All Episodes

March 13, 2024 55 mins

When my own battle with cancer led me down a path of exploration of ways to heal myself, I could not have dreamed about the profound impact Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) would have on my life. 

In this episode, I share my personal experiences and what Quantum Healing Hypnosis has brought to my life. From my own healing from cancer, to connecting with my higher self, to learning to channel, and to have my own self-sessions, I have found that BQH sessions are not just powerful...they are also fun. 

I also share the latest developments that I have planned, such as Tandem Quantum Hypnosis Sessions with my clients. I am hoping to empower my clients by being right there beside them in the session and by helping them to trust what they see during the Quantum Healing Hypnosis experience. 

Finally, in this episode, we listen to/watch a journey of exploration, a BQH session with me and my client.

My client connects with her spirit guides, and we first explore why she is "stuck" between dimensions. With Lyran Feline guides by our side, we venture beyond the familiar terrain of the earthly realm into a Lyran planet in the star system of Alpha Centauri. We follow the guides through this world, learning more about them, how they study "dark" beings, and how they live, work, and travel. 

From there we are guided to other alien worlds; to a dying planet, as we are given insights about what is happening there...

Then finally a brief stop in South America, where we learn about ancient lives spent there helping others feel happiness.

I hope that listening to this session will expand your perception of existence and what is possible, through the power of your own amazing mind. 

And remember - this journey through the cosmos is possible for anyone. You do not need to be special to learn to go into hypnosis. You only need belief, the ability to relax, and the willingness to let go and to allow your Higher Self to guide you. It is like having the most amazing video game at your access, within you own mind. 

Xoxo! - Sarah

Full Transcript:

Thank you for listening!!



We will soon start offering new recordings, Light Language and other guided meditations and healing activations for you, as well as "tandem" guided BQH sessions, where I travel through your session along with you!

We also are planning live channeling shows and light language and other classes, in the future!  

If you are on an awakening path and don't want to learn everything all by yourself, check out our offerings at We love you and hope you enjoy this Episode!

Sarah & Travis

Find all of our links at: ! The website, YouTube, Podcast, Email and all Social Media links are there!  Go to the website, to book a session or to see what kind of sessions are available. 

My email:

Full Transcript:

Follow me on social media!  Travis and I am mainly on Facebook, but also TikTok and Instagram...sometimes I/we share shorts, videos, and parts of other sessions on social media sites so you may find more information if you join us there - plus, we love to joke and have fun!

Or follow us (where we started!) on YouTube

To learn Beyond Quantum Healing, enroll here: 

And enter promo code SARAHW10 for 10% off. 

This is your creation!

--------- EPISODE KEYWORDS ---------

Quantum Healing, Beyond Quantum Healing, BQH, Metaphysical Exploration, Higher Self, Channeling, Hypnosis, Light Language, Guided Meditations, Feline Guides, Earthly Realm, Otherworldly Space, Heart Chakra, Love, Cosmic Adoration, Galactic Anthropology, Alien Worlds, Planetary Civilizations, Temporality, Life's Ephemeral Nature, Perception of Existence, Blue Skin, Higher Self, Meditative Journey




Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Sarah Webb (00:00):
I'm Sarah Webb.
Welcome to Quantum Healing with the Angels,
the podcast.
Hi guys, this is Sarah with Quantum Healing
with the Angels and I have a new episode

for you today.
You're probably not used to seeing me on
screen and if you're on a podcast where you
don't get video, just know that if you
check out YouTube, you can see me oh, lucky

you On the screen and also the session that
I'm going to share with you today, which is
a BQH session.
This particular BQH session.
I wanted to share it because this, to me,

is the fun side of Beyond Quantum Healing,
which is what you find out.
You can do with just your own mind,
honestly, and just relaxing.
It's almost like I don't know.

To me it's really fun.
I really like doing this.
I do circuit sessions for other people.
I've done my own sessions and mine are
turning into this kind of thing also, where
I am doing more exploring and just seeing

like cool things and going interesting
places and stuff like that, and you can set
an intention and do it for that.
If you want, you can have a session just
for exploration or to ask questions of your
higher self or things like that.

