All Episodes

March 21, 2024 45 mins

Join our hosts as they delve into the current situation with Tyson Foods, highlighting the recent closure of an Iowa pork factory and the subsequent loss of a thousand jobs. They dissect the company's decision to hire over a thousand migrants for a Tennessee plant, exploring the social, economic, and ethical implications of this move.

The conversation then shifts to a deep introspection of the hosts’ personal experiences, sacrifices, and the paths they took to build successful careers. Their views on the importance of skill-building, hard work, dedication, and long-term planning shine through, providing listeners with invaluable insights.

A stirring examination of Tyson Foods' corporate social responsibility is sparked when the hosts read a statement from the company's executive: "We would like to employ another 42,000 [migrants] if we could find them." This revelation leads to an intensive discussion on theories of workforce replacement, economic implications, and the future of the American labor force.

Blending personal narratives with critical analysis of industry and corporate actions, this episode provides a captivating, nuanced perspective on labor, immigration, the food industry, and corporate social responsibility.

Tune in to be informed, challenged, and provoked by the hosts’ insightful discussions!

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Episode Transcript

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See it hey guys we're
going live baby i forgot to be ready for the countdown
do i have to do the countdown still i mean
sure whatever you want hey guys i'm supposed
to do a countdown in the beginning so that we have time to do
fun things and stuff but i forgot sure rebel i was getting you know we're getting

started a little bit late do do do do do okay instagram is doing an its usual
thing do do do good morning united states of america wait.
All right good morning good morning hey you guys benjamin and i decided we would

visit you this morning again we are shooting for tuesdays and thursdays at 8
a.m you guys so just be on the look out.
This Thursday, I have a really exciting guest, a real-life Hollywood filmmaker,
real-life Hollywood producer.
I got to ask Chris how to say his last name correctly. D-B-E-C?

Chris D-B-E-C? D-E-B-I-E-C, y'all. He's going to be here. I got to change the
time on it, though, because he's going to be joining me at 10.
These Hollywood types, they don't get up early, y'all. They want to sleep in.
So we're going to be starting at 10 o'clock Thursday morning. We're
going to get get started a little bit late but again we're going to
be shooting for 8 a.m i i to

be on who else is struggling with the daylight savings change
pretty rough i was waking up very consistently 5 30 6 o'clock and it was already
the sun was rising so the sun was rising i would wake up naturally and then
i'd be like oh whoa and then i would get up and i would frolic about my day

I've never seen you do that.
Yeah, I did this. I went, um, and I woke up happy.
That's frolicking. It's not how that went.
What? No. What are you trying to say? I don't know. Yeah, it usually goes more like this.

It's usually more like i'm a morning person i'm a morning person.
I'm a morning person you know what that's what it actually typically is yeah
that's pretty much more what it's like and that way it gets me up out of i have

to like pray to jesus to get out of bed notice the hat i've got my hat on i
got a little jesus this morning because i'm needing it Michael Valdez,
you're just waking up. We're also just waking up.
Okay, that's not exactly true. But we're just kind of getting up and around. Yeah.
And we said, you know, I said, you know what? I'm trying to do the show.
I'm trying to do a morning show. How about I not be a giant wussy?

I was going to use a different word. I stopped myself. That's good.
Okay, you guys. I just had to comment on the whole Tyson food thing.
The whole Tyson food thing. and I and I'm laughing
because it hit me and I'm sure I'm not allowed to say this I'm sure video is
going to get demonetized and I'm probably going to have to like beat myself

like this it's the great theory the great placement theory did I do it right
that time did I get it right.
Mostly Mike this is my first cup of coffee notice I'm not even using good trigger
discipline to hold my mug, okay? Bad trigger discipline.
This is good trigger discipline, not good trigger discipline.

But you know, it's my mug.
It's actually technically Benjamin's mug, but I commandeered it today because look how fun this is.
There's a place. Michael, you're in Florida. You can go to this place. Lock and load Miami.
You can shoot a .50 caliber gun. You can shoot a fully automatic rifle.
They had a bunch of different stuff there. They had tons.

Not that I've been there because I would never go to a place with firearms ever,
of course. But yeah, Mike, you should go there. It's really fun.
You can shoot really big guns and the guys are really cool. It's like a bunch
of ex-military people and a bunch of people who are really cool. It's a gun museum.
Anyway, yeah, so we got to talk about this Tyson Foods.

