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March 5, 2024 16 mins

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In this episode, discover an unanticipated revelation about tapping into intuition and how it shapes the messages I share with you. Tune in as we discuss an exciting upcoming program, "Deep Healing for the Creative Soul.". This program intends to help creatives let go of generational and childhood trauma, programming that makes them feel unworthy, and deal with the imposter syndrome. During the 16-week course, we also aim to break down the facets leading up to burnout, work on releasing trapped emotions, overcoming creative blocks, and dealing with money mindset. Tune in to see how this program could entirely transform your life within four short months.

If you're someone driven to create an impact, who wishes to make others' lives better, this episode is particularly special. Are you a coach, a mentor, an artist, or a businessperson contemplating adding teaching, coaching, or mentoring to your arena? Listen in to discover how you can venture into mentorship, helping others see how vast and beautiful their life could be. Explore how you might incorporate a Subconscious Release Technique (SRT) into your life as a practitioner, and consider how imbuing this technique might bring valuable transformations to the lives around you.

Finally, we discuss the exciting offer of SRT practitioner certification, now discounted at half-off. This episode offers the opportunity to journey through a transformational year and probably inspire others along your path. With emotional healing, trauma healing, and moving beyond limiting beliefs predicted to stay in the limelight, where would you position yourself? Reach out if you’re inspired to join a community that aspires together, or if you have any questions about the SRT practitioner certification.

Aubrey is an Intuitive Coach and Healer. For the last 3 years, she has been working one-on-one with her clients to reach their ultimate potential through breaking down generational and childhood trauma. Between running a birth photography business and and being a Spiritual Coach for Creatives, she has spent a lot of time with creative entrepreneurs helping them to reprogram their minds. This has taught her endless lessons about how our thoughts impact every aspect of life, whether that’s business, relationship or self confidence. She runs a Podcast and program called Deep Healing for Creative Entrepreneurs and she loves spending any extra time with her family, her animals and traveling!

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Good morning, friends. I'm so excited today because I was on the treadmill this
morning and I had this idea to what I needed to speak to you guys about today.
And it's not something I had planned on, which is always so fun for me because
I get to upload it and then check out my downloads later and be shocked that

it is exactly what people wanted to hear or or needed to hear.
So that's always fun for me. It's kind of a game, right?
It's like I get to tap in and follow my intuition the same way I teach everybody
who's around me to do. So it's super cool.
But before I jump into that, I wanted to shout out and let you guys know that

we are starting Deep Healing for the Creative Soul next week.
So if you want to jump in on that, by the
time this releases you can go ahead and use the code
bundle with a capital b and that
will give you access for a ridiculously low
price plus get you in on my last program which was intuition calibration and

i have to say that those of you who did that class had so much to say about
it absolutely loved the information that you gained from that and being able
to tap into the the body and understand,
finally decipher what those feelings mean, what those words mean.
It was super cool to hear the aha moments that happened live during those modules.

So if you want in on that class, which I normally list at $4.97 for free,
for free, that reminds me of Adam Sandler movie, ADHD.
Anyway, for free, then please sign up now.
You get to also join me for the next 16 weeks as we dive into the different

aspects of being a creative.
We are going to release generational and childhood trauma and programming that's
causing you to feel unworthy and keeping you kind of trapped where you're at.
And we're going to work on imposter syndrome, all of the things that lead up to burnout.
How can we break that down? How can we release those trapped emotions so that

you don't push yourself into a space where you can no longer create nor work
and you leave yourself hanging?
Okay, we're going to work on creative blocks. We're going to work on money mindset,
a scarcity mindset that all of us have to work on at some level,
especially these days with how much information is being overloaded about how

we should feel about money, what people with money do, right?
If they're good people, if they're bad people, all of this gets subconsciously stuck.
And so it's really important to break that down, to release the things that are not serving us.
And at the end of this program in four short months, you're not even going to
recognize how different things are for you.