You can also do them for healing, which is
obviously that's how I got started doing
these sessions is.
You know, I had cancer in 2019 and I was
looking for a way to heal myself that was

not going to hurt my body.
I tried lots of different.
Oh boy, I could tell you guys about it, but
we would be here all day.
There is one thing I want to say, though.

This modality has changed my life in so
many ways.
It has taught me how to heal myself.
It's taught me how to connect with my
higher self.
I've learned how to channel.
I've discovered past lives that I've spent

time in.
There's so much to it and it.
The exploration just goes on and on.
I don't think we even started to get a
little bit of it.
There is actually something that I learned
to do recently.

It might be mentioned in our channelings
with the angels, I'm not sure, but I
learned how to take myself into hypnosis by
I am the practitioner and the client, which
is a really well.

I don't know how I do that, but I learned
how to do it.
I was thinking about that and I was like,
well, could I use this to help other people?
I asked the angels about it because
sometimes I have clients who have a hard
time seeing in their sessions or who maybe

don't trust what they're seeing.
I talked to the angels and they said that
this would work.
So I'm going to start doing sessions where
I accompany you in the session where I am
actually in hypnosis with you.
Since I can do it by myself, I was like,
well, why don't I go in with them?
And then you know, if they have trouble,

I'll be there with them.
And I do already see what my clients see.
Generally, I don't see everything that I
see a lot, a lot, so I'm going to start
offering that.
So, yeah, anyway, that's a new thing.
Some other things that we have been up to

we are creating light language recordings.
If you haven't heard our light language,
check out TikTok or Facebook or Instagram.
Any of those have light language on them.
They're just little snippets, but these,

the ones I'm going to create, are longer.
Travis and I will probably do some together
Those turned out to be pretty cool, more
powerful, I think.
When we do them separately they're powerful,
but together it's like whoa.
So we're going to create that as well.

And then also some guided meditations, like
a sort of an induction that you can listen
to and see if you can take yourself into a
session Like I did.
Maybe that will help you.
So I'm going to start recording and
offering all of these things and I need to

tell you thank you, thank you, thank you so
much for the donations that you gave to us
last month.
You helped us so much.
We were able to cover our costs of creating
the podcast and that helped a lot.
So we want to say thank you for that.

We are going to start offering more
exclusive content.
It's going to be a lot longer, like a 60
minute thing probably for like a membership
that you can you know you can cancel it
whenever you want.
I'll probably set up three different tiers
with different benefits to each one, and

you can decide if you want to join that.
But we will still continue with free
content as well.
So I just wanted to let you know that.
And don't this is like my fourth.
Take the last two.
I was like why do those sounds so funny?
Oh, because the microphone magically reset

itself and was not on.
So I was like I really didn't get it at all.
So, yeah, that was fun.
Let's let me make sure that I'm not
forgetting anything.
So I don't know if I said this because I've
repeated myself many times now, but this

session is an exploration session.
We visit different planets and learn about,
about other beings there live, which is
really fascinating, and that's what you'll
be hearing today.
I can't remember what I said because I'd
said it like four times.

Let's see, I think.
I think that is it, you guys.
I think that's all I really need to make
sure that I get in here, so I'm going to go
ahead and start this for you, and I hope
you enjoy it.
It is episode 25 of Quantum Healing with

the Angels.
You're stuck.

Client (08:32):
I feel like I'm stuck in between two, two
dimensions or two levels.

Sarah Webb (08:40):
How did you get?

Client (08:41):
stuck, I don't know.
It's sort of stuck between form and nonform.

Sarah Webb (08:47):
Okay, do you know how long you've been
stuck in this place Between form and

Client (09:01):
Well, when I came out of the tunnel and
into the, into the white, I tried to go to
something with form and I just stuck here.
Like it's maybe an astral level, there are

blue skies and clouds at the same time, but
there's no structures, there's no other
people, there's no time.
I'm just kind of stuck.

Sarah Webb (09:40):
What do you feel like?
Do you feel panicked or do you feel okay?

Client (09:47):
No, not panic, Just not where I thought I
would go.
It doesn't seem to be anything here.
I don't see any other people, or I don't
sense any beings other than me talking to
you Are there any sounds, anything like
I can still hear the sounds of earth, of

the me on the bed, I can still hear the
sounds around there, but I see nothing
other than sky and clouds.

