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February 22, 2024 21 mins

What are the best supplements for Hashimoto’s? With over 20,000 products available to you, how do you know what vitamins or herbs are helpful if you have Hashimoto’s disease? In this episode, Esther guides you through what is most important to support your body if you have an autoimmune disease. Support your health by following this simple plan.

See the chart here:



Activation Company for Nrf2, Nrf1, Collagen, time-wise Rise & Reset, and more

Esther's Fullscript Link for over 20,000 products to support your wellness goals

BlackMP for fulvic and humic acids with probiotics and 77 trace minerals


Related Episodes:

Episode 4: Are there natural remedies for Hashimoto’s disease?

Episode 37: I need more energy!



Unlock your wellness journey with the free Health with Hashimoto's app! Join a supportive community that's here for you every step of the way. Binge your free mini-course, Hashimoto's Decoded, designed to answer your questions and cut through Hashimoto's confusion. Ready to take control of your health and feel like yourself again? Enroll in the full Holistic Hashimoto's course. Download the free app now and get started!

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FREE MINI-COURSE - Hashimoto’s Decoded: 

In this free course, you will learn what causes Hashimoto’s, and why you might have Hashimoto’s. You will finish the course with clear steps to regain control of your health. Access the course within the Health with Hashimoto’s app.



Are you grappling with the fatigue, brain fog, or weight struggles of Hashimoto's thyroiditis? Now, there's a solution! The Holistic Hashimoto's Course will guide you in uncovering your autoimmune root causes and taking clear, simple, and sustainable steps so you can regain your energy and feel like yourself again.



The Health with Hashimoto’s podcast will help you explore the root causes of your autoimmune condition and discover holistic solutions to address your Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. It is hosted by Esther Yunkin, a registered nurse, holistic health educator, and Hashimoto's warrior.


This podcast is for informational and educational purposes. Please discuss any questions or concerns with your healthcare professional.




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Episode Transcript

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Out of the over 20,000 supplements that are on the market, how do you know which
ones to take if you have Hashimoto's?
It's a great question, and it might be one that you have asked because it's
been asked of me many times.
And that's what we're going to talk about today on the Health of Hashimoto's podcast.
Thank you for joining me. I am Esther. I'm a registered nurse.
I'm a holistic health educator.

I'm the mom of four boys, and I have Hashimoto's. And so you you better believe
that I have dug into this topic a lot.
So I first started learning about supplements in nursing school,
probably, you know, before that, but when I was in high school,
I didn't pay any attention.
And then in nursing school, I discovered that, or I was taught.

That nobody really needs supplements.
You can get everything that you need from your food. Well, I graduated from
college, and then I was introduced to scientists and doctors who were We're
like, well, no, actually, our food is more depleted than it used to be.
Our environment is more toxic and more stressful physically and emotionally.

All of the ways it's more stressful, which causes more nutrients to be needed by our body.
And so, yes, you actually do need supplements.
And so I learned that early out of college. And at first I was conflicted and
I researched. That is my go-to.

When I have a question, I dig into the research and I do not want hype.
If somebody sends me an ad.
Or a reel or any type of marketing, I am immediately like, no,
nope, do not send me marketing, send me science.
So I dug into the science and I realized, you know what, the scientists and

the doctors who are telling us that there's actually less nutrients in our food
and more of a need for nutrients,
they are the ones that are correct.
And I will give you this quote by a famous doctor.
His name is Dr. Mark Hyman, and he is one of the leading doctors in the functional medicine world.

And he says this, if you eat only wild food that you hunt and gather,
drink pure clean water, breathe clean air, have no chronic stress,
and are exposed to no environmental toxins, and you sleep nine hours a night,
then you don't need vitamins. But the rest do.
So I don't know about you, but I fall into the rest of us category there.

I do not eat only wild foods that I hunt and gather.
I drink my own water and I think it's clean.
I breathe the air in the country.
We have less pollution than in the cities, but still it's, you know,
we've got stuff in the air because airplanes fly overhead and tractors and stuff spray the crops.

