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November 14, 2023 27 mins

Have you ever marveled at how some individuals seem to effortlessly attain remarkable success? This curiosity ignited my quest to grasp the concept of "universal laws" and their profound impact on our lives.

Come along as we delve into these governing principles of our reality. Explore how harnessing them can drive you toward your goals and unlock the doors to your unparalleled success and abundance.

Key Highlights:

  • Universal Laws Of Influence For Success. (0:00)
  • Using The Law Of Reciprocity In Business. (03:59)
  • Commitment And Authority In Persuasion And Sales. (10:15)
  • Psychological Principles For Influence And Persuasion. (14:28)
  • Increase Influence And Abundance In Business And Life. (20:52)

About the Host:

Paul Finck is The Maverick Millionaire™. Paul brings to the table a vast array of knowledge and skill sets from 36+ years of sales, marketing and entrepreneurial life experience. He has consulted in numerous industries, including the Medical, Dental, Financial, Retail, Informational Marketing, Direct Sales, Multi-Level Marketing and Speakers/Coaches/Trainers. He is a former mortgage broker, real estate agent and investor. Starting with a desire to be great, Paul learned from several of the biggest names out there and Dared to be Different – he dared to be a Maverick. His successes include moving multi-millions of dollars in Real Estate, and over $20 million in informational products. With his primary focus on multiple streams of income, he has built up several businesses in Informational Marketing, Network Marketing, Real Estate Investing and now speaks and coaches internationally, teaching others how they can create this success in their own lives while Doing It Different – The Maverick Way.

Paul is well known for his success and his awesome family, and has appeared on Good Morning America, CNN, CNN Live, The Jane Pauley Show, The Montel Williams Show, local Channel 8 and Channel 11 News, Parents Magazine, and most local newspapers in his home state of Connecticut.