Sarah Webb (10:21):
I wonder if we could call in a guide to
help us figure out what's happening or
where you're at.
Let's call in a guide to help her
understand where she's at right now and
what is happening, and let me know if you

sense somebody coming in.

Client (10:52):
I sense the felines, but nobody's showing a
face or any kind of form.
They said we're here, behind me, behind me.

Sarah Webb (11:07):
They are behind you.

Client (11:09):
Yeah, they said we're behind you?

Sarah Webb (11:12):
Why are they behind you?
Is that where form is Behind you?
Pushing, pushing, can they push you through?

Client (11:29):
Let's see.
Well, now it's gray, like a London day,
like it's a gray sky instead of blue and
I'm not sure which is better, but at least
I'm moving yeah yeah.

Sarah Webb (11:50):
Okay, hold on here, just keep talking and
let me know what they say.

Client (11:58):
They said I'm stuck.
They said Cliff, I'm still, part of me is
in the form here on the bed, knowing I'm on
the bed and part of me is ready to fly.
It's sort of like they're very separated
right now.
They're not on the same team.

Sarah Webb (12:21):
Is this an analogy of your life right now?
Probably Can you ask them.
That's kind of what we were talking about

Client (12:40):
The part that I'm stuck in is the knowledge
I understand that as I wait for more
information to open up about how we create
and how we can create anything we want, I'm

still stuck within the human limitations.
So they're falling away, but not as fast as
I would like them to.
It's not a judgment, it's sort of more of a
be patient, understand that you might be
stuck in between these two worlds until you

learn to shed some of the earthly
That's as much as I can get out of them.
Right now I feel love, but it's a different
kind of love.
It's a backwards love.

It's like my heart used to be much more
open and this past week, even though I'm
happier, my heart is more closed.
That feels very strange because I feel like
on earth your heart is supposed to always
be open.
That's our path on earth is to always stay

My heart doesn't feel as open as it used to,
but I'm happier.
I think that's why I feel stuck.

Sarah Webb (14:28):
Is it a matter of choosing which one you
want, or how does that work?
Can they tell you anymore?

Client (14:39):
They said that you and I talked about it a
little bit yesterday, in that we're working
on the lower three chakras now.

Sarah Webb (14:48):
Oh, yes, yeah.

Client (14:50):
And the heart is in the middle of the seven
that we normally use and of course there's
many more than the seven that we use but
for simplicity's sake, humanity uses the
seven and the heart is sort of stuck in the
middle in a tug of war right now, because

there's a part of me that, oh boy, let's
see if I can say this the things that have
happened to me on earth have been very
heart closing a lot of emotional pain, a
lot of heartbreak from relationships.

And they say I've been working on it for
years now to open my heart back up, and I
did only to find out that the heart that
humans believe we're supposed to have isn't
where my true heart is.

Right now.
My true heart is more.
It's not vulnerable, it doesn't feel like
it has to open itself up to be broken again,
which I think is sort of a cliche.
We all hear you have to open yourself up so

much that even though it might be broken,
it's still worth it.
I just feel that and I don't think I ever
did Okay that it's sort of a different kind
of love than earth love.
They said that was good, that was a good


Sarah Webb (16:40):
So is that what we are learning right now?

Client (16:46):
I think that a lot of people on earth are
very imbalanced and that they feel you just
go to love, to love, to love, to love, more
and more love, and they never accept that
some people just don't want to love, yeah,

and yet I'm being shown this vision that
I've had over several times in my life of
feeling like I'm wrapped in the arms of
somebody that loves me so much.
It's like a gigantic fur coat of love and I

feel like I'm trapped, not in a bad way,
but I feel like I want to run and I accept
the love but I don't understand it.
I don't understand how this person or being
or whomever knew me from before and loves

me for me and that's another earthly
limitation that I believe that I have to
know someone on earth walking around on
this planet loves me without understanding

that there are other beings that have known
me long before this incarnation that loved
That has not.
When I think about it, it seems crazy.
So every once in a while I can feel that
those arms around me and the love, and I'm

like, oh, that's too much, oh no, I can't
take it, oh no, and I thank them or her or
whatever, and I think it's a him and I'm
like that's amazing.
But you don't know me and how could you
love me like that?
He says his name is Timothy, that's what I

call him.
I don't know who that is.
I don't know any Timothes.