Around my house. So I don't always breathe clean air. I do have chronic stress.
I am exposed to environmental toxins and I do not sleep nine hours a night.
So like you, I need vitamins. And what we're going to talk about today is like all of the supplements.
We're going to talk about what is helpful and I'm going to lead you through

my flow sheet of or flow chart of what do you need when.
Now, of course, at the end of every episode, I give you the disclaimer because
that's what we're required to do in the United States.
We have to give you a disclaimer if I am educating you about stuff.
So here's the disclaimer at the front today. It'll also be at the end.
This education that I'm providing has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

Any product that I talk about today is not intended to diagnose,
treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
I am providing education to you as how your body works, what impacts Hashimoto's,
and what impacts a healthy thyroid, and what tools can be used.
I'm not prescribing or recommending treatment.
You, as my listener, you will be

making your own decisions based on the information that you have learned.
My job here as your holistic health educator is to educate you,
to give you the information that you need and that you want in order that you
could take the next step.
So let's go through my flow chart.
It is already on a blog post for this episode.

So on the website you can go to the podcast and you
can see a blog post for pretty much every single episode.
Today's blog is already up. The transcript is not up there yet because obviously I am them.
I do the transcript after I speak it, but the flow chart is already there.
So you can go to

You can head down to the show notes. There's a clickable link and you can look at this flow chart.
Also after the flow chart, there's a little printable picture so that you can
fill it in and write down what you want after you learn the information.
All right. So at the very top of my chart that I've created,
I created this first for my clients, my private clients.

I want you to know that you are the CEO of your own health. You've heard me
say that before. You make the decisions.
I am here to help educate you. Your doctor is on your team to help educate you.
Obviously, if you have any questions, consult with your doctor.
We are all here to support you as the CEO of your own health.

Now, the foundation of any supplement plan that you do, the foundation is actually
sleep, stress, and hydration.
That is how I see it. Because at the root of your health are those three things.
How much and how well you sleep, your stress level, and then how hydrated you
are. When we're dehydrated, things don't work well.

So those are the three things that you always want to be focusing on.
And those three things can change daily.
Make sure that you're working on them.
When you go to the website and you look at that second page of this flowchart,
there's a spot that says, how are you, or one way that I will work on these
foundations of health over the next two weeks.

I always want to encourage you to pick one thing to work on.
If you pick too many things, then nothing gets done.
So how are you going to work on sleep, stress, and hydration?
Okay, and then after that foundation of health, now we go through the different
things to look at for like products.
So number one is activation.

Activating your own body's pathways is so important.
We have different pathways within our body that slow down as we age,
and we can activate them to speed back up, to do what they're supposed to do.
You've heard me talk about some of the pathways before.
The NRF2 pathway is my favorite because it controls the oxidative stress.

It controls how much damage is being done.
It controls your body's creation of antioxidants. antioxidants.
It is so powerful. And you have a different pathway called the NRF1 pathway.
The NRF is a really long word and it's just, you know, chemical or chemist speak
because they discovered it.
And so the NRF1 pathway, it controls your mitochondrial health.

So that's the little energy production of your cell.
Those are obviously very important too. Almost every single disease comes down
to or has some mitochondrial component because you need healthy energetic cells to work well.
And then also you can activate other things like your own collagen production.
Now, about a year and a half ago, the first activator of collagen came onto

the market, at least the first one that I know of.
Now there have been additional ones. The collagen market, the collagen industry
industry is growing by billions of dollars.
So maybe by the time you listen to this, there will be even more products on
the market that help you activate your own collagen production.

The one that I choose, I just shop at the activation company.
It's called Life Vantage. A lot of their products promote the activation of
your body to do what it's designed to do.
And then other products come alongside and give like the needed ingredients.
Because obviously, if you're going to create a whole bunch of antioxidants,
you need the raw ingredients to do that. So I shop at LifeVantage.

You will see the affiliate link down below in the show notes.
It's also on the blog so that you can go there.
The activating collagen that I use is from LifeVantage.
It has 10 different types of collagen in it.
Most collagens on the market have one type or two types, but you have so many
different types of collagen in your body.

And why is this important if you have Hashimoto's? It's because your gut is
so important for immune health.
And you have probably heard me say on the podcast that everybody with an autoimmune
problem has a genetic component, a gut component, and one or more triggers.
Well, activating the different pathways addresses that genetic component and addresses the gut.

When you are helping your gut by providing it with better collagen,
well, then the lining can be a little healthier. year.
So collagen, well, we think of like hair, skin, and nails, which we obviously
want to improve, especially as somebody with Hashimoto's.
We also want to work on our gut. So activating your body to do what it is supposed

to do, that is number one.
After that, we move into supplements. So activation, I don't see as a supplement
because it's different.
It's activating your body to do what it's supposed to do. Whereas supplementing
is filling in the gaps, filling in the diet, supplementing to where you don't get enough.
And the first thing that we supplement is omegas.

