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February 14, 2024 59 mins

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Happy Valentine's Day! My spooky friend Deborah from Paranormal Paradigma

Join us for this special Valentine's Day episode where Deborah and I discuss spectrophilia, a ghost love story with a twist, and our advice for finding love. 

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker A (00:09):
Hello, my spooky lover friends.
This is the Valentine's Day episode of
Jerryland Fright, the paranormal podcast thatwas about paranormal love in the midwest.

Speaker B (00:24):

Speaker A (00:25):
So today we're doing a Valentine's Day episode, and I couldn't think of a better
guest who I love and care for more thananything, who's been on the show.
And I love every time I can get her on theshow.
Deborah from paranormal paradigma.

Speaker B (00:42):
Thank you.
How are you?

Speaker A (00:45):
I'm doing well.
And again, thank you so much for joining me.
Again, my fans love you.
Spooky friends love you.
And of course I love you because you alwaysbring some great stuff to the show.
And before we get started, though, talkingabout some spooky love, Dale, how's paranormal
paradigma going?Why don't you tell my spooky friend?

Speaker B (01:08):
Well, thank you for asking.
Things are looking up.
I really didn't know where this would sort oftake me, but so far, people are responding
It really does seem that there is a bit of a
niche for people who have paranormalexperiences.
Want to better understand them, want toovercome any fear or stigma associated with

And the fact that they have somebody to talk
to seems to be very helpful.
And I've been able to help a few people more
than I thought that I probably had by thispoint.
And it's just getting an overall goodresponse.

So, basically, what I've been doing is one onone sessions with a few interested individuals
who are looking to deepen their connectionwith themselves in the paranormal.
I've also done group sessions where I gettogether, a group of individuals, and we talk
about our paranormal experiences and what theycan possibly mean and how to overcome any sort

of limiting beliefs regarding the paranormal,even themselves, and any fear, how to empower
themselves, how to protect themselves.
So it's been a lot.
It's been going well.

Speaker A (02:32):
Awesome. Because, again, I think that's something that's super important for
people out there who listen not only to mypodcast, darling Price, but listen to other
A lot of podcasts out there scare you and
That's fine.
That's entertainment, right?But there are people out there who are

generally scared, who really need someone totalk to, need someone to talk about when they
were a little kid and they saw a ghost, andnow they're kind of dealing with that stigma
of, am I weird?Am you know, what's going on here?
So I think know what you're doing is awesome.
And also, Deborah does these great things on

Check them out.
She's a great actress.
Come on.
Diving in the rough.

Speaker B (03:24):

Speaker A (03:26):
You're welcome.

Speaker B (03:27):
I appreciate that.

Speaker A (03:29):
Yeah. So I will always put stuff in the notes and everything, and then I follow
her on Instagram, Facebook, all the otherplaces she's on.
So if you go to my stuff, you can catch herstuff.
And please feel free to reach out to her orreach out to me and, you know, reach out to

If you maybe don't want to reach out to her
and you want to talk to me first, I will sharewith Deborah.
So let's get into the paranormal love here onDairyland.
Love bright episode.

So on our 9th episode last year, we talked
about a thing called sacrophilia.
And sacrophilia is the love attraction to
Now go back and listen.
Episode nine.
There's some really funny stories in there.
People who say they've had ghost babies.


Speaker B (04:32):
Ghost babies.

Speaker A (04:33):

Speaker B (04:34):

Speaker A (04:34):
So they had bear with a ghost and they said they had the ghost seat.

Speaker B (04:40):
Okay. I thought I'd have heard it all, but I hadn't heard about that one.

Speaker A (04:50):
Article on there.
She was on a show in the UK and people were
interviewing her and she.
I've, you know, been in love with this ghost
and things are going the way they go and allthis other stuff, and I'm like, what is going
on?There are women who have been divorced from

ghosts because, I don't know, the ghost justisn't working out, so I got to divorce them.
Yes, there's been women who have had numerousaffairs with ghosts and it talked about that.
So it's quite interesting to say, deborah.

Speaker B (05:33):
Yeah. The fact that this is a thing is interesting to say that, right?
It is, yeah.

Speaker A (05:43):
There's story.
A lot of stories out there, too.
We'll get some fun questions to ask Deborahhere before we wrap up.
But, Deborah, you said you had a story thatyou got off of Reddit that you would like.

Speaker B (05:56):
Yes. It's a little bit long, so bear with me, guys.
But think it's kind of, you know, if it's on,you know, it's pretty.
All right, so this one comes from the RedditorJupdike 18.

So Jup Dipe 18.
I don't know.
And it was seven years ago, and it says, I
fell in love with a ghost.
So let's see what happened there.

Speaker A (06:29):
Yeah, let's see what happened.

Speaker B (06:31):
Let's see what happened.
So this isn't your typical story of love at
first sight.
In Reality, it's kind of a love horror story.
I was 17 and she could have been 30 in Ghostyears at the time, for all I knew.
Did he write that right or am I reading itwrong?

