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April 27, 2024 27 mins

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In this episode, join the powerful conversation with Aubrey Bahr, a remarkable subconscious release technique practitioner, and Jessie, a courageous emotion code practitioner. Together, they navigate through the highs and lows of being an entrepreneurial healer. They explore the tenets of coaching interdependence, the value of diverse viewpoints, and delving beyond our innate limiting beliefs and fears that often lead to a stressful entrepreneurial journey.

Get ready to traverse Jessie's story, dealing with self-doubt, stagnation, and the feeling of being ensnared in her profession and motherhood. Throughout this  conversation, they give insights into achieving balance, evaluating self-worth discerningly, enhancing communication, embracing evolving self-changes, and squaring off fears. All towards building a fulfilling life on both personal and professional fronts.

As we proceed, we explore how transforming beliefs can stir feelings of instability but also pave the way for growth and new opportunities. You will uncover how emotions are inextricably linked with our entrepreneurial endeavors, making this episode a treasure trove filled with wisdom about personal development, self-consciousness, and business.

Our conversation moves towards undertaking the challenging task of letting go of deeply entrenched subconscious programs and fears. By incorporating guided muscle testing and releasing procedures, you will learn to exhale negativity and inhale positivity, thereby promoting deeper introspection. We learn to clear heavy emotional weights attached to certain words and expressions, replacing them with trust, gratitude, and love. This ultimately facilitates overall healing and personal growth.

Our meeting is an open arena for fearlessly exploring personal struggles and is designed specifically for creative business owners. Don't hesitate to join our community for more sessions, and embark on your healing journey towards a better future. The perks? You'll enjoy premium access to our courses and more. Remember to share your review and spread the word among your entrepreneurial friends. Get the link to our community membership in the show notes. You are just one step away from a transformative journey!

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Episode Transcript

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Good morning, my friends. I'm really excited today to bring to you a coaching
call that I got to do with someone who is an emotion code practitioner.
She's very cool. And I just find it so amazing that different coaches,
different healers, all of us out there, we need each other.
We need each other to break through a lot of the things going on in our lives.

Sometimes we need that outside perspective.
And even being an entrepreneur, solopreneur, whatever it is you are,
it's important that we have a system where we can get support from others and be open to it.
Because if you are stuck in something and you're not open to receiving help
from someone else, you will continue to be stuck there, right?

That's kind of the way it is.
So I'm thankful we have each other and I am so excited to bring this to you
so you guys can hear some of the things that she's going through that she's
stuck in and how we were able to not only pinpoint those issues and concerns,
but also release them together and allow for her to have some more breakthroughs

in what she needs to do next.
So I hope you guys enjoyed this call.
Definitely let me know if you have any questions and let's get it started.
Hey friend, welcome to Deep Healing for Creative Entrepreneurs.
My name is Aubrey Barr and I am a subconscious release technique practitioner
and photography business owner.

I know you are sick of ending your day feeling overwhelmed and exhausted,
and you are seeking a solution to help you feel creatively inspired and actively
engaged in your business as well as personal life.
In this podcast, we are going to dig into any limiting beliefs or subconscious
programs that are keeping you in a space filled with anxiety and stress.

This work is not a temporary solution for
your life no this is a complete transformation so grab your coffee or tea and
let's start you on the road to healing and let me just say you can do this you
are worth it and you are meant to thrive in life and business so.

Okay. Hello. Hello. I have the beautiful Jessie here.
She is an emotion coach practitioner, and I'm really excited to dive in today
and work on something going on in your life.
We're about to discover what it is to see if we can move the needle a little bit.

So Jessie, why don't you say hi? Hello. Hello.
So happy you're here. We kind of discussed a little bit before in messenger,
like what you wanted to talk about today, but I do want to leave it open for you.
Whatever's on your mind right now, any kind of blocks that you have going on,
anything that you're struggling with right now, that would be a really good

place to start because it's usually your body like, hey, can we work on this?
So why don't you go ahead and tell me a little bit about you and what you wanted to focus on today?
Yeah. So I'm an emotion code practitioner. I've been building my business for the last year.
I started in January of last year because emotion code really was a missing

link for me when I went through my second divorce and I thought that I had handled all of my stuff.
I had done the therapy. I'm a yoga teacher, a Reiki practitioner,
meditation, journaling, all the things.
And I thought I had figured it all out and the things that I hadn't would be
fine just in their little boxes in the back of my mind.

