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March 21, 2024 47 mins

Embark on an exhilarating exploration of the untruths plaguing the world of politics in this eye-opening episode where we analyze politicians' spin tactics, deconstruct their misleading narratives, and rigorously fact-check their promises. Delve into the complicated world of American Politics as we leave no stone unturned, challenging the misinformation peddled by popular American politicians like Pete Buttigieg and many more.

Listen in as we decipher the intricacies of ‘problem creation’ and ‘problem-solving’ that politicians often spin. We highlight how the current administration manipulates the truth about the economy, job creation, and policies, amongst others. Expose the reality shielded behind skewed unemployment statistics, questioning assumptions about unchecked immigration, and explore the controversial outcomes of certain policies. Unearth truths unseen by mainstream narratives as we debunk widespread misconceptions.

The episode ventures into the pressing issues of our society – homelessness, food insecurity, child predation, and the looming debt crisis. We argue for the need to address these domestic issues before opening up to mass immigration. We also dissect the intricate dance of power and influence in states like California and Vermont, examining the impact of Democratic leadership on wealth distribution.

Are our government authorities performers or protectors? Are they vessels of foreign power or defenders of our democracy? Prepare for some real talk as we furiously challenge the narratives peddled by our leaders. Join us as we traverse the convoluted maze of American politics, calling out injustices, shining light on ignored issues, and giving you a reality check everyone needs to hear.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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You should say it on the internet. We're on YouTube. Honey, why didn't you tell
me? We are going live. Are you trying to get me canceled?
We're already canceled. We are? Yeah. Oh, I didn't know that.
We got canceled a long time ago.
How canceled are we?
Yeah, as canceled as anyone is ever going to be in the history of cancellation. Those are facts.

I'm taking my vitamins. Take your vitamins. You're going to need them for this.
This is the amount of lying that Pete Buttigieg, the amount of lying he's going
to do here is going to blow your mind.
He is the spin master I've never seen outside of Nancy Pelosi.
He might be one of the people I dislike talking about anything at all.

And it makes me ask the question.
Petey, why you wanna lie? Why you always Lying to me Why you always That's what it makes me think.
What does it make you think when you see Pete Buttigieg do things and lie to
the American people? Consumers.

Is the censor button right? Oh, wow. Yeah, I got it. No, I mean,
it's just, you guys, Lord Benjamin doesn't swear.
If you know him, if you've spent any time with him, you will notice that he does not cuss.
So I'm in the kitchen. I'm fixing myself a plate of food.
And he comes in and he says, Fucking Pete.

What an idea. He just cut up. He did that. He said, Fucking.
Do you have your other microphone on? and is that why I can hear it?
What has your mic said? My mic isn't...
You told me... Did you mute your stream, Yara? Because I definitely heard you drop that F-bomb. Oh.

No, you didn't. See, this is my fault. Oh, well, that's your fault. You don't listen.
This is... This is... Wait, did I get canceled? Because you don't listen when I tell you new things.
So the point is, Benjamin doesn't swear.
So when he came into the kitchen all mad, cussing, I was like, whoa, one curse, bro.

Yeah. We should allow what's up.
And he said, we got to talk about it. And I said, okay, what's up?
So put it this sentence like PDB. I'm not calling him by the name anymore,
I'm sorry Listen We got this We're having So much fun This new mixer Is absolutely

ridiculous And it's so much fun So much fun This monocaster It's so much fun,
It's kind of dope. So we're going to, okay, we're going to, let me play you
what we're dealing with right now and why I got so angry.
Let me pull it up on the screen so you guys see it. Because this is tragic how much this man. Magic.
Watch this. Watch this for this interview.
Every time they see coverage of Washington, that's why Congress right now has

an approval rating. Last time I checked, it was, I think, in the 20s.
So we need to make sure that we highlight the things that are going right and
continue to pay attention to the things that are going wrong.
And and lay out the plan and make
clear who's trying to get progress and who's trying to
actually solve those problems versus just use them to score political points
i mean it was especially disappointing to see what happened with the border

right uh you got congressional gop samaj he just said it's especially disappointing
to hear what happened at the what happened with the border he's he's a democrat
progressive and he's saying it was disappointing to see what what happened with the border.
Let's see what he means when he says that. Well, and I just,
I just have to say the first couple of minutes, like moments here,

I already feel like he's been taking lessons from Kamala Harris.
I, he might've just put a hex on us. Wow.
Let's see, let's see where it goes. Let's watch it. The border, every chance they got.
So you would think they would be interested in addressing it.
And yet when a bipartisan bill put together by one of the most Most conservative
members of the Senate and Democrats working, negotiating,

making tough, tough decisions that both of their respective bases were going
to have trouble with, came and hammered that out.
It looked like there was going to be a chance to do something real with real
resources at the border.
Who's the conservative that put together the bill?
I think there's some other people involved that were saying, trying to do something.

