All Episodes

February 13, 2024 22 mins

Click here to learn more about Deep Healing for the Creative Soul

In this episode, we journey into the core of fear – an emotion that often holds us back and yet plays a vital role in our survival. We tackle how fear keeps you grounded, sparks your instinctual responses like fight, flight, or fawn, and how it acts as an integral alarm system during potential dangers. By diving into the intense experience of a nerve-wracking encounter with a bear, we shed light on the physiological reactions triggered by fear, such as shaking and chills.

Beyond its primal role, we explore fear as a misunderstood accomplice that outlines our capacities and gently pushes us to break beyond them. However, we caution against a dysregulated nervous system, a product of a hectic lifestyle, that might incite fear in inappropriate circumstances. We emphasize the importance of acknowledging its true nature, developing skills to manage our nervous system, understanding the root causes of fear, and building solutions to allay distressing situations.

Fear can be a hurdle that halts progress in personal lives and business ventures, but toppling these barriers paves the way for a healthier, self-assured, and successful existence. In this enlightening conversation, we highlight the significance of introspection, breaking down our fears, and shifting our mindset to prevent them from inhibiting your progress or ambitions.

We illustrate the contribution of intuitive alignment using the recent course as an example and how, despite the fear of failure, it was not an impediment to its realization. Observations from personal experiences underline the advice shared, accentuating the need to confront fears fearlessly and assess their actual impact.

You are encouraged to take accountability for your thoughts and feelings. The ultimate objective of this episode is to inspire listeners to metamorphose into the individuals on the opposite side of fear. The episode culminates on an appreciative note, expressing gratitude for this medium and the wonderful opportunities it affords to connect with everyone.

If you have been held captive by fear and it has obstructed your pursuit of dreams, we invite you to join us on an enlightening journey with the upcoming course, 'Deep Healing for the Creative Soul'. This course is rooted in personal experiences and is designed to guide you through deep healing, emotional reconnection, and unleashing your creative potential to the maximum. With a whole module dedicated to releasing fear, this course serves as your stepping stone towards altering your outlook and improving your receptiveness towards financial gain.

The concluding note of the episode is a gentle reminder that fear doesn't need to reign supreme – it’s high time we took charge and opened doors to infinite possibilities. An invitation is extended to all creatives grappling with fear and a limiting money mindset.


My name is Aubrey and I am an intuitive Coach and healer. For the last 15 years, I have been working one-on-one with my clients to reach their ultimate potential. And I ran a photography business for the last 8 years as well. My combined work of being a Reiki Master, Subconscious Release Technique Practitioner and a creative entrepreneur has taught me so much about our thoughts impact every aspect of life and I want to share it all with you.  Because you know what, I’ve been there. But at some point, I stopped letting life happen to me, and I created the life that I knew I deserved all along.


Join me weekly as I dive into the most common thought patterns that show up in our industry and give you practical solutions to release them never to bother you again. Imagine a life with less stress and free from everyday triggers.


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Episode Transcript

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Good morning, friends. Happy Tuesday. I am apologetic because this is definitely
going to be a few hours later than normal, but that's just how life is.
We started the intuition calibration course this week and yesterday was the first module.
So I'm having fun editing that to get the replays out.

It's been incredible so far. I had several people join last minute that haven't
been able to watch the first module.
So it's going to be awesome to get that out in the schedule.
If you are still interested in joining us and getting stinking amazing deal
before I actually release this as a full-blown course, please do so.

I will put the link in the show notes so that you can just grab it,
pay for it and get access all in one day.
So let's talk a little little bit today about something that I've been seeing a lot of.
It's something that we often misunderstand. It's an emotion.
It's actually one that gets put on a pedestal and marked as a way for us to

feel safe, even though it is not.
So this is going to be a lot of fun. We're going to be talking about fear today.
We're going to be talking about how it grabs a hold of you and and keeps you
in place and keeps you from moving.
It's going to be amazing. So
stay tuned. Let's go ahead and roll those credits and we will get started.

Hey friend, welcome to Deep Healing for Creative Entrepreneurs.
My name is Aubrey Barr and I am a subconscious release technique practitioner
and photography business owner.
I know you are sick of ending your day feeling overwhelmed and exhausted and
you are seeking a solution to help you feel creatively inspired fired,

and actively engaged in your business as well as.
In this podcast, we are going to dig into any limiting beliefs or subconscious
programs that are keeping you in a space filled with anxiety and stress.
This work is not a temporary solution for your life. No, this is a complete transformation.