What I think is super funny about it is we keep getting called conspiracy theorists
and psychos if we say anything like the Great Replacement as if it's a real thing.
And then you have people at Tyson Foods literally saying, yeah,

yeah, we hired a bunch of immigrants for our Tennessee plant,
a bunch of asylum fraudsters for our Tennessee plant.
And if we could, we would hire 42,000 more. That's that is the quote.
Let me see. Where is it? do do do do do the in a statement to fox business on

the shuttering of the iowa factory a tyson spokesperson said the closer closure
emphasizes our focus to optimize the efficiency of our operations to best serve
our customers huh they're customers.
Do you think it's for their customers? The efficiency of operations part is interesting to me.
It sounds more like maybe shareholders.

Like maybe the institutional shareholders, like BlackRock and Vanguard, ladies and gentlemen.
Because that's who it is. We did a little bit of research. You know,
everybody online is talking about this.
And some people are not giving you great information.
And i'll and i'll and i'll admit i was one of the people who heard some of the

the stuff and i was like that is terrible and here's the deal the situation
is terrible it's stupid and lame,
but it's maybe not quite as bad as some people are saying they're saying that
you know i heard one story that said they just fired all of their staff at a
plant and and hired illegals and that's That's not what happened.

What happened was they closed a plant in Iowa and instead of relocating those
people, at least as far as I can tell, or making some other adjustments,
they went to New York City and hired over a thousand asylum fraudsters and are
now bringing them to Tennessee to work at the plant. So they're bringing them to work at the plant.

They're giving them child care and legal services.
That's what Tyson Foods is doing. So does that sound like they care about their customers?
Okay, where was the quote from the social justice person at Tyson Foods? It was in this article.

What do you think about all this, Benjamin? been one quick quick blush have
no idea who's a fraudster and who's not so i'm not gonna say that.
I do think that, I think it's, it feels like when people talk about like, what is it?
Union breaking, whatever it's called.
Yep. Are they like, my question is why'd you close the plant?

And then why'd you, why did you relocate the plant?
Yeah. More importantly, your statements should, you should have fielded those
questions. If there was like a legitimate, Hey, we need more people in this area.
Fine. Say that and be done with it. And this, this plant wasn't profitable. Fine.
Say that. When I worked for Sprint and they closed a plant in Killeen,
about 30 miles away, they had another place for Nextel and they just kind of

moved the ones of us who could, who were willing to go there to that job where
they can find slots for most of us, which they were able to do.
But you got to say something. You can't just come out with a DEI statement on
the back end firing a thousand people and then like, you know how this looks.
Well, and that's that, you know what is crazy. crazy.
I will say I'm going to play devil's advocate for about one second.

Okay. For about 30 seconds.
I will tell you as a small business owner and as a person, you guys,
anybody who's been watching me for a while, you know, I have a bookkeeping and
operations management company.
Okay. We do accounting and bookkeeping for our customers. We also do operations management.
So So as an example, we've got one client builds custom cabinets,

and we help with the interior, like, you know, like getting books done,
payroll, you know, finding somebody to manage the website, do all of these things.
But when it comes to getting anybody who's willing to do any kind of manual
labor, it's been nearly impossible for all of my clients.

And here's the thing. It's not just manual labor. remember it's high level services
like architects it's high level services like nurses doctors there are there
is a people do not want to go to work.
Okay they don't want they don't want to have to go into a
job do you i don't i'm not

any different here's the deal yeah but here's the deal here's the difference
i worked my i worked my ass off to try to make a business that would allow me
to make enough money to work part-time so that I would have the ability to do
the things that I want to do. But guess what?
That took sacrifice going to college.

It took 25 years of building my career. 25. 25.
Okay, well, actually, I guess I started my own business 10 years ago.
So 15 years of working in my field diligently underneath other people,
honing my skills, getting better.
And then I was able to make my own business that I can adjust my life.

But if you don't want to get good at a skill, if you don't like,
So maybe Tyson Foods can't find anybody to work for them. And that's why they
want to hire 42,000 more illegal immigrants.
Here's, I found it where they said it. Okay, so here it is.
Oops, let's do this. Let's do this layout like this.
I know why they don't want to hire people. Why? Give me the baby voice.

