All Episodes

March 25, 2024 112 mins

A girl walks into a bar and sets off a chain reaction that shows how our adventurers all became linked.  Join our cast as they play new characters in this Prequel Adventure.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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My mug on the ground. Why are you wasting the alcohol? Hey, why are you all
messing up my bar? Dario, steady your arms.
Yeah, you want to hurt her, you got to get through me. I've made the same bargain
that you are running from.
And I am better for it. I can give you a drink right now and I'm...
Can I have some of that rum? What do you know about children? You have no hair.

Let's talk about biscuits. Let's get some D&D in. Let's talk about buttered sausage.
Sausage let's that what
all right without further ado are you
recording yes all right we're getting into it
welcome to another episode of ad and d wireless adventure is calling we have
a special one-shot edition because we were down a couple members of group doug
is in hawaii caroline is still dealing with her newborn she's dealing with there's

got to be a better a better term for me to use. Child-rearing.
Child-rearing. She's being a mom. Yeah, she's bringing life into this world.
And Ugluck. You know what? Ugluck, I spoke with Ugluck today,
Chris, that is, who plays Ugluck.
I'm not sure when he's coming back. I think for all those listening out there
who really loved Ugluck, I think you could probably write him off for a little

while, and maybe towards the end he'll come back.
We're not really sure, so I wouldn't hold your breath on that one.
All that said, so we're down to a normal-sized D&D group tonight,
four people, so we're doing a little bit of of a special one shot before we
get going the very first thing that we're going to do is roll initiative so
we don't have to keep rolling it all night and we can kind of conserve some time,

if and when you guys something happens wow all right melissa what'd you get four four.
Melissa while while it's your turn why don't you let us know who you're playing
and we can do the suspenseful thing.
I'm a halfling cleric and my name is Sigmund Whiskey Dollar Senior.

You sent me that text and i was like wow plot twist
and jeff was sitting beside me he's like what i was like i can't tell you i
was i was gonna ask if you told jeff or if you guys talked about it when i when
i wasn't here i did like three hours later when i was like she's a cleric i
was like and i just shouted across the house to her i said does it have anything to do with me,

she said no i was like okay for those of you listening that is sigmund who is
our our cleric on our normal campaign. That is his father.
And Sigmund Whiskey Dollar Sr. rolled a mighty four for their session initiative.
You roll for your initiative. I was too busy holding my breath to see if Chris would come back.
Yeah, he's not right now. In no time in the very near future.

Try and hold my breath again. Yeah, he should try. Let's all try real quick and see what happens.
Is that a one? Man got a crit fail. Not a halfling anymore.
Not a halfling anymore. more all right aaron who are you playing this evening
he's gonna pull up his notes as he he is someone who's not playing anyone that
will anyone will recognize he's not playing yon ball,

he's not playing who's yon ball chris uh oglek's dad oglek's dad is it's not
yon ball it's that's what he said it was no maybe it is hi my name's david.
What are you david i was wondering if that's what we were getting if he's reading it all,

slow he's not that this is awkward because i'll tell you who he is in just a
little bit no i won't i won't actually because hopefully it'll be revealed,
no i'm slow to anger there you go i'm good that i was slow no.
That's how slow Aaron is at reading While he's reading that,

Jeff, why don't you roll for your initiative? He just does a barbarian, right?
He is a barbarian, yes. Well, I am going to play like a dummy then.
Yeah, I mean, did you read further down in my text?
One of the things I think I said was you are wise enough to realize that you're not that smart. Okay.
So you have enough worldly wisdom to realize that intelligence is not your strong suit.

But happy, happy-go-lucky, nice guy. I'm not going to give Boof a run for his
money tonight. Here we go, baby. baby. All right, Jeff, you're up.
I rolled an 18.
I don't know if that was sexy or scary. I'm a human warlock.
I derive my powers from the old ones.

That's really interesting. Mike, roll your initiative and who are you? I rolled a 16.
All right. in my name is Liliana.
I am most likely
a shoot first and ask questions later

type of gal me and my
boy toy have been
crossing the plate listen I'm doing something something
weird you really
should have given us clues to these characters by
the way this is the only female character melissa i know i know so i figured

it would be all right so we have just a recap for our listeners who who don't
jump on it really quick melissa is playing oh my gosh and i'm I'm blanking already.
Melissa is playing Sigmund's father.
Mike is playing Scarlet's mother. Okay.
Aaron is playing someone who we don't know exactly who he is yet.

And Jeff is playing someone who we don't know exactly who he is yet.
You guys all find yourself in a tavern slash in on the outskirts of Charwood.
The inn run by a humble, kind, slow to anger, not necessarily slow himself.
Barbarian David has been serving some fine drinks.

You are all there for whatever your purpose may be. when um
all of a sudden a young
female sprints into the
room and she screams help help i
need shelter help please no running
and i should mention there's one more

person here that's not on the map i'll put him on the map liliana dario is of
course there with you as you guys are are traveling in a pair she sprints in
she knocks over a couple of of chairs the the person playing the piano pauses
and kind of sits back music stops for a brief instance,
and she just looks around and as she looks around the door is still open you get this this,

quick little i'm trying to think of what the like like a streak of of life,
and eight little tiny almost pixie-like fey comes sprinting in after her and
so we're going to start off this one shot with a quick fight to see what your characters are made of.
And these guys man i just want to stay here and drink my drink.

Seven what's that can you send me my link to your character yeah yes i can't how would i do that.
Did you get the link to the campaign? Yeah, but it's not an iMessage,
so I can't get it to my computer. Mm-hmm.
You want me to send it? I got you, Aaron.

Do you want me to email it to you? I don't got you. I feel like an old man. What email?
How do I use this nonsense?
Can you just send it to me on the book first? Oh, I got you.
Somebody just do something, please. On the book first?
Oh my gosh Jeff that's your Roshi voice,

Let's see We'll give him a roll I sent it,
That's an ugly picture for Dario Yeah honestly He's an ugly man so He's not
a super nice guy Let's not bring in our feelings over Into this one shot,
Alright Let's update everybody Steven rolled an 18 18, I'd say Sigmund, Jeff rolled an 18.

Sigmund actually rolled a four. Yeah. Did you just say Melissa?
I'm going to turn that down. Don't worry, everybody. Getting for story purposes here. Rolled a 16.
Turn this down a little bit. Let's see what our brave and wise adventurers are made of.

The first person that gets to go is the warlock. That is me.
You never said what your name was?
I just have no concern to you.
Maybe I want to go. So what I'm going to do,

I'm going to send an Eldritch Blast at the two closest ones. So one each.
Okay, one right here and one right here. Yep. Let me paint the scene for our audio listeners.
They're in the middle of a tavern. There's chairs everywhere.
Where there's a piano down on the southern right-hand corner.
The lowly bartender, played by Aaron, is behind his bar.

Sigmund sits at the stool, just wanting to drink alone.
Liliana and Dario were enjoying a peaceful, yet nice evening up until this point,
listening to some music and eating.
And our warlock was sitting all the way in the back of his eyes,
keenly on the door, when this strange woman appeared with her eight fey chasers.

Chasers? What should we call them? Pursuers? There you go.
Alright, what are we doing here? I rolled a 15 on one and a 16 on the other.
Alright, the 15 was on the top one. That does miss. The 16 on the bottom one,
that is its armor class. That does hit. Amazing.

That's going to be.
2 force damage. a
little different than their uh regular their regular
uh characters all right he takes and i can i can i flip the table in front of

me and like kind of hunker down behind it hell yeah brother gonna be like girl
get out of there uh all right lilliana you're at his bite,
So Lilliana's gonna stand up and see all this happening and say Dario, steady your arms.

And she's gonna take the stool and just fling it across the room and pull a
dagger out and say battles upon us.
And this girl, she may be the one.
And I'm gonna chunk a big ass dagger at somebody. Let me figure out how to do this.

Damn, that's crazy.
18 plus 6. Yo, hello. Which one are you going for?
The one closest to me. Okay, yeah, that'll hit. So I'll just do this.
Let's put it in there. I think it'll be much. 7 damage.
Okay. Very, very weak. You hit this thing, and there's not a whole lot of it

to miss, so it's impressive that you hit it.
And you basically pin this thing to the wall. It's still alive but your dagger takes it and boom!
It just pins it right to the wall so it is incapacitated at this time.
And I just want to say these fools think that we don't know what battle is.

