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May 6, 2024 39 mins

"Launching the Thinking Dad is about equipping fathers to lead with confidence and godly wisdom." ~ Garritt Hampton

Watch this full interview on our YouTube Channel.

Join us for this exciting episode of the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast, as Yvette welcomes her husband, Garritt Hampton, to discuss the launch of his new venture, the Thinking Dad podcast, on the brand new Biblical Family Network. Discover how the Thinking Dad aims to empower dads to lead their families with a strong biblical worldview and how it ties into the larger mission and ministry of Schoolhouse Rocked. We also touch on the challenges and triumphs of homeschooling, parenting, and maintaining a Christ-centered home. Whether you're a dad looking for guidance, a mom supporting her husband, or someone passionate about Christian family values, this episode has something for you. Tune in all week to hear from Garritt Hampton and Alex Newman, as we feature the premiere of the Thinking Dad podcast: Death by Indoctrination, with Alex Newman.

Come back tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday for the rest of this important conversation.

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Recommended Resources:

Podcast Note-Taking Guide

Indoctrinating Our Children to Death: Government Schools’ War on Faith, Family, & Freedom – And How to Stop It, by Alex Newman

Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America's Children, by Samuel Blumenfeld and Alex Newman

More from Alex Newman on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast

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❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Are you in need of a fresh vision for your homeschool? Join us for 4 days of Homeschool Encouragement at the Homegrown Generation Family Expo. Use the coupon code PODCAST to save 25% on registration today! 


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CTCMath - CTCMath specializes in providing online video tutorials that take a multi-sensory approach to learning. Creative graphics and animation, synchronized with the friendly voice of internationally acclaimed teacher, Pat Murray, make learning math easy and effective. Start your free trial today.

BJU Press Homeschool provides complete curriculum for preschool through 12th grade with both traditional textbooks and video courses available. Education from a Christian worldview reshapes how children see the world. BJU Press materials teach Christ's power and lordship through the Big Story of creation.

Apologia – Apologia is a Christ-centered, award-winning homeschool curriculum provider. Our mission is to help homeschooling students and families learn, live, and defend the Christian faith through our print and digital curriculum and online classes.

The Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast and the Thinking Dad  are part of the Biblical Family Network.


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with you, too, Yvette, even though I'm not your favorite person. Well, you're one of
the three. You're a third of my favorite. Ouch. I still want to be
first. Okay, you can be first. All right, thanks. Just don't tell the girls that
you're my favorite, okay. Because, you know, I don't want them to get their

feelings hurt. Then that'll cause drama, and that would be a mess. So
I won't tell them if you don't. Okay. We just won't let them listen to
this episode. Oh, okay. Anyway.
Wow. This has been a long time coming. It has been a long time since
you've been on the podcast with me. I think the last time was
probably when we did. It was after the movie came

out, or maybe it was it right before the movie came out, and it was
a meet the cast. Yeah, that was a whole series. A meet the cast series
that we did. And you were with me, but you also joined me last
year for the Homegrown Generation Family Expo, and that was by accident. Remember? I
did. I filled in for Aby. Yeah. Which was a huge privilege, because, I
mean, it's Aby, right? Yeah. It was so funny. Aby and I were supposed to

do the opening session for the conference, and
her Internet, like, just completely went out, and we were.
It was live, and so we were scrambling at the last minute,
and I was like, garrett, you got to come on with me. Actually, I wouldn't
have called you Garritt. I would have called you babe, because I never call you
Garritt, ever. Yeah. And I came on at the last minute, and it was really

fun. Yeah, I actually did a couple sessions in that one,
too. Yeah. At least one with Davis Carman,
and Todd Wilson. That was really fun. But, yeah, that opening
session was crazy, because two minutes before I went
on, literally, we were like, okay, I guess I'm going on. But, yeah, it went
well. It was fun. And we got a really good response from it, because people

like to hear from you. Right. Which kind of segues
into what we're going to be talking about this week. But before we do,
I want to say thank you to our sponsor, BJU Press Homeschool. If you guys
are looking for great homeschool curriculum, any subject, any grade, any
agency, try them out at, and they've got
something for you. I know you love BJU Press. We have a great

