All Episodes

January 24, 2024 108 mins

Welcome to an exciting episode of our popular series, AD&D Wireless Adventure is Calling! This episode takes listeners on a roller coaster journey rich with camaraderie, adventurous navigation, humor, and unexpected turns. Our heroes start their mission to save a soul, navigating through tricky weather phenomena, and intriguing character dynamics.

Join us as our adventurers steer back to their hometown Bearfall, now transformed into a bustling hub, but still cradling poignant memories of their past. Throughout, the series uncovers personal revelations, overwhelming transformations, and a gripping narrative of our heroes reuniting in Bearfall, showcasing unity and strength in the face of adversity.

Witness thought-provoking dialogues, insightful character development pertaining to evolving religious beliefs, and hidden agendas. Experience touching moments of sibling love intertwined with intense revelations of new power abilities. The drama goes up a notch as we explore Finn's struggle with a power-enhancing mark, Eva's unwavering faith in him, and Sigmund's discoveries about Brother Thad.

The narrative climaxes as our heroes venture through magic and mystery, harnessing power and conducting spells that surpass common understanding. All while deciphering their complicated relationships, personal struggles, looming danger, and the bond of friendship in tumultuous times. Don't miss out on this thrilling episode that perfectly marries therapy with adventure!

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Ben is butt naked at the helm. You're not going to fucking believe me,
but that's a natural 20. Go fuck yourself.
We didn't really get off on the right first foot or second foot and probably the third foot.
Yeah. So is this the fourth foot or?
I don't know. I'm not a horse. But.
That was awesome. Welcome back to another episode of AD&D Wireless Adventure is Calling.

I, as always, am your host and Dungeon Master. My name is Jeff.
Going alphabetical around this
virtual tabletop, we have... Aaron playing Finn. Caroline playing Eva.
Jeff playing Sigmund. Melissa playing Scarlet. Kill them, my man.
Really, I think he does it on purpose. Mike playing Noir.

There's usually Doug in front of me. Both in character. Yeah,
so we are missing, unfortunately, tonight.
One, I feel like I've been remiss in letting people know this.
Our good friend ugla played by chris is we
have not just dropped him from the campaign because we didn't like him he just took some time
off he will be back at a later date hopefully coming
soon but we really have no clue and our good friend

doug who plays loose slash ivan or ivan slash loose
whichever one you prefer is otherwise engaged this evening i'm not sure what's
happening but probably has something to do with his relatively newborn so you
get the fate of the the five friends here or acquaintances or whatever you want
to call them and your DM. And that's who you have tonight leading us off.

Jeff has a fun little edit. He would like to share.
Yeah, this is from last game.
So it sounds like we're going to have a little bit of a shopping at the beginning
of this episode. I'm not going to role play a whole bunch with that.
Let's put on a little bit of shopping music. A little bit. Oh,
good. It's you. The winners.
Yeah. Good. That's just what I needed. Yes. A customer. Hello.

Yes. I'm looking for a bowl about yay big. A bowl. I have so many bowls.
Sir, I appreciate the theatrics. This was given to me by a dear friend,
and it appears that I've been swindled as well.
I am so sorry as I as you said I know all
there is to know about magic but I unfortunately uh do not
possess the gift to wield it uh yeah will

it be another dragon slayer here to purchase my
wares I can't deny it's been good for business oh uh yeah magazines or uh we
don't have magazines here too this is dnd world it's a new thing I've actually
doing myself I actually I jot down little small articles instead of like a whole
book really interesting because you know I just want to go look at your art, dude.

Oh, yeah. Oh, my stuff. Yeah, that's fair.
Yeah, sure. Yeah. Sit in the chair. It'll take a couple hours because that's
a big design. So, you know, nice chest you got there.
And hold on one second. And he shaves off whatever hair you got there.
There's a sweet old lady sitting in there. Yes, I'm the place.
I'm always the place. Come in. Come in.

Blar, is it Sigmund? I'm just kidding. One of my friends told me you were on
the way. They ran up here.
I like to pretend that I can see the future, but I can't. But I can provide
for all your magical needs.
What do you need? What do you need? We did save your town, so...
Oh, that's you? Well, thank you, thank you, thank you. Kiss my ass! What do you need?
I'm just kidding. Don't kiss my ass. Do you need anything, though?

I'm busy. I'm busy. Hi, how can I help you?
You would not believe the character's eyes.
I don't know. I digress. You should attack that woman, Sigmund.
I don't know. You should just straight attack her.

So, real light on the roleplay there last week. Thanks for putting that out.
I started last session with a nice mixed drink.
If you couldn't tell, it was really loosened up the tongue. I thought it was
amazing. I honestly had a blast.
We weren't going to do that. And then Doug left. I'm going to blame it on Doug
because I didn't want to go too far without him.

But i did have a lot of fun you guys so that's a great recap a good segue into
the recap because you guys got stocked up with a bunch of little goodies everyone
got either some armor or weapons or potions or scrolls or whatever what was
that you guys got you did a little shopping and then,
everyone made it back to the ship you guys decided to head on to corinth and all took a long rest.

I guess the only one that did feel this was Scarlet, but only to have Finn slowly
begin to veer you off course, heading into places unknown, to which we later found out was Credania.
And at the realization that you were heading to Credania, Scarlett quickly put

together that the baker, one of the Red Quartz founding members, was there.
And she did that because not too long before that, Sigmund sang a lovely tune
to Finn that he learned from wherever he learned it, titled Bread.
And if you haven't listened to that, please go back and listen because it's

a great song. and has a lot of meaning in the campaign.
I'm just kidding. It really doesn't, but it was a good song.
So that's where we leave off. Everyone has gotten a long rest.
It is the start to the day. You guys left in kind of the middle of the night.
So start of the day, you have five days to get to Corinth, right around 10 with good weather to...

The other place, Gridania. And I will need, we're basically gonna do one travel role each day.
We'll do a D10 and we'll see what happens based on those roles.
And based on if anything changes in the meantime.
So without any further ado, another light role-playing experience today.
If you guys want to role play, now's your time. The day has begun. Take it away.

Finn is butt naked at the helm.
That's a good start. You know, You know it's buck naked, right?
Not the way Finn does it. Sigma's next to him and he's saying...
But also, my butt is showing, so I'm butt naked.
You know, I really missed those assless chaps that were sacrificed to the mother.

Just up there sipping like a tea with my brother.
How are we looking today, brother? brother?
Gwen's a little finicky. I stick my fingers up in the air and check the wind.
Where are we going? Are we going to Corinth?
Yeah. Yeah. I just kind of look around to see if anybody else can hear. Can anybody else hear?

Pretty sure I'm passed out. I think you're all alone on the deck.
Dingle is around because he's always an early riser trying to help out as much
as he can, but he's on the other side of the ship at this point.
Also, just to set the scene, it It is a rather lovely day.
Clear skies ahead with the wind obviously being a little bit finicky,
as Finn said. Hey, Dingle.

Oh, yeah, I got one. Yep. Captain, yes? Sail, right there. Yep,
that one. That one. The new one?
No, the one that's far away from us. Okay, yes. It needs reinforcement.
I need you to go get Uglix sheets and sew them to the bottom corner. of that sand.

Reinforce it. More sheets. Okay. Alright. Aye aye, Captain.
And he's sprinting off to do his duty.
I have no idea if that's going to work. Those have been cleaned, right?
I'm not sure it matters. Can he sew? Oh.
I guess we'll find out. Nobody else can hear me. We're not going to go to the fourth room.

We gotta go kill the king.
Yes, we do. well where are we going i i can't go to where the end is right now
the king is the end well but where are we going.
Yeah cardenia cardenia what why are we going to cardenia well i told you there's

a soul that i've got to save,
Do you think it's there? I know it's there. I don't know that it's there right now. I don't know.
I don't know that it's there right now. It might be on the ship.
It just might have to happen there.
I don't know what I'm going towards. But I know that I have a solar safe.
I know that the clock is ticking.

And I know that your clock is ticking. And those two things seem to coincide for me. Oh.
Well, I wouldn't tell Luce. Because I think he's pretty set on going to Corinth.
We'll wait until he wakes up.
It would be more fun if he woke up while he was flying through the air.

No, I don't want to throw Luz off the ship. He seems like a...
A headcase? I don't know. He seems like a fella.
That's one way to put it. I don't know. I kind of like him. Yoda,
I want to punch you in the face kind of way.
Well, yeah, but that's like most people. No. No. Oh, you don't feel that way about most people?

People off the ship? Yeah, some of them. I don't really feel that way about
people on the ship. No, no, no. Me neither.
Plus, Luce is kind of crowing on me a little bit. He speaks his mind.
Certainly better than the alternative.
Yeah. So that's what's up. Alright, switch to somebody else so I can go not burn this chicken.

So Dingle at that point comes up and he's got what can only be described as
something that was used for target practice.
It's got like slashes and cuts in it. And you can tell that somebody at some
point has hung this sheet up and just been throwing like axes and javelins into
this thing in their room and not using it for a sheet at all.