But the point is, probably wasn't a conservative, according to what we heard
about that bill. If you are questioning, go look at the bill,
see how many people were allowed to come into, you know, the spot during that
situation, the amount of daily crossings allowed, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
Just go look at what it would have codified as legal in the bill that they were trying to pass.

Just, just, yeah, I'm going to get, we're not going to deep dive.
We're not going to take a lot of time with that. Just go look it up.
Let's just say real quick though.
Mitch McConnell is the supposed most conservative Senator. defender. Good old Mitchie Mitch.
That is another lie. How is it always that guy? Anyways, let's see where he goes with this.

Only for Donald Trump, who's not even an elected official, to come in and kill
it with the chill that he put on Congress.
But yeah, we can either solve problems or we can have them be political football.
So the whole move to try to come up with something.
By the administration and obviously bipartisan that didn't come until it became
clear it was going to be a major campaign issue and oh now pd is going to try

to spin this and run it however he wants to run it but this whole thing is going
to be an example of the hegelian hegelian dialectic,
hegelian dialectic i don't know how you say it i think you're making up words
no i'm not h-e-g-e-l-i-a-n the point is it's you you create a problem you solve
it you create a problem you you solve it.
There are two topics I'm going to touch on. One, the pandemic that shall not be named.

I'm going to call it hat trick, the hat trick, the disease hat trick.
That's what we're going to call it. Hat trick is you get three goals in a row
in soccer and cricket, hat trick, three.
We'll talk about that. But in relation to this, what he's talking about right
now with the border, Joe Biden did this.
Everybody in the United States of America is very
clear that when Trump was in in office whether you

like him or not this had slowed down this was
this is not like conjecture like it
they did interviews with people
at the border who were saying we
know this dude biden is easy he's an obama type dude they're cool they like
us yeah it's time to make the move like that famous interview at the border

where the the journalist says oh did you you know would you you have come when
Trump was president? And he was like, no.
And then she was like, did you come because Biden was president?
And he was like, basically, basically.
And because my country sucks. This is not like, like, it's not rocket science. These dudes are lying.
He's lying. And this is a problem that Joe Biden facilitated because weirdly

enough, regular humans and law abiding people,
as well as criminals follow the rules, or they will play the game based on the
the way that the rules are being set up.
So if you tell them that there's a way for them to pull an angle or a maneuver,
they're going to take the angle of the maneuver.
And that I was literally just listening to something. Apparently there's an

app you can get for your phone to file an asylum claim.
So these people are getting told in, you know, wherever they are,
Oh, fill out this, this app on
your phone and show up at the border and we'll, and we'll send you on in.
Listen, listen. Okay. Okay. Cheryl Ann, this kid talks in circles and lies.

Everybody, everybody lies.
She didn't curse. I just wanted to do that. They never do that stuff.
They never fact check. I will always go for someone who tells the truth.
I'm so sick of this administration.
Pretending we the people do not know what is going on. We know exactly what
is going on. They're definitely trying to destroy our country.
Facts. Yep. I don't know how you can see it any other way. They're not dumb.
They're doing these things on purpose. They know what they're doing.

And this dude's a cornball. Let's continue. You'll see what I...
The the kernan i believe kernan is an individual he's doing
the interview with starts to put the smack down p tries
to talk over him i want you to see this thing this is this is
i love this because most people don't do this he didn't
let him interrupt him and keep talking he was like nah i'll let you talk let
me let me say let me cook let me cook for here for a minute let me see where

he tries to jump in p tries to jump in quick am i here hold on let's let's let
me finish first but every time we hear those talking coins that suddenly it
was republicans who who ruined the border.
That's why people get so frustrated. We know what president Biden said about inviting people in.
We, everybody knows that. It literally, Oh my God.

Do these people forget that the internet is forever?
Did you just, you, you just, you've just gotten the massage treatment.
Oh my goodness. You just got the happy ending treatment.
You're used to that from the journalists.
Yeah. It's like people, it's like.

