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June 24, 2023 38 mins

We have an exciting episode for you today, filled with updates and news from the world of handball. In this recording, the speaker highlights the importance of the centre-back position in handball, comparing it to other roles in different sports.

They also discuss recent handball tournaments and leagues, including the Premier Handball League in India and the EHF Champions League. Listeners are invited to join in on the conversation by sharing their opinions and thoughts through Instagram and a form on the website.

Next week's episode will feature an interview with the Australian men's national team coach and the head coach of the Canberra Handball Club, along with news on the Premier Handball League in India and the men's under 20 world champs.

The speaker also talks about the passion and spectacle of Indian Premier Handball League and encourages Australian fans to watch handball on EHF TV. They provide insights into the role of a goalkeeper in handball, comparing their flexibility to the agility of wings.

Thank you for listening to Breakthrough and stay tuned for more exciting updates from the world of handball.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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It. All
right. And welcome back to the Hamburg podcast.
This is episode three and it's great to have you.
My name is Steve Plummer and I'll be your host. I'm here with Chris Schul.
How are you? Hey, how are you, Steve? Very good, very good. It's good to
be back. Sorry it's been a bit of a delay. We've had let's just say

it's been a busy ten days and we haven't quite quite
managed to get back to
the podcast. But, yeah, it's good to be back. And there's a lot
happening in the world of handball, which we will wrap up.
So big week, as I said, and we're
going to continue down our education

of what is handball, how it
works, and what we're going to touch on today
is the positions in handball and
what makes each of those positions work. I
think that's going to be fascinating for a lot of people out there who don't
know the sport, especially those in Australia,

to maybe see Hamburg really is a sport for
every shape and size of person. And
I think that's really a good way to get started. I want to say
a big hello to Mcaroly Handball Club in India. They've started
following us and if you jump on their
instagram, these guys, they train no matter what, no matter

where, and it's great to have them following along.
And this week, so we'll go through the positions
and then we will wrap up with some of the league news from around the
world. We had the final, the Champions
League in Europe finish up in the last week. We've got the

Premier Handball League in India entering its final stage.
We still chart our way towards the Australian National Club
Championships in Canberra. And so we'll give
you the latest draw there. And,
yeah, look forward to the week ahead.
So we'll start with the first things first, which I think means

training sessions begin with, which is positions.
So we said the beginning of the season, there's seven players
on each side, plus a bench.
That team is made up of six court players and one goal
player. And the six court players are all
very different in their characteristics, different heights, different shapes,

different abilities. And what better way to make
use of Chris expertise is to talk through each of these
positions and what makes
them different from each other. And then we're going
to try our very best to maybe say
what sports in Australia might match each position,

because there's a lot of crossover here in the
physicality and we'll
just jump right in. Chris, I'll probably start with the top one. Is the center
back. Let me first start. What is the
criteria of a good Hampo player overall? Yeah,
perfect. Then we can go into the position thing.

So I would say my opinion, like,
a good hample player usually has, like, an excellent
coordination, skills, agility, and of course, the
speed and also technique is really, really
important strategy. And of
course, it's not just this. And Hampo player needs to

also be a good communication guy and the teamwork, teamwork
skills and also ball handling
is super important for this stuff because if you're not good at this,
yeah. You can't play the sport. And the most important thing, you need to be
a good shooter. Yes. Well, we can dig into it, but
what makes a good shooter? What makes a good shooter?

As I say, this kind of things, it's part of
technical ball handling, like this crossover things like
technical ball handling, physically coordination, like
this stuff is to be like, overall can
be a good shooter. Yeah. So do you think
it's strength? Is it accuracy? Is it the

ability to read the play? If you had to choose one, which one would you
take? I used to
be a center back, so I would definitely take a center back position
because my opinion, this is like the most critical
position in handball because this how can I say
for people don't know Hamball in attack, he's basically like the

brain of the team. So he reads the game
and coordinate the game with some moves
and creating some opportunities for the other players
and taking opportunity and responsibility for the team. Yeah.
Centerback is as say, it's one of the key parts of the game. They're the

ones that marshall the field. Call the instructions out
if you want to compare it to I guess we'll start with the obvious
American sport. This is the point guard in basketball. This is the
quarterback in football. They're the ones that really call the shots
and are the playmakers to bring it back to our
shores. I think for those