So it's got a bunch of holes in it. And you see as as Finn and you guys get
done talking, he holds it up and he's like, I this is not going to reinforce anything.
But i'll see what i can do hi hi
first mate all right mate mate go
okay i think i just got demoted okay i'll
work on it and he he pulls out a yellow

handkerchief and starts trying to patch holes slowly but surely on the
deck segment you're gonna wake everybody up yeah i want to go to my my room
and i want to drag out the makeshift saddle thing that carries me around i want
to drag it into ballard's door and i'm gonna yes hey do you got a minute.

Such a funny way of putting it but yes i do have a minute but
time is of the essence can i
can i come in can i show you something sure okay drag
it into his room hey so this is that uh backpack thing that i was telling you
about yesterday i don't know if you wanted to maybe like try it on see if something

you might be interested in when the time for battle comes this may be maybe
useful I remember what you said and thinking about it.
I never really think too much about the things that I do, but riding into battle
as a bear crocodile and slashing with a little man on my back does seem somewhat

appealing. Oh, crocodile would be fun.
Crocodile would be fun. Can you breathe underwater?
I mean, if I know about it ahead of time, I can prepare myself.
Well, no, I can't prepare myself to walk on water.
Breathing i'm just just just joking

now sigmund but yeah so we'll we'll talk
about this later how is the uh how has finn
doing how's the trip going so far going good
apparently we're going to cardania where's cardania
i think it's um just a
little ways past corinth is there a
reason that we're not going after the king i think

well when i spoke reached out to the lover lover
the lover said that the king wasn't
going to be there when we arrived so i was like maybe we
could just kind of bump our arrival back a couple days and maybe we'll we'll
be there with him so i kind of persuaded finn
to to choose somewhere else sound logic

i guess there's no point in going to corinth that
the king's not there it is a waste of time and the last adventure we had there
i'm pretty sure they're all looking to kill us so is there something important
in cretanian that we need to do he said it's something like he's got to save
a soul or something so that sounded important to me saving lives is what we
do sigmund and there i shall go,

all right i'm gonna wake up everybody else hey ladies it's time to get up.
You can say that's your way to wake somebody up,
I didn't hear the beginning of what you said. I was going to poke my head outside
the door and say that's a very rude way to wake somebody up.
I'm sorry. I'm trying to be efficient.

But I think Captain needs us on deck after breakfast so that we can help the trip run smoothly.
Sam puts clothes on while everybody's downstairs.
Do you hear a boof? Did someone say breakfast?
Nice crispy bacon. i will make my way to the dining room ah scarlet a parfait eggs.

I will take anything you give me at this point he's pretty coffee would be nice
coffee we have lots of cock he's pretty chipper he one of the other things for
our listeners that also happened at the end of the trip or at the end of last
session was our crew wanted to get get more involved.
So they basically said, if you give us gold, we'll do stuff for you.

The thing that Booth will do is if you give him a certain amount of gold,
he will cook special meals that will give you certain things throughout the
day or certain temporary hit points if you eat the meal to start the day.
In thinking about it, how I'm going to do is the meal will always give you five

temporary hit points to start the day.
The amount of meals that he has is going to be dictated by how much gold you've given him.
We gave him 100 gold. The meal is going to be good for five days.
For five days, you guys will start the day with plus five temporary hit points
that will stack with all of your other temporary hit points if you get them.

If you give him more, he'll keep making more. Deal?
Booth whips you you up a nice fried egg and cheese sandwich or biscuit and a nice thing of coffee.
This is made with all the love that O'Rourke can provide and will give you extra vitality.

Maybe don't give it to Sigmund right away. Maybe wait until you leave and then
give him the vitality. And he'll wink and hand you the coffee.
Sorry, I'm having some computer issues. Alright, I'm trying to troubleshoot. You guys, what's that?
She's got like a computer problem.
That's all right. We can take a couple seconds or we'll switch to Eva.

Eva, are you getting up and eating? Are you, what's your plan for the day?
Yeah, I will. Had to eat too. I will have to eat too, yeah. He'll whip you up whenever he wants.
I think while we're doing this, we're having some technical difficulties and
we're cooking chicken. We're having a great time playing D&D.
I would like somebody to do the first role for me.

Do it. There you go. Thank you, Blore. Come here, Harper. Come roll this.
Love it. Guest roll. This guest roll brought to you by wherever you get your dice from.
The Buffalo Bills. The Buffalo Bills! Apparently, this one will fall into a
pit in order to win a game, but hey.
We need that. That is a 15. Thank you, Harper. Oh, a 15. I'm so sorry.

I did not say Harper. Come back.
Harper, come here. 1D10 for me. Do a 1D10.
Great roll, though. Here, just come roll on this one all right that is a two
thank you harper good job get away from yeah all right harper started off with
the bag okay with the two well i'll let everybody get up and assume everybody's
gotten breakfast and if there's any more role playing that you would like to do,

you can begin to do it at least and we'll see what happens apparently the uh 10's not loaded.
You continue to fly on with the
two the day goes
on as normal and you get towards towards
later evening on your way to credania corinth

wherever you think you're going and you get a decent ways away from
overard when rain begins to fall pitter patters
pitter patters pitter patters and then all
at once the pitter patter begins to
stop and you
look around well everyone give me let's see who can roll the highest give

me a perception check let's see who can roll the highest perception okay
11 15 all
up to blar eva's got it right now 13 eva you
are the first than us perhaps because it's it seems
to be an arcane event but you look around as slowly
the rain doesn't subside but it almost freezes for just half a second you notice

the the stop in motion and then it begins to reverse and the water begins to
rise rise rise rise rise what do you guys do i pointed out to everybody.
Say, this doesn't seem good.
What's it doing again? The water is officially going in the opposite direction,

so it's rising up from the ground, water heading into the sky.
You see clouds becoming fuller above you as she points it out.
The clouds are light and airy, beginning to have finished their downpour on
you, begin to soak up the rain once more.
It's just reverse rain evil what do you mean i've never heard of such a phenomenon

and i mean i haven't either but yeah i just assume it's a it's a it can happen,
didn't we see reverse waterfalls in the summer court yeah but we're not in the
summer court and we're nowhere near the winter court so why would it be going
backwards can i history check to see if i've ever seen anything like this yeah

absolutely are we flying towards bear fall yes,
oh my gosh i can't even get to the right character what is my problem,
but it's probably because of i'm on a different computer so no it's a b it's
it's 100% no it's definitely your fault yeah history's plus zero i rolled a three.

Not only do you are you not yeah not only have you not seen anything you're
just not even sure like it you just can't remember you're like i maybe i've
seen it maybe i haven't i just put pants on what the hell do i know yeah it's right.
I'm going to go ahead and cast mage armor on myself to add my armor class.
All right. Just in case. What are you so paranoid for? It's just some rain.

Weird rain. It's very weird. Valar, what do you think? You know about nature.
You live near these parts. You grew up near these parts. Reverse rain?
Just water. I don't really think
the direction matters. It's just the same thing, whether it's up or down.
I don't think anyone's getting hurt here. yeah we're just seeing evaporation.

Evaporation's not supposed to be something you see we're just at a certain altitude
that most people normally aren't at so they don't know that you can see it,
and at that point as soon as you say that it's just reverse evaporation start
going into the explanation,
the rain once again you see it the brief stop of motion freezes and the water

begins to go back down the right way Once again, you look around,
everything else appears normal.
The clouds that above you were gathering in intensity now continue to downpour
on you in a normal fashion.
Weird. Eva, didn't you figure out if something was magic before, earlier?

Yeah, I can roll an arcana check, I guess.
Yep, go ahead and roll an arcana check. Oh, 13.
With a 13, you can tell that my battery is running low on the video screen that
I have, so my face will be going away very shortly, but I will still be here to the end.
With a 13, a 13 is not a bad roll, but with what's going on.

Assume that i mean it's it's it's it's got if it's anything it's got to be magic but at the same time,
you've never heard of it you reach out with your
arcane senses you don't feel any
magic running through anything it's not you can't don't with
a 13 and it's not a bad roll you get the
sense that it's not like someone is causing this

anomaly welcome back you
are in the midst of a rainstorm some random
thunderstorm thunder obviously now begins to lightning
crashes the rain now going steadily
down i think that caroline or
i'm sorry eva just did an arcane check and couldn't really sense that or could

tell that it's not like someone was causing this to happen there's not not some
one magic or one wizard or sorcerer or warlock or someone causing this to happen.
It's, it's a phenomenon.
One that you guys haven't really seen. I want to fall to my knees and pray to
the lover and use my divine intervention to say, rain, rain,

go away. Come again. Another day.
Hmm. I rolled a 21. So that doesn't rain continues to come down in sheets.
What do you guys do? anything new you just
keep going forward nothing else happens i just
go back in my room so i don't get soaking wet yeah that's
what i'm saying i'm gonna go downstairs i would like

to check the wind go ahead yes uh yeah uh that's that's my cue isn't it to tell
you to do something yeah that's all right yeah i think let's see attributes
checking the wind it's like a skill We'll check for you because you've done this before.
Give me a, you're not good at this. So I hate this, but give me a survival check.