Dario make quick haste of this.
Alright. It's now one of them
is going to sprint at our mysterious woman he's going
to the heck are they gonna do there we
go multi-attack and does
that actually do both of them no it just does that

this is what sigmund's dad yeah as of this moment he hasn't met a lovely woman
yet right so he hasn't made his way to moon grove or anything like that oh so
I can't okay yeah yeah so he's definitely feeling a little little rough he's
He's in the bottle a little bit.
He's a rough around the edges. He's rough.

Remember, he's equal parts Finn's dad as well, right?
He's got Finn's pension for alcohol. I said Grom. Grom, sorry.
There you go. A 15 does in fact hit our mysterious woman here. We'll roll for damage.

She's going to take 7 damage, and it was It was a multi-attack,
so he's going to swing one more time.
Yo, hi, heavy hitters here. What are these things we're fighting,
by the way? These are quicklings.
Never heard of these. All right, she is taking 17 total damage.

This is going to be a lot because I put a lot of shit ton of quicklings out
here. So here we go. We're going to make it a little bit quicker,
and I'm just going to take one swipe.
The other one's going to move towards Sigmund Sr. Senior. Gonna take,
their swipe. This is 24. It'd be so funny if you accidentally killed somebody that was in the corner.

I'll have to figure out. Luckily, I think I have some tricks up my sleeves.
Signal will take 7 damage for me. Alright, the.
One down here. Gonna head straight for the Mysterious Stranger.
12 damage does not or 12 does not hit all right and last one before the mysterious stranger goes,

is going to what is she gonna do they have 250 feet so this one's gonna move
towards the liana and they're gonna take a poke at liana,
That's a crit. Doesn't hit. I didn't think it would. If you'll take 11 damage for me.

All right, I'm dead. All right. Now it is the Mysterious Stranger's turn.
She does have a couple of tricks up her sleeves as well.
She is going to multi-attack, and she's going to take two daggers out of her hand.

Yeah, she's gonna do her actually her quarterstaff.
That's what she's gonna use Probably should have mentioned that she's working with a quarterstaff.
She doesn't hit so that's her turn. She sucks All right, just like everyone else,
This one's gonna run towards towards our lowly bartender as these things are

chittering around and going extremely fast.
Sorry hit that one twice uh bartender barkeep does a 16 hit that is david our friendly barbarian,

appears david's not here david dugged
it ducked out and said he he was done uh luckily
i have his character sheet right here ladies and gentlemen as the
dm i'm equipped for all manner of surprises uh it
does in fact hit he will take nine damage i'm pumping out that damage edge to

start it all off as we have eight quicklings this last one's gonna sprint and
bypass the lily commoner showing some sort of intelligence and move to the person
that just nailed his buddy.
Uh there's 22 hit,

it's a joke take 10 damage unless you want to do something all right now i went
through all that really quick our other guy is going to try and pry himself
he's going to roll to see if he can get out to do a strength check,

he does not he is still pinned to the wall he rolled a crit fail,
still another one last one is going to move towards our lowly piano player the
common man who has no name at this point.
You don't know if he's really important or not.

A 15 is gonna hit him.
And he's unconscious. So I hope he's not that important. The music, no!
Alright, it is now... It is now Dario's turn.
Dario is going to sprint at the one that just hit Liliana, of course.

Seeing how effective Liliana's daggers or thrown instruments were,
he's going to whip out a crossbow from nowhere, it appears, and shoot at it.
And, of course, miss completely.
All right. Sigmund, what are you doing? We need some help here, Sigmund.
I am going to something. I should have been thinking about this.

I'm going to do a Spear Guardians, and I'm going to walk towards our lady friend
who just ran into the bar.
You got one right up on you, don't you? Tap these people. Huh?
Huh? Don't you have one right on top of you?
Well, that's what I'm saying. Yeah. Oh, okay.

So, I don't even know what I'm doing. A 14 wisdom please. Alright.
For the one that looks to me. The one right next to you?
I was going to ask because I don't know what I'm doing either.
Well, if you click the spell, it should have a thing. Probably the one up here is in it.
I think you guys changed my spell, so let me go take our time and import it one more time.

Is that if he starts his thing or as soon as it happens. When they enter it
and if they start their turn. Alright, let's go.
See if that helps. Spirit weapons. No, it did help, but luckily man, love D&D.
We have all the spells here. Spirit Guardian is not all. I can't see it, so that's fine.

Spirit Guardians is a 10, 10, 15 foot range.
It's a saving throw. Circle. Yeah, Yeah, 14 wisdom saving throw.
They fail. So they take 3d8.
I believe you're going to get. Dario's right there if you want to get him too.
You're going to get. I'm only going for the thingies.

You're also going to get this one if you're doing it. It's powered by David.
Yeah. They would take 9 damage.
A piece. 9 total? Yeah. Okay.
Their speed is now halved. They are down to. They are bloodied,
each down to one HP, just like the one that's held tight by the dagger.

Not a lot of HP on these bad boys.
All right, and you said you were going to... Are you going to walk anywhere?
I was going to try to walk towards the lady who walked and ran into the bar.
Okay, so this guy's going to get an opportunity attack on you. Okay, that's fine.
How close do you want to get to our mysterious stranger? I kind of wanted to
get her The ones that are around her In the spirit guardians Gotcha I'll put you right here,

There you go. So they also have to do wisdom saving throws. Okay.
Let's first, we're going to do opportunity attack here.
26. Yeah. 9. Just take 9 damage for me. Okay. That's a concentration check.
Thank you. That's a 16, so. You're good to go.

Alright. Let's do some saving throws here. Two saving throws coming. 15 on the first.
That succeeds. Okay, the other one. 21.
Natural 20. They both succeed. Half as much damage.
Do I need to re-roll the damage since I walked to them? Or is it still 9? You can re-roll it.

Seems more fun. More dice. More fun.
17 that time. Half of 17. They're going to eat damage.
Once again, very weak. Their speed is high.
All right. Somebody is finally whittling away these people, these fools.
All right. Sigmund said he wanted to go back to his drinking.

So he stood up and did something about it. David, it's your bar.
These ruffians, these fey, wild creatures have stormed in. What are you going to do about it?
So David very patiently waits behind the bar, cleaning glasses,
trying to decipher what's happening.
You've also been hit once, I should mention that. Oh, no. I took the damage.

I could hear the whole time. I just couldn't get to the computer to say anything. Yeah.
Why are y'all messing up my bar? No, he's going to be from Boston.
Tom Brady! Yeah. Tom Brady's messing up my bar! It's wicked fucking rude.

Alright, so he's going to pull out his hand axes.
And attack the creatures.
After he bonus action rages. Because why the hell not?
You raging? Hell yeah, why not? So I don't know if you changed anything,
but I definitely have you as...

Did you already know what I was about to say? No. I had you as...
What is it? Wild magic. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I see that. Gotcha.
Alright, so I'll just start off with the normal rage stuff.
So I'll jump over the bar, and I'll attack somebody. There's one right by you, too.

I'll attack that. Yeah, when you rage with wild magic, you get a roll of d8.
Every time, yes. That's right. Oh, okay.
Because you get a different effect each time. I'm facing wild. That's in Wild Surge.
Oh, when you enter rage, okay, I understand.

So, DA, I'm sorry, I feel like I take the longest.
No, it's like a whole new class. Six. Until your rage ends, you are surrounded
by multicolored protective lights.
Yo, I just opened up a fucking prison in here. It's a fucking rave in here all
of a sudden. Dig-a-dig-a-dig-a-dig-a-dig-a-dig.
Did you start singing a USC song? You gain plus one in your honor class. They didn't write it.

They didn't write it. Plus one bonus to your armor class Within ten feet of
your allies Gain the same bonus I wouldn't call us allies yet Alright,
I'm going to swing at one of them with a hand axe Go for it I still get the plus two of,

Raging Raging Cajun Melee damage Natural one for a... Hold on.
Plus two. That's three. Plus six.
Eight! Dang. That's not a bad natural one. Unfortunately, it's still a natural

one, so you rage and lights just start flickering everywhere.
They blind you for a half second and wham! You swing your axe down.
It lands right on your bar and not only have you stuck one of your hand axes
in the bar, but you've also ruined your fucking bar with that swing.
You little floating bitch. Mitch, you must be like one of them Tom Brady things.
I hit him again. That's a natural 20. All right. Boy, my, how the turntables

have turned. You're going to go ahead and kill this one. It's only got one health. Thank you.
Movement. I move. Towards another one.
Okay. Closest one to you is right over here. That's where you're going. All right.
And now we're going to go back to the top of the order here.