I was 17, and she could have been 30 in Ghostyears at the time, for all I knew.
Had I known she was dead, he wrote that wrong,which I didn't at the time.
Are Ghost years even a thing?I first encountered her on a bus on my way to
I moved with my mom into the country and went
to school in a small town from the midwest.

The bus would pick me up at 06:30 a.m.
Every day.
I was the second one to get picked up on the
route and the second to last to be dropped offthe girl.
I had the huts for being the only person to bepicked up before me and dropped off after.
The bus driver would greet everyone by nameevery morning.
So I knew all twelve or so people on that busexcept her.

As if they were family.
One that I didn't really care for.
I was quiet and got picked on a lot.
So I kept to myself.
I didn't really talk to anyone.
It didn't help that the bane of my existencerode the same bus as me.
We'll call him Dalton.
He was the epitome of *******.

He knew that my dad left when I was little andthat my mom was odd.
He reminded me of it every day.
I loved my mother.
But when I was on the bus, I selfishlydespised her for the life I had been given,
even though I knew it wasn't really her fault.
But anyway, I saw her on the bus all the time,
but never saw her outside of the bus.

I always figured I'd probably just never had a
class with her or something.
I had a crush on her since I could remember.
She always had this pastel spring esque dressthat felt warm looking at it.
She had the deepest brown hair and the fairestof skin that contrasted in much the same way
the moon contrasts the night sky.
I never saw her eyes because she was always

looking down or out the window of the bus.
I wanted to talk to her, hear her voice, learn
her name.
She had a mystique that constantly, that
consistently took my breath away.
And the mystery of her silence added to my
But I was too chicken.
This went on for quite some time.
Then I had a particularly bad day at school.

One day, Dalton had embarrassed me more thannormal.
I got in trouble for some **** that some otherkid did.
And Dalton embarrassed me again.
I was mad.
Yeah, I was mad.
And I knew I needed to calm down.
I figured maybe I can use a bad day asmotivation to talk to the girl on the bus.
I thought that today was already bad enough soif I get rejected, I wouldn't have really lost

The end of the school came and I made my way
to the bus.
People were already piling in and when I got
on, I saw her sitting by herself towards themiddle end of the bus, alone.
I felt my heart jump to my throat as I did mybest to build up the courage I had earlier
that day.
I made my way to her and I sat down next to
She was staring at the ground and did not look

at me when I sat down.
I was quiet for a second before I awkwardly
said, hey, I've seen you on the bun since Ican remember, but I never got your name.
I'm John.
I remember thinking to myself, that was casual
and normal sounding, wasn't it?Smooth, right?
She didn't answer.
I thought, maybe I'm not as smooth as I

Then I tried again to say something like, I
like your dress, it gives off a warm springvibe, but my awkward *** let that **** fall
out of my mouth.
I like your dress.
It vibes a warm spring.
**** you.
It was that moment I first thought I would be
single indefinitely.

But she slowly raised her face to look at me
and she had this shocked look at her face andit was the first time I had ever seen her
Her eyes were a milk chocolate color that
melted into my own bowl of heart flutteringchocolateiness.
I started to panic and she had the shocked,terrified look on her face and I started to

think that maybe I was something that I hadsaid horribly wrong.
So what she said next caught me off guard,that I didn't know what to say.
You can see me?What?
I said, of course I can see you.
Why wouldn't I be able to see you?
Kind of hard to miss you, she said, because noone ever notices me.
No one ever did.

And then he says, no one ever did?
What do you mean?How does someone like you not get noticed?
You're really beautiful, I said.
She looked at me like I had just committed a
horrendous crime the moment I said that.
What?She sounded as if she never even knew or heard

of the, uh.
Yeah, you're pretty, John said, you silver
tongue *******.
My eloquence was a panty dropper.
Benji dropped the bombshell, she said.
You know I'm dead, right?
In hindsight, her bluntness was sexy.

Wait, you're.
I questioned, absolutely confused.
She proved it by reaching out to grab my hand
and she passed right through me like it wasmade of water.
And I felt a slight chill where she touchedme.
I should have been terrified.
Jump screamed.
But I didn't.
I was captivated, and all I was able to say

was how she said, my name is, or was rather,Luna.
I died about 18 years ago on this bus.
I asked her how again she died on a school bus
of all places.
She told me the story of how she used to ride
the bus to school with her brother and how shewas bullied really bad, just like I was.

She said one day, one of her bullies that rodethe bus with her started to be exceptionally
cruel to her.
She said that she had had enough and tried to
tell them off.
And he got out of his seat ****** and made his
way towards her.
When her brother stood ready to fight, the
bully pulled a knife out of the back.
And what happened next kind of happened fast.
Luna stood up in some kind of effort protecther brother as the bully swung the knife.

Meanwhile, the bus driver had seen what washappening and slammed on the brakes, causing
everyone to fly towards the end of the frontof the bus, Luna fell forward onto the knife
with the blade piercing her at the base of herneck.
She said she was dead before the ambulance gotthere.
She had been struck on the bus.
She had been stuck on the bus ever since,

never leaving, never being seen.
She says she can only physically interact with
things if she was angry or had some other kindof extremely powerful emotion like anger or
But she wasn't an angry person in life, so she
never really interacted with anything.
During her time in her mobile prison, she had
watched kids come and go on the bus for nearlytwo decades, and no one ever knew that she was

even there until now.
Anyway, during all this, I was having the
worst sort of emotional hurricane you couldimagine.
Here I was listening to the girl of my dreamstell me her life story and me telling a little
of my own.
Her smile was toxic, her eyes, her hair, her
voice, and I couldn't even touch her.
I would never be able to.

