All Episodes

July 13, 2022 37 mins

Happy Taco Tuesday and buenas tardes to the beauty of the breakfast taco. Narcos in New York. The vaccine just proved to have the ability to alter your DNA in a Swedish study. 

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:10):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show. Let's have some fun
on a Tuesday. And here's what we have on this Tuesday.
The Mexican cartels. They're in New York City. They're being
led out of jail. Yeah. Yeah, I'll get to the y'all. Chris,
you're gonna you're gonna love this story. It's just just

a couple of minutes away. We have look at this
the consequences of their own actions eating the communists companies. Again,
that's a great story. We'll talk about that. How much
is our government covering up? How much are they lying about?
From Joe Biden to the FBI. Got a couple jaw

dropper headlines here for you. We have gas prices apparently
going higher, a brand new COVID panic, the Attorney General
should be impeached, and a preview of the future from China.
All that is coming up tonight on The Jesse Kelly Show.
I got Daniel Turner an hour and a half from now.
He's gonna he's gonna break down some of this energy stuff.

What's Joe Biden doing in Saudi Arabia, so on and
so forth. But I want to begin here in one
of the oddest things I think I have ever heard
in my entire life. What I'm about to play for you.
It's a little long. I'm gonna let it play, though,
I want you to understand it's real on my life.

I didn't do this, Chris and Michael didn't work this
up in one of their little computer program thingies. This
is one hundred percent reel. Are you creeped out? Or
is it just me? If you don't have one, Get
as far into the middle of the building as possible.
If you were outside after the blast, get clean. Immediately

remove and all outer clothing to keep radioactive dust or
ash away from your body. Step three, Stay tuned, follow
media for more information, don't forget to sign up for
Notify NYC for official alerts and updates, and don't go
outside until officials say it's safe. All right, you've got this.

What are we in some kind of imminent danger from
a nuclear blast? Look at that. I didn't work this up,
and I don't want you to think that we went
digging back off during the Cold War the nineteen sixties
and dug up a PSA. Why do we need a

PSA right now about surviving nuclear blast? Is something going
on that we're not being told about. All right, I'm
gonna move that. I'm gonna move on from that, because
let's let's address a funny from yesterday before we get
into everything else. Jill Biden. Jill Biden. Now, we made
fun of her yesterday for how she tried, how she

tried to say the word bodega. I mean, I know,
you know what a bodega is. I don't know that
Jill does. And I dang sure no. She doesn't know
how to say as distinct as the boga does of
the bronz. All right, so she can't say bodega. But
that's not the part that's getting all the people whipped
up into a frenzy. The taco thing she said. She

went on to say, and that whole thing, the breakfast
tacos of San Antonio. And of course some Hispanic association
is out there now saying we are not tacos. National
Association of Hispanic Journalist is responding in a tweet encouraging
quote doctor Biden and her speech writing team to take
the time in the future to better understand the complexities

of our people and communities, the group adding we are
not TACCOs. Okay, a couple of things. Isn't breakfast taco
like the highest compliment you can pay somebody? If I
came home tonight and the wife was in the kitchen
and she looks over at me when I walk in,

and she said, oh, there's my breakfast taco, I wouldn't
take that as any kind of an insult. Do you
not enjoy breakfast tacos? A lovely flower tortilla? You notice
I said flour? Did I say corn? Did I say corn?
You have a lovely flower tortilla with some scramby eggs
inside of it, and then some cheese. Maybe you have

some chareso mixed up in there, maybe be fahida, Maybe
even drop in some onions if we feel like going crazy,
and you don't have to make out with anybody afterwards?
Oh did I mention? We'll find some little Mexican lady
who will mix up some of the heavenly green salsa
and will open up the taco and pour that green
salsa all around it, and it'll be so hot that

we'll be sweating, but it'll taste so good. Why is
anyone offended by being called breakfast taco? That's one? Two?
Why is Joe Biden giving campaign speeches. No one elected
her for anything. Nothing. She's the first lady. And I
know this is the I am woman, hear me, roar
era of please call me a doctor. Joe Biden ain't

ever been elected to nothing. Joe Biden is Joe Biden's wife.
Why is she out giving campaign speeches all the time?
All right, So we have that and much more tonight
on The Jesse Kelly Show. But there was it was
a moment from today. I don't know if you've heard
it yet. That was a bit eye popping. Before I

play it, I want to just make sure you understand this.
Maybe you're currently in this situation right now and you'll
find this offensive. Remember the email addresses Jesse at Jesse
Kelly show dot com. Please keep in mind if you're offended,
I don't give a crap. It means nothing to me whatsoever.
If you're offended, that's your problem. But maybe you're in

this current situation. Many many people listening will be I'm
going to say it anyway. Do you love your kids?
You do? Look if you if you're listening to this program,
the chances you love your children are pretty strong. You
have plenty of other options. Okay, so good. You love
your kids? Good? I love mine too, good. Good? Are

you raising them? Did you raise them purposefully? Meaning hey,
get your elbows off the table. Yes, ma'am, no, sir,
work hard, get good right. You know all the basic
parenting things. Be respectful of your father, be respectful of
your mother, just just basic things. Did you teach those
things to your child? You did? I know you did.