So grab your coffee or tea and let's start you on the road to healing.
And let me just say, you can do this. you are worth it and you are meant to
thrive in life and business. So let's dig in.
Every time that I think about fear, I'm not even kidding you,

that Simon and Garfunkel song comes into my head, you know, where they're like,
hello, darkness, my old friend.
It's like, yeah, Yeah, every time. And that's kind of how it is,
right? It's something that sneaks up on you.
And it's just like, it's familiar.
We know the feeling. Every single person that's listening to this and not even so knows this feeling.

They know the feeling of fear. And there's a reason why it is such a strong
feeling, one that every human can recognize, right?
I will say every functional human can recognize, because it's definitely something that is needed.
It is needed to keep us safe. It is needed to trigger our system for fight or

flight, fight, flight, or fawn, to be honest with you.
It is absolutely essential for us
to have it in our world okay and so
thinking about it as this dark friend okay yes but also it's a way for us to
learn it's a way for us to learn and it's a way for us to push past our limits

so remembering then that our nervous system is always trying trying to keep us safe.
It will absolutely trigger fear.
Anytime it feels like it's not going to be a safe situation.
And so that is why it will come up so often.
And we have such a physical and emotional response to it.

Like you physically can feel fear.
A lot of people will say that.
You have a reaction to it. You could get shakes.
I remember one time Dave and I were camping out by the Kenai River in Alaska
where I used to fish as a child.
So I've been around a lot of grizzlies.

I've had to ditch my fish so that a grizzly can therefore claim it.
No problem, right? You just go get another one. But I brought him back as an
adult and we went camping and fishing and my dad was there and my My dad and
my daughter were staying in the camper and Dave and I were in the tent.
Now in the middle of the night, we hear these really big steps and Dave wakes

me up and he's like, I think there's a bear out there.
And sure enough, you start hearing it breathe on the side of our tent.
And for me, I knew logically we didn't bring any food in with us.
You're not supposed to. It was all in the bear, I forget what they call it,
bear cupboard or whatever outside.
We didn't have our beef jerky. We didn't have our clothes that smelled like

fish. Like everything was separate.
So I had that immediate response of like, okay, it's okay.
We're going to calm down because there's no big deal. There's nothing in here that he wants.
And I felt pretty confident in that. But Dave did not feel so confident in that.
His response, I mean, we weren't super loud and talking, but he was whispering,

but I could feel him start to shake because his response was one,
he's not been in this situation before, not like this, right?
Where you're caught without anything to really defend yourself.
You're not wanting to defend yourself, right? You're just wanting it to go away.
And his body reacted in a way where he was shaking and he was shaking and he was like cold.

And I was like, okay, all right, this is serious.
And I got a good laugh out of it, right? Because of course it just ended the
way I thought it would. And the bear just walked away, way.
But poor Dave, he had to go potty and we just sat there shaking for a while.
But you know, it's not his fault per se, right? Like this is your response.

This is why we have that response so that if we need that extra adrenaline,
if we need that extra energy, it's sitting right there and it's like,
okay, he probably could have ran six miles in that moment if he needed to.
I don't suggest it, but he had that going for him. Whereas I didn't have that
because I was more accustomed to it, right?

I had been trained that this was okay, that I was going to stay calm and nothing
crazy happened, but it's just a really good example of what really fear will exhibit in your body.
So the reason why I bring that up today is because it gets misunderstood understood
a lot, right? There's a definite reason for it.

It's not something that we should look down on and say, that's a horrible reaction.
You never want to have that. We absolutely do want to have that.
There is a reason we have that.
However, a lot of times when our nervous system gets.
Dysregulated, just in general, just think for a second, maybe you are someone
who is very, very very busy and your plate is absolutely full and you are go,

go, go all the time, right?
Like in that situation, your nervous system might already be dysregulated.
So when you come across a problem where you feel that fear, even if it's not
logical, that could definitely take over for you.
It's important then to recognize that for what it is and be able to have these

tools where we can start to deregulate that,
where when something comes up, maybe in your business, maybe you're dealing
with a client that maybe is unhappy or something comes up or they need help
with something and you're like, okay, I just don't have time for this today.
Whatever you have going on, being able to just in the moment regulate that nervous

system and say, okay, wait a second, this isn't life or death.
It's okay. You can calm down.
These are skills and tools that people learn over time.
But it's my hope that once we can uncover the reasons why we're feeling the
fear, the root of the fear, then it doesn't explode into this something crazy all the time.