relationship with them, and we are so thankful that they have sponsored this podcast.
Yeah. They've been a blessing to our family all along, but I love their heart
for biblical worldview. Yeah. It's really clear when you meet their
people, when you talk with them, when you tour the facility, that that
is central to what they do. They want our kids to understand the word of
God. So that resonates huge with us. Yeah. Yeah. So we're

thankful for them. Well,
okay, this podcast, we have been praying and
talking for years, not about this specific episode, but
about a new podcast that you are starting. And today
is. Is launch day for you. Finally. Finally. This is
after, I would say probably a year and a half at least, of

praying about this, talking about it, just giving it to the Lord and
saying, lord, when it's your time, you know, we'll. We'll do this.
And when I say we, I really mean you, because with the Schoolhouse Rocked
Podcast, I get the fun job of getting to talk to people, but you do
all the heavy lifting. You do all of the hard work, all the editing, all
the production, you do everything with it. And so with your new

podcast, which is called the Thinking Dad, like, you're doing
all of it, you're recording it, you're hosting it, you're doing all the
production, and it's. It's been a wild ride the last couple months.
Yeah, I need help. I finally got a little editing
help with it, which is good, because I was drowning, but I.
I really tried to wait until we were at a point where I thought, yeah,

we can do this. We can handle the new work. It'll be okay. Right.
And then we launched it, and everything in our lives blew up.
Yeah. At the same time. Yeah, we. We might have bitten off
a little more than we could chew all at the same time, though. We didn't
mean to. But what happened was we decided, okay, we'd been praying about this, decided
that you were gonna finally just put it into motion. Yeah.

Felt like it was God's perfect time. So you started lining up
guests while the studio background that we had at the time was
a little bit more girly, girly, feminine looking. And so we
were like, well, okay, if we're going to do this, we have to do kind
of a whole studio redesign to make it a little bit more gender friendly
for you and I. Cause we have to use the same studio. Cause, you know,
we're not independently wealthy and can just buy a new studio.

So we both had to use the studio. Right. So we, like, did all this
stuff, painted a whole wall, did, you know, got all new
decorations, did all the stuff. And then at the same
time, we also launched the biblical.
Biblical Family Network. Biblical Family Network. I do know what it's
called, which is maybe talk about that for just a minute.

Yeah. So I want to go back to the end of last year,
where we went out at the end of the year, and we asked our
listeners and supporters if they would partner with us
to launch this network and launch the Thinking Dad
podcast. And people came in with support, which was a huge
blessing. So at the same time, we've launched the

Thinking Dad podcast. We are also launching
a podcast network for christian family
discipleship oriented podcasts. And we have some
great shows, Culture Proof with Wil and Meeke
Addison has joined us. Of course, our
podcast, Schoolhouse Rocked and Homeschool Insights,

and the thinking data on there and then also Made2Homeschool has
joined us. So it's a great lineup. We plan to add a
few more, but our point is to keep really well
curated, biblical discipleship,
family oriented content on there. And we want the quality to be
really high. So we're not looking to just dump a bunch of shows on the

network. We want really great shows, and God's been good to provide
awesome content all at the same time. We were trying to
launch. Right, right. So launching a new podcast, studio
redesign, launching the network. Um, and then we just have had
some crazy family things going on. And so it's. It's just
like everything hit at one time. And so the last couple of

months, man, I feel like we are just. Just treading water.
Um, and it's been nuts. But at the same time, we know that
we're exactly where God wants us, doing exactly what the Lord wants us to do,
and we're doing our very best to serve him in the way that he's
called us to serve him and to use our talents and abilities.
And it's funny, you know, sometimes people will comment on, um,

me being a podcast host, and I'm like, I
mean, I could never have imagined that I would be doing this 20 years
ago, I I didn't even know what a podcast. I barely knew what a podcast
was when we started. So God has just been good to just kind
of put into motion what he has done with the Schoolhouse
Rocked Podcast. And it all kind of

started with the movie, which, of course, you know, the movie's been out now for
two and a half years, which just blows my mind. How is that possible? It's
crazy. And you never saw yourself being a movie host either.
In fact, what's a great story is when we
started filming, you weren't in the movie. You were
interviewing, but we were keeping you out of the shots because we

