All Episodes

February 28, 2024 121 mins

The party can't agree on which path to take.  A split party evolves into a stealth kidnapping and a plunge into the Lover's domain.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Of time. Let's make this breathe. Not to let him get a jalapeno face like that.
I couldn't have already said it better. Tender now than ever.
That cheese isn't yours.
Nacho cheese! In case of emergency.
How much more can he monster up? For real though, can we please move past the

cheese jigs? Yeah, I'm gonna up with these cheese jigs.
I need to go get a cheese jig after that.
You had to have been holding that one in your pocket. Like, can we,
like, stop it? You're waiting for somebody to be like, that's enough.
Oh, man, that's so freaking good. I don't know why you didn't like my cheese
tower, Doug. I've got to be honest, that hurts a little bit.

I didn't say I liked it. I thought somebody was trash-talking us,
and then, you know, this man has created a whole city around a tower of cheese.
Well, you know, the whole city's, yeah, the cheese is just...
Some might call it the Leaning Tower of Cheesa.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to another episode of AD&D Wireless Adventure is Calling.

We have been AFK for some time as it was Valentine's Day and I don't know,
real life shit happened, I guess.
Speaking of real life shit, we would like to say congratulations to our very
own Caroline who had her baby successfully and safely.
I don't even know what she had. Is she a boy or a girl? I didn't even know.

Boy boy congratulations caroline we love you we miss you and glad everybody is doing okay.
So she will be out you're not gonna congratulate mike also well i already we
already congratulated mike no congratulations our first time since congratulations
me is this the first time since you i thought you were on well man that is no

yep was that the real life shit he had it the day Day after our episode. I'm an asshole.
Not his wife. He had the baby. He had the baby. I had it. I had it.
Mike, I know it was real hard for you. Congratulations. Little Parker,
your second little girl.
I know you're working hard. I really wish I recorded all the stuff that I was

saying in there as they were cutting on her.
And I was just in there talking the most mad as shit ever. And she was so mad.
I was like, it's not that bad. Like, look at me. I'm doing okay. I don't like I'm fine.
And that's a loving relationship. Ladies and gentlemen, that's how you get through childbirth.
And I guess we'll screw it. Congratulations, Doug, from a long ass time ago.

So I don't know anybody else pregnant and having a kid or want to be congratulating on something.
Chris had a kid. Chris, that was months ago. Chris, congratulations, Ugluck.
No, you know what? No congratulations. When you get here, then we'll congratulate you.
Melissa had a kid nine years and 11 months ago. Melissa, congratulations.

I thought everybody was doing good, doing well, happy and healthy.
The crazy thing is Melissa is only 28 years old.
I don't know. I'm not going to say anything about that. I just had a birthday last week.
I'm 36. She's halfway to 70.

Teen pregnancy. Real issue in America, guys. Oh, boy.
All right. Let's play some D&D. All right.
We will have Caroline and... I'm sorry. We'll call everybody by their names now.
We will have Eva and Ugluck out for the evening.
Everyone else, let's go ahead and introduce ourselves. I, as always, am Jeff.

They call me Jay. I will be your DM for the evening.
Going alphabetical around this virtual tabletop, we have Doug playing loose. Still loose.
Jeff playing the segment. Melissa playing Scarlet. Mike playing Blore.
And silent, but deadly. and Zarin

playing bring it up
all right and where we last left off the
our companions our adventurers our friends are people
who hate each other whatever they are at this exact moment they
reach Cradania and found themselves
in the middle of the world famous cheese festival at

Cradania where the libations were flowing the
cheese was flowing pretty much everywhere wine
was flowing and bread was being had by
everyone and it was a merry old time they managed to find what was left of the
temple of the lover the the main temple of the lover if you will and were shown

down by the pretty much the only priest still there to their hall of records where,
they found some of sigmund's father's old diaries they have not read them yet They also ran into a...
It can only be described as a gift shop at the temple where they were selling

all sorts of merchandise.
One of the best ones, I think, which I hate. It didn't make it into the title,
but I guess it was all about cheese. GTL, Jim Tan Lover.
And after that, Finn kept getting an itch on his hand, the mark the wanderer gave him.
And it led him to a giant cheese

tower to the north of the city where he entered
in the competition to climb the tower he scrambled up
two-thirds of it before he faltered and began to fell fortunately his ever faithful
faithful ever loyal ever loving brother saved him cast was it levitation on
him i believe and feather fall thank you and saved him he was able to regain his His footing,

he clambered up to the top and found that there was a lever,
a button, or something to push there.
He triggered it, heard some rumblings in the background towards the coast,
the west coast there, and everyone celebrated him.
I guess the other things I should mention were information you found out about Credania.

It's got a merchant quarter, the guild quarter, the living quarter, and the royal quarter.
Excuse me. and you found out that there is a prince and princess the princess is the daughter of.
Where are my notes so sorry the daughter
of the baker help me yeah but what was her name i'm sorry the daughter of who

yeah the bread lady victoria sponge victoria that was her let's see and i think
That's pretty much all you found out.
What we didn't decide at the very tail end was what you guys were doing next.
And I'm going to paint a little picture and then you guys can decide whether
you want to do a long rest or whatever you want to do.

But picture is, is this Aaron, you have just clambered down the,
the cheese, the cheese tower, the leaning tower of cheese. and everyone basically freaked out.
It's one of the first times, really the first time anyone has ever done that.
The prince gives you a standing ovation. The princess kind of eyes you curiously and then she too stands.

The rest of the crowd stands and it was crazy.
Twilight, it was one of those magical moments where you were atop the cheese tower.
You pushed it and you saw the sun go over the first peak of the spine and Twilight
is now falling on the West Coast and everyone is ordering drinks And you see
people begin to slowly walk back to the city.
The sounds from the city have changed just a little bit as nightlife has come.

You see lamps being, lanterns being lit throughout the city underneath you at this point.
And you have heard, as you push that button, rumblings and...
Kind of a crashing in the distance over by the coast, I'll say.
Your hand will probably be the best to guide you, but it has garnered some attention.
You hear some screams in the distance, but then everything kind of picks back

up. More music is played, and the town seems to go on without a care.
Your hand continues to pull you kind of towards the west, the coast there,
but that's kind of where you're at.
You see, I guess the only other thing you see is as the light kind of begins
to dim around you and evening falls, people one by one around you begin to put on masks.

And they're goofy masks, they're masquerade masks, they're colorful,
they have feathers, they're, you know, purple, yellow, green.
There's all sorts of, it's not like a scary mask.
They're all sorts of, not scary, not clown, but just ridiculousness going around.
People are kind of walking out in different outfits as you move down the trail back towards the city.

And that's what you guys see. What do you guys do?
When he was pressed, what was the closest we were to the prince and the princess?
So they were up in the stands. So you wouldn't have been, I mean,
I would say 75 feet would maybe be the closest you could get without needing
something serious like a perception check or having them roll a check.

So how close are you trying to get?
Totally winked at the princess when she started to clap covered in cheese I
would say after Finn grabbed back onto the tower and started climbing I wanted
to try to get within 60 feet of the prince.
Somebody's gotta roll something hold on one second okay the

prince pays you no mind he is
full on clapping and cheering the victorious
cheese climber you see him take a
bite of bread and cheese and sip some more wine his eyes
kind of glaze just a little bit oh i think that was the other thing that happened
i'm so sorry didn't scarlet and and eva get a little they passed the check after

we passed our text but but you guys were separated from the group though right
and you did figure out that something wonky was going on with the But before,
I feel like before Finn climbed the cheese tower, didn't Sigmund message me and ask us to meet him?
Yeah, y'all met back up, but y'all, you do know, I think something was funky
going on. Yeah, Funkin was with the bread, yeah. That's right.

What a, what a, what a statement. In a land of cheese, the bread is funky.
The cheese is great. The bread is stanky. the princess mid-clap kind of eyeballs
you she turns and she is not shy about looking at you and kind of curiously
about what you're doing do you point like that,

and she'll point and she'll go you can i try to be like stealthy or something
yeah if you want to roll a stealth check yeah.
You're all really good 14 you're all
18 he's gonna pick you up she'll notice
you i want to turn turn back towards the tower but
i want to telepathically say something to the king to the prince okay not so

not to her i don't know if i caught her looking at me or not but to him i just
want to be like the lover is angry with what you're doing,
the lover is coming for you the lover what are you what are you trying to do
are you trying to freak him out are you trying to yeah i mean he's charging

an absurd amount from the church i just I just want him to rethink that. Yeah. Yeah.
Roll a D20 for me. Let's see if it gets through.
Just a flat D20. Flat D20. A 10.
10. It doesn't. You see him. There's no reaction.
Like he didn't hear it. Like, yeah, you can't tell. I mean, it doesn't look

like he heard it. You don't see his face change.
He doesn't react as if he just heard something in his head and he's freaked out by it.
All right, I'll go back to the group.
All right. The prince and princess. If you guys are kind of hanging around there,
the prince and princess, you'll watch them.
And they're kind of entourage. They have a large group with them.

Jesters, courtiers and lords and ladies. And they will don black cloaks that
they've kind of pulled in there.
They'll tighten them and they will pull purple, purple masks with like a long
nose and then green little ears pinned back that are flowing back.
And are they the same black cloaks that we've encountered in the past i rolled perception check,

21 okay the prince and
princess their cloaks are not the same you do see that the lords and ladies
a lot of them have the same black cloaks a little bit of different shade the
prince and princess it's more of it like the dark dark dark dark dark purple
right and almost black yeah shade but but there are courtiers there.