And I found out that's not how it works. And so Emotion Code,
I found it during that second divorce and really helped me clarify what was triggering me.
Why was I still thinking the same way, creating these habits and relationships
that just kept going through the same cycles and helped me navigate that divorce
and get to the point where I could start this business.

So I believe that it really changed the trajectory of how things could have
gone through that second divorce for me.
And I'm really passionate about helping other women who are in that same space.
Yeah, I found that starting somewhere in January, something's triggered me.
And, you know, as a single mom, and as a practitioner, I went for a really long

time not really noticing it, because you just kind of keep pushing through and
you think that you have things handled.
And it just kind of kept piling on till it got to the point where I just feel
very debilitated and paralyzed right now.
So that's been really hard as a practitioner to feel like it's not working,
you know, and that started making me question myself as a person, as a practitioner,

things just feel like everything is run into a brick wall in business,
in relationships, in the situation with my son.
I'm just feeling very trapped.
And this is the first time in a really long time that I have felt like this.
And I don't feel like myself.
I am having a hard time seeing the light.

And I have enough perspective to see what my brain's doing, but not enough to
figure out what is keeping me here.
So connecting with you has been exactly what I needed because I knew that it
was time to call in someone else because I'm in a new cycle of something.
And there's something that I'm supposed to be breaking through.

And I'm just not able to get there on my own.
Oh, I love it. And, you know, for all of us who are into different modalities,
we're so good at helping other people.
And it sometimes does end up in a situation where it's like we have to have
outside help with things because
it's so hard to see everything from that perspective for yourself. Yeah.

Okay, cool. So you said you started feeling a little bit debilitated and some
triggering stuff. Like what is happening?
Like you're feeling stuck, but in what ways? easy. It sounds like it's everything. Can you? Yeah.
Yeah. So in business, I feel like I'm just not connecting with my clients.

Like I'm not bringing in new clients.
I feel like I'm not saying the thing that my client needs to hear.
And then I started questioning, do I even know what to say? Then it spiraled
into the whole self-worth and do I have value at this point?
I, I feel stuck in trying to figure out a path forward for my son.
He's getting a little bit older and just trying to figure out where do I need

to be so that I can be healthy and stable as a mom while that feels very in
opposition of what my son's dad is doing.
So that feels like I'm stuck between figuring out what is best as a mom and
what is best for Jesse and bridging that gap.
I think that those are the two, those are the two biggest things,
just really feeling stuck in business and feeling stuck in motherhood right now.

And then they kind of start to spiral together, right?
Like if I can't have stability and financial security through my business,
then that changes my ability to do what I need to do for my son.
And then it just gets into this spirally panicky tornado.
Yeah. I'm wondering, actually, do you feel like you're putting your self-worth

in how well your business does?
Like, let's say if it's the definition of successful right now,
you feel really great about life.
And then when it has dips, as we all know, small businesses have,
you know, ebbs and flows like all the time.
Like, are you, are you feeling like maybe you have too much of that self-worth

tied into how well your business is doing day in, day out?
Because it feels like that might have some kind of pull on it and then it starts
to kind of bring up other things.
Yeah, I would agree with that. Yeah. Yeah.
Those learning as small business owners, and especially those of us who do a
lot on our own, like solopreneurs, we do tend to do that anyway.

So when we can understand that, then being okay with changes in life really
helps like to be able to be accepting of that. Like, you know, it's okay.
Next month's going to be freaking amazing easing or something like that instead of just staying in that.
That definitely has some pull in it. And then the other thing that's coming
up for me is there's some communication stuff.