didn't intend for you really to be hosting the film. And then we
got into it and went, wait a second. The movie needs a host. You've done
all the interviews, and you're doing a great job. So then
we started putting you in the shots. But if you notice a few of the
interviews, like Andrew Pudewa, Andrew Kern, Sarah McKenzie,
you're not in any of those shots at all, because we didn't intend for you

to be the host of the movie originally. But God had other plans,
and it's funny because he had gifted you in ways
that we didn't recognize, I think. And then we dove in
and started doing what he had asked us to do, and we went, oh,
I see how he made you for this. And it was the same with the
podcast. Yeah, well, really all it is is it's not that I know how

to host anything or do any of this. It's that I just like talking to
people, which I used to get in trouble for. I remember vividly
in kindergarten, I would get in trouble for talking in class all the time. My
teacher's name was Misses Kempkin, and she would write home these little notes, and
I would always get in trouble because I was always talking in class because I
always wanted to know things. I just ask people questions all the time, and it's.

It's just. I'm just a talker. So, the Thinking Dad podcast, this is
so exciting. It is launching today. Talk a little bit about
this. Like, how did it get started? What was your heart behind it? What was
your desire behind it? Tell us about the Thinking Dad podcast. I
think a lot like the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast. God
was working on this for a long time, and actually, while

we were filming schoolhouse Rock to the movie, at the same time,
we were gathering footage for what we thought would be
a movie for dads, because our heart has always been to
encourage dads to disciple their families and, and be the good
spiritual leaders that God's called them to. So we've had a
heart for this topic for years, and it

wasn't the right time to do the movie. It may be
still time in the future to do that, but for
probably two or three years, I felt a call to do a podcast
that's really aimed at dads to teach them to think biblically
about life, whether it's family, parenting, education,
business, whatever, because we've recognized

with Schoolhouse Rocked and the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast
that even when our heart is just purely for evangelism
or our heart is purely for building up families,
if people don't have a solid biblical foundation
and biblical worldview, we honestly have to step back
and start there before we can do the other work. And so

the idea behind the thinking, dad, is that we look at different
topics specifically from a biblical
worldview. And like the Schoolhouse rocked podcast, we bu.
We bring in the greatest guests. God has provided
an amazing lineup for the first season. Um,
and these experts come in and talk on issues

that matter from a biblical worldview. And
now we're launching. We've recorded a season of podcasts, and I
can tell you the content is amazing.
Um, we launched today with Alex Newman, and it's a
home run. Yeah. So. And you guys are going to get to hear it. Actually,
we are going to. That it's going to be part of the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast

this week is that you're going to get to hear Garritt's conversation with Alex. And
it's so good. I've listened to it and, and it's, it's been fun watching you
put this together. Even watching you put together the, you know, the, the
intro and the outro and the music and all the stuff that goes along with
it. It's much more manly sounding than the Schoolhouse Rocked
Podcast. Thank you. Yeah. Which is great.

Um, but, you know, as you have been preparing for this and
praying through this, one of the things that I appreciate most about you is
that you, you're not the prideful husband, the prideful dad
who's like, I have it all figured out, and I'm going to go on this
podcast and I'm going to tell all the other men in the world how to
be dads, how to be husbands, how to lead their families very

much. I feel like, like myself. And let me just back up real quick, because
I'm not throwing you under the bus by saying this. Sure. We've been married 29
years. We're going on 30 years. And I have watched you grow
in the most amazing ways spiritually, you know, and
as a dad and as a husband, it is by the grace of God. And
I've shared this on the podcast before. It is by the grace of God that

we made it past the first decade of our marriage. And
much of that was because we were both just immature. We were immature, you know,
age wise, we were. We were very young when we got married. We were really
immature spiritually. But God has grown us together,
individually, but also together. And so I've watched the Lord work
in miraculous ways in your heart. And so I know that you have a

heart to share with your audience
what God has shown you, what he's done, how he's changed you. But then
also, like you said, bringing in these other experts to
help back those up and these other men who are coming on, too, are
not. I mean, no one's perfect. That's the thing, is there. There's. There is
no one. It's why I hate social media, because we all put on this Persona

