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May 9, 2024 39 mins
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Episode Transcript

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Time to bury the tired narrative,narrative and uncover stories not typically heard,
but stories that need to be heard, right or wrong, play or death.
This isn't your typical laws show.This is Big Angry Law with Charles

Big Angry Adams on kPr Z ninetynow Charles Adams, Well, good evening,
ladies and gentlemen, Charles Adams,Big Angry Radio, kPr C nine
fifty, Real Texas, Real Talk, coming to you live from the bel

Air Hotel in lovely bel Air,California. Spelled differently and a little bit
nicer than the very nice bel Airback there in Houston, Texas. I
am at the bel Air Hotel,that storied, pink hotel, that is

world famous. I didn't realize thatand incredibly overpriced. Lots of interesting news
today. Marjorie Taylor Green, whoI'm no big fan of, is being
pilloried in the press, both rightwing and left wing and mainstream media.
Of course, mainstream media is predominantlyleftist, for her efforts to remove Speaker

Johnson CNN. I heard call ither unhinged allegations. I saw failings of
moderate Republicans pearl clutching, patting themselveson the back for getting the work done.
You know, I don't like Marjorie. I think she's a fraud and
a con artist. You know,it appears that she may have been a

swinger and just a bunch of allaround weirdness. I mean, I teach
their own but you know, failedbusiness person who got into politics because of
her willingness to say the craziest thingsin the world, to pander to the
extremists. But it's a big butt. I agree that Speaker Johnson has just

been using pandering rhetoric himself while youknow, participating and facilitating the Biden administration's
agenda without any significant pushback, youknow, financing wars. There's been a
lot of chatter by some progressives aboutthe need for American soldiers to get involved

in the Ukraine. Of course,the Progressives aren't saying that about Israel because
they largely the squad is largely eitherexpressly on Team time Terrorist or tacitly on
Team Terrorists. But I will tellyou, I mean, I don't think
this is a good thing. Imean, the Republican Party has failed at

getting anything accomplished. They didn't doanything of substance for the two years that
they had complete control after Trump's twentysixteen victory. They have failed to do
much of any significance since the retakingthe majority in the slimmest majority at this

time. And I think American history, I think that the midterm elections should
have gotten the Republicans both the Houseand the Senate, but again they prioritized,
as always kind of this faul theocracyover actual fiscal conservatism. And what

I would prefer from the Republican Partyan American sensibility of personal liberty, which
we are not getting at all.But here we are just another much ado
about nothing, and I don't thinkanything will come of it, of any
substance at all. I will say, I am currently sitting in what I

believe I was gonna tell what incrediblyfirst world problems. I decided to stay
in this hotel after staying in adifferent hotel with my children that is the
sister property of this I'm here onbusiness and we are staying here for a
few days for meetings before I returnedto Houston. And when I checked in,

and I know this sounds, thisis going to sound absurd, but
I'm gonna tell it anyway. WhenI checked in extremely expensive rooms, you
know, fifteen sixteen hundred dollars perroom per night. And when I checked
in, my business partner had afireplace. He had sent me pictures of
his wonderfully loved the room and hisbathroom with this giant bathtub, and I'd

noticed I didn't have a fireplace,and notici I didn't have a bathtub.
And it was because I was inan accessible room, one of those rooms
where you can wheelchair into the shower, which you know, if it was
a Lakinto or hyatt or something,I wouldn't mind because you kind of get
what you get, and it's atypically, you know, a bargain price,

but when you're spending this kind ofmoney, you kind of want what
you booked. When I did notbook an accessible room, so I called
the front desk, assuming that thiswas a mistake, and I got some
haughtiness, maybe it was my Texasaccent, I don't know, and a
little with a side order of condescension, and I was told this was the

room I booked, and I said, no, it's really not. It's
not a big deal. If youcould just move me into a room like
the room I booked, and Iwas told that wasn't an option, that
they were fully committed, and youknow, blah blah blah blah, and
I said, well that's not acceptable. I pulled a full Karen and said,
look, if I could speak toyour manager, And it turns out

it seems like instead of getting yourmanager, she got a colleague to pretend
to be a manager who told methe same thing, but said, you
know, we'll waive your kind cancelationfee. You know, basically I can
either take the room I'm in andmaybe they can move me tomorrow, or
I could leave, which really reallyhad me irritated at that point. So

