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February 17, 2024 14 mins

There are more conservatives residing in California than you might think! David Serpa talks California's political climate, constituencies, and thoughtful exploration of conservatism in a state often perceived as predominantly liberal.

Find out why David, a real estate agent, decided to put his hat into the political scene.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Hey, everybody. I am super excited to be talking to another congressional candidate.
So you're the second candidate we've talked to so far this year,
and it always makes me super excited.
David Serpa, coming from California, you guys, did you know that there were
actually conservatives in California?
There's a few of us. So there's more than one of you. Yep, more than one.

There's you, and there was me and Benjamin when we lived there.
Chris, I'm assuming you're a campaign pain manager. And then that's it though,
right? All the rest of them are leaving California.
We're all talking about how, you know, my immigrants need to stop giving up
on their own country while we're packing up U-Hauls to leave California.
Isn't that the truth? Wow. You know what? Actually, I'm going to,

let's linger there for a second.
I literally have said, why are all these people, if your country sucks, fix it.
Why are you coming here? That's right.
Are you going to just make our country suck? No, fix your country. Stay there.
But I have to confess, David, I just sold my house in Vermont because I said,

I'm sick of y'all. You're crazy.
And we left. Headed into a red state. Oh, my gosh. OK, so we've got brain drain
happening in California right now.
So tell everybody, what district are you in? What district are you running for?
So I'm running in the 39th Congressional District against Mark Ducano.
And Mark Ducano was made famous in Matt Walsh's documentary,
What is a Woman, when he couldn't identify what a woman is.

And again, when he testified against a parent's Bill of Rights on the floor,
again, when he said that Mike Tyson should be able to box against women if he identifies as a woman.
And he's the ranking member in the Veteran Affairs Committee,
despite having never served a day in uniform.
So it's that complete abandonment of common sense, which has become so normalized
in California. California.

So what made you decide? What had you say? You know what?
I I'm I've I've done this stuff. I've worked in, you know, film.
I was I've done comedy. I'm a real estate person.
And then you said, you know what? I need to put my hat in the ring. I need to run for office.
What was the defining moment for you that had you decide?
There were a lot of defining moments. I think that it's been kind of a slow

bleed in California for a long time.
And a lot of us are just sort of sick of getting it on the chin and we're ready to send a few back.
And, uh, you know, I took my kids on an RV trip to go see the state and there
were homeless people everywhere.
You know, we've had this beautiful state that's constantly in a drought for
the last 20 to 30 years because of water mismanagement, which I think is ridiculous.
Over 70% of this planet is covered in water, and we just need to manage that.

We need to desalinize water, run it inland. Exactly, you've got a whole ocean.
The whole west side of your state is water. And if it's rising,
we might as well run it inland, right?
So there's some really basic things that we could do. Run freshwater inland.
Invest in nuclear energy, right? Stop shutting down nuclear facilities in California. Yeah.

We're making this big transition towards, you know, electric cars and, you know, and whatnot.
Yet we can't power our own grid. You know, David, when Benjamin and I lived
there in 2017, 26, 2016, 17, 18 ish, we experienced a power outage for four days because it was hot.
And I just think like, no, if if California can't keep the power on,

why should anywhere else in the country be following their lead? No, exactly.
And ultimately the failures of California end up coming to the rest of the country.
So this is ground zero in the fight.
And what we need to do is we need to stop losing all these Lords and ladies
like yourself that are, you know, there's not a lot of Lords.
We lost one Lord and lady, and then we lost a bunch of people.
But I've been meeting with people for the last 10 years. I'm a real estate agent

talking about leaving California, why they're leaving California.
And we just need to hold on to enough people, start this common sense revolution,
and then understand that we can flip it back in California.
But it's going to take activating the youth, like what we're doing here at Turning
Point. Yep, I love that. Okay, so now you've got a book. It's two parts.
Common Sense for California, A Guide to the New Revolution.