A natural 10, so whatever. So a 9. You got a negative 1, I believe, in survival.
Yeah, that's not good. We need to work on that. So, with a 9,
you can tell with a 9 that it's blowing the same way it's always been blowing.
Nothing, I mean, you don't know of any importance or unimportance to that.
Alright, so I yell for Boof. Boof, any damage to the ship?

Boof from the kitchen. Dangle!
Dangle! Whoever! The kitchen looks fine.
Angle status report. Dingle, you can see it's soaking wet outside.
He is still trying to support the far sail that you set him to.

And as you look over, you see that Uglux sheet now has a yellow,
a blue, and a red patch to it.
He's got a green one in hand. He's continuing to do it. He looks up sheets of
rain, cover his face like, I don't think so.
I'm sorry I was doing this. 20. Hold on. I'll go check.
And he like he hops up with Ugluck's bed sheet and starts running around the

ship like a crazy person. Everything looks fine, sir.
No damage. I gotta keep flying.
I slowed down a little bit to prevent hydroplaning. Sure.
That's a good call. As you continue to do so, the phenomenon continues to happen.
The motion stops and the rain begins to go up.

If no one else does anything motion stops the rain can just come down thunder
and lightning continue to wail the day goes on at this point the day is coming
to an end or at least you would think so,
finn as you were the only one on deck i'm assuming everyone else has gone downstairs in the,
torrential downpour you would notice

the light of
day has not changed it is the same
time of day that it has always been in this rainstorm what do you know ben who
is now that everyone's below deck 100 naked in the rainstorm yeah well i mean

that's the point it was closed i mean,
this finn's version of a bath.
The sun sets in the east in this realm yes so
the sun rises in the west sets in the east correct all right
i'm gonna check the east so that's behind
the after the ship yep so you look that way and you're in the middle of thunderstorms

so the sun hard to tell exactly its positioning right but you can tell the light
has not and you you've been on ships here in darlach you've been in ships through thunderstorms,
through clear skies, through all manner of weather.
And you can tell that the light that's shining through these clouds and the
light that you're seeing by has not changed.

At this point, it's been hours because you've left over hard.
The storm hits you around mid-afternoon, early evening.
And it has been six or seven hours at this point. It should be well in the evening,
late at night. And it hasn't changed. It hasn't gotten dark like it should.
Where the sun is exactly, you can't tell. But as you look up and look towards
the light, you gather that it's roughly in the same damn place. You are overland, yes.

I'd like to go up.
You're saying we haven't moved at all?
I don't know that. I know that as Finn goes up, up, up. Where are you going,
Finn? Are you going, how far up are you going?
Just, you know, what should feel like a reasonable amount to get out of a cloud?
Okay, you're heading out of the storm. you head out of the storm as soon

as you exit the cloud you break
through the the mist so you go from rain switching from up to down down up and
you go into the cloud and then as you breach the cloud night has quickly fallen
for whatever reason you exit and it's pitch black the stars are out above you,

but you gather that your position has not changed and you have lost half a day of travel.
That's not fun. Other than that, you are safe and sound.
Ben, I need those days, buddy.
Why would you need those days? I would like to...

Going in the in the chart the direction i
was going yep until i get to the edge of the cloud do i sense any difference
in like the atmosphere like can can i breathe normally yeah you can breathe
normally everything is fine as soon as you leave that cloud i think the one
thing that happened if you if
you took a look back you would see like this well if you took a look back,

it's going to be as if there's there there was no storm there
right and you look far far far far off in
the horizon because it's relatively flat and you
can see the the briefest glimpse of
rain in the distance but it's as if you should have left it a long ass time
ago right it's as if you you should have been no problem should have been closer

to overall than it is to you at this point so you look back and it's pretty
much clear skies look ahead clear skies and the anomaly seems to have passed
and you guys are you okay and you get a long rest well that was weird,
Dingle will rush up to you in the middle of the night drenched soaked,
but very pleased you look up towards the just silently points his bloodshot

eyes he points towards the what's the forward part of the ship anyone aft helm yes all of it.
He points all the way up to the sail that you showed him and above it now in
the very front of your ship.
There's one small sail flying just above the first one and it's Ugluk's bed sheet.

Rather large, but patched with multicolor holes.
Red, green, yellow, blue, black, brown, anything you can think of.
And it is sailing proudly and Dingle sighs.
Job done captain you saved us
thank you look a fierce

pride comes over his face and he collapses
for a nice long rest all right you guys get a nice long rest the day comes to
an end and begins with no further issue clear skies you guys are on day two
you can clearly make out as day two comes up.

It is another clear sky day.
The mountains to your right, the ocean, the sea to your left,
way, way, way off in the distances.
You guys are riding pretty high over our now barely a speck if anything,
and that's what you get. There's a couple of clouds in the sky.
The day has begun. Who would like to give me a roll for today other than Balor?

I'll do it. Do it, Jeff. Four. It's a D10, right? Five freaking rolls tonight, baby. Let's go.
With a four, well, let me say this. With a four, you guys wake up and everything is just fine for now.
Boof has made you guys another great meal. You get plus five hit points to start the day.

And if you guys would like to role play or do anything, the time is yours.
Or I know some of you like to send messages during these days. I would like to find Eva.
He was at and i'm like hey listen we didn't really get off on the right first
foot or second foot and probably the third foot yeah so is this the fourth foot

or i don't know i'm not a horse i don't know what that means.
That was awesome that was fantastic
but i just thought
maybe we could like get to know each other a little better so
that way like you know we're on the same page

and and we could
be nice to each other i'm perfectly capable of being nice to you sigmund but
yeah sure why not yeah sometimes you hurt my feelings i'm so sorry i'm not i'm
not trying to hurt your feelings segment.

It's just you you like you said you haven't haven't really given the best first
impression you annoy the bejesus out of me well you know i'm sorry i've you
kind of met me on like one One of the worst days of my life. That's true.

And I've been kind of corrupted by the evilest mage of all time.
But now I feel like that has left me and I'm myself again.
And I just thought, you know, I could just learn something about your past.
You can learn about my past.

You can help me with Scarlet.
Can't do that. But I will absolutely why don't we why don't we sit down somewhere and have a cup of tea?
Yeah, absolutely. That sounds great Do you think booth can make us some tea?
Boo you guys have been in the kitchen this whole time booth is like so now he's
already got teeth. He's like, oh, yep,

not as good as coffee better than no tea can you put like six lumps of sugar in mine,
that's a lot of sugar okay you only live once okay he'll put six lumps of sugar yeah sure no problem.
So I bet you have an incredible backstory,

well it all started with my mother but
now's probably not the time i think sigmund had something you wanted to say
come find me later and i'll make you a nice meal what i would love to to learn
about you too me yeah my mother was a whore oh we lived a dark life in,

scrounging for scraps from the nobles the high chairman looking down on the
citizenry i'm gonna cast suggestion on and just suggest that he goes to his room.
He rolled a four what what's the roll against hold on let me say lord because

wisdom uh yeah Yeah, yeah, it's wisdom. His wisdom is not I, believe it or not.
But it's not as low as his intelligence.
But with a four, I'm assuming, I mean, I don't know, what's he got to be?
It is... It's a five. He's got a five. Yeah, yeah.
My spell modifier. He stops in the middle of a sentence, and you hear him begin

to head to his room, and as he heads to his room, you hear
as he leaves the doorway, and the last thing you hear is, and that's when Even
Dingle found us and he has, he heads to his room. Bless.
Once he's out of your shot, I'm going to kind of like side eye to Eva and be
like, did you ever like when you were in school, did y'all have to read the book of rats and human?

Never heard of that one he he just reminds me of a character from of rats and
human named benny uh he just reminds me but anyway speaking of school where
did you go to school where you're from,
no i had i had a tutor but i didn't i didn't go to school oh okay did you enjoy being tutored,

I mean yeah I enjoy learning I enjoy books I enjoy you know learning about the
world yeah this was like having a brother oh he's been close I don't have I don't have any siblings,
yeah I mean I had the.
He's I love him a lot you know and,

it feels weird because like there was
no father figure in the house so like I
had to kind of be somewhat of a
dad but also a brother but like also a friend
and our mom wasn't very helpful with
him she kind of resented him a lot so it was this weird dynamic but
yeah we're we're close now i kind of hurt him a bunch

but oh yeah didn't you
didn't you tell him something about like like
he needed to die or something like no no rc
my dad tried to kill him and i
accidentally killed my dad stopping him from from killing him but he was shaking
him and saying he'll be the death of us all um and i just i never wanted to

hear him say it or him to hear that but oops,
oops is right sounds like a very traumatic childhood yeah i think more traumatic on him um.
What about your child you said you didn't have any brothers or sisters did you have cousins did you,

grow up in charwood no we
kind of moved around military parents i'm
sorry military parents they they have to move around a lot no okay no well this
was fun oh well i had like i'm gonna like like gesture to the notebook.