So stuff about your voice, things going on here with the chakra.
It feels very much like either I'm not speaking my mind.
Like you said, you didn't know if you were connecting so much with people anymore.
Am I saying the right things?
Is what I'm saying actually bringing in my ideal client? Or,
you know, do I just sound like an idiot?

Like these are questions that are going on and they're just kind of getting stuck there.
Does that make sense? Absolutely.
Yeah. So speak my, my voice. There's a lot there.
That's actually, I feel like that's a rabbit hole.
It is. It really is. Yeah. So let's look at this a bit. Yeah.

Because I am seeing like it's locked lockdown.
And I even started getting scratchy a minute ago.
So yeah, so speak my voice and not being heard, right?
And I feel like that's kind of also co-parenting related.
Yes. Yeah, I see that seeping. And you know how it is with any of this stuff.

I mean, to have it in one category and only one is just not really how it works, does it? Right.
But yeah, speaking my voice, you know what I think actually,
I think maybe recently you said this started happening about January.
It really feels like something in you kind of shifted your opinion,
the way you felt about something that really felt like a basis for you,

maybe a foundation that you all of a sudden were like, actually,
I don't think that that's really me anymore.
Something shifted and it's like you're almost trying to catch up to it.
So you're kind of in like a middle space between, you know, what is this new
thing and how can I start living my life towards this new value system or something
like that, that just feels like it's a little bit different.

And it doesn't have to be something huge.
It probably is something surprising or something that you haven't consciously
looked at and said, oh, wow, I actually believe this now.
And this has kind of changed a bit. So there's a little hesitance and sharing
voice and sharing opinion because something changed.
So I don't know what that is, but I'm happy to help you kind of clear programs

around like a little bit, maybe being flexible, being open to something new in yourself.
It's all about what you're perceiving is going on.
So super interesting, but it does kind of feel like opening up.
So we need to open this up.
Does that make sense yeah it does and it might be that you're just,

having to figure this out now. That's what you get to do now.
But what we'll do is we'll look at the subconscious programs and those limiting
beliefs that are kind of making it worse.
Like this feeling of being stuck is just exaggerating whatever's happening.
You know, it's this massive deal. It's just a tiny shift and it's like, it has to be seen.

But instead, you're reverting to, oh crap, you know, here I am, I'm stuck again.
You know, I'm back at square one. does that does that ring
a bell for you yes yes okay stuck
again that's what it feels like i'm stuck again dating
again what are you dating again i am you are okay yeah there's some fear there

i think yeah like some fear there probably nobody wants to repeat the same cycle and you were
already conscious that you were right so right yeah okay that's related stuck
again yeah making that making the same choices making the same choices i already did this comes up.

And it's also like very much in a place of judgment towards yourself it's like
jesse you've already done this before you've already you should have learned
this lesson you should have right Right. Yeah. Very judgmental.
I've already been there. That's what I keep hearing. Learned my lesson.
So that's what we're going to focus on today is shifting those because we don't

need those extra thoughts.
Like those are not going to help. It's not going to help to constantly think,
oh, my gosh, I'm stuck again.
You know, I can't believe I made this choice again. Whatever.
Yeah. Fear, fear, fear. Very scary. Scary. Okay.
All right. Does this sound good to you?
Yeah. So we can get a lot just from a little conversation, which I just love.

So I've been writing down a lot, right? I'm sure you noticed.
So I've been writing down a lot of things that jump out as like a subconscious
program, something that feels very weak.
It feels very much like cleanly and just kind of gross energy.
So now what I'm going to do is just continue to do some muscle testing around it.
I'm going to find the ones that are super weak. We're going to focus on those

because I've got like a whole page. Oh, wow. Yeah.
So a lot to choose from. Yes. So, yeah, we're going to focus on the ones that
are just extremely weak.
And then I will be using some muscle testing also to decide which emotions you're
kind of attaching to that.
I'm going to just walk right into the release part of the session now.

So I'll just do a quick explanation. in nation.
So as I'm muscle testing, I'll probably be looking down a lot.
But when I find a program that we're going to release, I'm going to ask you
to take a deep breath in and hold. I'm going to say a statement.
My throat, it's from you. Yeah, I know.

