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March 21, 2023 20 mins

This week's Spring inspired episode is all about planting seeds of intention in order to watch yourself bloom into this new season. 

This season is a time for renewal, to feel re-energized for what's possible for you.

The increased warmth and sunshine provides the energy and hope to believe in ourselves in what's possible. 

Believe in you, and affirm your mind with this Spring Mindset Affirmations PDF that you can download for yourself here

Watch Stef's Spring Inspired Yin Yoga stretches for hamstring, glutes, and groin here.

Find Stef Layton Yoga on instagram and YouTube 

Let me know if you got your affirmations and which was you use them.

Send me a DM on Facebook or Instagram

#springintentions #manifestation #lawofattraction #spiritualgrowth #spirituality #mindset #intention #thepowerofintention #knowyourworth #vibehigh #raiseyourvibe #selfworth #youarestrong #youaredivine #youareworthy #affirm #healingoldwounds  #healingjourney  #heartaf #theheartafpodcast #podcast 

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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​Hey everyone.
What's up?
It's Chelsea VanBuskirkwith the Heart AF podcast.
Hope you guys are all doing well.
Spring is here.
So today I wanted to talkabout having a spring mindset.
Um, I've been walkingoutside a lot more lately.
Walking is one of myfavorite things to do.
Just being outside in nature and justmoving my body is just a really like.

Nourishing thing for me to do, andI'm really happy that I've been
able to bring that, um, into a moreconsistent practice for myself and
just making that time for those walks.
Usually I like to listento some audio books.
It just helps me clear my head sometimes.
I just think.
It's just a great way tounplug and really just show my
gratitude for what's around me.

And, also being in nature, youget to see a lot of cool things.
And so right now I've beennoticing, you know, the trees
are starting to bud, right?
Like we're, transitioning seasonsright now, and then depending on
where you're at, um, you know, herein Colorado, like we kind of have what
a lot of people call sprinter, right?
This spring winter, becauseusually the springtime is our
snowiest season, um, versus winter.

But this winter we hada really unusually cold.
Winter and there was a lot moresnow than there is normally.
So, um, I think Colorado forsure is definitely itching to
get more of that sun and thatwarmth on a more consistent basis.
But, you know, you never know.
In Colorado we typically stillget snow, um, in May and around
Mother's Day and things like that.

So you just never know with us here.
So I'm not sure what your weather'slike in your neck of the woods,
but seeing these signs of springand like what's coming, right?
Like seeing that, is justso reassuring, right?
And letting us know thatspring is on its way.
You know, whether if we do get somemore snowstorms or not, like the
trees are budding and that meansthat they're eventually gonna bloom.

And so I wanted to apply that to, to thisseason within ourselves and our mindsets
and really, giving ourselves this spaceto set intentions for this coming season.
And I would like for you to, um,visualize your intentions as almost
like the seeds you're planting forwhat you want to bloom in your life.
And, um, I wanna give you an example that.

Recently, I had, um, invited a closefriend of mine to come to this women's,
gala evening, and we were walking inand like, she stopped me after we got
our name tags and she was like, wait.
What's your intention for this gala?
Like, what's yourintention for coming here?
And I'm like, oh shit.
Like I did not even . Begin to thinkof an intention of coming here.

I mean, I just thought it soundedfun, you know, a group of women.
It had some awesome panelists thatI was interested in and hear speak.
And really, I was just worried aboutwhat I was gonna wear, you know?
Cuz normally I'm an active wear,so actually getting dressed in
real clothes, like that's whatI was, you know, worried about.
I was not even beginning tothink of what intention I wanted
to have coming into this event.
And so it really had me stop and think.

And so quickly on my feet, I waslike, my intention is to make some new
connections that will, um, you know,help foster my growth in like, my purpose
of where I wanna go as far as, , mybusiness, my podcast, that kind of thing.
My book.
I wanna make some meaningfulconnections, like new connections
that I haven't made, um, before.
Cuz some of the, uh, the people atthis event I have met at other events.