Like we can handle an email that's like somebody upset with us without us freaking
out automatically, right?
We can go to our problem solving without having to stay in that fight or flight or fawn.
And I'm here to say that I absolutely know it's possible.
It's possible for us to break down those roots where the fear is coming from

and be able to heal from that.
And that's where the healing comes in. Because if we could just logically look
at everything and say, okay, does this make sense to freak out on?
Does this make sense, right? Is this in perspective?
I mean, we would sit there thinking all the time, but we're not.
We're basing everything off of that initial emotion because that's our driving

force and that's what is leading us into knowing what we should do, right?
So what I'm finding happening so much, and the reason why I even wanted to bring
this up today is because I'm seeing it a lot.
What's happening is that that people are allowing that fear state to take over
when really they already have the problem solving.

So we're allowing that fear state to come in and say, you know what?
No, you can't do that. That's not going to be okay.
You're going to suck at it. You're going to fail, right? And it prevents us
from the simplest tasks when that thought comes in there and takes over and
it ignites this this feeling inside of us.

It makes it so, this is the thing, okay? And I've heard this so much lately.
It's like, Aubrey, how do you do it all?
How do you do this? How do you do that? How can you put yourself into so many
things? And I have a lot of reasons for that, okay? But I'm,
For this, I will say that I've had to remove so much fear.

You guys would not even, you wouldn't even know, okay?
I was a completely different person when I was riding around with all this fear,
you know, and think about fear as a root in a tree, right? right?
You also have branches of like anxiety and worry and sadness.

And fear is like one of the mother loads, okay?
This is like one of those thick ones that'll come up and break the cement,
okay? It's like a serious root.
And what happens is, is people feel all these other things and they don't realize
that the main culprit is actually this big root of fear.
And so when When you can do that and you can say, what am I so afraid of? Just ask yourself that.

I'm feeling a lot of anxiety today. I don't want to do this masterclass.
I don't want to talk to this client and we have a call today.
You know, whatever it is, I'm feeling like really uncomfortable about it.
Ask yourself, what am I so afraid of? And a lot of times you can deconstruct that.
We are able to. If you're completely overwhelmed, it might be super difficult to do.

But if you've been following along in
these episodes and my work for the last you know
two years then you probably have some kind of handle on regulating your nervous
system and regulating those emotions and healing from the things that are super
deep so you should be able to
then just take a simple statement and deconstruct what am i so afraid of.

You know, when I'm feeling super inspired to do a class, like I just launched
this intuition calibration, it's so aligned to me that I literally dreamt up
the entire thing in separate nights.
I allowed for that space to be there for it, where I could create into that
container as I slept, no joke.

Okay, that's how aligned it was for me. It was right in front of me.
And yet if I allowed myself
to also feel the anxiety and the
fear around oh my gosh what if nobody purchases
this what if I spend all of these hours creating this course that even in the
future nobody wants to touch and nobody's attracted to and they don't really

want to use their intuition right maybe they prefer to not use it all of these
thoughts can come into your head and you get to deconstruct that.
I get to say, what am I so afraid of? And when I really think about it,
I'm like, okay, so what if only four people buy it?
So what? Those four people are going to have an amazing transformation.

Is it worth the time I've put into it? I'm working on this in my sleep for crap's sake.
It's coming to me like it's just here, here's your course.
Not to say I don't put put work into it because believe me,
it's a culmination of years of experience with using my intuition and being

able to make this into a business because I am literally using it every day with my clients.
This is my business. This is my sole desire.
So it's absolutely something that I embody and that's what made it so easy to create.
Okay, but the time is in it. The value is is there. The worth is there.
So if four people buy it and that's my legacy, dang it. Like what's wrong with that?

If I only make $1,000, if I only make a small amount, are those people's lives
going to be changed? And I get to say yes.
So apply that to whatever you have going on. So if you have this client,
you have to do a meeting with it. It doesn't feel like it's working well.
They're upset about something. What's the worst that can happen?

They fire you. I guess that's the worst, right?
They tarnish your name. Maybe the worst in your head is that they're mean to
you and you don't like it when people are mean to you. And I understand that.
But if that's the worst, if that's what you're afraid of, I mean,
can we just acknowledge that at some point in your life, people are going to
be mean to you? It doesn't, you're not going to avoid that.

You're not going to avoid that by not being in business.
You're not going to avoid that by not putting your work out out there,
by not chasing your dreams, it doesn't matter.
You can just go grocery shopping and someone's going to be mean to you, right?
We can't live our lives and make our business decisions and our relationship
decisions based off of fear.