So I'm going to say a statement. I want you to think it. And then when you're
done thinking it, you're just going to breathe it out. No.
It's funny. So for anybody that's also listening, a lot of these tend to be
like pretty common with people.
We are going to go a little bit more specific to you, but everybody who's listening
can absolutely do the releases too, because it's not going to hurt you.

If anything, you'll probably feel lighter. So let me take a sip and then we'll get started.
That's so funny. I was not having a, I was not having a throat problem.
Okay. All right. So So let's see.
Go ahead and take a breath in through the nose and out the mouth.

Okay. All right. So we'll get started. So breathe in and hold.
I release all anger with I don't feel like myself.
Very good. Breathe in and hold. I release all frustration with I don't feel like myself.
Breathe in and hold. I release all blocks

with memory with I don't feel
like myself breathe in and hold
I release all anger with trapped good breathe in and hold I release all discontent
with trapped good job breathe in and hold I release all stress with trapped.

Good job. Breathe in and hold. I release all blocks, with love, with trapped.
Good job. Breathe in and hold. I release all aggression, with I'm scared.
Good job. You good to keep going? Okay. Breathe in and hold.

I release all dread, with I'm scared.
Excellent. Breathe in and hold. I release all blocks with feeling with I'm scared.
Very good. Breathe in and hold.
I release all blocks with trust with I'm scared.

Scared good job breathe in and breathe out what they say breathe in and hold
and release all anger with what I say.
Breathe in and hold. I release all hopelessness with what I say.

Good. Breathe in and hold. I release all blocks with feeling with what I say.
Breathe in and hold. I release all anger with I'm failing.
Good. Breathe in and hold. I release all guilt with I'm failing.

Good. Good to breathe in and hold. I release all rigidness with I'm failing.
Breathe in and hold. I release all blocks with safe with I'm failing.
Okay, I'm getting a lot of questions.
I'm going to write them down, some questions. They're all like self-worth related.

So let's do... Can I make this work?
Can't make it work. There's something about making it work. So it's kind of
like, okay, so we'll do I can't do this. Breathe in and hold.
I release all anxiety with I can't do this.
Breathe in and hold. I release all envy with I can't do this.

Good. Breathe in and hold. I release all hurt with I can't do this.
Breathe in and hold. I release all overwhelm with I can't do this.
Breathe in and hold. I release all pain with I can't do this.

Breathe in and hold. I I release all anger with, I can't do this.
Breathe in and hold. I release all judgment with, I can't do this.
Breathe in and hold. I release all blocks with worthiness with, I can't do this.

Good. I don't know. It's feeling very, very heavy.
Let me just check over everything because it kind of feels like sometimes I
have people kind of tap it out too, just to kind of move it along.
It just felt like it had a lot of weight.
So let me just double check all of these before we move on.
Breathe in and hold. I release all envy with, I can't do this.

There we go. Okay. Much better.
Back again. Back at square one. Do you say that a lot back at square one?
I don't know that I've said that, but I think I do feel like what's happening right now.
Because for some reason, that's the second time it just came out of nowhere and I wondered.

So back at square one, it's a program, so we will go ahead and release it.
And then I'll just kind of listen to see if there's another way that it's getting
stuck, but it's like the same idea, But it's like different words. Yeah.
Yeah. Because it does. It feels like it's like I've gone forward and now I'm
like, yeah, very much so. Not a fun, not a fun feeling.

Okay. Going backwards, too. Yeah. Going backwards. I think we'll do that when
it feels a little bit deeper.
Okay. So breathe in and hold. I release all anxiety with going backwards.
Good. Breathe in and hold. I release all envy with going backwards.

Good. Breathe in and hold. I release all blocks with certainty with going backwards.
Ah, very good. Good. Breathe in and hold.
I release all self-criticism from my body.
There you go. Very good. And breathe in, hold.