It's a lot everything is big,
orange man's fault i have a meme it's called trump no
jutsu anybody who knows anybody who knows naruto
is they have magic spells called jutsus they do hand signals like ninjas and
then like a magical fireball appears i call it trump no jutsu basically no matter
what the problem is somehow somehow it is related to trump this is the most

influential this is the most influential influential man in all of the United States of America.
I don't know how one, one guy can be this influential.
And I'm, I'm being honest with you because I remember when people were talking
about Donald Trump, like he was Jesus Christ and he was going to come back and
he was, they had freaking photos, Photoshopped from the white halo on this man,

freaking angels in the background.
And I was like, bro, that's a bit, he ain't, he ain't on JC's level.
Calm down of it much he's not the one guy that's going to fix literally everything
wrong with the government but but according to them according to the progressives
and and and democrats apparently.
He is exactly that powerful he is one

guy he is a mastermind and a
moron at the same time which i don't know
how you can have that happen either he's like the world's biggest
best political political genius ever
or he's a moron canon 7d
chess is what this man is playing he isn't which one is it
he is in eight different dimensions playing chess

if he's as good as they're saying he's i've never seen
someone bro if donald trump
doesn't doesn't unalive an entire group of people in his in the next presidency
or something he is he's then then i will be shocked in the sense that They're
telling us that he is literally the angry man with the mustache and that he's

that influential on the whole globe.
Yeah. You're telling me, you're telling me he's that powerful.
I don't think he's that powerful. I don't think he can do all.
Uh what is malay javier malay
so apparently he's also the second
coming of the antichrist basically anybody who

is center or right or
even like mildly left because let's be real donald trump is not a republican
he's like a pop I wouldn't call him a liberal right he's a populist exactly
dude yeah he's just she said he's finally some truth he said he's an absolute moron.

Oh my gosh i it gets it
gets a little worse watch this part this is this is what
this is what actually pissed me off because this is the stuff about the
the the grand grift that should never be named watch this
stuff no that right now this is never we
have congress isn't we have have economic numbers is
it my lying eyes that that under joe

biden we've had the most job creation in american history yes the
most absolutely a lie
the most job creation okay is it my lying eyes after the pandemic now whether
you like the the the vaccine or not doesn't matter joe biden didn't develop

that i didn't take it but whatever so there's first But first, there's that.
And if you like the CDC, the CDC, if you look at what they're saying right now,
some of the things I saw recently was that the reason that they're telling people
to treat the grift that shall not be named,

the reason they're telling people to treat it like the flu is because most people
have either been vaccinated or have a level of immunity to it.
Man, that sounds like, what is that called? you probably can't you probably
still can't say it on social media even though the cdc has come out and said
to treat it like the flu what's what's a group of animals heard oh yeah.

That is it kind of like that is like that immunity oh gaggle immunity yeah gaggle
that that must be what it was it's definitely not that other thing people were
saying probably definitely not that thing people were saying during the problem
about what it was going to take to get us back Let's get back to work.
Clearly, it's not that big.
I would get you kicked off YouTube. Not to mention...

Anyways, so this dude is talking about that Joe Biden gets credit for what happened
at the tail end of the event because he wasn't the one in charge during the
beginning and middle. So let me get this straight.
If I was work, me and Erica, husband and wife, I make $100,000 a year, right?

I like to put politics down to like house, family, bite-sized chunks. Yeah.
So if I make $100,000 a year, I have a midlife crisis. I sell all my stuff,
go buy a Corvette and I make it $20,000 a year.
It means I just lost $80,000 a year, right? Our family's in distress.
We're not making the money we're supposed to make. It's a whole problem. Great. Fantastic.

After she yells at me, gets mad at me, turns my internet off.
It doesn't let me play PlayStation no more. Now she's dead.
I go back and get another job making $100,000 a year. do you think she's going
to celebrate about how wise and awesome her husband was for going out and making an 80,000% increase?
Oh my goodness. He's never made that big of an increase in his income a day in his life.

Or do you think she's going to go? Well, of course he's making a hundred thousand.
He was making a hundred thousand dollars before he just went back to what he
was doing before he acted like a moron.
Do you see the parallel I'm trying to draw here? Yeah. Is it.
Trying to make it really uncomplicated. You don't know. This is this is the
thing, Benjamin, in our culture and our society,

the way it is, how we have these bite sized little whatever's and,
you know, short attention spans and all of that other stuff.
They presume that nobody's going to know.
Nobody's going to be paying attention
that they haven't that they're not terminally online like we are.
So we've seen these people lie and make up statistics before.

They're assuming that people are just going to read, you know,
read the the cliff notes and move around.
I mean, that's really what it is. And and frankly, they're not wrong.
Many, many, many, many, many, many Americans are absolutely 100 percent checked
out from the political process, politics, culture, you know,

whatever is in the news right now. So.
So, yeah, I think, you know, they know exactly what they're doing.
Okay. Let's see what else he has to say.
It's freaking a filthy, filthy, disgusting lie.
Patricia Ann Howe, you are welcome for the show. Thank you for watching.
We'll do it for you. We'll do it for y'all. We'll do it for the fam.
Let's see it. Lying eyes telling us that unemployment and inflation are both

below 4% and have been that way for the longest time in who knows when.
Is it reality or is it spin to point out the fact that manufacturing jobs are
up under this president and we're down under the last president?
Is he reading cue cards? I think his eyes are above the camera.