And a lot of people do that.
I'm here to say, I see it all the time.
So next time you have something come up for you and you You can sense that these
other feelings are coming in.
Again, remember, it might show up as anxiety at first.
It might show up as a worry, maybe a couple days in advance.

It might show up as a headache, right? Like with that tension,
it could show up in so many ways.
And I want you to ask yourself, like, what am I so afraid of?
What's the worst that can happen like this?
Okay. And allow yourself to play out that scenario and see if it will help you
to not only break down those emotions so you can feel them and release them,

but also understand more more clearly this version of you that is super fight or flight or fawn,
this part of you that is unhinged inside, okay?
Understand her or him more, and you may be able to see these things coming.

You may be able to directly go, oh, okay, Aubrey, I know why you're upset.
You don't like like confrontation.
I know you don't like confrontation, but you get to decide if you're going to
allow those words to pierce you or if you're going to let them just slide off of you.
Right? You get to decide that. You get to decide if that's going to be something

that you take personal or if it's none of your business.
And I love, obviously, if you guys have been listening to me,
you know, I love that it's none of my business what someone thinks about me.
It absolutely isn't so yeah
just having that availability and that
space to get to know this version of you that is not always logical is super

helpful in situations like that so you guys hey let me just say okay please
please do not let that fear stop you from becoming a different person.
If you have fear there and you don't address it, then you can definitely end
up in situations where you're actually allowing, this is like equivalent to saying to yourself.

I am going to let this fear stop me from having a better life.
That's what you're saying, okay? I know it sounds harsh.
It's a hard truth. And I'm here for hard truths. Like, that is what I am doing here.
But I'm just saying, at some point, you've got to take responsibility for whatever's

going on in your head and in your body.
And if you can't stop that, if none of this helps you in that route,
if you still feel feel the anxiety, if you still feel the worry,
you still feel the fear, and it's still stopping you, then please,
please take one of my courses.
Do some more work on healing the subconscious.

That's where the magic is. When you can unlock that subconscious and you can
open up to all the possibilities that are around you, it's a completely different life.
I promise you. you. This is truly the heart and soul of my business is helping
people to become that person on the other side of fear.

That's what I'm here for. Dang it.
That's like my motto. Okay. I have a couple, but that is one of them.
And if you need more help with this, then at some point you do have to take a leap of faith.
You've got to put your faith into something that you trust that's going to allow
you to shift that mind of yours and the body, help you to reprogram things that

have just been laying stagnant for years and years and years.
I'd love, I'd love to have you in Deep Healing for the Creative Soul.
I am coming up on a year since I originally released that program.
I have added so many bonuses to it. I have continued to work on it to make it

something Something that when people come in there, they do not leave the same person.
And we actually have an entire module just on releasing fear because it is that important.
It is a cornerstone of healing. I can promise you that.
So if you'd like to join us, we're going to be doing another group starting March 4th.

This is going to be an insane amount of healing and clearing and nervous system regulation.
Everything that you need in order to get you moving on this path and having
opportunities and feeling more like you're emotionally connected to your life

and your family and everything that's involved in it.
It is specifically for creatives, but you do not need to own a business for
this course. There are an entire module also for money programs, though.
So if you maybe are an artist and have always felt like you cannot earn money
off of what you do because that has been the stigma for I don't know how many

decades or actually probably centuries, I would say.
But if you are there, clearing up some of those money programs is also super beneficial.
I think that oftentimes we are so gung-ho to spend money on things that we think
we're going to have a return of investment similar to that money price point.

So I might buy a course that helps me with Facebook ads because I believe that
investing that money will come back to me.
What people don't understand is that so much of your ability to receive money
comes from your mindset and when you have these blocks around fear,
when you don't want to be seen, when you have these blocks around not receiving money,

then you're never going to get there.
So I just love that this encompasses so many things.
It's absolutely for every creative person out there. So I would love to have you guys join us.
I will put the link in the show notes. You guys have a fabulous week.

I absolutely love being able to have this platform to talk to you guys.
And I appreciate every single one of you. I hope that this week is amazing for
you. All right, right. We'll talk soon.
I hope this podcast spoke to you in some way.
If it did, please go ahead and leave me a review and subscribe so that I know

you're enjoying what you hear.
And further, if you know somebody else who owns their own creative business
and struggles with anything that we spoke about,
please pass this on because it is my hope that we will be able to build a community
of like-minded individuals who love on each other and appreciate the many facets
that make our creative business so unique.

And lastly, check out the show notes to find my free Facebook community and
other useful links to work with me. All right, friend, see you soon.
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