I had like 30 more questions I was going to ask.
You know, let's, let's save those for another day. Oh, okay.
And so like another question tomorrow.
Sure. Let's, let's, let's count on that. Okay.
How many questions do you have? How many days do you have left?
The last question is why didn't you say.

Day 35 half the time his questions are going to be can i have the ring back yeah.
There's something with that ring in your pocket is that a ring in your
pocket you just happen to see me all right the rest of you those of you who've
made it up onto the deck have been waiting for daylight to come and day two

of your travels you look up and the sky is lightened a little bit And finally,
we'll say, I don't know, Scarlet is the first one to recognize that there is
a full eclipse happening.
All around you, sounds of the nocturnal, whether they be monsters, beasts, or bandits,

begin to come to you in the middle of the barrows.
You continue on though unmolested and unharmed the day comes to an end day two,
with bear fall now in your sights you get another long rest you wake up unharmed

throughout the night obviously strange things happening someone give me a roll
for day three i'll do it all right Yes, please.
Five. Okay. With a five, you guys are going to be a okay today.
You will reach bare fall today. You will fly right over bare fall.
I can describe that for you. If you would like.

As, as we approach, I want to be like, Hey, Blar, should we see if Pippin and
them are still in bare fall? Yeah.
We're close to home i think
so if my survival skills
are correct and going off what finn told

me yeah so i
want to go look over the ship and see if i can see anything that i'm familiar
with all right you look out you that you're familiar with it's an interesting
question for you because the the you're intimately familiar with the land surrounding
bear fall so you can tell where you're And as you look out across,

you see bear fall coming up.
You guys are high enough, but the weather's nice enough that it's a clear day.
You can clearly see the small sleepy town that you left is no more.
It has been reinforced.
There are stone structures. There are walls.

It has been built up. You can clearly see defined sections of the city.
You can see trade has come to bear fall.
You can see that farms, what it's known for, are still there,
but they have been pushed out.
They're on the outcroppings. and um fortunately
or unfortunately it doesn't look like the

progress that you would help make into the barrows and
sowing that land and helping that land come to fruition
has kind of halted it hasn't pushed out any
further so that land still remains fertile and you
see farmers have spread out they begin to spread out east and west as opposed
to pushing straight in um but you look and see the major updates have all been

between the two large mountains here to the left and the right of you and they've
begun to build a rather long wall.
Separating bear fall from the rest
of the realm corinth from something right they're building a wall in between
kind of these main mountains of the region yes sigmund if you could this is

not at all what we left i would love to know what they're doing down there that's
quite different than the way we left it,
is it not? It does look a bit different to me.
All right, let's ring up Pippin.
Hopefully he still remembers how this works.
I see them doing this and I slow the ship away now. Gotcha. You guys begin to

hover Bearfall directly in front of you now.
Pippin! Hey Pippin, this is Sigmund. How's it going? Y'all still in Bearfall?
If you are, take a look up. See if you see anything.
Voice crisp and clear who appears to have been educated on the world comes you
Sigmund. This is Pippin over.

We see you bright and clear. We've got a landing strip directly to the South.
If you guys would proceed that way, our Marshall will see you into the city.
Tell the law. I can't wait to see him. And some of his old, old timey voice
will come back. I can't wait to see him.
We'll look at the ball. Lauren, look at Ben and be like, are we pit stopping

or I was just going to wave, but if y'all want hugs, we can go get hugs.
Just nod to Blar. Is it just us up there?
I was going to look at Finn and say, well, it's, it would be nice to see family,
but Sigmund told me where we're going and we have a life to save. What?

So sold a safe. There's kind of, I kind of look at, look at Sigmund and say,
How long were your hugs last?
I don't know. I like, I like good deep hugs. I wasn't talking to you.
You looked at me. So I think it was kind of the, oh, you're addressing me looking

at Sigmund with the death stare.
I don't know. It could, it could be minutes. It could be days.
I haven't seen them in a while. And if we're on some type of mission,
we can always come back. I know how we like to get caught up in towns as a recent.
So it's up to you. You're the captain.

Hey, Jay, what's my gut telling me?
Can I roll a gut check? Yeah, you can. Yeah, go ahead and roll a gut check.
I like that. I love that. I love it. Give me a gut check. I rolled an 18.
Okay. Gut check is telling you this, that you know everything you need to know.
Your gut check is telling you If we stop here

It's going to be for a hug And family a
quick little hi and hello Nothing super serious Has happened at this point You
look down you don't hear any clash of battle You just see people heading about
their normal day You see the farmers out there So everything appears to be business
as usual If it is it's just going to be for You know a quick family And reassurance

that everything is okay And you're going to be on with your day,
Theoretically it shouldn't take too much time your gut also tells you with an
18 I mean you know where your brother's at right so I mean that decision is
up to you but either way it's not going to cost you too much time,
that's where I'm at go ahead Jeff I was going to say we could also like he can
change into a bird he can just like fly down there and give hugs and fly back.

Or we can all stop as a group then
turn his back on you mid sentence loose comes out
of his reverie he's been in his room this whole time and by
the way he's been muttering just because this is the one time i'm gonna play
loose he's been muttering to himself this entire trip for those of you listening
loose has been muttering to himself this entire time i'm not crazy i'm not crazy

i know who i am i know where i am i'm not crazy my name is loose i'm gonna cast
heroism on him no he's Yeah,
he just came out briefly to check on you guys.
And he's, he's, he's like, oh, no, that place. All right, I know where we are.
Okay, good. And he goes back down.
So he's, he's gone super, super brief. He's up and back.
Quick question. Is there any way that I, could I ever catch back up to the ship?

Is, I guess is the question.
Yeah. Finn would be in control of that, right? Finn, Finn. I'm landing.
Oh, you're landing. It's done. Finn's landing. That's all right.
You land. And there is, um.
When Finn starts to descend the ship, I do want to look at Balar.

I want to edge my way to the edge of the ship and I want to say,
I bet I can beat you down there.
Let's go, little one. I'm going to jump. I'm going to jump in as well.
How much gold do I have? I don't know, but do your crew jump out the fucking
boat? Yeah, but if you jump, nobody's going to leave the ship.

Oh, I'm not jumping. Yeah, don't jump.
Eva and Scarlett, are you guys just hanging out? I mean, I honestly had not
planned you guys stopping on Bearfall, but if you do, I've got stuff that's,
you know, there's nothing really going on there.
It sounded like you had stuff. That's why I stopped.
No, I told you the stuff is a quick family reunion. Hi, how you doing?
We're in it because now the adoptive parents have to see it. I'm not going to stop.

Go ahead. We're stopping. I just probably am like hanging in my room and if
I feel the ship start to descend, I'll go to the top and be like,
what are we doing? Where are we at?
It was Balor and Sigmund. Yeah, you walk up just in time to see Sigmund and
Balor jump off the freaking ship.
Ben puts pants on real quick. What are you?

I'm racing him to the ground. Okay. Did you at least cast feather following? I haven't yet.
You guys are straight up going, okay, I see what's going on.
You guys pull it towards the ground.
The ship was still a good 300 feet off the ground. You guys begin to pelt towards the ground.
Let's do this. I hope my parents can see me. Let's just do rollies,

and we'll see who breaks first.
So I'm assuming that one of you is going to cast feather fall.
Well, you got to do something, but one of you is going to cast feather fall,
and one of you is going to cast change, or wild shape, or what have you, right? Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Want to know who breaks first unless you want to role play we're gonna roll
it and and in an attempt to beat him to the ground i will not feather fall because

that's going to slow me down.
No no when i get to about
a hundred feet above the ground i want to cast odalux resilient sphere on myself
so that i just just like meteor into the earth and not hurt myself better be

not be on my parents property we'll find out where i land.
Like on an orphanage or something yeah exactly you
guys are heading to the landing strip and you're just
bulleting down there and ballar i mean
seriously trying to beat him you wait till the very last
second that i'm saying i'm like i'm like falling with

like my hands behind my head like looking at sigmund like doing like
this in the air and i'm just kind of like cool
laid back chill falling like this and as soon as i get like 10
20 feet from the ground i'm just going to turn around in wild shape and just
fly over and fly over and you fly i'm are
you flying directly off towards your yeah towards your parents you fly off you
fly off and it's almost as if you weren't even worried about it but sigmund

slams right into the ground there was a force there to gather you and they were
you know going to greet you formally and whatnot but as you slam the ground a cloud of dust,
dirt, and crap spread out over all of them.
And it's an epic entryway. The dust clears. The skyship sets down.
You and your companions are there. You are unharmed sitting there waiting for them.

I gotta walk off the fourth level space.
Welcome to Airfoam. Scarlet looks over the edge of the ship and Finn's just
up at the helm singing Dumb ways to die.
Dumb ways,
Yeah, welcome to Bearfall. Weren't expecting you. Glad you're here.