Maybe. I want to be a YouTuber.
I want to be an influencer. Maybe a Kickstarter.
I don't want to ever have to work for anything. I don't want to struggle or strive.
I don't want to have to practice or be good at anything.

Can't I just show my butthole on the internet? Wow, we're saying that now?
Can I say that? Can't I just show my butthole on the internet?
Yeah, y'all. Be OnlyFans. Thank you, Harvey Peck. Happy birthday to me.
Yes, y'all. It is my birthday today.
It's my birthday happy birthday erica

erica it's your birthday there it
is i'm into it i'm into it i'm into it okay so anyway that was me playing devil's
advocate for about one second now we're gonna go back to the fact that tyson
food sucks okay so let's let's bud light i think bud light is now a verb right
bud light is now a verb i think we're gonna bud light tyson we're gonna to Bud Light Tyson.

Same number of syllables. Boycott. Boycott.
Bud Light. Yeah. I mean, it sounds the same. So we're going to Bud Light Tyson.
Oh, wait, where's my phone? I took a screenshot of all of the,
oh, and for real, you guys, look at who owns, look at who owns Tyson Foods.
First two, Vanguard and BlackRock. Just want to be very clear.

We love our lives. I'm not suicidal you don't say the words oh oh I'm not suicidal yeah.
Yeah, love our lives. Yep, very happy. I would never depart early.
Never going to take the early flight. Nope. Never going to take the early flight.
Especially with anything that goes pew-pew, because that would be a downer on

our message about firearms and 2A ownership and how important that is. I need to be strapped up.
Yep. What was it George Washington said? Stay strapped or get clapped?
Yeah, he said something like that. Pretty sure it's George Washington.
Somewhere in there. so anyway declaration independent preamble
i don't know yeah so so tyson foods the hiring

manager this section right here announced it's shuttering
its iowa pork factory okay so at a
time when you guys we've been hearing stories for for a couple years now about
food plants having fires burning down all of these things being taken over tons
of meat packing plants and other things being purchased by China, as an example.

China, I don't remember the number, but some huge percentage of pork now comes from China.
So instead of getting pork raised and grown in America, we're importing pork
from China that does not have human rights laws.
They literally send us toxic.

Toxic materials that they send over here
anybody who can remember the you know maybe
i don't know five ten years ago when an entire neighborhood
i think in north carolina had to be ripped down because all
the building materials were toxic that came from china okay
a country that hates you you want to buy food from
them a country that is shipping fentanyl over

here to kill americans literally literally waging
chemical war on the united states we want
to buy pork from them oh my god who
thinks that's a good idea who thinks that's a good idea
so shuttering the
the factory a thousand jobs lost and then
they went and hired migrants in manhattan for positions at a tennessee sea plant

and then look at this the company's corporate social responsibility executive
said we would like to employ another 42 000 if we could find them ladies and gentlemen that means,
based on what this person is saying they have 42 000 jobs available and they
want to fill them with migrants instead of you it's kind of hard to pretend

like you're not being replaced.
Where's where's my tinfoil hat where's my
tinfoil hat because i'm pretty sure i was
told that i was a crazy person and anybody
who said that there was any attempt at replacing the
white people or whatever that are replacing americans we

were told that we're crazy and yet you literally
have have companies saying we're replacing americans with
migrants yeah what am i missing benjamin
i don't i don't think you are missing anything anybody
who does not you have to not be able to
i don't know read to to not see what's
happening i don't think that people

don't agree in you know the
great the fact that people want to replace white people
like i'm hearing people say that outright oh yeah there are too many white people
joy reed more mixed people and blah blah blah i'm hearing people say oh we're
going to be super mixed by you know year 20 40 or whatever and that's a good

thing this is stuff that is being said by people so that it's not a.
It's not like some theory where someone, like they're telling you that they're doing it.
I think they're just saying that they don't think it's a bad thing.
It's not being articulated.
They think that there's nothing wrong with that and that's fine.
But I guess the question I'd have to ask those same people is what if we were

saying that we don't want there to be as many pure blood African descent individuals in America?
You mean get rid of all the black people? will people be okay
with that we said no we want to blend that with latin and
white and all the other things what if you said that about puerto ricans
and mexican people and said you know we don't want a bunch of pure blood puerto