She saw me several times try to reach for herhand while she told the story.
The look of sadness on my face gave away mytrue feelings.
She knew without me saying how I felt abouther, and she knew it would never be.
I like you, John, a lot.
You're sweet.
And if I were still alive, I can see myselfdating you, maybe.
But she looked down, saddened.

We locked eyes in silence for a while before
the moment was ruined by ******* Dalton, whowas sitting a couple of seats away.
Hey, ********, look, you're going just ascrazy as your crack ***** mother.
Oh, my God.
This language.
I've never said so many bad words that one

Hey, ********.
Looks like you're just as crazy as your
crackhore mother talking to yourself overthere.
Or are you sharing your mom's stash?I bet her pipe is shaped like a **** so that
she can get both her favorite things at once.

Speaker A (15:16):

Speaker B (15:18):
Seriously? ****, Dalton, I heard Luna whisper to me.
I'll fix this for you.
She walked, glided right through me and the
seats right up to Dalton, who still couldn'tsee her.
And what happened next was the stuff ofnightmares, and it was hot.
Her image blinked for a second, and suddenlyDalton could see her, and he fell back in, his

feet shaken.
Luna's face stretched vertically, her eyes
turning black, and her skin turned brown andlooked like it was tearing.
The place where the knife entered her necksplit more wide than any knife could have ever
Her teeth, all of them, formed into long,
narrow, black fangs that stuck out of hermouth that had opened wider than any normal

human mouth should ever be open.
Then she let out the loudest, most blood
curdly scream that I could have ever heardthat was laced with years of loneliness,
despair, pain, fear, and anger.
Dalton fainted out of fear.
Me, being the closest horror movie buff I was,the closet horror.

Me, being the closet horror movie buff that I
was, had shivers of ecstasy run down my spine.
That was hot.
Plus, Dalton had been silent, so plus one forthat as well.
My day had been made.
The bus driver, who couldn't see Dalton passed
out in the seat, stopped the bus and lookedback to figure out what just happened.
I smugly shrugged my shoulders as I had noidea what he was talking about and then asked

what the noise was.
The other half a dozen of people saw on the
bus sat there frozen, unable to process whatthey had just witnessed.
During this time, Luna made her way back to meand apologized that I had to see that, but
that she didn't think he would be bugging meanymore.
She said she never liked him.
We talked in the bus for the rest of my time.
In high school.

I would always eagerly wait for the bus in the
morning, and I couldn't wait for the school tobe over, for school to be over.
To be back on the bus.
I even had a car when I'd become a senior.
But I told my mom I was going to save money bytaking the bus, so she didn't question it.
Then came graduation.
I tried to keep the day out of my mind as long
as possible.
I knew eventually what it eventually meant.

The day I never stepped foot on that busagain.
She knew it was coming and she did the bestthat she could to take my mind off of it.
I needed to tell her.
I wished I could.
I would have sooner.
It was my last day on the bus and she knew it.
My house was quickly approaching.
I said, staring at the floor.
It's okay John.
I understand.

She can read me like a just.
I know it's probably stupid.
I've never felt like this about anyone.
You've been the only person I can ever talk toand been so kind to me.
It's not fair.
I can't even hold your hand and I've tried to
kiss you and if I tried to kiss you, I'd betasting the window behind you because I'd fall
Plus, you're practically 30.

It sucks.
It's not fair.
Why can't you haunt me and not the bus?Who is stopping you?
I was choking down tears, trying to whisper sothat the driver didn't hear me losing my ****.
She said, wanting to say something but didn't
know what.
She knew the moment that I left the bus and
her, I'd be a lonely wreck.

I never wanted to get off that bus.
I tried probably half a dozen times,frantically trying to hold her hand as we
pulled up to my house, only smacking myfingers against hard leather.
If anyone else had been watching, they wouldhave thought I was angrily smacking the bus.
She watched with the sad look on her, unableto do anything.
I looked upon her, tears welling up in my eyesand she met my gaze with a look that only the

ghost of a lover could ever give to someonethat was still alive and didn't know how to
deal with it.
I love you, Luna.
I love you too, John.
I ran off that bus into my house, straightinto my room, slamming the door and bawled my
eyes out and didn't come out for a day or two.
My mother was completely confused as to what
had happened.
It probably didn't help that I didn't want to
talk about it either.

A few days later, I had an idea.
I waited until it was late at night, got inthat car that I never drove, and drove to
where they kept the school bus overnight.
I hopped the fence and looked for my bus.
I finally found it and broke in.
I shined my fly slot out around looking for
her, but she wasn't there.
I whispered in desperation.