Awesome entrance. Thanks. Yeah. My name is Ladley.
Captain Ladley, or Marshall Ladley. I keep the peace around here.
Pippin informed me you were coming. so I can bring you to him I saw that guy

turn into a bird looks like he's heading there,
we warned people about that so he shouldn't get shot down,
but yeah you guys want to come with me real quick yeah let's go you walk through the town same town.
Security paved roads uh shops that weren't
there are are you know new shops have

been built up um they have modern
things like uh taverns and
and casinos and it's just a place people are going roads are much better paved
now going out of bear fall to the left towards vram going out of the right towards
over art in one going even down towards the coast um the walls are built up

all All the way pretty much around the city,
there's a larger opening,
and you can see that they're still working on building one towards Overard,
but they're not super concerned, and the pace has slowed there.
Water still flows through the town fountain. That was a main point the last time you were there.
And you make your way up the hill that you would know the last time you were there.

You saved pretty much the entire town. You saved Pippin, Balar's father. I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Belar, your mom is Pippin and Kelmy.
Kelmy, thank you. Pippin and Kelmy. You saved Kelmy from the Crown's assassins,
or one assassin, I should say.
And you march up there.

Belar, you already find yourself there. You get there well short of your companions.
And Pippin and Kelmy are there waiting for you, arms out. and they both kind
of pause as you land and transform back into the law.
And you see this kind of shock look come over, particularly your,

your, your adopted mother's face.
And she doesn't quite take a step back, but she is a taken back, right?
It's, I mean, it's, you don't look like you look the last time you were here.
You look different. You look different.
Grayish, more wild, more, you know, you've got horns, you've got black armor,

you've got, I mean, you're more decked out, you look more intense and more dangerous.
Your dad, adopted father will take those all kind of in stride and step up to you.
And you know him as a man who would have in your younger years before you left,
run up and given you a hug.
And instead he walks up to you and extends his hand and says welcome home son

i grab his hand and pull him in for the hug and he kind of fades in just a little
bit to that and hugs you tight,
and you in his in his his normal voice it's it's so good to have you so so much
has changed and we're just trying to roll with it like you would but it's it's
a lot come here come here come and And he's going to look back and he's going

to wave Kelmy in and Kelmy's going to run into your arms too.
And you guys are going to have this nice family embrace quickly in this time of kind of turmoil.
And Pippin's going to break first and say, well, they made me the mayor of Bearfall.
So as my official duty, I welcome you and I extend you all the courtesies as

a guest. You are under our protection.
Should you need anything while you're here? Let me know. Are you here for long? What do you need?
We're here to help you. Things are going well here. What's going on? Alar, what do you need?
By to say a quick hey it's been so long
and it's been a lot we

were flying through like the the changes here it looks like the valdor is really
you've really been benefited from what the valdor has done well uh and pippin
will kind of haul you over so you walk away kind of from that main house where
other people will come out to gather you the rest of your party comes out there now and,
you guys are talking intermittently with the people but they'll bring blar to

the side And things have changed.
You know, it's I don't know if better is the right word. It's different.
It's a lot. And it's not exactly peaceful. Right. We're not just farmers anymore.
But be that as it may, we're protected. And the Valdar has lived up to that end of the bargain.

They see us as a stronghold and put his fingers up in quotation quotation marks. It's a stronghold.
We're so close to Corinth where a major thorough through for Overard and Denal.
And we have a good supply chain set up through Denal, Overard.
We're working on building another one at the coast just in case.

And, you know, we're not the center, but we're one of the fronts of what's going on.
So a lot's happened.
Hold on, hold on. Tell me. Talk to Ballard real quick. He's going to run back
inside, and Kelmy is going to come to you.
You look, you've been through a lot. Are you okay?

I've been through more things that I could even describe that maybe you would
even believe. But we're still here.
I'm glad that even as Pippin would say, it's different here, but it's for the better.
Everywhere that we've been, the Valadar and just making this a stronghold and

knowing that you guys are protected and what I've seen out there,
I'm really comforted in knowing that you guys are safe, regardless of whether things have changed.
This changes for the better. I just want you to know that.
Well, I don't know better or worse, but I know that this feels right.

And it doesn't necessarily feel safe, but it also feels necessary.
And it looks like the changes that you've gone through may be necessary.
I love you no matter what. I just don't want you to lose who you really are.

And she's pointing to the horns and the get up.
All she knows in her mind, what's going through her mind, is all she knows is
this, ultimately, what was a farmer.
It was a really good farmer who helped build this city up. It was gentle and
nice and connected with nature.
And she's looking at more of a beast at this point. I mean she's looking at

what she's looking at she doesn't know but it's got the hints of that right
it's more wild more vicious,
whether it's survival or nature or what have you but she just I just I love
you no matter what I just want to make sure you're okay.
Some things and I've done some things and I'm still the same Valar that you

raised and I'm still the same Valar that you father know.
At that point, I'm going to pull my cloak back and throw the sides away and
reveal the black leather that I have with the inscription written across the
chest and I'm going to take her hand and I'm going to put it on my chest and I'm going to say,
this is what means the most to me.

And I'm just going to tell her what it says and,
I always remember my true family no matter what she cries a little bit as Pippin
comes running back out and Pippin has a message that he wrote down and he said this is.
We get messages from the Valdar they inform us because of where we are and our

positioning and what not but this is from Lord Lord Anseli.
And I honestly, guys, I can't. This is Jeff. I'm talking.
I can't remember what his name was, but there was the Lord Marshal of the Summer Court.
So who was who was the head of the Summer Court Army?

So the one that was a dick? Yes. Huge dick.
Yeah. And I can't remember what his name was. I'll have to go back and listen.
But for this, I'm just gonna say Lord Anseli because that's what he's in as the NPC here.
Year um but he he had
he sent a message so pippin talking to ballard he sent a message
uh not a day and
a half ago and he said well he said

a lot of things um we got a message a couple days ago that when he's like looking
at you now not reading from the script i don't know if you noticed we got a
message a couple days ago that the winter court was sacked and i'm not sure
what happened But there was something called the Keystones, and they were taken,
and the Winter Queen is now locked in her realm, and the Winter Army is no longer

here, and the Crown has basically taken these artifacts or whatnot.
So that's all they'll give me on that.
That but what i do know what they have told me is the movement of the army the summer court is.
Marching through charwood and going to be heading directly for corinth,

as quickly as possible they when they sent this a day and a half ago they said
they were about to um well siege it was the word they used charwood and they
hope to move through there rather swiftly and then through the deep,
through the spine into Corinth in order to halt the crown's progress is what they have here,

thought it may be important for you to know i don't know how that
affects you or what you're doing but you should
know that's what's going on with uh the other army and the valdar of course
are reinforcing him reinforcing us continuing continuing negotiations with tenos
port aurora armor corps they've sent um sent people to let's see what else what

else what what do you know uh the Triforce, they sent.
An important envoy. Hold on. I know her name. Clara.
They sent Clara to the Triforce to garner the support of Triforce for the Valdar.
We have not heard anything from the Apoth Refuge. Anyone we send has not returned.

But that is what's going on on the war. Look at you.
No look at you you you have
become something more just as
i have i don't want to none of
us do i want my farm i want
you here and not here i want you to grow but i i miss you son i want peace and

i want to help people the same the same father as always this is what we're
doing we We are the ones that are bringing the peace,
and this information you gave is important, and I will relate it to my party.
And I appreciate the time that you've given me again, but we must get moving.

We are on a mission right now.
All right. I know. I know. It's good to see you, son. And your mom's going to
give you another hug. They're going to give you a hug.
Take care of yourself, your mom will say. And when it's done,
come back. You're walking away. Come back, Balar.
Safe. Come back to us. Just have my room ready, Mother. Just have my room ready.