ricans mexicans running around even though you know there's obviously
a bunch of there's african roots in a lot of hispanic or
spanish and hispanic cultures but if you said i don't
want you to have that pure lineage quote-unquote
pure lineage we want to blend all that stuff together
we think that that's best i think people would have a a problem with
that yeah we've got a comment from annoyed dragon

everybody knows the corporations don't want
to pay american wages you are correct and then
she said i don't think it's about replacement i think it's about cheap labor
no that yes and yes it's to
replace americans with cheap labor and that's
what i don't know that it's necessarily a i think
for some people it is a racial thing i definitely think

for some people it is a racial thing but it's inevitable
that at some point this was
going to come back to our shores okay if as
a policy the united states government decided
that we should offshore all of our manufacturing they sent all nearly all of
the manufacturing of our medicines our drugs our ppe as they say almost everything

that matters is no longer manufactured in this country it's manufactured in
places like china with cheap cheap slave labor.
And Americans, real talk, I don't want to sound like AOC, you guys. Don't make.
Don't make me sound like AOC. Don't. Don't do it.

But, I mean, that real talk. It is.
These greedy corporations, they are about, when we're talking about BlackRock
and Vanguard, okay, they care about their stockholders.
They care about their bottom line. They don't care about you.
They don't care that you have a job. They don't care
that the middle class is thriving and that we

have an excellent economy that lifts up everyone
even those in poverty they don't care they care
about their pocketbooks it's corporate greed you guys and oh god i hate it i
sound like you don't sound like aoc that was being said before it's true even
people dude bernie bro bro okay this is how i knew that bernie sanders was a

sellout okay and dan i see your question just so you know we're gonna get to that.
You know, Bernie Sanders used to know, and it sounds like he's starting to come
back to this again, that illegal immigration hurt the poorest Americans the most.
It depresses American wages, it depresses our economy, and it makes things worse

for the poorest among us.
And he used to say that. And that's why he used to have support from people like me.
Even though I disagreed with his other stuff, he at least used to understand
the cost and the consequences for lower class Americans.
And then, and again, AOC says stuff like that. She supposedly cares.

And then she's like, no, no people are illegal.
And we should just take everyone.
Well, the, and the easy test of run, like we say, with all these things,
you bring them down to the basic level and you see people willing to take on
those responsibilities themselves.
How many of the people in office are housing migrants in their homes?

Legal or illegal? legal how many of them are willing
to live on the border next to the places
where they think people should be able to just walk into into our country
dude are they okay with that when they go
to work don't they have walls and security and
chains and cops and stuff so why
would it not be okay for us regular peasants to

to want the same things and when you start to look at
it in a like you simplify it like that
you realize that they're not doing any of the things they're
thinking we're supposed to be doing and they're not going to suffer any
of the real consequences of it it's not how that works dan
asked do many illegals sneak
through the vermont border with canada absolutely dan they are

seeing because there's so much attention now at the
southern border and because it's so much more treacherous and because
canada does not require you to have a visa or
any other kind of green card or anything to travel there we've
now seen an astronomical spike of border crossings in the from the north and
it's not just vermont it's vermont new york maine new hampshire who who else

is on the border michigan washington i'm trying to remember who else is all
along the top but you can tell it's been a minute since my geography class okay
geometry is not my greatest subjects okay.
I was never great at the geometrics as it were,
okay so this is a great question annoyed dragon asked right but which party

is voting for tax cuts for the rich and loopholes for their taxes see okay so
the great this is awesome great question,
both of them are voting for those things republicans and democrats vote for
those those things. It is not one way or another.
Now, yes, technically, you had the tax, the Trump tax cuts a few years ago.

But even my old boss, OK, one of my mentors, Colleen Montgomery,
formerly Montgomery and Granite, she she sold her partnership and has moved on.
But awesome, awesome accountant, wicked lib.
OK, lover. I love Colleen. She's a wicked lib because I used to be.
And but it's really i mean she's

just a really kind thoughtful person she really just wants everybody
to be okay anyway even she went on
the news and admitted that the tax cuts were better for lower and middle class
americans everyone everyone in america made more money because of the trump
tax cuts and the people that benefited the most were lower and middle class
americans and this is not a person who would want to give trump any any kind

of credit that's why i quote Quote her.
Because if Colleen knows she was a tax accountant, she did people's taxes.
So she saw the difference.
And the main thing I'll say...
That I've recognized my entire life is that the people in office call make money
from the passive side of income.
They don't, they're not active. They're not employees. That's not how they make most of their money.

