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May 23, 2024 24 mins

In today's episode, we have an extraordinary guest, Dianne Partain, who shares her inspiring journey of stepping into a remarkable ministry that serves the homeless community; not only filling bellies but also hearts, and making them feel loved, valued, and seen. 

Discover the origins of The Father's Heart Charitable Foundation when Dianne answered God's call to make a difference. From cooking meals for 40 people in her small kitchen to now serving over 100 individuals weekly, Dianne's story is a testament to the power of love and obedience to God's leading.

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Hey guys, welcome to the show that gives you the tools you need to break through
into all you were created to be, to live your life full of hope and purpose.
I'm Pam Raimi and Jesus Girls, let's find our role.

Hey, hey, hey, welcome back to the Pam Raimi show. We are so excited that you are here.
And do we ever have an incredible show for you today that you are not going to want to miss.
We are welcoming back to the studio, our good friend, Diane Partain. How you doing, girl?
I'm doing great. It is good to be here. Oh, man, it is good to have you here.

And you've been on the show a few times and every single time you do not disappoint. point.
We have a great time. Yes, we do.
Praise God. It's awesome. And since you've been on the show last time,
you have stepped into such an amazing ministry.

And that's what we're going to talk about today. So I'm going to just turn this over.
First of all, tell us about the ministry, the name of the ministry,
and a little bit about how you got started.
Okay. Well, I live in an area where there's a lot of homeless.
And years and years ago, I used to be in a homeless ministry and I had thought

that was probably the only time I'd be in a homeless ministry.
But I was driving down the road one day past where...
There's a lot of homeless people that meet there to eat and stuff.
And I just started weeping. God just like put such a burden on my heart.
All I could do is just cry.
And I felt like I heard him say, you need to do something.

So I was like, okay. So I pulled into this church parking lot and I said, well, how can I help?
You know, I said, I just feel like I need to help. And what they do is they
serve meals every night for the homeless, but they had a couple of the nights
that nobody was serving anything.
So I said, well, I'll take one of the nights. And so you volunteered to take

one of the nights by yourself?
Yeah, well, I wasn't thinking I mean, the I was like, Okay, yes,
I'll volunteer to do that. No, no problem.
What did what did that one night entail?
Okay, well, I didn't realize in my small kitchen cooking for 40 people was a
little bit of a challenge.
And I'm, I'm used to cooking. I was used to cooking for my husband and I but
not like 40 people at one time.

So it was a lot. I didn't realize just exactly how much I got into when I accepted that.
You didn't know how much you bit off and what that was going to take.
So when you first, tell us the name of the ministry.
Yeah, it's the Father's Heart Charitable Foundation.
Father's Heart Charitable Foundation. So here is the very impetus of that.

That you, you basically said yes to God.
Yes, I did. He, you heard, you had this, this, this lead, this weight on your
heart, whenever you would see, it was very weighty and you drove in.
So you took action and you, you found out that there was a night that you could take.
And so how long were you feeding 40 people on a Thursday night all by yourself?

Well, for probably about a month to a month and a half, I was feeding 40 to 45 people every week.
And I would stand in the kitchen. I'm like, Lord, I don't think you called me to do this by myself.
And he was like, you're right. It's kingdom.
This is like a kingdom work. I mean, you know, he never really,
he calls us to kingdom work. So I was like, okay.

So then I, you know, at church, the church that we go to, Abiding Church,
I just kind of put the word out there and had a few volunteers,
which was wonderful to have any volunteers to help me cook. And so it started...
After about a month and a half, I had some help, which was wonderful.
And, but since last year, when I started it, it's like now we're averaging about

a hundred a week. My goodness.
Praise God. He has grown the team. He has brought in so many people from other
churches from all over the place.
And we all just joined together. We have, you know, probably average about six
cooks every week, we do cook out of our kitchen.
And it takes like six people volunteering to cook probably like 12 or 24 servings.

So this is quite has been quite an undertaking for you. Yes, it has been.
And so and it involved like a lot of equipment that, you know,
my great old, you know, God blessed me with a pickup truck, which I wanted a
lot. And I really wanted one.
And he blessed me with one. And that truck has really come into good use.
I didn't realize. So let's just talk about that, because I think it's important

for people to understand what does it take to do it for one night?
What do you have to pack and what do you have to pack up and bring?
It's not like you're just showing up with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
No, like, well, when I pack up, it's like a ritual.
I have like tables that, you know, and I have to get all the the silverware,

the plate, the paper plates, all of that together.
And then I have ice chest for drinks. I have a warming box to keep food hot.
I have chafing sets that I have to load up.
And it's a lot. It's a lot. It's just you also have a generator,
a couple of little generators.
And then I have a small inverter box, supply boxes that will keep crockpots
going if we, you know, have crockpots and need a little power source.