Sarah Webb (19:08):
So he has this love for you, but it feels
like it's too much.

Client (19:14):
It's old love, it's like a old, like I'm
observing you love, and when you feel like
you're unloved, I'll be here to show you
that you're loved.
And then, when he does, I'm like I don't
believe you.

Sarah Webb (19:33):
Okay, okay.

Client (19:36):
You don't know me.
You can't, you can't love me.
You don't know me.

Sarah Webb (19:40):
So does he really not know you?
That's interesting I think he does.

Client (19:45):
I mean, I mean he's got to know me.
I mean I've been around a while, like it's
so ancient that but now there's a female
coming in.
She's saying that I'm imbalanced in that
I'm focusing so much on this human life,

this particular life, that I'm not allowing
other aspects to come in and identify
So if I did, then I would probably feel a
little more expansive than I feel right now.

I wasn't the one that was left out, right?
And oh no, you don't have any contracts.
Everybody else does, but you don't.

Sarah Webb (20:44):

Client (20:45):
Yeah, it's a constant reminder to me that
I'm just thinking so small on, you know,
earth standards and Earth limitations and
Earth requirements that I can't open it up
and look further out.
It's very complicated.
That's why it's in the gray area right now.

Sarah Webb (21:08):
Oh, I see, so would you like to explore
more about who these people are and how
they do know you?

Client (21:21):
They said let's go to their planet.
Yeah, it's great, I don't know where their
planet is.
I know it's okay, we're going Hold on.
It's way more advanced than I thought it
So I think I just ended up in like the
middle of a city or like a metropolis and I

totally didn't expect that.
It's not.
I mean, you know, we think here's again the
human thing where we think cats right, Cats
We're not just necessarily that we think
they're inferior, but that they're reserved,
and my cat is twitching right now.

They're reserved and independent.
But I'm seeing like a city of people
It's not just cats either, but people
walking around.
It's very much like a.

Well, they're not really walking, they're
kind of floating, yeah, but some of them
have clothes on.
It's like a cat version of New York, but
there are other beings there.
It's not just cats.

Sarah Webb (22:48):
Do they say, or can they say where they've
taken you?
Is there a name that we would know?

Client (22:57):
Malphos Centauri.
It's a red planet, it's a smaller planet.
There are other planets that circle that
This is a relatively small planet.

The woman is talking and she's just
They have associations, they have careers
that they've chosen.
It's so strange because you think of cats.
They lay around all the time.

She's like no, these are very busy, highly
intelligent beings that make plans, follow
their blueprints.

That's what she said.
She said they have offices.
I had to ask her.
I'm like wait, I can't say that you have
She said yes, they have offices.

They're not too far off from ours either.
There are tall buildings Nothing I've ever
seen before.
I've never been to this planet before that.
I remember I totally didn't expect it to be
so crowded.

Sarah Webb (24:46):
What do they look like, the beings that are
telling you all this?
You said that she was beautiful.

Client (24:55):
She's beautiful.
She has a very feline face.
There's fur.
Her ears are slightly cat-like.
They're pushed back a little bit further
and they're pointed back a little further,
not forward like our cats are, but like you
turned them a little bit.

Sarah Webb (25:17):
Do they stand on two legs?

Client (25:22):
They float kind of like she's not really.
I don't see anybody really touching the

Sarah Webb (25:29):
They float.

Client (25:31):
She's floating.
I see a mother with kids.
No, we don't call them kittens.
She said they're kids.

Sarah Webb (25:41):
That's awesome, but they are cute.

Client (25:44):
There's a girl and a boy.
They wear jewelry.

Sarah Webb (25:50):
Oh yeah.

Client (25:53):
This is totally unexpected.
There's some in robes that are what we
would be considering some advanced
civilization to be wearing, but then I saw
somebody that's wearing something like a
suit, like a business suit the males.

They're walking so fast.
I'm going to try and get in front of one,

Sarah Webb (26:20):
Maybe you can freeze.

