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February 17, 2024 12 mins

Lindy Ann Hopley, a notable revivalist, shares her inspiring journey and mission to spread an awakening throughout America. 

Hopley narrates her prophetic dream about President Trump and Lady Gaga, a bold vision that led her to a path of spiritual revival. She speaks about the transformative miracles she has witnessed in her ministry, from an inoperable brain tumor disappearing to a paralyzed man instantly healing. Lindy encourages her listeners to look beyond the comfort of traditional church settings and tap into the divine power coursing through them.

The episode takes a turn when Hopley opens up about launching the Beautiful Witness Academy, an online platform aimed at empowering the female body of the church who have been silenced for far too long. She talks about her dedication to teaching the warrior bride of Christ to become supernatural witnesses here on earth, bearing testimony to God’s wonders in the world.


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Hey, everybody. AMFEST 2023. One of our favorite places to be.
TPUSA events are some of my favorite. I love it.
15,000 conservatives who all love America, who love God.
People are all here having a good time.
And I just met Miss Lindy Ann Hopley, and she said she was a revivalist, y'all.

Come on, somebody. And I said and I said I went like this.
Tell me about that. What is a revivalist?
Because I feel like in America right now, we are primed and ready for a revival. Yes.
So so share a little bit about what you do and what you said you you felt like
you got called to America. Yeah, let me tell you how that happens.

Fascinating, because I came here for 20 days. Hey, that was four years ago.
And literally, I had a dream. And in the dream, I dreamed that President Trump
was sitting in the Oval Office. He was praying in tongues.
Fast forward, he was at an event and went down the stairs.
He was meant to be the speaker. Lady Gaga comes out. I turned to her in my dream
and I go, oh, no, it's that Satanist.

But she ends up turning into Carrie Jobe. There's a lot of details in this. You can find it online.
But came down the stairs and a revival broke out.
And God said to me when I woke up, he said, Lindy Ann, what looked political,
what looked like a Satanist takeover will be a revival. And that set me on a trajectory.
Little did I know that soon after that, the election will be stolen and that

Lady Gaga will come out at Biden's inauguration, just like in my dream where
she was meant to come out at Trump's inauguration.
But God said to me, where there's a blessing now, I don't know if you know Carrie
Jobe's famous song, The Blessing, right? That was the most famous song, won the Dove Award.
The blessing came out during that time. And the Lord told me that if the church
would rise up, then the curse that witchcraft had tried to put on this nation will be broken.

And that's what revival actually means. People say, what is revival?
What is a revivalist? Revival is actually bringing the dead back to life.
The word revival is actually live.
So we get to bring that. You know, I just came back from Florida,
and this is as an apostolic minister here in America.
That is my mission, is to see revival come to America.

We just saw a man with an inoperable brain tumor, cancer, Southern Baptist pastor, okay?
He could not move his left-hand side of his body as if he'd had a stroke.
They already wheeled him back from hospice because they thought it was the end for him.
Oh, my God. But they'd heard of another testimony of a lady flying in from New
York to my house in Texas. She got instantly healed from an inoperable tumor.

They then flew me out to go pray for this pastor, and he was instantly healed.
The tumor left his brain. The paralysis left his body.
And I'm telling you, that is what America needs. It's not another good message.
It's not another motivational TED Talk in the church.
We need the power of God to come back into this nation.
If we're going to be able to take on the powers and principalities,

the Antichrist Haman spur that has been released here, we are called for such
a time as this. I don't know if you've seen this, Erika, but I've never seen
a wave of an Esther movement,
Like raising up right now. This is what I have been saying for years.
I do not understand how we have a church full of cowards.
All of these churches, synagogues, preaching leftist ideology,

saying, oh, we got everybody to love and it's all the same and I coexist or
whatever. And it's like, no. That's not what Jesus preached. We.
So this is what I'm saying. So if the church would actually get up and preach
what it says it's supposed to preach, If we actually spread the word,
if we actually took dominion over this earth as God gave it to us, right?