So I was looking to make twonew connections that, that
ended up being my intention.
And that was such a gift that myfriend asked me because that really
set the, the tone for the event really.
I mean, it gave me some purpose andit was something, you know, I think a
lot of us don't really take the timeto figure out what our intentions
are when we're doing specificthings, you know, and, and intention.
is very important, right?

It can really affect ourresults on whatever we're doing.
I spoke on last week's podcast aboutthe importance of like that mindset
and the power of our thoughts, andhow that transitioned me from having
a plateau in my, you know, weightloss journey and my results was my
mindset and my belief in myself.
And switching that intention, thatmindset, that belief in myself

that I am making progress, likethis is very easy for me to do.
Like really believing that and havingthat intention about my efforts
shifted and let me see those resultsI was, you know, wanting to see.
And, um, and so it's, it's the same thing.
It's like anything we're doing inour life, if we're doing it without
intention, , then we might miss the mark.
Like we might be missing somethingthat could be really great.

Um, and so being really intentionaland really present with what
we're doing, um, you know, thinkabout like going grocery shopping.
Like when you make a list, likeyou have an intention, right?
You have that list to show you,this is what I intend to get at the
grocery store, and it makes yourgrocery shopping trip efficient and
you're getting everything that youneed to take home to make the meals,
you're gonna make that kind of thing.
So think of that like, you know, when you.

Planning your day, like if you takea little time out the night before to
focus on what's my intentions for thenext day, for the next week, for the
next month, what are the goals I havefor myself on a personal, spiritual,
um, you know, work level relationships,budgeting, finances, whatever it is.
Like, if you start setting intentionsthat'll help keep you in alignment
with doing the actions you need todo to get wherever you wanna go.

So, talking about, setting our intentionsfor this springtime and really.
You know, visualizing this kind ofseeding process of we're gonna seed these
intentions for this coming season andwhat we want to see bloom in our lives.
I can tell you for me, my intentionsfor this coming season are, you know, to
get out there and do more sound healingworkshops cuz I see how beneficial that

is for the people that get to come tothat and figuring out ways to bring
this sound healing to more people.
Um, I wanna intentionally get backto work on my book and, and really
figuring out these points where I'vebeen stuck at in writing that and really
intentionally get back into the grooveof a, a more consistent writing practice
and, um, getting that developed andgetting, um, into , a writing routine.

I intentionally wanna keep, upwith my, weight loss journey
and getting back to the,
the body that I feel confidentand, and fit and healthy in,
and feeling comfortable in myclothes, like, I'm intentionally
gonna keep working towards that.
I'm intentionally gonna keep strengtheningimportant relationships in my life.
Like, these are the things Iwant to work on intentionally.
And setting these intentions, whetheryou're you writing them down in a

journal, um, practicing, you know,manifesting techniques with, um, you know,
journaling like affirmations, I, I gaveyou guys, a little hint on doing this.
In the previous episode about how you canwrite from the end, like your future self,
like you're expressing gratitude for that.
You already have what you want.
You are seeing yourself from theend, like seeing yourself as already

being in the state that you want.
So if you want a better relationship,like you're seeing like, you know, I have
an amazing relationship with my husband.
Like you're already seeing likewhat you want, and you're stating
that as it's already happened,and then you are repeating that.
So you're speaking it with intentionand then internalizing that until
it becomes your reality, right?
It's like you have to act asif the end is already here.

I've talked about that a lotwhen you're, um, you know,
learning the law of attractionand learning about manifestation.
It's all about seeing from the end, youknow, I pull that quote from Wayne Dyer
all the time, like he sees from the endthat was what he expressed a lot in his
teachings and his writings and his books,is you are seeing that it's already there.
You're seeing that future self isalready here and just believing
that, that having that belief iswhat helps you get that reality.