Nothing I sat down in the seat I last saw her,
and I silently cried a moment later.
John, what are you doing?
It was the first time I had seen her in themoonlight, in the darkness.
The light of the moon made her appeartranslucent yet glowing, a literal beacon in
my otherwise dark world.

And I'm stupid.
I don't want to be without you, Luna.
Nothing would ever be the same without you.
I want to be with you, I cried.
There's only one way that that can happen, andI can't let you do that.
I won't let you end your life early justbecause of me.
I can either spend my life alone and sad,maybe marry someone who I don't really love,

and eventually I'd still die alone.
And after that I'd be alone forever.
Why not die now and just never be alone?I sounded hysterical.
I think I was out of my mind.
Who was I kidding?
I was in love with a ghost.
Before she could respond, someone yelled out,
hey, who the hell is out there?Come out.
I probably should have mentioned before thatmy bus driver was also the one who ran the bus

barn school transportation system.
He also practically lived in the bus barn.
He was standing outside the bus barn with ashotgun.
I didn't blame him.
What kind of nut job breaks into the school
yard?A busyard at 230 in the morning?
Oh, yeah, me.
He systematically began searching all the
buses, looking for the cause of the noise thatwas my loud *** mouth.

All the while Luna was telling me to run away.
What can I say?
I'm stubborn and stupid.
Very stupid.
He was walking towards the bus.
I was on.
As he was about 10ft from the door, I chargedthe door.
Luna caught on to what I was doing and madefor the door to stop me.

The driver saw me burst out of the door,startling him.
It sounded like someone blasted a shotgun off
next to my head because, well, duh.
But it was way louder than normal.
It sounded unnatural.
It almost sounded like there were two blastsinstead of one.
Like some fabric of reality had just beenblown apart.

My eyes had been squeezed shut and I wasshaking.
I wasn't in pain and I was still standing.
So I figured I'd either died and was already a
ghost, or I hadn't died.
I slowly opened my eyes and what I saw in
front of me was something that shouldn't havebeen possible.
It was Luna.
She was off the bus.
On the other side of her was the driver, witha look of absolute shock on his face.

The shotgun had been fired, but it missedeverything but the bus holding the barrel was
She had grabbed the barrel and pointed the
other direction, saving my life.
The driver could see her too.
What he said next caught me so off guard.
Luna, he said shakenly.
What the ****?What does the bus driver know her name?

Sonny, was all she said.
Okay, what the hell?
But I saw you.
You died.
He said.
How did he know her?
I know I never left, though.
I've always been here.
On the bus, she said.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, he replied.
I started to pick up what was going on.
It's okay, Sonny.

It wasn't your fault, she said.
He broke down right then and there.
There were no words for a minute and then.
If only mom knew you were still on the bus.
Maybe she wouldn't have.
He couldn't finish his sentence.
This seemed to catch Luna off guard.
Here she was having the her brother tell herthat her mom committed suicide shortly after

following her death, and she was finding outalmost 20 years after the fact.
Sonny looked at me and said, who the hell areyou?
I was so stunned by what was unfolding infront of me that I couldn't even speak.
Luckily, Luna explained for him who I was, andI wasn't here.
Up to no good.
It wasn't until I finally spoke up about what

I was really speechless over, that theyrealized the gravity of the situation.
No one else had noticed until I spoke up.
Up until that point, Luna was translucent in
the moonlight.
She was standing solidly in front of me, and
she had just grabbed the shotgun barrelmidfire only moments ago.
Luna, I paused.
I don't think you're.
I said, wide eyed.

The Reality of this quickly stepped over the
three of us as she looked down on HerSelf,noticing she was no longer partially
tRansparent, she looked up at me, scared,slightly excited, and raised her hand.
I hesitated.
I reached out and her hand was warm.

Speaker A (24:13):
Wow. Talk about running the gamut from making Fry to what's put on here.
A CrAZY Pound.
Good twist, Too.

Speaker B (24:25):
Yeah, I thought so as well.
I was like, oh, this is a good one.

Speaker A (24:34):
I love that story.
That was a good one.
Very nice.
Very nice.

Speaker B (24:39):
Good Job, Reddit.

Speaker A (24:42):
That really kind of goes hand in hand with people who have, well, psychophilia.
And I think it's really interesting.
I didn't like Daryl, by the way.
Yeah, Darryl.

But I think that's just really interestingbecause like I said, people love different
things, right?You can't really explain why you may love your
dog or a car or whatever, and I just thinkit's really interesting in the paranormal

world where people who love ghosts.
And this poor Guy, he finally finds his, like,
well, soul mate, if you want to call that.

Speaker B (25:33):

Speaker A (25:34):
She's dead as a ghost.
It's like, oh, man, I don't know what to do
about that one.
What'd you think?

Speaker B (25:44):
I loved it.
I thought it was a really nice story.
It was pretty well written.
And it just kind of keeps you like, okay,
well, what's going to happen?And then you kind of imagine somebody going
through this.
Because I think you were just talking about
And I think about that all the time.