We're right on time, guys. We're crushing it here. I'm going to slow us down
a little bit. Have a good time. All right.
So there's one that flew up on me. Is that correct?
Yes. Right by it. Yep. Right underneath you. I'm going to kind of do like a
with my hand and catch the dagger that flies down my forearm that I had hidden up there.

And does that you fucked with the wrong man? And I'm going to drag it across
my palm and it's going to sheathe in booming energy and I'm going to stab him
with a booming blade. That's badass.
We'll see.
Ooh. 19.

That'll hit. Okay, so that is my normal 1d4 plus 2 plus a d8. That is...
7 damage. Close, but no cigar. 2 of that is thunder damage. Ooh.

And if the target willingly moves 5 or more feet, it will take another 2d8 thunder damage.
Okay. So all hell is all of a sudden breaking loose in this establishment was
what once was a quiet night.
Mysterious stranger has come strolling in. 8,
quickling feywild creatures have come in, basically scratched every one of you,

and all of a sudden the bartender has turned on rave lights and this stranger
in the back right has started blasting thunder in the relatively small space,
so it's feeling a little interesting here.
Liliana, you're up. And as my bonus action I'm sorry, bonus action movement,
I'm gonna do the Winter Soldier knife flip, grab it, and stab dab at it again

with two weapon fighting okay so i don't get my modifier but,
17 hits yep a whopping,
three that'll do it damage well this thing falls to the ground you pin it to the floor.

Um, and then I'm going to flip the dagger again, catch us at the blades coming
out this end, and I'm just going to take off at a sprint, uh,
this way, right there.
Awesome. That's my turn. All right, Lilliana, you're up. All right,

so you may have to help me a little bit with this combat, but Lilliana at this
point is going to say, Dario, take care of the one on me.
Send me to the girl and i want to
run towards dario and i want him to put his
hand down and i'm going to step in it and i want him to push me
back as i flip back towards the chick i mean that's awesome okay
that's badass uh yeah give me

uh an acrobatics check like just looking
at the summer olympics i mean hell yeah that's a
14 all right he's gonna do an athletics check let's
see how he is all right
16 you guys are pretty in sync there as you flip
over uh you you flip pretty nimbly
right over uh segment and you land pretty much right beside segment now facing

uh you know doing your backflip you're facing segment essentially with the girl
on your right all right hold on as i'm flipping back in the air i want to um throw one of my daggers.
One of those things one of the one of the ones by the girl yes okay you're getting
an opportunity attack real quick just on the one that you he's gonna roll his

dagger that is gonna hit take eight damage for me all right and go ahead roll an attack.
Well that's a 17 I don't even know what my modifier is gonna hit all right so
So that's my first dagger.
I think, what is it with the throne thing? It's plus.

Yeah, you get plus two, I think. Yeah, plus two. Yep. So the first one is going
to be, oh, it's plus six to hit. That's crazy.
That's three damage to the first one. That'll kill it.
And can I use my bonus action for two weapon fighting to throw the other one? Yeah.
Yeah, you're going to get, if you're doing a range attack like that,

At your disadvantage, you'd be better off just swinging at it. Right. Okay.
So as I land, I want to swipe at the next one. Okay. Okay.
Know how to do these modifiers so it says dagger it's like plus six it says 14.

That's not gonna hit unfortunately just no i said this it said it's plus six
for the modifier like plus hit like plus two hits a six all right so that's a it's a 19.
Oh okay yep then that will hit all right so we'll roll that the seven damage
that one's dead too all right you guys starting to eat away at these things.

One, two, three. And I want to say to the girl, you bring a lot of chaos into such a small bar.
She wasn't really expecting you all to actually be able to help her do anything.

She'll kind of smile, but she's definitely just panicked and doesn't really respond.
It is now the quickling's turn, who's in the middle of nowhere, really.
And he's going to sprint at our warlock friend, because that warlock is the closest.
How many? Actually, one, two. Yeah, that's fair. Okay. So this one's going to be the brave one.

Does the 17 hit warlock?
Jeff, does the 17 hit? I didn't see if you shook it. I don't have it up.

Sorry, I'm muted, but that hits. All right, there we go. You'll take seven piercing damage.
So it's now the mysterious finish turn. and she's going to look around and realize
that there's nothing really around her anymore.
And at that point, she will look at Liliana and kind of take a breath and smile.

And then realizing that there is still danger around, she's going to look at
the one that just attacked one of her would-be saviors.
And she is going to cast Firebolt at it.
Pretty close to Dario. She's going to hit it with a 24. Hell yeah.
Yeah, and it's going to take eight damage.

And she is going to stick pretty close to Liliana at this point.
She's not going to move forward a whole lot.
She, in fact, is going to move and step right over these two dead quicklings
and kind of find some cover back here. She's got some range on her.
Yep, go for it. It's the bad guy's turn anyway, so they're going to start hitting people.

This other guy is going to make a strength check again.
15. Finally good enough to use his action and rip himself free of this knife.
Still alive and kicking.
He's then going to use his movement, and he's going to sprint towards the mysterious,
flutter really towards the mysterious stranger here.

All right. this one seeing that the tide is unfortunately not with them at this
moment and realizing that he's down to three where there were eight is going
to look for an exit so he's going to roll a,
perception check because he doesn't want to run,

right by everybody that's good enough so he's going to sprint the same way they came in,
which i guess is right here so i don't know and he's he's
now officially out the door but only just
out the door Dario's up
Dario seeing that Lilliana is taking care of that it's gonna take this crossbow

out once again and shoot at the one who's right by our warlock friend and that
one has is down to pretty much nothing as well all right Dario what you got do something here.
16 that's gonna hit that's summer class and he's

gonna fool his arrows gonna pierce it and point pin
it to the wall and that one is dead as well there you know getting shit done
all right Sigmund you're up there are two really only one left and it's right

by I'm sorry, there's two left.
There's one by David and there's one by the Mysterious Stranger.
Can I walk five feet towards the Mysterious Stranger and walk ten feet towards
the bartender? Absolutely.

It's wisdom of 14. Just imagine Sigmund just i mean rum's still in hand and
just walks forward a couple steps then like stumbles backwards a little bit
and just takes care of it some somehow.
14 is the first one. That will be half damage.

And the second one, we'll just get it out of the way here, is also another 14.
So both will be half damage.
Both at 1 HP. So it's going to... Feel free to describe it. Half of 8 would be 4.
So I just take my drink and I just walk a few feet and then I just turn around
like I'm walking back to the bar to sit back down and just get that one in it.

And then sit down and drop the Spirit Guardians and be like,
can I have some rum, please?
And we'll end combat there. The scene is yours for now.
The Mysterious Ranger, of course, is... Sorry.
The music doesn't start back up. It's silent because the piano player is unfortunately unconscious.
Yeah, go ahead. I was going to say, I just wanted to start striding towards the Mysterious Ranger.

Yep. So she's now... Hey, Baldi! Pick up that table you flipped over!
I will have some patience. It's a virtue, they say. What's a virtue?
Then I go back to the bar.
Thank you. I don't know what to say. I'm not sure what I would have done. They hush.

What trouble have you wrought upon this? This quiet bar with what were you doing
out there to bring that nonsense into here?
Well, that's a rather long story. And one, I really don't feel that I need burden
you any more than I already have.
And she like takes a timid step back at your tone. I reach out to her and grab her hand. Okay.

Make an acrobatics check. She'll make one too.
Acrobatics. 14. Okay. You grab it. Snap your hand. She goes silent. She stiffens.
Does she seem scared? She does. She seems pretty terrified now.
Know all of a sudden all of a sudden she's scared that she's just come out of the frying pan into
the fire and she's her eyes you can see her starting to dart

from you to sigmund after seeing
sigmund kind of drunkenly take care of two or three
of these things to liliana who just did a backflip and you know
freaking pinned them with their knives and is like
all right she's not saying anything but
she's just terrified you can feel her stiffen up a little bit i'm gonna
say you're are scared let me

tell you about scared your heart
is beating so hard that i could feel it through
your hands right now you could
run faster and you could fight harder and you could jump higher than ever in
your life and you are so alert that it feels like you could slow down time what's
wrong with scared scared is a superpower and she'll she'll get a little brave

at that you'll see her face harden a little bit,
scared may be a super power for a short amount of time but I have been scared
my entire life and after a while
it just makes you tired you should be because all things come to an end.
And at that moment and start walking away

from her all right at that moment as soon as you say all things come to an end
you hear a voice in the air and a loud pop and you hear a rather rather melodic
voice where a gin appears directly behind the mysterious range,
or I shouldn't say behind the series, but just to the right where the entrance was.