Your life is going to feel completely different.
As one of my past students said, it's like nothing changed, but everything changed
because we are really working on that subconscious side that is so hard for
you individually to pinpoint and be able to release from your system.
So I am so excited about it. As you guys can tell, I could talk about it for

hours, but I'm not going to.
I'm going to leave you with those words. I'll put the link in the show notes
so you guys can click on that and just use the code bundle with a capital B
and you're going to get in.
You're going to get access to intuition calibration today, and then you will
get access to the rest of the course Monday when we start, which is March 11th.

So I'm super excited for this.
All right. For the time being, let's go ahead and roll the credits so we can
get into today's message.

Life. In this podcast, we are going to dig into any limiting beliefs or subconscious
programs that are keeping you in a space filled with anxiety and stress.
This work is not a temporary solution for your life. No, this is a complete transformation.

So grab your coffee or tea and let's start you on the road to healing.
And let me just say, you can do this. You are worth it. and you are meant to
thrive in life and business.
For those of you out there that are healers at heart, let me speak to you for

a minute because so many of us are creative people.
So many of us have this spot in the world where we love to serve people.
We're coming from a place of just wanting to make someone else's life even better.
And those are my people, right? You guys are usually empathetic.
You are usually highly sensitive people. some of you have ADHD like me, which is totally cool.

But those people, you, come into my world and you love to learn this stuff.
You love to be able to shift your mind around these ideas and really take on
a whole new meaning of life and your purpose here.
And for you, that's what I really wanted to talk about today is the people that
are driven to have a bigger purpose.

If that that is you and you are, let's say a photographer and you're getting
into mentoring, you're thinking, I have learned so much on my path.
I've grown so much as an artist, as a business person, you know,
as even as a friend, as a partner, all of those things are amazing and they
all grow in aspect to where you are in your life.

And so if you're that person and you're thinking, I want to add in some teaching,
I want to add in some coaching, I want to start adding in some mentoring.
I want to be able to do something that fills my soul, brings people to a different
level and allows them to see the world the way that I see it.
Or the way that they would see it if they weren't so shielded by everyday issues

or boundary situations, problem clients, not knowing what to do on social media
or their website, right?
All of those things that just build over time and cause this brain cloud that
you just cannot see past, right?
That's essentially why so many artists end up with creative blocks.

You know, we have writers that write this amazing book and then all of a sudden
they can't do it anymore or they have to be in a certain place or,
you know, they only get these ideas at certain times if they do these things.
And I love that there is this other side of you that once you tap in, it releases all of that.

It just says, you know what? We don't need all that cloudiness,
all that nay saying, all the negativity that your subconscious will hold on to.
So for you guys if this is you
i really really would like to offer you this
opportunity to be able to use some
of the work that i do for your own practice or your own coaching or your own

mentoring so i'm inviting you if this is you to reach out to me and see if you
want to add subconscious release technique into your world because i'll be honest
with you it unlocks so so much in me,
but I have no false conceptions about being able to help the entire world.

I know that my work is for certain people, that some people will be drawn to
me and want to purchase everything that I offer in the healing space,
while others will like me, like the ideas, but not want to take that final leap.
I want more people to be exposed to this kind of work because it's been absolutely
mind blowing for me, my clients, and everybody who comes across it.

So I wanted to do this little exercise with you guys real quick.
And I'm wanting you to close your eyes as long as you're not driving.
And I want you to think about where are places in your life, in your current field,
where where you can add in some of the possibilities that come with being able

to help people release limiting beliefs and programming about what they do or
what they offer, what the world is like.
How can you add that into your space?
Because I think there's a container for a lot of you to venture into a mentorship
where you can really help people to see how big and how beautiful their life could be, right?

And it sounds so cliche. It's like, hey, follow your dreams, but dang it.
That's kind of what it is. We all have these stories that are telling us, no, you can't do that.
No, you're going to put all this time and money into it and you're going to
fail, or that's not going to work for you because X, Y, Z, right?

We have all these excuses. uses. Everybody has them.
I have them. I've had to release a lot and others I have to say,
oh no, that's the past. That's not me anymore, right?
There's ways to work through these, but in general, we all have that.
So I want to know, is there a way in which you can add SRT into your your life

as a practitioner, just like me, and add value to people's worlds?
You know, is your clientele available to have this kind of work where you can
really, really upgrade their lives just from helping them heal?
You know, I don't want to make that sound like I said just from, like, it's so easy.