Look at a politician's wages and look at, look at where they're worth.
It's not because they're saving their paychecks. It's not what they're doing.
Oh no. It's, it's passive income.
All the people who make these laws and pass these laws are business owners at
best high high-level self-employed business owners and passive income investors.
You cannot realistically fight that. You can't.

What you need to do is you need to, I was taught when I was a very young man
first getting into business and people talking to me about money,
older men, they said, align with the tax laws.
You need to understand the tax laws because these people don't want to give up their money.
So they're going to make a bunch of laws to keep the money in their pocket. That's right.
And you just have to figure out Which ones are those you could take advantage

of? And there's a ton of them that we can take advantage of if we are strategic.
But this is also why I am a big proponent of the flat tax.
And I know that that has negative connotation and people don't like to hear it.
But I can tell you, as a accounting professional, having done taxes and auditing
and general ledger accounting for the last 25 years, I can tell you that our

tax system is absolute ****.
Okay? It is absolute.
They don't. It is. You said it, Benjamin. It is written by people who write
it in a way so as to advantage themselves and disadvantage other people.
And in my opinion, if there is a requirement for being a citizen of the United

States paying taxes, OK, which that's a whole other separate conversation because
taxes are theft. OK, but whatever.
Let's say I agree that I have to pay taxes as a citizen.
Listen, why do you then make it so difficult that I have to then pay someone
$400 an hour to interpret what your stupid laws are to determine what percentage

of my income I have to pay you?
That's not okay. That's not right. I don't trust the government.
So I'll come at it from that perspective. The more convoluted they make rules and laws...
The easier it is for them to find any reason to come after you later. Rule you over.
Like, regardless if we go all taxes, no taxes, whatever we go with,

the thing is when people, I call it the confusion play.
When they can make something so convoluted that you need attorneys and lawyers
to interpret, and there can be all these different angles.
Normally, I feel like I'm getting scammed or I'm getting set up for a scam.
It's like a cop. If they stare at you long enough, they can find something to arrest you more.
Yeah. I don't like the idea that the tax code is written in such a way where

that that's also very likely and possible.
And just so everybody's listening, there's been a bunch of new laws,
taxes, IRS that are coming up that I'm fielding as an accounting professional
and that we're having to address for my clients.
I'm going to be doing some episodes, some shows on that coming up.
I haven't decided if I'm going to do it here as generally irritable or as an

accountant with my accounting practice.
I'm thinking about starting a podcast for that and helping small businesses
to plan and get this stuff because I don't necessarily want those conversations
to be clouded by politics.
Politics thank you annoyed dragon that
is that is like the best that is the
best compliment healthy conversation that's what it's all about how

do we figure this out because this is the thing i call myself
a conservative not because i necessarily
you know because of whatever people think conservative means i just hate the
government and i think they suck and i see them trying to screw people over
all the time and i see it most you guys we see it in the news all the time but
i I see it most clearly through my accounting practice.

And that's what I like. This isn't about politics. This isn't right or left,
red or blue, Republican or Democrat.
The government is not for you.
And it doesn't matter how much they lie to you and tell you,
oh, we're going to do this for you and we're going to give you.
Oh, I as I got student loan forgiveness.
I'm one of the people who benefited from student loan forgiveness.

I didn't get my loan forgiven. Y'all just gave me back my money.
Yeah. And so it's funny because I didn't have any student loans.
So my money also went to it.
It's like a trade-off. Okay, honey, hold on one second. I got to go.
Y'all, I need to refill my coffee.

I'm going to leave Benjamin in charge for a minute. What? I don't.
Should we stop? Should we end?
You got it. Don't you have to get ready for the other show? Well, yeah.
Yeah. I was just looking over the Daily Chronicle top five news stories.
Two more suspects sought in drug murder oh god
oh yeah hold on this is what jerry said this is
why they want a crypto society yes that is correct so

again okay jerry okay you're gonna have to wait
until i come out with my other one for about business stuff
this is the deal you guys they're they
are spying on you we now know for sure that
they are spying on you they are spying on your bank accounts they are looking
for transactions over 600 they are looking for things they did did not hire
90,000 new armed IRS agents to go after the thousand billionaires there are

in this country. They're coming for you.
Because they know that you can't afford the representation. They know that you
probably couldn't afford the CPA to do your taxes to make sure you didn't get
in trouble. They are coming for you.
And so, again, this is why I'm a conservative.
Call me conservative. Call me a libertarian. Call me whatever.