I want to catch Pilar's eye and be like, Kingsman.
Pilar's going to turn around as he has like his little souvenirs in his hand
with his Jim Tan lover shirt on. No, I made you return that shit.
Oh, did you? I don't still have it. He snuck, he snuck in and bought it after you left.

Oh, well, that's no fun. It's just like pretending I was like at Disney where I'm just like, what?
Okay so anyway so i don't have my cool apparel on so i mean you could have sneakily
bought another one for all i know i wouldn't have that's too much effort but
sorry are you pointing at them are you just kind of like telling me yeah i'm

like oh yeah i want to know trying to be subtle,
yes obviously with a 10 i'm not too subtle he thinks you think i see them are those black looks,
Haven't seen those in a while And look out what are what do you think they're here for?

World domination.
In the brain who are the black clothes I thought you walked back to the ship.
They're like the Kingsguard. Yeah. Kingsguard. Yeah, we ran into them a lot in Corinth.

Would they be here if the king's here?
Well, I mean, I guess I did ask the lover if the king would be in Corinth and
she said no. So I guess it is possible that the king is here.
If we could get some more safe, I could ask the lover. I have a question for Jay, though.

It's more about the world. So, are the Prince and Princess, like,
part of, like, under Thandral?
Or is this just Prince and Princess of Credania? Yeah, it's a...
I'm trying to think of the best way to put it. It's like a given title, right?
They're just Prince and Princess of Credania, yeah.

Yeah, they're not related to Andalusia. Okay.
Good question. All right,
Aaron, Finn, I know you can hear me.
What are you guys doing? The festival's going. Everyone is kind of leaving at

this point and heading back down to the city.
You guys following? Finn, your hand is still kind of itching just a little bit.
Leading you that way uh you guys are officially
getting some what's that itching like jack sparrow's
compass itching a little bit like jack sparrow's compass yep okay yeah uh it
takes it takes a little while to figure out which way it wants you to go yep
i i just want to turn to the group and be like these masks what a novel idea

it's like you could be somebody else for for a a time being.
Who would have ever thought that?
Who ever would have thought that? That's really weird coming from you, Luce.
Someone right beside you is walking by. I think I should get one.
Yeah, you guys now notice that you guys are getting some strange looks because
the lights have gone down and you realize like everyone else pretty much has

masks and you guys are the ones walking around and you now stand up pretty well.
Someone's like, yeah, you guys should go see you guys should go see Marty.
Party what's that i want to find the drunkest person like i could find and try
to steal their mask roll a perception check.
Oh god damn it oh wait perception might be good actually nope you also have

a bardic inspiration i gave you last time what is that d what d6,
oh thank god so i rolled a 7 on the d20 plus 1 that's 8 plus 6,
is 14 14 is good enough for you smell rum pretty close by,

and and it leads you straight to finn who has got a bunch of rum there and you
immediately you're like you don't have a mask get out of here and you you are
able to eyeball a large group of people who aren't necessarily schwaisty,
like blackout, falling down out of it, but the whole group is pretty inebriated,

and there's a wide range of masks for you to choose from,
for people to try, at least.
Only a coward wears a mask.
But it is quite freaky.

Looks like it could be helpful, though.
Were you going to try and steal one, Doug? Yeah, sorry. My daughter wanted to
wish me a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Nice.
We're recording on February 21st. Merry Christmas, everybody.
Happy New Year. We hope it's good to you all.
And on that note, you were able to catch a group of drunken people if you would

like to try Yeah, so I can dive to roll something to try to steal a mask slide a hand no Walton,
Guidance or stealth if you'd like There's a number way of guidance No, I they're really drunk,

um no they're not like falling down drunk but they're in a group and they're
all over the place i'd rather do like intimidate them so that i could like okay
get a mask go ahead what are you gonna what are you gonna do to try to intimidate them guidance,
what is that plus a d4.

I'll give you an advantage if you want to act it out a little bit no um well
I could what is that nine plus six is 15 plus three is 18 yeah you're good so
I just go up to them and I want to like just grab them and be like this is urgent,

Oh, crap. What is it?
This is urgent business of the Valdar. I'm taking this. And then I just throw one away.
Can I get multiple for the group? Is it a group? Can I get them all?
There's multiple. You rolled an 18.
With an 18, you're going to be able to get three masks. Can I assist him?

Yeah, if you want to try and help, sure. I want to cast Thaumaturgy to create
whispers that kind of echo everything that he says.
So they're like extra freaked out about it. All right. You guys,
at that point, that's cool. And you can grab the mask. Yeah.
And I want to turn into a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

And the whole campaign is going crazy! Why are we wearing masks, by the way?
Everybody else is wearing masks. We got to peer pressure.
Blend in. And Eva Eva might get lost. Who knows?
Oh, where is Eva, by the way? I don't know. I gave her the mask already.
Eva! I'm right here! Yeah, you lose, lose, give her the mask,

and then Sigmund goes, yeah, where is Eva?
And turns around and she is no longer there. As soon as she put the mask on, poops, she's gone.
But I'll start handing them out and being like, we don't want to draw unnecessary attention.
Yep. Alright, I think it would be, and you
guys can tell me if you don't care at all but do you want to describe your

mask because i was planning on you guys getting to put put your own mask on
if not they're all cookie weird colored mask my mask looks like tony the tiger
okay not sure why but cool i love it anyone else like a,
court jester mask okay because everybody else in this group thinks i'm a clown but me,

I know someone else who had one similar to that.
Yeah, it's got bells on it. Yeah, you look a little Brother Thad-ish.
Are they supposed to be silly masks? There's a good mix.
You have some people who are wearing rather sexy masks.

You have some people who have gone the opposite route and are wearing what are
supposed to be multicolored, ugly-looking masks, for lack of a better term.
And then you've got the regular, think Mardi Gras, the large ones over the eyes
with the feathers and stuff like that. That's kind of what you're going for.

Jeff watched Eyes Wide Shut recently. Just think of that. Don't think of that.
I did not watch that recently. Okay, I'm sorry. Are you holding a wrench? I am.
Why? A pocket wrench.
I'm just kidding. It was down here. It was on the table. I just...

I just have of a like the masquerade
like just this type of mask nice plenty
of people with that I want to
I want to go to Balar can I pull him aside away from everybody Balar what mask
you wearing well as he's pulling me as he's pulling me I wanted to do a bit
about like you think pocket bacon was great get ready to meet pocket wrench

that's right so as he's pulling me aside I'm putting mine on and it's like,
It's like a worgen from like, wow, it's just like a werewolf mask.
And I just turn around quickly and look at him. I don't know if he's scared of it or not.
Hey, so like, listen, I know that I normally play it cool and I'm usually like

this very even-keeled demeanor.
But like, I'm really angry about this whole...
The church has to pay 10,000 gold a month to the prince deal.
Can I count on you to help me rectify this situation?

Fix my mask to where I can actually talk and say anyone who uses a God to make
money off of does not deserve to be a worshiper or say their name.
If you need the help, I will give you the help.
Just say when you're ready. I've always believed in you, my friend.

You're not good. You're great.
I appreciate that. That brings me confidence. strength in a time like this where
as some of these other people say this shit is quite freaky,
well let's go help Finn and then let's go let's just fuck some shit up,

have you eaten any of the cheese you are quite loose with the tongue tonight,
I listen cheese just makes me go a little haywire.
In fact i was really hoping to talk to like an
expert about all the cheese have you seen anybody around
that you might consider like some sort of a cheese whiz i

don't know about a cheese whiz but i do smell a lot of gaseous smells from this
area and it's quite disgusting it's very putrid this is very nasty it's like
people cannot hold their cheese i don't eat a whole lot of cheese.
But yes, back to the main point. I am with you.

Well, thank you, brother.
Scarlet's like with the group but she's like you wouldn't know that she's with
the group because she's like, God, there's just some space between her and the guys.
And I guess the other thing is I would say that you guys at this point probably
have realized that Eva is gone.
Whether you want to roleplay that out or not, but she is definitely no longer with the group.

You are now surrounded by plenty of people with masks.
Lanterns light the way to the city as you guys make your way into the city proper.
Plenty of people still out and about and having fun. They're kind of all forming little pockets.
So a lot of people are around kind of main points of interest, right?

So the dancing. There's more people over by like wine tasting.
There's people by the cheese juggling. There's pockets. And then you'll go through
bits and points of the town where there's not a whole lot of anything,
not a whole lot of people.
So that's kind of the feel that you get. You can now, as you walk through those,
you could hear like waves crashing and it's a little more silent.

And that's that's what the feel of the city at this point.
Finn, your thing is still kind of itching and leading. I don't know.
I want to walk up to Finn and be like, I'd be like,
why did you go to the tower? Why were you on that tower?

Are we any closer to what you need to do in Credania?
My hand itches.
I'm just Can I try to like I want to try to stop him for a second So I want

to try to turn around And say one more thing to him Do I have to roll anything?
I mean unless Finn is going to contest it I mean I wouldn't make you roll anything
You see him doing the full on Jack Sparrow like his legs are out in front of
his body And you manage to grab his arm and he basically swings his feet out
from under him and he, I don't know how,
but he catches himself and whips right around.

Pendulums back to me? Yeah, exactly. I'd just be like, listen,
your thing is still top priority to me, but your brother told me that there
was some kingsmen here in these black cloaks.
I'm gonna go investigate to see if the king's here, but this is still top priority.

Already no no dilly-dallying the king's here i'm trying to see if he's here,
okay how do we find out all right i'll find out and i'll let him go.