And he kind of laughs at a deep baritone voice.
All things do end except for some, some, it'll look directly at you.
Some continue on after their end.
Now, my dearest Danielle, you did not have to run.
All that is required is that you pay me what is owed and she's at that point

danielle is gonna freak out and like fall back over the the stairs here or over
the chairs here and fall down,
and she's gonna kind of look toward towards you guys and she'll look back at
the gin i don't have it you said my dearest possession and i possess it no longer
it's not mine i have Have no dear possession.

The djinn is going to take a step forward looking at you guys. Hey.
Yes, are you speaking to me? Well, you're in my bar,
Oh, how very rude of me Yeah It appears that some of my associates have ruined
a very good evening And he'll, foom,

whip out his hand and a sack of coins is gonna fall on the nearest table You'll
hear some gold rattle down Will that take care of everything?
No Well, I'm I'm worried about this situation you got here Oh, this situation.
This is, well, should we tell them the story, Danielle?

It is a lovely night. You should stop advancing on it like that. It's not very friendly.
Well, a bargain was struck. I'm sure you know something about that, Barkeep.
When you render services, payment is due. I have rendered services.
Danielle, have I not? And it is time for my due payment.

And daniel at that point's gonna look at you guys he wanted my child he wanted my dearest possession,
which i took to mean jewels or gold
or riches and he meant my child
and so i disowned it and it
is mine no longer you cannot have him
jen is going to take a

deep breath i deal in semantics
ticks all the time i understand them completely but
a debt is still owed it sounds like a price need be renegotiated perhaps i'll
look towards the group you and your companions or just you if it were they feel

free to let you wander out could help me in retrieving.
Another lost possession.
What say you, Danielle? And she's going to look at you guys with pleading in
her eyes. You guys do anything?
I have re-flipped over the table, backed onto it.

Thank you. Most people don't do it and have to kill them.
Fucking slow to anger. I'm just like, can I please just have some?
I hear her say that and while staring at this gin guy I pour her rum I'm gonna
run over to her I'm gonna run over to her.

Poor girl, what have you done? What have you done to put you in this situation?
Go ahead. Sorry, go ahead. Say it. You offered a child to this thing.
Sounds like he tricked her. I offered no such thing.
I did what I had to for peace, or I did what I did for the power to provide peace.

And i offered my
dearest possession which at the time was not
more than the clothes on my back and it
was only after the power granted and the peace struck that it came to light
of what this thing really wanted and so i did the only thing i could and i left

him and now you're here crying about it. You struck a deal.
It's just a child. Give it up and walk away.
Hey, this dude tricked her. Hey, you want to hurt her, you got to get through me.
Then maybe she shouldn't be talking. Why don't you just pick something new that
you want and be clear about it this time and not try and trick people.

Very well. I am sure that she knew what she was walking into.
You call it a fall?
Offering up a child is no small feat. It is no small circumstance.
If she had to offer up her own child, what do you know about children? You have no hair.

In this audio podcast, by the way, we have at least one person who is genetically
challenged in the hair department.
I'll show you genetically challenged short guy. Yeah, that's fair.
You must be a fan of the eagles.
This power that courses through my veins, that has been granted to me by the great old ones.

This power was acquired
via a similar transaction so
don't be certain of anything because it's
a sign of weakness weakness for
children and your own child is not
a weakness it is a strength to

protect them and failing to protect them is
your own sign of weakness and it takes
courage to give them away because courage isn't just
a matter of not being frightened you know i did
not give my child away i struck
a bargain and the terms were unclear and then
she'll look at the gen strike a new bargain or name your

payment and i will gladly do it leave my child alone i want to look at the warlock
and after he said it was courage to to give away your child and i'm gonna say
courage or being a coward and not able to stand up and fight.
Courage isn't just being frightened. It's being afraid and doing what you have to do anyway.

But the thing is, sir, I'm never afraid. And I'm going to pull my blade out
and just hold it in my hand.
You guys can't kill each other. This would be... Sorry, it would be...
Please don't kill my parent. We do.
Both of you. I was going to say, we would do one of those things where it's
the Marvelverse. Like, oh, this was on Earth. This was on Air and War 29.

I'm just standing Not like pulling the blade all the way out I just grasped
it on the hip Alright David, David has his hand raised behind the bar Hey Jen,
what do you want a kid for anyway? You want them molesters?
I know this guy named Ugluck Ugluck?
He comes through all the time He talks about people like you I'm assuming you don't really say that,

100% say that Okay Okay, so real quick, just timeline wise, this is 100% before
the events of the campaign. I know this guy named Ugluxenia.
That's right. There you go. As soon as you say that, the mysterious ranger is
going to whip her head around at you. What did you say?

I asked him what he wanted the
kid for, and then I started taunting him because... The name, the name.
The Ugluxenia guy? She'll take a deep breath And she'll look back at the djinn
As if he had something to do with her coming here And you saying that He's just
some old time who comes in here and gets drunk,
That's me. What are you talking about? Well, you too.

But what? She'll start wiping the bar.
She'll shake her head. Danielle's going to shake her head and look back to the gen.
Name your price. You cannot have him. He is not mine to give.
And the gen will say, very well.
I am, if nothing but lenient, tolerant, willing to bend. And I,

you ask, good barkeep, why I need a child.
It's, I'm a humble messenger, a purveyor of power, of relics.
I get things done as they will.
I'm a middleman, so to speak. And
my boss is really the one who is the collector of my deeds or my debts.

I'm sure you haven't heard of him. The Lord of the Spider Tower goes by many
names and one that hasn't been heard in a long time.
So I digress. What's the name?
Well, if I utter it here, bad things could happen. What is the name?

Oh, as I said, he goes by many. the master of the spider throne,
the whispered one, the undying king, but most people just know him as Vecna.
I spiked my mug on the ground.
He's laughing. Why are you wasting the alcohol? I thought barquad.

You hear rain begin to pour down outside.
A rather clear sunny day and rain as he says the name begins to pour down outside.
Very well, girl, I've wasted too much time.
If you collect There is a fey woman, an elvish woman, escaped from the summer fey.
She took something precious to, well, someone my master is wooing,

shall we say, and we require it back.
I will clear the debt if you bring this vagabond, this, what's it called?
This deserter, so to speak.
If you bring them to justice, that's all I ask.
Capture her, bring her to me, and your debt is repaid. And Danielle's going

to take a look at you guys.
And she sees no way out at this point. It's this elvish woman and her son.
If they help me or not, I will do as you ask. And our debt is repaid once this deed is accomplished.
And the gin nods. I will wait for you here for two days time.

She is heading through the mouth of the spine. And she would know you guys would
know what that was as you guys have traveled to and from there.
It's the entrance to the the tunnels beneath the spine.
And the gin is going to vanish.
Well, I'll help you. Would you say your name was?
My name is Danielle. Danielle, very pleased to make your acquaintance, and thank you.

I'm spreading the doors. I got some quarters back there. Strange circumstances.
Take a rest if you need it. I believe I'd rather get this done,
and I don't want to let our quarry, or my quarry, if you deem to help,
than our quarry, get any much further than she already has.
While she's mid-sentence, I'm trying to get over to her to grab her shirt and lift her up. Okay.

Smack him. yeah she notices you like i
mean you're like sprinting at him so go ahead david david
roll you're trying to smack him okay if he grabs her yeah i'm gonna smack him
yeah but you guys like are all you guys are all because lilliana's there lilliana's
gonna jump up at that dario's right there sigmund what's sigmund doing sigmund
have you made your way back to the bar is that what that would have happened

i had snack him while pouring a drink.
I just want to drink my alcohol don't you
touch her she she seems like she's in a bad state what
do you know of this this foul dark creature that
shouldn't exist what do you know of him why are you eating
this creature so i'm assuming you guys like holding this this warlock back and

she's like panicking danielle's like i get super confused i would like to open
awareness to the the presence of concentrated magic to understand what he is,
what, who is what Jeff's character is, what the warlock is. Yeah.
I would say that when you open your awareness to see kind of his his magic,

it's like looking into a black hole.
It's like looking into nothingness. And you continue to to gaze at that and
it draws you in just like that.
I mean, that amidst gravity of a black hole with that nothingness,
it just sucks you in, sucks you in, sucks you in, sucks you in until at the very end of time.
It seems there's two eyes in like this giant nothingness just staring at you

and then just like that boom you're back in your your bar and it seems like
it has taken forever for you to get to that point to here and though no time
has passed you realize that he has sold something,
very precious to him or given something very precious to him to gain this i
will call it dark power you know i don't know what all types of magic he has

but he cut off his dick and he's a eunuch now no he did not do that that was
pretty good well in a way in a way i mean,
but that's what you get from him danielle meanwhile is like is confused a little
confused at this sudden change of like interest from like i i what this this

vecna she's like i i don't say Say his name.
Lightning strikes the fucking bar and scars a little bit. Hey!
I'm sorry. Did I do that? I don't know of whom he speaks.
I made a deal with the Djinn to save my husband and his tribe and my tribe in the Djanal Desert.