It is so beneficial and efficient and fast is the thing.
So it often comes across as easy because it's one of the easiest.
Modalities and I've done a lot of research and
I've been certified in so many different modalities and
this one just shifts that needle so much faster

than everything else I mean imagine what it would be
like if the people in your world already were able to heal from some of the
things that are keeping them small right would you have more clients probably
would you have more boudoir clients where they feel comfortable in front of
the camera where they've learned to love themselves ourselves despite whatever's going on?

Would you have more people that are willing to speak up, even though they might
have a speech impediment?
Is there going to be more people in your world, especially family and friends,
that now get to up-level with you, now get to know how incredibly amazing it
is to have that freedom of thought
and not be bogged down by the brain fog constantly day in and day out?

How many people in your lives would be able to benefit from this?
Because when When I started, I did not start thinking I was going to have a coaching career.
I started because I wanted to heal myself and I wanted to then pass that along to my daughter.
I wanted to pass that along to my husband. And that was my main goal was just
like, how can I see this benefiting my family?

And I'll be honest with you, it has massively benefited my family.
I mean, even with my daughter's hockey, you guys know if you have kids in sports,
in school, whatever, they often come across situations where they don't feel
good enough to do something, where they let their mind tell them they're not
good enough. They're not as good as that person.
They're going to compare things. They're going to take a test and just feel

like crap because they didn't get a 100 and it's self-imposed.
So what's going on in the background?
I love using this work to help those around me to be able to heal.
There's no other way to put it. So that's what I wanted to share with you guys today.
I wanted you to know that I absolutely feel like there's so much space in the

world for this work and for more people to join us in being able to change that
I decided to do a whole podcast episode about it because I am so passionate about this.
And like I said, there's just no way in the world that me, as in Aubrey,
is going to be able to help all the people that could receive help on this topic.

So I'm just reaching out to you guys and letting you know that SRT practitioner
certification is half off right now.
It's absolutely something that you can do. If you've done the intuition calibration
class, you're already on your way to connecting towards that type of work.
And honestly, it's incredible.
You get a whole year's worth of membership in the program where they do a lot

of things around teaching you how to build a coaching business.
But they also teach you the basics.
And it's with work like this that you truly unlock your intuition and are able to change so much.
So it's absolutely a year of transformation. I've had six people sign up to
become a subconscious release technique practitioner because of the work that

they did one-on-one with me.
And that just leaves me so, so full of gratitude that not only did I help these
people anyway with what they had going on,
a couple of them went through my Deep Healing for the Creative Soul program and then joined.
But just knowing that I've been able to help these people and in their lives,

all of them have begun seeing clients already.
A couple of them have their own coaching practices now and they are confident about it.
They're feeling good about it. They want to put themselves out there.
They don't have a problem talking to people about it.
So it's just like a beautiful cycle of life, I think, that we can continue to
inspire people around us and that they see the value in this type of healing.

I'm telling you, in the next couple years, this space of healing emotional wounds
and healing trauma and moving past limiting beliefs is only going to continue to grow.
And there's just not enough of us out there. So this is not something that's
going to go away in a week. This is not something that's going to go away in two years.
This is going to continue to be in the limelight for people as they realize

that this healing absolutely needs to be done.
Okay? Okay, so let me know if you guys have any questions.
You'll have to reach out to me personally to sign up with the 50% discount.
So I'm happy to do that. You can email me at
Or you're welcome to shoot me a message on Instagram. You guys know I'm on there all the time.

And check out my stories in the meantime, because they're so fun.
All right, guys, have a beautiful day. I can't wait to see who is going to join
me in all of these adventures.
And I just want you to know that at one point, I was feeling very small and
very terrified and not wanting to be an inspiration to anybody.

And I feel like so much has changed now. So, all right, guys,
have a beautiful day. We will definitely talk soon.

We will be able to build a community of like-minded individuals who love on
each other and appreciate the many facets that make our creative business so unique.
And lastly, check out the show notes to find my free Facebook community and
other useful links to work with me. All right, friend, see you soon.

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