And then it's gotten to where, you know, we're ministering to some.
So I've even got like a speaker and a mic for people to be able to share a testimony
or the gospel or scripture, whatever the Lord puts on their heart.
Got music worship music going you know so it it ended up being an investment that really.
It's been a blessing to be able to do, but I really, when I started, I had no idea.

When I started, I'm just thinking, oh, this is, I'm just going to feed a few
people. And I'm like, okay, it took off really fast.
And I really didn't have an idea when I stepped out in faith to do what the
Lord put on my heart, exactly everything that detailed.
Right, right. I think, I don't think we ever really do know,
but we learn by doing and nothing happens unless we give God our yes.

Absolutely. And, you know, if we did know the whole picture,
we'd probably get a little overwhelmed.
And that's why I think he holds back some things because we'd be like,
oh, that's too much. I can't do that.
Because literally, the ministry now takes almost.
My, it takes time all during the week to coordinate everyone to,
you know, get the servers on board, find, you know, get the menus established

and get the sign up genius out there for everybody to sign up for what they're
going to do. So it's an involved process.
But God has also blessed me with a wonderful woman.
I'm just gonna have to give her a plug, Linda Harris, who's the secretary of
my organization. And she's amazing.
She helps me so much with the organization of, you know, getting the,
she does the sign up genius part and stuff. And that helps me a lot.

And we work together on those things. And it's been a real blessing to have her.
Yeah. And Lisa has such a heart for the ministry.
Ministry you're at she absolutely does and and really
good administration and stuff so that's great he has
great administration yeah she makes sure like
you said to get those texts out to make sure that you've got all of your cooks

in there there's a lot of behind there's a lot that happens behind the scenes
right it doesn't it doesn't sound like you know when you go well i feed the
homeless once a week and you know you probably think well okay cool but i mean i still am kind of like.
Just, you know, every day I'm like, Lord, this, this does take some time.
It does take, it's an investment.

But at the same time, he put that on my heart. He just also spoke to me like
about a month later, he said, these are my prodigals and I'm calling them home. That is so beautiful.
I just started weeping because these are people that a lot of times,
you know, get overlooked and they're, they get overlooked for several reasons.
A lot of times it's hard. It's not an easy ministry to be in.

You have to be just let, you know, alcohol and people that are maybe on drugs,
just roll off your shoulder.
You just can't be moved by a whole lot of stuff, which I'm not, that's good.
But some people also feel like, well, okay, well, we're keeping them,
you know, we're enabling them to stay where they're at.
And like, like I've told them, you know, Jesus told us in Matthew 25,

35, like he just said, for, I was hungry and you gave me food and I was thirsty
and you gave me drink and I was a stranger and you took me in.
And so he, and he says, when you do this to the least of these,
you've done it to me. You've done it to me.
So then also he goes on to say that when you have not done this to the least

of these, you have not done this unto me. That's right.
And so there's tons of scriptures about
blessings being attached and we're not you know i'm not doing it
for the blessing but there are blessings attached to caring
for taking care of those for feeding and clothing
which we do that as well as you know because you've been participated in it

and brought clothing and you've been out there serving so we it's not as much
as enabling it's like you know we're just meeting them where they are and we're
being the hands and feet of jesus and we're and we're demonstrating just the love of God.
We're just allowing the love of God to flow through us and to be used by the
Holy Spirit to be able to minister to these individuals that are not going to end up in a church.

They're not going to show up in a church and we make them feel like they're
our friends, loved and like our friends.
I've built, I've built relationship with like so many people out there.
Like it kind of amazes me just how much relationship we've been able to build
with these individuals and you really get invested in it and in their lives.

It's such a beautiful story.
And I also love how this ministry, Diane, has begun to take on all of these
new layers. Like you were just talking about now you've got the sound system
out there and people can minister and you're playing worship music.
And that was not where you started. No, but that's a new component,

really a new layer of the ministry.
And it seems like God just keeps adding new layers to the ministry. He does. Yeah, he does.
And when, you know, Jesus always built relationship with people.
You know, a lot of times we feel like doing ministry.
We just have to go preach the word, make sure they hear the gospel and then just leave.

And it at times I would question God to go like, should I be doing more?
And he said, no, you're building relationship.
Keep building relationship. I'll tell you when the next I will give you the
next step and tell you what that is when the time is here.
Yeah, because I've ministered in a lot of different ways. And I just was like,
you know, taught and I've just preached some. And so I was feeling like,

well, I'm not doing enough so far as sharing the gospel.
And he would just keep telling me, be patient. You're building relationship.
And that's critical. And I think a lot of times today in the church,
we don't take time to build relationship with people. That is so true.
We just toss the gospel at them, tell them this is what you should believe or
you're going to go to hell.
And then we just leave. But they didn't know.