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Episode Transcript

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Paul Finck (00:00):
Welcome, welcome to this edition of Mavericks Do It Different podcast, I am so excited to have you here. Because this is where we think different, be different, do it different to create different results in our world, in our life, in our society, in our community, and everything that happens to build our legacy to to have this society and our world be a better place. That's what we're talking about here and how to create that difference every single day. Now, one of the things that we're going to talk about today is universal laws, and universal laws of influence. You see how you often wonder how people like get things moving, get things going, you see huge success stories. And you wonder what what is it that they got? What is it that they do that is different than what you might do different than what you're experiencing in your world, and it might make you scratch your head, and I know it did mine over the years, I always wondered what it was. And then I got clear and I started studying, I started sharpening my axe and I talk about this a lot is that you've got to put in some of the work, you've got to put in some of the heavy lifting in receiving this information, to make it real for you to create the magnitude in your world that you're looking for. And so I work with people now all around the country and around the world, in helping them get clear with what skill sets they need, what is it they want to design and how to bring this information right to their doorstep to create it. And so one of the things that I look to create is that understanding of influence and persuasion because it's not by accident that the people get, get famous get successful create abundance in their life, it is through the the understanding of this concept of influence. And one of the things that I want to share with you is universal laws. Now, what are universal laws, laws, universal laws are laws, things that happen all the time that are absolute, that not only happen all the time, that are absolute, but happen no matter what, no matter who you are, no matter what you do, no matter what your social economic status is, no matter where in the country you live, these laws are absolute, they work every single time. And that's the key to learning this material is that you can absolutely no matter what industry you're in, no matter what you're doing today, you can utilize these in your business, you can utilize them in your life, to bring in that abundance to your world. That's what gets me so excited is that once you learn this, you can apply it over and over again, across the board, to whoever wherever whatever you're doing to influence persuade to create a movement. That's the real key. That's where we're talking about. Because what is what is this concept of influence that the ability to affect to have an effect on people to have an effect on things, the power, the capacity to cause and effect in an indirect and intangible way, becomes even more powerful, where it's not where you're grabbing them by and forcing them. You're influencing them to come toward you in a totally intangible way. So that it's almost natural. People moving without being forced. Understand that everything that you want to accomplish all the abundance that you want in your life right now is on the other side of this learning. Everything that you're looking to accomplish is on the other side of this type of training, the under the the application of this material. Well then there's one other thing and one of the things that I want to touch on and the idea of influence being well, that's bad or that that's that's just manipulation, understanding that there's an ethical use of influence as well as well. Unethical use of influence. An ethical use of influence is to entice and move people to exactly where they want to go. I often ask people, What do you want? Once they tell me what they want my ethical point of view, my ethical influence is to help them move towards exactly what they told me they want it. That's really key. So that's part of the ethical component. So I want you to be clear, once you learn this material, this can be extremely powerful in your life. Once you learn it, promise me, you'll use it in an ethical way, being dedicated to that to that mantra, if you will, because it's so important and in what we put out there in creating the universe we really want. So let's get started the universal laws, and there's actually six universal laws I want to go through with you today. That's right, there's six of them. So we're going to cover them fairly quickly get you moving forward, and create this understanding of what these are so that you can apply them right into your life. Universal Law Number one, the law of reciprocity. Now, what's the law of reciprocity, we've all experienced it, it is the matter of when I do for you, you feel obligated, and want to do for me, here's what it might look like, I opened the door for you. And people have done this for you over the years, you're, you go to even those into the business buildings and corporate buildings, and they'll have to double doors, right. So they'll have a door that you'll go through, and then there'll be a little bit of an air air area, and then there'll be another door right away. So if you ever walked into a store, walked into a corporate office, and someone is ahead of you, and they opened the door for you, you automatically want to open the door for them, the next door that comes up, that's the law of reciprocity. And it kicks in all the time, we automatically want to do for people as they have done for us. So what does that look like? You'll do and here's the thing, you'll do something and they'll do something in return of equal or even greater value. They feel obligated. So what does that look like? That's why we have free samples, we have free reports, we have all the components that we give away for free trinkets and components of, of, of, of information or gifts to our clients, that they automatically now want to buy from us, they want to do something back. And sometimes that's here's a free, here's a free gift, oh, and then you're going to be purchasing something back from me. And that becomes that law of reciprocity is a really key thing is that when you give when you give in abundance, without the expectation of return, it'll be more likely to be returned. Because the law of reciprocity isn't I give to you, and then you're forced to give to me, it's I give to you and you feel now obligated to give back. And that comes from a graciousness of giving. And so a lot of companies have done this. I know one company locally that is a just an amazing, it's a dairy farm. And they started off as strictly a dairy farm. Now they've exploded into just a major, what most people would call a grocery store has every type of food there is in there. And one of the things that they did early on, they created a the rules of engagement for customers. And the rules of engagement were rule number one, the customer is always right. Rule number two is when the customer is wrong, refer back to rule number one. In this way, what they've done is they not only gave a gift of a thing, that wasn't what they did, they actually gave a gift of trust, a gift of loyalty. Now imagine this Imagine selling milk selling fruit selling vegetables, things that are some of the most most fragile of products and having a policy where anybody at anytime could bring it back and we'll give them a full full refund. full money back. Well that's what this company stew Leonard's did. And