It's a lot of words. That's why I had to write, you know, put it out in two
books. So tell us what this book is about.
How did you write it? What makes you passionate? So I was spending time setting
it up for about six months. And then on the day one of COVID-19,
which was March of COVID-19, I actually started writing it.
And I had no idea how close we were actually going to be to people talking about

revolution becoming mainstream.
I thought when I was writing this that we were not going to be talking about
revolution, that we were not going to be talking about anything like this.
And then as I'm writing this, COVID-19 happens, January 6th happens,
I start watching the world falling apart around me.
And I'm trying to make sense of it and trying to figure out how to put it back together. Thank you.
And so this is, you know, one of the water energy, the, it says,

uh, the people's guide to clean water, energy, education, justice reform,
job creation, and ending the wars.
So this is actually, this is, is this your campaign pitch basically in a book?
So when I wrote that book, I wasn't planning on running for office,
but after writing the book, I was like, you know what I need to run,
you know, I'm a machine gunner. That's what I did in the Marine Corps.

So we say accuracy by volume, it's the same approach to politics. politics.
And what I want to do is I want to put them on their heels.
I want to put the establishment on their heels because there's a lot of things
that government should be doing right.
Like in your book right there, what government does right. And it's just everything's
empty. There's just nothing that they do right.
That's not okay anymore. We need to start holding them accountable for their

failures. We need to start auditing government spending.
And ultimately, if we do this right, people are going to be let out of their
positions and cuffs. I think that is so important.
Follow the money, right? This is what they say, a co-host of another show that
we produce called Of the People.
He always says, follow the money. Because if you do that, then you find exactly

where the corruption is coming from, what special interests are actually driving
the policies, and how you end up with such nonsense. That's right.
And then you also find that they're using money or they're using things like
race and gender to divide us, to divide and conquer. Race is the cousin of economics.
And so when we look at more about that race, the cousin of economics,

when we don't look at things like we say, oh, well, we don't need to look at CRT.
We don't need to look at. OK, I understand that. But let's look at history.
OK, real history. And let's look at the way that people are manipulated through
money over time, because if we don't learn about things like redlining,
racial housing covenants, the manipulation of money, we don't know what's going on.
Of heirs' property rights, what happens is the things that they were doing to
use against Black people... They used it against everybody. They used it against everybody.

And they're doing it... They did that with heirs' property's rights throughout
the country because of there not being a property, a proper paper trail...
To pass on property. So what people do is they buy out the majority holding
of a property and they force it to auction.
And that's exactly what they did in Hawaii after the fires.
They used heirs property rights to manipulate people the same way that they

were doing the slaves that ultimately ended up becoming free,
owning their own land, and then ultimately having their land taken away from
them or their families hundreds of years later.
Well, and this is why it's so important for people to learn and understand these
things, because if we don't understand the way that the powerful people are
manipulating us and taking advantage, then how do we protect ourselves?
How do we protect our families? How do we build wealth, right?

Which often comes from real estate and things like that, right?
That's a building familial wealth starts often with land, property, buildings.
And so it's actually like they're trying to keep us from that,
from that self-sustainability and from passing on generational wealth.
So Thomas Paine wrote a book called, or wrote a pamphlet called Common Sense,

which is, that was kind of my idea. Okay. Now Common Sense is in common in California,
so we had to write 900 pages.
Common Sense was 46 pages, but he also wrote Agrarian Justice,
and it talks about exactly what you're talking about, which is the importance
of family farms for our freedom, right?
And so when you look at something like the way that our housing is manipulated,
our dollar is really being manipulated.

So we think that, oh, well, my housing value is going up. No,
no, no, your housing value isn't going up, your dollar is losing value.
So it used to be that you could buy a house for about three times your annual salary.
Now it's about 11 times your annual salary. So you have one,
only about 16% of people can afford to buy a house.
The average home buyer is 49 years old. Yep.
16% of people can afford to buy a house. So the American dream is for sale in

California or in America.
And we've sold the black street to Vanguard, to state street,
and it's no longer for the youth.
I am, before we started rolling, you said something about 90%.
Like the housing cost is 90% of your salary or what was that?
So the cost of mortgage payments have gone up over 90% in the last three years

since President Biden has taken office. Oh my God. Oh, Bidenomics.
Yeah, Bidenomics. Oh, everybody's great with Bidenomics. Inflation is totally out of control.
You know? Well, and one of the things I'm really mad about is they're trying
to say inflation is only 3%,
but the only way you get 3% inflation is if you keep out the cost of housing
and And all of the normal goods and services that people actually have to buy to live.

