All Episodes

January 29, 2024 119 mins

Chimera Attack!

Brace yourself for another thrilling episode as our courageous heroes find themselves in the middle of a meteor shower that swiftly escalates into a terrifying creature battle. They exert their unique abilities and quick-thinking strategies, fending off fire attacks from mystical Chimeras attacking their ship. Following the high-energy combat, we witness an intensive display of collaboration, determination, and heroism as the team takes on what comes next.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Ben is butt naked at the helm. You're not going to fucking believe me, but that's a natural 20.
Go fuck yourself. We didn't really get off on the right first foot or second
foot and probably the third foot. Yeah.
So is this the fourth foot or? I don't know. I'm not a horse.

That was awesome. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to another episode of AD&D
Wireless Adventure Wins Calling.
I am your Dungeon Master. My name is Jeff. They call me Jay.
The remainder of your cast will introduce themselves alphabetically around this virtual tabletop.
Aaron playing Finn. Caroline playing Eva.

Doug playing Luce.
Sigmund is played by Jeff.
Melissa playing Scarlet. Mike playing Blar.
All right. And they nailed it, folks. If this is your first time listening,
it doesn't happen very often. So great job, cast.
Before we really kick into our adventure and I do a little prologue,

we do want to let you know that we do have an Instagram now.
It's at A-D-and-D-wirelessadventure.
All one word, all lowercase.
We try to make it as long and difficult as possible for people to find us.
There's only two things posted, but we will try and post more regularly as content drops.
There's a link tree on there. So if you want to find more of our content,
just click the link tree and it'll bring you wherever you want to go. Thanks for joining.

Let's get started. What happened last week?
Our adventurers left Overard finally and headed towards Credania, or I should say Corinth.
They thought they were going to Corinth, but Finn has been sneakily leading
them towards Credania to save
a soul, which he was told to do by the Wanderer, the God of the Wanderer.

He let a couple people in on a secret, and by a couple people,
I think he let Sigmund in on it, and Sigmund lets more people in on it,
and so it has slowly made its way around the ship.
I believe one of the only ones that does not know is Luz, who was absent for
last week and most of the week before.
So Luz still believes, I think, that you guys are heading towards Corinth,

as he's remained shut in his room for most of the time.
And let's see, other than that, there was a quick stop at Bearfall.
There was a nice family reunion for Balar.
Some encouraging words were spoken by Sigmund. You guys ran into some weird weather delays.
A strange phenomenon seemed to be beginning to happen, at least in your sector of the realm of Aranor.

You guys had some discussions of faith, family, and friends.
You guys tried to feel each other out a little bit more. Tried to figure out
if you guys were more than just acquaintances heading towards friends.
And if your family were still your friends. and
last but not least you checked in on brother thad
and ugluck and found brother thad to be it appears

to be in the apoth refuge at this time and ugluck looks
to be getting some training on some mental barriers mental mojo you guys currently
are right around four or five days depending on the weather out of credenia
so we're going to start with a roll we'll do one roll for each day to see how your trip fares.

If you want to do some role-playing during those days, by all means, go for it.
You want to message anybody or do anything at that time, let me know.
Oh, I'm so sorry. The one thing I did forget, Clara, we did learn that Clara
was in the Triforce trying to garner alliances.
I believe Finn knows that, and he checked in on her.
Other than that, would anyone or did I miss anything, or would anyone like to start with the rule?

I'll start. I feel like I'm hot. Welcome back. Welcome back, Lewis.
He's ready. Have we long rested since last time, or did we pick up where we
were scrying on the ship?
Yeah, you guys have gotten a long rest. I want to say day five or six or so.
And that was kind of the end of that day. You guys have gotten a long rest.

So four more days out. I believe we left off, Sigmund, where your countdown
was right around 30, 29, 30, depending on the time of day.
And this is what we'll say is day 29 starting for you. Go ahead and give us a roll, Luce. Thank you.
That it's a natural 20. Oh my gosh. You are rolling hot.
Rolling hot. I did. I forgot to mention. I'm so sorry that we are only going

to roll a one D 10 because I only have 10 options.
But for that natural 20, it's a okay.
The, the, the trip, which we're going to now, I'm going to say you did have five days left.
You now are down to 40 as a tailwind seems to swipe you on your way.
The day is gorgeous. You at this point are actually passing Tenos.

So let's pull up the map here so you guys can see where Tenos is.
Tenos sits directly to the, is the first major city to the left of our capital
Corinth, which is in the middle of our realm.
And it's also the largest city in Aranur.
It is a beacon of knowledge.

This is where a lot of the scholars will come. There's a giant college in Tenos.
It's a circular, as you guys pass over it or near it, it's a circular,
very well thought out city.
It's extremely large. There seems to be dissected into almost like a cross.
There's a couple of main features, the library, of course, an amphitheater of

some sort, and then a couple of the colleges are rather big.
Other than that, that's all you're really going to see on this day.
If you want to do any role playing or scry or message anybody,
feel free to do it. Otherwise, we'll go on the next day.
I would like to find Luce.
Yeah, I think I, so sorry to interrupt. I think just because Doug has not been

here, and so Luce hasn't been role-played by anybody.
Luce, it is about this time that you would start to pick up that this should
be the time that you're at least, if nothing else, would be seeing Kord,
depending on how the weather has been.
You guys have hit some rough weather. weather and you as
the traveler you are would recognize tenos and

now recognize this ain't the way to
a corner well okay just i'm sorry
was the discussion already had that like they're going
to kardania yeah by who
everybody but me no i think finn
pretty much decided it no no no no yeah so you guys you guys decided that you

were going to court yeah so that's that's the trick everybody I think everybody
knows I don't think it was a big group discussion It was more of Finn told Sigmund Sigmund told Balar,
Finn told Eva,
So it has just kind of Made its way around And it's been less of So I would

almost say Just think of it as Somehow it's all gotten around to everyone except for you At this point,
Because I was having a sting session in my room.
Room i'm scared to know if you're talking about the band or another undercover up.

The man the myth the legend oh we lost all right he's painting his face,
i'm available if you want to talk to me hey hey oh you got a minute yeah yeah
yeah yeah i mean i've had a i've
had a ton of minutes and nobody nobody's come to me i mean you know what,
thank you for the peace and quiet Sigmund I just knew you kind of needed some alone time um,

I figure you probably noticed we should probably be heading into Corinth by now.
Yes. Are we getting everything prepared?
Is there a meeting to make plans to enter the city?
Well, so we were thinking that we...

Straight to the point. We're going to make just a quick pit stop.
Uh finn has this like he's got
a soul he's got a save or something um so we
were gonna do that outside of corinth this pit stop uh yeah it's
slightly outside of corinth and um i just
like and plus i spoke to the lover and the lover said the king wasn't gonna

be there when we got there for for another second yeah i said straight to the
point you're you're still doing a lot of talking no no i'm just i'm just telling
you one of the reasons why um is that.
Reasons reasons are yeah so we're just we're just taking a quick pit stop facts

are my strong suit reasons,
yeah yeah quick reasons we'll be there so we
should be where we're going in a couple of days and then uh
yeah days what do
you mean days yeah we're um we're going
where where are we going we're going
to credania and i want to punch as close to sigmund without actually hitting

it like punch a wall without actually hitting it. Do I have to roll for that? No.
So like millimeters, I just want me to punch and just like,
And under my breath, I'll just say I thought he got the Valdar way.

I thought he knew the importance that the Valdar was doing.
Is it in the air or it's moving fast, right? Yeah, it's in the air.
It's actually moving faster than if you guys have only seen probably one or
two other skyships you guys fought in them but boom fast upgraded fast I uh so I'll go I'll go,

I'm stuck on this ship with you you you have a you have a way of entrapping people,
um in this party you've got Eva already and um so I guess Yes, I'm stuck.
And then I want to grab his shirt and pull him close to me so we're face-to-face.

Is that going to be contested?
I'm letting him blow off steam.
And I want to go...
We have.
24 hours in Credania before I take the ship. And I'll let him go.

I totally understand your frustration. Did you want like a quick little like
calm emotions to kind of like wash over you? Get away from me. Get away from me.
Okay, well. If you need anything. Give me another two days. Do you want a pear?
Yeah, I'll take a pear. Okay, here's a pear.

I gotta take a pear out of my inventory now.
You gotta roll something to see if it's magic or not. I don't remember what you gotta roll.
Yeah, so it's a a d20.
Oh, I'm sorry. It's a d10. It's a d10.

A 4.
Well, now roll the d20. I was wrong. I'm looking it up, but I didn't need the d20.
Eleven. Alright, it's a normal pair.
And I bite the pair in front of him.

Good? That's a good? Yeah. It's a good pair. Good, yeah.
Can I have a pair? Do you mind if I eat a pair too?
We can share pairs? As long as I see your back while you're eating it.
Oh, you don't want to hang out or anything? Nope.

Like I said, the past two days were magical without having to hear your voice. Oh, okay. Okay.
Alright, well, I'll see you in a couple of days.
Well, I think I'll be out of my room a little bit more now, considering Oh,
I meant like I'll speak to you in a couple of days. I was just gonna.