in that way they grew to be a major force throughout the country. Stew Leonard's absolutely a major company, all based on the premise of of this law of reciprocity where they gave trust and then all their customers gave trust back meaning and that they didn't automatically want to lie or cheat or steal by returning things that they didn't use. They only utilize that policy when it was absolutely, the product wasn't good when they bought it. And that's how the law of reciprocity works is you give in and kind you get. The next one that I want to cover is the law of commitment. The law of commitment states that once you have made a commitment, you will justify it and act in support of it. You're more willing to move in a specific direction when it's consistent with an existing commitment. So what does that look like? job applicants, people that go for job interviews these days, this is utilized all the time, what happens is you're committed to a job interview, you then get committed to another job interview, you then get committed to another job interview, because of all those job interviews that you've been committed to what is the purpose of that job interview. So one company for one job, they'll have you go through three, four, or five different interview processes interview with the first layer of of support, then you're going to interview with the President or Vice President or a manager, multiple different people. What's the purpose of you as an applicant, going through all those interviews, from your point of view, your goal is to get the job. So the more I get you committed to getting the job by having these micro commitments along the way, the more likely you are to take the job, no matter what the offer is. It's that law of commitment that an object in motion will stay in motion, I call it Newton's law, an object emotional stay in motion, once you're committed to a certain direction, you will continue to move towards that direction. Once you have a commitment in your head as to why you're doing something in what you're doing. You will continue in that, in that process until you stop. This happens with people that are in real estate deals. For instance, they'll be committed to buying a piece of property, it doesn't matter how bad the deal becomes, they'll stay committed to buying that piece of property regardless of whether it's a good idea anymore or not. That's that law of commitment. So I've been talking some of the some of the ways it's happening in the in our universe, if you will. So small commitments lead to larger commitments, how to utilize this in your influence persuasion sales process. In this process, you're going to actually have people say yes, say yes to coming to a meeting, say yes to accepting a offer, say yes to accepting a free download all these little micro commitments, get them to the point where now they're in front of you, and you're asking for a larger commitment, an object in motion will stay in motion. That is the cornerstone of the law of commitment, get them committed to small things, they will automatically say yes to the big ones. Law of commitment. The next one universal law, again, these laws happen all the time. And it'll work across the board in every industry. Law of authority. I love this one, because law of authority is all about people are willing to follow people that they perceive so people are willing to take directions recommendations, absolutely directive communication from people that they attribute a level of authority, a level of expertise to. So it's why for instance, there are doctors wear their white lab coats and why professionals will dress up in a suit and tie and why doctors I mean, police officers will have uniforms and military will have uniforms. As soon as people see the uniform. No matter what it is. They'll they'll be seen as an expert. There'll be seen as a person of authority and people will automatically listen to them. What's really funny is when you apply this to people that Well, I am not really a doctor, I only play one on TV is that that positioning of authority automatically applies is because the people have seen that particular actor play that role so often, that they now apply a certain amount of expertise in medical advice to that person. And if he, they recommended if that actor recommended a certain product that was within the medical field, all the all the people would be accepting that as if it came from a doctor, because of that whole idea of law of authority. What does that look like for you? One is dress the part Never underestimate the power of dressing for the role that you want to play. It's why judges wear black robes. It's why doctors wear their their medical, white medical robe. All these components are positioning them to automatically receive authority receive the the expertise from the people that are around them, automatically gets attributed to them. That's really key. So what is the your dress code in your industry learn to dress the part. In addition to that, then people will as you have certain titles to your name, as you could position yourself in a room, for instance, even being a speaker, a trainer, a best selling author, all these things, and I teach on all these components on how to utilize that in influence and persuasion. As soon as you step on a stage, you are seen as the expert as the authority, because it's attributed to that particular role. It doesn't matter whether you actually know what you're talking about. All that matters, in that particular component of your influence is that you're on the stage. And once you move into that position, people will attribute a certain amount of expertise to you. Number four is the law of social proof. The law of social proof basically says other people are doing it, it must be good. So when you see other people taking action, you assume that's the action, you should take, oh, they're doing it, my neighbor is doing it. Oh, that guy is doing it. I like him. So I'm gonna go do the same thing. Law of social proof. Where does love social proof come in, man, we have it everywhere these days. All your media, all your social media, Facebook, LinkedIn, all these components are pieces of social proof. If we see somebody on there, that is already doing something that that That looks like fun, it must be fun, because they're doing it and I want to do it too. Because there's a whole lot of people that are liking something, I need to go take a look and like it as well. That's social proof. Testimonials are the key component for most businesses, utilize testimonials in your business, both video and audio and written, all those testimonials create social proof. Those are people and with social proof, they also like that the social proof is coming from people that are just like them, so they can relate to the person in the testimonial. So when the testimonial is coming from the people that look like me, think like me are in the same social economic status as I am. I will then accept whatever they say, as and whatever they're doing as something I should be saying or doing and accepting. So testimonials play a huge part in influence. When you're going to have a testimonial or multiple testimonials from people that are just like the person that you're talking to just like your target audience, your target audience will more readily buy into what you're saying and doing and what you're selling them. Universal Law number five loves scarcity.