First of all, they didn't know me from Adam. They didn't even know that I had
a lot of similar testimonies so far as being homeless when I was 16.
Being addicted to drugs and alcohol till I was 49 years old.
They had no idea when I remember when I first got it got to the point where
God told me to share my testimony.
And I shared it. I was amazed. They were amazed. They're like,

that's what was different about you. They go, we we knew you were different.
You know, we knew you could relate. They knew that I could relate.
And they knew that I loved them.
And I looked at them as a worthwhile treasure, you know, a treasure of the the
Father, a human being that was full of Father God's potential and destiny.

And I've never once, you know, looked down on any of them because of their circumstances.
And that even opened the door more when they realized like, oh,
wow, that's she really does, you know, relate to what's going on.
And we don't always have to relate. I have servers out there that have never
touched a drop up to drink, did a drug or ever, you know, been in that situation.

And all we need is the love of God. You know, when we show up with his love,
that's all that really matters. Well, and I love what you said, Diane, about how.
It's about a relationship because Jesus died so that we could have a relationship
with our heavenly father.
And so many people walking around on this earth only know the relationship of

an earthly father that was really broken.
Right. Absolutely. And we're absent altogether. together.
And so if we lead somebody to Christ and they still are suffering from that
broken relationship from their earthly father, it's very, very difficult for
them to believe that their heavenly father loves them.

Have you found that to be true? Absolutely.
I encounter that every, it seems like that's the message that I'm hammering
home the most is that God loves you. you, Jesus has paid the price in him.
You're forgiven, you know, that, and even why, even if you haven't accepted
Christ, it's available to you and God's forgiveness has already been extended to you.

I mean, he's not holding anything against you. He absolutely loves you and adores you.
And he has a purpose and plan for you. And that, that is the hardest thing for
them to believe because of course, I mean, they don't, they don't see a lot
of purpose in their life.
They, a lot of them have lost all hope. They're just, they're discouraged and
they don't feel like they have any value or any purpose.

And so that's been really what God has is hammering home so much is that you
have purpose, you have value.
God loves you. He, you know, you're not just a mistake.
You didn't just show up here that God destined you to be here for such a time
as this and that before creation, he knew exactly when you, where you would be in time.

I mean, he he he has a book written on you, but he wants you to walk out those
pages of that book and that nothing is by mistake.
You're just not this nameless, faceless person.
Person just wandering around, you know, you have purpose and you have a destiny that God has given you.
But it's difficult because most of them have been abused by family.

And I don't know what say most, but a great number of large percentage have
been abused by family or came from such a broken family. That's what why they
ended out on the streets.
Some of it is just, you know, they alcoholism and drug addiction,
which I know very well, you know, and just
not being able to get free and I think the the

guilt and the shame of their situation it
the enemy uses that so much to just squelch them
down and make them feel as you just said
completely unseen and invisible like to anybody and that is that's so sad yeah
the great great deal of shame yeah a great deal of shame and guilt yeah and

it's it's it's you know and I know and you know what that's like because We
carried that for years. Yes, we did.
You know, you'll never be able to be who God called you to be if we allow the
enemy to hold us down with that kind of shame and guilt.
And, you know, that is what's holding back so many is that they're filled with
shame and guilt, you know, from things that they've done or.

Things like that. Diane, let me ask you, I know it's a great testimony to see
what God's doing with the people who are coming on board with this ministry,
the cooks, the servers,
just those people who want to come and love on these people.

But do you have a testimony maybe of something that is just that God has done
that you can just share with our listeners?
Concerning concerning that yeah maybe some maybe
one of the one of the homeless people or those
yeah that that you could just share how it's affected them this ministry has
affected them personally there's not a day that goes by that we don't hear we

hear every time we were out there we hear from quite a few of them how they've
never felt loved until they've experienced our
team they go people come out here all the time and fees but
you your team and you guys make us
feel like you we know that you love us boy and
that's awesome we've had like some are now inquiring

about places they can go to maybe get free of addiction you know that they can
turn their life around i have one of the man men out there has just recently
asked me if i'd help him fill out an application to go into a place that takes
homeless people that are addicted and gives them a place to live,
gives them job training and everything like that, because they're at that point

of wanting to turn around.
But it amazes me how much love is
that the team that I have so loving that everyone out there feels loved.
When they see us, it's like it becomes a brighter place. Everything kind of lights up a little bit.
And even in the midst of all the darkness, it's like there's this light, bright light shining.