Oh, yeah, yeah, that's great.
Alright bye,
I am going to eat a pear though you are going to eat a pear?
Yeah I'll eat a pear get these things out of my inventory what did I roll? d20?
Yep 12 that's a normal pair,

What do you have? Scarlet has some too. What's that? I have...
Oh, I lost it. Seven left. Okay.
How many do I have? Because I don't remember. Is it in your inventory?
You guys had like 19 total.

Yeah, I think I had like 11 originally. She must have had the rest. Eight.
Let's see here. I do not have any inventory. Yeah, 1d10. So you 1d8 of which
act was randomly determined.
And yeah.

I do want to find Finn at some point. We'll just finalize this. Sorry, Sigmund.
Scarlet, I don't remember. So if anyone else does remember, let me know.
But we'll just say you have all eight left.
And I think we decided that you guys had eight. There were eight total magic ones.

Two of them have been used, right? Ugluck got something already,
like on the first one, right?
I've used two.
Yeah. I thought we were just rolling to see if it was magical or not every time.
No, so you're rolling to see if... Well, yeah, you are. That's what you're doing.
And you're rolling to see if it's magical.
And anything above a... Anything above a... Or, I'm sorry, below a 10 is magical.

Anything above a 10 is normal.
But once you get down to only eight left, I'm pretty much going to say they're all...
They're all magical. If that's the rule. So only six more are magical,
essentially, is what I'm saying.
Okay. Okay. All right. Start for the... There you go. Go ahead.
I was going to let somebody else go first, but I do want to find Finn at some point.

Go in once, go in twice, Segment and Fen, take it away.
I'm gonna find him on the deck of the ship, and I'm gonna be like,
hey, so I let Luz know about Credania.

You mean it? I'm sorry, I can't hear you.
Speak up over the wind!
Try it one more time. No, try it again. I heard a little bit, but...
I guess he's going to find out at some point. Yeah, I figured we would be landing

in Corinth by now, so I thought I'd kind of head it off of the gap.
We're kind of heading into enemy territory, I think. I don't think Credania's allied with the Valdar.
So I was wondering, do you have a way to like disable the ship for when we leave
it and we can like re-enable it when we,

get back to it so like nobody can steal it yeah yeah yeah we just take out the boob stem,
alright and we have a way to like hide that and still be able to make like a
quick escape if we need to it sounds like you're playing,
chess I'm playing checkers like I just yeah I just don't want any outside forces

the ship. You figure out how to hide it. I don't know.
Okay. Yeah, I just don't want anybody to steal the ship. So how are you?
I'm great. Great. Well, do you want a pair?
No. Okay. All right. Well, I'll catch you later.

See ya. All right. With that, if no one else wants to do anything,
the day will come to a close.
You guys are going to bypass Tenos, over Tenos.
And clear skies calm winds Ben continues leading you on who would like to roll for the next deck.

Oh, you got it. Go ahead.
That is a three. Okay, a three.
The day proceeds as normal for the most part.
And I would say about halfway through the day, the sun brightened the sky directly

overhead. Everything has been going fine.
You wouldn't feel it, but you specifically would get Eva this trimmer in the air.
And if everyone who would be on deck at this time give me a perception check,
Eva, you can do it with advantage.

Okay. Because, well, I'll explain why in just a little bit. 14 for me.
15. 19.
15. 30, 20. who who scarlet i can't i can't see it is she did you hold up one is in that one okay,

all right so eva you you before anything happens you get this almost like wave
of arcane energy that sweeps out it rolls like thunder across the land and it's
very brief it hits your senses you your senses,
you can feel its power and then it continues rolling.

And nothing else happens for the briefest seconds.
And then all of you look up as almost like a whistling sound.
It starts really, really faint.
You look up as giant meteors come crashing down to Earth.

Finn, you're steering,
What do you guys do as at least a couple of these things are heading toward you guys?
I'm going to throw away from them.
Go ahead and roll. I think we decided that yours are kind of performance checks
because this is your... I'm sorry. We'll do a survival check.

I'm also going to throw up an emboldening bond on me, Finn, Balar, and Scarlet.
So you can add a D4.
12 with a d4 oh no,

15 that's better okay a 15 that makes all the difference in the world with a
15 these things begin to come crashing down faster and faster,
they're not huge by any means but they're they're big enough to that if you
got hit with one, it would cause some serious damage.

And you definitely are swerving left and right. And just as it looks as if things
may go bad, you may hit one.
You hear Sigmund yell, hard to wherever, port, starboard, something.
And you, you know, roll the helm and barely miss one.
And you guys, it seemed to be, you know, you look out and watch the rest of

these meteors come crashing down.
They seem to have been Mostly centered around you guys Hmm You Well everyone
give me another perception check This one's gonna be a little higher 16 is what needs to be beat.
18. Natural 20. Ooh, let's go. Ooh, Doug. 25. Good job, plus 17.

Jeff gave me the link to those dice. Yeah, 17 was what needed to be beat. Is this audible at all?
Yeah, we can hear you. Okay. Did you get the 25, Jeff?
No, I didn't, but there you go. All right,
so at least a couple of you look up and you see not meteors this time,
but something coming in following the tales of these meteors you see these giant winged beasts,

they've got three heads lion
dragon and a snake and there's three of them coming at you and we're gonna roll
initiative hey let's fight something how many did you well i have rolled a mate
i don't know how many there are you have no clue yeah but those who saw know
there's three they can see them I'm all in a good formation coming in.

I rolled a 10, but I want to go last if possible. Hold on one second.
No, okay. One second. Let me roll it. Oh, baby, roll it. Roll the lead. Oh, baby, please.
That is a three. I am still mad at Finn for steering the ship, so I want to go last.

Oh, loose, loose. Where are you, loose?
I think 14.
14 for Belar. Ben had a 10. Right, yeah.

Charlotte, what'd you have?
I had a 12. 12. Eva, what'd you have? I had heat. I forgot the number already.
Five. Sigmund, what did you have? 11.
Laura, I hope you brought the backpack up. Those are some not great rolls there, guys. Not great.

Would we have received any 10th HP from Boof this morning? Boof definitely got
you 5 HP today, yep. Cool.
Nice rolls, Chimeras. Yeah, they didn't roll very good either. That one did.
Alright, and with with that let's get going uh loose what's your what's your dex.

Zero. Ten. Roll a d20 for me.
Seventeen. All right. You're going before the chimeras.
I have a question. Yeah. Does the natural 20 give me anything in terms of like.

Like. The natural 20 on the perception.
Yeah. It would have if you were the one doing the attacking,
but because they were attacking, they were trying to get a surprise attack on you.
You're just ready for it. They're just not going to get a surprise attack. Alright.

Let's begin. The first one's going to swoop in and he's going to do what all
good chimeras... Well, let's do this. I want to give you guys a chance.
Position yourselves accordingly on the ship.
I don't want to say Oh, I'm so sorry. Yeah, I apologize. Yeah.
I would have been within 30 feet of Finn and Scarlet and Blar.

Did not mean to move you to Scarlet, but it was. All right. You guys have all
situated and gotten wherever you need to be. Yep. Okay.
The first Chimera is going to swoop down and he is going to try and get.
He's going to try and use his fire breath. we are going to use that and he's

going to get can I rotate this bad boy I would love to rotate it I don't know how to rotate it,
surely you can though I would like you scroll like a web page is how I use the
rotation oh my gosh ladies and gentlemen Jeff your foundry expert,
he's going to swoop down and get can you get three of you just shy of three

of you he is going to swoop down and get Scarlet and Luce in his first Fire Breath.
Alright, if everyone would give me a Dexterity saving throw for everyone, say Luce and Scarlet.
Scarlet, you get a D4.
I got one too, don't I? Yeah, and Finn.

Fifteen. Needs a beat, there we go. Seventeen.
Look at you guys, hot dog! Alright, you guys take half damage, so that'll be fourteen.
You guys take 14 game as the Chimera the first head,
Fire not only hits you and does a little bit of damage you guys major all out
of the way you get some fire on Your cloaks and armor, but the ship now Begins

to burn and does take damage in it.
It's automatically gonna fail that deck save with that Well,
are you're up followed by Finn quick quick question.
Yes, it was 28 and then half to 14 correct Okay.
All right, so I see these flying beasts in the air just swooping in,

trying to take us out, and I go for the backpack, and I forget it's not there, and it's downstairs.
Sigmund, that thing you want, where is it? Oh, I left it in your room.
Gosh. Gosh. You can just bareback it.

I don't like the way that sounds, so instead of doing that, we don't have that language in Bearfall.
I'm going to summon a water elemental. Ooh. Where are you summoning at?
I don't know if water elementals can fly.

I'm summoning on the ship, because you said it set the ship on fire.
Yeah. So I'm going to summon a water elemental.
I'll help with that. It's going to land right in between,
Loose and Scarlet there. Move it so you guys can get there.
It'll get its turn right after you. Alright.

Movement or bonus action. I'm good on that.
All right. You're good. He says, Finn, you're up, followed by Scarlet.
I'm sorry. The water elemental. I bought it. The water elemental.
What would you like to do?
Can I try to see if it can help with the fire? Yeah. Yeah. You want him to...
Yeah. I mean, he can... Let's see. Inner house space. Stop there.