Client (26:22):
Yeah, it's hard to freeze them, like I got
stuck in the middle of the street and
they're walking around me or they don't see
me, one or the other, but oh, we see you,
oh, we see you, oh, they see us.
So they see you, they see me Well, that's

what I heard.
They're not looking at me like I'm crazy,
but maybe they're just being kind and
realizing there's somebody who doesn't know
where the hell she is staring at them and
they're being Do they know what you're
doing there?
They know I'm being accompanied by somebody,
like I'm a guest.

So the men, they are bigger, they have
bigger chests like a lion, but I mean they
don't have that.
They don't all have that giant mane, like
they're not all fuzzy.
I mean, with clothes on you can't tell, but

I don't.
Oh, there is a tail, there is a tail.
I didn't think I saw a tail, but there is a
tail, at least on that one.
Yeah, it's kind of hard to turn around and
look at them as they go by.

Sarah Webb (27:41):
I wonder if we could freeze that for a
moment for you to see.

Client (27:50):
Let's see, it's so busy.
It's so busy, it's like rush hour.
Yeah, it's wild.
I feel like I'm in the middle of rush hour,
okay, so hold on.
She told me to look up, so I'm looking up
and there's a giant like a skyscraper.
I don't even know how many floors 50, 60

There are things they travel in that are
above the street, like they're.
Like many buses, they hold more than one

person, like public transportation.

Sarah Webb (28:38):
Yeah, but in the air.
Good point.

Client (28:44):
Yeah, oh well, when I look down again,
that's interesting.
It's very colorful, like the buildings are
not just boring stone, they're colorful.
Have you ever seen like, well, I'm a Jewel

or something, to use the words I know, like
niobium or titanium, when they fire it and
it gets all the different rainbow colors on
You'll have to maybe look it up later, but
it's like they're.
The buildings are multicolored.
Okay, it's very in their metal.

It's very neat.
So when I look down again at the crowd
every once in a while and I can't explain
this and no one's telling me why it's like
a shadow walks by, it's like the shadow of
a person and it's dark, and then not in an
ominous dark but like it's not filled in.

Sarah Webb (29:50):
Oh, okay, and it's dark.

Client (29:53):
Yeah, it's like a dark.
If you imagine looking at a picture and
like cutting somebody out of it, but then
they're still moving.
It's like that.
It's like somebody was cut out of the
picture and I don't know if it's because
they don't want to be seen or if it's
somebody of a different frequency.

Let me ask, because I'm looking at this and
I don't understand it.
And there's more of them now that I said
that, of course.
Yeah, that is interesting.
Not everybody wants to be seen, not
everybody's meant to be seen.
Some things I don't need to know right now.

But it's all good, all good, it's all good.
It's not a ominous anything.
It's just like they're choosing not to be
caught on camera.

Sarah Webb (30:53):
Oh, okay, I see that's funny.

Client (30:57):
Yeah, that was my word, those are my words.
I love you.
Yes, that's funny.

Sarah Webb (31:05):
So this is where they live.
Yeah, does she have a name, by the way?
No she doesn't have her name.

Client (31:17):
Neither of them have names.
The male and female that I've spoken with
over the years neither of them have names.
She's not even offering one.

Sarah Webb (31:31):
So are they Liren or are they something
different by lineage?
By lineage, so something different.

Client (31:41):
No, no, they're by by by lineage, they're
by the lineage by lineage.

Sarah Webb (31:49):
They are Liren oh got it Okay, sorry, but
things have mixed, oh, okay.

Client (32:02):
Yeah, oh, I didn't know that.
She said they have royals too and I didn't
know that.
I've never heard that.
I didn't know that Really Like royals of
like a more direct lineage without the mix,
I didn't know that.
So that's interesting.

It's just everyone just standing here
watching everybody go by.

Sarah Webb (32:30):
So do they have duality there, like Earth?

Client (32:35):
No, they okay.
So this planet I'm getting this this planet
she calls it a colony is a group of people
that work with others off-planet, like I.
We would call them context specialists, or

like they all have.
It's not like the military, she said it's
It's not a hierarchy like the military, but
she says it's more like a peace corps.

Sarah Webb (33:10):
Oh yeah, so they want to do this.

Client (33:13):
Yes, it's like they've chosen.
It's a chosen career of working off-planet.
And what?
Oh, okay, my crown chakra is like twitching.
She said that I am me.