I love that because you know what, you can give somebody food,
you can fill their belly, but if you don't fill their heart and love them, then nothing changes.
And I love, I love so much that you are saying that that is what is setting
this apart from just the time that they're able to receive a meal.

And see, and that's what they're saying. I love that.
I mean, I'm not saying, I didn't know that we were like that different.
Honestly, I know that the team I have, I cherish them. I know their hearts.
But hearing it from the actual individuals that we're serving all the time,
just like they're like, you guys, we look forward to Thursday.
I mean, and it's got where now they even find out what we're going to serve

and they all get together and they tell everybody they're going to be serving
such and such on Thursday.
And it's it's just sweet that they really look forward to Thursday.
You know, Thursday is like a really favorite days of theirs.
And I know it's not just the food. It's because they it's not just the food. They truly feel loved.

They feel important. They feel seen. And to me, that's what it's all about.
And I'll quickly say I have this 80 year old woman that joined the team and
she's a little spirit filled woman. She's just precious.
Patsy Carroll. And you were telling me about Patsy.
Like last Thursday, she was out there praying for this like six foot five guy

and he was down on his knees and weeping like a baby when she was praying for him.
And she she they just honor her and respect her.
And it's like really a beautiful thing to watch. There's just so much,
you know, that you can see happening that God is doing in this situation.
I am just so reminded of that verse that says, love never fails. Love, absolutely key.

Love absolutely never, ever fails.
It is the one thing that does not fail. That's right. It's our greatest weapon.
It's our greatest weapon. It's the kingdom of darkness is love.
So, Diane, tell us how somebody could get involved. First of all,
if they do live in the area, how they could get involved with Father's Heart Foundation.

And if they do not live in the area, how could somebody support this ministry,
the ministry that you're doing each week?
Okay, well, we do have a website, which is the
Okay, we'll drop that information in the bio section. Yes, I know it's a mouthful.
But if they can go on there and they can either contact us if they're interested

in, you know, with any kind of questions or anything.
There's also a donate button. Great.
And then we'll also put also a number that they can call or text if they'd like
to, that they can contact me that way as well.
That's wonderful. Either way would be good because, yes, anybody that's got
a heart for people and just, you know, and I also make sure this is because

it's a kingdom ministry.
It's also giving people an opportunity that have been like getting pregnant
with the desire to like minister and preach or teach or something.
It gives them a platform and an opportunity to be able to do that.
So I really am grateful about that. that I like that we do that,
that we allow people to be able to share.

And and be able to be used of God, you know, that are used of God.
So this is an an opportunity to our listening audience where you can dig in.
Absolutely. And, and further the kingdom of God, amen, further the kingdom of God.
And so we're going to drop that information in the bio section and you'll be able to reach Diane.

Did you say your number is on the website, Diane? There's a number on the website.
Okay, so there's a number on the website, there's a donate button,
And a contact button. And contact buttons.
So get involved in this ministry.
If this is something that is on your heart, this isn't a way for you to get involved.

And again, just going back to repeat the verse that you just read,
Diane, that when we do this to the least of these.
We've done it to Jesus. We're doing it unto Jesus. We're doing this unto Jesus.
And so, wow, this is just, it's so exciting watching your ministry grow.

And again, to see all the many facets that God is adding to.
Yes, it's growing. It's growing. And it's growing exponentially.
Yes. It really is. I mean, from 40 to 100 in a very short period of time. Right. Like six months.
Yeah, it hasn't been that long. And that's good. And that's also bad.

I mean, you know, because it shows you what's happening today.
We have more single parents with children that are living in their vans or living
in a car that are coming for food.
And even maybe a few people from the local lower income apartments that I don't
think can make ends meet. And, you know, so.
Boy, you're reaching a lot of people. So get involved. You have an opportunity to get involved.

And we are just so blessed to have you on the show again, Diane. Thank you very much.
And we are excited about this ministry and we love to go out and serve Tommy,
my wonderful husband, who is our producer of the show.
We are very, our heart is very much involved with this ministry.

And so get involved and diane thank you is there anything else you want to say before we head out,
no that i think we've covered it it's been good and also that sweet tommy he
helps me load my truck sometimes i'll just give i'll say that yeah he likes
he likes loading up the truck which is such a blessing yes it is it's a blessing

i noticed you didn't mention my name but nor Nor should it have been mentioned in that moment.
But yeah, we love this ministry. We are excited about what God is doing on the
earth through this ministry.
And it's a great opportunity for any of you to get involved.
And we just love you so much.

And we will be dropping some information in the bio section on how you can get involved.
And as you go through your day today, the most important thing that we want
for you to remember is that Jesus is absolutely crazy about you. Amen.

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