Can move with space. Blah, blah, blah.
He's a water elemental. So why don't we do this? Why don't you roll?
That's a great question. Why don't you roll a nature check?
That's not that good. That's plus two. That's a 12.
Yeah, you can roll with advantage. He's a water. Plus a... All I've got to do
is move over this water. He's going to take damage.

That was a 14. All right, that's better. He's going to take a little bit of
damage, but with the 14, he managed to avoid most of it.
Can you do me a... Well, I'll roll it. I'm going to do a 1d6 damage.
He's going to take that much fire damage. Oh, six. Got me.
Alright, other than that, it's all good. The fire is now out,
thanks to Balazs Warlord. Good thinking.

Now, Finn, you're up. Bye-bye, Scarlet.
We'll come back to Finn. Scarlet, go ahead.
How far away is this thing that's shooting fire at us?

So you look around and the one that shot fire to you, he swooped down,
did his fire breath, and then moved 20 feet away from you.
So he's only 20 feet away? Correct. Okay. Can I shoot him with my crossbow? No.

I still get it through a D. You get a D4 once per turn. So pick which one you want to add it to.
A 13? A 13 misses. Okay.
The second one is a 21. That hits.

Six damage. And then one more. That's not going to work. That's only an eight.
Eight is going to miss. So your first two go wide left, right in between its flapping wings.
The second one hits. It does hit down below the fire-breathing head and penetrate
just a little bit. He takes it and kind of shrugs it off.

You see one of his four limbs reach off and snap off the bolt.
And the lion had growled at you. and then as my bonus action i'm just gonna
fire one more time and that's even worse that's are not worse but that's a 12
uh missus yeah okay so once again it's on to you a little bit now,

scarlet i'm sorry finn's not back sigmund go ahead when he gets back we'll let him jump in,
um i'm going to,
run over to Blar and be like, bear back it?

Could I since I didn't do anything in my bonus section could I have held a bonus
section there? I'm assuming it says that.
I'm going to say, okay. I'm going to say get on and I'm going to wild shape into a giant vulture.
Awesome. That's great. I'm going to clamber on to the back of the giant vulture.

And I will,
throw up a spirit guardians as my action.
I'm going to yell back to Scarlet, stay within 30 feet of Finn. And I will.

Bonus action,
bardic inspiration on blar,
how many turns did i miss yeah you missed a couple hold on one second so we're
gonna do a couple things i think i think i can do this i don't know if i can
do this but i'm gonna try I can do it.
You should be able to turn him into one.

Yeah, with the polymorph thing. Yeah. What is it? A giant?
I think I have a I guess I'm an eagle too, but we're going vulture because I have the stats.
Did it do anything it did a lot i don't know if that's what you wanted looks
like a macy on it that's my spirit guardians wild shape we want a wild shape

hey hey yeah yeah all right so
go ahead and move i'm gonna move you right on top of him there you
go see you're right on that giant vulture on the screen there if you guys can
see he's not hard now i just want to yell devar blar i don't know if he can
understand me anymore oh you're wild shaping and right yeah you should be able
to yeah i can understand just fly near them and that's all i'm gonna yell and

that's my turn that's awesome so before eva goes go ahead it's not here.
I continue to steer the ship okay okay do you want to do anything with the ship
i'll let you and the ship get a turn if you want to try and you know what no
i'm going to continue to steer the ship, but then I'm going to look over my

shoulder and see one of those things,
off to the port.
It's the right, I think. I forgot. And I just want to throw an Eldritch Blast over my shoulder.
To the one on the right, right by you. 15? 15 does hit. Nice.
That is a 1d 10.

That's a 7. Alright, it's going to take 7 damage.
Electricity hits them all. His head's kind of but he shakes.
You see the goat shakes his head a little bit.
At that moment Don't you have multiple blasts? He's shaking his head.
No. At that moment, Finn you do catch both Boof and Dingle.

Boof coming out with pot and pan in hand, ready to go.
Dingle coming out and calling out for his captain. Captain! Captain,
is there anything I should do?
Ballistas. Didn't you install ballistas? Ballistas, ballistas, yeah.
Yes, they're up. They don't have the special ammo yet. Sorry about that. I'm working on it.

Do you have any ammo? I got the normal ammo. Yeah, yeah.
I apparently get three Eldritch Blasts per action, according to Chief.
There you go. Do you want to take those, too? And he's going to run and man
the nearest ballista. And that's the one up at the front. Yeah, sure.
He'll fire on your command, which will be a bonus action. Okay.
And you can add a D4 to any of your...

Attack roll? Yeah, just one per turn.
Okay, I'll do it on 12. So it's...
Hold on. Don't forget what the modifier was. Plus 6. So 12.
So I'm going to add the D4. I hope that I get it. 3, so 15.
It does it. 9 damage. And the third one should hit. That is...

17. 11 plus 6. Yep.
Eight damage. And then for a bonus action, I would like to tell whichever one I told to fire.
He's going to fire at this one up at the front. I'll roll that one.
Is a 12. That rolled as the Chimera. I apologize, but that is me.

He is going to miss with the first bolt. Boom.
Sorry, Captain. We only have a limited number of these, and I may have to go
back and pick that one up. Sorry.
Eva, it's your turn now. Great. I'm going to move.
15 feet right here between Luz and Scarlet, and I'm going to lay a hand on both

of them and cast invisibility.
So I can do, let's see, fourth level invisibility gives me plus two on on target.
Or wait, no. I might need to do fifth level then.
Yeah, so I can do myself and those two. Okay, so you guys all go invisible?

Make a perception check for me. Okay. So you turned me invisible?
I did. Is that alright? No, no, that's fine. I was just checking.
Eight. Alright. With an eight, you don't see anything. You just returned invisible
and everything appears to be normal.
I'm going to back up my remaining 10 feet. Okay. Okay.

Everyone's invisible. Where did I go? Hold on.
can you see yourself now? No, but that's okay. I'll back you up.
We'll turn you visible again. There you go. Thanks. Okay.
Alright, let's see. Luce, you're up. I'll turn you visible too. Sorry.

I will shoot a first level guiding bolt at the chimera right in front of me.
Okay. What's the save? It's attack roll. Okay, got it.

19 to hit. That hits. Ouch. Alright, here we go.
What is the... Ah.

14 damage.
Radiant damage.
Yep, he takes his normal, so we see golden light go over him. He takes that damage.
And then I will move 15 feet here.

So I'm invisible, and no. Wait. Let me see. Bonus action. I have,
Where is it? I don't want to be that guy, but I think you stop being invisible
when you attack something. Okay.
It says the creature you touch becomes invisible until the spell ends.

Is it greater or regular invisibility? Because if it's greater invisibility,
I think you can do spells and such while you're invisible.
But regular invisibility, once you do a spell or an action, you become invisible.
I definitely thought that I was doing greater, but I wasn't.
You two should still be invisible.

We're both invisible, and as long as we don't do anything, we're fine.
Do you have greater invisibility? I don't have it prepared, no.
That's why I just texted you. I was like, did you do greater or regular?
That's good to know. So invisibility, as soon as you do a spell,

you're back. I was about to make him roll a spell check. That's even better.
Foundry automatically popped him out of invisibility when it did that I think
I took him out of invisibility but all that said,
loose do you want to change your reactions there no I can't hit him with anything

else really okay alright so no bonus action he attacks against him are at an
advantage correct for the next next round,
Whoever attacks him next has advantage.
All right, it's this guy who just got a shot on him. What's that? Where did it go?

Yeah, it's I don't know where it went. Honestly, I think it got they got deleted
somehow But I can quickly put him back in he was at the very top of the order
and I've got his stats here On pen and paper,
Yeah, I'll put him back sorry about that,
There he is found him.

This pause brought to you by Podbean Where we do all of our podcast hosting
They have an AI now That takes out all these long Pauses and ums Which will
not take that out now that I just did that So there you go Podbean,
He is going to fly and he is going to Use his breath weapon And he's going to try and get,

All of you two, three. He's going to put on the Vulture.
Well, he's really going for Sigmund and he can't see Eva, but he is going for Sigmund and.
The Vulture, the Lar. Yeah, so we'll say he's just going to Contra them.

Eva, give me a Dex or an Acrobatics check.
How close does he get?
He's got a fly i mean that close so he's probably
within here okay so he's gonna
make a wisdom saving throw yeah he's gonna get within your your thing all right
that's a four for me okay you're gonna get hit a little bit aren't you invisible

though i am yeah but he was i mean she's right by sigmund and the vulture so
he yeah so he's he's trying to hit them,
He's not meaning to hit her, but he does. No, he's not meaning to.
Zero nine for wisdom save. Awesome.

So upon entering, he takes 11 radiant damage.
Okay. He'll take that damage. He is, at this point, probably a little bit over
five feet away from the vulture.
If you guys, so you, Balar, sorry, Sigmund and Balar, if you guys would give me deck saving throws.

Eva, you should take one damage for me, Eva. Don't forget your D4, Balar.
That's a 19. I got a 18 plus 3 plus 1 You guys are good You're gonna save You're
gonna take 19 damage 19 damage So I need to do a concentration check,

Constitution. I'm going to say 13.
You're good. You are concentrating. And concentrating hard. Did you say 19? Yep.
Eva, is invisibility concentration? It is. But I took one damage. Yeah.