I made a deal for peace and the power to do so. And she's going to hold out
her cloak and she's going to show a spell book.
You made a deal with the devil. I did not know it at the time.
And as I said, perhaps I was ignorant.
I knew not what he asked for. And when I figured it out, I made the only sacrifice I could.

I disowned my only child so that way he could not take my most precious possession.
And it sounds like you know nothing of that. It doesn't work that way.
He will get what he wants. And I want to insight everybody in the room,
if you'll let me do that, to see if they recognize what Vecna is.

All right, let's do a couple things here. Sigmund. Fucking clue.
Yeah, I was going to say, Sigmund, you can roll an insight.
Scarlet, give me a religion check. I'm sorry, not Scarlet. I apologize.
I apologize. Sigmund, give me a religion check. And Liliana,
give me a religion check.
Oh, I got a six. No, they're not.

That's a two.
No one else in the room seems to have any sort of awareness of who he is.
Dario is probably the closest one, but even he doesn't. does
it i mean he may have heard whispers of some
of one of those names that the the gen you know said the whispered one
the undying he may have heard like something like that or read that in a book

somewhere but he has no clue what or who this thing is you're all just a bunch
of blithering fools just stumbling about your day-to-day life unaware of what's
really going on behind you you.
Why do we talk out loud when we know that we're alone? Because we know that we're not.

What's that in the mirror or the corner of your eye? What's that footstep you
hear following but never passing by?
Perhaps he's just waiting. Perhaps when we're all dead, out he'll come,
a-slithering from under the bed at the end of all things.
So like a shiver is going to go through the room as you do that.

And Danielle's going to be the first to kind of recover the mysterious stranger that she is.
And you'll see her kind of, you know, as she shivers, she'll close her eyes.
She'll stand up a little straight and you'll see her stiffen a little bit,
not in fear, but in strength.
And the strength of a woman who has given up everything to save everything.
Everything and she is going to look at you and say

if that's the case it's even more reason to
get this debt repaid or follow through
at least until we have another meeting with this
jinn and perhaps you can show us how brave you are you know the very powerful
and the very stupid have one thing in common they don't alter their views to

fit to fit the facts they alter the facts Acts to fit their views,
and I can tell you, you are one of the very stupid.
Liliana is going to grab her hand when he's spitting his bull crap,
and grab her hand and say, Dear child, what you have gone through is something

this beast does not understand.
The thought of a child, the idea of a child, and losing that child,
this thing doesn't even care about.
Out we will help you i will help you me and dario will help you we will get you through this i've,
encountered something along this way that told me to be insightful into somebody

who needs my assistance and i will give that to you right dario and dario is
going to look at you so the,
Dario is going to nod his head and say.
Of course, Ileana, but as the fey lady said, this is your fight.

And he's going to kind of pause and like in a lower voice, this is a mother's fight.
I will continue to prep our way. You go complete the mission that was set for
you. I have nothing but faith in you.
And he's going to look at He's going to look at the drunkard right next to him.

He's going to look at the barkeep, and he's going to look at this asshole warlock.
It appears that as he looks at the barkeep, you will have at least one companion,
and he's going to look at the drunk.
I will pay you well, sir.
Perhaps enough to know he's looking
at Sigmund. Perhaps enough to forget whatever ails you in that bottle.

To accompany my Liliana and I'm so sorry, miss your name.
And danielle to achieve their goal
and you my angry
mysterious and very opinionated new
friend it seems you know something of what ails my companions here what is it

that i can offer you for you to accompany them all i can say is if we're on
the same path maybe i'll help but I've got my own,
goals that have been set out before me by the old ones,
well and if they coincide so be it whatever the fuck that means it sounds like your mysterious,

your bounty as we say in the business is heading towards the underdark I suggest
you run to catch them and he'll walk over and kiss Liana passionately with nothing
but but certainty that she will accomplish whatever it is she set out to do.
And with that, we'll end that scene because it's 1030. You guys, that was awesome.

And I feel like I could role play with those characters all fucking night because
there's a lot going on. But we are going to move towards.
We're going to move towards.
I know we're in a hurry. Can I have a quick conversation during your travels?
Yeah. I was going to say. so yeah 100 so let

me set a scene real quick because what you guys are going to end up doing is
walking can i pee pee and grab a beer right yes please let's take
a quick break who has to leave at 11 exactly 11 mainly i'm looking at melissa
because i know she she wears second shift tomorrow hell yeah all right let's
go a little late let's let's let's let's get through this thing we got like
1103 okay all right we'll go we'll go five minutes five minutes late sounds Sounds good.

All right. Go pee pee and grab a beer. Welcome back, everyone.
It sounds like do we have any.
What are your guesses as far as who is the mysterious stranger?
I think it's a mom. Ugly mom.
Yeah, it's pretty odd because he's a half work, correct? Which half of work.
I think you guys are 100 percent on the right track.

I'm going to keep everyone in on a couple other things, because I think this
is probably the only time we're going to do this one shot.
Real quick, this one, Chris, Caroline, and Doug, this one's for you guys and
for the whole party as a whole.
But if you've made it this far, if you are listening, a couple of fun facts here.
David, our Lily bartender, is very smitten with Danielle.

That's part of his backstory. backstory.
Liliana and Dario, Scarlet's mother and father, have just come back from a strange
encounter from a fae near War Ridge, and they're heading into Port Aurora to start a life together.
The fae has informed them that,

be on the lookout for a woman in need and and told them that lilliana needs to be the one to,
help them out and hinted at at some connection of motherhood even though lilliana
is not pregnant there is there is something there something something in that fey lady's voice,

not to give too much away because we still are gonna go right i know but i mean
sorry this This, no, ah, somebody is an asshole.
This warlock is an asshole, and he worships the great old ones, as we know. Well.
Not to give too much away, but here's everything. That was a good reveal. That was a good reveal.

Honestly, I wouldn't have said anything until I saw Jeff do that,
and then my drunken right hand took over.
Yeah, so all of that said and done, that's where everybody stands. Stan Sigmund Sr.
Yeah. Is Sigmund Sr. What more need to be said?
He's on his way from the Temple of the Lover heading towards Moongrove in search

of whatever the hell he's in search of. Still drinking. Still an asshole.
That's where everyone stands. There are a couple more big reveals to be had in this episode.
So without further ado, it sounds like our mysterious warlock,
who's not so mysterious anymore. Sorry about that.
Has some conversations as you as you walk. Let me paint the picture here.
As you walk, because we never got to go to Charwood in the main campaign,

so as you walk into Charwood, the reason Charwood is called Charwood is you
walk through the forest, and this close to the,
summer fey, the summer court, the elves, and the feywild, something seems to have crossed over, and.
The trees here have these orange glowing fern, these growths on them.

It makes it look as if the forest is on fire,
and it's why they call it Charwood, as if the The forest is burning and it's
equal parts terrifying and glorious and beautiful and ominous at the same time
as the shades turn from orange to red to a deep,
dark shadow with sunlight being very sparse in this region because the spine shoots up, right?

The spine goes straight up. So as soon as the sun comes up from the west,
it's not hitting this area because it's so close to the spine.
So it takes a long time for any sun to get here. so probably another reason
why these trees have sprouted like this it's really quite beautiful quite enchanting
but also the whole region is kind of shrouded in a little bit of darkness so

that's what you guys are walking through as you're having this conversation
heading towards the opening of,
the mouth of the spine which is the entrance to the Tom Cruise Underdark alright I bought this.
So little man,

I don't know how to be an asshole, so just saying.
So why do you drink so much of that poison that courses through your body?
Because I like to. Why is it any of your business?

Listen, if you want to give in to your basest desires, so be it.
Hey, here's baseless desires to keep my business open.
Keep your eyes on the trailer ahead. We're having a private conversation.
Keep my eyes on the trailer ahead, but I looked into your soul and,

looks like you lost something.
And what do you think that is? I haven't lost anything.
It's just a dark place in there. Of course it's dark. It's power granted by the old ones.
You keep saying this old ones, like it means something to us. It should.