Providing your body with the building blocks that it needs is so important.
Most Western diets are deficient in omega-3s, and you need omega-3s for healthy
skin, healthy nerves, mental function, and so much more.
And depression and anxiety, well, they run rampant in today's society.

But also when you have hypothyroid, you are at a really big risk for depression.
So we want to make sure that our brain has the ingredients that it needs to be healthy.
We always want to support our body in doing what it wants to do and your body
wants to be well. So the first thing we.

Second thing is we supplement with the healthy omegas, and then we supplement with minerals.
Most people are deficient in not one, but many minerals.
And minerals are required for every single enzyme reaction in every single cell.
And you have trillions of cells in your body, and they all need minerals for the enzyme reactions.

Every time you move your muscles and relax your muscles, those need minerals
too. So a multi-mineral can be helpful.
I talked, was it last week, about magnesium at bedtime.
So a multi-mineral is going to be different than just like a big mineral like magnesium or calcium.
I do a multi-mineral every single day and you can do that in different ways.

I'll talk about the what different brands and things in a minute.
It. So you're going to supplement in the holes, so omegas and then minerals,
and then I look at other supplements.
Because when you're activating your pathways, you are creating antioxidants,
but you still need some in your diet, and you still need the healthy foods to

provide things like phytonutrients.
Those are basically colorful nutrients.
There's also carotenoids. If you hear carotenoids. What do you think of?
Do you think of carrots? I do.
Carotenoids are the orange ones. They're really good for your eyes.
They're good for your skin. They're good for other things. Did I say skins?
Skin. You only have one skin.

Flavonoids, resveratrol, maybe you've heard of that one because it's in red wine and grapes.
There's a lot of different micronutrients that we need,
that you might not be getting in your food. So if you're not getting them,
then what do we call the things that are plugging the holes? Supplements.
So there's three things that we supplement, the omegas, the minerals, and the others.

Now, some of these things that we supplement are related to the root causes.
I have done a couple episodes on vitamin D because it has been linked to Hashimoto's
and it is one of the root causes.
So obviously vitamin D would be something that you supplement if you're not getting enough of it.
And if you live north of Chicago and it's past the fall solstice,

you know, past fall, you can be outside all day naked and you can still not
get enough vitamin D from the sun exposure.
So we supplement in the winter. And if you're outside enough in the summer,
then maybe you don't need to test your vitamin D.
It's really cheap. It's like 40 bucks and you can do it from home.
There are other nutrients that you also need in order order to have a healthy thyroid.

Iodine is one that there's really good research for and really good research
against supplementing with iodine.
So what I have read that kind of comes down in the middle is have less than
200 milligrams a day, and that seems to provide enough iodine for your thyroid
to produce thyroid hormone,

which is four molecules of iodine, but it's not too much that pushes you over into problems.
I honestly don't know if I will ever do an episode on iodine because there are
such good research on both sides and there are really, really smart people talking about.
Supplementing with iodine and talking about restricting iodine.

Personally, I have looked at it all and decided to experiment on myself.
And I found that when I did extra iodine, I had more Hashimoto's symptoms.
So I do not supplement other than what is in my multi-nutrient.
And I take just a regular multi-nutrient, a really good one.

I take one that is divided morning and night so that the nutrients in it don't
compete with each other.
Because a lot of nutrients, like if you take a one a day or a generic one a
day tablet, not the brand, but anything that's once a day, there are nutrients
in it that compete with each other in your body.
And so you're not getting the full effect of what you're taking.

So I take one, it's called Rise and Reset. Again, I get it from LifeVantage
because it is designed to go in synergy with the other things like the the NRF2
activator and the NRF1 activator and the collagen,
it's all designed to work together to support everything.
So that's the one I take. I take the rise in the morning, obviously,
and the reset in the evening to get my nutrients and my minerals.

It does have a small amount of iodine, which I have found that for myself,
it supports me and it does not send me into having any symptoms of Hashimoto's.
Instead, it supports me.
Obviously, for everything that you do, you have to look at how things are working for you.
And here's another thing about anything, supplement, activation.

Anything like that. You have to give your body time.
Most people are not going to take anything like this and notice a difference within a day.
Most people, you don't notice the bad stuff gradually happening until it's been
going on for a while and it's been getting worse and worse. It's the same thing in reverse.
To really give something like supplements mints and activation a good try,

you want to give it a full month for every decade of life.
Because it took you a long time to get to this point. And it's going to take
your body a long time, not as long, but a long time to do what it's supposed to, to repair.
You're supporting your body as it's doing what it is supposed to do.
And so you want to give it time to fix the things that it wants to, right?