Get rid of the government because they suck.
Well, I know we always say that. Let's shrink the government to a size that
actually would be meaningful.
But, yes, the crypto stuff. stuff local yeah jerry the crypto
stuff is absolutely so they can spy on you and track you
they do not want you to have cash they do not want
you to be able to transact with people they don't what is

it oh it's in the first oh my god it's the first amendment freedom of association
okay i'm going to get some more coffee benjamin you're going to read the news
sure i'll read some you read some news i'll read something i'm gonna i'm gonna
yeah one of the things that sucks about the government when you talk about bitcoin
and all that is like you know So I watched the documentary.
I think they were saying that they actually do have a way.

Some of them do have a way to actually get access to some of the code.
And you know, the government has a monopoly on violence.
So they can't do it the legal way. They could always just threaten you with
imprisonment or whatever crazy stuff. Cause it's the government.
Funnily enough, we're talking about this. I was just reading a comment on one
of our other posts and someone said, made a comment about Erica talking about

not trusting the government is it sounds like you're trying to make a point without,
I can't remember the wording exactly, without having to prove any facts or whatever.
And I responded because sometimes I respond to these comments on YouTube and
because they're funny and plus you monetize your haters, you know,
you can hate what we're doing and what we're saying,
please like, and comment thumbs down and comment because it's still engagement still gets tracked.

So I just decided to respond to one of them and it was very interesting because.
They were trying to make it like a point that she wasn't saying something specific.
And I'm like, no, no, no. That is the point you can apply.
I don't trust the government to every single discussion dealing with laws, politics, whatever.
And you should, the government actually wants you to not trust it.
The people who made the division didn't trust the founders, didn't trust the

government. And then the government doesn't trust people.
So we are supposed to be skeptical of one another. We're supposed to pay attention
and watch things that way.
It's the best way to move forward. There's nothing wrong with being skeptical
of people who have all access to all of your money, all of the power they can surveil you.

Like you're supposed to be skeptical. They have a monopoly on violence.
Okay. The government has a monopoly on violence. You got to be skeptical.
You, why would you trust those people?
What? Trust those people. So here's, so. This is the whole way. Hold on.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Okay. Okay, I want, this is how it goes. Okay, you ready?

Okay, so I'm a government official and I'm like, you know what?
You can't be trusted with guns.
Also, police can't be trusted with guns because they're racist and you're racist.
So we're gonna take everyone's guns and everyone's ability to protect themselves.

But we're going to keep ours. We're going to keep our guns as the government.
And we're going to tell you what you are and are not allowed to do or say.
Dude. You think that we're stupid. You think that. So you want to take away
my ability to protect myself.
And then you're going to take away the group of people that is paid to protect me.

Even though I don't know why I would trust them anyway. Because you told me
that they're istaphobes.
And who's left you're saying their
their incitation is fundamentally racist cops i
don't i mean we've had guards since forever
i mean in africa we had guards and warriors but you know it's fine you know
here's the thing say they are no but it's fine it's fine let that go we'll just

let that part go the point is there's nobody filling the gap what you want joe
biden's army i've seen a couple to be the only ones out there i've seen with
guns i've seen a A couple places,
I forget the new place I saw this, is they don't have cops on guard between
the hours of 3 to 7 in the morning.
I'm seeing that more and more. Big cities. Memphis.

You think criminals don't understand that you don't have enough cops?
Like, criminals aren't dumb.
No. Literally. They can do math. This was even, okay, this, bro.
Okay. This was 20 years ago, at least. It was a long time ago.
The virgins police department went on

strike okay virgins for those of you
who do not know is the smallest city in
the united states and it happens to be in vermont okay so virgins police department
i do not remember the circumstances but they went on strike this is a small
town okay it doesn't even really matter if these cops go on strike because everybody's

got guns and guess what it's going to take them an hour to get there anyway
okay am i painting my picture here,
And Norm MacDonald on Saturday Night Live on the news program did a whole thing
about how, oh, you know, police department in Virginie's, Vermont goes on strike.
And then he leans over and he picks something up and he goes,

note to self, loot and riot, Virginie's, Vermont.
I mean. I mean, OK, that was a comedian making a joke about a small town.
We can't do a whole ton of damage. OK, yeah.
What do you think is going to happen in Chicago, Memphis?