While they're having that side conversation, do I notice Scarlet off by herself?
Is Scarlet even stealthy? No, I'm just watching the crowd.
Saunter up to Scarlet. Hey, it's Sigmund. You probably don't recognize me because of the mask.

I saw you put it on, so yeah, I noticed you.
Well uh well hey baby girl what you uh what you been up to i'm just trying to
hang out i guess yeah yeah okay well just know you know i'm here anytime you wanna you know just like,

hang out be on the same wavelength you know i'm have you had too much like wine
or i haven't I haven't had any alcohol today. It was all yesterday I had alcohol.
I try to stay away from the cheese,
because I have addiction problems and I would just snowball and just end up

eating a whole lot of cheese.
Okay. Yeah, there was this one person back in Moongrove.
They had the... They ate so much cheese they had to have surgery done to remove it all.
And I'm really not trying to have a swiss erectomy while we're here.
Well just don't eat the just don't eat the bread because the bread will make

you under the under someone's control why i don't know um i mean uh my grandfather before we left,
uh ovard gave me this dossier on like the red court yeah all church and stuff,
and in reading that there's this

person named victoria sponge here what and
she has like this these powers to like manipulate and keep people under control
with the bread i'm pretty sure because me and uh eva were eating some bread

and went some wine at this like little kiosk thing,
and uh we felt kind of funny and we
didn't fall under the influence but i asked the guy about where the
bread came from and he said that victoria like supplies
the whole town with bread and like she
went from like a low level like shop all the way up like you know her daughter's

married to the prince now so you know a big thing victoria sponge kept on baking
with recipes that she stole from flora's notes and flora's heart kept on breaking
and the cakes continued rising but the bread became toast? I don't know.
Sigmund, roll a history check.

I'm going to use a lucky point. Oh, that's better. 21.
With a 21, you obviously remember this is something you sang to Finn when you were kids.
With a 21, you have these brief flashes of memory Of your father singing it

to you when you were younger before Finn arrives And that's how you learned this song,
But that's just a fairy tale Scarlett,
No, it's not.
Okay, the fairy tale goes down in Bakertown with Victoria Sponge.

Her cakes just weren't selling, so she knew it was time to take a plunge into
the new and see things from a brand new view. And so, young Miss Flora, I am talking to you.
Yada, yada, yada. So is there a Flora?
I don't think there's a Flora here. I don't know anything about a Flora.
All I know is from my grandfather's notes he gave me, there's a Oliver, which is who he killed.

That was the butcher? Was that who it was?
Then Victoria's here Then there's supposed to be someone Named Lucas and Tenos,
Thomas and Who did we kill? You said Oliver?
I thought we killed the butcher Yeah his real name was Oliver So what's Victoria go by?

I don't know Victoria?
I guess she would be the baker I mean she baked bread So Finn! Finn!
While he's doing that, Scarlet, could you roll a history check, please? Yeah.
I got a natural 20. All right. Plus zero, so 20.

With a natural 20, honestly, it's not even... I wish it was more worthy of a
natural 20, but you would remember being told that Victoria had a shop named Flora's and Blot's.
Over in the... I can't remember where it was.

I want to say it was in the Merchant Quarter, maybe? I think it was the Merchant Quarter. Oh, yeah.
In Cranania? Yes.
So I think that would trigger when Sigmund mentioned Flora. Yeah.
I know it was mentioned earlier. Can we get the Cadenia map?

Oh, I'm so sorry. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm on it and no one else is. I apologize.
I want to grab the nearest stranger.
It's a young man hoping to get lucky. He's got a pimple on his right face.
He's got a pimple on his right face? What's that? What? He's got a pimple?

Yeah, a big, big pimple right there. Is that from the cheese?
What? Is that a cheese zit?
No, nothing's here from cheese. No. Sorry. Have you ever heard of Bakertown?
Yeah, Bakertown. I mean, it's an old part of the Merchant Quarter, real run-down, shitty.

Finn! Finn! I don't think they call it that anymore. All right, bye.
What? What do you want? He's going to pull up and go to Scarlet.
Oh, hey. Hi. Do you like...
No. Okay. All right. Keep walking. Bye. Okay.
What you missing? Bread. Yeah? Bread, the song. Yeah.

It's here. It's happening here.
Listen listen scarlet scarlet back in so so
the so there's there's a person here with the
red court named victoria victoria bakes all
the bread victoria stole her recipes from flora she has a shop named flora's

and blots or something this guy just said that the baker town's in the merchant
quarter it's the same one i mean it sounds like it's too many coincidences right.
Yes sigmund loose have you guys ever heard of this song before bread it's like

an old fairy tale you can roll history texts if you want,
i'm not making that i've got a amazing uh i got a 10 uh with a 10 no and you
you lived i mean you wouldn't you lived in the middle of bumfuck nowhere for
most of your life so no 10 you were too busy i don't not sure what's going on with your life,

yeah you have no memory of this yeah no no no no I'm pretty sure I you know
I had a memorable childhood,
okay well it goes quick down in Bankertown with Victoria Sponge and then I say the whole thing,
people that's happening now like the there's a person here Victoria she's poisoned

all the bread she's messed with it somehow.
Do you have any evidence of this? Yeah. I mean, I'm going off what Scarlet said.
Me and Eva were eating some bread and some wine.
And the bread made us feel a little funny. It didn't put us under any influence or anything.

But when I asked the guy that we got it from where they came from,
he said that Victoria makes all the bread in town. Oh, okay.
Thank you, Scarlet. Eva, hey, Scarlet, where'd you leave Eva?
I don't know. We all had to put these masks on and then she just kind of got
lost in the crowd. I don't really know.

Maybe the djinn came and got her. I don't know.
This thing really itches.
Do you know what? I think,
we should split up. I'm going to go see if there's any credibility with the king being here.

Are we all fine with that? Sigmund you could reach me,
yeah but I want to find out about the king too the king is quite important so
you want to join me and leave your brother in Scarlet,
I mean I think Finn knows the song well enough.

King is quite the priority right now, and if there's any trace that he is here,
regardless of anything aside, we have to find him.
Scarlet, what do you think? Should we split up? I mean, Finn's on an important
mission too, right? For him?
Yeah, and Scarlet, that's why I trust you.

You know, I'm the only person on here. There's two.
Two so me and loose go find out about the black cloaks and the king and the
rest go find out about what finn's got going on oh i thought ballard was going with you guys oh,

is there something that you have to do with the king.
Me i'm sorry i'm talking a lot i thought i thought i told you did i not tell
you in the game i thought all i told everybody in the game i think you told
i think ivan knows i don't know that loose knows,
this man not i'm not sure all right anyways we'll quick recap um i'll tell you

my history with the king of what's important for me to find the king that holy shit,
and i just grab his shoulder and be like you are an ally to the baladar,
yeah and now i know why oh crap,

and uh now you know why what.
Reaching to the back of the brain to get that one and uh scarlet should i go
with you or should i go with,

What's most important to you? Rain. How did we put you on the spot like that?
Well, I mean, my relationship with you is very important.
But also my life is kind of dependent on this whole thing with the king, too, in some way.

Sigmund. Yeah. Shut up. Let's go find the king.
Isn't this important? I don't mind going with you. I mean, you got this. We are okay.
I'm going to retcon for just a second.
I saw this whole debate going on and it became very introspective. Is that the word?

That's as close as Jack is going to get. Sure. No, that is the word.
I was hoping this whole thing was leading to a place in the realm of the lover
where we were fixing Sigmund so if Sigmund's not with me then it's not what

I thought it was I can come with you guys let's go find the king.
I think what your patron i'm
not gonna call him a god is leading you
towards is probably very important i think it's i think we need to see that

through the king may not be here well then let's go find out and then we'll
go deal deal with it okay well i don't want to mutter under my breath being
like i'm trying to get away from these assholes and they just follow me Then get away from us.
No, I'm mumbling under my breath, so nobody else can hear that.
Perceive? I have good hearing.

Trade of being a pirate. You could roll a perception check, sure.
Hey, why do they call them pirates? Or why are pirates called pirates?
They just are. They just are.
Roll a 16.
A what? Roll a 16. I am rolling hot. Hold on, hold on, hold on.

Hold on, hold on, hold on. Finn perceives very high, I think.
I rolled a 2, so it doesn't matter.
Oh, Green had a 23. What did Finn have, though? Wrong character.
Wrong character. What did Finn have? Oh, no. Finn had a 23. Green would have had a 16.

I was still in Greenland.
You've heard either one. Whatever the hell you are. everyone's being someone
different this week loose if we,
how about you lead this you lead us all on this endeavor and then we follow
Finn and then after that once we have all the information we assess what we need to do next,

I'll just look angrily and I'll be like, two or three would have been easier to find information.
But this group can't make a fucking shit by themselves. Or alone.
I guess we're all going.

Would you rather go with just one? I'm sitting under my breath. So much talking.
Can we just get something done? yeah i'm looking for the king whoever's coming
with me is coming with me all right is that everybody would you rather by yourself
balara and loose seem like you're more capable,

thank you speaking from someone who's capable thank you for that compliment
i am capable of doing this i i agree with sarcasm there's no way loose gets sarcasm everyone.
There's no way he gets it everyone is just straight
up ignoring sigmund by the way it's great well okay balar and loose you guys

go handle this mess find out if the king's here and we'll go handle finn's thing
let me if do you mind loose and i'm gonna hold out my hand to touch him and Blar.
I'm going to try and touch both of them. Touching Big Daddy.
Where is he going to touch me? I don't think it's because I've been short.