Pippin will reach over and hold her. And end scene.
When Balar comes out, I want to be like...
Fruitful as always and i want to relay all the information to the party and
also want to tell finn that the valdar sent player to the triforge thank you

also i told booth and dingle to,
go get as much crap as they could tell them to mention my name maybe we can
get a discount japan i gave him 500 gold and um and i told him to say that we're
the tip of valdar's sword and And I apparently have told them to say that Balar is part of our.
Oh, I see. Sorry. I see in chat here, the tip of the Valdar sword,

but just the tip make more horny. Okay. That's what we're going with.
Oh, so shall I, uh, should we, you know, rally the troops on our way out?
Just kind of give them a little bit of inspiration.
They have enough right now. They are.
Oh there's there's 100 a uh

a group waiting as you guys make your
way back to where your skyship is whoever's not
on duty essentially is there pippin and um cal
may have not followed though they they've made you know
stayed where they were they've said their goodbyes they don't want to
watch their son fly off um but everyone
else for the most part is there a lot of them recognize you

uh you see one lone soldier
who's clearly who's clearly recognize you who's looking around for
a half orc and he's got this pipe in his hand and there's obviously some meaning
there and he gets downtrodden when he when he doesn't see him uh and those of
you that i guess we weren't recording at that point but ugluck who's not here

gave a nice lowly soldier a pipe last last time he was here.
But anyway, there is a crowd and it's rather large, but larger than you would
have ever expected for Bear Fall.
They've clearly become a major city at this point or a more major city at this point.
Board the ship sigmund um i would be like so does somebody want to say a few words,

you know you do sigmund i do not have anything prepared as i'm pulling out like a little,
script that i had written but if ballard i mean it's your home ballard i mean
you're more than and welcome to say.
I'm just going to look at Sigmund and look at Scarlet and just shake my head

and just say how did you ever do it go ahead Sigmund,
rally and light a fire under him were you talking to me or to him about how
did you ever do it that was to you her,
I'll cast Thaumaturgy and make my voice
boom three times as loud as normal for

a minute people of bearfall people
of the valdar sorry that
we must depart so quickly we are on important business thank you so much for
all that you do in pursuit of making this realm a better place just know because

i heard this i heard finn tell this Just know,
we are just the tip of the Valdar sword.
Ovarard, it's its handle. And Dunal, well, they're Dunal.
But Barefall, you are its shield. You are what stands between the rest of the

Valdar and the evil forces of Corinth.
Please be a good shield.
Then I'm gonna nix and put up two peace signs and board the ship,
alright the ship begins to float away and there's a slight pause,

go ahead when I board the ship I'm gonna be like and I'm gonna turn around and be like and together,
and at the slight pause so you begin to rise
up and it's almost as if what they were waiting for and
there's that pause and this you begin to
rise up and you look back and you say together and then as one the entire population

of bear fall looks at you and raises their fist and yells we will prevail and
it's a shout heard across the empire how the fuck did we become italy in this story,
I'm going to turn to the others and be like oh I got goose pimples from that one.
With that we're gonna take a quick bio break your dm has to pee anyway seven

days you depart you depart from bear fall did we get the stuff oh you did get
the stuff and the stuff is this,
one your dm is coming up on with this bag of chips so i love it it's the best
stuff yeah he's going to well he's gonna have to i'm gonna have to do some a
deeper dive into it what i do know is that you watch Dingle come on board and

it looks like he's carrying,
a couple of extreme,
or heavy weaponry things. It looks like some of the weaponry is going to get
a major upgrade with the 500.
Boof is walking and he just walks and he shrugs his shoulders and points towards Dingle.

And he said, Dingle, you know he's like Dingle just upgraded the entire ship's weaponry and,
left me with nothing and then he's going to pull out
a thing of tobacco you say unless
you like to smoke this will probably help you concentrate for a little but then
it'll make you not concentrate for a lot that's for you buddy okay you enjoy

that nicotine you enjoy that roller coaster he's going to walk down I don't
know what nicotine is but this tobacco is hitting.
You hear Eminem starting to play in the in the galley I think that's what it's
called you better lose yourself in the music it's definitely waste but I digress,

seven days left the night comes to a close unless you guys want to do some role
play after that meeting yeah I've got to find Eva we got seven days too so go ahead,
hey Eva I just had another question for you today is now a good time,
sure i didn't realize you were going to
take that seriously oh absolutely i

take everything seriously and at that point
we're going to pause real quick and let caroline figure out her character for
three seconds three two one all right um so go ahead when you were a kid growing
up what did you want to be when you when you grew up i i don't know what do
you what do normal i I mean, you know,

just like a doctor or a healer or a teacher,
you know? Yeah.
Those are a lot of different career paths. I mean, it varied, you know? Yeah.
Like, there's not just one thing that I can remember.

Like, oh, I've always wanted to do that, you know? When did you want to decide to do magic stuff?
Well, like I've always kind of just been interested in learning and that just
kind of, I kind of gravitated toward that. I mean, I'm not...
The most religious person. So yeah, that's understandable.

I mean, I understand that you are, and I'm, I'm glad for that for you,
but you know, that's not something that I put much stock in.
After the incident, you know, I spent most of my life being very anti-religion.
So I guess this is sort of like a new thing for me.

Can I, can I make a suggestion? Yeah.
You come off a little preachy sometimes for it to be a new thing for you.
Just throwing that out there.
Well, so like what I used to do was like, because, okay. So like when I was
growing up, I was going through the church because my dad was the head priest.

So I had to memorize the entire Romantis.
And, you know, you know how it's like growing up with religion.
Well, you might not know how it's like growing up with religious. I don't actually know.
Well, there's a lot of trauma there. And then I spent my later years studying
the mantis so that I could like pick it apart and like find all the contradictions and like,

you know, educate people on why the lover wasn't real or why the lover wasn't that cool. Yeah.
Like you know like i've spoken to the lover now
so like i assume she's real so like i'm started kind of getting back into it
a little bit but i don't agree with everything the lover has to say you disagree

with your deity i don't know that i was it's less disagreement and more,
confusion about why there are so like if the lover created the earth and is
like all powerful and can like,
do anything why are there so many shitty things in the world right yeah I didn't agree with that,

faith right so is it is it entirely possible that the being that you think you're
communicating with is not the being that you think they are,
Sigmund is going to go into a deep silence for like,
15 seconds,
he's going to be like.

Well it was very nice having this chat Eva I'm going to go to my room for a
little bit great good talk good talk,
alright with that we'll do day four if someone will give me a quick roll.
I'm sorry, Jeff. I have to do it on day four because I didn't have that spell selected anyway.

Let's do a quick roll for day four.
Caroline, you go. I'll do it. Caroline and Finn are waiting on it.
We'll do another round going from Ballar, Scarlet, Sigmund.
And eight, you're just fine. It's a date. It's a good day.
You're a-okay. It's another great day here at Chick-fil-A. That's all I've got.

The day is fine, and you're going to make normal time. I'm done rhyming now.
Sometime throughout the day, I'm going to ritually cast Commune in my room. Okay.
Go ahead. You can lead us off. Everyone else think. If you want to do something
for day four, let me know. But Glenn, if you need time to think, let me know.
I was going to make a...

When we were in Bearfall, you said it was more like a bustling city or whatever? Yes.
Okay. I just wanted to have, quickly, where everybody was saying hello and bye,
gone to a bookshop and bought some books because scarlet just
wants to spend time reading in her in her room because she's
like i don't want to deal with these people so just want to spend some
time reading any particular category of books that's like fiction history thrillers

yeah it is smut what are we talking here yeah it is totally romance fiction
it is not anything for learning and just pure pleasure is all it is.
Does every time you read like the main character in the
book you have to like cross out the name even put the segment in there is that what's going
on or you're just like you're just enjoying the the nothingness
of that okay so it's it's

100 romantic great quality stuff you're gonna
find an overrun they've actually got a new author there called i
love you longley and she writes great
stuff yeah and you purchased
a couple of her books those books
do sit on the bookshelf in your room which is
has grown as you've gone from you know

place to place you've gone from the port the summer court and all i'm assuming
you picked up books because you're a reader you picked up books at a lot of
these places so it's grown the one book that you do have up there you keep stacking
books around you do still have sigmund's diary of finn still locked away up there.
And I just point that out. Okay. You continue to read?

Yep. Alright. Sigmund? My first question. Is the lover real?
Is the lover real?
You're asking the lover if the lover is real? Yeah.
I'm going to say you get laughter in your head.

And then after a brief pause, you get a resounding yes.
Is that who I'm talking to when I cast the spell?
More laughter. Yes. Is Eva plotting something against us?

Oh i wish i hadn't asked that says the dm.
No hey yeah so there we go thanks there we go that that sums that up and then
a resounding and rather hard and verbal no laughter in this one no okay i'm

gonna clean up all my stuff and and I'm going to go to Eva's door.
This is day five. Is that what it is? Day five? Yeah. All right.
Day four, right? Day four. I'm sorry. Yeah. Sorry. Eva.
It's early for today's question. I have big news. No, this is the same day.
Same day? This is after the questions. Yeah.

Oh, well, Sigmund, I'm sorry. I asked the last one on day three.
Okay. I have honest. Okay. Because I needed to stock the spell again.
Eva, great news I just communed with the lover and they said that they're real.

That's great It's a little concerning It took one question for you to question that,
Well, it's something I've always kind of been on shaky ground with and I was
like you know what, it would be great to just kind of ask definitively, right?
You've got some closure. That's great, Zickman. Thanks.

I was just wondering, what is one of your proudest achievements?
We're going to take a slight pause. This episode brought to you by...
Hold on. I'm thinking about what it's brought to you by, just like Eva is thinking
about the answer to this question. You know what?
D&D Beyond and all the other things. Do you have a list of random questions

that you picked up off the internet or something?
When I made Sigmund's notebook at the very session zero, I have a whole bunch
of icebreaker therapy questions.
Obviously, I don't know anything about therapy. I've never been.
This episode brought to you by I better help.

