movies and you know you know someone
who knows someone and and why just keep it restrained to to just comics is is
kind of how i saw it yeah you know and i think some of our most oddball interviews
for those who have not you know heard them i mean right away the one i always go to is
the church of satan right i think that kind of really showed that you and i

were not going to do the norm right yes yes if you haven't listened for those
for those of you who are new listeners or continuing listeners who haven't listened
to that podcast it's an interesting one so please,
go check it yeah seriously what is one of your favorite oddball ones the ones
that aren't necessarily this like the you know like the straight like the the

comics or the whatever Like something a little different than what you normally talk about.
Oddball. Well, I mean, one of the ones that stands out was the,
I don't know if it was one of my favorites, but it was one that I remember being
odd was the, was it Portals or the Quantum Realities?
Oh my goodness, I even forgot about that one. Since I mentioned that kind of

alternate reality COVID years, I don't know, that kind of popped into my head.
What you're referring to, for those who don't know, is that we had a quantum
healer on the show, correct? Quantum healer. That's right. Yes.
And she had you do the whole thing, right? Like, remember correctly?
Yeah. We sat in a studio and I, together, it was, it was when we actually did

sitting down together and, and yeah, she attempted to heal me.
I guess it didn't work.
Dude, I actually really forgot about that. So you just said that.
Wow. It was in the quantum realm.
Oh man. And if I remember correctly, didn't that conversation,
she was stating that she believed that the Marvel multiverse is actually real.

You know, I don't remember that, but I'm, that sounds like it could be something
that was said during that conversation.
Yeah. And that's why you got to go listen to it.
See? There you go. Mike, you know, throughout these four years,
you know, we have had a lot of great episodes, right?
But I always like to talk about, you know, the real stuff too.
And what would you say was one of our episodes that we just didn't nail it as

strongly as we should have?
Oh man, I really should have looked through our list.
Yeah, we're doing this very by the way, everybody, you know,
I think there are some that I don't even really know if it's our fault so much
as sometimes we just, the guest isn't connecting,
you know, with us, you know, or like it's one of the ones where we're doing a real rush kind of,

rush interview um with some of like the
filmmakers that we've done stuff with yeah you know
when you try you try to read the room like you do in any conversation
and you know i don't know what was the
one scary movie that that was like the first person found footage scary movie
that oh the the not the outsiders the the out waters right something like that

yeah The guy's name was Robbie, right?
Is that what we're talking about? Yeah. Where it was like a really weird desert movie, right? Yeah.
Yeah, the posters looked really... The poster and promo materials made it look really cool to me.
And I know, like you've said, it's got a really great following. People love it.
I couldn't really sit through it, but that's just me. But yeah, I don't know.

I felt like that conversation, that interview, maybe we didn't really hit the head.
You know i would agree with that one i also would think and i'm surprised you
didn't go with this one first it was the when we talked to the one i think he
was the inker or he was the,
colorist for wolverine like he helped create the original or the second version

of wolverine if i remember correctly
right yeah i can't yeah that was at wizard world new orleans and uh,
funny enough i forget where i saw saw something with him online and it made
me think of that moment and he just he he could have just said no like he didn't have to talk to us.
We're just two guys standing there like hey would you like to talk to us,

You didn't want to do it. You just don't do it. Yeah. Plenty of people say no to us.
Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Plenty of people say no to us too, for sure.
And we'll get to that in a second.
But on that particular moment, I remember it because he was like, yeah, sure, we'll do it.
And then we were talking about it and you know, you're just stating what you're
reading also off his, off his little banner.
And even he corrects you, but it's like, dude, that literally is what it's listed

that you have, that you've done. Right. Remember that? Yeah.
Yeah. It was one of those where I just felt like, man, I need to just,
i could just end this right now and it it
would be fine and then we could just talk about how horrible he was
but it didn't it
didn't go the right way but you know talking about what you were
saying about how plenty of people have said no to

us i mean there's been we go to a lot of conventions that people know and we
get to work with some great press reps and there's been plenty of times where
things have been either in the pipeline or we're there right there in the moment
and we ask and they just don't do it i think one of the big ones that i wish
we could have gotten and which I know just was just a poor planning on somebody's part.
I'm not going to say who, but I think I told you before, Mike,

we had a chance to have Henry Winkler on.
Yes, yes. With a misunderstanding, apparently, because he doesn't do podcasts,
right? He still did a really cool thing for us. He gave us an autograph, and that was great.
But, you know, stuff like that can kind of be a little frustrating,
and it happens more often than I think listeners realize. I don't know if you
want to give some insight into that.
Yeah, kind of, you know, behind the curtain there. sure