You did, but you got to roll above a 10 either way. Okay.
Let's see. You got it, Eva. Save.
I rolled a 10 You're good.
You're still invisible and because of that this next breath weapon is not going
to get you because the other, the chimera that just did the breath weapon is

going to fly right back out,
of range He's going to fly about 25 feet out back to where he was The next guy
is going to erode in and he's going to hit.
What's the range on the vulture?
Let's take a look look at mail see beak,
five feet talons just out of range I would say if it was ten he would have them

just out of range the other guy is going to fly in from behind and he's going to use his breath weapon,
he didn't get within five feet of us he didn't have to get within five feet
I see where you're measuring no no I see this one is is going to miss Eva,
but it is he's going to go right at Sigmund and Balar again.

If you guys give me another more saving throws, Dex saving throws for me.
It's a new turn, so we get a d4 again. Might not be enough.
13? Nope. The loadeds are working. 21 with a 4.
So Balar could take 12. Sigmund is going to take 24 and we'll need another saving throw.

They cleared us up a little bit. There you go. Jeff, did you say we still have an emboldening bond?
Yes, as long as you're within 30 feet of somebody else that has it.
How much damage was that, Jay, for me? 12.
Okay. Is that the one where you can take damage for other people? Oof.
If you're within 30 feet of them, yeah. Am I within 30 feet of them? Let me read it out.

It says, When a creature affected by your emboldening bond feature is about
to take damage, a second bonded creature within 30 feet of the first can use
its reaction to teleport to an unoccupied space within five feet of the first
creature. The second creature then takes all the damage instead.
Am I within 30 feet of you?

I do that? Yeah, you want to switch places with her? Yep.
I don't take her spot. I think she just comes to me. So you guys are both now atop a giant vulture.
And I take 24 damage? Is that what you said?
Yeah, and you'll take 24 damage. That's correct.

I'm going to move you over there. Scarlet, no!
You say as she appears right right beside you and takes the brunt of that damage.
Well, I guess she was invisible, right?
She was invisible, yeah. But she's still going to take the damage.
Yeah, I know, but if she passes the concentration check, I won't see what happened.
I'll just be like, oh, I got magic.

Okay, yeah, so go ahead and roll a concentration check. That's a good point.
Me? Yeah. Let's see if you stay invisible.
That's a 21.
You're good. this creature that just popped up.
So I will say, you don't know where Scarlet went, though, is the one thing. You're like, oh my god.

Which, I guess, you didn't know where she went anyway. But you just got safety measures.
This one is going to hold onto the ship. You feel its weight kind of clamp on
and make the rear end of the ship sink a little bit.
He's going to use his claws and kind of climb over towards where Finn is steering

the ship and get on the rear here right next to this ballista.
And that is his turn. He's going to hold there. Alright.
The other Chimera's up. He's going to do a drive-by to the only person he can
now see, the one that just swung at him, loose.
And he's going to do a multi-attack on you.
You'll see all three of his or two of his heads, one, the first dragon,

is going to bite at you. Thank you.
27 hits. That's a crit.
So, yeah.
Do you want me to answer that? No, that's alright. It's just 15 damage.
You can take 15 piercing damage.
The horns now stab at you at the same time. Freaking goat. Is it a 10 hit?

No. And last but not least, one of the lion's claws is going to swipe at you. 25 hit. Yeah.
Take 11 damage for me slashing damage
slashy slash slash so they all
ravage you not in a good way uh as

these three monsters land you stare them down he
is not moving away from you eat it whatever it may be blah you're up giant vulture
i cannot get you to the front of the screen i'll work on that that's fine i'm
gonna shake off these last couple of hits because apparently a giant vulture
does not have very much health.

And this is something I'm missing because that makes no sense ever to do this again.
So I'm going to fly the one that jumped it loose over here.
And I'm going to swoop up in the air and fly down at it. Awesome.
With your companions on your back. All these people hopping a free ride.

That's all they want is a free ride on my vulture body.
Does he need to make a saving throw, Jeff?
Yes, that's the first time it's entered that space, right? So it'll be a wisdom saving throw.
Does it know what does it get for?

Well a nineteen first wisdom sitting through nineteen it succeeds let me save
it Spirit guardians or half as much on a successful save so,

13 halved, so 6.
Doesn't seem to faze it much. Its eyes still remain focused on loose.
Doesn't even notice the vulture coming down as the vulture hit.
I rolled a 21. Yeah, that's going to hit. Hot rolls from Ballard, ladies and gentlemen.

I do get the plus 4. Ah, the 4.
Very good not very good that's uh six damage with the beak okay,
that's a little bit better and that is but i guess i know we discuss this all

the time but it still says what like plus four to hit with the talons so do
i roll again for the multi-attack or is the first one hit no you roll again for Yeah, well,
so it's interesting because I play that we roll again. You have played on your
characters that you just roll once and they all do whatever they need to do.
So I kind of give you that. If that's how you want to play your characters,

that's fine. I'm going to re-roll on mine all the time. I know that's weird,
but that's how we do things.
We'll just do like that. So that's only going to be eight damage.
If you ever play with anyone else, they're probably going to make you roll every
time. I don't want to play with anybody else. There you go.
Uh so how much damage uh what did i say with the first one seven six six.

Then after that, I want to, I'm assuming I'm over, like, not on the ship anymore from this angle.
Yeah, you can be, you can be wherever you want. Yeah. I mean,
so I want to like, kind of slide down beside loose and like hit the ground and
just like kind of put my talons in the ground and slide beside loose to help
him fight this fight. Okay.

Loose a giant. And they're gone. by Scarlet, by Sigmund.
A giant ass vulture and Sigmund have just appeared. You don't know that Scarlet's
there, but they just appeared right beside you.
That's Luce's first turn in My Spirit Guardians?
Yes. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding.
Go ahead and make a saving throw. Finn, you're up. I got my water elemental.

Oh yeah, I'm so sorry. Yeah, I thought it was water elemental.
And he's, the water elemental is going to go fly towards Finn to help him out.
Do you want to do anything? Yes, he is going to attack.
He's gonna attack me he's he uses his normal attacks correct yeah i think with
his hands on the wheel he's gonna he's gonna spritz finn with water to keep

him hydrated as he's flying,
there you guys all right let's see what he's got here does he have any special
abilities or just whatever the water mill has it's just a regular attack it's
like it seems to be like everything they have is like in their passive stuff
that all the craziness that they can do Okay,
Gotcha So and you He's got a special health pool Correct Yes he's got 70 health

Okay So he rolled a 9 On his tackle He's gonna miss,
Are you rolling for him Oh I'm sorry You can roll for him I thought Yeah I mean
I did But you please Go for it I just rolled Because I've got it The pluses here It's plus 7 to hit.
Plus seven yeah for him yeah he gets i mean that's what i've got on my wire

elemental sheet here thank you foundry i just got like a regular just actions
like a multi-attacker oh okay okay
i've got you all right so that's what you've got you do you
unless you've got some craziness that the thing can do this is well so this
is a very different stat sheet so what i've got is the actual the actual yeah
yeah i think his is like an elemental spirit gotcha so not the actual thing

yeah because mine's got 114 hit points and all sorts of crazy stuff so no he yeah he just does a,
let's see makes the number of attacks equal it just does a slam so that is a
16 plus four so that's a dirty 20 yeah 16 does that all right so it's just one d eight 12 damage,

that's still a pretty good hit there 12 damage water sprays over the dragon's
fire you can smoke rises from the dragon's mouth. Not very happy at all.
Now, Finn, it's your turn. Okay.
That thing is really close to me, isn't it? Yes, this thing is really close
to you. And it appears, well, yes, it's really close to you.

It's within, you know, five feet of me and this water elemental,
right? Yes. Sneak attack!
I guess the water elemental will give it, because you saw a water elemental
come up and help you, so we'll give you this one, yeah.
All right, I'm gonna pull out my short swords and go to town.

That is a 22 to hit It's and I will do the sneak attack For d6 on the sneak
attack and 1d6 on the short.
10, 15, 19, 27.

Yo, hello. Lots of fives on that one. Ouch.
Alright, I will slice at him with the other one.
You slice. The goat and the lion head now have blood streaming out of their necks.

Ooh, not as good. 10.
Mrs. You come I might just have an onboarding one,
Yeah, but I don't,
Second let's let's do the math here on this,
Ladies and gentlemen just outside of 30 feet you hate to see it.

Well, Scarlett's on 30 there, right? Oh.
Anyone who has it. Oh, it's anyone who has it. Boy. Yeah.
You guys are overpowered. Yeah, you're good. You get the one you wanted before.
We are overpowered, but we're also very fragile, so don't kill us.
Just wait. All right. So as a bonus action, I would like to yell. It's a blooper dangle.