who look, I love my rugby. And
so depending on rugby league rugby union, you've got
the five, eight and the half back and they're the ones that really
control the play. A center back is almost a five eight and half back
in one, bringing the ball at the court, serving it to the players,
calling the plays and keeping

the people moving. So that's our
center back and critical to all teams
success. The backs, the left back
and the right back, what are these guys like?
Yes, as I mentioned before, like the left back and right back, they're
mostly like the shooter guys. Like the big tall guys have a

strong arm, strong shot, really physically good
in one in one situation. Yeah. So
they're basically like the shooter.
Is it like in I don't know. Maybe you can mention better
than me if there's any particular similar thing to AFL
or Rupee, another player like this. Yeah. For me, a good

left back, a good right back is like the number one rule of basketball,
which is a good big guy always beats a good little guy.
You want these guys big, them strong, they run
in hard. I know if you look at it in
cricket you've got the big fast bowlers. These guys are 2 meters
tall, really strong, really accurate, lots of

control of the ball,
it's hard to draw, you've got
similar positions within water polo exist guys with really
strong arms but. I.
Think you say its height, it's strength

and probably aggression to come in hard. Yeah,
Let'S look at the comparison. So between a center back and the
center back and the left and right backs size difference, what do you
see? Yeah, I mean centerback
is mostly like not the tallest and biggest guys I thought they're super quick

and as I said, they try to creating opportunities
for the left and right backs and they're
smart players and left back as I said, they
try to read the game and then coming for across and then
shoot from distance. So this is the basically different between center back
and then left back and right back I would say. And so

look, we'll move it around to the sides now and we've got the left wing
and the right wing. I mean who are these guys? So this is like I
call it always the speedy guys, they're the tiny
skinny guys, they're running up and down all the time. So
as I said, like small guys, skinny, not really muscly
and yeah, they're super quick and then can jump as

high as they can. Great agility and
speed is the key there when they shoot. But they do shoot different.
So if we said the left back and the right back shoot with power,
how do these guys shoot? They have a different kind of
variety of shots so they're starting to do like depend,
I mean spin shots if you can use sticky. Yes,

they're especially like this. So this developed the last couple of years quite
a lot. So you have must like a really flexible risk so you can
change your shoot at the last second, depend where the goalie is
going and then you do some mostly like I describe
the wing players like yeah, they always do like

crazy fun shots like spin shots, overhead shots and this kind of
things. They're almost circus actors there.
They're very fast up and down the court on the fast breaks,
they're the first ones to go. The fastest guy
wins the race there. But these guys are the most
fun to watch I think for the first timer,

the height they get, the hang time they get and then
it's the wrist movement which draws no
comparison. If you look at
basketball players, these guys are about they're quick and they just
get moving up and down the court and they can just fly. Yeah.

Moving on to my personal favorite because this is where I spent my time. Let
me guess, pivot? Yes. The Pivot position or the
line position. And
I'll let you describe what's needed but when I used to play I
came from rugby and I came from basketball. I played
in the tight five in rugby, which means it's a physical

position, and in basketball, I would play
in the forward line there. So it's all about the pick and
roll, setting screens and making space for
your teammates. So that's how I always saw
it. But Chris, do you want to characterize
them more? Yeah, I mostly agree what you said. I mean, the

pivot is mostly like big, strong guys and
creating some space for some teammates.
It's a tough position because you get hit them quite a lot. I mean,
you could agree went through. Many jerseys in the season.
They get ripped, they get torn. Yeah, it's
tough. Yeah, it's a tough, tough thing. But also I

like to watch a play with Pivots. Pivot is not just like the big of
course they're big and strong guys, but they also have to be smart
where they put the block on it, where they create
the gap. And they quite play well with if you have a gunta
setter back, they're working quite well together. And this
is basically also you compared with rugby. So mostly like

the rugby guys could be a good pivot for hample players, I would say. I
think you agree. Yes, it does, because you're in
tight with people, you're jostling for
positions and
a good combination. With the center back,
you can do a lot because it controls the center of the court,