I don't think I'm pulling back up.
He's reading cue cards. Stu's lying.
Look it. Look it. His eyes are up and to the right.
He totally looks like he's reading a cue card. We asked me reading something
because he should be getting washed right now. Let's see what else other nonsense he's saying.
I mean, if he can lie that easily.

Manufacturing jobs are up under Biden. Why? Now to mention when they talk about
unemployment, one of the interesting things about that is like when you do numbers,
because you can lie with statistics, right?
Historic unemployment. Does it account for the number of people who've left
the workforce during the pandemic, but should not be named and are no longer seeking employment?

Go look up the way they actually determine
unemployment numbers and you will understand the questions
that i'm asking right now it's not straightforward who has
a job who doesn't have a job it also includes who's passed
away and include people who are no longer no longer
seeking seeking a job because they passed away or
because they left the workforce because they

didn't want to take a medical procedure that
was untested experimental and genetic
editing some would yada yada yada so like hundreds
of thousands of medical workers were
laid off yep brand new branch officers brand new
travel brand new trad wives developed right under

right under all that nonsense because that was not
that was not an expected outcome right so appreciate
you too patricia so this is the stuff that makes me
angry i know enough to know that i cannot take what they're saying at face value
and unfortunately for anybody who wants to left right they both both lie but
the left man oh my goodness gracious democrats and progressives will lie to

your absolute face or say foolish things to your face and think that you're
supposed to believe it nancy pelosi's we got to pass to see how much it costs.
Okay do you understand like that and you just can't trust these and you guys
when nancy pelosi said that what she was speaking to there is the fact that
there is a fourth branch of government that we talk about all the time,

the unelected fourth branch of government,
the bureaucratic state, because...
Because Congress does not actually write the rules.
They just pass a law and then tell some other agency, some administrative agency,
administrative agency.
OK, so the legislative branch offloads a bunch of its responsibility to the

administrative branch that is unelected to actually come up with the rules,
which is how you figure out how much it costs.
So they can never do better than an
estimate to begin with yeah they have
no idea they have no idea and i want to bring something up here because
this is this is just like i don't say things randomly i did
a lot of sales in my life i'm very acutely aware when

someone's lying to me or trying to finesse me it doesn't
mean that they shouldn't use the techniques but it means i know normally i
can feel in my bones when someone's trying to put sold
or pressure right so so evaluation this
is what i was taught in sales this is literally a training book
i have um from a sales job i had numbers number

one you look at the numbers four steps raw numbers
what are the what's the what are the facts to determining
meaning in the numbers what does it mean right okay so you start looking at
things like historical data was you know we didn't hit our sales number was
there was there a holiday going on what did we do last year what was it did

we run a promotion you start trying to determine the meaning and do deep analysis of the numbers,
but you got to start with the raw numbers. Amazing.
Amazing stuff, folks. Three feelings,
three celebrations, one helpful observation and four action items.
Here's the thing. When you watch people talk about numbers on the,

on television, half the time they skip the raw numbers and they don't even look
at any of the data for the meanings.
So for instance, when you look at like all time highs in the stock market compared
to what there's more money in
the world than there was before so what does
that actually mean more compared to are we adjusting
for inflation and all the other things going on like what are we actually what

are we actually talking about it's like when people talk about box office numbers
oh my goodness gracious avengers did more money than any movie ever are they
adjusting for the population and the average number of people go to the movie theater,
What does that mean? I think so, but maybe not.
I mean, hey, statistics, statistics, and damn statistics, or whatever it is.

You can lie. You can make numbers mean whatever you want.
You can twist and stuff. These dudes twist.
Twist and shout. Do the twist. All the twistiness.
Pete Buttigieg. See what else he has to say.
Matters of simple fact. When we heard for three years that the border's closed and it's secure.
And we heard it said it's it's closed and

7.2 million people have come into where
our big cities have no idea how to
handle this and then you hear from the administration here's the thing this
is what this is really important this is really important okay the common sense
position and the position that by the way a lot of moderates democrats and moderate
republicans would always say the kinds of things that you hear at the chamber

of commerce in indiana where i come from,
is that there ought to be more legal immigration and less illegal immigration.
And yet- Wait, I'm going to let him finish that.
Are they saying that? No, let him finish this. Are they saying- That's not what
happened. The last administration- I want to hear where this is going.
Yet when there's a chance to actually do that, that's not- Is that there ought
to be more legal immigration and less illegal immigration.