The blood of Jesus Christ sanctified us.
We're supposed to have control. And yet we just sort of we just obfuscate responsibility to the enemy.
You know, I have I'm actually equipping saints to do this stuff because it's
exactly that. Right. OK. Beautiful Witness Academy.
Because we have to actually become beautiful witness of heaven on earth.

And like you say, there's so many people that are ill-equipped.
They don't know what to do. They're like, okay, you're sharing this crazy testimony about cancer heal.
But my pastor isn't even healing anyone, right?
God says we can only go as far as our teachers go. So you need to start positioning
yourself under someone's anointing that's actually moving in the stuff that Jesus spoke about.
Because he said, if you believe in me and what I've done, you can do what I

did. Listen here. Did you hear that? You, you can do what I did and even greater things.
And so I want to encourage you. I was wilder than the zoo, okay?
OK, I was so lost, but I was found
and I came into the revelation of what Jesus Christ did on the cross.
And I want to tell you, there is hope for America. But the only way to make
America great again is to make America godly again. Amen.

Hallelujah. Amen. I am with it. I am like you are such a fire.
This sister's just. Oh, my gosh. This is what I'm saying. I'm like,
I don't even know what does. I'm like, just keep talking. I don't even know.
You're so easy. I don't even have to prompt you to share stuff.
OK, so. So, okay, so now you said you were equipping the saints.
So share with our viewers what you mean by equipment. Like, do you have a—is it a school?

Like, where do you do it? You know, I'm so used to preaching.
I've preached 34 countries around the world, and I'm seeing people receive an
impartation. They go heal the sick.
They're telling the loss about Jesus.
And so the Lord, during His mission this last time, I think everyone had to
take it online, right? So we started—because what I realized—.
As a woman of God, I could not find another woman that was willing to mentor me.

And I could definitely not find a man that was willing to mentor me.
Just because women weren't really around.
I know a lot of cute, motivational female speakers.
But the reality is, I didn't see any woman doing this stuff,
okay? I had demons come into my room.
I had witches and warlocks showing up. I've had a face-to-face encounter with Satan.
And I was like, where are the people that are actually going to equip the bride

to do what Jesus said we can do? So eventually, after years,
I went, you know what? I have the experience.
I've now made even an altar call for President Trump. I've been with the prostitutes
in Amsterdam. I've ministered in schools.
I've pretty much just gone around the world doing crusades in Pakistan,
people jumping out of wheelchairs. And I said, I want to share what I've learned

because we need all hands on deck. That's right.
Where the church and especially the woman of God have been silenced for so long,
trying to convince half the body, half the army of God, like, hey, just sit down now.
This is not for you. No, it's not going to work. I'm just going to be over here like doing stuff.
It's cool. I don't need to do anything.

When God named Eve, he called her helper, which one of the words in that word was equal.
When man they named Eve, he called her a woman, which was simply without the
warrior aspect, but God never intended for us to be just a pretty face. Hallelujah.
And so what I'm doing, think about that. Like you got Ruth, you got Esther, they act like women.

There's no women in the Bible. Come on now.
That made a difference or did anything. And the reality is God himself said,
Jesus in the flesh said, if you've seen me and the signs that I do,
you can see that it is a stamp of my approval from heaven.
Why would the Lord use me to do all these signs and wonders if he wasn't for me doing ministry?
Come on. Jesus said, if you've seen me, you've seen the Father.

If you see what we're doing, you see Father God's heart. It's for every man
to be saved, for everyone to be healed, people to be delivered.
We have people running around.
If you have any idea what's going on in the world, You know that we have a demonized people.
Our young people are so demon possessed right now. And who is going to take care of that?
So what I'm doing is Beautiful Witness Academy online is literally teaching

the warrior bride of Christ to be a supernatural witness here on earth.
I'm teaching girls that have never shared the gospel, how to share the gospel,
how to share with your family, how to heal the sick, how to cast out demons, how to prophesy.
And I'm telling you, we had one girl, she never prayed for a sick person.
I don't even know if she believed in healing the sick, right?
But as I started teaching the word through testimonies, et cetera,

man, her mind was renewed.
I activated her on Zoom. Someone got supernaturally healed.
She then goes out that week and six people got healed.
Never prayed for a sick person. Listen, it's not practice that makes perfect.
It's Jesus that said, if you believe in me, not your own works,
but the work on the cross, then you'll be able to do what I did and even greater things.
So if you want to know more about that, go to beautiful witness

is going to be amazing. It's ladies only. Hey.
All right. So I don't even know what else to say, you guys. I'm like,
I really, I'm, the only thing, you know what?
You are a powerhouse, girl. I was reading about Lazarus this week,
and I'm like, we have to actually get to that place where we're willing to die
to be able to raise the dead.