Um, and it's so true that literallyour thoughts create our reality.
That was something I'm echoing from lastweek's episode too, Is that whatever we
think about becomes a reality, right?
Whether we want it or not.
So again, you're, you have to reallyget ingrained in you that every
thought you have has an intention,whether you want it to or not.
So, Really taking the time to pauseand, and figure out like, what are my

intentions for this specific moment?
Like, what are my intentionsfor this podcast right now?
My intention for this podcast is tohelp you maybe, um, flip a light switch
in your mind and to help you figureout what intentions you wanna set for
yourself for this coming season and howyou can set yourself up for, um, you
know, having more successes and wins inyour life and, and feeling good about
life and feeling more joyful, and justin control and, and stepping into your

power, knowing that you do have thisability to create your reality, right?
Like, I wanna make thesepositive changes for you.
Like my intention is to create a positiveimpact with my voice, with my message.
So, a quote.
I came across last week or so,scrolling, you know, through
Facebook or Instagram, one of 'em.
And this quote caught my eye onebecause it was from Mark Wahlberg and

I've always been a Mark Wahlberg fan.
I think he's really cute.
He might be short, but I thinkhe's, um, you know, he's my little
Hollywood crush, I guess you could say.
And he has been for a while.
And um, he really does have great quotes.
It's funny because when I was trying.
Google and find the quoteI had seen on Facebook.
Um, he has a lot of good quotes.
Like there's a, there was like literallyhundreds of Mark Wahlberg quotes and um,

I finally just googled like the wordsI remember from reading and I found it.
But his quote, is somethingthat I feel like I've actually
touched on before in one of theseprevious episodes on this podcast.
Um, so let me just read this quote.
So this is sort of Mark Wahlberg.
. "God never gives you a dreamthat matches your budget.
He's not checking your bank account.
He's checking your faith".

. So that to me, when I, um, I spokeabout this, I can't remember which
episode exactly, but talking abouthow whatever dreams are placed in your
heart, like whatever, you know, yourimagination or these, these dreams,
these visualizations you might haveabout your future and what you want.
whatever is in your heart, whateveryou were born with, like you, you
were given that for a purpose.
Like it means it's meant foryou, it means it's in your reach.

I want people to know that, thatthere's not anything wrong with you.
Like whatever is in your heart, whateverthose desires you have, whether it's
your sexual preference or dreamsof doing something really big with
your life, those dreams are in yourheart because they're there for you.
And I love how Mark's quote talks about,When, when he, when those dreams are
placed upon your heart, like God's notlooking at your, your bank account, right?

He's checking on your faith.
And that's something I wanna address.
And I think that's super important becauseit's not so much what, how much money
you have that makes your dreams cometrue where, what your, um, achievements
are, whatever, blah, blah, blah.
What matters is your faith and yourbelief in yourself that you can
achieve it, that you acknowledge thatthat dream inside you is possible.

And, and that's a big message I wouldlike to help people realize is that
whatever dream you have is possiblefor you and it's already there.
The dream is already realized.
You just have to believe it andthen not let go of that belief.
Like you stay strong in that faithand then you watch the magic happen.
It doesn't mean you're just likedreaming stuff and it's just gonna fall

out of the sky and fall into your lap.
You do the work, but you have thebelief that it's coming, right?
Because success does not come overnight.
And um, this is bringing somethingelse up for me, in a recent
discussion with my husband.
So my husband, I think I've mentionedhim a few times, um, but he has grown a
business from when he was 19 years old,and we were talking about, you know, a

lot of the things that are going on rightnow, he's, he's under a lot of stress.
Like there's a lot of like, Thingshappening like, a lot of fires going on
right now and he's, you know, having toput em out and it sounds really stressful.
So I was like, oh mygosh, like is it too big?
Like, how are you feeling?
And he was like, no, like I love it.
He's like, this means I'm growing.
And he's like, this is why businessesfail because they don't hang on.
They don't keep fightingwhen things get hard.