Is he going for the groin region? Probably your kneecap.
I'd like swat him away and he touches me. I guess it depends on how low you
hang as to where, if it's going to touch or not, but I'm going for the kneecap.
This is for the very first. I'm just going to cast.
Just in case you guys need to get away and I'm going to cast Longstrider on

both of them so for the next hour, they can move an extra 10 feet per round. Alright, okay.
Finn? Scarlet? Finn, I'm following you. After you guys.
Alright, I love it. We are officially splitting the party. What every good DM
loves to hear. I plan for just such an occasion.

Let's start with Sigmund, Scarlet, and Finn.
Let's start with you three. You guys, what's your plan to find Laura's and blocks?
Following Finn's itchy palm. I thought we were trying to find whatever.
You're trying to find a soul. Is that right, Finn? Yeah, we're doing.

I'm sorry. What are you guys doing? I'm sorry.
I'm just following wherever Finn's intuition is leading him.
Okay. Or his itchy palm. Whatever. His fault.
I sniff my palm and then take off running. me in the direction it tells me.
I sniff it like for real. I smell it. Yeah. Paul, you know, I will telepathically

say to Ballara's we're splitting.
I'm counting on you, buddy.
I wish I could respond back.
Finn, you're, if you've ever, ever huffed markers, which I know you haven't,
but if you've ever huffed markers, you know, those, those markers that claim
to taste like, or not taste, smell like chocolate. but those are the worst.

Yeah. That's 100% what your palm smells like. It's like someone just,
you know, are you saying that I wiped my ass with my hand.
But maybe it smells like, no, it smells like the sea smells like dead fish and salt and shit.
Got it. It was like, yeah, but it does itch and it does lead you.

So you guys, I'm going to say you guys were kind of at the crossroads right in the center of,
of Gradanian here where the merchant quarter, was
to your south you could have gone east towards the living quarter and
you instead make your way and head
towards the northwest part of
the city the crowd's thinning a little bit and you head towards the guild quarter

a little bit less rambunctious here a little more laid-back party still going
on still having a good time uh and as you get closer sorry we got the festival started it again.
As you get a little closer, you see a group of people kind of all looking down

the mountain and they're all kind of pointing at stuff and there's basically
a shit ton of rocks that have fallen down there.
What do you guys think? And that is where, in fact, your itchy hand is now pointing straight down.
What are we adding, Finn? Finn's got an infection. Yeah, let's go do it.

Um it's like down a cliff like yeah yeah it's a straight up segment that that
thing that you do that makes me not hurt when i fall can you do that i'm out
of spell slots are you really,
i'm rolling inside check i guess,

how far of a drop is it 300 feet oh my god yeah i guess we gotta do that huh Do you want to die?
You know let me see how many people
feather Falcon oh It's like up to five people Yeah, that's no problem.

Listen do you know how many spells I have?
This is a bard spell,
Yeah, I can do that. Do I need to cast Feather Fall on all three of us?
Yeah. Alright, I cast Feather Fall on all three of us and since it's a bard

spell down in Bakertown the Victoria Sponge and I'm singing the song as we're
doing that. The people around you start clapping. They don't know what to do.
As soon as he goes, time to take a plunge. I jump.
They're all concentrated on segments.
They don't see see Finn just sprint and do a dive right off.

The most graceful dive anyone's ever seen.
Right off the cliff and he floats on down.
I'm riding Scarlet on the way down. Oh!
What? What did you do? Jump on my back? Yeah.
What do you think I'm at? Surfboard! Surfboard!
I didn't think anything. I'm just making sure you jumped on my back and not

like my head or something.
Oh, yeah. Yeah, of course. That's funny, man.
You woke up in the kitchen and were like, how the hell did this shit happen? Oh, baby!
Is Scarlet wearing, like, a jacket? Right? He's not going bareback, right?
Yeah, definitely going bareback. Wow.

No protection. Protection.
B-E-A-R, as in the animal. Yeah, I understand. I can't wild shake, so no.
You make your way down the cliff, no problem. People are oogling you.
Ogling you? They're oogling and ogling.

And they're amazing. You guys just jumped off the cliff. Yeah.
When we land, I want to say, Hey, Scarlet, I hope my studded leather armor didn't bother you.
It is ribbed for your pleasure.
Do you make it your life's mission to embarrass me, Sidney?

No, I just thought it would feel better than it used to.
What are you talking about? Whenever I would ride you.
My lord. Can we just move on, please?
Yeah, for sure.

This is out of character is would there be any chance in Finn's inventory a
peg leg laughing laughing,
Are you asking if Fenton has a Dodo? Yeah, it's 100%. This is getting weird.

That's not what I asked. I asked for a common pirate inventory.
A just-in-case peg leg?
You never know when the next one may come in handy.
Alright. But I digress. This podcast is rated explicit, by the way.

If you're just now finding that out, we apologize. Alright.
You... Sorry, Melissa sister.
You find yourself at the entrance of the cave.
That's it. There's just an entrance to the cave. It's a nice sand beach.
It's quiet on the inside.
You look in and it veers off to the left and kind of slips down a little bit.

You guys heading into the cave. What are you going to do?
Finn, where are we going?
Oh yeah, you're itching in the cave.
Yeah uh my hand smells like i need to go in the cave,
you make your way into the cave and it
uh quickly veers the left and down

and it keeps going to the left until it
straightens out and kind of starts to come back the way that you would had come
in but still further down uh and you got you are
now heading kind of under the sea level
and it It goes pretty steep down until
you enter into what can only be described as like an underwater or underground

grotto where there's somehow these bushes and hedges and beautiful flowers.
And it's like a nice little waterfall coming from somewhere.
And it's just this gorgeous little place. Go ahead. Do you have a question, Sigmund?

I just wanted to, at some point around this, be like, hey, let's just be safe.
And I want to ritually cast, so it's going to take about a minute and six seconds, Unseen Servant.
So it can send ahead of us an Unseen Servant so that it can trigger any traps or anything. Okay.

You hear that before you enter the room, I'll say. The grotto,
from what you gather, there's a waterfall,
like I said, and that's a good distance away, and it's kind of covered by,
or you can't see over all the kind of shrubbery and flowers and beautiful scenery there.
The distant sounds of the water kind of begin to fade off, and you hear slight

music in the background coming from where you don't know.
There's roses everywhere and you give me a perceptive check and that's what
we'll start all of us are just yeah as you walk in as you eyeball the room.
Ten nine come on Finn see nothing fucking 20 let's go let's go all right so

Finn with his itchy palm and everything your palm is at this point stopped,
this is where you're supposed to be but you being the perceptive man that you
are and you having probably bedded a couple winches, notice that the rose petals
on the ground do create a pathway leading somewhere.

I follow that shit. Alright, you follow that shit. The unseen servant's going before you.
Nothing bad happens. You wander and it brings you to the waterfall,
brings you through all the beautiful scenery and and this magical, lovely place.
And you get the waterfall, and the waterfall is flowing straight down,

and then it parts in the center.
And there's kind of a, looks to be almost like a red mirror in the middle of the waterfall.
And your palm immediately starts itching again, and kind of pointing into that.
It's like a swimming thing no it's oh yeah i mean you'd have to you'd have to

go into the water i mean to to get into the you know close to the waterfall
if you wanted to get i don't know what you want to do close to us and touch
it or go through it or do something like that yeah,
there's a little pool essentially rose petals stop just shy of the pool just
look at him and say i think i've got to go swim can you guys swim of course scarlet yeah Yeah.

Okay. Dive in. And does the servant work in water?
I don't know. Does the servant have a swim speed? Hello? I'm giving myself guidance.
They were asking you a question, Jeff. What? Does the unseen servant have a
swim speed? Can it go in water? Oh, the unseen servant.
You were totally ignoring him. No, I heard.

I didn't know they were talking about the unseen servant. Invisible,
mindless, shapeless, medium force that performs simple tasks at your command.
The servant can perform simple tasks that a human servant could do,
such as fetching things, cleaning, mending, folding.
So probably not swim well, but...
The umpteenth servant watches this miscovered form walks, and instead of trying

to swim, he just walks straight into the water.
Straight under. Nothing seems to have happened. There's no mad chaos or anything like that.
Yeah, I mean, as far as you know, he's still under there and okay.
He's just hanging. If it moves 60 feet away from me, the spell ends.
Okay, you're still at the edge of the pool. The pool's not a large pool.

The waterfall's kind of right in front of you guys. I think Goonies-esque,
except brighter and lovelier. Hey, you guys!
That's what the Untamed Servant's saying.
Does it look like you can go behind the waterfall, or it's like stone?
That's a good question. So the waterfall looks like you can go behind the waterfall, yeah.

The red, so the waterfall is coming down, right?
And it's parting as if it's hitting this red mirror-like thing, right?
This long body-length mirror, and it's parting past that.
But you can go to the back and see clearly that it's doing the same thing in
the back, and there's nothing but a brick wall behind it, or a stone wall behind it. Okay.

Before we go in, I need to tell you. Yes.
Don't go chasing waterfalls. just stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're
used to sigmund i know that you're gonna have it your way or nothing at all
but i think you're moving too fast that fucking hit the part right there.
That was awesome i had to google the lyrics the the to the uh tunes and the

the tunes you now know are coming from from the red mirror are definitely as
soon as you start i have no notes that was beautiful,
i couldn't have done that better bravo i'll keep an eye out with my left eye,
tonight's episode brought to you by 1994 music let's go underrated that was
good jeff that was good did you fall out of your chair no no but i did lean

as far back as it would go That was really good.
I didn't know we were getting a TLC reference tonight.
Had to bring waterfalls into this. All right. I go for a swim.
Nothing wrong with TLC. All right. You go for a swim. Follow.
What's that? Following him. All right. Nothing wrong with the water.