Jesus said, if we're not raising the dead right now, it means that he himself was not raised.
And I say, Lord, put that heart of revival in me.
Like, never again. Let me never grow cold. Let me never compare myself to a
lukewarm church and think I'm doing okay.
I'm looking at God's generals, John G. Lake, Catherine Kuhlmull,
Amy Semple McPherson. And I say, and Jesus himself, of course,

I look at these people and I said, those are my role models.
And Lord, I'm stepping into a fast this beginning of the year.
I just want to fast and pray and say, we need a revival. We do.
And we cannot simmer down, step back, shut up.
That's why I love podcasts like this and just speaking up and saying,
hey, we got to actually speak up for truth.
Absolutely. Well, and that's one of the things that is so frustrating to me

is when I meet Christians, okay, so this was, I'm from Vermont originally. originally.
And the first church that I started attending, the pastor of the church,
literally, I started saying stuff like, hey, let's go out and evangelize.
Let's clean up graffiti.
Let's go talk to people. Let's go do street ministry, you know, whatever, whatever.
And he said, well, we don't have enough. If it did work, we don't have enough

well people to receive them.
Okay. That was one of the things he said. And then he said, well,
you know, people already don't like us here.
So we don't want to make too many waves and create problems for ourselves.
And I was like, and I look, this is a pastor. This is a lead pastor of one of
the largest churches in Vermont.

And I looked right at him and I said, I'm pretty sure the Bible says that we're
going to be hated because of him, because of Jesus, because of our relationship.
We are You're going to be persecuted.
I don't know if you know this, but all the disciples died terribly.
And you're just concerned about having people like call you names?

Come on. You see the disciples were all martyred, right?
They were all killed upside down, this and that. And we're like,
somebody blocked me on Facebook.
I want a message for America. I want to tell you it's time to toughen up.
It's time to get into the secret place and let God embolden you with the Holy
Spirit. People might say, well, Lindy Ann, you're obviously an extrovert,

you're obviously confident, you're this.
Listen, I was a complete Christian in the closet, okay?
I was a closet Christian, 100%, never shared my faith with anyone until the
Holy Spirit came upon me.
And that's what it says in the book of Acts. It says you will receive power.
And boldness to be his witnesses. And that's what we need.
So if you're like, man, I just don't have it in me, then get it in you.

Get baptized in the Holy Spirit.
And the word of God actually says, be continuously full with the Holy Spirit.
So if you feel like, man, I need more, then just ask God for more.
Go get it. Because there's always more.
Until we are not walking like Jesus did and even greater things.
And I'm telling you, that is one of the most like, I'm like,
God, you lift us with like an open chair. Wait, and that's like, how much more?

You raised the dead. Jesus said we would do greater things than him.
Than him. And he raised the dead.
So I'm like, come on, guys. We got work to do. Hallelujah. Romans 8 says all
creation is waiting for the true sons and daughters of God. That's us.
Creation is waiting. Will you say yes to the cold? Oh, my gosh. I'm going to cry.

Amen. Amen. You know what, Lindy? We're going to just end right there.
Come on. Thank you. All right, everybody.
Tell everybody again where to go to find, to learn more, to get trained,
to do all that. Tell them the website and everything again.
You can go to and you'll find all my social media links and everything there.
Lindy Ann Hopley, Beautiful Witness Ministries on Facebook,

if you want to jump in with us.
But as I say,, you can find everything there and keep shining
for Jesus. He is so excited about you.
Amen. Amen. Can I hug you? Yeah.
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