Any of these other big cities. People. It's happening in Vermont,
in Burlington, Vermont with only 50,000 people.
We now have record homicides, gun violence, all the stuff that never used to happen.
Wait, let's, and we got to wrap it. Let's talk a little bit about it.

So top five news, news stories of the week.
Two more suspects sought in drug murder. This is Vermont. This stuff is all Vermont.
Murder victim, a member of a well-known local family, was associated with drug traffickers.
Her bullet-riddled body was found stuffed in a metal can on the Missisquoi River.

Missisquoi. Missisquoi.
River. That is wild. That is amazing.
Let's see. Vermonters should do everything they can to stop Trump, Scott says.
Governor Scott says he's open to voting for Democrat Joe Biden. Again.
Because he's a douche. Because he's not a... well he doesn't like Trump and
he's not really a Republican you know what I don't have to be nice to Phil Scott
anymore I don't have to try to be cool okay because I'm not a Republican in

Vermont anymore and that fool is never going to sign my pardon application for
those of you who don't know,
but most of you do I'm a recovering addict an alcoholic and I've been on this
road for for 15 years tomorrow.
And that's crazy. Anyway, he has had my pardon application on his desk for eight years.

No, six years. I don't want to be a liar. 2018, six years. He's had my pardon
application. I had a nonviolent felony.
It was my, like, I'd not been in trouble before. Long Long story short, nonviolent.
The judge threw the book at me. This is absolutely something that's pardonable.
It's even expungable and the state of Vermont will not do it.

It's hard to believe that it's not politically motivated, given that all kinds
of other people have been had their cases expunged and things like that.
But no pardon application.
Point is, Governor Scott sucks. He's not a Republican.
You're not a Republican. You don't you can't call yourself a Republican if you
don't believe in or uphold the party platform. Sorry, you're not.

You can say that you are you are a conservative leaning, which no,
you can't because he's not even remotely conservative.
You're not a Republican, Phil Scott. You're not. Stop lying.
Stop lying. Got it.
That was my soapbox. I'm done. I'm done. So UVM doctor cited for sex crime with child.
The underhumane will face charges in a Washington County courthouse today. Oh no.

That's unfortunate. Oh my God. Annoyed dragon. The channel, it's going to be I Love Your Money.
My accounting practice is called I Love Your Money. You can go to
Shoot us a note. Shoot us a comment if you have any questions.
And be on the lookout for that podcast coming out the next couple weeks. Yeah.
Roper. Senate President Pro-Tem's Disgraceful Anti-Small-D.

You're such a dork. So stupid. Small-D. Wait, hold on. Say it again.
Pro-Tem's Disgraceful Anti-Small-D Democratic.
He says, Baruch tell senators to ignore voters and dictates to media how to report.

It's exciting stuff, folks. That's what's going on. Oh, thank you.

That people can learn from some of those programs.
Oh yeah. How to do life better. Yeah.
How to not suck. Yes. As a human being. Don't be a, don't be.
Don't be a butthole. I'm not going to say that. Oh wait, no,
wait, you can say it. You ready? Don't be a.
Yeah. Did I do it right? You did. It was great. Okay. Teamwork.
You guys, you can tell, can you tell how much fun I'm having with this soundboard?

Soundboard's on her side now.
I'm so excited. And we have some, we have some new sound bites that we're going
to be loading up. Like basically, basically.
Yeah. Have you got that down for me yet? No. You got to juge it up for me, baby.
It's like 24 hours. Okay, keep going. What you got? No, I think those are the
major stories that's there from this week. The highlights.
You know, in Vermont, Daily Chronicle now has the VDC TV.