I never. Dingles on the on the blister. All right. Dangle. He's got a real.
Shoot. I've got to reload. It takes time to reload.
I hold my bonus action until you reload so
yeah one bonus action
to fire one to reload how about this finn is gonna say fire will and that is

my bonus action for the duration of this fight sure you good with that yep if
you want to yeah yeah that's fine that's a okay sure all right scarlet you're up followed by sigmund,
okay um you said that the
chimera is on the deck of the ship now so this
one right in front of you it it's it's like

a lion hanging on its wings are are flapping but it's lion paws i've got its
claws sunk in you could feel or you can't feel but you assume the bottom of
its feet like a cat are clawing into the the side either ready to pounce or
push away at a moment's notice okay Okay, and Balor is on the deck of the ship.
So if I jump off of him, I'm going to be on the deck of the ship. Okay.

So I want to jump off the deck of the ship. Or jump off of Balor.
I want to jump off the ship. I'm not right.
And I want to take my short sword, and I want to swipey swipe at the Chimera
thing. All right, swipey swipe.
Okay. I'm just going to... I'll leave you right there. You know you're off. The first one is a...

26. That hits. 8 damage.
Hold on one second because I'm going to roll a perception check.
Well, that breaks her invisibility, right? Yeah, she's got invisibility,
right? So can you do me a favor? Roll a stealth check with advantage.

He's going to roll a perception check. She's not invisible anymore.
16. Why is she not invisible anymore? because she just attacked yeah but she
was when she attacked right yeah so yeah yeah yeah so,
your first attack my whole point was you're gonna get advantage we know you
hit but if you want to roll again to see if you get a nat 20 oh i'm gonna give

you that as you made this step no it's actually worse than the first one okay
you hate to see it thanks for playing how much how much Which damage was it? Sorry.
Eight damage. Okay.
Second is an 18. Hits.
Eight more damage.

And the third one... 14? I don't think that hits.
A 14 is his armor class. Oh, okay. Good.
Four damage. Four damage.
It's officially bloody. And I am just going to stand in front of it to take

its eyes off of Sigmund and Valar. Okay.
Like the shield that you are, you stand in front of your friends or friend-like people.
Notice she said Sigmund and Valar and not Luz. Sigmund, you're up.
Scarlet, what are you doing?
Um, am I with that? I'm saving your butts.

Am I within five feet of all the people right here? Yeah. Yeah. Okay.
Um, I am going to channel divinity, balm of peace.
I'm not going to run anywhere. I'm just going to stay there.
Um, sorry, I gotta find my little check mark. So I can mark it off.

There it is. Uh, so loose Scarlet and the giant vulture and me.
Fuck. We'll get 10 hit points back.
Wanted it to be better than that. In my bonus action, I'm going to cast.

Sanctuary on the giant vulture.
So any attack against it, they'll have to do a wisdom saving throw in order to attack Alar. Okay.
All right. With that, the healing support class, healing and supporting. Love to see it.
Eva, you're up. Invisible. Can you do me a favor at the start of your turn and

roll another perception check? Sure.
Oh, crap tonight. Doug stole all the good rolls. 12.
With the 12, it's not hard to spot anything above a 10 at that time because he's trying to be seen.

The djinn is circling slowly the starry night, and he seems to be quite enjoying
himself. He's got a big smile.
He's got what looks to be some form of chip in a red and white striped box.
Looks rather fluffy. would be good with some butter on it possibly as if he's

watching a show anyway continue on your turn or do whatever you would do if you saw that great.
I'm just gonna i'm just gonna like narratively she
totally meant to cast greater invisibility and she cast the wrong one and she's
gonna like look through her book really quickly you're like And then she's just

going to cast Ray of Sickness at the one directly behind her that's attacking Finn. Okay.
And that's on me to hit.
That's a 23 to hit. Yeah, that hits.
So it's going to be 58 poison damage.

Oh, that's pretty good. 28. Yowza! 28 damage.
He's hurting. He's upset. You see his wings age almost.
Little greenish-blackish tendrils go through their veins.
It needs to make a constitution saving throw of 17, or it will be poisoned until the end of my next turn.

Okay. Constitution saving saving throw. 17.
Okay, yeah, pass. But it remains unpoisoned.
Bonus action or movement?
Well, no. I'm good. There's nowhere to run.
Luce, you're up. I will.

Attack the guy right in front of me.
With a longsword. Okay.
That is a dirty 20 to hit. Yep.
So I will first attack.

That is nine damage on the long sword,
after your yep or for each level after yeah sorry,
my firefox crashed for a second okay
what's that my firefox crashed for a second I

can't hear anything you just said something crashed my firefox
crashed was that what's recording yeah so
I just missed like a few seconds but nothing really
i use divine smite and that's
an extra 10 damage and then
i am going to use my bonus action of inspiring smite which lets me gain temporary

hit points to me or those that i choose and that is nine temporary hit points and i will take that all.
Yeah he will do you want to move at all uh no I'm good alright it's the one

by Finn's turn the one by Finn has been bloodied and beaten,
he is going to what's that he's a bitch he is,
going to try and grapple you with his claws and with his with his lion's mouth.

I mean, he's trying to, he wants to grab you. He wants to fly off with me.
Where's your baby birds? The other one is going to see that most of everybody
has their back turned to him, and he's going to rush forward and take a multi-attack
on all three of you. That's a wisdom saving throw.

Oh yes he does all right i also missed what happened with the grapple because
my thing crashed again okay we'll take a quick pause in just a second to make sure that's okay,
the wisdom save is 14 uh that's a failure he takes 10 radiant damage okay.

Uh he snarls at that but it's almost that as if a mocking snarl because this
is the first time He's taking any damage at all He is gonna take a multi attack
and he's gonna do his bite.
He took some the first time he flew in my range,
Did he take damage there he takes damage either way, yeah, I think it was half but he took damage,

What much it was like at most seven,
Yeah, all right, so he's taking seven I'm sorry I,
17. Hold on. Retconning. Retconning. Factoring in.
Factoring in. 17. Alright. Sorry about that, everybody. The bite.
There's a 12-hit Scarlet.

No, you hate to see it. Alright. The claws are going to go at Sigmund.
That's a nat 20. Bring it. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. I can't figure it out. Hold on.
Oh, goodness. I can't find it. Oh, never mind. Continue.

18 if you would take 18 slashing damage 18 slashing damage and I need to that's
with it being doubled that's with it being doubled yeah okay that is,
16 plus 2 18 you're good last but not least the horns good attack loose watch out loose 16 hit loose,

yeah it hits 16 does hit we would
take 15 bludgeoning damage all right
let's take a quick two second break before we go to the top of the
order jeff is the firefox okay seems like it i mean it doesn't give me any warning
it just kind of gotcha believe it or not the rules for grapple aren't clear

with a chimera because i'm not sure if they can i think normally it would probably
be just an athletics worth of versus whatever.
I threw in a little bit extra, basically saying that they have to hit you because
I don't think that a cat should be able to grapple you very well.
So I think that there needs to be a bite first to hold you. And then the,
and then the lions paws will come in over around you.

So he's got to hit with the attack first and then he can try and grapple.
If he doesn't hit, he ain't gonna try and grapple. That's how we're playing it. Did he hit?
He did not hit on, on Finn. So he did not try and grapple.
And he's not going to multi-attack when he tries to grapple because that's a
lot of shit. That's where we're at.
We now go to the top of the order. He's got to make a wisdom saving throw.

He's got to make a wisdom saving throw, ladies and gentlemen of the jury. Does he pass?
They find the defendant not guilty. He passes! He rolled a 20.
Okay, so he'll take 13 halved to so 6 radiant.

Your boy's hurting, and hurting bad. So, he is...
He wants to leave, but he's too far in now, and he knows if he leaves, he's done.
You see the fear in his eyes, the anger in his eyes.
Give me... So, Scarlet, Sigmund, Luce, and Balar, give me a perception check.

Ooh. 23. Yes, sir. 11.
21. All right. Balar and Sigma, as you look into the six eyes of this beast,
you see that fear and that urge to run and that survival instinct kick in.

And then you see the whites of
their eyes go black and you see something
else take over you're not sure what it is
but it forces him you feel
his claws dig in deeper you see his body trying to wrench away his claws hang
tough and then he leans in as if he has to and he is going to take a multi-attack

once again there's three of you we're going to start with the vulture that's down on him.
He does have to make a wisdom saving throw. Shit.
I've already declared. I declare 16.
17 is the DC. He can still use an attack. Yeah, he moved to somebody else. Sorry, Scarlet.

Jeff. I got you, my bird brother. Hey!
I don't know that you saved me from the fire. 17 is my armor class.
If it needs it beats, ladies and gentlemen of the jury.
Take 12 piercing damage.
Going down the line, claws are going to rake over Sigmund.

15 is 15 hit. No, I hold up my shield and it scrapes over the shield.
It lets out The line lets out a Terrified and injured Howl Not a roar,
a howl As he knows his time is coming to an end He can't escape,
even if he wanted to The goat,

Dumbass goat Goes and headbutts Luce Doesn't care at all The 24 hit.
Would you like me to answer? I want you to answer from here on out. That's why I asked.
24 does hit me. I want to hear you say it.

Just six bludgeoning damage. You never know. You never know.
You're going to do something crazy, not crazy.
I got to ask. The first time I don't ask, I roll a 24. I'm like,
all right, 24 hits. Someone's going to be like, no, wait, wait.
I've got this, and then Jeff cast that, so no.
Why ask? so I can't keep up with everything.