that, oh, we're perfect. We have our life altogether and stuff. And so when I
do the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast, I'm. I'm pretty transparent on
there about, you know, I wake up pretty much every day to homeschool my
kids, feeling like, what in the world am I doing? Am I doing the right
thing? Am I homeschooling right? Am I parenting them well? Am I being a
good mom? Am I being a good wife? And it's like all these doubts are

always. Every single day of my life, I have these doubts that roll in through
my head. And I know you struggle with the same thing, and I think most
people do. Right? Yeah. Men. I think the.
Maybe the number one problem that plagues men
who care about life is imposter syndrome.
This idea that we have to put on a face of

expertise to our families, to our employers, to our
customers, we have to appear to be competent.
Right? And yet, many times, we understand our own
weaknesses and our own shortcomings. And it's
definitely true with fathers. I know that I
love fatherhood. I love my girls. I love

marriage. You know that even before we got married, my heart
was for marriage. But I also recognize I'm not a
perfect father. I'm not a perfect husband. And there's so much
to learn. So for me, it's a privilege to sit with these guys
and hear them pour into me and know that my
listeners are going to be blessed as well, because we all have something to

learn. Yeah. Yeah, it is. I like that you talk about that pouring into you,
because, um, you know, so often I sit and I do the
podcast, and I feel like I'm just, like I'm the one who's sitting at the
feet of these people because I want to learn from them. And I often feel
like a hypocrite because I'm like, I'm still trying to figure it out, which sounds
so dumb. I mean, you know, we're graduating our oldest,

we've made it through the high school years, yet it is
just still so hard. And I think so much of that is just from the
enemy. Like, he wants us to think that we are doing it all wrong,
especially when we're really working hard to do the work
that God's called us to. So whether that's homeschooling or, you
know, marriage, I mean, marriage is hard. Parenting is hard. All this stuff, it's all

hard, no matter how you look at it. And so the enemy is going
to do everything he can to try to destroy the work that God is doing
in our homes. Yeah. Yeah. There is a very real enemy of our
souls. He comes to steal, kill, and destroy,
and his primary target is the family. You know,
his first target is our individual salvation.

But he understands so many times that the most effective
way to get to that is to break down the family. And
so we see it in culture. We see children being
destroyed, being literally transformed in
ways that is unrecoverable. We see it in the sexual
revolution. We see it in the breakdown of marriage. We see it in

education. We see it in all aspects of the world.
But where it hits home the most is that our families are
being directly attacked. And I praise God
that he has an army of angels who are here
to protect us, that he has an intent for our families
as well. But honestly, sometimes it's

easy to lose sight of that and to forget that he fights for us.
We are in a spiritual battle. So, yeah, I praise God for
that help. And quite honestly, like, I realize we're
called to a fight and we're going to stand. Yeah.
Yeah. Ephesians 6:10-20 talks about putting on the full armor
of God. And so that's what we're doing with our kids, and that's what you're

even doing with the Thinking Dad podcast, is you're helping to armor up these
men, these dads, these husbands, these men to go out and fight
because they're, you guys are the front line of this battle for your
families. You really are. You know, our society wants to think
that. And yes, we are all equal. God created us all equal. But God
has given men and women different roles in the family, certainly. And so

men really are, are that frontline defense
of the battle of the family and the hearts of their children and their wives.
And so it's a high calling. And so I know that
the Thinking Dad hopefully will be able to help encourage
men in the way of parenting, of
husbanding. That's a good one. I like to make up words

sometimes. I like it. I'll take it. Wait, isn't husbandry. What
is husbandry? That's breeding animals. We're not
farmers, people. No husbandry going on here. Yeah.
For the listeners to your show, they understand your dream of living
on a homestead and your complete lack of experience with
that. Right? Right. Yes. Yes. I've talked about that many times. I'm

a city girl and I want to live in the country, but I
don't want to do anything to have to take care of my country living. I
just want to, like, look out my window and see horses
galloping and, you know, maybe a couple of donkeys and some chickens.
And I want them to lay eggs, but I don't want to have to go
collect the eggs. I just want them to appear on my counter nice and clean.