at that point I turned into it. It never got mad. I was
talking I'm just like this into thebig angry Karen that I can be,
and said, okay, not acceptable. I need to talk to someone else.
If you're a desk manager, that'snot who I need to speak to.
So then I got the actual deskmanager called me, and he had
a somewhat flamboyant accent, and itwas also he said, miss d Adams,

you have a huge issue, asif I was making a mountain out
of a mole hill. I said, I don't have a huge issue.
I do have an issue with beinglied to, right, being told that
I'm in the room that I booked. She was playing a word parsing game
where you know, it's like ifI booked a king room and got two

queens, or a queen room andgot two kings, although the same level
of room, not the same room, and of course they're listed different.
You can select an accessible room versusa regular room. And you know,
I don't appreciate being lied to.I don't appreciate being told tough I can
either accept it or leave with noother solutions, and that I wanted him

to make a to find me asolution, and initially hesitant and was also
a bit condescending, and which isamusing. And I said, well,
you know, look, I'm goingto talk to you an hour because I
want to do talk radio. I'mback in just a moment to finish this
story for y'all. This is bigAngry Law on k p R C nine

fifteen SID and strange shouts are out, The stranger cries screams out now and

my world strapped against my bash.Myns never knew how to black. I
was trying. And we are back. This is again Charles Adams Big Ang

at Big Angry Law on Twitter andInstagram, Big Ang Radio right here on
KPRC nine point fifty. I thinkI was leaning into this tiny mic that
I use on the road a littlebit too closely. If I got too
loud there, I apologize. AsI mentioned in the last segment, I
am coming to you from bel Air, California. I'm out here on business

and I did try to do ashow last night, but I got hung
up with this little fiasco I hadwhen I checked into this belligerently overpriced hotel
in the heart of bel Air andBeverly Hills, two neighborhoods built on greed
and West Coast hypocrisy. And whenI chat, I don't know lots of

politics. I want to talk aboutGovernor Hochel claiming that African American children don't
know what computers are, and theunbelievab racism of the far left. But
I want to not that there's nota whole lot of racism on the far
right, because of course there is. I wanted to talk about Patrick Beverly

losing to the Pacers and hitting afan with the ball and trying to weasel
out of it by vaguely claiming thathe did it because he had been called
a word he'd never been called before. He didn't identify the word, and
I think he did so fail todo so because everything is recorded nowadays and
he didn't want to get hit forperjury. But clearly his clearly his intonation

was I was called racial pejordive,so I overreacted, which is not a
defense to assault other than in thecourt of public opinion, which is why
he lobbied it. Lobbied lobbed itwithout being overly specific, because Patrick Beverly
is absolute scumback, but instead perusual, I am telling a story about

my home life, which y'all probablydon't find interesting, but you're still listening
to the show, so thank you. I check into this overpriced hotel I'm
here on a business trip, andI discovered that I was put in an
accessible room with one of those showersthat gets water everywhere gets made for a
wheelchair. When I assumed it wasa mistake because his place is so expensive,

I was told that was the roomthat I booked. I made it
clear that it wasn't. Then apretend manager condescendingly told me that I basically
could either leave and get a refundor maybe get a different room tomorrow.
When I spoke to an actual manager, it was going the same way until

I said, look, I haveto go because I have to do radio.
He kept talking and I never gotI didn't get to the radio in
time to get a show started intime with my board ops, so they
ran another rerun. But I tried, Phyllis. I really gave it my
best effort. I fought through trafficcoming up. I was in southern California

and Inciditas on business the night before. And I feel bad you and I
do. I missed a lot ofshows, but I make a real effort
because I love doing this show.I love talking to y'all. I wish
one day we could get back towhere I was speaking to y'all again.
But that's an iHeart issue. Butso I talked to the manager. I

said, look, I gotta go, I've got to do radio. Call
me back in an hour. Instead, he said, oh no, no,
just give me a minute. Soand it's amazing the little things,
right, you know, before Iwas just some you know, hick sounding
guy that wanted the actual overpriced roomthat I booked instead of a room where
when I take a shower, Ihad to make a wall of towels or