which is the most direct path to the goal. And
yeah, totally, I would agree there. But why did he choose, like, playing
a pivot? Did the coach just put you
there, say, okay, you're just enough of a player Pivot or what was the
yeah. I definitely wasn't fit for the wing at the
speed position. I wasn't fit for center

back because I just hadn't played a lot. I only started when I
was 21, 20, probably 22 years
old when I started my handball journey, which is very
late in the piece
because it's really important to, I guess center back, as you say, has to
be able to read the game and know the game. And I'm

probably still six or eight inches short of being
good for the back position. So I think I was a
natural fit physically. And
with my background in basketball, the pick and the roll move and setting
screens was very familiar movement. So you really enjoyed it.
Yeah, it translated really well.

And now onto my favorite position to have a go at, because I think
these guys are just incredible and just a little bit crazy is
the goalkeeper. Yeah, you just stated the right
word. The goalies are mostly like
crazy guys. Imagine you get hit in
by ball with I don't know how many k's can you shoot? Like

100? Yeah. 8000 k's an hour. Yeah, just straight into your face
and still keep playing and
kind of like it sometimes. So these guys are crazy. I don't know, sometimes
you get hit them by a good ball like five, six
times and they keep going.
They're definitely the characters of the team because

it's a very brave position and you've just yeah, to get up
and keep going just to talk back to the court. So
the goals are 3 meters across and 2 meters high
and I think as a goalkeeper you want to try and cover as much of
that space as possible and I think there's two
ways they start to do this one way they do it is just sheer size.

You can see the professional European teams, these guys are
approaching 2 meters tall so they can sort of
fill that space the
bigger the keeper, it's very hard to get round them but then
their flexibility is second to none.
I've seen these guys put their foot up on the top of the goalpost

just to do a hamstring stretch and then they'll be the next
second they'll be on the ground doing the splits and they'll be back up again.
We talk about the wings with their agility. I think the flexibility
of a goalkeeper is just incredible.
Yeah, it is, definitely. But curious

in Europe, who would you see these guys crossing over with?
What other sports would a goalkeeper suit?
Well, good question,
to be honest. That's a good question.
I've been watching sometimes some soccer and I found out

that some soccer goalkeeper they're
starting training exercise from the handpold stuff
and you see sometimes some goalkeepers have some handball moves
from the goalkeeper so they picked it up but I don't know do you have
any suggestion where.
It'S a tough because it's a combination of size? Size

helps and reach is
really useful. I draw comparisons back to basketball, but it's the
flexibility which you don't see in many
sports. I mean, you've got gymnasts, but rarely would you find,
I'd say, a tall gymnast out there.
So it's one of the more unique positions.

But I think it's also it's a very mentally strong position
where you I remember Pascal Winkler, our
longtime Sydney University goalkeeper and he knew
every player in the league. And depending on where they jumped from at
which position their arm was at, he had a pretty good under,
pretty good idea where the ball may go and would have to cover it

off. Incredible memory
to do that. Yeah, I remember when I played with
him, he know after the second or third shot he
knew exactly where the next one is going and he was already standing on the
side and just catched the ball and then
just had. This understanding which is always incredible

like all things, there's two sides to every story.
I think we've talked through the offensive side of the game, which is
the scoring of goals but I guess to win a game
you have to have more goals than the other team. How would you
talk through defense? And what makes a good

defender. Yeah, as I mentioned before,
I mean, the critical of a Hampo player, it's all about
my opinion. It's all about good
communication in the team. It's all about this. Sometimes they're
tiny, small steps and you need to communicate all the time when they're playing the
move. And teamwork handball is a teamwork and

you need to work together all the time. And this is like, for
me, one of the main keys.
We might say there's seven individuals on the court, but it really
is the team that brings it together and gets the result, because
you have to move the ball quickly to the right places

on the attacking side and then on defensive side. It's about moving together
and closing down opportunities. Yeah. And you always say,
like, you only win the game in defense, not in attack.
Yes, it's a lot of sports out there. A good
defense, there's a lot of lines
where it's always a good defense is the best.