you you you if you're a listener to any
podcast out there you see what they put out you listen
but yeah you don't always know like oh we were this close
to interviewing i don't know throwing a name if you can think of one we were
this close to henry winkler for instance and the circus was when that almost
happened yeah that was a different situation but yeah there's been a few and

and so you just kind of roll with it and you know something else Philando, right?
Like you just keep, keep, keep at it. And we've got some good guests that, you know,
Maybe they're not who we wanted originally, but I feel like we make,
we do a good job and make it work. That's what we get.
Dude, for sure. I mean, most recently we, I think one of those was,

was your buddy, Eddie, Eddie Furlong.
Yeah. My buddy, Eddie. Yeah. We talk all the time, you know?
Yep. Yeah. You know, cause I remember that moment too. I was like,
we'll just ask cause I doubt he's going to do it. Right. Cause he didn't look
like he would do interviews.
Right. I'm his sponsor now, actually.

Oh, yeah? For what?
Whoops. Whoops. Joking is a joke. Yes, we all know it's a joke, yes.
But he was fine. Like, I mean, he, you know, sometimes, though,
you just got to know, like, these people have heard, especially a guy like Eddie Furlow.
And, you know, he's probably been interviewed a million times.

A million times. And they ask the same questions.
And so you kind of have to try to think about how do we ask a question that's
a little different or maybe something a little more interesting to talk about
than just what was it like working with Arnold Schwarzenegger when you were just a kid?
Like, hmm, come on, what do you think it would be like? I mean,
I'm sure you could say it'd be pretty, pretty cool.

You know, like, you know, so, you know, you just dig a little deeper each time
you have an opportunity to do that.
Yeah i think sometimes though it's i don't know if you agree with this but sometimes,
it almost feels like the guests those bigger ones like that or remote like legacy
ones kind of like the simple questions you ever notice that yeah oh yeah because

it gives them a chance to talk about something other than the question they've
been asked a million times yeah exactly,
like what was it like working on this film or you know yeah same old same old can questions
you know and as we've done this show uh there's been some things that have kind
of popped up that have been kind of odd oddball things like in the sense of uh what we do here so,

there's been a few episodes a handful of episodes where me and mike have actually
done game shows where i've done like trivia games and stuff we haven't done
that in a while but i want to bring that back this year maybe one or two episodes
what do you think mike yeah i'm always game haha yeah and the first one we kicked
it off with for those who haven't heard i have to bring this up because he's
also a part of the Uncle Dad podcasting family, is Mr.

Retro Gaming Nomad. He does a show with me on this channel called Game Papas.
And you went head to head, sir, with him in the past. Who knows Bruce better? Bruce Willis.
Right. Yeah. I think I won.
You did, but somebody had to help you.
We all need a little help. Yeah, that was fun.
I would say, yeah, let's bring back some trivia and let's get some fun guests

on there and do it with them.
Yeah i think i think we should i think stuff like that you know and
i think that's what makes our podcast so unique for those who listen is that
we try to do all weird types of things you know what i mean like in the best
way i mean you know as we do interviews sure but sometimes
we'll do like weird silly questions or sometimes we'll
do like even like we've done a live event last year
for st patrick's day i don't remember this we had

skinner here and we had audience members literally just playing
beer pong with this legendary artist skinner yeah
yeah some of them came from far away and we're
really really excited to do to have
that opportunity so you know we hope some people's dream
comes true on this show too exactly your dream
can come true when you listen to our show just keep

listening if it hasn't yet maybe it will exactly mike
what are some fond memories uh before we wrap up here that
you have of the show from way back and from
now oh man fond memories man my memory is wasn't what it used to be i mean you
know we we were able to i was just thinking about this because i was actually

reaching out to someone today i won't name their name yet because if they say
no you know it'll be one that no the audience never knows,
but uh it's someone who is a hip-hop artist and i really enjoyed talking to
sadat x like that i it I was reminded of that interview, and I just thought
it was really cool just because, you know, I'd listened to that guy so much when I was younger.