It's refreshing, actually.
It's not too cold, not too hot. Just right.
As Goldilocks would say, you make it all the way up to the waterfall it's crashing down pretty hard,
yeah what do you want to do the red mirror or entryway or whatever it may be
is right in front of you I want to go up and touch the mirror alright Scarlet

you go up and touch it and your.
Hand goes right through it can I
ask an out of world question yeah
i wouldn't know this as loose in the
episode with that big fat
thing that we fought in that basement yep was that a mirror no okay that wasn't

a mirror no but this is this is very this is very similar and i understand i
understand what you're asking very similar in fact all of the all of the.
All of the portals are very similar to that. So you guys have encountered a
couple of portals now, right?
Portals to the Fae Wild, portals to the, what was it? The mother in Overard.

Just call it. You get the sense that you've just put your hand through,
cause you know what it feels like to go through these things.
Yeah. Just put your hands through another one. The ones that you're talking
about, Doug are a little bit smaller and they honestly run in the main differences.
They, they don't go to any particular realm.
They go to what's called the ways which you guys have not found another one

yet I just pull my hand back out and I relay that message to them about it being
a portal and making sure that's where we need to go.
Ooh is that what we need to go through?
Yeah you think we need any extra juice?
Need any extra what? any extra juice you know oh I haven't checked,

I'm a fool well i am too but
i can give extra oh she
was for your limits yeah i've got lots of rum
i would love some rum but scarlet can i have some rum why are you asking me
it's your life well i mean you have the last every time i drink you uh you seem
to have some sort of an issue with it so i want to make sure that's fine with

you it's just the way you act when you drink too much what's that supposed us to mean.
Here, I'll tell you what. Limited rum. Here, have this. Scarlet,
you have this. Take the edge off.
So you get rid of us both, Brom? I'd take three or four gulps before I hand it over.
Okay. So, do we, like, need any extra juice?

If you're gonna give us some, give it to us. Well, I mean, it's a spell slot,
so I don't necessarily have to use it.
I just... Indulge!
All right, well, I have confidence in you guys' abilities.
I'm following your lead buddy brother bro sounds like a mistake let's go,

sounds like a mistake all right as you plunge through the portal and it's there
we'll pause and we will go to our other group loose and ballar what are you
guys doing to figure out if the king is actually here.
Just turn to Belar and be like, thank God he's gone.

The man cannot make a decision. The one who tries to love, but can't.
I don't think anybody loves that man. I don't say I love him,
but I do feel very strongly for him.
Not in a or not in a that way now there's anything wrong with that just.

But yes as you were saying like if the king is here we must find him i can yeah
did you see which way the the black clubs went no no no no uh well you know i i remember the the the,
Princess and Prince giving the standing ovation to Finn, and then I believe

they went back inside the palace, and a couple of those Kingsguards,
when you brought it up, followed them in.
So I guess we need to go by the royal quarter and the palace and see if we can
get any intel from there.
Okay. Let's just try to get close. If we get close, I can kind of help us out in that situation.

But let's just like you said palace seems like a good start let's head for the prince,
you guys make your way there yeah
festival still happening uh keith and wine are flowing you definitely get stopped
multiple times on the way just people wanting you to taste their cheese if you

will want you to juggle a little bit want you to just partake dance enjoy uh
if if you know People had beads,
they'd be throwing beads, but they don't because that's not this game.
You make your way, once you get to the royal quarter, it is much quieter,
much more subdued, much more classy.
Still a party, but more laid back.

You are able to get all the way to the royal quarter, to the edge of.
Where the palace would be, which is all the way at the top north it's nestled
underneath the hilltop where the cheese tower was,
you however cannot get there's like a gate surrounding it so you can't get all

the way there what do you guys do?
Is there a noticeable difference between like our attire and the royal quarter,
attire like because you said like there's classy like,
You guys look like you've been traveling for 10 days and didn't stop to change

or buy any outfits or do anything like that.
So you're a little bit out of place, a little bit in shambles.
I think out of abundance of politeness, you haven't stopped yet, though.
So you're saying, I guess, if we kind of look at the map and get a feel,
so basically we're coming up and there's a gate to get into the royal quarter?
Is that what you said? Does it look like there's a party going on inside?

Like invitation and all that stuff? Yeah, roll a perception check.
Oh my god. I gotta change the dice. Or investigation. I'm falling like shit.
Oh my god we're all
on like shit what was it perception or investigation uh 11 all right 11 is not

terrible uh it is enough to catch a couple things one there's plenty of activity
inside you hear uh distant music coming from the an open window uh at the top with an 11,
um 11 is good enough to tell that there's something going on inside and i think
an 11 is good enough for you to spot one guard roaming the outside of the palace.

So the palace, for those of you who cannot see, the palace, towards the north, it's a.
Building shrouded in deep purple. Lanterns alight the left, the right, and the center.
A wide doorway in the center. It's in kind of an H shape.

There's a couple different hallways, or or offshoots, I guess you could say,
different buildings that you can connect to.
So our only barrier to that is just getting, like right here where you're at,
is that where the gate's at? Yeah, correct. That's where the gate's at, yeah.
All of this would kind of be considered the palisades, right?

So I would say that this is the main palace is where a lot of the activity is,
but there's definitely some other activities going on throughout the remainder
of the palisades in the different buildings here.

Oh, man. Okay. I mean, we obviously need to get in without drawing attention to ourselves.
I think I can help us with that. I'm all ears. Somehow.
Friend Ivan Luce did once.

If you don't mind, I can cast a spell on us to make us a little less conspicuous.
I know one of my friends or acquaintances was very against magic,
but I don't know how you feel about it.
No, no, no. This is an important mission for the Valdar.
Be my guest. Alright, so I'm going to cast Invisibility at 4th level on me and Ivan. Oh, okay.

All right. You guys vanish. None the wiser. Guard continues patrolling,
for lack of a better term.
You're still outside the gate, though. Still need to find a way to get in.
How tall is the gate? 10 feet.

I want to do a cool-ass backflip over the gate. Roll an acrobatics check.
Oh, that ain't working. Oh, no, I don't think I want to do that.
Retcon, retcon. Yeah, what's the roll?
What would you like to get on my shoulders to try to get over the gate? What was the roll?

Seven. All right, seven. So, you know, I don't know. You don't necessarily say,
hey, watch this because you're invisible.
Can I see him if he's invisible? No, you can't see him. He can't see you. You guys are invisible.
So I just keep jingling on the door. Here.

The gate rattles just a little bit. Does it attract the guard? No.
The guard, after you guys turned invisible and moved around,
doesn't attract the guard that But you guys saw it.
Because I was hoping if it would attract the guard that I could just go up to
the gate, stab him, and then get his keys or something like that.

Yeah, don't say that. We can start shaking the gate maybe to get attention.
Now, why don't you just try to get on my shoulders and see if you can hop over
there? Because he's what?
Six something? He's a big guy.
Yeah, so I get on his shoulders. That's another six feet. So I should be able
to grab the top of the gate. You can vault it if you'd like. Yeah.
All right. So I'll do that. and i guess i'll try to stay at the top of the gate

and reach down and grab him to pull him up all right do i have to roll anything
yeah you guys can both roll a strength check or,
athletics check oh that's good way to dice let's go any strength what am i rolling.
Athletics you said that strength for me oh my god that's terrible uh 11.

16 for me with a five. So, so loose you're, you know, you're,
you reach his hand and feeling strong.
You grab the bars of the gate and you start to pull yourself up and then you
just go, well, it's all the cheese or something, but you're a little bit heavier than you thought.
And luckily the large there, he's got, he pulls you right over. No problem.
You guys made it over. You're good. You're invisible. You are inside the Royal

quarters, but I can't see him.
You can't, I guess not. Yeah, I don't think so. No, you guys.
I can like, you know, I can like kind of, you know, we can kind of put a little
hand arm thing out to kind of keep in contact, but we're whispering. We can still talk.
Okay. How.

If we get separated, how are we going to find us? Are there bells?
Is there a clock in this place that rings the time?
Are you saying, is there a clock that you can see? No, no, no.
Is there a clock that rings the time?
Like if it's, right, you know what I'm saying. In the world?

Yeah, is there like a bell tower that rings the stroke of midnight? Yeah.
There wasn't, but there is now, sure. Yeah. It's actually the cheese tower.
They've got it cleaned off now.
Holy shit, there's a giant bell tower up there.
I'll be like, if we get lost when it strikes midnight, we'll meet back at the

gate. Sound good? Sounds good.
Let's try to stay within whisper shot of each other so we can at least know where we're at.
Okay. Just kind of say where you're going and I'll follow. You lead and I'll follow.
Okay. So now for the next hour, I'm going to be very descriptive on where I'm going.

Tell me. What are you trying to do? Let's start there.
I can see your foot set some stuff. So if you're walking in dirt,
I can still kind of see where you're moving and stuff.
Okay. Okay, so I am going to suggest to go.

Balar, I don't think we should walk through the front door.
Let's go around back and see if there's any open doors in the back and see if
we can get into the palace that way. What do you think?
Yeah, I don't want to go in the front door. We need to.
Towards the top is probably where the prince is. So maybe trying to find a way

to get this high up as we can.
Will be most likely where they're at. Okay, see if there's like a lattice somewhere
in the back and climb up an open window.
As long as this is an 80s movie, there'll be a lattice.
This is 100% a buddy cop movie. I mean, Finn ruined it by throwing in a 90s reference.