Attack or attack might win a league game,
but defense wins championships. So what was
your favorite when you play the handle? Like, was it more playing an attack or
more defense, or was it both? Or how do you describe this?
I did love to attack, to block, because that was

again, I could make space for my teammates who
were outstanding finishes, and giving them that space
to get easy goals was
always very rewarding because, look, it's that moving
off the ball, which would really help.
But then what I also enjoyed was defense, because it is

so physical and you can stop someone in their path and
yeah, I really did enjoy that.
Um, so what we're gonna do so, look, I think that gives us
a really good position, good
perspective of what sort of physical

characteristics make a handball player.
I tell you, there's a lot of different positions for a lot of different shapes
and sizes of players, and you're not really limited.
I think Hamburger has a position for everyone. If they're tall, they're
short, they're broad, like myself. There's a space for

you. That's good. Brilliant.
So what I'm going to move on to now is
the league news, because it's been a very
busy month as the
European season comes to its conclusion.

So that we've had the EHF, Champions
League, and
it's a really great format, how they go. So the finals
weekend, they have both the semifinals and the
finals back to back, which I think is a good
test. Real, true championship team.

If you can back up within 24 hours, that's pretty
tough. And so this past
weekend in Cologne, we had the
semifinals. The semifinal one was playing in
Materburg, which we'll get to that after because
we've got a good connection there, having met them at the

Superglobe. And Barcelona.
It's the same Barcelona as the Barcelona football club. So they're one of these
big European integrated clubs. So the first semifinal
we had Materburg taking on Barcelona and Mataburg took that very
narrowly, 40 to 39, which made them let them

advance to the final second
semifinal. We had Kyosay from Poland and they
defeated Paris Saint Germain 25 24. And
again, it's the same PSGs we see in the in the world of football.
So you're starting to see a theme here, that
these big clubs are very integrated and

I think it brings about it's a big part of their success
because they've got great resources there's, great crossover.
And so then we onto the third place playoff. It's always hard
playing to pick yourself up the next day after losing and
missing your chance in the final. And
Barcelona beat PSG 37 31

to take the third place there.
Now onto the final. Chris, we won't
jump straight to the score, but did you get a chance to watch the game?
Yeah, I did. I mean, I watched all of the games. Yes, of course.
And to be honest, it was one of the best final four I've ever
seen. So, as you mentioned before, it was really tough games. So, as you say,

like Mark the book, the first semifinal against Barcelona was extra time
and at the end it was seven meter shootout. And then even the second
semifinal was tough, game close, and then
it was more spectacular than the final. So it was,
I think it was overtime one time, extra time, and then at the end
marketburg won the final. So it was all of the games that were just

incredible. Good. Really great handle. Best handle
you have seen for a while. For
those listening in Australia, you
can head over to EHF TV and you can pick up
the replay of the games and I really do urge you to do that.
It's a great introduction to the sport of handball. We

really only see handball on network television come the
Olympics every four years. But it's great they've got the streaming
running in this region. Obviously, for those in
Europe, it's on mainstream television. You can tune
to the local sports channel and the local news and you'll hear all about it.
But it's very fortunate that they've managed

to unblock the regional streaming in this part of
the world. So Australian handball fans can definitely
tune in there. But Chris, take us back to the final.
Kylstein Materberg, what a final that
was. Yeah, incredible. First of all, I was
super surprised if you've watched a semifinal against

Barcelona, the MVP for me was
like this Icelandic guy sender back Isley
Christensen, and he got injured in the
semifinal, dislocated his shoulder and almost everyone say
he's not going to play. And then next day he showed up and say, yeah,
I'm going to play. And he scored like six goals in the final. And I

say, how can this happen? This is like, incredible.
I did see, so he just cleared the shoulder,
a few injections, a bit of strapping tape and backed up the
next day. And I did see the interview with the
Kiosk goalkeeper, and he said he did struggle because
he couldn't get his arm over above 90 degrees, so every shot was

underarm, but he wasn't used to it. And look,
a goal is a goal. Doesn't matter what it looks like.
Fantastic to see that. That's the real toughness to back up like
that. And this is like, this makes hemp ball out of it.
I think they stick also more together. So one guy got injured, say,

okay, even more. We work harder for each other. And it was
like teamwork all the time, pushing each other. And
that was one of the things that they might won the final.
Yeah. Let's jump to the final
score there. And then I
guess there's a few key moments in the game which I think, as