Why do we love?We love things for different reasons.
And I think at the end of it, it's all to feelconnected, right?
Like, to find the half of the whole.
And so that can come in different ways.
And this almost reminds me, the spectrophiliaalmost kind of reminds me of the same, I

guess, the same thing that happens incountries like China or in Japan, where people
fall in love with characters like AI.
You understand it's not real, but they fall in
love with them and they marry thesecharacters, these things, and it's like the
same thing.
You understand?

It's just not the same, I guess, entity orwhatever, but it's the same idea.
So I think at the end, I think we're all justtrying to find connection.
And if we can't find that connection withanother human, then we'll find it in an
If we can't find it in an animal, then we'll
find it in a ghost.
And if we can't find it in a ghost, we'll find
it in a cartoon character or something likethat.
It's that desire to connect and to feel seenand loved.

Speaker A (27:14):
That is awesome.
That is a great way to explain it because weall want to feel connected.
We all want to feel like.
I mean, when Covid happened, it was really
hard, right?

Speaker B (27:25):

Speaker A (27:28):
Some people are like my family.
Maybe you got some good out of it, hopefully.
But all in all, you still miss that otherconnection outside your family.
And it's really hard to describe because youcouldn't do it.
I just think that's really interesting.
And one of the other things, too, is, I forgotto mention, too, with psychophilia, people

also will get fall in love with, let's saythey have a haunted mirror and in the mirror
is the ghost.
So they'll fall in love with ghost or a
You see what I'm saying?
Or a statue.
They believe it's possessed.
I mean, it's crazy.
Not crazy bad sense.

But it's just like.
But it's connection.
You said it perfectly.

Speaker B (28:18):
Yeah. And I mean, if you ascribe to the idea or the theory that everything's
energy, and energy is in everything, thenwhile a mirror is said to be a portal,
paintings are said to still or articles,objects can still hold the energy of its past

What else did you say?
Just other things.
Like energy is always present.
So assuming that everything's energy, and weall have a sort of a unique energy imprint,
and energy is never created or destroyed, andwe go back to all the science of it, it's

I mean, is there something know.

Speaker A (29:10):

Speaker B (29:11):
I don't know.

Speaker A (29:13):
It just fascinates me because it's a good.
So this is really funny.
I got some fun questions for you, Deborah, butalso funny things I heard from paranormal
investigators that I think maybe if you wantto add something to it.
So one of paranormal investigators, I alwaysask them, have they been touched?

Have they brought a spirit home, spiritattached to them?
What do they do if that happens?And they all give different answers.
But one of the people I was interviewing, theysaid that they were in a brothel, an old
And they were walking around.
The guy was walking around and he felt people
touching his butt.

The women.

Speaker B (30:01):
And you're in a brothel, right? Yeah.

Speaker A (30:06):
And I started laughing, and then I thought, well, wait a minute.
He's in a brothel.
That was in the old west.
And that's what they did.
And they don't.
It just, again, it fascinates to me because
their spirit energy out there is going like,that's what they did, right.
The man would walk in and of know it's yourjob to get him into your room to make money.

Speaker B (30:37):
I can see it.

Speaker A (30:43):
My other question then would be to you.
Let's say you were on a paranormalinvestigation with your husband and he was
getting touched.
Would you get mad at the ghost?
Would you say something?

Speaker B (30:56):
I probably would say something if I saw that my husband was bothered by it.
Like, if my husband didn't care, I'd probablybe like, oh, whatever.
But if I saw my husband was kind of perturbedand kind of feeling uncomfortable, I'd
probably be like, all right, we can stop thisnow.

Speaker A (31:11):

Speaker B (31:11):
Please respect the space.

Speaker A (31:14):
Yeah. Hey, back up, lady.

Speaker B (31:16):
Yeah. I mean, if it was a human, it'd be a whole completely different story.
But since this is a ghost, I'd be like, he canhandle it pretty much.

Speaker A (31:33):
Answer I'm getting.
Yeah. Good answer.
So let's say my next question.
Let's say a friend or a client comes to you
and says, hey, Deborah, I got a problem.
It seems my wife is having an affair with a
I think she's cheating on me with a ghost.

What do you think you would say to that?How do you think you would handle that?

Speaker B (32:02):
I'm going to speak from a woman's perspective.
If a woman is cheating in any way with anyother person or entity for that matter, you
got to ask yourself, why?What is going on?
I think this goes for both ways, but if onespecifically came up to me and said, I think
my wife is cheating me with other ghosts, I'dbe like, then what are you not giving your

wife that a ghost can?So I'd be like, what's going on there?
What is it that a ghost has that you don't?So you better check yourself, buddy.
There's something not right with thisequation.
Your physical flesh, and it is not.
So what is going on?

So I probably asked that question, right.

Speaker A (32:50):
Exactly. And I just think that's really interesting.
That's what people have had.
There was a woman who was having a
relationship with a ghost who went to herhusband one day and told him, hey, I'm having
an affair.
First he got really upset, thinking, it's a
real person.
And then when she said, no, it's some guy

from, like, the 18 hundreds.
I can't remember the full story.
I'll put it out there on my social site.
He was like, what?
He was in love with some pirate that washaunting their house, or it was a pirate or
something like that.
Some guy from the 18 hundreds.
And good news is she divorced the pirate guyand went back to her real husband.