It's so manipulated. All of this data is manipulated.
And we end up in a situation where we've got Governor Newsom talking on,
you know, every time he talks, you would think that Californians were thriving.
You would think that he had solved homelessness.
You would think that our water was, you know, plentiful. Because every time,
oh, Biden is putting on a master class in politics.
Giving him, like, a back rub. I'm like, why? It is a tongue bath.

I don't think it's a back rub. It is a tongue bath. And so Gavin Newsom is a failure as a governor.
He was a failure as a mayor. His city of San Francisco is destroyed.
The state of California is destroyed. The one thing that he did right as the
governor was, you know, empower U-Haul to help people leave California.
He made them a whole bunch of money. You know what? We were driving around Phoenix

yesterday, and I saw a sign outside of U-Haul that said, moving to California,
special on our trailers, only $99. and I was like.
They're so desperate to bring trailers
back. We will pay for a house in California. If you just use a U-Haul.
We'll pay you to take our U-Haul back to California for us.

So one of the, let me, let me ask you this. Your district. Okay.
You said it was which district again?
Riverside. Riverside. Harris, Jurupa Valley, Merino Valley. Okay.
CA39. Now, is that a traditionally red area or a traditionally blue area?
It was red, but now it's a plus 24 den.
Really? So it is a Democratic stronghold, but unfortunately for them,

you know, Mark Takano is the person that's holding down their Democratic stronghold
and he is an absolute clown show of a candidate.
And unfortunately we haven't ran a really strong race against him in 12 years.
And so he's been able to just kind of walk in. Yeah.
I think a lot of places like California, people think are a lost cause,
but if you look at at the precinct map of California, it is all red almost,

except for the major cities, like around the major cities.
Everything except for the coast is completely red. And the difficult thing is,
you know, hey, don't give up on California.
We got 1.7 million veterans here that are ready to get activated in the fight, that are ready to lead.
And so if we could just turn that narrative from PTSD, post-traumatic stress
disorder, into post-traumatic growth, the idea that you are better men and women

that went through the trauma.
You know the system, them. You know how it's designed.
You're better equipped to fight it. So get activated in the fight.
And in California, we can do it. We can turn the state red, but we need veteran
leadership. Oh my gosh. I, okay.
Do you know, do you seriously, seriously, do you know, this is one of the things
that Benjamin and I, Lord Benjamin and I talk about a lot when we,

when we wrote, when we wrote the book, the joke was masterful book.
Any, but how could anyone who's ever been in the military trust the government.
No we can't so when i joined the military i
was a very republican yeah you know like you just
whatever they say you know hey we need
to end these wars the message from the troops is let us win and then

i saw it as a machine gunner on the ground and with taliban on three sides and
i end up in a situation where i had more in common with the people that i was
shooting at the men that i was shooting at than i did with the cowards derelicts
and hypocrites who sent me there to to go shoot at them in the first place.
And so we need to get to a point to where we could start looking at one another

with social media and whatnot.
We can start communicating with one another and start learning that our enemies are not abroad.
Our enemies are right here. They're domestic. Amen.
Hallelujah. All right, David, share again with our viewers. If they want to
support you, they want to check out your campaign. Where do they go?
How do they, what websites, socials? Tell them. Check us out at

My last name is spelled S-E-R-P-A.
And you could find my book there. You could find all of my social media handles.
And we know that it's not all about money. We were able to make it so that just
me and Takano in the race for $3,500.
We didn't pay any of the political prostitutes that were dangling out their
leg trying to get paid on my campaign.
We decided to just go ahead and leave the red light district of the Republican

Party to the red light district.
And we decided to actually engage in a populist movement and get people involved.
So we met with the other candidates and they decided not to run or to run for
other seats because at the end of the day, we need strong Republicans in California,
but we don't need to run six of them for the same seat while the political prostitutes
are getting paid and we continue to lose.

Absolutely. I love it. David, thank you so much. We're going to be praying for you.
We need your kind of leadership in Congress right now.
And so we're going to be praying for you. Thank you for taking the time. My lady, Lord.
All right. Bye, guys. Bye.
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