It doesn't. The only person I know in worship is the lover. And you're wrong.
There is no old ones. It's just a myth.
It's an interesting answer there. The old ones are the alpha.
They came here first. They created everything. All of these little gods,

the stranger, the lover, the mother, all of them are just pure swine.
They took what was rightfully that of the old ones, and they have bastardized it over time.
But what do you expect at the end of all things?
How about you use how about you use this

knowledge that you have and help
this poor girl instead of condemning us
for our beliefs and thoughts that
we have and decisions that we make and
quit being so condescending and
help this woman i have not
been condescending i have have told nothing but the truth the truth

the others you just told the
sigmund that her god was nothing god is a false prophet nothing more than a
creature like this this unnamed one that has risen to power taken the place
amongst the old ones and taken it for themselves ourselves.

Girl, if there's anything that I've had to tell you today, it's not been lies.
Everything that I've told you has been the truth.
I've made the same bargain that you are running from, and I am better for it.
Children, I'm going to look at Sigmund, children are nothing but distractions.
Children are nothing but...

That get in the way of what you should be doing.
Children, well, they're the end of us all, and they're the end of all things.
I want to history check myself to see if we've been trying for a child.
Awesome. Go for it. I need you to say that in a girl voice.
I keep messing it up. That's a... It's tough.

You don't have a boy voice. I said 14. I would say it's not going to take a
lot because it's your history,
so you would know i think the
the best answer to that is that you're you're not
not trying right so i i think that dario has at this point in their lives dario
has ambitions and liliana is free and she's been free for a while at this point

she's been free from overhard from,
from her small life, right?
That's what Dario did for her, is get her out of her small life.
And she's now seen the world.
She's encountered, you know, she's been to, and you guys know this from the campaign, right?
She's been to the top of the Mountain of Overard where she strictly or stole

something from the dragon, right?
She's now encountered a Feywild and she's kind of lived life.
And I think that being the adventurous person that she is.
The next big thing that she wants to experience is motherhood,
right? I mean, that's all part of life's adventure.

I think she's not rushing it. And I think she's not, you know, I say all that.
And I think she also realizes the constraints that come with that and the changes that it would bring.
Or she believes she understands the changes that it would bring to her life.
I think being as young as she is, she thinks that there may be,
you know, she sees both. I can be a mother, and I can be with Dario,

and I can be myself and my free spirit, right?
It's, as we know, and as we know how the story plays out, it's harder than that.
It doesn't play like that. So they're not not trying. I think she,
at this point, would be okay if it happened.
So basically, I guess what I was rolling against was, when he said that comment,
it the disdain that she has for

this person is ever grown just like completely she
would slit his throat if she had to yeah that's fair
as all these conversations are going
on danielle is going to kind of
shyly come up to david i
i never got a chance to to thank you so thank
you you were you were one of the first to jump

in and i've i've i've been
running for a long time and you're one
of the first people who who helped
i just want to say thank you finn doesn't or aaron doesn't realize that he's
playing a guy named david now so so danielle our our mysterious stranger our

Our person who got shook at the name of Ugluck has come up to you and basically said, thank you.
You're the first person that has helped her in a very long time.
She's been on the run for quite some time, and you're the first person that
has actively helped her. So thank you.
No problem. He tricked you, and that's not cool. You seem like a cool lady.

I thank you. You seem like a cool gentleman, a cool barkeep,
and she'll kind of giggle at that.
That I was tricked, yes, but I also made the deal...
The deal and i i'm not
going to back out of it i want to i want to pay off the debt but i

also didn't know i do i like
to flirt with it i can't help it it's something about you doing in the next one
shot that we're having a conversation can we can we be honest here
somebody else could have been the fucking barbarian some somebody else
was supposed to be the barbarian but it just so happened that that
i should have been flirting with jeff at this point but i was
driving a bus today and you know couldn't respond to

any text messages uh yeah jeff jeff originally was
going gonna be a barbarian but then he was like no i don't want to do that because i you know
i must have texted me like hey listen to be fair i changed my mind literally
two minutes after i said get to the story anyway yeah all right we gotta go
all right so yeah yes so i i just want to say thank you and perhaps after all
this is done i i could get a drink in your your bar with with you i can can

give you a drink right now and i'm.
Yeah i have some of that rob whoa yes this is,
she'll cheers this is the most fun i have ever had i i have to tell you when
you you you said that you had a patron named,

ugluck a rather old old gentleman my i it threw me for a second because,
well and she'll like look around and look up and she's like look up for the
gin anywhere um well to be frank with you that,
that's the name of my son that's um that's
what the gin wanted the gin i i was man this is really personal for him but

i guess we're past that i was i was married and and it was an arranged thing
and we were doing it for peace and our our people and that's why i made the
deal for for peace and And it was never going to happen if I didn't do that.
And I believe that. And I didn't have a son at that point. And my possession was, I own nothing.
And then Ugluck came and...

It was interesting to hear you say that it feels like a touch of destiny and,
just always stuck out to me.
Yeah. It was a good name talking about the perverts.
Oh God. I don't, I would not like my son associated with purpose.
So I'm not sure how he was talking about them. Hopefully it was in a negative
way. No, he wanted to kill him.

Oh, right. That's what I said with me is awesome. I, I, it does that.
I hope that my son grows up to be someone who would not be scared of doing something like that.
I better kill all the perverts yes all of them they're in the capital well let's
deal with one problem at a time,

and perhaps you and I can get a drink again sometime and she'll kind of go away a little bit alright,
anything else I want to grab Sigmund's hand and as the group is moving on and kind of pull him away.
Like, hey, everything that I've told you is true.

I hope you understand that.
Yeah, yeah, whatever. Do you see how much complication bringing a child into
this world brings into your life?
I think children are just the byproduct of what you want to, trying to have fun.
You. That's awesome. No, you're good. That's fantastic.

I picture Sigmund's a little bit drunk at this point he's like yeah yeah you
do i don't feel that way just just for clarification,
you do not think outside of your own little world that you've built up for yourself
the lover children all this fucking nonsense let me tell you about what the real world is like,

it's like when you're a kid and the first
time that they tell you that this
world that we stand upon is turning and you
just can't quite believe it because everything looks like
it's standing still i can feel
it the turn of erinor the ground beneath our feet moving a thousand miles an

hour i can feel it we're falling through space you and i clinging to the skin
of this tiny world and if we let go,
that is the end of all things,
children are the end of all things there'll be the death of you you know I don't doubt it,

I'm gonna turn to walk walk away what did you say your name was oh my name is Igor and.
Like boar that one most
really hate them kids i'll i'll drop all of
the uh all the the things that should be known
at this point i'll drop them all at the end of the episode but that

was a good one will you carry on through charwood
after some intense conversations and fun conversations we have
half the group who's talking about religion and the death of all things and half
of this drinking and having a great time you make your way to
our our next thing you make your way to the entrance of of
the mouth of the spine and mouth of
the spine is a essentially a tram it's got

little mine carts essentially that bring you through the
spine mountain it takes a long time but they get rather fast they get rather
slow it's a roller coaster you can control it a little bit but everyone gets
their single mine cart and you can choose to link up or not link up or however
you want to do it we're gonna say for this one shot because it is 10 54 p.m
we're gonna say you You guys all link up and you guys all get going.

And I will say the one thing that you do here as you're loading up and entering
into the mouth of the spine and heading into the Underdark, you hear the gentleman that loaded you in.
You see a young, young boy run up and he's got this funky looking hat on his head.
And you hear the gentleman say, as the kid runs and smacks into straight into

one of the carts that's going, and whoever's last in line.
Sigmund the kid comes and wham smacks and
he's running from somebody and he smacks
him he falls down and you guys kind of take off and you guys all over
here the gentleman he says thaddeus what have you done now and you hear the

other boy that was chasing him go he stole that from me and you see thaddeus
hold up something and say you caught me but you'll never catch me again and
my My name is not Thaddeus.
As you guys go out the shoot, you don't hear what he was about to say after
that. All right, we continue on.

You guys enter into what was supposed to be the middle of this whole thing.
What I think maybe was supposed to be one of the funniest things.
I don't know. Can anybody see?
You guys aren't. Yeah, you guys are all in here, right? Can you guys see?
We're not going to make it if we're playing this. I know.
And we're not really doing it.