So that it all worked out in the end.

Speaker B (33:40):
Yeah. And, I mean, we also have to be aware.
And I know that there is a big stigma when itcomes to ghosts and having ghostly experiences
and being labeled crazy.
So I typically don't like to touch upon that
because I don't want to propagate the stigma.
But there is something to say when it comes to

mental health, too, and some of theseparanormal experiences.
And these are one of those experiences where Iwould legitimately be like, but have you seen
a psychologist?Do you understand?
I think at this point, I would literallyprobably say, have you sought some
professional help?Because you got to rule out.

You just need to rule that out.
You understand, or see how it factors in.
And so that's definitely one of theseinstances where I'd be like, not to call you
crazy, but have you sought a professionaladvice?

Speaker A (34:38):
I really think what's interesting to me is,
like you said, connection and everything likethat.
It's maybe your husband, maybe tell yourhusband to dress up like a pirate once in a
I don't know.
That's what she wants.

And I think that's super interesting because I
think a lot of people, too.
I'm not saying, again, you can't find love
anywhere, and love is a great thing, but thereare some things where you're like, okay, like
the lady I told you who said she's had ghostbabies, and I'm like, okay, how would you talk

to a person like that?Because obviously probably wants a baby like a
real baby, right?

Speaker B (35:34):
Yeah, I'm guessing.

Speaker A (35:36):
I don't know.
You tell me.

Speaker B (35:38):
I would definitely go that route, too.
I would say that there's two things going onthere that we can ignore, and one is that need
for that connection, and specifically theconnection to have a child.
Like, to want the need for a child.
And if maybe she's unfortunately infertile and
she hasn't been able to produce her ownchildren, then now she's come up with the idea

of a ghost baby.
And again, these are instances where you're
just like, I don't want to say that this ispsychological, but maybe we should try to rule
it out just in case.
So you understand, just because I believe in
the paranormal, and I'm not going to say thatthese things can't happen.
I have no idea.

Nobody knows the true nature of the paranormal
and to what extent these things can exist ornot exist in our lives.
But I think that these are definitely caseswhere psychological evaluation is a prudent
step in determining the truth in all this orwhat this means to that person.

Speaker A (36:52):
Absolutely. So I'm going to do another fun thing here.
Believe it or not, some celebrities have hadrelationships with goats.
So I'm going to read off a list for, you know,most of these people.
Lucy Lou, she had a relationship with a goat.

Not a physical one or anything.
It was just kind of hanging out with a goat.
It's a weird story.
I won't get too much into it.
Anna Nicole Smith, plus size model or whatever
you want to say.
She was with Marilyn Monroe.

She claims Marilyn Monroe would visit her and
try to give her advice and try to stuff.
So that was a good one.
I have no idea.
I do not listen to her music.
But Kesha, okay, he's had what she callsrelationship with ghost.
I don't know if she still has her paranormalshow on anymore.

But she'd be having a show where she wouldlike.
Oh, what was it called?I got it on the sheet here.
Something with Patcha where she would go allthese paranormal places and check out these
Dan Aykroyd, he said he's had many

relationships with ghosts, some good ones andsome bad ones.
I do not know who this person is.
Maybe you could help me with this one.
Coco Austin, does that ring a think?

Speaker B (38:34):
Is that a be a young.
I think it might be a young actress, me not
knowing anything about.
Soko Aust American TV Perez.
Oh, she is definitely.
She's not young.
I don't want to say she's definitely not

young, but she's not as young as I thought shewould be.
She's an american television personality andactress.
Okay, well, there you go.

Speaker A (39:06):
And then Natasha blossic of paranormal activity, she claims that she had
relationships with ghosts.
And this singer, I do not know, but there's an
english or a british singer.
Excuse me, bro card, I guess.

And she has had a relationship with a 300 yearold dead soldier.
Dead soldier.
And you pronounce this better than I do.

Speaker B (39:38):
Eduardo. Eduardo.

Speaker A (39:44):
When he was 35, he fell down a well, but they fell in love.
I don't know where he wants to climbed out ofthe well.
Anyway, they have fallen in love when we're toget married.
Except, and this is hilarious, he ghosted her.
Literally ghosted her.

Speaker B (40:04):
Well, I mean.

Speaker A (40:07):
She and him are not together anymore, but she wrote a song called Haunted
about their relationship.
I can't play the song because I don't want to
pay the copyright fees and listen to broccartisong called Haunted that is about her

relationship with Eduardo.
So there you go.

Speaker B (40:36):
Very interesting.

Speaker A (40:38):
Really interesting that for me, like with celebrities having relationships
with ghosts, I think part of it is becauseagain, connection go out and have, what I
would say a normal relationship per se becausethey are famous.
So it's kind of hard for them to meet normalpeople and have normal conversations because

they're famous.
So I think a lot of this is maybe their
connection to ghosts because they're lonelyor.
I don't know.
What do you think?