Do those even exist in the 90s? I thought they were in the 80s.
This is 100% a buddy cop movie.
They have no clue where each other are. I'm getting too old for this shit.
Yeah you you're able to sneak around because you're
invisible you do as you begin to
wander around now are able to see multiple guards

patrolling um yeah not wearing not wearing the black coat cloaks that you saw
wearing the deep deep purple is there anybody in the back like drunk that we
can listen to a conversation before we go in roll perception check.
Or investigation. You look around and try and find some.

Natural 20. Whoa. All right. A couple things.
Yep. So as you're creeping around, I'll say that a couple things happen.
One, you notice with a natural 20 that there aren't as many guards as you would expect.

On a rambunctious night where the prince and the princess are all out and about,
there's less guards than what you would expect at a highly publicized event.
The other thing that happens is a group of people come out who have obviously
had too much cheese, too much wine and,
they're chatting and one of the girls is pouting the prince wasn't even there

he went to bed early for some reason early can you imagine on cheese night cheese
night he went to bed early and I haven't even seen the princess in ages why
did we even come to this party,
and they continue to talk and walk and you can keep listening if you like or
you can slip in the door that they've obviously left wide open naturally.

I make like a like a bird sound or something to kind of since I'm fluent in bird,
it's more of a like a cuckoo did you hear that?
The owls are out already I didn't say who I said cuckoo,

get your birds right man what the hell was that? stupid birds get out of here
get away from my cheese okay,
yeah sorry sorry Jeff was laughing too much you went in the door yeah okay I
will follow and be like I'll be like oh oh,

and then the person will be like is that what the is that what the fox says.
Plenty of plenty of people on the inside the party
is still going hard there's i say
hard there's music there's pianos there's

harps being played off in the distance there's plenty of people walking around
with butlers and and uh waitresses and whatnot walking around with cheese tray
drinks and all sorts of staff so as you guys walk around it's going to get more
and more difficult for you You have to not bump into somebody.
So tell me what you're wanting to do in here, and then we'll see how that pairs.

So we see how busy it is when we're walking through the door,
right? Yeah, as soon as you walk in, you notice this place.
So as soon as we're walking in, I guess we have a little bit of a space for
a whisper or two. Yeah, you find a bathroom. You guys sneak into the bathroom together.
Are we vaping in the bathroom? I'm going to fucking catch them.

There's Finn. Put it up. Put it up!
Confiscate it. I want my cherry ice watermelon lemon lime back.
Anyways. So loose. It's quite busy in here.
Remember the plan i mean if we if we get lost back at the the gate that midnight

unless you want to get lost you want do you want to split up again do you go
upstairs i stay downstairs.
Can we are they
wearing like remotely close to what we're wearing like would i guess
would loose fit in with like what he's got
on uh i mean you
guys you guys are armored still right so you you

look a little different than you're a little overdressed let's say most everyone
else is in formal attire you're not going to stand i mean you're not going to
fit in very well um you guys have nicer armor so it's not like you maybe maybe
uh confused regards or or,
no armed help or what have you no no no you know do you know i you know i heard i heard um,

They said that the prince went to bed.
Let's just go look for a living quarter and see if we can get any information from him.
I do have some questions for him. Okay. About the king, right?
About the king? About the king, yes.

Okay. And other things. All right.
Upstairs? Where it's a little less crowded? Yes. Can we see which way the stairs go?
I guess it's like a large dining hall, stairs left and right.
Not in the bathroom, but when you get out, that's exactly what you see.
Large dining room, stairs to the left and the right. We saw it when we came in, correct? Yeah.

When we get up the stairs, which way do you want to go first?
Left or right? Stick together.
Let's go right. All right.
Onward and out. All right. Roll a stealth check for me.

13 6 I have been rolling,
so shitty so you guys
make it to the stairs and as you're going up the stairs a lot of people on the
stairs um you make it about halfway unfortunately loose boom boom boom you bump

into a you get kind of turned around trying to dodge a couple people and you do bump into,
one of the waiters who's carrying a tray crashes to the floor,
slam and everyone kind of pauses and looks at you looks towards you um.
And people start to, so guards at the top come out at the top of the stairs

and guards kind of start becoming towards the bottom.
What do you guys do as people are marching your way and you notice it?
I'm still invisible. Yep.
Can I hop over the hand railing so that I am not, you know what I'm saying?
Absolutely. Yeah. Go ahead and make another stealth check.

10. A 10.
A 10's not great, but it's good enough for you to get where you're at.
You do make a sound as you land. As there's so many people around you,
it kind of gets lost in the confusion.
And just as one of the guards comes up from the bottom and reaches the waiter,
he kind of eyeballs the space where you were at, and you see him kind of move his foot out.

And as he realizes there's nothing there, he steps there, and he bends down
and says, Try and be a little more careful next time, sir.
He raises the the butler the waiter and you
see the waiter kind of looking around trying to see you hit him but you are clear
but you are no longer on the stairs velar you have
made it halfway i am on the stairs oh i
thought you jumped holding on oh you're holding on you're holding on

inside that's all that makes sense yeah no that's good yeah okay yeah all right
sorry i thought you jumped right off uh all right so yeah then you are good
let out your breath a little bit uh and the party continues the harp begins
to play a little bit and you guys make make your way up the stairs, the two guards that have,
shown up, they, you do see, both go back to the left of the stairs.

You guys do you make the top stairs you're going to the left camera which way
you're going back into the left well the plan was right so,
let's let's go right maybe it's a diversion stick to the plan all right you head to the right,
luckily that crash kind of cleared cleared out a lot of the upstairs part so

you're good you make your way to the right uh there's plenty of doors to the
left the right what do you i mean you You want to open some doors? Yeah.
Yeah, I'll, if you don't mind, I'll open some on the, you know,
we're on the right side of the house.
Yep. I'll open doors on the right side of the hallway.

I'll suggest that, Balar, I'll open doors on the right side of the hallway if
you want to open the doors on the left and see if you find anything. All right. Okay.
The first one you open is empty. the second one you open has,
what's the polite term an orgy yeah,

there's a gangbang going on in the second door that wasn't what it is but that's
100% people in masks doing some crazy shit that's 100% what you see as you open the second door.
What were you really going to say I was going to say a coat closet or something
but that sounds good to me I was going to say that there was a young couple

definitely making love but an orgy was better so we went all the way for it,
the third one was it the Cheez-It guy yeah you see you see the pimp the pimply
headed kid he did it he did it damn it he told everybody they didn't know what they were missing,

oh yeah oh yeah no not right there Where'd you get a peg leg from? All right.
The third door had nothing. Balar, you get a whole lot of nothing on your side as well.
Loose yeah there's nothing here this thing went to the wrong side of the house.

Yeah I guess the guards are actually guarding the prince yeah well maybe maybe
we shouldn't have listened to intuition and just don't we thought it was right yeah,
not everything's a trick let's yeah maybe I should listen to that voice on my head,

yeah i wish you would sometimes and maybe i know you're not the biggest fan of ivan but he is,
well he's a good friend voice in my head gut feeling you know that the saying
i know what you were saying but what i'm telling you is sometimes to embrace what's inside,

it's not always bad yeah yeah inside gut feeling i got it yeah you're you're nothing like i've been.
All right,
uh let's go to the other side a guard guards are all the way at the very end

of the hallway and they're rather i don't know after that commotion they're
kind of settled back in their spots.
One is by a door on the left side of the hallway. One is by a door on the right
side of the hallway. What do you guys do? How.
I think I had to say this. So they to those two doors they're both garden.

A summon a fire. I'm just going to kill him. Also, do you want to kill them both at the same time?
I don't think they really deserve to be killed, do they? What are they doing?
They're working for the king.
We don't know that yet. That's why we're here. We don't take innocent lives.

The Valdar sometimes has to. Well, we've taken lots of lives, but for a reason.
They're just standing there. I don't see that as a reason to die.
Okay. okay is there any way to choke him into unconsciousness like like the

barely barely living I heard one time,
Sigmund in his room talking about choking something I don't know what he meant
but he said you grab it tight and you hold,
and you forcefully move up and down,
and it It ends it.

Is that how you choke somebody out? I haven't... Usually I'm more...
Yeah what are you what are you usually.
This i think is only used for chickens,

don't know if i can use this method you can you can use it more than i hear
them in my i just hurt him in my head,
we can use the chicken method on these men and they will succumb alright,

I'm gonna get oh can I I want to roll another,
perception check though does does one doorway look more fancier than the other
like is it like a double door does it look like it's leading to a bigger bedroom
does look fancier yes the one on the right you don't have to alright,

but I mean if one guard comes should we be whispering during all this that's
why I was whispering about the chicken method,
I say in a whisper.
Um yeah i heard you know what this is why you come to think of it i've heard

somebody somebody used that method
and then like right at the end they go something's happening and it was,
i'm telling you you make people invisible and they think they have there's like
no consequences no one watching them we're standing in the hall joking a chicken
and in the middle of the hallway,

way um yeah so okay so you want to make something happen with this method,
do we need to practice on each other first to make sure it works.

No no no no no okay all right so i'll go to this guy on the left and who goes
first who's reacting i i i i was like well if we we we do have to take these
guys out together like i we're going to lose this invisibility.
Once we grab somebody and we do something, we have to make this move together.

I'm fine with trying to knock these guys unconscious.
I don't want to kill them, but if we maybe knock them unconscious and...
I think you will keep invisibility, by the way. Will we?
Yeah, you'll keep... No? No, you won't. I think it's very performant.
Can you perform an action or attack?
It's a very good thing I was muted during that, but it is Just greater invisibility,

you wouldn't lose it. Regular invisibility, you would. Thank you.
So if we make this move, we have to move quick.
I can take the right, you take the left? Yeah. I just want to see if I have anything.
Oh, man. Ooh!