And actually, if they could just cook themselves, too, that would be better. That
would probably be better. And all I care about is that we have high speed
Internet so we can work and live, right. So we have to, we can't live,
like, way out in the middle of nowhere. I hate to tell you this, Yvette.
This is never going to happen, right? I know. I think we're
probably in the house right now that we may die

in. Hopefully we will see.
Hopefully. But first, let's take a break. We'll be right back.
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I said, I never call you Garritt, but from the beginning of our marriage, I
have always called you either Babe. Or Garritt D. Yeah,
and I only ever call you babe. Pretty much, yeah, unless you're mad at
me. And then you say, Yvette, when am. I ever mad at you?
You might have been mad at me a time or two in our 29 years.
Anyway, Garritt D. Yes. Talk about the podcast. Like, what

are some of the topics? Because it's not necessarily a
homeschooling podcast, even though you talk about education. But
what is the podcast? What topics are you going to discuss? Yeah, it's not even
an education podcast. It is a biblical
worldview, biblical manliness podcast. And I want to
clarify that first, as you look across the

podcast landscape for men, there are a lot of what I
call, like, bearded bro podcasts, which are just
oozing sweat and testosterone and this kind of
cartoony masculinity. And I didn't want to be
that. I didn't want to be another podcast that talks about, you
know, working on cars, smoking cigars and drinking bourbon

and just, you know, grunting and farting and all those things.
Did you seriously just say that word on my podcast? Yes, I did. I'm sorry.
And I realize your audience is women, but I'm trying to say,
like, I wanted to do real
godly, biblical father and husband
stuff, real life. Right. And

so I sought out guests that would cover specific
topics that applied to every man. Right,
right. And so we've. God provided in an amazing
way. It was truly awesome to sit back
and watch and provide. So each show really tackles
kind of a specific subject. We go about an hour with our

guests and just do a quick break in the middle to
do some housekeeping. But it's a very tight hour. We
go fast, and we've had
an amazing list of guests. We start with Alex today, Alex
Newman, who's been on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast. And
honestly was, like, maybe my first choice. So he

kicked off the show. But we also have Rick
Green, Davis Carman, Wil
Addison, Abraham Hamilton, III.
Who else is real? Israel Wayne. So several others who
have been regulars on this show because these men have
so much wisdom to share with our men. Oh, Bob

Lepine, he's been on as well. So Bob talks about marriage
and how, uh, a man building a healthy marriage
and taking care of his wife is the best thing he can do for his
kids to instill confidence and security in them. So that
was a killer. Um, Rick Green, of course, talks
about being a great citizen and how to fight this

onslaught of Marxism we're seeing. And so a part of being a
man is being a godly citizen. So we get into
that. Wil Addison. We talk
about the call on our children. So
this was a great episode. And Wil Addison is the husband of Meeke
Addison. Correct, for those who have heard Meeke, because she's been on my podcast several

times. Right. And the host of the Culture Proof podcast, which is on
the network now. So we were at the
Addison's house months ago, and Wil and I were sitting and talking, and
he said, you know, when I'm thinking about my kids, I often think
about the kids who were taken into captivity in
Babylon. And he started talking about Daniel and Shadrach and

Meshach and Abednego and how even though those kids were taken
into captivity, they had been prepared in
Israel for that captivity, and they stood strong. And I
thought, man, this is a great conversation. And let me tell you,
will just brought it. It was so good. So. So,
yeah, each guest really hits a pretty specific

topic and just digs in deep. And it's such a
fun time getting to talk to him. Yeah. So you're talking about fatherhood,
about marriage, about culture, the church. I know you talk about the
church. You talk about purity. You know, in the world of
men, this is kind of an interesting story. So last
night you sat down to record your very last

episode for season one, and it was with Dr. George
Barna. Right. Which we were so excited about that if you guys have not
heard my interview with Doctor Barna, it's one of my favorite episodes
we've done in seven years. I mean, it's amazing. And so we were very
blessed, um, you were very blessed to get an interview with him.
And what. What happened? Everything broke. Yeah.