I release all judgment from my shoulder.
And okay, there's a couple things that came up as far as like messages, not so much a program.
And it's like, hey, you already know this, but one of it is that you get to

face it, that whatever's going on, it's just like, all you have to do is face
it. And then it's just going to go away.
That's what it feels like. Like, that's the message. Like there's something
around feeling, feeling into the moment that we've just been kind of avoiding.
That was just a message that came through. And there was quite a few programs

that had that blocks with feeling. And that's just a trauma response.
You know, That's just something that we learn to do because it's really hard
to take on all of the things that happen in life and feel them all to the greatest
extent is probably the hardest thing that we have to do.
You know this, right? Right. Yeah. You know, it gets trapped in our bodies.

Yeah. There's almost this knowledge because you have that knowledge.
So there's almost this thing that's going on where it's like,
okay, I know where the end is. Like I want to get past all of it.
And so it feels like some of the things were just kind of rushed through.
So it just like, I felt it a little bit and I'm just going to kind of,
you know, move on or whatever.
Yeah. Kind of a hurried, I guess, a hurried sense, but sometimes we have to

sit with things for a a little bit.
And I deal with that too, just also coming from a similar background,
like feeling like, okay, I'm going to feel this all and tomorrow I'm going to
be better. Right. Right.
So that's like, it happens, right? Yeah.
That is something like to take with you. Like, maybe, maybe there's a couple
of things going on that you should just look at right in the face and say,

oh, you know, maybe I got to feel this a little bit longer, a little bit deeper into the body.
Actually, before we do some, I'd love to do like fill ups at the end,
but I just want to clear a couple things.
Just the word divorce. I think we're going to go ahead and clear it.
My business, my business and divorce, because every time that comes up in your

head, it's just kind of like, oh, you know, so we do want to just clear, clear the words.
Let's see. Okay, so breathe in and hold. I release all annoyance with divorce.
Okay, breathe in and hold. I release all doubt with divorce.

Good. Breathe in and hold. I release all judgment with divorce.
Good. Breathe in and hold. I release all sorrow with divorce.
Go ahead, breathe in and hold. I release all stress with divorce.

Breathe in and hold. I release all blocks with love with divorce.
Course my business actually that one doesn't even feel weak anymore it happens sometimes,
it feels okay but let me go through this entire list
here my son everything trapped

good good good okay nothing's
really calling me in to finish so we're good with
the list we will go ahead and move
on to some fill ups because now we've like emptied some
of this out let's put some good stuff back in right right
it's the best part let's see what i want to do here oh okay okay breathe in

and hold i am so happy and so thankful it is safe for me to trust in my journey good job.
Do another one. So breathe in and hold. I am so happy and so grateful.
I am created divinely to help others.

Good. Breathe in and hold. I am so happy and so grateful.
I allow myself to let go of the past and energy not serving me. Very good.
Shake it off.

Good. Yeah. A little bit of personal, right?
Like some things hit harder than others and some things are surprising, right?
Yeah. Did you feel a little bit better? I do, yeah.
I'm so thankful for Jessie for coming on here and being vulnerable and allowing

everybody else to learn alongside of her and what she's currently dealing with.
So I hope that you guys really took that in. I hope that you participated.
And if you're interested in doing more sessions, I don't have any open one-on-one right now.
But you are welcome to join us in the membership where you get a session like
this every Thursday, the end of the month. month, we do a group session just like this.

And there is so much that happens in an hour. It's just crazy.
So you can check that out. The link will be in the comments.
It's only $97 a month. Plus you get access to other courses.
So please, if you are feeling like you need some kind of help,
this is an awesome place to start.
All right, guys, have a beautiful day. We will talk soon. Yeah.

I hope this podcast spoke to you in some way.
If it did, please go ahead and leave me a review and subscribe so that I know
you're enjoying what you hear.
And further, if you know somebody else who owns their own creative business
and struggles with anything that we spoke about,
please pass this on because it is my hope that we will be able to build a community

of like-minded individuals who love on each other and appreciate the many facets
that make our creative business so unique.
And lastly, check out the show notes to find my free Facebook community and
other useful links to work with me. All right, friend, see you soon.
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