And yet when there's a chance to actually do that, that's not what happened. The last- Okay.
I've had this question. Nope, I've had this question. The whole time,
whenever we talk about immigration and numbers, how do you determine the numbers?
Are the numbers determined based on what is good for America or is it based
on what's good for people who are not from America and did not bleed and sweat for the country?

My parents, the military, her parents, some of her relatives were ex-military.
So I'm from Fort Hood.
If your people didn't fight in any wars and didn't bleed or sweat in the ground
and make America what it is, you're not owed the privilege of living here.
And if it is his hold on is his
suggestion that we should

turn illegal immigrants into legal ones i
don't know because this is the thing it's one thing if we change
our immigration system because last i
knew america processed the united states processed
about a million legal immigrants a
year one million legal immigrants not asylum seekers but immigrants people who

have to learn the language language and learn our culture and the constitution
and all and want to be americans right so a lot of this other racist stuff so
what is what is his suggestion that instead of.
Like increasing i don't know just
the the context says and i

and i think a lot of americans would say yeah sure more legal immigration immigration
as long as they're people who actually want to be americans and are going to
assimilate once they get here but we can't turn illegal immigrants people who
are coming over just for but first and foremost jobs who's saying that they
need We need more legal immigrants.

Who in America is saying, yeah, we need more? Oh, people like Joy Reid,
who says we need more brown people to pick vegetables and clean our toilets. We have people here.
Or wait, was that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who said it, that grassy and demeaned
people who do annual labor?
I know Joy Reid said it too, but

all these Democrats, they demean manual labor. No, no, no. Who, who, no.
What person who does math said it? they're democrats and progressives they don't
do math that's the question what person is reasonable.
Looking at the economy looking at the way things for us yeah what we
need is more people from another country and the
way to do that is to offer them all kinds of

passes money credit cards yeah no
what we need to housing and all the other things who said that of
welfare and back to work because you and i
both know there are plenty of people on disability
or this problem or that problem
yep and don't work on welfare oh i got kids i got whatever yeah there's so much

fraud in the system it's absolutely foolishness so the point is like he's saying
everybody says i've never met a person so you know we need more i've never met
a regular person in my entire life who said you know we need we need more immigrants.
A minute ago, people was having trouble finding jobs to pay what they wanted in the pay.
At what point did people say that they needed more immigrant and more immigrants

to compete with you for the same jobs?
They, they, they, they, I've never heard. I've never heard anybody say that.
That's what the crazy thing about it is. Every time the Dems talk about how
we need these immigrants, they do it while demeaning the people.
Here's the, I don't even care. And demeaning. That's their business.
The point is that before you even get to how they did it says who?

Ooh, no one's saying that.
Where's the evidence you need? They're saying, no, they're saying the point
is you don't have any evidence.
You don't have any evidence to prove that you need more people in the United States.
We have places like Texas where we're having issues with freaking power grids and water.
You have all these other places where we have people who are jammed into population

centers and there's places in America now popping up with bubonic plague.
Big what you don't need more people jamming into
la new york freaking austin houston dallas
i don't know where else people to
jam whatever major population centers there are you need
people to go out and farm you need people go out live freaking north dakota

or freaking alaska or something food go we need people who know how to make
food those are people go over go over there spread them out we do not need everybody
living in new york city that is absolutely stupid nobody's ever saying that,
and that's exactly what they're going to do. I'm sorry.
See what else this fool has to say. Oh, goodness gracious.
PD. Administration cut legal immigration.

And meanwhile, our economy is pulling people just as much as terrible conditions
in Latin America are pushing people.
And when there's finally a bipartisan compromise that would help address at
least some of those issues,
congressional Republicans couldn't get it done because Donald Trump,
who's not even in an elected office killed it that is a fact oh my god that

uh donald trump's policies.
Kept illegal immigration down that is a fact i live in texas we have looked
at borders we've talked to people who work the borders got friends that live
on the border all of the things that border bill was no this is it is it is
it is it is it is indisputable that his policies.

Trickled illegal immigration the problem had already been largely resolved because
it takes policy as well as the physical structure to tell people hey man really
you need to do this in an orderly fashion what is this dude talking about erica,
I don't know if he knows what he's talking about.

I don't know. I really, you know, you hear these people talk and you just,
I, and it's, it's always that question. Are they stupid or are they evil?
And I know, you know, you know, Robert says, oh, it's not, you know, stupid there.
And he doesn't say they're evil either. This is, this is all calculated.
You know, the thing I think that we always have to keep in mind is follow the money.