Speaker B (41:13):
I don't know.
Again, it's one of those things where I
understand that it is very possible to connectand have some sort of relationship with a
And I'm not going to say no because I feel
like there's billions of people on earth,everybody's seen a ghost at some point.
Who's to say ghosts can interact with us atsome personal level, you understand.

Just because I have an experience doesn't meanthat it doesn't necessarily exist.
But at the same time.
At the same time, it's almost like saying,
well, okay, but is it really that that'swhat's happening and you're interacting with
the ghost or some other realm or spirit or isthere something else going on there?
Is it really just a need for what we talked

about, a connection?Because another thing is that Hollywood is
notoriously famous for the type of stressful,like a type of stressful life.
Like you said, they can't have normalrelationships.
They're under this constant stress of work andfame.
And we all know that a lot of hot stars arealso into darker things, like drugs and
alcohol and addictions and stuff.

And these things, too, can also add to some of
these ghostly experiences.
So it's like one of these, like, I don't know
what it is, but the only way to really get toit is just to kind of explore it and evaluate
But I don't know.
It could be both.
It could be maybe wanting connection.

And then that manifesting as a ghost.
Do you understand you want it so bad that it
manifests to you in some way?I don't know.
Who knows?

Speaker A (42:49):

Speaker B (42:50):
Part of what.

Speaker A (42:51):
Yeah, absolutely.
Because one of the things is, as we know, is
we tend to, in the paranormal, want to dealwith.
It's scary mentally, in a bad way.
But this is the exact opposite.
This is love.

Something that.
Who doesn't love love, right.
Who doesn't want to see a couple in love?
It makes you smile to see that old couplewalking down and they've been married for 40
And they're still holding hands and kissing.
It uplifts you.
You see that young couple in the first loveand you're like, that is so really cool.

Because we get used to, like I said, in theparanormal of like, oh, the ghost scratched me
or it bit me or grabbed my butt, whatever.

Speaker B (43:42):

Speaker A (43:45):
Do you find it harmless? I guess that would be my last question.
Do you think this is harmless with thesepeople?
To a certain point.
Like you said, I think when you go to acertain point, you need professional mental

Speaker B (44:00):
Yeah. I could definitely see this being something super benign and even maybe
positive to one's health, like well being.
But again, to a certain extent, right.
Everything needs balance in this life.
And if people take it to the extreme, then yougot to start asking different questions and

seeing how really it starts to affect theirlife.
And the lives of others around them.
And so that's where I feel like maybe an
intervention is probably warranted.
But, I mean, if this person is just happily
living their life, no known sort of, no knownpsychological issues, just normal person that

says that they're having a relationship withghosts isn't hurting anybody, isn't really
affecting their life, they seem happier aboutfor it and everything.
Yeah, whatever.
Do you boo?

Speaker A (45:00):
Movies made, everybody knows is ghost with
Patrick Swayze.
And it was a very loving, touching movie that
a lot of have seen multiple times and say,okay, that's kind of cool.

But if you would put that into real life, youmight be like, okay, that's really cool.
It's that fine line between, yeah, it is.

Speaker B (45:35):
I also think it's validating, too, especially if the ghost is somebody that you
do know or is part of your family or pass downloved one or something like that, I think
that's when it becomes possibly really goodfor the person again, to a certain extent,
because maybe it offers them closure.

It helps them process the grief, right.
Of losing the individual.
This is why mediums are so popular and so well
thought after.
It's because of that you want that sort of,
like, to feel that closure, to connect onelast time to make sure everything's okay.
And I mean, if that's the type of relationshipyou're having, if it's like a past on love,
especially like a husband or a wife that wasdeceased or something like that, it could be

very beneficial for the individual, and thenthey can kind of continue on their lives and
sort of like that.
So maybe it's just a momentary thing, right?

Speaker A (46:32):
In which case, and before we wrap up here, one of the things, too is I hear from
And maybe you hear this too, at least for
mediums and stuff, or tarot readers, or awoman who reads pea leaves and stuff.
And she was telling me one of the frequentquestions she gets is know, do you find that

true?Where people might ask, am I going to meet, I
don't know, Mr. Wright or Mrs. Wright orwhatever.
I'm like, that's interesting, right?

Speaker B (47:14):
Yeah. It's actually one of the most popular questions that I get when I do read
And everybody always wants to know, when am I
going to find the right person?Is this a person for me?
Is this my soulmate?And these are questions that are very
sometimes, I mean, the cards will say what thecards will say, or the medium will get
whatever energy.

But I think that where people miss the point
and they disconnect is that I can tell youwhat I'm seeing now, but all this is dependent
on what's happening now.
Something can change tomorrow.
Do you understand?Nothing's ever set in stone.
Because a lot of it also has to do with yourown decisions and your free will.

So sometimes I think people want to feelvalidated so I can offer validation.
And I think a lot of mediums can offervalidation and security, but not all of this
is 100%, you understand?We can see it to where we can see or feel what
we can feel, but after that, we can't get allparts of the story.

And you have to also have to also put in theirpuzzle pieces to make it all, like, whole.