And, uh, you know, it's rare we have a permanent studio set
up, so we kind of turn everything on and go right. And usually
expect that the guests will be able to do that as well. And, uh,
we went to record with Doctor Barna, and his connection
just didn't work. And then we couldn't get the sound working, and so we had
to call it off and reschedule. And it. I was reminded once

again about that enemy who really, really wants to, you know,
undermine this work. Um, but, yeah, I praise God for the
opportunity that he's provided through these great guests. Yeah,
yeah. So, okay, this week, we are going to play this. This
episode is kind of an intro to the Thinking Dad. So we're going
to turn things a little bit this week, and instead of me interviewing and

hosting the podcast for the rest of this week, you're going to get to hear
Garritt's interview with Alex Newman, and you're going to be so blessed by it. I've
listened to it, and it's really fun. I know
normally you guys would probably not listen to a man podcast, because most of our
listeners are moms, not men. Um, but I listened to this one,
and it was so good. Um, and, and they're talking about

education and culture and all that stuff. So it's all pertinent to what we talk
about on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast. So we're going to play that through the rest
of the week. But as I'm thinking about playing this and
about your podcast, you have an audience right here
of, you know, thousands and thousands of women, thousands of
moms. Be the voice of a husband.

And I know every husband is different in his own way, but if you
could maybe share, like, what are the things that are, or even one
thing, one thing, five things, whatever. What do men want women to know?
Because this is a big question that, you know, I'm not listening to podcasts
that are made for men. And I know the things that you want and the
things that you need. But in general, what do

men need and want from their wives? You know, it's hard to
generalize and speak for every man. And so I'm going to
divide my men up into two groups. And the first
group I'm going to speak about is men who are walking with
the Lord and trying to disciple their families effectively. And
in that case, I want to tell wives that

these men are really working hard and trying.
And sometimes men are. Men are sinners. I'm a sinner.
We fail constantly. Um, and sometimes I think
it's easy for wives to look at the men and go, oh, I wish he'd
do more and just know that that weight is always
on men. We are always considering how we

can lead effectively, even when we're failing. And so my
encouragement to wives would be, love your husband, have
a soft spirit with him and encourage him and thank him for his
work. The other group of men, though, that I would speak to
is men who don't know the lord and aren't yet leading their
families in a way that pleases the Lord. Um,

even if they're working hard and trying to be good dads and good
husbands, they may be missing the mark as spiritual
leaders. And the thing I would tell the wives who are
listening is this. The Bible says that those
men will be won over by your soft spirit and your
witness. And the thing I would tell you is, you walk

faithfully. You do what you're called to do. Walk
faithfully, teach your kids and don't be overbearing
with your husband. And that witness will have a huge
impact. And then pray continually for his salvation.
Um, what we're doing here is very
specifically evangelistic work. Yeah. With the Schoolhouse

Rocked Podcast, with the Homeschool Insights podcast, with the
movie, with the Thinking Dad. We are in the business of
evangelism and we care deeply for the salvation of
people. Um, that isn't
one by beating people over the head. So for every
wife, I would tell you, appreciate your husband,

be respectful in that you come to him with a
soft spirit and thankfulness and not demands,
um, and trust that he knows what his role is and is
working hard to fulfill it. There. There is a third group of men
that are the men who aren't trying. The truth is, we live in a world
where some people are just not, they

just don't care. They're not working towards, um,
winsome marriages and parenting and things like that. And
honestly, um, that, that requires
just deep, deep prayer. Yeah. Um,
because that's a situation that no person is going to
be able to affect change. Only the Holy Spirit can make that real

change. Yeah. So for the wife who is thinking, okay,
I'm going to listen to this podcast this week, or maybe she's just ready to
recommend it to her husband. I know from experience
that sometimes when I'm like, hey, babe, you should really
listen to this thing. It will really bless you, it will be really good for
you. And you're like, you know, and I just sound like noise in

your ear and it can sound kind of naggy. Right. For.
Especially for the wife to tell the husband, you know, do this.
How might a wife gently encourage her
husband to listen to the Thinking Dad podcast? I would say you nailed it. In
saying, gently encourage. What I would
say is this, hey, babe, you know that