We're not really doing it but i did have to tell you that i had a whole,
shebang in here where you guys are going down
the track and some drow attack you and you
guys have to fucking figure out
a way to jump stuff and and do all sorts of
stuff and it would have been a fucking shit ton of fun
so next time we go through i love that

level yeah i mean 100 right next time we go through the
underdark you guys are 100 gonna do my
little donkey kong racing game and and have a great time
yeah i did a card car chase scene because
that was the closest i could find to the donkey kong theme song i digress you
make your way on through the underdark and i realize it's late so we're we're
gonna get as far as we can but you make your way on through the underdark and

along the way of course you guys if not you guys danielle has asked hey.
She asked person that loaded you in did you load in an elvish woman
and oh yeah yeah i loaded in an elvish woman sure they're they
were in not too long before you if you you know in a
couple of hours you know keep going if you speed up

try and speed up you may be able to catch them you know depending on
how good you are on the track right you can take it slow and
be safe there's all sorts of danger yada yada which was the preamble to all
of the fun stuff if you go faster you'll catch her sooner anyway you do inevitably
come to a point where you guys have all successfully successfully perceive that
there is a cart that has pulled off to the side and stopped and gone down a tunnel.

You all would give me maybe, but maybe it just had cardiac arrest.
What is your problem? Fucking car.
What is this problem? Where should we start? Yeah. Everyone give me a perception check.

I'm rolling like crap. I fucking love it.
I love it because Finn
sorry Finn Aaron who plays Finn is a halfling rogue right who is lucky and got
halfling stuff and whenever he rolls a crit fail he doesn't roll a crit fail

because he gets to redo it and all his friends get to fucking redo it and everyone
gets to redo it and he's rolled probably like three crit fails tonight and it is,
supremely three crit ones and a nat 20 I feel great about it I feel really good about it.
Yeah, your fucking axe gets stuck in your bar, you dick.
You chop off your foot. I'm just kidding, you don't do that.

A perception check? Yes, please.
Anyone over a 16 is gonna get this one.
Over 16? I rolled an 11 and have a plus 6 to perception. It was a 17.
Balar, okay. Or not Balar, sorry.
Liliana. Liliana. Thank you. Anyone else over a 16? I rolled a 16 exactly okay

that'll do it 16 is good that's if it meets the beats you.
I can't say your name now. Igor. I. Igor.
I. Liliana. Yes. Okay. Igor. And Liliana.
You guys can hear the faint cries of an infant.

Danielle says this must be her. And she pushes on. Let's get this done.
And she continues on. You guys all continue on through the crack,
through the darkening tunnel.
It's thin at first and then widens out into what appears to be a a shaped tunnel
something that has been worked by by mortal hands,

There's tunnels all throughout the under are you guys would know this probably
at this point in your lives There's I mean the spine is full of fucking tunnels.
There's drow that lived down here who?
Ruled down here and most of the realm is semi scared to go down here There's
spiders and there's all sorts of shit down here and you guys are wandering through
a tunnel that looks to be man-made and doesn't look to be maintained.

In fact, everyone else give me an investigation check. Let's do one more check
and then we'll get to the very end. Oh my lord.
When we get real close, I want to grab her and say something.
Okay. 13 investigation.
Okay. Takes a 15 this time. 4. Got a 4.
Sigmund's hammered. Sigmund is literally just drunk as a skunk and don't care about nothing.

Please hurry up. I know, I'm going. No, no, no, I'm talking about like that's
what Sigmund thinks. I know, and it's even better.
I'm going as fast as I can. Liliana, what'd you roll? He has set a six. Oh, I'm sorry, a six.
Holy shit, okay, so no one noticed anything. That's fine. You guys are going
through a man-made tunnel. It's great. Everything looks fine.

It looks pretty well-kept.
And you come into a right before you get there. Go ahead. Go ahead. Grab her hand.
Look very intently into her face and say, you know, when grownups tell you that
everything is going to be fine,
but you really think that they're lying to you to make you feel better.

Well, everything is going to be fine. You're saying that to Danielle.
Yeah. Okay. Danielle's going to look at you.
You are a sad, strange little man.
It's the wrong movie. That's fine. I'll let go of her hand and I'll walk back to the back of the line.
Everything is going to happen. As you let go of her hand, as you walk back to

the end of the line, you get one of those tingles down your spine.
One of those feelings that you are exactly where you're supposed to be.
That what you were looking for lies just ahead of you and that if you're patient,
it will come to you I'm gonna put all these meat shields in front of me you,

walk in Liliana I'm sorry not only on Danielle go ahead,
as he's walking away, everything really is going to be fine. She looks at you.
So is the end of all this. Smack her butt, Ned.
Thanks, Lord Brassmith. She likes it. She smiles.

One drink gets you a smack on the butt. Let's see what happens later, okay? And onward!
I've been on the run for a long time. Alright, she
heads forward and she heads into two let me
pull up and make sure there's no giveaways here let me
delete that i know thank you

guys so much for staying so late i don't
know why we got started so late it's daylight saving
time it's my kids suck my kids are awesome by the
way they don't suck can everybody see what i'm looking at
yes except for you audio listeners
out there of course you audio listeners what we're
looking at is a deep dark purple cave with what's

what's the term for stalag is it slag mites or tights
that come stalag mites are the ones on the ground mites on the ground tights
on top yeah you're looking a little bit of both but as i say you guys have failed
a shit ton of perception checks you're looking at regular earlier stalactites
the one from the bottom they're all shooting up a little bit there seems to
be a natural incline to the left and the right Right.

You guys all walk in and you see an elvish woman, rather haggard looking elvish woman.
Yes, it does say something differently on the screen. It's Anna.
I know I reuse the character.
So Sumi, she holds in her hand without having to roll anything.
She holds in her hand a bundle that you all now can clearly hear silent sobs of an infant.

Beyond her seems to be some doorway that has been sealed off or blocked off.
And she's kind of just hiding the light, just trying to get her baby to stay
silent, trying everything she can.
You see tears coming down her eyes as you guys walk into the room.
Me as you walk into the room we'll do one more perception check to see exactly does my,

little itchy palm so to say does it point in that direction roll a perception
check with advantage because of who you are and what you're looking at the advantage
is only going to apply to one thing 30, 20, 21 yo.
26 yo I
had the worst first what'd you

what did you roll i go 15 oh okay you hate to see it all of my plus 20 people
my plus 20 people the very first thing you're gonna realize is obviously the
girl with the broken or the dragon tattoo i'm just kidding she doesn't have
a dragon tattoo what she does have,
is a crying baby liliana mainly

because you're being played by mike who plays balar you're the
the first to catch the color of
the baby's skin a deep dark red
slight horns or protuberances
growing from its its forehead the rest
of you catch that as well you also catch along the wall here there are what

seem to be eternal lights you see no flame you feel no heat but there are There
are lights emitting from something, and you recognize,
each of you, statues of the lover, the fighter, the mother, the father, the smith.
You recognize all of the gods of the realm of Aranor, all aligned around a semicircle

and this door standing in the middle.
Wrong with them. They're all decayed. They're all dying.
They're all going away.
Everyone recognizes that, including Sigmund. I would say, I'm sorry, not Sigmund. I'm sorry.
Igor, including you with your role, you would recognize that.

What you do not recognize, but everyone else does with the plus 20,
they all take the time to look up and they can see spider webs all along the
top of the roof, all the way back from the place that they came.
At that point, their ears attune just a little bit and they hear slight clickings.

The other thing, who was the highest? The highest roll? I had a 21.
Somebody had a 26. I was going to say, I
think David had a 26 david who who's
who can hear a fucking idiot i had a nope 21 okay
never mind he had lower 17 plus six

mike mike i'm sorry thank you all right great liliana you and probably the reason
you came you i mean one of the reasons you came as you look up in the spider
web you see in the the very center of the spiderweb,
almost directly above the woman with the red baby,

you see a clump of spiderwebs and something black, and you recognize it almost
instantaneously as the outline of a book covered in spiderwebs.
The woman looks at you, all of you. I don't want any trouble.
I just want to get my baby to safety.

Please let me be and it's 1108 I think I don't know do we end it there and keep
going later I like that right there I'm pretty happy we could do it another
time this is actually really good alright let's end it there.
Pick up next time damn i was really about
to be like i cast so and so so and so are you

gonna tell us the things you said you're gonna tell us yeah now now
that we're playing again do you guys want me to tell you yeah no i'm
fine with that oh no this isn't over
we all know all the things at this point all
right all right here's what we're gonna do you guys tell
me what you think you know and i will tell
you what's what's yes and no

i want to start okay that
little red baby that's blar that's true
that little red that ain't me i was born in brooklyn new york you were born
1983 small pizza family and i learned to bake pizzas in a small restaurant in

the brick oven That may be true for the Blar of Aranor 2023,
but in the Blar of our world, that 100% is Blar. That is Blar's mom.
That is Blar's mom on the run from, which we all know, what's Aroden, I believe is his name?
The, yes, the, oh my God. Blar's daddy.