So then the next question would be like how to combine things and where to find them.
Well, I already told you, I do the bulk of my shopping at LifeVantage because
because everything is designed to work together.
Anytime that you buy something, not anytime, really good companies,
they are going to design their products to all work together so that you are fully supported.

And LifeVantage does that. So I get my activators from them.
I get the multi-nutrient from them.
The omegas, I actually don't. They have fantastic omegas.
But this is is what I do. I have a family of six and I look at what am I actually
going to give everybody?
I'm going to give them one tablet or one capsule a day. The LifeVantage Omega

is really small and you take three a day, which is fantastic if you don't like
to swallow big capsules or if you have kids and they're just learning to swallow, it's great.
But I know that for my family, everybody is really good at swallowing things
and they're only going to take one a day.
So to get the best best dose in them, I do a different one.

Now, I shop at Fullscript, and that is kind of like Amazon.
It's this huge online store with over 20,000 different products.
When I was preparing for this episode, I was like, I can't send you to Fullscript
because you have to have a link from provider.
And then I was like, wait a minute, I have a provider number.
So I went to Fullscript and I have a link for you.

So now you can drop down to the show notes and you can get to Fullscript and
you can shop at this store that's got 20,000 products in it.
Every single one, according to what they say, has been checked to make sure
that they are good, their quality, that they have what they say they have in it.
When you go to Fullscript, when you click on my link, then click at the top,

there's a little catalog tab.
Click that and under that you will see, it'll say Health with Hashimoto's and
it'll say esters favorites.
The things that I have put in that favorites are the things that I actually
take daily or the things that I have used in the past.
Like there's a thyroid support and I took that in the past.
I do not take it now because I take that rise and reset and it has the nutrients that I need.

So I don't take the thyroid support, but it has in that favorites thing,
it has the fish oil that I decided to take. It has the vitamin D with K2.
It has that in there and it has the pre and probiotic.
So everything is right there for you. Fullscript has a subscription plan with LifeVantage.
When you go on subscription, you save extra money. With Fullscript,

you don't save extra money.
But when you use my link, you go directly and you get the baseline prices.
I have the option to like add a commission in there and I decided not to.
So you will get the base price and then you can use subscription so that you don't run out.
So those are the two places that I shop the most. And And another thing that
I look at when I am, you know, shopping is how can I combine things so that they work really well,

but also so that it's simple because, you know, the less is more.
If I only have to do one product, then it's probably going to happen more than if I have to do like 10.
And then I look for the cost. There is a product on the market,
it's called Black MP, and it has fulvic and humic acid.
Now fulvic and humic acid, they're kind of like a college parent.

They go to the dorms and they see what's missing and they bring in what's missing.
And then they also look at the dorms and they're like, okay,
this is the trash and they take the trash out.
That's kind of what fulvic acid and humic acid do for yourselves.
They bring in the good stuff and they take out the trash. They are really good
if you are exposed to a lot of environmental toxins.

Black MP has fulvic and humic acid and also in their product,
you can get it in powder or you can get it in a liquid.
There's minerals, there's 77 different trace minerals, and there's electrolytes
and there's probiotics.
So again, you're combining a lot of the different things that you naturally need in one product.
So in the show notes and in the blog, I have links to those things.

I have a link to the activation store, the Life Vantage.
I have a link to Full Script, and then I have a link to that Black MP.
Your body wants to do what it is
designed to do, and it is your job to support it so that it can do that.
I hope this episode has been helpful for you to learn how you can best support your body.
If it has been helpful and you haven't left a review yet, would you do me a

favor and do that really quick?
It doesn't take very much time, less than a couple minutes, and it really supports
this podcast to get out to more people.
Also, you can send the episode to somebody if you've heard them say,
like, I wonder if this this thing is good. I wonder what I should be taking.
This is my flow chart for everybody who I talk to because it's pertinent for everybody.

Whether you have Hashimoto's or you don't, you need to activate,
you need to supplement with the things that are missing like omegas,
minerals, and other things.
And then you give a targeted approach based on what you specifically are dealing
with and are trying to support in your own body and your health.
This podcast is is for informational and educational purposes only.

Please be sure to discuss any concerns and plans with your trusted healthcare professional.
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