Okay. I know what I'm going to do.
this could be a doozy if I roll bad Alright, you guys going?
Yeah, and I'm gonna go three,
we can't see i know that's the funny part all right all right so yeah you go okay yeah okay,

um okay what i'm so sorry but what the hell are you guys doing you guys choking
these people out is that what you're trying to do yeah we actually simultaneous
chokehold yeah all right um,
honestly i don't know what to make you roll for a simultaneous simultaneous choking out.
So we are going to say I feel like it's got to be an acrobatics or athletics check. Oh, man.

I'm best at all of them. All right. In times like this, I like to say, what would Maude do?
He'd fail the check. That's exactly what he'd do. He'd roll a natural three.
You guys Yeah, roll in athletics, Jack. It's going to be athletics.

Oh, man.
Oh, 16.
There we go. 17. All right. You guys successfully both pop into existence right
as you choke each other's chickens out.
Get in the guard. Fall to the ground.

Or you gently lower them to the ground, own but you've done it you
guys have successfully done it out of out of game who has seen silicon valley
i've seen some have okay i gotta send i gotta send that that clip then to you too as well,

all right all right just what are you guys doing now i need to send you're no longer invisible,
so luce did say that or did figure out that one of the doors was more fancy
than the other so i'm assuming that's the one on the right the one that we're we're about to go in.

I don't know, are you? I'm waiting on loose. Yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah. Fancy door. Fancy door.
I'm going to stealthily open it up. Slow turn, slow movement. Stealth check.
I like that Caroline is getting this video.

I said 18. So, do I have to roll something too? No, just I'll watch that later. Just Belar.
With an 18, you immediately crack it open and you hear a woman's voice. Roll a history check.

Have anything?
Oh, wow. That history is fucking phenomenal. That is a 22. It is...
Oh, man. What is her name? Vivian, I think. It's Princess. It is Victoria's Daughter.
And you hear her pause for a half second as you kind of open the door,

and then you hear her respond to something.
You don't hear anyone else in there, but you hear her say, No,
he's passed out in the other room.
I don't understand why I can't join you.
Yes, I know it's important. The Triforce, it's not that far away, Mother.
Fine. And then silence. You hear her walk, and then another door in the room open and close.

I'm gonna close the door back and look at loose and say I don't know who the
princess was just talking to but the prince is not in here and our priority right now is the prince.

Blue says no clue what the hell's going on they've been watching some i don't know,
probably something inappropriate yeah so what
just happened was balar cracked the door open heard vivian the princess or the
princess talking to someone she claimed mother was the mother i'm sorry was
her mother and she mentioned triforge and it wasn't that far away and she knew

that She had something that she had to do here, and that was it.
Yeah, yeah. No, no, no. Sorry. Yeah, I got that.
Sorry for that. I was on mute. I didn't realize.
Should we just,
cut the giggles out loose? This is important. Cut the giggles out.

I'm about to make loose roll and bring back Ivan, who has no clue about Choke
and Chicken 3 and this shit. I just need to mute Sigmund and Aaron's video,
because they're absolutely ridiculous right now.
All right. I've got to do it for Scarlet, too. All right.

I've muted their videos so I don't get the giggles distraction.
Yeah, do you want to just go into the prince's room and fortify ourselves in?
Make sure that nobody can get in.
Give us a little more time to talk to them. I'm confused. Are you wanting to
come in the room that I just opened or going to the other one?

The other, the other one, the other one. You said, you said the prince was not
in there. Yeah. The prince, the princess was talking to somebody and it's her mother.
She's not in there. She, I heard a door shut and open and shut.
So he's got to be in the other room.
We've got the time to go. So we need to move now.

Yeah yeah i agree i agree do you want to open the door do you want me to open
the door i'll i'll open it i feel go ahead i've got you feel safe do i need to roll anything,
no you open the door uh the
sound of snoring hits your ears like an
anvil and it's very loud he's

out like a light you guys can open it all the way
he's passed out face first first on the bed i've got
to go for a second can you switch to the other people yeah sure
all right yeah what's up
i i needed to hide the three
of them so i didn't get the giggles how do i bring them back now

i don't know what you're talking about i did the
hide icon oh you hid them oh yeah let
me see us again it's a bad user i don't think i just come out and come back
in yeah i don't know it's on the players list can i even hear them can one of
them talk go right you can you have to do it in the players list i think can

you hear me you have to like click on the
person's name and then yeah that's the hardest i've ever laughed in my entire life,
yeah i looked up and saw how great i was and thought i was about to have a heart attack.
Can you see us now don't watch it right now watch it later i'm gonna i'm gonna

i'm gonna log out and log back in and see if that works you fucked up man.
Finn where are we supposed to be going man uh excuse me all right that yeah
what you guys see let's describe what you guys see as you walk Walk in the portal.

You guys. Walk in the portal, yeah. I thought we swam in the portal.
You swam through the portal.
Damn right we did. Thank you. You swam through the portal and you swim right
through and you are in a very similar grotto, but you're coming out on the other
side of the mirror, essentially.
And there are hedges directly in front of you in what looked to be the beginning

of of a hedge mage right in front of you, with roses covering,
sprinkled into the edges.
Oh, I thought you said mage, as in like a mage. Sorry, mage. You said maze.
Hedge maze. Did you get it, Sigmund?
I'm sorry doug no i need to figure it out you see me these these these giggle people,

it's your fault you made us giggle yeah it's
your you made us giggle you shouldn't be so fucking hilarious
and we'll send us funny videos
about dick jerking that might
have been the most i've laughed ever silicon valley
good show that was that was that was a
good man that got to rank i still believe how serious they were

when they were talking about them i'm like i would not be able to get through
that the the thing that i was laughing at the most was you guys laughing but
also the fact that caroline just had a baby boy and that is now in her text
stream is just one of the funniest thoughts.
Completely out of context. Yeah, exactly.

Like has no idea what's going on. And there's just an I love bread followed
by dick jerking maximization video.
If she's smart, she probably muted that. Yeah, 100%.
All right. So you guys made it. There's a hedge a hedge maze right in front

of you as you crawl out of the water. It's a fucking maze?
Well, you know, if you actually want to follow the maze completely to the end,
the best way to do it is just follow along.
You put your left hand on the left hand side of the maze, and you just follow
it along until you reach the end.
You ever see the play Pan's Labyrinth?

What? Huh? Yeah, Pence Labyrinth.
David Bowie, he kidnaps a baby and then she has to follow him through the maze and yada yada yada.
Who's David Bowie? He's a very famous actor that's out of Tenos. He's also in a band.
I don't like bands. I summon the tentacle Okay.

And just run in front of me. And I make it stand up and then i i climbed the
top and like looked to see if i could say anything.
Yeah absolutely so it's it's a large mace from what you can tell it goes back,
i don't know 200 and not that's not that big is it i was gonna say if it's 200

feet that's big at all a thousand feet oh my gosh yeah that's slightly bigger
than a football field That's right. It's huge.
As far as the eye can see, it's huge to you, okay? You're happy.
Finn, how much rum have I had?
You just took a three swallow.

About as much rum as Aaron's actually had tonight.
I'm gonna Thaumaturgy make my voice boom three times louder than normal and
be like, hey! We're here!
In the not-too-distance in the maze, you hear a woman's voice.

Oh, someone, anyone, is that, can you get to me, please?
Oh, this is awkward, but this is, I'm the lover.
I'm trapped in my own realm. You're the lover?
Yes, hi, hello, who is this?
I'm sorry, say that one more time? Yeah, it's as loud and as obnoxious as possible.

That's how abrupt I am with it. she says she's
the lover we gotta go we gotta go right now and i'm just take off running into the
maze okay i want a horse call i
want a horse collar tackle him what he can he can
try he can try all right
go ahead let's go that athletics i'm rolling
athletics your athletics cannot

be be that good oh my athletics is not good 16 16
rollies rollies straight roll oh natural 20 bitch can i can i use a lucky point
on the roll no no i got a natural 20 you can't lucky roll that,

nine you are horse collar so you're sprinting full of your legs hey Hey, hey, get off me.
Get off me. The lover needs me. Hey, we're going to get work.
We're going to get him. Let's make sure it's not a trap. I know.
Listen, listen, we've got a fucking and we've got to go. The lover,
the lover needs me. The lover, the lover called to me. The lover needs me.

Yeah, we're going to go get him. Let's go right now. Why did you tackle me?
Because you probably about ran into a trap, so let's make sure you don't.
No, there's no traps in front of us. Trust me, I know.
No, you don't. Just follow the river streams that you're used to, man.

I'll start running into the cave. No! You'll never run into the maze.
Put him on a leash, Scarlet.
I don't have anything to tie him up with. He's getting farther and farther away in the maze.
And take an immediate left. What do you say, Finn?
I summon the tentacle and trip him. Okay.

Make an acrobatics check.
I'm trying to put the unseen servant in between me and the tentacle.
No, you don't know that shit's coming. The unseen servant. I don't know if he
made it to the portal. For the water? Sure he did.
I think water disrupts magic like that. Nah.