Speaker A (48:25):
I love that.
So one thing I just saw off the top of my
head, I have to ask you, because I think you'dhave a great answer for me.
When I was single, women felt desperate.
Is that a thing?
Can you smell desperate as a woman?Let's say you're single again and you're on

the dating, you're at a club is desperate andthink.
And women pick that up.

Speaker B (48:55):
Yes. Short answer is yes.
We can pick up on desperate, overconfident.
We can pick up on self conscious trying toohard.
And these are not all women, because I've seenwomen that I'm just like, girl, girl, what are

you doing?Girl.
But if you're in tune with your intuition andyour womenly abilities, you understand you can
definitely pick on all these things.
Because men in general, men tend to
And it's just really easy to just kind of.

Speaker A (49:44):
So let's do this.
Me and Deborah.
If you're single and you're listening to this,maybe you like some boy at school or you like
a girl or whoever, it doesn't matter.
Maybe you like a ghost.
So don't be desperate.
That'd be the first thing.
Don't be overconfident is, I would say, and I

know this is pretty cliche, but be yourself,because they're going to love you for
If you're goofy, you're weird, you'rewhatever, right?
Am I right on that?Is that pretty good advice about that one?

Speaker B (50:22):
That's the best advice that I think anybody can ever give.
And if we started to use that when we wereyounger, we'd probably be in better positions.
But we don't, because we all are young and wethink that we know it all.
But definitely be yourself.
Because I think what we don't realize is that
if we start lying and we enter a relationshipwith this facade, at some point it all breaks

And when it breaks down, everything that
you've built breaks down with it because it'sall based on a lie.
It was all based on something that you neverwere.
And unless you really are in love and you canpick up those pieces and that person forgives
you and you can build again together,typically, that just all breaks apart because

it was all based on half truth.
So you might as well just be yourself.

Speaker A (51:13):
Deborah and I are going to do a new podcast called Love Helpline.
We call in, you call it paranormal stuff, wedon't care.
I think it's really good for people out therewho are listening to this podcast and saying,
okay, so you want me to fall in love with theghost or whatever.
Well, all we say is make sure you have a goodmental attitude about things.

If you feel like maybe something not right,seek professional help.
And if you're looking to find love around theValentine's Day and everything like that, be
Come across, be friendly, be honest.
Would you say anything else.

Speaker B (51:59):
And don't stop believing in yourself?
I think I would say, because I thinkoftentimes people just kind of give up on
themselves and they think that something'swrong with them and that's not going to help.
So the best thing they can do is definitelybelieve that they can get out of whatever rut
or improve whatever it is that they don't likeabout themselves and eventually find their

prince charming or princess or whatever andlive happily ever after.

Speaker A (52:27):
That's awesome.
So what do you got coming up, Deborah?
What can you share with my stuki friends theyare looking forward to?

Speaker B (52:38):
Well, what I have coming up is kind of more on a local thing.
So here where I live in Gainesville, Florida.
So if anybody is listening and from
Gainesville, Florida, February listeners inFlorida.
Deborah okay, well, if you're in the area ornear the area on the 18 February Sunday from

four to 06:00 p.m.
I'll be hosting a group session.
And if you're interested in coming, I candefinitely have you reserve a spot.
So just reserve with me at Deborah. and I'll save

you a spot so that you can come.
And the fee is $20.
But if you mention this here, you can come infor 15.
And then the other thing that I have going onis kind of working more on developing a
guidebook for all those.
A free guidebook.
Free guidebook for the paranormal and anybodythat's experiencing paranormal activity and

kind of understanding a little bit about theparanormal and spirituality, paranormal and
stigma, how to overcome the fear and give yousome tips and tools on how to better explore
the paranormal and protect yourself whiledoing so.
So that you can better understand thesemeanings and improve your well being while
doing so.

Speaker A (54:09):
That is awesome.
I love it.
So again, like I said, deborah and I are goingto have our paranormal hotline open.
Paranormal love questions here.
Anyway, Deborah, thank you so much.
I always love having you on.

You're the greatest.
You always give great advice and that storywas awesome.
I love it.
And I hope everyone out there has a lovely
Valentine's Day when they listen to this andcome out.
Valentine's Day.
I'm going to drop it on that Valentine's Day.
I think it's a Wednesday.

I don't know.

Speaker B (54:52):
I think so.
Yeah, it's a Wednesday.
So happy Valentine's Day, everybody.
Valentine's Day.
Valentine's Day, whatever you guys want tocall it, just have a beautiful day.

Speaker A (55:02):
And I will have Deborah back on the show.
She loves cryptids.
You still love cryptids, right?

Speaker B (55:08):
Still love it.
All the spooky.
Yeah, all the spooky stuff.

Speaker A (55:14):
So I'll definitely have Deborah back on because like I said, she's awesome and
she always brings a brightness to my show,which makes it even better.

Speaker B (55:25):
I appreciate it.
I love coming.
So thank you for having me.

Speaker A (55:29):
Thanks, Deborah.
You have a great night and happy Valentine's

Speaker B (55:32):
Happy Valentine's Day.

Speaker A (55:33):
Thank you.

Speaker B (55:33):

Speaker C (56:10):
A world where true crime meets the supernatural and the unexplained, where true

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