There you go. That is his turn. Balor, you're up, and then Ben falls closely after that.
Alright, so,
I see what you were talking about, but at this point,
the battle's just taking too long and the intensity of the battle,

we can't stop now, so I feel bad that as an animal creature,
it's got to go, but it's got to go because it's destructing us from what we're
doing. So I'm going to multi-attack it.
And that is a 16 plus 4.
It's damage. All right. Two.

Not much. That's four. That's six damage.
So, that's gonna kill it. With a 4 and 6 damage, your talons,
the vulture, swipe across it, catches the throat of the lion, the main head.
You see the blackness fade out. You see the life fade out.
Its wings stop floating. It lets go of your skyship and gently,

then violently begins to fall to the ground.
Section i'm good
on the bonus section because that one's dead i guess i can just
turn around and look at the other one do you want to move over
there at all it's hard to tell how far away i am because these icons are so
huge like yeah i mean he's he's right there so you're you're probably i mean

10 feet away 5 10 feet away you're you're just out of melee range you could
say you want to move just a little bit these icons are fucking yeah i want to get a melee range Boy,
that was difficult.
All right, Finn, you're up. Water elemental.
Oh, Shnikes, thank you so much.
So the question I have about this is it says.

Plus the spell's levels, but bludgeoning damage.
How much extra damage is that? Is that like anything significant?
Or is it just like the level of the spell?
How do you calculate that? so what level of the spell is it
it's level five so your normal damage
plus five and then i think it gets like
plus four bludgeoning damage or my my slam gets

plus four bludgeoning damage so the level of spell that you cast it plus whatever
extra bludgeoning damage is what is added to the whatever damaged ice you rolled
so it's just four is that all that is it's just a four what what do you have
a four written down as plus four
bludgeoning damage right now no i have no idea I didn't even find that.
Where did you see that to ask that question? If you look on the summon elemental,

and you look at the bottom, and it says hit 1d10 plus 4 plus the spell's level bludgeoning devil.
So it's going to be plus 9 then. So 4 plus the level spell you cast it at,
which is 5. So plus 9 total damage.
Okay, so I missed 9 last time.
That's fine. I'm going to roll to hit. We'll retcon it a little bit, but yeah, that's fine.

13 i don't think it gets anything to it,
13's gonna miss yeah i don't think this gets any hit okay 13 does miss you i
don't know hold on i got a spell attack modifier which is five damn right so
18 will hit all right soon,

oh that's not good it's 8
16 damage okay 16 damage
uh same thing you see its survival instincts kick in you see it want to go see
it want to leave well i mean i lied hold on let's backtrack a little bit because
there's no one really around except for fin fin fin you can fin give me a perception

check just like everyone said to,
muted i i know i clicked the wrong button three times 22 yeah you so you see
the whites of his eyes go black you see this other presence take hold and force it to stay where it is,
i do what my brother would do and i'll pull it under your head and start asking questions,

do you really it's your turn no,
you said that would be fun what a jackass.
Is it still within 5 feet of me and the water elemental? Yep.
All right. Short sores for days.
Oh, maybe not.

Do I still get an emboldening bond? You get a default. If Scarlet's within 30 feet of you.
She is still. Eva, she is or not? Scarlet is. Scarlet is still within 30 feet.
You guys haven't moved since last time yet.
All right. So, I guess I'm going to go ahead and use it.
Nice! 16. It's... Alright.

I'm going to go ahead and use Sneak Attack. That's not a D6, so I'll get rid of that.
Oh, baby. That's good and bad.
Two 6s and three 1s. Is that 15? Plus 3?
18 damage. image your one sword swipes and hits all three throats they fall

back the same thing begins to happen a violent death a calm acceptance a slow
and then fast plunge to the earth below i just watch it on the way down i'm timing it like.
Gravity it seems still working i'm not sure if it's working exactly how it used

to before all All these keystones got closed.
Scarlett, you're up, followed by Sigmund.
I'm done. Oh, I'm so sorry. I apologize. I'm so sorry. Fire a bolt!
Dingle whips around and he says the ballista won't point towards its own ship!

And he lets go. Sounds like a design flaw. He sprints towards the chimera and
he has no weapon in hand because he's not a real violent man.
He's more of a over-the-admin type.
All that said, he is not without courage, and I will give him a D20 roll to
see if he can unarm strike him.

He cannot, unfortunately. He does end up pretty damn close to the tail.
He is terrified. He is screaming at you, I don't know what to do, Captain! Run away.
And you say that as your turn ends. So, Carl, you're up, followed by Sigmund.
Okay, there's just the one right in front of us. Yep. Okay.

I'm going to walk up and I'm going to short sword it three times.
Misses. Well, that rolled off of Kuba. 14.
Hits. 14 is in front of us. 7 points of damage.

And then a 21. Hits. And 6 points of damage.
And as my bonus action, I'd like to pop out my echo just kind of on the other side of it.
Ooh, the echo makes an appearance tonight. Love it.
Your short swords both slam in once, twice into its feet that are on the floor,

cutting it effectively.
Your echo... Just kind of like in the general area, you know.
Right on the edge there. Yeah, it's on.
It's obviously on the ship. Don't mind Find the image for this audio podcast that no one can see.
Movement can you move it uh no like i think i just kind of like walked up to

it maybe like five feet or something just close enough so i could swipe at it sigmund and eva.
Um sigmund is going to that's the only one left right correct yep sigmund's gonna,
stand up on the back of the vulture and say as the moth is drawn to the flames

flicker so art thou drawn to the all-encompassing love that emanates from my
heart and I'm going to cast guiding bolt,
at 6th level,
oh that's really good um that is a dirty 30,

do I need to answer this? 17 plus 9 plus 4 we want to hear it we need to know
just in case you do something we want to hear it Wait, Jeff, can I do the honors?
Does it hit? Does it hit?
Oh, I didn't know if y'all did something.
The only joy I have in this game is asking, does it hit? Because I secretly

know it hits, and I just want to hear you guys say it. And you guys have been
taking that away from me.
Now I'm just going to, anything over what I think hits you, I'm not even going
to tell you. I'm just going to start telling you to take damage.
Yeah, just take that. Just take that.
Just kidding. I'm not going to do that. Also, that didn't hit.
I'm just kidding. um that's 25 radiant damage okay,

Um and as a bonus action what's that
level of holiness and radiance look like coming from Sigmund uh well after as
I said my heart there was this big burst from my heart uh that that shot right

at it and it was golden and glorious and it made Scarlet swoon.
Man, just splooge his love over everyone.
As a bonus action, I can't cast
a spell. Lara, have you already used that Bardic Inspiration I gave you?
I'll take that as a maybe. I will throw Eva a Bardic Inspiration.

That's my turn. in the background of Sigmund's turn, everyone should just be
listening to Love Gun by Kiss.
You pulled the trigger to my love gun.
But I digress. Eva, you're up, followed by Luce.
He is still kicking, still there, still angry.
How does he look? Bloodied? He does not look bloodied. No, he looks pissed.

He looks like somebody just splooshed love all over him, and he didn't like it.
Roll a a perception check and I'll let you know exactly how we look. Okay.
Where my jets have been terrible tonight. 13. 13's good enough.
13, you can still see the djinn circling. It's behind you now.

You hear it whisper, look at its eyes, look at its eyes, look at its eyes as
it rotates as if it's spinning around the starry night.
You look towards the chimera's eyes.
They are black, all black as if something is fully in control of this one.
This one, obviously not bloodied, not as injured does the rest.
Very upset and very determined.

I'm gonna just kind of like glare at the Jyn. I'm not gonna say anything to him as I cast.
I'm gonna cast Blight at 5th level.
It's a con 17. Save.

Alright, he rolled an 8 He failed So he'll take all 98 Boom That is 45,
necrotic damage Ouch, once again black and green flow veins of this beast You
see them in the wings You hear a slight pop behind Eva as the djinn realizes

you're not invisible and he goes invisible, you can never see him,
45 damage, you said. Mm-hmm.
Action or movement? Nope. Okay. He takes that.
He sits on his hind course for a second as if exhausted or aging or anything.

Dying, perhaps. Luce, you're up.
You got it, Luce. Yeah.
I am going to take a longsword to this guy.
Okay. If I'm in melee range. You are.
Yeah, you can move into it. That is a natural 20 Hell yeah I don't know Does it hit Sorry,

That is 9,
11 damage for the first one.

And then I will roll for my second attack.
Your sword gets stuck in the neck of the goat.
You violently rip it out. The other two heads still alive, still black-eyed
and snarling at you. Go ahead and roll.
There's a natural 20. Get the fuck out of here. What?

Do I need to take a picture? You really did, Podstice. I know, right? Yeah.
I'll send it to you guys later. I don't care. Yeah, I believe you. That's five.
Seven damage.

Have in health points let's how do you want to do it for the last kill i just
turn to sigmund and like in a disgusted voice i just where are we going again,
credania you're asking i like turn to him and i'd be like fucking credania and
i i just like plunge my sword into this thing's heart i love it like we could

have like we could have have not done this if we didn't go to Cradania.
Luce, that was awesome! Two more days.
And with that, you are out of combat. If it had not been for Luce's natural
20 on the first day, you would have lost time, but as is, you're still on your timetable of five days.