What am I doing? it am i doing anything acrobatics yeah
he was doing an acrobatic shot fuck pick something
else jay 10 wait what did
jay do what did aaron do he just summoned
a tentacle i guess he could have rolled an attack against you but i didn't want to make you do
that okay you did athletics last time
this was acrobatics two different things i'm just trying to

get you to slow down we're gonna catch up to you all right you you
catch up to him as he's as segment is getting up segment
you still sprinting off just slow down we got this when i hit the ground so
much time with you running away when i hit the ground i'm gonna thaw my turgium
we're coming we're on the way i'll be here it's it's okay no no rush i trust

you we're coming what's your name.
Oh, my name is Mira. Oh, I thought she said she was the lover.
I am. I thought for sure it was going to be Flora.
What? No. I didn't say that to her. I didn't say that to her. I said to them.
I thought it was going to be Flora. That would make sense. I was adding everything

up in my head, and I thought Victoria Sponge kept on baking with recipes she
stole from Flora's notes.
Yeah. You were always really good at philosophy, but math was never your strong suit.
So let's stop trying to add things up You never Had good grades in math I can count ten Count One,

Okay I'm just walking While they're having this argument Carefully looking for
traps Scarlet don't get too far ahead I'm ignoring him Is six next or is it
four You make your way Scarlet Three,
In the essence of time here or in the,
I don't know, that's not the right term, but you make your way through the maze

where you believe the sound came from of the lover and you find trapped in a heart-shaped box.
Is a woman with dark red hair, pale, milky white skin,
deep red robe on, not a whole lot else.
And she's sitting cross-legged, just waiting.

And she sees you. Oh, thank God. Who are you?
I told you I'm the lover. My friends call me Mira. Then who am I?
You. And she'll look.
You are Sigmund. Holy fucking shit. Son of. And what was your dad's name again? Sigmund.

Sigman son of so you are sigman son of sigman oh fan fan she knows that we are,
yeah she knows that bitch too okay i don't know whom you're referring to but
i would like to get out of this box if you would how long have you been here

well i've been here for three days now War days?
I'm not sure. Time is... You said your name is Mira?
Relative. Mira, yes. But you're also the lover.
Yes, I am. You are the god the lover. No.

When's the last time we spoke?
I believe we spoke on the way on the way well, a couple days ago and I actually
that was when I was getting put in the box I think I sent you a message who
puts you in the box that is,
great question she's some demon fiend I'm not sure how you got here but she's,

slowly taking over this realm and if you get me out I will gladly,
show you to her so we can Scarlet Scarlet what,
that's the lover Lover.
Yeah, I see that. How do I help them out? Because I don't know what I'm supposed
to do. Get around the box.

Well, oh, dear lover.
We'll arcana check. Dear lover, how do I let you out of your imprisonment from these mortal coils?
Well, not mortal coils. If they were mortal, I could do something about them, I think.
I think that these and show or show this is Well, I'm not sure but I think it's

something from the infernal what you would call 18.
Right and then 18 is good enough for you to know that one it is magical to none
of your weapons are going to help get her out and I,

I think with an 18 three is probably, you're probably going to,
as you look, you'll see kind of a lock for a socket form and a little heart
shaped socket is going to form where something obviously is supposed to go.
Can I insight? I would be foolish not to ask for my passive insight,

but whatever you deem. We are. What do you inside?
Yeah. I just want to insight is, Is this really the lover? Are they telling me the truth?
What's your passive? My passive is 19.
But I could roll higher than that if necessary.

Well, which one are you doing, man? I'll just.
I'll roll for it. I'll roll for it. All right, go ahead and roll.
God fucking damn. I'm going to use a lucky point. That's my second lucky point
You could have just used your passive.
You want me to take a picture This is a nat 20 for a 29 But I will take a picture,

I will take a picture That's alright I believe you I believe you I'm sending it anyway,
You're muted Aaron I was just being a dick anyway I don't fucking believe you take the picture,
I'm sending it I'm sending it right now,
For a 29 Yep as you Look at her And really really start to look At her.

You stare into her eyes, and you realize that she is not the one.
Why are you going to lie to me like that? Did you ask her that?
Yeah, why are you going to lie to me? I'm here to help. Why are you going to
lie to me? And so as soon as you say that, she goes, oh, bollocks.
And the heart-shaped box will fade away.

The shrubs will all melt away as if done by an illusion.
Wings will sprout from her back. her hair, two horns will pop out and curve
back and a tail will pop out of her ass.
I hate it when you ruin a good time and we'll roll initiative.

Right. Oh, actually, we'll we'll we'll we'll leave the initiative roll for next week.
Oh, and we'll flip back to our two companions who are alone Alone in the room
of the Prince of Credania, snoozing.
Luz and Dalar, what are you guys doing? I want to barricade the door. You barricade the door?

Bring a chair and hit it right in there? No problem.
Is the princess still in there? The princess was in the other room.
They went to the room to the left. So the princess... Oh, okay. Yeah.
Dalar sneakily closed the door on that one.
Well, who wants to go first, Luz? You or me? me
i think i think we should we want to make sure not to scare him create any noise

is there a is there a window in this room that we can get out of yes there is
yeah you look around there's multiple windows oh i think we need to get the
information out of him and maybe,
scaring it out of him is a good idea well let's just look I want to see how

asleep he actually is, so I'll go over to him and,
nudge him a little bit. Yeah, he's asleep.
He's asleep.
You want to try to carry him out of here?

How many stories up are we? Just one. This one. So we're like,
what? Five feet from the ground?
No, you're like 12 feet from the ground.
You want to do this in here on the second story i'm sorry you don't know the person,

so i want to go to the window and look out the window and see what i see like
within like no just tell me what i see yes uh so one story up you don't see
a whole lot i mean you see the patrons of the city still having a great time
um it's being thin out especially in the royal quarter as people are making
their way but you guys are actually on the left side,

so you look around one of them on the front that's what you see but on the back
you see no one directly below you so in one of those it looks like the coast
is pretty clear I'm going to,
rip a sheet and see if that ripping noise wakes them up okay you know what I'm

talking about yeah Yeah, I know what you're talking about.
Like, if we need to tie him up, let's see if that also wakes him up.
No, I mean, he's out. And there's a reason he's out, so he's out.
Yeah, it's going to take...
Yeah, he's out. All right.

There was a play about this.
Bernie's Mansion?
You want to try to put him in between us and see if we can get out of here,
I don't know if we're going to

make it through the crowd we could probably just throw him out the window,
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no no I agree maybe we can you know get a little lever
situation and lower him down so he doesn't wake up or you can take those sheets
that you just ripped up and we just wrap around.
Let's make a little thing to calm down.

Neck or feet? What am I wrapping?
I guess the feet? I don't want to choke him and have him die.
Okay, sorry. Valdar usually does it around the neck. That's what I'm used to.
I respect I respect the Valdar. I do want you to know that, right?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. We have done a lot for the Valdar, and sometimes I don't think
the Valdar realizes how much we do for them.
Yeah, no, no. They don't respect you at all.
Well, sending someone like you would show the utmost respect, wouldn't it?
Thank you for that compliment. That wasn't a compliment. Let's get him out this window.

Fucking Ivan was here. Let's get him out.
I'm sorry. Are you guys tying a rope around this guy's legs?
We're going to lower him down to the ground. Okay.
He makes it no problem.

How are you guys going to get down? Are you guys going down a rope?
I'm making a little knot ladder to get down.
You guys scoot scoot down.
You look around and once again, surprisingly, not a lot of guards.
It's surprising how easy it is, but you guys officially have just kidnapped the prince.

All of a sudden. I'm not sure how this is taking a turn, but yes,
you guys have the prince.
Now, you were saying the whole area is the royal... This whole area is the royal
court, correct. Okay, so Bullock, I don't think we should actually leave the premises.
I think we should just find another house where there's no activity,

maybe a servant house or something like that where there's nobody there. Let's bring him there.
Let's not cause too much of a commotion in the streets. Let's bring him there,
and then we can talk to him there.
And then, you know, when we let him go, he's still on his own ground. He got lost.
He slept. He was sleepwalking. He was under the influence of the bread.

The bread has the properties to.
Can I tell that he's like not asleep? He's more than just asleep.
Yeah. I mean, you would know by what Scarlett has told you and by the fact that
you guys just lowered this guy out the window by his legs and he has not woken up yet.
So he's like this, like just paralyzed, like no limb movement or nothing. No, he's just. Yeah.

Yeah. Well, I can do like that loose. Because I don't want to go too far with
this. This could be a mess.
So let's find somewhere quiet. Let's try to wake him up and ask him some questions. Okay.
You guys walk through kind of the royal quarter. Give me a self check.

There we go. Finally.
19. 17. All right, let's go. You walk down the alleyways towards the side where the hill is.
You hug kind of the backs of the buildings, stay in the shadows.
There's a lot of the areas covered in shadows.
The layers here are a little bit sparsely. You make your way kind of towards the hedges.

almost similar to what your friends were just looking at.
Shrubs and hedges with roses in them. You walk in and try and find a secluded place.
As you walk into the courtyard, we'll call it.
You're muted, Jeff, a voice rings out, a woman's voice. You recognize it as the voice of Vivian.

They told me you'd come and she steps around one of the corners and,
a man steps out from behind you and then another to your left and another to your right all wearing,
armor that you, Balar, have seen before, armor that you saw in Bearfall,

you recognize them as the other members of the Four Horsemen,
the assassins sent by the crown to kill his kin,
and that's where we'll end it for tonight night and i'm gonna say get out of
there 400 times the mean jerk time i've got this,
i don't know what that means but all right thanks everybody for listening go

chuck your chickens have a good night we have two huge like initiative things
here where we really all should be together this really is oh yeah you split
the party i can't believe i was I was like, I've got, let's go.
We are in opposite ends. I just want to say, I tried. We're blaming Doug. We're blaming Doug.

Wait, what?
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