get water everywhere, And I knowslide inconvenience. And the last segment I
mentioned called me it's like, Ihear you have a huge issue. No,
man, it's not a huge issue. Huge issue would be if I
had a flat on the freeway inSouth Central. This is just me wanting
the benefit of the bargain that Inegotiated by getting online and clicking a box

and agreeing to spend an outlandish sumof money to stay in you in the
heart of the people that lecture therest of America on how we should live,
and none that went over very well. But the mention of being on
talker, any suggestion of media inthis very media centric world, and they

changed their tone. So now I'msitting in a six thousand dollars a night
room with a private pool that looksdown on another room with a private pool,
with instant thoughts and thongs in awhole different part of this insane hotel,
all because people just think. Youknow, when people lie to you,

it's a condescension, right, Itis an assumption. And out here
if you sound like you're from Texas. It is an immediate assumption that you're
probably not that bright. And youknow I would checked in in a T
shirt and some gap pants and apair of Jordan's. You know, I'm
not putting on airs and dressing upto impress anyone. I'm just out here

trying to make a few more bucks. And I will tell you it irritates
me. It irritates me when someonelies to me about something simple, because
that's an assumption that you're stupid.And when they said to me, hey,
now that's the room you booked,they were parsing. Right. It'd
be like booking a room like Isaid last segment with a king bed or

two queen beds and getting a kingbed and say wants the same level of
room. But anyhow, the lessonthat I give is, you know,
sometimes I have a penchant for gettingvery angry when people are being awful.
You know, my life ethos isbe nice to nice people, and be
more awful to people that treat youawfully, as in, if someone's throw

to you, be twice as rude. Now Here, I just decided to
be flat right. I mean,I'm in California. It's a very chill
vibe, right. So instead ofgetting irritated, I just was persistent.
Karen, as they would call it, Karen is the new bigots that can
get away with the new bigotry becauseit's directed of white women or white men.

You know, I just said,look, no, this isn't it,
and now this is this room's insane. I would not ever pay this.
I was irritated myself for paying.You know, fifteen sixteen seventy whatever
was a night per room and Iwas paying for two rooms or I am
paying, but I would never pay. I looked it up. This six
grand a night for this room asa private outdoor big paty of it's it's

it's incredible, and you see howeven and I can. I could afford
it, but I would never doit because what a repugnant waste. And
I don't like getting stuff for free. Like there was never any effort on
my part. Damn it, giveme an upgrade. I was just like,
just give me the room that Ibooked. But here we are and
we're talking about this instead of talkingabout all the crazy. There's some clips

I want to play, you know'sthere's a legislator in New York who is
now calling the statute that was specificallydrafted to allow Egene Carroll to sue Donald
Trump, that you know, toremove what it's called the statue of limitations

that limits civil claims if they weremore than the if the meat and potatoes
of the allegation was more than xnumber of years old. Depending on the
type of claim, like in Texas, personal injury is typically two years and
a contract dispute is typically four years, and there are nuances. But this
statute was written to basically to allowthe statute for adult survivors in quotes,

and then I don't believe. Itis my personal opinion that those allegations against
Trump are absolutely false, and that'sbased on her lying about the dress and
lying about other specifics that suggested tome that it was a complete fabrication.
But I wasn't there. I don'tknow. But he is now being sued
by a woman, and now he'sclaiming the law that he advocated for and

voted for is unconstitutional because goodness,people are stupid, right. People don't
see that things exist for a reason, and that things, you know,
when they job the system to gettheir opponents, sometimes it'll come back and
bite them on their ass. We'lltalk more Trump at a moment you're listening,

listen to Big Angry Law on kp R C nine fifty. She
lost me. She has a side, tells us how she's shows dream the

laws. Joy listens. All right, we are Mack Charles Adams coming to

you from the bel Air Hotel inbeautiful bel Air, California. And make
no mistake, it's beautiful. Theweather's beautiful. The pool that I have
on my deck here is heated.I was out there. I did not
intend to swim on this trip,so I was out there in my drawls
earlier today after my morning meeting,before my lunch meeting, and it was

pretty splendid. Not so splendid goingfor our former president Donald Trump being actively
humiliated by the Manhattan disc Attorney's Officein contravention or despite Judge Merschaan's order to
the contrary over the last couple ofdays. But of course the jurist,