Money who benefits who profits who's
getting something for this and it's absolutely why
the government should be as small as humanly possible
we need to defund the government like for real so
they can't have this much control jerry zeller they live where the money is
in handouts you won't see a person standing on the corner panhandling if that

person doesn't get something to be there just for starters absolutely here's
the thing i don't see panhandlers and gerald okay I want to be raw about something. Let's be real.
Everybody on this, you know I'm probably telling you the truth.
If you lived in a country and you had to live there with your family and it

was unsafe and you didn't really know what to do to fix that,
you might jump a border, swim a boat, kick a gator in the face to get the freedom.
You might do all those things.
Reasonable, understandable, not my problem.
I, it sounds brutal, but when we have homeless people on our streets, when we have,

I don't know, like in a place like Austin round rock, I believe they said like
two out of five or three out of five kids when school's not happening,
deal with food instability.
They don't have food at home. When we have child predators doing things,
we have actual issues of slavery taking place.

And some of that is facilitated by what happens crossing that border.
We have problems like that.
Your problem in Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, wherever you're coming from is not my problem.
I feel for you. I feel for you, but you're not my priority.
My family is my priority. priority my home

is my priority if this house catches fire
and next door catches fire which fire
do you think i put out first if i'm if if we can't eat and the neighbors across
the street can't eat do you think i'm gonna go feed them before i feed my mom
and my my my wife no that's not how that works that's not how anything works

so it feels brutal to say it but you have to start start from a place of reason.
And then, then we can talk about once we're doing the reasonable things,
now we can insert compassion.
Well, and people keep saying things like the United States, oh,
we're the richest country in the world.
We're the richest country in the world. We're probably also the most indebted country in the world.

So if, if we're so rich that in a number of years,
our interest is going to surpass the principle we're paying on our,
on our debt, things like that when we're 33 trillion
dollars in debt not including unfunded mandates
of social security and medicare we're not rich okay okay we're not rich we're

broke we are bankrupt and it's only because of freaking stupid monetary policy
the fed and scams that we're not we haven't tanked.
Like real talk. Let's see. Let's see whatever, whatever, what,
what the rest PDB has to say on the end of Biden's border unemployment and PDB is a lying spin master.

Let's see what else he's got to say here. I'm very curious. We're just listening as raw with you guys.
I caught the first snippet of it and then we just ran it. So we're processing as we talk to you.
We'll see whether, whether this moves the needle. I just think the,
you know, the American public just wants, wants something that benefits them.
They just don't want to hear.
Go away. we uh that what they see isn't happening the sector but we appreciate your time.

He's trying he was trying he was
trying did you see how exasperated he was he was like i i mean you know new
york people would just like something other than talking points oh us too he
says us too you're the one saying the talking point you're the guy you're the
guy talking about listen to me i i I don't like being hyper-partisan,

but, but Democrats have had power in a lot of the areas that have sucked badly.
I lived in Cali. I lived in Vermont. I watched, okay.
I'll give you, I'll give you from our own experience, Democrats at work,
we have a triplex. We offer below market pricing for housing.

We have a triplex. We're offering it to a cop, to traveling nurses.
These These are things that Vermont, Burlington was in short supply of.
They needed these sorts of people. We have two of them in our building, right?
So we're offering these things at prices that are not cut through.
So we're not making all the profit we can. We're not slumlords.

We live in a nice place. We also occupy part of the structure. So it wasn't a slum.
The city got mad about some stupid thing dealing with permits where they had
two different permits or documents about the housing and the structures and whatever.
Was it a duplex? Was the triplex? Yeah. So they, so on the 60,
so they err on the side of, of the city saying, oh, well, it's a duplex.

Get rid of the unit, spend money on permits to turn a triplex into a duplex.
While we're in a scenario, we don't have enough people. while we're in a scenario,
we don't have enough housing.
We're in a housing shortage. They removed a unit.
For what reason? No idea. They use government money that every time we defeated
some particular part of their argument, they use our tax dollars to find another

reason to bring us back into court, to fight it, to fight it, to fight it.
So the Supreme Court literally said, yeah, this isn't really legal the way they're
doing this, but we're going to, We like it.
So we're going to do it. It's going to accept it.
That is when we decided. That's democratic leadership. That is democratic leadership.
Doing stupid stuff because you want to, even though it hurts you financially,

hurts the people around you financially, and overall has a worse outcome for everybody involved.
These people are not morons. They're educated. They understand college.
This is not a matter of stupidity. They care more about whatever their principle
is that they're trying to express,
whatever it is, then they do about the actual ramifications of the decisions

that they make on the people that they're supposed to be serving because they
don't care about serving. They care about leading and controlling.
That's right. That's, this is literally this, this whole idea of equity.
This is what equity looks like.
Everyone's life sucks. So instead of there being like, you know,
upper middle and lower class, now everybody's just lower class.