More and more scarcity. The more scarcity that you build into your product or service, the more attractive or valuable it becomes. And we've seen this all over the place. You know, the reason why gold is so valuable and why we were put our whole financial structure based on the foundation of gold is that it's a limited resource. There's only so much no more is being made. And so that becomes a scarcity component. And as a scarcity component, it becomes more valuable diamond same thing it used to be diamonds were found not made and in doing so they were scarce and thus their value was was high. What is it that you're doing for your business that's making what you deliver to your clients scarce? Oh, limited supply there's only five left there's only a couple seeds left Get them now, all those components create a limiting process. It's a scarcity process that people go, Oh, I'll pay more to create that to bring that into my life. So build a scarcity into your product or service. There's always a way and there, it can be absolutely true and real, only make sure that there's some form of scarcity in the component in the offer and what you're doing, because they absolutely will attribute more value to it. And they'll be more likely to run to the doorstep of your offer when there's a scarcity components, either with time or with numbers available, or with special offers that are only available today. And today only. That scarcity. There's one last law law number five that I want to talk about, and that is likability. likability is one of those Well, underlying sources of influence that has for some people, it eludes them. And it's one of those that is one of the most intangible. How do you know that you're likable? And how do you create that? Well, oftentimes, it it's something that for many people, it comes naturally to them. And for so many people that some of you may know, it doesn't come naturally at all. Only to really understand and focus in on people buy from people that they know, like and trust. People buy from people that they know, like and trust. They like people that are like them. They like people that they like that have the same values, the same principles that are have the same activities in their life that will do the same things. This likeability becomes an attraction factor. And that attraction factor creates influence creates persuasion. As people, as I liked you more, I am more likely to go out of my way to do business with you. As I like you more I am more likely to want to engage with you more readily. As I liked you more I am more likely to, to figure out a way to do business with you even when it's not self evident. I've seen this over and over and over again in my career where people say, I just want to figure out how we can do business together. I Like You I like hanging out with you. I like spending time with you. That becomes really key. So how can you become more likeable? How can you and these are the questions they ask yourself? How can you be that person that people want to do business with no matter what with all of these universal laws, with all of these components in what we're bringing to the table here in this training, I want you to go back through this and apply it in everything that you're doing. How can you apply create new policies, procedures, possibilities in your business by creating new methodologies that create a law of reciprocity, a law of commitment, a law of authority and scarcity and social proof? A law of likeability. How do you take what you're doing now and say, Okay, what policy can we add that would create this influence based on law of scarcity? What policy can we place put into place that would add what procedures or methodologies can we put into place that would apply the law of authority more readily into what we're doing all these components, as you layer them, one on top of the other will create the magnitude of influencing your world and in your life will create the magnitude of people coming to your doorstep to create so much more. That's the point of all of this training. Everything that you just listened, it's the application of it's not the the laws themselves, however interesting they might be to you. What are you going to do now with this information? How are you going to bring this to your doorstep, increasing the magnitude of influence in your business, increasing the magnitude of abundance in your life and becoming those people that you honor that you respect that you look up to? And becoming one of them who have already applied these universal laws, knowing that it works all the time, and applied them into their business? spend their life having you do the same. Now it's your time now at your place, create something different in your world by taking this and doing going through the exercises and applying it. I trust that this helps you that this serves you. You want more information about this come and hang out and spend more time because I love talking about sales influence, persuasion and understanding how all of this comes to the table to build abundance to build greatness in our world, both for yourself, for your family, for your community for society at large. That's what we're talking about here. This is the Mavericks Do It Different podcast. I am Paul Finck, the Maverick Millionaire and this is where we do it different every single day to create more in our world. Till next time everyone. Look forward to talking to you real soon.
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