who has very clear ties to veryclear efforts to ensure that Donald Trump is
not re elected president is it wasfar more too liss with his constraints of
the DA's office, and he hasbeen with his constraint of the President for

his for allegedly violating the gag orderhe put in place, willfully ignoring the
fact that he is a defendant whois also running for the presidency. But
the judge had cautioned the District Attorney'soffice about going into detail of the sexualized

relationship between the former president and priorto his candidacy and the prostitute slash pornographic
actress in the Pearl Clutters. Howdare you call this victim a prostitute?
Well, she took Bonnie to havesex, and it wasn't for making a

commercially viable film. That's prostitution.And it's come out that they had sex
without any sort of protection, whichyou know, fall true and I think
that it is. And it speaksnot very highly of the president and his
relationship with his wife, who hadgiven birth to Baron Trump not long before

this relations But again, there areyou know, there are equally incredible claims
about Biden, and of course theone's about Biden are about sexual assault that
I think have because of the recencyof the outcry that was captured on the

Larry King Show by the wife,I think that I think there's more credibility
there, and of course, becausethose allegations were made against the Democratic candidate
for the presidency, the woman wasvilified by the press. But it is
believe all women, except if theyare criticizing a liberal, and that ties
us back to the he legislature inNew York. But before we move there,

you know this thing with Stormy rightnow, storm people are saying that
Stormy has raised the specter of coercedsex with the President because she said she
didn't want to. You know,when I heard the testimony, I think
that, and I think Stormy Danielsis a fabuloust not saying she's fabulous,

I'm saying she likes to make upstories. And again just my opinion,
but it's an opinion that her equallydishonest in prisoned attorney has you know,
somewhat ratified with his statements about herbehaviors. And of course i'm talking about

AVINAUGHTI but who I'm no fan of, and as you know, I'm no
fan of Donald either. But thecrux of this case has nothing to do
with their sexual relationship, nothing atall. Right, the President having sex
with Stormy has absolutely no bearing onthe other than we had sex I made

this outcry that sounds like extortion,got money, agreed not to say anything,
but of course she didn't still sayanything because she's a patriot, not
an attention sinking prostitute. But thetruth of the matter is they most likely
had sex, but that's not anelement of this crime. Now, this

crime being prosecuted against the president isonly being prosecuted because Donald Trump entered the
political arena. And basically the allegationis he misidentified a payment that created a
tax benefit that would have not existedif it was identified as a settlement of

a sexual harassment claim. Now,I know that doesn't really sound like a
crime, but probably it is ifhe did so and was responsible for doing
so, and knew that it wasbeing done so for the purposes of saving

a very small amount of money whenyou're a billionaire, or even a pretend
billionaire who's actually a sent a millionaire. Whatever, he is right, and
everyone knows that. Every attorney,even the ones that are all up in
arms about it on TV, everyonein the Manhattan disc Attorney's Office that doesn't

think violent robbery should be prosecuted asrobbery, every judge on every bench,
everyone knows that This is only beingprosecuted to try to either prevent Donald Trump
from running for president for a secondtime or third time, or if that's
not possible, help prevent him fromwinning. And that is ultimately my problem

with all this, like the decisionto and again we're not going to get
to all these stories I want totalk about, but the decision to lift
the statute of limitations, this AdultSurvivors Act, that was expressly done to
allow this Egen Carroll to sue DonaldTrump because the Democrats thought it would destroy
him. Again, I have aproblem with weaponizing both our civil and criminal

justice systems against a political candidate simplybecause of his politics. You want to
get Donald Trump for breaking the law, get him for breaking the law,
but prosecuting him for crimes that wouldnever be prosecuted but for the fact that
he was a political opponent. Andwe see all these it looks like I

saw a read an arcicle suggesting thatone of the prosecutors received a twelve thousand
dollars payment for advice from a DemocratOrgans. I mean, it's it is
long past time that reasonable people,even reasonable people that don't support the candidacy

of Donald Trump concede or admit orpublicly stated if they're in the public sphere
that when Comy came out and saidno reasonable probably yes, Hillary Clinton's team
committed multiple crimes. They didn't saythat expressly, but he did say that
no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute these crimes. And while conceding there was multiple crimes