a sports fan, no matter what sport you follow, it will definitely
resonate. So Mattelberg did take the win
an extra time. So we had 26 all at half time
and then went to two five minute periods. And that
ended up being 30 29 to Materburg taking the win
correct for Rob. That's that's back to back, isn't it? Yeah, it is. It is,

definitely. Yeah. Which is which is incredible to
yeah, that that's yeah. It's a very tough, very long season,
but it wasn't without the drama as all good finals.
Do you want to walk us through, I guess, the drama in the second half?
Yeah, there was a drama. Like, in the second half, there was one
was it a journalist? I think a journalist, yeah. I don't know what

happened exactly. Like, he had like a heart attack during during the game and
then stopped the game, like, for 1520 minutes.
And it was like I don't know if you've watched it, but one
of the coach of Mactoburg, Bennett Wiegart, he wanted to stop the
game and give kiel to the victory, which is
and he said, there's something more important than hambull in life. And which

is like a great gesher of him say, okay,
I play the most important game now. I'm coaching the most important game in my
life, but I give up. So this was like, to be honest,
like a really great geshure for him. Yeah.
And it's an incredible gesture, but the
Kiosk said, we want to push on and finish

the match. And obviously it didn't go their way in the end, but
what a way to amazing drama
in a final and what amazing gesture from the Mataburg coach to
say, look, life is more important, let's call it
here. But they played on
and, yeah, fantastic back to back win by Materberg,

and that advances them to
the Superglobe in Saudi Arabia later this
Moving on. So, also concluding at the end of last
week, we had the Asian Women's Club Championships
services to determine the winner of

again, who would advance to the Superglobe. So this was
in Kazakhstan in Adelmati, if I'm pronouncing that
correct. And so they ran as a
round robin tournament for the six teams.
And the winners that were SK Sugar Gliders
HC out of Korea and that's, I believe, back to

back for them. We had Kaiser. The Kazakhstan
Club come in second and T
Sports Club from India picked up third. Now, in the previous
iteration, T Sports came in last
place in 6th. So they've, they've improved their position
over the last year and their men's team also made their

debut, the Asian Championships this year and they came in
in the final position for the men's competition. But
really amazing to see, I guess the Indian region,
indian country in the Asian region starting to the game
starting to come alive, which
is really exciting. And that sort of moves me on to

the next score wrap up. We've had the premier
handball league in India commence three weeks ago
and they're now entering their final week and
playoffs. So this is their India's first professional
handball league. There are one, two we've got
six teams across the

competition with the first four
proceeding to a knockout phase.
To. Take home the first PHL title. So
as we finish the group stage
now, this is where I'm going to apologize in advance if the names are

not quite pronounced correctly. The Morass
Iron Men have finished top of the table with seven wins, two losses
and a draw. The Talugu Talons tied for
them with again seven wins, two losses, one draw.
In third place we have the Rajasthan Patriots.
Fourth place, the Golden Eagles up.

And the final two positions were taken up by the Delhi
Panzers and the Garvet Jew Gujarat
sides. Did you watch some of the
games? I've been watching, so I've been picking it
up on YouTube so I can't dial into
the Indian channels. They're blocked out of this

region, but great work to the team there.
They're replaying the games on their YouTube channel
and I say what a spectacle they're putting on.
They've really followed on the IPL cricket.
It's a lot of fanfare, a lot of

noise, a lot of color, which is India in a
nutshell. And the
passion of these guys. Many of these teams were training outdoors on
hockey courts for the last few years and now
they've made the leap indoors. They've made the leap into a professional
league which I think would say is the envy of the region,

particularly Oceania region. And it's, it's on our roadmap to to
professionalism here. But, yeah, I think they've
done a fantastic job. Each team's picking up three international
players, lots of East European players.
Look, I think we've done the same thing in Australia here. It's not a native
sport to the country, so it's bringing in experts like yourself

to build up and show what good looks like
and big
ups to the PHL and the
management teams and the players and the marketing departments doing
absolutely fantastic job of telling this story. So you're
enjoying it so far? Yeah, I love it. I really enjoying it.