I've been listening to Schoolhouse Rocked. It's built me up in ways
that, you know, whatever. And they now
have a podcast for dads called the Thinking Dad. It would
probably be a great idea to listen to it. Yeah. You know, you
can't encourage somebody to listen to it unless you actually encourage them
to listen to it. So I would say that. But I will say, we

are asking you to ask your dad. Your dads, your husband, they could ask their
dads. That would be helpful as well, because your dads can benefit as
well. Um, no, we're encouraging you to pass this on to your husbands.
Um, you're going to get to hear the first episode here, but I would
let your husbands know they can subscribe. It
is a great show. And I don't say that because I'm the host. Cause honestly,

I've told you, I never feel equipped, but I'm the guy who
got called at this point to do it. Um, but I
know how good the content is because I've listened to every guest and they
are all amazing. Yeah, yeah. It is just like the Schoolhouse Rocked
Podcast where we just stand in awe of what the Lord is doing.
And as we've talked about on the podcast so many times, it's just our willingness

to say yes and be obedient to what God has called us to do. And
so that's what you've done. And God has really been faithful to
bring some amazing guests, and I'm excited to listen. I've only listened to your
episode with Alex Newman. That's the only one I've heard. I haven't heard any
of the others because I haven't even been, you know, when I record
your office, your studio is right next to my recording studio. So

you usually get to hear at least my end of the conversation, and then you
get to edit it, and so you hear all of mine before the world
listens. Yeah, I've only listened to Alex, so I haven't heard any of the others.
I'm so excited. It's been really fun as you've been recording
to, you know, afterwards, it's always, how did it go? And, you know,
for the most part, you've come back and said, man, it was so good. God

just moved in amazing ways again. And so. So I think it's going to be
great. It's so it's. It airs today. Today is
the first day, the world premiere, right. Of the Thinking Dad
podcast. And you said it's about an hour now. You're not breaking yours
up like we do the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast. Yours is like just a straight hour
of content. Yeah, we'll break it up for your audience because we know moms

don't usually have an hour straight to listen. But
for men, it's different. A lot of men commute and a lot of men are
able to listen to podcasts at work, so we're giving them an hour
of content. And actually, with the intro and outro, it's usually a little
more. You know what's funny is if I
could, I would do a two hour podcast.

And the truth is, it's just really hard to book guests for 2
hours. So maybe in the future we'll be
able to do that. But yeah, it's an hour of great content, and I am
so excited about it. I, you know, it's
always a privilege. And you know this. You've seen this with the movie and other
ministry things and the podcast. It is such a

privilege to do something and then sit
back and watch God work. Right. And we've seen that leading
up to this. And I. I can already foresee kind of the fruit
that's going to come from this, and I'm just jazzed about it. Yeah. Yeah.
To God be all the glory. And it's going to air every other
week. Every other week, yeah. Okay. So it's going to be every other Monday.

Yes. Awesome. If dads want a weekly
podcast, um, you can help that too,
because you can donate to support the show at I would be remiss if I didn't mention that,
um, the work we do, as you know it is supported
by sponsors, but that doesn't cover all of the costs.

Um, we do live by donations and sponsorships.
Yeah. And some sales, like the, uh, the conference and things like
that. Um, but this podcast really came
about because of the donations of a few
people. Yeah. And then we had one big, huge sponsor come
in, which is CTCMath, who's been with Schoolhouse

Rocked. Yeah. Years ago. They're such a
blessing. And so they're the premier, exclusive sponsor of
the show, and it was really neat to see them come in like
that, just because they believed in what we're doing and supported
the work. So, yeah, I would love to make it weekly. I'd
love to make it 2 hours, but we'll have to get there in. Time another

way that people can support the Thinking Dad podcast and actually the whole ministry,
the whole school, it's all under the umbrella of the Schoolhouse Rocked ministry. Right.
Bronze Oxen films. If you really want the father of all of
everything that we do, which, by the way, for those who are
maybe new to the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast, and you might not know this, our

movie Schoolhouse Rocked (34:36):
The Homeschool Revolution was directed and
really made by you. I mean, I. I hosted it. I
conducted interviews. Our whole family. It was. It was a family
journey. It was really made by God. Yes, that's
true. Of course. I know, but you were the director. You.
It was really your vision in the beginning to make the movie,

to film a documentary about homeschooling. And so, um, this really
is a ministry that from the very beginning, God put it on your heart to
do this. And God's just used us as a family, family collectively to
do what we've done. Yeah. But back to the t shirts. So you have these
t shirts, um, the one that you're wearing, you have several different designs. The one
you're wearing right now, if you guys are watching on video, you can see it.