committed. If it just isn't palatable, it isn't Americanism. It is a
threat to our democracy. And Iam not prone to the hyperbole, and
almost certainly not on the Trump train. But all the hemming and hauling and

talking about how our democracy will bedestroyed if he is elected. They said
that in twenty sixteen, they saidit in twenty twenty, and they're saying
it now is largely being pushed byeither of those who are actively trying to
destroy our democracy. Are those whoare aware of those, like the mainstream

media, aware of those that aretrying to destroy a democracy, and don't
have a problem with it because theywould rather see their team win. And
that's not what America is. That'snot what democracy is. The whole thing

is you have a level playing field, and whoever gets the most votes wins
and gets to choose the direction,and of course we didn't see that during
its presidency. We saw activist tourists, activist federal judges shut down all of
his efforts, like on immigration,whereas now now the bide administration or we're
going to curtail asylum claims for criminals. Why were we ever letting criminals make

asylum claims. I read an articlein Texas Tribune that was lamenting that a
woman who had committed some violations wasgoing to be banned for the United States
for ten years. Was talking abouthow she worked for a public school district.
How did she work for a publicschool district as an illegal alien.
We just don't have any rules exceptfor the rule following anymore, right now,

the rule following in certain demographics.But he way back in just one
second, I want to play aclip from this New York legislator, the
claims against him and him being acry baby about it. It's great you're
listening listening to big Angry Law onKPRC nine fifty Shi others. So thats

how you get the test part hadto stand out. Brder s your come
again, lea down and all right, this is big any radio Charles Adams,

thank you for joining me tonight.You know again, we haven't really
got to where I wanted to go, but I did want to talk about
State Senator Kevin Parker, New York. I'm going to play a little clip
explaining it and then we'll talk somemore. Olga Jean Baptiste was helping Brooklyn
State Senator Kevin Parker arrange a relieffor flood victims in Haiti. She now

says after she returned from her tripthere, Parker visited her apartment to pick
up some photos and discuss the trip. According to a lawsuit filed Friday,
she then stood up to say goodbyewhen Senator Parker held onto both of her
wrists with his hands. Plaintiff wasfrozen in fear and was unable to cry
out. Senator Parker then took plaintiffdown the hallway of her apartment to her

bedroom, made a sexual comment,and put her face down on the bed,
then raped her. Governor Hochgel calledthe allegations deeply disturbing. It is
shocking, absolutely shocking, and it'saw say shocking. Parker has a long
history of run ins with the law, including charges for assaulting a traffic agent
in two thousand and five. Intwo thousand and nine, he was arrested

and later found guilty on misdemeanor chargesafter assaulting a New York Post photographer.
Here's what he told New York Oneafter the verdict. Give an anger problem,
some people can maintain. I wonmy election to seventy six percent.
I think that my constituents understand mypassion. The new lawsuit was filed under
the Adult Survivors Act, which liftedthe statute of limitations for one year to

allow victims of sexual abuse to filesuit regardless of when the abuse occurred.
I'm glad I could sign the AdultSurvivor Act that created the window for so
many people who have cases like thisto be able to come forward. So
we made that happen in What GovernorHochel didn't mention was that this one year
window was primarily motivated to allow EugeneCarroll to pursue her legal claim. At

least it's my belief it was doneto allow her to pursue her age old
legal claim against Donald Trump, basedon her allegations that he sexually assaulted her.
That got her a tidal wave ofattention. Now we'll say. I
do think that Donald Trump tried toshift the outcome of the twenty twenty election,

absolutely, and I think that wasincredibly Unamerican. And I think initially
he started it as just a griftto grab some money on his way out
with the stop to steal nonsense,and I think it kind of snowballed,
and I think it was inappropriate.I equally think it's inappropriate that the well,

so you had the Republicans in Congresspass the law or pass a bill,
not a law, to make itmore serious for unlawful entrance and other
non citizens to vote in our elections. And I think it's evil that the
Democrats are going to try to hyperpoliticize that and shut it down and call