And it just reminded me of howGod kind of test our faith, right?
Like when we want something, weare going to be tested to see
if we really want it, right?
And if we really want it, then we haveto like, push through and, and deal
with some hard and uncomfortable things.
Growing means changing.
So in each level up, my husband wantsto have, in his business when he

wants to keep growing his, you know,yearly revenue, that kind of thing,
that the more revenue he generates,the more problems he's gonna have.
More money, more problems.
That's just the way it goes, right?
but he knows that he wants to keepachieving and growing his business.
He knows he wants to keep passing on thesuccess to his employees and watching
them grow, and he wants to pour everythingin being a leader and helping them out.

And in doing that, that meanshe has to deal with some of
these hard growing pains, right?
Growing means.
Changing and changing is hard.
Um, I was actually listening to a bookthat was echoing these same things
about how, um, you know, like ifyou're trying to manifest something for
yourself, you are gonna be tested tosee if you're actually ready for the
responsibilities that come with that.
you know, that goal or whatever you'retrying to manifest for yourself, right?

If it's, you know, the body that you wannalike change, um, are you ready to take on
the responsibilities to get to that body?
Um, if you are trying to, youknow, manifest like the
the money thing, right?
Like if you're trying to get morefinancials, like are you willing to do the
work that it takes to get to that level.
.So . It really comes down to having this faith and, and not only this

faith, but the ability to keep movingforward and to do what you need to do,
um, in order to see things through.
Um, and.
. You know, circling back to like thebeginning of what I was talking about is
having these intentions, is planning theseseed, like what are your desires and what

are you wanting, to create for yourself?
What are you wanting to plantnow that can grow later?
And really stepping into those intentions,writing them down, and then really having
that faith that things are gonna come.
Cuz this is the other problem is we, youknow, let's talk about real life planting.

When you're planting seeds, likewhen I do my garden and I'm planting
the seeds in the little indoorthing to sprout these seeds that
I can later plant in the garden.
. I'm not sitting there watching itevery day, like demanding it grow and
like watching it, wanting it to grow.
Like every night, like of course Iwanna see it grow, but I have to have
faith that those seeds are gonna growand I have to let go and surrender
and let divine timing take over.

And having that faith thatthese seeds are gonna sprout,
I just have to give them time.
I have to water them.
They have to be in that like environment.
So like when I'm doing these indoorseed things, I have like this heating
pad that this thing sits on, there'slike a dome, so it creates like this
moisture and humid environment forthese seeds to germinate and sprout.
Same thing with these intentions, withyour goals, like you're gonna state them

and you're gonna believe in them andyou're going to nurture them, right?
And keep your faith strong andkeep seeing yourself from the end.
Like keep seeing that success.
But then you're also gonna let go andsurrender and let divine timing take
over and, and trust and have that faith.
Um, there was another thing that hadcome up repeatedly for me, same friend

that I'm actually gonna talk about later,
her name is Stef you canfind her @steflaytonyoga um,
that is her Instagram handle.
Um, she's on YouTube and I'm gonna belinking, her page because she, has
some, awesome affirmations and someawesome, yoga videos that I actually use.
She helps me out a lot.
I'm gonna be linking, her stuffin this podcast description.

She just out of the blue hadsaid, this reminded me of you.
And it was, 'I don't chase, Iattract.' And I said, oh my gosh.
I have a song on my, uh, mantra playlist.
I've talked about this playlist before.
I'll actually link that inthis podcast episode again too.
But you can get my mantra playlistthat I listen to on Spotify or Apple.
It's a playlist that I've createdthat has a bunch of different like

mantras and affirmations and songs,and I just, I, it's a great playlist
that really helps you know, raise myvibe and get me in that, um, mindset
of, you know, empowering myself.
And so one of those songs, the titleis I Don't Chase, I Attract and I
have the playlist usually on Shuffle.
And that, that song had come upand I was like, oh my gosh, this is
definitely a sign to remind me, youknow, to stop forcing things like Right.