I'm so irritated right now.
So I don't even, I don't even, I want to. So now, now, yeah,
now it's like now, now, thanks to government intervention for a virus that shall
not be named, we have more wealth inequality in this country than ever.
Let's see how many, don't make me, don't make me use progressive talking points

to prove what a bunch of buttholes you progressives are.
Let's take a look at something. I mean, literally progressive policies are,
are the antithesis of what they say they want.
Is that what the Hegelian dialectic thing was?
The Hegelian dialectic is basic is creating a problem and solving the problem.

Oh, you solving the problem you created.
Yeah. Creating a problem for somebody else. Dems. Yeah. There you go.
Classic. Let's see. All right. The number of active business owners in the United
States plummeted by 3.3 million, or 22% over the crucial two-month window from February to April 2020.
The drop in business owners was the largest on record, and laws were fought

across nearly all industries and even incorporated businesses.
That was Stanford. I'm trying to find out how many businesses permanently closed forever.
Oh, in recent years, that was April 2021, 8.5, according to a study, what was COVID's toll?
200 extra closes pandemic's first year. thousand 2021 that's what they're saying

i'm trying to find something that gives you an,
a total amount of closed businesses permanently
and here's the thing i don't remember
i'm just i can't none of them giving me direct numbers of exact but here's
the one thing i'll give you look at let's take ibram kindy i'm sure pete would
like ibram kindy he's probably a fan of ibram ibram is the guy that wrote that
how to be how to be anti-racist guy braids black dude everybody's racist based

on the outcome it doesn't matter what you're doing while you're doing it The
outcome of your actions determines whether or not an idea or concept is racist.
Okay, great. I'm big on just, let's just go with your line of logic and apply
it to you and the things that you're doing.
Everything Democrats and progressives have done have been bad just about. For everybody.

For everyone, including the minorities that they say they're trying to assist.
Yeah. The actions they're taking are actually causing more racism.
Actually. In fact. We are, we are, when I was a kid, we did not deal with a
level of, of, of racial conversation we're dealing with right now.
And I lived in a very diverse place. And I've been to schools that were all

white. And I've been to schools that were all black.
I've been in all kinds of schools. I've moved all over the country.
I have never dealt with the foolishness or felt the way I feel around people
of other races and having to be concerned about how I'm moving and how they're moving.
I have never had to do it as much as I have to do as much as I have.
I literally never thought about it until like Black Lives Matter protests,

which I guess that's what they say.
Like, oh, you have white privilege because you don't think about it.
Well i mean i guess so except for the fact that i'm in an interracial marriage
i think it's more like i'm in an interracial family yeah you know some of believe
it or not some of my relatives,
aren't white yeah mexican got mexican in
laws it is what it is i got puerto rican's is whatever it's

the stuff is wild stuff is stupid and it makes me angry we're
gonna wrap this up real soon if you guys got a question comments throw them in because we're
gonna jump out here it's hot in his room i got a jacket on erica's cold
so i'm hot it is what it is she's oh your wife's
sweating that's why i just sent you a private chat i was like
i'm dying over here the state invites i have a hair clip you guys i was trying
to leave my hair down because i'm cuter but it's hot you're the cutest oh i'm

growing my hair out now i remember why i cut it off the state invites people
to a state that already has a problem until all the residents taxpayers there
is a problem we need to build more houses yeah average person has common sense
you aren't moving to live on the streets yeah.
Yeah, I love it. That's why I love what's happening in Chicago.
I love what's happening. Oh, no.
I love what's happening here. No, my favorite, actually, my favorite is that,

you know, we have professional victims,
who have been hired by the state of Vermont, the city of Burlington,
various other agencies to tell white Vermonters how they're all a bunch of racists.
And then they encourage more not white people to move there.
So this is what's so weird is they're like, we want more not white people here

so that that we can be diverse and whatever.
But if you come here, be careful because all the white people are racist and
they hate you. And it's like, that's wow. What?
Also, and this is not to be mean, this is like a legitimate question.
Why do you want more people of a different color to show up?
Like, what is the, what is the benefit to you to do that? I mean,

there is a, there is a benefit.
What is it being that? What is the benefit? In all sincerity? I do really like living.
For example, I love living in central Texas. because there's
so many different kinds of people here so you get the
food so it's more culture so moral you're
talking about more i'm talking about like oh objective financial what the state's

supposed to be concerned about does it matter oh oh do you mean does like skin
color genitalia or sexual preference actually determine economic outcomes is
the diversity going to somehow help with your healthcare, your education?
Does it do something tangible that people who- Hard telling, not knowing, I guess.