Republicans race. Of course, thereshould be real consequences for it. And
there's absolutely no doubt that these fasttracking assyles to citizenship has led to Elano
Maher's election the child of not awar lord but a war lord's assistant in
Somalia to the daughter of a warlord's assistant or a butcher to grab a

whole lot of power and pulpit inAmerica. There's been a real effort and
there'll be a continued effort. Butthis whole Adult Survivors Act, it was
just done to facilitate the war onDonald Trump because both the Republicans and the
Democrats are afraid of populism. Butthe populist wave that's happening in America today

is only happening just like populist wavesin Western Europe because the elite, who
really control the discourse and the mediaand just about everything came became completely disconcerned
and detach from the concerns of theregular taxpayers, the working folk. It's

it's the modern let them eat cake. It's just kind of misconstrued, but
the modern perception of the give themthe brioche from the you know at the
time, Queen of France, youknow, we have to our political parties

have to care about what we careabout. They don't, but they're not.
They don't have to. They're makingit clear they don't have to because
they can sabotage, sabotage populism,but they should, and our political parties
have been really stupid about it.Right. The reason you have a statute
of limitations, so people from thirtyyears ago can't just people can't sue you
for something that happened thirty years ago, that there's no evidence at all and

no ability to defend yourself, basically, he said. She said, and
then, of course the Democrats aremiraculously prosecuting these things and in areas that
are incredibly politically unfriendly to conservatives.And it's you know, there's not a
personal lie, right, There's nota personal lie that other than the gullible
that doesn't absolutely know that. Theonly reason Donald Trump is being prosecuted in

Manhattan, in Manhattan where they arenot prosecuting a majority, an overwhelming majority
of the felonies arrests, right,which in that is already depressed because the
police department is actively recoding things asmisdemeanors to make crime not look so bad.

And of course we had Jean Pierre, the Press Secretary, and bleeding
on about how crime is down,knowing the fact that the statists are down
because of by administration has shifted themandatory or reporting requirements to not mandatory and
no one's telling the federal government ofcrime anymore, while also actively suppressing it.
With the police chief here in Houstonjust resigned. They retired in the

wake of the scandal, an emailcoming out that he was aware as to
what was going on. And ofcourse, this is what I've been saying
for years. They're just jobbing thestatistics to make it look safe while they
let their regular citizens live in apit of crime. And who is suffering
the most poor people of color?This non reform reform, right, it's

insane. And this prosecute of DonaldTrump in Manhattan, where people could just
be brazenly criminal, where we haveattack after attack had happened to a friend
of mine just last week, littletiny, hundred pound girl walking down the
street in Manhattan, a biracial Asianwhite girl. All of a sudden,
a black man comes up and startspunching her in the face. Didn't know

her. She was the only Asianwhite person on the street, and it
was savage. And it's happening allthe time, and nothing's being done.
The mainstream media is because they don'tcare. And that's why populism is rearing
its ugly head, right, becauseeveryone realizes the government doesn't care, and
they'd rather important new citizens and solifiedtotal control and have everyone sounding like Alex

Jones begin then and dismiss everyone,every reasonable person is some radical, dishonest
liar like Alex Jones, because theydon't care. And if the Democrats or
even the Republicans, like the Republicansattacking Marjorie Taylor Green today in the mainstream
Union and I'm completely critical of her, but I mean, the absolute truth

is that people are just fed up. That's why the Donald Trumps and the
Marjorie Taylor Greens are getting people tolisten to them and support them, because
people at least they're pandering to them. But about how about stop the pandering,
and how about hey, how aboutwe put public safety first? How
about we put government waste second.How about we put lowering taxes, how

about we put America forth. Let'sjump it, Let's put America first.
But I think you combine all thoseto put America first, American and American
Americans of all races, ethnicse religions, but those that embrace individual liberty.

And you know, when I getback in town, I'll play some and
all this horrible stuff that's going onon campuses. I mean, we are
just in a time where America isbeing torn apart, and it's being facilitated
largely by the Democratic Party, butalso by the Republican Party, and anyone
that stands up and bitches about itis being vilified. And that's why so

many regular Americans are lionizing Donald Trumpand then prosecuting him over nonsense is only
bolstering the fact that he is amartyr, because frankly, he's being treated
like a martyr right now. AndI say this as someone that can't stand
the man anyway. Thanks for listening. Be back
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