I can't force a seed to grow.
I can't stare at it hard andlike force it to grow right this
second and to sprout overnight.
No, that's not how it works.
I have to have faith that it'sgonna sprout when it's ready.
I have to let go and surrender andtrust that things are gonna happen in
the time that they're meant to happen.
And it's having that faith that reallycarries you through those hard times.

Um, and so that's really big is justreally having that reflection to not
force things to really let go and to,have that confidence of I don't have
to force anything to happen for me.
I'm attracting it to me.
It's already there for me and it'scoming to me in divine timing and
really just having that belief andthat confidence that it's coming to me.

That the seeds I'm planning, theintentions I'm planning today are gonna
be sprouting and then blooming, right?
Like summer will be here when the,the season of blooming is coming.
So I would really love it, if youguys would take some time and the
spring equinox is, is here, right?
We're coming to this new season andjust taking a moment and, , journaling

and setting out these intentionsfor this next season for your life.
Um, and again, they can be in Any part ofyour life that you, you would like, right?
Like I I talked about relationshipsor career, business goals, um,
you know, health and wellnessgoals, your spirituality goals.
Like what are things that you wannaintentionally, you know, put into practice
for yourself, for your own self-growth,your own self-development, your own

spiritual growth, Just your own ways thatyou would like to bloom into the most
beautiful self that you can be right.
Blooming into the, the highest possibleoutcome for yourself, um, and how that
affects everything else around you.
When you're at your highest, mostbeautiful self, like, it just, it's
like a ripple effect to everybody thatyou come into contact with, right?
Like when you're in that state.

, it helps other people around you.
You know, it's like this vibrationthat you give off that just
helps raise everybody else up.
So I wanna invite you, there isa list of 10 affirmations that
were specifically created for thisepisode, for this spring mindset.
Created by my friend Stef Layton.
So I will link that, inthis podcast description.

It's a blog post where youcan , download this pdf.
Stef has actually madeit into a sheet of four.
So that means you download it, you canprint it and you can cut it out, and
it'll give you four affirmation sheets.
That way you can hand it to, you know, amother, a friend, your daughter, you know,
somebody that, it could impact cuz it's,nice to have these little printouts.
And I actually have a few that Stefhas created that I've gotten from

her yoga classes and her newsletter.
I keep them in my journalsand I say them in my head.
I journal these affirmations andthere's just something about , you know,
intentionally writing these things andsaying 'em in your head and reading
them and writing them, it's puttingintention in the pen, in the paper.
And there's just somethingmagical when you say these
things and you know, our voice.
It's, it's all magic.

I like to say, like, writingit, saying it, thinking it,
it's all intention, right?
Um, everything we do is just sointertwined and can really affect
how things, um, unfold, right?
So, that is it for this week.
I will see you guys all next week.
I've got, um, an interview podcastcoming, so that'll be fun.

And I would love if you,share with me in messenger.
You know, in my dms or um, in anemail, however you want to, I would
love to hear if you download theaffirmations that I have for you.
And if you've set theseintentions for this spring season.
So happy spring Equinox.
Let's welcome in this new season ofthings budding and starting to form.

It's a beautiful season and we'recoming into, you know, the next, um,
big summer equinox so that there'llbe something big we'll do, here in a
couple months when we get to that point.
But for now, let's just focus onsetting those intentions, planting
those seeds, and keeping the faith.
And then again, just, you know, lettinggo, surrender, um, and watching things
happen, you know, through faith.
When things show up for you, it'sjust amazing and we can keep that

circle going by expressing ourgratitude and, thinking for the end.
And, you know, I'll echo a little bitonce more from last week, but, actually
having gratitude that it's already here,like thank you, like expressing that
gratitude for it already showing up.
It just already puts things in motion.
So stay with an open heart, groundedin that faith, in gratitude,
and I'll see you guys next week.

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