Oh, hey. They had a first episode. Congrats to everybody over there.
Yep, those are our people. Shout out to Guy Page doing work.
Doing work that the well-paid mainstream media will not do in Vermont.
So if you guys, if you get Vermont Daily Chronicle in your email and you are not a supporter,

go to the website today, look for the donate or support link,
I don't remember what it says on the page, let me see,
and support local reporting that's legit and that you're not going to get from
WCAX or Seven Days or whatever the other rag is that is a bunch of liar, liar faces. Yes.
Oh, yeah. Also, former President, this is from 1440. Former President Donald

Trump's attorneys claim Trump has been unable to secure a full bond for the
$454 million judgment in New York's civil fraud case,
citing rejections from 30 underwriters over bonds large size.
Oh, yeah. Trump must cover the bond by March 25th to avoid enforcement while he appeals the case.
Y'all. Okay, I'm not even going to touch that. Interesting stuff with that. Bruh.

Okay, you guys, check this out. vermont daily chronicle see
subscribe right here boom on
the website click here i think the suggested amount is
nine bucks a month that's what we're doing to support vermont daily chronicle
if you can do more do more love it okay yeah median vermont is incredibly slanted
but on that note oh yeah and on that note you know what actually let's i know

we said we're gonna do a minute you You guys, I just want to give a shout out.
I get a ton of compliments on my jewelry, on my riz, on my. On my riz.
Right. That's what a drip riz. No drip. I get a lot of compliments on my drip.
OK, I'm trying to be I'm trying to be hip, you guys.

So I just want to say I got new earrings from Miss Gosha Meyer Jewelry.
If you can see them, I don't know if you can see them in the video,
but they're freaking awesome.
I love them. Probably 90% of my drip is either from perihelion design,
and I know you're not going to be able to spell it, perihelion...

I'm saving. I love the jewelry maker. The name is terrible.
Or JewelryVT. Go to
So if you guys have been watching the channel for a while and you see all my
jewelry and you love it,, which is perihelion design.
Beautiful. A lot of it is even one of a kind because she'll go to antique stores

or thrift stores or yard sales or whatever and find pieces and take the beads and repurpose them.
So you might even get a one-of-a-kind design from,
and everything is really reasonably priced.
This is, just so you guys know, they are not sponsors. They're not sponsors
of the channel, but I love their stuff. It's beautiful.
So and She makes beautiful gold jewelry,

some gold, and this has a little bit of silver in it.
But I have a ton of her pieces. They hold up really beautifully.
They stay nice. she is you get
like little cleaning cloths and everything with your order and
everything is delicate and beautiful and feminine so
for if you've ever watched the channel and you like my jewelry

and gosha meyer those are the 90
percent of my jewelry is from those two places yeah so
go check it out my jewelry is from um which is this is
right here so so much for being a billionaire you know not yet okay i'm on my

way no she's talking to this she's talking about uh the trump thing oh right.
I'm keeping my comments to myself wild wild stuff but um keeping my comments
to myself i love it i love it i love it okay all right y'all so check out those
jewelry places and do me a favor just Just tell them that you that if you do go and check it out,

tell them that I sent you so that they know. And then maybe we will get a sponsor of the show.
But I know that they're both on Instagram as well. So check out their website.
Check out their gram. Love it.
Last wizard what's up my man who's last wizard do
i know who that is i don't think you would remember him i
recognize his face work together on something what's up

wizard love it love the engagement today you
guys oh on total side note yeah what she's saying oh
yeah we are looking we are open to uh looking into sponsorship now
oh yeah our youtube numbers are growing we're at 920 in
some chain oh our anika spherian video went
pretty viral um it's still climbing up like 12,000
and views go ahead and comment like on that if you get a chance

it's like the number one video on our channel absolutely yep yeah
so so do that and if you know anybody who's
got a business and like to get a little sponsorship airtime hey
let us know hit us up yeah this channel this channel exists to create an engaged
and informed electorate you guys i think the the more we get the word out the

more we help people understand how the government works what they can do to
help themselves and how to fight back, how to protect themselves.
That's what this channel exists for. And so if you would be so kind,
go ahead, like the video, share it with people and subscribe to the channel.

You guys, we're at 922 subscribers.
When we hit a thousand, it opens up all kinds of realms of possibility for this
channel to grow, create more content.
And as you know, we do a a lot of comedic shorts.
We have a couple of really good ideas for comedic shorts and having some support
to get that stuff edited, produced, and put out would be awesome.

So love you guys. See you Thursday. We're going to start at 10 o'clock on Thursday
this week instead of earlier.
So be on the lookout, y'all. Again, like, share, subscribe, and most importantly,
share Generally Irritable. Talk to you later, guys.
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