If anybody in the chat could please let me know. And I'm not even trying to
be a joker. I'm being dead serious.
If it's a thing that like increases economic stability or something like that,
cool. The first skills are strength.
Listen, but yeah, but that's a great slogan. But where are the stats?
I want to know what, like based on what.
I want to know based on what feeling. And that's the problem.

A lot of it just sounds like it's based on people's feelings.
That was me doing like an interpretive dance. It has you been based on feelings.
That's what it is.
Anyways, we can go all day. Aren't you guys glad you came today?
We didn't have singing. You had a little dancing. You got a little swearing.

No, you got a lot of dancing.
Freaking Pete Buttigieg up there and freaking jumping around.
That boy up there up there tap dancing like
that yeah biden that
was that was he was doing strings or actually no probably
not biden pulling the strings you know i really wonder if we're ever going to

find out who is actually in charge right now because you know it's not that
it's china could be g china and it's the joe biden it's the shadow of the deep state what i say,
probably probably you know what another spy balloon don't shoot it down thank you,

we're not even gonna get in all that that is he's a
freaking how about see that i didn't do a very bad accent i
was trying not to be totally racist yeah i mean yeah we're gonna we're gonna
skip that when i because all i can think of is team america and ronery but so
i'm not we're not gonna so So I'm not, we're not doing that.

There's a bunch of them. We're not going to do it. Anyways, the point is,
but then again, I mean, they got their own police force here.
They got their own truck manufacturer.
When i didn't get in it maybe really is china that's
running things who freaking knows anyways we didn't
even mean to be on as long we just want to talk about five minutes i said
10 he said five minutes but i'm sorry i apologize it's so stupid everything

they say is so stupid it's stupid and they think you're dumb and they think
we're dumb yes and if you take anything that they're saying and as as robert
says follow the money one thing you'd follow the money but two,
just break it down to like, if this was your house, if you had a budget and
you couldn't pay your bills and you just kept getting more credit cards and

more credit cards and more credit cards,
would you be considered fiscally a responsible person?
Would you be a dirtbag moron who doesn't pay your bills?
Well, I mean, I don't want to be too judgy. I'm being very judgy.
If you're literally been in debt for
as long as you've been in existence you're just running up
debt because you're just running up and you just and you just

want stuff and you proactively choose not no
and you proactively choose not to
be on a budget and have any kind
of a surplus i don't want to pay my bills i don't
want to be responsible for the commitments that i've made no that's
our government and then they steal from us and they take money that was earmarked
for one thing and they move it to another project because we've forgotten that

that money was earmarked for a certain thing i need this is our government i
need i need the i need the voice okay oh my god i want stuff.
And i don't want to pay for it,
you don't have to make the voice.

I'm sorry. Give me stuff. Oh, you messed it up. We apologize.
Anyways, we got to get out of here. It's hot. I'm sweating. My jacket is fly,
but it is definitely not cool.
Temperature-wise, it's not breathing in here. Okay, you see this?
It's how hard I'm working for y'all. Hold on. Let me see if I can get the close-up.
Get the fourth thing. How dewy you are. See that? See the dew?

Do you want me to focus you up, bitch? You see the condensation that that's
for y'all. You're not sweating.
You're, you're doing a misting. You're doing glowing. You're doing glowing.
Glistening and theory and outrage is this is what it's, it's infuriating as
a person who does not want to talk about the government. I'd rather be talking

about, look at my background.
There's a, there's a tech and controller back. There's Bruce Lee's freaking camera.
Captain America's a spawn. There's a monkey with a monkey with a pistol in his hand.
A monkey might be wearing a flag with a pistol and a bunch of knives.
I want to talk about movies and whether or not dune two was awesome.
And why Madam Web was garbage. I want to talk about how anything that has a

Spider-Man character, but no Spider-Man is pretty much bad outside of maybe
Venom, and how Disney can't seem to make good movies and make things that we find entertaining.
So now, because there's no other entertainment on the internet,
and because everybody else is stupid, all we can talk about for entertainment purposes is the news.
Our entertainment is politics, politicians who lie all the time.

Pete Buttigieg in the news, whether or not Joe Biden can walk upstairs.
We're not even betting on sports anymore. We're betting on whether or not the
old dude will fall down in this quarter.
This is life in 2024.
It is an absolute clown show. And with that, ladies and gentlemen, have a good night.

Oh, I'm sorry. Thank you for joining us.
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