Yeah, better help. Thank you. That's my critical role coming in.
This episode buddy i better help oh tired of
all those in-person therapies sorry anyone
in therapy i'm all for it i have yeah it's all
good go for it you probably don't want sigmund being your therapist probably not
though no no there's a reason his
plan failed the sigmund has

had these questions since day one and i have to say jeff's
plan for these was hey if we get in here and no one wants to talk or role play
at all i'll use them and then we figured out like the first like like three
sessions like oh my god everyone just wants to talk and like have a great time
and it's all good and so he's never gotten to use them and then they're Eva
and he's finally got you on a 10 day road trip so,

here we go no distractions now.
A job interview i don't understand you know i know i'm
just trying to read your other dossiers on on everyone
else here in the ship you know like you read all
my dossiers i well yeah you let
you let me you lend them to me so i could get caught up on

on everybody oh no i just gave you like
a summary of everything we've done so
if i didn't give you their each individual dossiers okay care
i'll have to trust trust yeah
i've got one i'm gonna flip through my bag and they're all kind
of thick i've got one on everybody in here diaries yeah

i remember you giving me diaries i just and that's why
i can roll i grow advantage on insight with
you so where's fins are you missing one yeah i i gave i let scarlet borrow fins
i thought she gave it back to me but i don't see it in here listen i you know
i understand you're trying to build a rapport here it's okay like,

we don't have to we don't have to do that i'm not you know do you just not feel
comfortable sharing with me or just i don't i don't need you delving into every
little part of my past you know it's okay if it comes out in conversation and we're having you know,
a normal thing.

Then that's great what if that like what if that that gen shows up again and
then like it plays like mind tricks on you and we have to like know things about
you in order to get you back.
That's uh that's quite the scenario there um you know i guess it'll be okay

but did you ever see that jen again no never.
No i've never seen it again and i'm
surprised that you remember that because when i said said something about it
no one seemed to believe that I saw it so oh I totally believe you I just was

wondering if you happened to see this Jen again,
no all right well I'm gonna go yeah so I'm gonna go yeah I'm gonna go,
all right the day
continues on if anyone else would like to do something for day four please speak now
or forever absolutely yes you had two things I so

so apologize that's good that was like
an hour and a half ago go ahead finn it was no
it was like it was eight minutes nine minutes yeah oh
damn um so anyway uh first i took
the sending stone from ivan loose yes um
i would like to go hunker down in a room and because dangle has the helm yep

i'm frantic and the first door i see is eva's door door and i knock on it oh
i thought that was you kicking it in um.
I've been up sigmund i can't with another question it's not same sure i have on pants i promise okay,

i run in the door and grab the sitting stair and anna is she safe,
Do you need us to stop there?
Okay there's a pause and then
the um you

know like there's there's that tone of voice that
someone will get with you when they they didn't really approve of you at first
but then they kind of slowly grow fond of you and you get that kind of reluctant
approval tone of voice uh from enna and you.

Yes you, Sigmund, just asked me that from experience.
Pretty much everyone I meet, that's pretty much what happens.
It's an initial, oh god, and then it's like, oh, okay.
So you get that from Anna and it's, you know, you would gather the fact that
you're asking the question is what brings about that tone in her voice.
But she answers, as far as we know, she's safe.

If that changes, you will
be my first call are you close
where are you heading feel free
to respond tomorrow i was gonna say based on the
on the map it should be at least a day before we reach
the travel wars you guys yeah so you guys well it's
you guys are in the middle of day four so you're really let

me see if i can ping i don't know how to ping you guys if
you look at corinth and move to the mountain directly south
of that at that tip of the mountain or i'm sorry
at the corner of the mountain so the the right corner where my that's around
where you guys are so technically day five is going to put you close to the
tip then you got five more days to credania and it's really five and a half

now closer to six because you lost the day or you lost half a day but it's around six days travel,
between the tip of that mountain to credania the triforce would be four probably
three and a half four days depending on roles and travel and you would know
all this because you are a traveler of the world you're doing this in my room is that right yeah.

I thought that sending stone went straight to Anna. Why are you asking if she's all right?
I'm asking about her daughter. Oh. Anna has a daughter? Yeah.
That's kind of who led us all to Valdar.
Oh. What's her name? Clara.
Clara? Oh, I remember reading about her in Sigmund's... What?

He let me read his diaries when I joined the board.
Oh. he seems to think that you and clara like each other i think i don't is that is that i,
yeah should i should i should i be embarrassed i go no no you're fine i think

i'd take a big drink of rum at least you start taking off your pants.
You know sigmund's been uh i don't know
if he's trying to psychoanalyze me or build a
profile of me apparently has profiles of
everybody on this shit but i just he's

been asking me a lot of questions so what's it like having
him for a a brother well he profiles everyone um so it was really interesting
watching him try to profile our mother oh yeah it changed every day,

oh mostly because she changed every day but that's a story for a different day.
he's an interesting guy,
so I mean I guess I don't know how much of this you signed up for but,

the ship to Corinth. Yeah, I picked up on that.
Where are we headed?
What's in Crudania?
I made a deal with, I don't know, maybe the devil, I don't know.

And he told me I had a soul to save, and it's in Crudania.
So that makes three members of this party that have deals with devils?
I don't really know who the devil is. But I'm sure at least one of us does.

But all I know is, you know, my brother has his faults, but I don't want him
to die from that ring. And I just motion towards wherever it is.
It's in my bag you would know it's in my bag I suppose and I can't help but
think that maybe he's the soul I'm supposed to save,

so I feel like if we go and we deal with this stuff in Corinth,
first then he's just gonna die but maybe if we maybe his soul's the soul I'm supposed to save,
I hope I hope that you're right,
i've done i've done all i know to do to try and help so and also i i know you've

noticed but i can do some weird shit now i have noticed,
i don't really know like how this works like how how do i make like lightning
come out of my fingers Hmm. Well.

So for those of you listening who are wondering what this hell is,
yes this break brought to you by balar who's whose messages
one day we will release these but after the world's gotten
much more politically correct lar types i have
a feeling jay who is me at your dm i have
a feeling jay has his pants off and is making weird faces at us it was at that

moment that i was shocked that he was absolutely right I'm just kidding my pants
are on I am as much into this role play as you guys are with my pants securely
on until Finn takes his off and then all games all bets are off,
Aaron's pants are on because I am at a 32 degree garage but,
I'm in a basement I have a heating pad under me so let your imagination run

wild with that carry on oh come on I have a space heater at my legs I digress.
All right. We've got real weird.
We have gone off the rails again. Go ahead. Eva and Finn, you guys were in it
and I loved it. No, you're good.
I'll just, I'll, I'll say to Finn, I can, I can cast, maybe some of my magic can help.

I was telling Sigmund, I'm not, you know, I've never really.
I've never really gotten into the whole deity thing, but you know,
One thing I do know is that my magic is real and that there is some kind of
force in this world that allows others to have magic as well.

So I'll take out my wand and I'll ritually cast identify on Finn.
That is awesome.
So a couple things are going to happen. You and Eva, you can probably explain.

I have this vision of Eva when you do things like detect magic or identify.
It's like this new world opens up to you, and you can see things as they are,
and then you can see the magic world beyond, right? It's like this new sight you have.
I don't want to play your character. Do you have a different vision of that?

No, I agree. I agree. It's almost like my eyes would open up.
You're seeing the world as you would see it through magic.
As you look at Finn, you see a couple things.
One, you see a normal man before you.

And relatively, I mean, you see a man, not necessarily normal, a half man, but a man.
Anyway, you see him as is. You see his aura, his...
What have you all kind of coalesced into a color, a murky color of deep blue sea.

And as you continue to look down and you look down towards the mark on his hand,
which I don't know if you know about or don't know about either way, you're drawn to it.
And it is a blinding black light.
You look at it and it's very clear. There's a mark on his hand.

And then when you, As soon as you begin to focus on it, that blackness begins
to grow and grow until it bleeds out his hand and begins to bleed out into everything else. And it stops.
It's hard to describe in normal words, but it stops.
It's not all consuming around his whole body or anything, but just around his hand.

And if you flex it, it would turn away from his hand. But there's a swirling
pool, and it's going down, down, down, down, down. and it all kind of leads towards that mark.
The same aura is highlighted in his hair.
You see, you look towards the tendrils in his hair, which was probably going

to be your first focus, but they're the colors of the sea at once.
They're, you know, bright, clear blue.
Once they're murky golden brown, they seem to be shifting as you look at them with magic.
So he's definitely got a lot going on.
All that said, when you cast identify, you got no freaking clue what's happening with him.

You do know, though, that whether he's infected or affected or changed,
something is going on with them.
I'll start. I'll just say I'll take his hand and I'll say this is interesting.
When did you acquire this?

I thought I was asleep. Thank you.
And now, when I got this, I thought it was a dream. It was an offer of power.
I think it's when I grabbed this broken staff when we were in a fight and all.
And just, I felt this, I don't know, this twinge.

And after I went to bed and I woke up and there was this stranger on my bed.
And I thought it was a dream, but he offered me power, if I would save a soul.
So I said yes. And then when I woke up, I thought it was just a dream, but this was on my hand.
And I had apparently cracked some lightning on the wall, so Boof had to fix that a while back.