I am a galactic anthropologist.
Wow, and that's the sort of thing that they
have on the planet.
They have people that study other
civilizations and use, use the benefits of

what they've learned to help them along and
help other civilizations along.
So not just the context specialists, or hey,
you're dreaming all of this, but hey, this
is what you've created and this is where it
took you and this could benefit someone
Thank you for letting me study it.

Oh, like that, that was good.
She said I'm very talkative.
She said I'm very, I'm very talkative.

Sarah Webb (34:35):
But they do like to help people in a way
They bring knowledge in from different

Client (34:43):
Yes, they're very gentle.
They're very gentle, they're very old
because they've seen it all.
So they have a big department.
The words that she's giving me, I'm like,
wait, that doesn't, it fits.
But it doesn't fit, it does fit.

They have a big department that deals with
Okay, it's like another.
I'm seeing it like they're.
They work with more dark civilizations and
they're specialists.
Okay, like they.

You know you wouldn't just throw any one of
them into that group and say go talk to the
bad guys.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, they have special studies
that they do to be able to deal with the
Oh, oh.
Now she's like does that make sense to you?

And that makes total sense to me, which is
where my training has been coming from.

Sarah Webb (35:55):
Right, right.
So are these the beings that you're working

Client (36:02):
Yes, oh, not just them.

Sarah Webb (36:10):
So is there anything else to see in this
place for you?

Client (36:16):
A ship, a ship.
Oh, it's the ship that they're traveling on
in the, on the streets above the streets.
I thought it was a spaceship, but it's
really like a bus.
It's like a self-driven bus, like it drives

There's no driver, so you get in, it drops
down and you get in and it lifts up, and
now I could see from the windows down on
the street and it weaves in between the
It's really cool.

I'm going to look at the sky.
Hold on, oh neat, everything's so colorful
Like it's nothing like Earth.
I mean, earth is colorful, but this is like
jewel-colored bad-assness.
Like the sky.
You know the sky at sunset, when it's got

like all the oranges and the yellows and
the blues and the purples, that's their sky.
Right now.
I don't know if it's sunset or not, but
it's like the whole sky, even up at the top.
As far as I can see through the window is
like that color.

Sarah Webb (37:39):
It's all different colors, right.

Client (37:41):
Yeah, they said it's because of the gases.
That's all I'm going to get out of them.
Okay, so we're just traveling around.
It's sort of like I kind of feel like I'm
on a hop-on, hop-off bus, like I'm taking a
tour around the city.

They're not with me.
They put me on by myself.
I'm on by myself.
Really, yeah, I'm by myself in the bus and
it holds like maybe six people and the
seats are facing each other and they won't
let me go in for two hours.

They sent me out by myself.
I'm back Now.
I'm just kind of floating in the middle of
I think the planet's starting to fade away
Now, they're still with me, but I'm not
stuck, but I don't know where I am.

I'm just going to throw it out here.
I don't know what it is, I'm not even going
to use my mind.
I'm just going to tell you what I see.
It seems to be like a swamp, like a dark
It's dark outside, like you know, two
o'clock in the morning.
Dark, yeah, the ground is dark, the water
is dark Like a swamp.

I have no idea where it is.
I see in front of me something that looks
like a bird.
He's got a curved beak.
That's like pointing down like an eagle,
but his beak is black, big.

I can see him blink.
I mean he's black too, so I don't even know
how I can see him, but I can see him Right.
There's a little bit of what we would call
moonlight, although I don't really like
turn around.
There's trees behind me and it's coming
through the tree, so maybe there's a moon

or something.
It's dark, it's very dark.
It's not dark like ominous, scary dark.
It's not dark like that, it's just color
Something sloshed in the water.

I don't even want to think about what that
is, because immediately we go to fear.
But I'm not scared.
Oh, okay, one.
I don't know who's talking to me, if it's

the bird or if it's somebody.
It feels like it's somebody behind me again.
I don't know why they're always behind me,
but I feel like they're behind me.

Sarah Webb (40:45):
I wonder why.

Client (40:46):
I don't know.
Okay, this planet has seen its time, it has
seen its time.
Yes, this planet has seen its time, and so
civilizations have risen and fallen on it,

and most of the civilizations are gone.
So now what's left are the flora and the
It seems like that planet is nearing the
end of its existence.