And, you know, we just connected with him. And having the conversation with
him, you know, it's that voice I heard 100 times when I was a kid or a teenager and an adult.
And I was talking to him. So that one was really cool from a while back. Yeah.
You know, of course, I love listening and talking to John from System of a Down.
Of course. He's a friend, you know, and this was in a way different time when

he was speaking out very politically and making headlines every week for his,
you know, outlandish choice of words or things.
And so some of that, you know, we caught some traction from that way back then.
I think it'd be cool to try to get him on the show again if it's possible.
I think we should, yeah. A more recent one, you know, hmm, you know.

Too many good moments, right? So many, yeah.
I mean, you know what, I really enjoyed the month of February and how we had
several guys from Rebirth on different weeks of the show.
You know, if you're a listener of the show, you know I'm from New Orleans originally
Angelina, huge jazz brass band fan and Rebirth brass band is probably my favorite,

is my favorite brass band.
And we had three of the guys that are in that band on different times of the
show and some really great interviews there, I felt so.
Yeah, those are good, good choices, man. Good choices.
Thank you. I guess so. I'll give you mine, right? Yeah, look in the mirror and
ask yourself that same question.

You know we go early on honestly like we go early on.
I got to be honest, and this is like just a wholesome moment,
like a non-celebrity, just wholesome time, was actually when me, you,
and Age, we used to do the show at the shop in Berkeley, right?

That was what shop was that?
Oh, you're talking about the Bar Bridge store in Oakland.
Oakland, sorry. In Oakland. And it was just me, you, and him,
and we were talking about his book at the time that we were going to bring out.
So he's super bad. Super bad.
Superhead. And what I just really enjoyed it was that it was so great to see

you interact with him because I had never really seen you interact with him
because I knew that, you know, for those who don't know,
for those who don't know,
I look to Mike as not only my best friend and co-host, but also my mentor.
And so in many ways, this guest we had on Age was the same for Mike.
And so it was just very very just

heartwarming to have you know your your people in
one room on this show that we're doing together that we have no idea
where it's going do you know i'm saying yeah i thought
that was very sweet it's a sweet moment
yeah you know it's like he mentored me i mentored
you you know we're all about the same distance in age
apart you know we all have about

10 years on each other yeah and uh
well yeah it's fun to fun to see the you
know how we all interact with each other and the
interpersonal relationships that that we've been able to have and you know he's
like a big brother to me so we also have that banter of course yeah and it's
great and i you know there's some great stories in that episode too so if you

get a chance look look for those and then kind of in the celebrity aspect of
things For me, honestly,
getting to talk to Dante from Clerks, for those who don't know,
I'm a diehard Clerks fan.
Diehard kevin smith fan and we got to talk
to dante and dante is you know from you know

fucking clerks that's that's dante you know
what i mean like you know and i want to say his real name but it's brian o'halloran
but the reality is that's dante yeah dante and not only and if you what's funny
mike i re-listened to that episode it's so good like it's so funny like Because
we also talked to Trevor Fairman,

who plays Elias from Clerks 2 and 3.
And I didn't realize how much he caps on me the entire episode. Is he? Yeah.
We've got a lot of good material down there from those New Orleans shows, for sure.
The shows have been great, man. And then most recently, I have to tell you,
man, my favorite of this season, I guess you would call it, was doing our very

first version of On Location with you, Asheville.
Mm-hmm yeah yeah well let's do more of that too that was a lot of fun.
Jeff allen was great and you know i just
i don't know why it eluded me but also in this this last bit of time you know
we talked to dave mandel or david mandel you know from seinfeld and curb and

veep and and and road trip or euro trip oops and uh that was another such a
cool interview to talk Talk about all those, all those things on,
you know, and I just watch the shows differently now after having the conversation with him.
So if you're a fan of any of those shows and you don't know that we talked to
one of the writer directors, producers of those shows, go back and listen to

that episode. It's a great one.
It's absolutely, that's a great one. Yeah. It's one of my, that's probably one
of my top 10 too. Like that's such a well done episode.
You know, throughout this time, it has just been a whirlwind of,
of things, lots of ups, lots of downs, all over the things, you know what I mean?
From not just even on a show standpoint, but personal lives and whatnot.
And it has just been such a great journey to do this with you.

And I know we've got some big surprises down the line that we want to try to work on.
We're trying to work on a Kickstarter campaign, if I'm honest with everybody
here. That's something we do want to work on.
If you're interested in being a part of that, to maybe help us with rewards,
please email me at uncledad at
The more help I can get, the better.
We also want to do more on locations and that all costs money.