Yeah. Well, it seems to me saving a soul doesn't sound like such a bad thing.
How do you feel about it? I'm pretty torn.
Why is that? Because it seems like it was a bad choice because I have a skull
and crossbones on my hand.
Is there anything inherently wrong with a skull and crossbones?

I mean, I do like pirates.
Here's what I know, Finn. I haven't seen you hurt a single soul that didn't
deserve to be hurt in the time that I have met you.
And even though you might get a little drunker than i would prefer for the recovery drink,

for the most part you seem to have everyone's best interests at heart so um
you know i don't i don't know that there's any reason to be fretful um saving
the soul is not a bad thing Okay.

Well, hopefully it's Sigmund, but I don't know how to help him.
He really is a good person.
I know that everybody but me and Scarlet have maybe seen the worst of him,
but the best is really, really good.
I hope to see more of that as we continue. Yeah.

Maybe we'll prevail. mail wow then
go ahead sigmund you have something you want to do as
we cut away from him saying those kind
things about me i'm scarlet scarlet yes sigmund
hey hey do you still have the that that dossier

on finn that i that i let you borrow i i'm
sitting in the chair reading a book and i just point to the bookshelf that's over
there okay i climb the bookshelf titles
titles such as love me dearly and hold
me tightly and should we shouldn't we should we shouldn't we we definitely should
reach out to you i grab the dossier and i'm like good nobody needs to read their

own dossier and i just stick it into sticking in my bag with all the other ones
and i'm packing it up about to leave,
and do I notice the books that was near, do I notice what she's reading?
With your natural perception, the first thing you did when you walked into a
room was look at her and take in everything about her.

So I assume yes. Unless, Scarlet, you were trying to hide it?
No, I'm not trying to hide it. If you were trying to hide it,
I would... As I buckle up the bag, I'm going to say, so, uh, how you doing?
You uh you looking for some company not right
now oh okay well you

know where to find me and i'm gonna leave to go find balar dang you playing
second fiddle balar balar where are you at what have you been doing this this
entire day a lot has happened you have just left barefoot what have you been
doing today i just all around like up deck in my room up deck hanging out.
Dingle, by the way, has been slowly yet surely loading the ballistas with a

new kind of ammo and also packing the cannons with he's pulling stuff out of
a kind of a bag, a large bag.
Looks to be some extra extra strengths, black powder sort of.
I guess I'm just helping him since there's been nothing else to do.
I'm not sure what the hell these things are doing But they told me it was going

to upgrade us To the 9 so I assume That these are really good I'll tell you
about those things in the ballistas Next week when we meet,
And that's your DM talking But anyway how are you Balar you good,
Just helping you Just counting these days down Alright now I'm talking okay
I got you Alright well let's carry on,

Hey Balar,
Over here uh hold on
hold on sigmund's calling yes sigmund
i was gonna check on our friends do you want to check on
them with me sure yeah i'm gonna pull out the silver mirror and i'm gonna put
a little bit of holy water on it and i'm gonna cast i'm gonna be like i know

we've only got a couple minutes left in this day but i kind of wanted to squeeze
it in i'm gonna cast scry on brother thad and see what Brother Thad's up to.
Do I know you just said Brother Thad? Yeah, I'm gonna... Let's check on Brother Thad first.
I'm gonna give a scornful look. Can you see him?

What do you mean? I mean, you scry him.
Can you... Well, he's gonna make a wisdom saving throw. Okay.
And I don't think he's level level 20 yet, so I don't know if he can fully go
off of what's in D&D Beyond.
But I'll be able to see and hear him until, pretty much like if I just kind

of opened up like a little viewport to write up on him for about 10 minutes.
Alright, hold on one second. I rolled four and let me go over to D&D Beyond.
I know you have to leave pretty soon, Scarlet, but bear with me.
We're going to end it hopefully on a semi-funny high note here.
Give me two seconds. I got two scribes I want to do squad if you have to leave

go ahead and leave now thank you for coming everybody hang on.
And I think I'm familiar with Brother Thad, right?
Yeah, you're familiar. Well, you would like to think so. I mean,
is anyone really familiar with Brother Thad? I know his physical person well.

Yes, you know his physical person well. So he gets minus five on that saving
throw. What was the save?
It's a wisdom 17 saving throw. Wisdom. Okay.
We'll cut it in half. 12, 13. Thirteen. Thirteen. That's a failure.
Okay. What about a fourteen? Would a fourteen have passed?

No. All right. So he just fails either way. This would be seventeen. Yep. Okay.
So you can see and hear him. Yes. For ten minutes. Can he see and hear you or?
Only if he can see in visibility. Okay.
Do you have dark vision? No. Okay. Okay, so you at first it's it's quiet.

It's black dark room and then an outline begins to appear to your vision and
it's an outline that you readily familiar familiar with you believe it's brother
Thad or the person you knew was brother Thad and he sits here.
You can hear just a couple more minutes couple more minutes. Just calm down.

They don't know you're here. And you hear his breath start to regulate and his pulse start to lower.
And that's what you get. Are you going to do you say anything?
Are you just looking to hear what he's doing?
You're just looking i can't talk to i mean i could cast ending no okay so that's

that's okay give me how long does scrying last 10 10 minutes okay 10 minutes
so you you continue to watch unsure of what you're looking at and you hear footsteps
beyond him somewhere um out of your eyesight,
um i don't know if you can hear what they're saying via
sending but you uh

we'll say you can for this you can hear footsteps you hear men shouting i think
he went this way i think he went this way keep going keep going we've got to
catch him before he leaves uh and then as the footsteps quiet down the men's
voices go off into the distance you hear brother thad's voice,

you son of a bitch you've done it again he stands up kicks open the door and
strolls lightly down down the street,
the opposite way of the soldiers continuing on for over 10 minutes.
You look around, uh, the landscape around him looks lush, green, hilly.
There are beautiful buildings to the left and the right.

Um, he's in a major city. He, I can't tell where go ahead and roll history. Check history.
You're not going to fucking believe me, but that's a natural 20. Go bug yourself.
History check. With a history check of a natural 20.

You can tell that he is in the port of the Apoth refuge. Okay. Okay.
I'm going to relay everything to Blar. What I saw. Like, I think.
I mean, I've never been there before, but it's kind of how he described it.
I think he's back home in the Apoth refuge.

That's where he said he was going he didn't just why about that part,
why would we help him yeah that's fair that's fair well that was kind of just
for shiggles but you want to check on our buddy now or you want to check on Ugluck,

I think it's time yeah let's check on him let's see how he's doing I'm going
to catch scrying on Ugluck who's going to do a wisdom save with we're near the
sails right that were Uglak's bedsheets,
yeah you can be sure absolutely we'll walk over there I'm familiar with him

and I have a possession or garment of his,
so he's got minus 9 on his wisdom saving throw minus 9 Where do you see that?
If you click on the scry spell.
Shit. Yeah, he rolled an 8 plus 1. That's a 9. Okay.

So he rolled a 0.
Much earlier in the day, right? You looked at,
Brother Thad, and it it was later in
the day uh it was night so much earlier

in the day the sun is still out yet there seems
to be shade over uglock and he sits
cross-legged in a tent and before him
you see an elderly orc and
they are sitting silently and then
all at once wham uglock falls to his

side he gets up in a rage roars i
don't see the point of this and he continues to stomp and shout much as ugluck
would do what the fuck are we doing here my mind is my own and you keep worming
your way in just tell me how to fix it so i can help those i care about,

I hate magic you know this isn't easy for me just tell me how to do it.
In front of him says quietly and calmly i can tell you a million times and still
you wouldn't know you have to do it to learn it and i'll look sighs that makes no fucking sense,

calm sighs from beyond try again
sit and learn do
and experience calm your
emotions calm your mind save
your friends and at that ugluck stomps
around a couple times sits down and as

you watch for the next few minutes he sits quietly down his eyelids closed his
eyes flashing left and right and then they grow still and a smile comes over
his face And that's where we'll end it for tonight,
Alright Can I say something to Blair real quick?

I was just going to say You can't let me leave it on a cliffhanger, can you?
And we would end it there Go ahead, Sigmund I was just going to say I think
he's right where he needs to be,
And that's where we'll end it tonight That's a much better international And
that's where we'll end it tonight Ladies and gentlemen, if you're still with
us No, that's where we're ending it tonight Wait, wait, wait, wait. Don't leave yet.

All right. That's where we'll level up.
And that's a good night. All right. Bye, guys. Bye. Thanks for hanging out.
A couple minutes late. Appreciate it. And that's where we're ending it tonight.
Wait, wait. Hold on. Oh, no. Wait, wait. Hold on. This is where we're ending
it tonight. And this is where we're ending it.
Well, hold on. Aaron said he wanted to retcon something. No, I don't. It can wait.

And that's where we're ending it. And that's where we're ending it.
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