Two rolls are gone. Three rolls remain.
The day otherwise passes unmarked by anything extraordinary.
Would you like to roleplay after to the battle or would someone like to roll
for the last day or the third day yeah I want to I want to ask because I assume
you're still a giant vulture,

after combat I would have went back to normal,
I can try to talk to you in a vulture form you want me to I was just gonna see
hey if you want to fly around make sure there's something else around.
And I want to turn to Scarlet,

and offer her my hand like hey do you trust me I'm not a fucking magic carpet but I'm gonna do it,
I guess so I'm gonna take my giant wing and pull Scarlet towards Sigmund Shining, shimmering, splendid.

Friends are you asking me to get on the back of the vulture and take a yeah
let's just take a scout around make sure there's nothing else going on and i
think it could be it could be fun a whole new world okay don't you dare close your eyes,
Hold your breath and get better No one to tell us no Or where to go Are they both on my back?

I think Disney's gonna send us a season two.
This song is 100% about sex Yeah, I mean, come on But I digress Scarlett,
I'm sorry, we stole that from you Did you hop on the magic carpet ride with Sigmund?
Yeah They both are on your back I go straight down As fast as I fucking can,

And I'm just like, hold on This is for Sigmund right here, so I'm going straight
Down as fast as I can, what do you do?
What do I do? What do you or Sigmund do?
I'm trying to play like Wingman We're hanging on, baby Maybe we're hanging on
and the whole time we're plummeting. I'm like, oh, I can tell you the world.

And whoosh, I go straight back up. Oh, my gosh.
You fly directly straight past the the starry night, the skyship that you're on past the clouds.
And you are officially close enough to see the west coast of air alone,
still and silent. Nothing but the blue horizon.

Isn't it beautiful? laugh never been this far before.
This will be a little more romantic. Romantic? I didn't know that when he wildshaped, he got fleas.

Mike just said he smelled like shit. I'm going to telepathically to Blar be
like, hey, this is a little crazy. Let's go ahead and get back to the ship.
But the real question is, do we see anything while we're out there?
Yeah, do we see anything? Roll a perception check.
I lied. I'm sorry. If you're looking at the horizon, roll an investigation check.

10. 24.
Scarlet, whether it's thoughts of Sigmund or thoughts of this giant carrion
bird you're flying, you are a little bit distracted, perhaps by the little man
holding your waist as you've flown up and down.
Sigmund, And I'm not sure what
you're concentrating on, but it must be the horizon. A couple of things.

The clouds part briefly and you see major cities.
You see Triforged. You see rivers flowing through it.
You see smoke filling out of the Triforged as their machines begin to pump out what you don't know.
Don't know you see a great band

of what looked to be ants from
your view but you can only assume must be ships in the
azure sea the sea to the west of
aranore you see them grouped up as if
planning something you see the apoth refuge
shining brightly like the jewel that it is
is the center of opulence in

the realm and that's what
you see as you begin to fall back down towards the story night well hold on
can i i guess oh yeah you can roll too i'm on it you're up there too shit you're
the bird and i have like advantage on anything that involves psych because apparently
i have really good eyes okay so you're going to rule an investigation with advantage. That's an 18.

That's an 8. I don't even know what the mark is. You would get the same thing
that Sigmund does, yes. As you guys head back down.
Does Valar turn back into Valar? Yeah, when we get back I kind of transform out I land gently,
When you turn back I'm just going to say, man, I didn't expect it to be so rough

when I rode you bareback like that Usually some form of some form of,
comforting device towards my back would make it a little bit better.
Yeah, some protection Yeah, that would be good Some leather leather would be
nice I love leather as you can see,
some sort of harness or something but again I think that was quite beneficial

having you on my back whether it was a protection or not it was very thrilling,
I'm glad you enjoyed it I'm glad that I came,
oh my gosh what is your problem,
I'm just glad it was with me oh well
thank you for checking out our Instagram if you've listened this far

all right let's just
wait for rated r to i love it listen if you're
if you're wondering what to expect this is all context y'all are taking it out
of context that's on y'all yeah come on if you're if you're reading more into
that you have a dirty mind not us right you guys are fucking gross nasty but
we digress the the day does come close we have three more more days.

Someone else give me another roll. Let's end this travel this session. I got it.
Oh, wait. Are we doing D10 or D20? D10. This, at this point,
we've done combat. It's just to see if you lose a day or not.
Okay. Hold on a second. Go ahead. Well, don't lose any days,
Juliet. The weather, baby. Scarlet. Excuse me? My name is not...

Three end up and you're good, officially. There's only one or two.
Why didn't you roll a... Hold on.
Three. You're good.
Barely. The weather is stormy, nasty, and but with the speed enhancements that,
Diggle and Finn have provided for the ship, you guys are okay. You make normal time.

And the day is okay. Would anyone like to do any roleplaying for this day?
We have two more days of roleplaying.
We can do them all on the last day if you want to get some last-minute roleplaying in.
But if you want to do multiple things, go ahead. But knowing that I'm under
30 days now, you are officially at 27 days now.
I would like to pray to the lover and be like, show me how to get rid of this

curse. And I want to divine intervention.
So 19, that's not going to do it. What you will get, though,
you will get as you pray and ask for guidance, a strained voice on the winds
that no one else would have heard.
And it says as if locked away or muffled somehow.

That's it. I'm going to say that doesn't help anything. Can I retroactively
since day 30 divine intervention every day and see if it works? Sure.
Okay, so we'll just do days 28, 29, 28, 38. That's not going to work.
Not a 16. Also not going to work. It's close, though.

Oh, boy. It's very close. I don't know if I've answered that question.
We're going to find out. All right.
Day 27 is here. Somebody, oh, the roll was good. We have two more rolls now.
Finn, I think you said you were going to roll. Go.
Ladies and gentlemen? I rolled a six. The day passes by for a normal day.

At this point, you, Finn, the one thing you would notice is you,
whether it was yesterday or today, at some point, because the days all run together
for you, as we all know, whether it's Rome or time of day or what have you,
you pass the Triforge and your thoughts probably turn a little bit to Clara,
who is there trying to negotiate some sort of benefit for the Valdar.

Pull something, stand out of my pocket. Okay.
We are still en route to Cordonia, passing over the Triforge,
just wondering if maybe you need us to go somewhere else.
And semi-expectingly, she answers very quickly, amassing forces for salt on Corinth.

There's a long pause.
Have not gotten an update from Clara. And you can hear like a slight worry,
but not like a panic yet, because this is probably not the first time it's happened.
But assume she's fine.
Continue with your mission. Alright, I don't tell anybody. Just keep flying the ship. Okay.

Day, what is that, day nine? Day nine, I should get one more travel day,
and then we're gonna get there. So day eight and a half-ish.
Go ahead and give me a roll Sigmund lover please please tell me how to break this curse nope.
You want me to roll the travel day too sure your
last travel day nine nine is

great the sun parts you are now practically to
credania you see the west coast the northern part which you guys are traveling
to let me get you guys there the northern part which you guys are traveling
to zoom in and head over that credania you see off in the distance the hills of the the Apoth Refuge,

you see a river winding down below you a little bit to your left.
You see lush farmlands directly below you.
You see hills and forests to the north and a giant ice wall separating the rest
of the world of Aranor from the Winter Court.

It's the closest you guys have been to the ice wall at this point,
but you can see it off in the vast distance, the top of it, and hills and mountains
kind of extending on that range. Nothing quite as expansive as the pyre or the spine, but very high.
You make your way to Credania.
It's midday. You're not quite there yet. Do you guys want to spend some time

to talk about your plan for Credania?
Sure. I'll go get Scarlet while Finn's preparing everything.
Are you up on the deck before you do that? Sure.
Taking this diversion. Well, I think I think Luce is a little cold on it.

But I think as long as we can disable this, I mean, yeah, I think everything's good.
Valar and Eva and Scarlet seem to understand.
Luce a problem with this or just to just disagree. No, I think he's just real into the mission.

Real laser focused. Lewis is a good guy. Do I need to talk to him?
Might not hurt. I do want to let you know, I did tell him this was my idea to
try and take a little heat off of you.
But yeah, if you want to try and talk to him. Things have changed. I love the heat.

Oh, I hate the heat. I would rather be cold than hot.
Okay. Go get your girl. Alright, I'm gonna go get Scarlet.
Hey, Scarlet? Uh, yeah?

Can I come in? Yeah. I'll open the door and close it behind me.
But hey, I think we're going to be landing in Cordania soon.
Yeah, back to the old grindstone, you know?
Unfortunately, can't have downtime forever, I guess. What have you been doing?

Oh, you know, just reading.
Reading books.
You're backing down all the smut, huh?
Gotta have an outlet somehow Shit, I forgot about that I forgot what you keep scrolling I mean,

yeah, there's multiple ways You can have an outlet You know what I'm saying?
Yeah Yeah.
That pause brought to you by Valar once again. Chat, we will release it at some point.
Our Patreon is officially going to have our chat. I'm going to copy and paste it there.