So that's stuff that we're thinking about doing.
And hey, and if you have a product that you want us to talk about on the show,
you know, we offer very affordable, you know, ad rates, please.
So reach out, UncleDad,
It's a large listening base and people here are pretty supportive of what we
usually push out there, I would say.
But Mike, you know, to your point about our journey of doing this,

what is something that you hope that we can achieve in the next year?
Well, I think that something like what you were just mentioning with launching
the campaign, you know, to get some,
Just to help this podcast grow so we can do more fun and exciting things and get bigger guests on.

And so I think just taking that next step, because I feel like we're pretty good at doing what we do.
Even when I'm not on episodes, when I can't do the scheduling conflicts with
other events I have going on,
and people try to take my seat because I'm away, I won't let that happen.
Yeah just just just having the podcast grow i

think is is huge and and so yeah if you're
a fan you're a listener please uh stay tuned
for our for our campaign when we drop it absolutely absolutely and you know
i was gonna bring up something and i just slipped my mind right now i don't
know why i just did i hate when that happens i'm like oh hey but i was but i
guess what i will say is this is going to come out literally on the eighth anniversary

so which which will be May 8th. So that's the weekend of Mill Valley.
So I do want to say that I will be with you at a Mill Valley music fest,
which is in Mill Valley, California. We'll be out there. You'll be there doing what, sir?
Yeah, I'll be there, you know, besides hopping on a mic with you when I can,
I'll be there with the Bart Bridge hat booth with hundreds, if not a thousand or so hats for sale,

but there's a great lineup, up including someone who mentioned
on the show reverse brass band will be playing as
one of the one of the bands there when at
the uh at the festival yeah so if you're in northern california it's a fun it's
a fun one yes come down come come down check us out support the arts all that
good stuff and if you see me or mike at the booth or if you see mike at the

booth or if you see me walking around with uncle dad hat please say hello we
appreciate the support as always yeah Yeah, four years,
man. Four years. Next year is the big five.
Five years next year. I can't believe that if we do it. I know we will.
I know we'll make it, but I just...
It's crazy to think that we're almost there. Five. Well, we must do something
really exciting for five, not just yenter back and forth with each other, right?

You know what I want to do. You know what I want to do. I've talked about this
for years on the show, about doing the Guinness Book of World Records. Oh, yeah.
Well, apparently we're going to need some funding for that because for those
that don't know, getting in the Guinness Book of World Records costs a lot of money.
Yes. It's not just you do a thing and they show up and give you,

an award you have to pay for them to give you the award.
So maybe that's part of the Kickstarter campaign. I don't know.
We'll have to figure it out. We'll have to figure it out indeed.
But Mike, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for being a part of
this for four years and just being my friend for as long as we have been.
I mean, really, you know that already. I've told you this so many times in regular day life.

So just thank you so much for just doing the show continuously and just being
a part of this little fun adventure that we got going on together,
which to me at first, it was kind of like a silly little hobby.
But now I think it's something much more than that. I think it's a community
and I love that we have people who love to listen, people who want to help out.
That's great too, man. Big shout out to the people who just helped out recently.

Shout out to Rick for stepping in from a Sigmund Duocast. Shout out for Pierce
from First and Tuna Podcast.
Really, we appreciate you guys for helping in. And thank you guys.
Thank you for everybody who's been a part of this, whether you're on the show
once, whether you're on the show five times, a hundred times, it doesn't matter.
Just thank you for being a part of listening, being here and participating.

And I'll just second that and thank you for being a friend and for helping keeping this thing go.
I know sometimes it's not easy to track me down.
So thanks for putting up with my busyness. And yeah, and thanks to the homies
who step in when I'm away.
So he has someone there to talk to, you know.

Can't always just talk to them. You know, who wants to hear that?
I mean, I don't know, four years.
But you know what, everybody, please, one last thing. Go to our Instagram.
It's been starting to fill up more. More things have been kind of getting in there.
So follow us at Instagram, at UncleDadTalks. That's UncleDadTalks.

And of course, you can follow my man, Mike, at Mike Hampton Art.
We appreciate the love, support, all that good stuff.
And I think that's about it. Mike, do you have any last words?
I think that's it. Hopefully, if you hear this, you will continue to listen.
And see us in low valley you know say hi say what's up buy us a anniversary

shot you know buy us something,
buy a hat buy a hat while you're at it yeah you buy a hat I'll throw in some
free uncle dad stickers how about that,
combo yes there you go thank you guys so much and without further ado we are
not uncles we are not dads we are just someone you can talk to and we'll see you all next week.

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