I'm not going to get a lot and my head
feels like it's going to explode right now,
like literally explode.
But basically, the birds came first.
The bird came first.

Sarah Webb (41:54):
I want to make sure your head is

Client (41:57):
It's okay.
There's so much in it.
There's so many images and so much power
and energy in it.
These are things that I've never seen
These are things that I've never imagined

Sarah Webb (42:14):
Can we expand her consciousness so she can
take this in a little easier or do
something to make it more comfortable?

Client (42:26):
Yeah, that's okay, she'll be okay.
She's excited, that's all, okay.
Okay, okay, cool, all right, she likes to
see new things.
So here, the birds came first, and then the

dinosaurs, wow and then the men, and then
they all left, and now it's mostly birds,
with a few reptiles left, like ones that

decided not to colonize, sort of like I'm
going to live the rest of my life out Like
a hospice.
Like a hospice, oh, okay, like when the
planet goes, they'll go, but they're

hanging on because they like it or for
whatever reason.
So whatever.
Just lost through the water, which seems
like it felt like some kind of
crocodile-ish sort of thing Right, that's
Yeah, like a crocodile-ish sort of thing.
And the bird, which is big.
The bird is like six feet tall.

It's not a small bird, okay, I'm just going
to ask you.
Yeah, it's not a small bird, it's all.
It's like my height, taller than me.
It's across the like a little bit of a
creek or something.
Like I'm on one side, it's on the other.
It's just looking at me.
It's not saying anything.

I don't get the idea that these guys
they're not afraid of me.
It's more like they just don't care.
Okay, so, they're just like whatever.

Well, like, maybe they're used to visitors
and they don't stay long, that kind of

Sarah Webb (44:41):

Client (44:43):
Like they've been there.
It's an old planet, it's a really old
It's sort of like our version of like an
abandoned planet.
Yeah, and nothing new is happening on it.
Like it doesn't seem like there's any new
procreation or anything new is happening on

It's just it's just going to live out of
time and then be gone.

Sarah Webb (45:11):
It's had its time and it's going to be gone.
It's going to be gone.

Client (45:17):
I don't know why I'm here.
I have no idea why they took me here.
No clue.
Something about birds and reptiles, that's
the most that I got.

Sarah Webb (45:29):
Is there someone who can give us more
information about this particular place?

Client (45:38):
All I'm getting is it was just a little
history lesson, okay.
Okay, when you're, I guess, because here's
me the anthropologist.
Oh yeah, yeah, everything that I can learn
about history and in the galaxy would

benefit me, like the fact that planets are
born and then they live out their time and
then they go and, you know, re new planets
So I guess I just got to visit one of the
planets that had lived out its time and met
beings that they're hanging out there.

They just, they're just hanging out in
their lifetimes because they're still
enjoying themselves and there's no rush, no

Sarah Webb (46:30):
Humans rush.

Client (46:31):
Humans rush.
We got to stuff it all in right Because we
only have so much time, Right.

Sarah Webb (46:38):

Client (46:39):
But these, these guys, are not rushing,
they're just enjoying the moment, however
long that moment lasts, and then that life
will end and then they'll choose something
else, and it would be good for us to think
that way too.

You know, looking at this planet, I feel so
tiny and small and white and like
vulnerable and like so, so shallow, like.
Even looking at this bird, it's like I
don't know how old it is, but it feels like
it's seen a lot.

Yeah, you know what I mean and knows what's
important and what isn't.
And you can't, you can't talk.
No, oh, it's not talking to me, it's just
What the?
It's just blinking at me, it's just
standing there.

Sarah Webb (47:39):
What wonder where they eat.
It doesn't eat.
What are these things doing?

Client (47:48):
It eats bugs.
The bugs are still there.
So the floor, like the lower, the lower
dimensional, you know two dimensional and
lower three dimensional entities or some of
them, are still there, so they're still an

Okay, okay, it's just nothing new is
showing up Like no new things are happening.
They're just going to live out their lives
there and then poof, oh, no, no, no, not
poof, boom, boom.

Sarah Webb (48:28):
Really Boom.
What's that Boom Boom?

Client (48:33):
Just the way some planets end oh boom, okay,
they're cool with that.
They're going apparently.
Yeah, okay, we could probably leave here
That's weird.