And I would love to see us, Australia
have a closer tie with India. I think that would be great. Definitely.
Yeah. I think they finished
just above us on the Emerging Nations Cup
recently. I think we finished in 6th. They were maybe fourth.
Yeah, kind of, yeah. But again, they finished just above Australia in the

last competition. I think we have a shared
love of cricket. I think politically, Australia
and India getting closer all the time in
this region and yeah, I think to build that
bridge, I think it's going to be valuable for
both to grow in this region together and

then move back into the epicenter of Europe.
Yeah, I agree 100%.
Overnight, this is news to hand.
When I wrote this earlier in the week, the semifinals were poised
to occur and overnight we've had the Golden Eagles
up take on the Telugu Talons

and that's finished. This is again, it was 40
all after extra time and went down to a penalty
shootout. Very familiar, very similar circumstance to
what we saw in Europe last weekend. And the
Golden Eagles up advanced after
four three win in the shootout. So,

yeah, this is this is really great to to see. And
the the second final between Rajasthan
Patriots and the Marasta Ironmen will be overnight
and we'll bring you the action there. And I'm sure by time we go to
where next week the final may have occurred and
we'll go through our reactions there.

Finally, I have a quick run through the Australian League
as we've now had the last time you joined us. We just had
the draw and now the matchups
have been named. So if we go through
where we were last time so the women's competition, we
have a five team competition, sydney

University, Canberra, UTs, Brisbane and
Melbourne. They are playing a round
robin, but as we weren't sure last time,
does it end after the round robin? No, it does not.
The top two teams will go together in a playoff match to lift
the cup. So that's good there. First past

the post is great, but there's nothing like a final to
really throw chaos to the wind.
Next up, we have the men's competition. So we're sent
into two groups of four teams each. Group
A. We have University of Queensland, UTs, St
Kilda and the Brisbane Hamburg Club. And we

have Group B with Sydney University, Canberra Hamburg Club.
UNSW and unisa.
It's been debated all week. Is there a group of death?
But on balance, I think what do you think? We're
about even. Yeah, as I mentioned last week, pretty even.
So both groups are really competitive, to be honest. Not

a death group. Both pretty strong and
going to be tough. Yeah, I think it's going to be. Tough and
there's a lot of energy going into this championship. It's been a
few quite years with the pandemic, but players are back,
players are training. I guess the borders

have opened again. So the students are back. And
I'd say university students have been the backbone of a lot of
clubs in Australia. I know Pacific University,
we have a core, but every year it's who comes
to study really makes a difference.
And it brings the level always higher to a higher position.

Yeah, you get guys again, as I say, I started playing at 21,
22 years of age, and you play against these guys. Why don't
you know this? And, like, when'd you start six,
it's a lifetime of difference. But, yeah, the international
players and the students really do lift the
competition and I think bring trends from the rest

of the world.
Chris, that brings us to the end of
another episode. What's great again? Yeah,
I learned something, as always, with the positions.
It's a diversity in position. It's always good to put on the table
who's who, who's what. Yeah, I

really enjoy it. And as I said, it's always a pleasure to be part of
it and, yeah, I really appreciate it. And it was a lot of fun.
Really enjoyed it. Thanks. You're welcome. And we'll put it out there,
as always, if you've got an opinion,
if you want to get in touch, you can hit us up on the
Facebook what am I saying? The instagram page. The

underscore handball. Underscore podcast. You can also find us
on the and there's a form there. Get in
touch. If you think we're wrong, you think we're
right, let us know. We'd love to hear from you.
Next week, another
very good episode shaping up. We'll be

talking with Australian men's national
team coach, Tape Ramadani, and also
head coach of Canberra, the Canberra Handball Club,
which will be playing in a friendly game next
Saturday as a warm up leading into the
nationals. So that's going to be

great to talk with Tape. We'll see if we talk before the
game or after the game to get predictions or reactions.
We'll see how that time goes. And I think there'd be much more
league news. So we should be wrapping up the premier handball league in
India. The men's under 20
national under 20s world champs. Under 20 ones. Yeah,

under 20 ones is underway. So we'll bring the latest scores there, there.
And I think that's all she wrote. Yeah.
Don't miss the next episode. Yeah, fantastic. Thank you all for your time.
Please, like, subscribe and get in touch if you want to hear
from us. And thanks again. See you. Bye.
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