Blar's dad, who is the father. Baby daddy. More importantly,
Blar's father, who has followed. Not only Balor, but it's also the father of
the crown. That's right. Thandral.
Thandral. He is the father of Thandral.
So is that Balor or Thandral? That's Balor. I've said. How far back are we? That is Balor.

Baby Balor. That's Baby Balor. It's little baby Balor. Now that is a good question.
I'm not going to answer that one. It's pre-Scarlet Days. That one we're not going to answer.
But you know from previous episodes, you would know that Thandral is.
Is just now coming into power if he's either just come into power is just about

he's just like he's pretty much just like exactly.
To 30 years ago. My thoughts were, which you already confirmed,
was that Danielle was Ugluck's mom.
Confirmed. Thank you. Yes. Also another mom of someone else in the party. And they're siblings.

And they're half siblings.
Yeah. That's all correct. And so that would mean that David and Danielle are Eva's parents?
That is all correct and that Eva and Ugluck are
siblings Eva and Ugluck are brother
and sister oh my god he's trying to bang his sister I

don't think he's trying to bang his sister I never
thought he was trying to bang his sister I thought he was he was going to her
on another level 100% if you go back and listen to the campaign I'm listening
to everything I'm listening to now he is 100% against her he is like she killed
everybody she did it what the hell and then all of a sudden like for whatever

reason he starts like alright okay okay okay,
alright let's and then she saves him,
from when none of you did no one else could reach him she saves him go ahead
but yes that is 100% what's going on does that mean that David is Eva's dad
you got it nailed it holy crap I got a kid,

you know what the funniest part is is, is Ugluck will never care about this ever again.
We'll see. I'm going to send him, I'm going to tell me Neil Wilson's over.
Also, you can tell him that David's really happy that he got with his mom.
It was a good time my notes from session 19 say that.

50 years ago from where we are in the main game is when Thandral took power
so Thandral's been in power for about 25 years now,
thank you rules lawyer and and the guy who keeps their DM on track because the
DM doesn't take notes looks only like 18 or 19 correct because like half orcs
don't live that long right,

yeah so i ugluck is i want to i think we talked about that before i mean the 50 could just be a,
roundup type number no no you're you're 100
you're on board i jeff by the way keeps me
current with my campaign while he runs all of his
other campaigns so he he technically dms like a
billion campaigns including this one more to the point yes

ugluck does have a shorter lifespan than everyone
else but yeah he's
also i mean he he's been born so yeah
i mean i don't know i think that was just like the general dnd question it's
like 21 21 years you guys are killing me here 21 years is is where we're at
21 years from the current campaign everyone so so you now know that louis slash

ivan he is obviously a little bit older than you guys right eva hasn't been born yet,
Balor is barely an infant.
Everyone else hasn't been born yet, except for Uglok, who is barely an infant.
My other thing was, so is Igor Ivan's dad?

Or is he the spirit? Igor is Ivan's dad, and you guys probably have caught that
a little bit because he's a warlock.
We all know at this point, because Ivan has told us on the podcast that his
father traded him to the old ones for their power.
Igor is Ivan's dad. He, in fact, made the choice that Danielle did not,

and he was 100% okay with...
Selling his kid yes he's a
hoochie mama yeah anything else i
just want to i was gonna
say if you've never seen
savannah's wind wind runner from wow
that's completely how i played lilliana tonight

it was badass so i i all right shout outs real
quick to all of you who played your characters
because for those of you listening if there's anyone out
there listening i messaged everyone their
character backstories and like quirks and like what
have you probably i mean i
don't know four or five hours before we started came in and we all have

full-time fucking jobs and i mean we all have lives right
so they all you guys you guys crushed
it you played them fantastic i i think
it's awesome i think it's super cool i i can't help
it i think it's super cool that scarlet sorry
so that melissa who plays scarlet who is a love of
interest of sigmund got to play sigmund's asshole

dad i also think it's wicked cool
that mike who plays belar got
to play scarlet's mom and it's just it's awesome i don't have anything literally
cracking me yeah you do you have something cool to say but you can't say it
yet because it hasn't been listen i got all right well i was gonna say about

reveal there earlier So,
Aaron chose the one character. There was one character in here who had no backstory.
And it had to be played, because and I've already said it, so I'm going to say it again.
This was, this is Damn. Nice. Oh, shit.

I thought it hit me. I was watching the fucking NBA show.
I thought it hit it, but I didn't push it down far enough. So, anyway.
I digress Caroline I hope you have listened this entire thing because I put David in here.

Or is this going in the podcast? What's that?
Is this going in the podcast? 100%. Yeah. Okay. Okay. She needs to.
Well, so yes, she needs to hear it.
Unless you don't want to hear. I don't know. No, I just I just wanted to make
sure where to cut. So no, it all. This all is going to the podcast.
Caroline. David came in because I wanted it to be known that you and our siblings.

And I think Aaron did a great job. thank God that Melissa asked that question
at the very end, because otherwise we'd have to have a whole other session with
this, which we very well still might.
But I think all of you did a great job. And finally, yes, I will say something
about you, Jeff, and how you played Doug, who never listens to our podcast.

Doug, this is one I'm going to message you and say, you should probably listen
to Jeff. I think you played Igor.
I mean, chef's kiss. Just, I think you should just play Doug's character.
Maybe we'll just kick Doug out of the campaign and just play his character.
But come on, can you not see how Doug, when Doug plays Luce and Ivan,

both of them, can you not see a little bit of Igor in them?
Can you not see that the dude's a little bit of an asshole? He's throwing Godding Bolt at God knows who.
He's all over the fucking place.
Ivan is definitely a descendant of Igor. gore loose
i feel like is still a descendant of igor
with different objectives and it's

i i think that's wicked interesting and something
i would i'm interested to hear i think my favorite part is that i did not set
out at the beginning it yeah i didn't set out at the beginning of the night
thinking oh i get to influence sigmund senior as to why possibly he doesn't
why kids are assholes yeah so.

Yeah it's all come a little full circle on that front so I was a little.
Good you've now basically said that igor is
ivan loose's dad yes okay
so i i mean i'm just gonna ask like
who's the mom because i'm quite better standards the mom is not in this one

shot the mom is off doing other stuff just if you're all out there listening
don't be worried if we get to do If we do this again on this one shot,
whenever we get to do it again.
Maybe ask the right questions and you might find out the answers.
I have three things.
One is this why the Jen's after Eva?

Because of Danielle's. Thank you so much for asking that.
I honest to God thought no one was going to put Eva anywhere close to this one shot for a while.
And I thought I thought about that like I texted Jeff like halfway through,
thank God because when I sent you guys information and then as soon as the gin

came on no one said shit and I was like man I thought people would be going
fucking crazy like there would be questions about that and I guess there couldn't
have been but anyway I thought for sure like oh my God there would be questions
about it and now that we're having this finally conversation yes,
that's why the gin was there that is 100%,
In our current campaign,

that's 100% what the gym is doing.
She says halfway through, but it was at 1045.
It was halfway through. Anyways, my other question is, I think it's hilarious
that our parents knew each other and we're all in the gym.
So it is funny. Can someone please, for our listeners, for anyone out there

who's stayed in this long, what is the name of this one shot?
Did anyone look at it? Thank you.
Yes, I did look at it. It is called A Touch of Destiny. A Touch of Destiny.
You steal Pirates of the Caribbean shit? I am 100% stealing Pirates of the Caribbean shit. I love it.
Can I rename my guy now? What guy?

My guy in D&D Beyond says hidden for story purposes.
Can I name him? Yes, you can all rename your... And I will go in and do that as well.
But yes, it is 100% hilarious. It is also 100% with a purpose.
There is a reason that all of you got together. I, fun fact,
have had something like this planned.

It wasn't exactly this because a lot of shit happened, but I have had a one-shot
in mind for a very long time, a prequel in mind for a very long time,
and I'm pumped. I'm excited that it's going to go one more.
I hope it goes one more to see how it all ends, And I hope that Caroline,

Doug and Chris specifically get to listen to this for all of you who are not them.
I hope you have enjoyed it and continue listening. We'll talk to you guys later.
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