Sarah Webb (48:50):
So would your higher self like to take you
anywhere else?

Client (48:56):
Give me a second.
The feline says we've been on a whirlwind
tour, yes, and that we've done well, we've
kept an open mind.
She says that you and I work together well,
because you can read into a lot of what I'm

seeing and know where to direct me.
That's good.
Not our first time.
Not our first time working together.
Ha ha, egypt.
I get that part.

Sarah Webb (49:36):
Oh, okay, oh oh, oh, I get it.
That doesn't surprise me at all right?

Client (49:43):
Uh-uh, not at all.
There's also something in the Amazon that
you and I have which I don't know, anything
about that in?
The Amazon like South America Amazon.

Sarah Webb (49:58):
Can we go there, or is it time to bring you
Let me ask, because I do.
I had a whole vision of that place and I
was like what is this?

Client (50:13):
it's got flora in it.
That's why it's got what Do you know flora?
Do I have to call her in if you don't know

Sarah Webb (50:24):
I don't know flora.
I just saw pyramids, the flat tops, and it
was very South American.
I got the word.

Client (50:35):
So I see jungle.
So she's not gonna give me a ton, but she
says she's gonna give you enough to think
about this.
So, flora, I have to call her in and she's
easy, because I've been talking to flora
for years, so give me one second.
She's funny as hell and she screams, so if
I scream, it's her.

Okay, no, she's energetic, is what it is.
Okay, she's gonna let me speak instead of
speaking to you, though, because we're
already riled up, you and I.
Yeah, I will be.

So flora came to me five or six years ago,
and flora is a witch doctor in the Manoa
Mayo tribe on a planet in Andromeda.
Flora is about a little over a hundred

years old.
She is in form right now, meaning like she
has a body, but she is quite an advanced
So she's choosing a body because she enjoys
working with plants, with herbs, in a
jungle atmosphere where she's a witch

doctor, so she likes to heal things.
Now the Mano let's try again Mano Mano
tribe are part bird and part human.

Sarah Webb (52:20):

Client (52:22):
So they're hybrids.

Sarah Webb (52:23):
I got that in the vision the bird bird, so

Client (52:27):
Yes, so she has.
If you, I have a picture of her that I kind
of drew.
It's not perfect but it's close.
She if you imagine the cheeks of a macaw,
that like wrinkly white skin with the rows
of feathers.
She has that on her cheeks.
They go out from her nose and out to her

temples and she's got like lines of
But the rest of her is pretty human and
their noses are very beak-like.
Very beak-like at which is?
She tells me that they, their DNA, helped
seed the South American Indians and you'll

see, if you look at the South American
Indians, they have very beak-like noses.
So they, the Manoa Mayo, helped to seed our
South American Indians.

Sarah Webb (53:25):
Okay, right, I saw all of this.

Client (53:28):
So Flora helps me a lot with things that
need healing, like go get Clary Sage and
put it in your diffuser and things like
that and take this and drink that and all
of those things.
So she is a healer and she's oh, I gotta

get this clip straight.
She's just gonna give me one or two lines
for you and then I think we're gonna be
Yeah, so she says you were a very good cook,
you, you, sarah, sarah, really Well, it's a

very good cook in the lifetimes that you
spent down there, meaning that you had some
kind of special gift of making people happy
with food and that would be something about

grinding, like grinding between rocks, and
that you were highly regarded for your
And that's all I'm gonna get.

Sarah Webb (54:45):
Oh, okay, that's more than I had, so I'll
take it.

Client (54:51):
Oh, thank you.
Wow, that one.
I didn't expect that to happen either.
She has Flora, has very like almost it's
blue skin, just if you need to like vision.
Her share skin is blue with the feathers,
and she's got long black hair and it's
straight and it's got some gray mixed into

it and she put that there so that people
would, you know, kind of look at her as
wise and and that's it.

Sarah Webb (55:25):
Does your higher self have anything else
for you, or do we just wanna bring you out?
They said we did good, okay, good, okay,
awesome, okay, I'm gonna go ahead and bring
you out.

Client (55:38):
Thank you for listening to Quantum Healing
with the Angels.
This podcast is sponsored by Sarah Webb.
Beyond Quantum Healing.

Sarah Webb (55:46):
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