If you're listening to this, I'm going to create a Patreon and want them down
and dirty. That's where it's going to be.
Sure. I have page verification on it.
I used the right words.
Can't do nothing with that it's legal.

We're like, you know, I don't know if we've ever been this far away from the port, huh?
Nope, furthest I've ever been is Tenos. Yeah, me too, me too.
That was about as far as I ever thought I would get away. Well,
look at us now, am I right?
What would your dad say if he could see us now?

I can check in on him. Do you want me to check in on him, make sure he's okay?
Yeah, you go for that. I know he does not like you at all.
So you want me to, or? If you want to talk to him, that's your call.
I mean, I don't want to talk to him, but if you want me to talk to him,
you know, that's a sacrifice that I'm willing to make.

He made it very clear that he did not want to talk to me the last time we saw him.
You don't think there's any chance he's going to bang mine and Finn's mom, do you?
I don't think so. not really his type okay okay good i just i already have enough
daddy issues as it is i can't take stepdad issues,

that your father-in-law could have been your ex-father your ex-father oh my god imagine oh my god.
That would just be really really hard to deal with yeah that would be um is

there anything you wanted or needed from me before uh,
you know we go risk our lives again for something I don't don't think so Sigmund,
okay well I think we're in enemy territory this time around,
so let's be careful when we're down there, okay?

I'm always careful.
Okay. Well, I got your back, okay? I think it's more like I have your back because
of taking damage for you and trying to keep you from taking damage.
When did you take damage for me?
We had our last battle with the Chimera. I didn't see you do that.

I was invisible Eva had turned me invisible oh I'm sorry I didn't see you do that yeah.
That Eva always playing tricks on us well I think she was just trying to,
lessen the the amount of people taking damage at the time but I saw you were

in big trouble and I used the emboldening bomb to take that damage for you I
was never in trouble I had it Thank you.
It i did have it speaking of eva though like i started like asking her questions
and then she got like real defensive and like she started like turning questions

back around on me like normally,
patients don't turn the questions back around on the,
therapist so it kind of threw me off a real therapist um i am licensed in tenos,
You were not in Tennis That is where my shop was I haven't been in tennis in
a while I know it's been a while but.

Anyway I just I think she's got like good intentions But Just keep an eye on
that one Why would I have to keep an eye on Eve I mean Eve are a pal Okay well,
Maybe you can like say Some nice things about me to her so she can,
like, not be so mean to me. She's real mean to me.

You don't like it when people are mean to you? I don't like it when people are
mean to me. I'm not mean to anybody else.
You have been.
When? You've been mean to Luce slash Ivan, whoever he is right now. I have not lately.
You were, too. You hated it so bad when Ivan was flirting with me.

I could totally tell. It didn't bother I wasn't No, it was fine Oh,
so there was no hint of jealousy there?
Jealousy? No I was just worried about you, because he seemed like a creep.

Oh And all the people that we've come in contact with recently,
he's the one that's a creep?
Ivan? Yeah, yeah, Ivan was Thank you very much.
Okay he did murder somebody but i think lucius worse than ivan no that's crazy talk,

neither of them are our brother thad but he was the most suspicious person ever
well listen i scribed on brother thad the other day and he was in the apoth
refuge so like maybe when we leave here,
we could try and go meet up with Brother Thad.
I think that he doesn't want to be with us anymore. That's why he left.

Well, I don't know what you guys did to run him off.
I think I haven't done anything to any of these people.
I feel like I'm the calmest people here. I'm gonna cast sending.
And I'm gonna say, Brother Thad, why did you leave us? Did somebody run you off?
I was very nice to you. What's somebody mean?

Who is this?
I never get run off. I just run off.
And that's all you get. He was very vague about his response.
But I think y'all must have done something to him. You slapped him in the face that one time.

And then like two days later, he ran away. I don't think that was him Was that Brother Thad?
Well I mean he was like Making fun of my Like family No he brought up some very
That was actually like the first time I ever saw Brother Thad be serious about anything Um.

Tension is from high. Stress at home is a very real thing.
That's true. My dad's not the easiest person to be around. No, that's very true also.
It's like I don't have a family anymore. He pretty much disowned me the last time I saw him.
I don't have a family anymore. We're your family.

We're not married anymore. No, I mean the group, the crew, the mom.
I yell down the stairway and I yell at Sigmund.
And I say, get the F up here.
Oh, sorry. Somebody's calling for me. These people really care that much for me except for maybe Eva.

They care. I care.
You have a funny way of showing it.
What does that mean? I yell again as he's stalling.
You've been mean to me recently. like these people would never believe that
we were even together the way you treat me sometimes I've not been mean to you,

what's the last time I was mean to you,
I don't know it's been a while but there's no way these people believe that
we were ever together I head downstairs and I grab him.
Scarlett you just see some random arms reach out of your your doorway and pull

segment to the side and you're now looking at an empty doorway.
Hey, hey, Luce. I go, we're within city limits.
The clock starts now.
Understood, buddy. You want like a calm emotions or something?

And I go back upstairs. stairs.
I'm assuming Finn and Balor and Eva are up there. Unless you guys want to be
somewhere else. You tell me. What are you guys doing?
While this conversation is going on, do you guys do anything?
If not, we'll go right back. I can hear him yelling down the stairs.

Yeah, he was yelling, right? Yeah. Can I,
roll stealth to follow him down the stairs and hear what he said?
Let Doug answer that too. Yeah.
So you're going to try and follow him essentially. Yeah, sneakily like where he doesn't see me. Okay.

Yeah, I mean it's going to be a stealth versus a perception. All right.
A natural 20. Oh my god. I still plus 11. Yeah.
I did not get it. You got it. 28. 28.

You did catch I would say you probably didn't catch the conversation between
Scarlet and Sigrun, but you caught the exchange between Luz and Sigrun.
Yeah, I mean from a role playing standpoint, point uh finn
hears him yelling the clock starts

now down the stairs and follows him down
the stairs sneakily because he's he heard what you know sigmund said and now
he's heard him say the clock starts now and i'll sneak back up the stairs and
wait for him at the top okay before we head back up the top i scrawled in sigmund
you guys want to finish off that scene to love i'm just just going to say,

listen, I've never stopped loving you, okay?
I may not show it in the way that you expect, but do you want to pray with me real quick?
Pray with you? Yeah, do you want to pray with me?
What? Why are we praying? Just praying to the lover to watch over us and protect us. And...

Look out for us. If you really want me to.
I think it could be a nice little bonding moment for us.
Okay. Hold my hands out. I'm bowing my head. Your hands.
I'm going to kind of peek out of my eye and make sure she's bowing her head.

May the eternal embrace of our souls,
be a beacon of hope and comfort the
flame that burns through the
ages blessed be the love that
binds us for in that love shall
we trust our truest purpose and our ultimate destiny amen doesn't that feel

better sure you hear boof go in the kitchen amen you can obviously hear everything that's been said,
scarlet has like definitely got like comfy clothes on and she's got like a big
heavy like like loose shirt that like you know it's winter yeah what type of shirt was it,

l-u-c-e shirt,
loose as in loose has got his own clothing brand you know you could seductively
see a shoulder if you wanted to but she obviously is not showing her shoulder
right now I've got a 19 pass she's spiked up everything she's like alright this

is going a different route,
when you came in it probably was off my shoulder,
but I quickly fixed it.
Alright After that nice prayer I don't want to say goodbyes for you guys But
you have been called up to the Deck, it is 1058 I want to just give everyone

else a chance To finish out the night and possibly prepare For Credania,
What do you guys do as the Remainder of the crew waits on board You guys come up,
Everyone is up there at this point Dingle oof,
Boblin, and you guys. Gridania hovers beneath you. Or directly in front of you,

I should say. Give you time if you want to go down.
Play it off. As Luce gets to the top of the stairs, I'd like to grab the side
of his jacket and kind of pull him around.
Interesting comment clocks what clocks started we have 24 hours to get done

in Crudania because we're needed in Corinth or what,
who do you take orders from,
the Valdar Well I just talked to the Valdar this morning When was the last time

you spoke to them I gave you the sending stone,
So if you're withholding information That's even worse I agree we should work quickly,
But if you think that you're going to do something To this ship Or with this

crew you'll find that the resistance is more than adequate,
my orders come directly from Anna she told me to continue on my mission would
you like to take this up with her.
Give me the stone the stone's been has the stone been used today no the stone

was used yesterday when you passed over 542 I hand him the stone. Okay.
So I'll say Lady Anna, this is loose.
Is this diversion from Corinth sanctioned?

Hints of concern in her voice in the verse. Loose.
We fear for you. We haven't heard from you in a while. The crew makes its own choices.
We guide them.

Hold on, I've got three more. Hold on.
Up to you. And that's all she wrote. I'll write it again.
I'll just reply to him,
For the good of the Valdar.

You're not going to get anything else.
That's to Finn. Finn.
For the good of the Valdar, that's where we're going to end it for tonight, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you so much for listening. Once again, go check out our Instagram,
adanddwirelessadventure. That's got a link for you on there.
We appreciate you guys so much. We'll catch you next time.
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