It says dads matter. And, um, so this is
you. You've got several different ones. So you can. We'll put links to all these
things in the show notes, but you guys can go, um, to our store on
the website, and you can purchase t shirts. And that's another good way to,
um, support the ministry. But also, here's the thing. They could get a
t-shirt for Thinking Dad podcast. Give it to their dad, their

dad or their dad. Or their husband. Their husband for father's
day. Maybe. That's coming up sometime in June, right? Isn't it usually June? I don't
know. And, uh. And say, hey, I got you this really cool t shirt, by
the way. There's a podcast that goes along with it, and they can give their
husband a t-shirt and a new podcast to listen to. There you go. See? Done.
Father's day taken care of. You guys. Marketing idea. Wasn't that good. Yeah, I just

thought of that. I love it. So, yeah, t shirt and
podcast. T-shirt and podcast. And as Garritt said, you can always donate to the
ministry. Of course, go to our website, or You could go to either of those and
make a donation to the ministry, and that helps support everything that we do.
But we're not here to talk about that. We're here to talk about you. So

this is exciting. Yes. We are going to play for the rest of this week.
You're going to split up your hour long episode into
3, 20-ish minute episodes so that they can hear your interview with
Alex Newman and hopefully share that with their husbands
and, uh, and be encouraged by it. Yeah, I'm excited.
Thank you for letting me do that on this show. Of course. By the way,

I have to say this to the listeners. Half of what I know
about podcasting I learned from you. And,
uh, I I will say I've. Never talked about hosting.
Hosting? Yeah. Because I don't know anything else. I don't know any of the
technical. That's why I said half. Right. But really,
truly, I've learned a lot about hosting from you,

and you're very gifted, so I hope you
recognize that. I appreciate what you do. Well, thank you. I appreciate what you
do. Thank you. So, God's been good to allow us to work together. Yeah.
As a team. And, and we enjoy it. Yeah. I mean, we, we
rarely, if ever, have arguments about ministry
and podcasting and stuff. Like, we really work really well together and it's lots

of fun. So. So, anyway, thank you guys for being with us. Stay tuned
at the very end to hear a clip of the first episode of the Thinking
Dad podcast, and then be sure to listen through the rest of the week. We
are so grateful for you, for our audience. We love you guys so much.
And honestly, if it weren't for you, we would have no purpose
in doing what we do. So here's what we're going to ask you. Share this

with your friends. Share it with. Share the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast with your
friends. Share the Thinking Dad podcast with your friends. We've
got a new series coming up soon. It's "Homeschooling Through the Years" and we're really
excited about that. That's coming up in a few weeks. And we're going to take
you from preschool all the way through high school and the after years and
just walk you through all of those. And so I know, you know, summertime is

here and everybody's trying to figure out what they're doing for the next school year.
And so, lots of questions that people have right now. So we're gonna, we've
got some just really exciting episodes coming up on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast, so
stay tuned for those. Have a great rest of your week, and we
will. I will see you back here next week and enjoy the rest
of this week with the Thinking Dad. Bye.

Well, the simple answer is that whoever captures the
hearts, the minds, and ultimately the souls of the children is going
to direct the future. And this is not some unique discovery that
I have made. The totalitarians have understood this
for at least a century, probably longer. It just wasn't feasible to corral
all the children into brainwash camps. But today that is not only

feasible, it's the norm. It's the accepted standard. Even if
we're able to push the evildoers and the totalitarians
back for another generation, maybe if we work really hard, maybe even two
generations, if they've got the young people, it's over. And right
now, I don't mean to sound like a doom monger, but I think we just
need an honest assessment of where we're at right now. Christians in America are

losing this battle in a catastrophic way.

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