I can see you nodding your head right there through
the radio. I can see you nodding your head. Yes,
of course, Chef cohere are you going with this? Okay? Okay,
you love them? Okay? After they graduated high school? What
did you tell them they should do with their lives?
Did you tell them they had to go to college.
You gotta go to college. Gotta get a better life,

gotta That's the only way you'll get a good job.
You got to go to college. Make sure you go
to college. Okay, I'm gonna play you this little SoundBite
from today. What you're gonna hear the male voice, the
senator Josh Holly, the female voice, you're gonna hear a nutjob.
You'll know immediately she's a nut job. But I do
want you to understand that she's a law professor at Berkeley.

Did you tell a little Aid and Jaden and Braden
they better go to Berkeley or otherwise they'll never get
a good job. So you took that child that you
raised for eighteen years and loved for eighteen years, and
then you promptly sent that child off to be educated
by this person. Before I do, I just want to
clear one thing up. Professor Bridges, you said several times
you've used a phrase. I want to make sure I

understand what you mean by You've referred to people with
a capacity for pregnancy? Would that be women? Many women? Sis? Women?
Is the best thing that has ever happened to the
human rate. Chris, that's not the right SoundBite. I don't
know who the gentleman who was smoking Marlboro reds was

who stepped in there, but could you maybe play the
actual SoundBite? Thank you, Chris, Yes, thank you. Before I do,
I just want to clear one thing up, Professor Bridges,
you said several times you've used a phrase. I want
to make sure I understand what you mean by it.
You've referred to people with a capacity for pregnancy? Would
that be women? Many women? Sis? Women have the capacity

for pregnancy. Many FIS women do not have the capacity
for pregnancy. There are also trans men who are capable
of pregnancy, as well as non binary people who are
capable of pregnancy. So this isn't really a women's rights issue.
It's we can recognize that this impacts women while also
recognizing that it impacts other groups. Those things are not
mutually exclusive. Senator Holly Oh, So your view is is

that the core of this right then, is about what
so UM? I want to recognize that your line of
questioning UM is transphobic, and it opens up trans people
to violence by not recognizing that, Wow, you're saying that
I'm opening up people to violence by asking whether or
not women are the folks who can have pregnancies? So
I'm one. I want to note that one out of

five transgender persons have attempted suicide. So I think it's
because of my line of questioning, because we can't talk
about it because denying that trans people exist and pretending
not to know that they exist. I'm denying that trans
people exist by asking you, if you're talking about women,
are you having pregnancies? Do you believe that men can
get pregnant? No? I don't think so. You're denying that

trans people and that leads to violence. Is this how
you run your classroom? Or students allowed to question you?
Or are they also treated like this or they're told
that they're opening up people to violence. We have a
good time in my class. You should joint. You might
learn a lot. Wow, I would learn a lot. I've
learned a lot extraordinary. Do you love Aiden? Do you

love Jaden, Caden and Baden and whatever else you named
your kids? Are you paying six figures to have your
child educated by that subhuman animal? If you are well,
maybe we should have a hard talk. Hang on missed out?

Catch up Jesse Kelly show dot com. It is the
Jesse Kelly Show on a Tuesday. And I'll get to
some emails later. We'll get to the FBI keeps quote
losing critical things. We'll talk about that, how much our

government is lying to us. We're gonna talk about these
cartels smugglers busted in New York and then turned loose.
But before I get to that, I just I just
wanted to get and played this. I'm sorry. I'm never
going to stop with this. You say you love your kid,
and I believe you do. You love your child, You
raise your child to have manners and values, and you

want your child to be a productive citizen, and you
want what you want what's best for your kid. If
you want what's best for your child, why are you
so adamant that you will spend six figures to send
them off to be educated by people who hate your
freaking guts, who wouldn't spit on you if you were

on fire. Why would you do that to your child? Why?
I want to know? I want to know is it?
Is it bragging rights to your friends and family? Aiden
got into Berkeley. I'm so proud of Aidan. Wow, it's great.
I mean, granted, in four years he'll hate me and

I won't even recognize him. I likely won't ever speak
to my son again. But he got into Berkeley. Are
you guys proud of me? Before I do, I just
want to clear one thing up, Professor Bridges, you said
several times you've used a phrase. I want to make
sure I understand what you mean by it. You've referred
to people with a capacity for pregnancy. Would that be women?

Many women SIS women have the capacity for pregnancy. Many
FIS women do not have the capacity for pregnancy. There
are also trans men who are capable of pregnancy, as
well as non binary people who are capable of pregnancy.
So this isn't really okay, you get it, You get it.
We have got to start being much more careful with
our children. And as much as you can despise that

nutball woman, if you have a child who's being educated
by her, and then you have her the educator, and
then you have the parent who's paying for that education.
Of the three people involved, her, the child, the parent,
which one is the biggest fool? Is it her? If

I take my kids to the zoo, I take them
down to the Houston Zoo and we go and we're
checking out the animals, and we we get to the
gorilla enclosure and at some point I take my oldest son, James,
and I chuck him over the fence in the gorilla
enclosure where he gets pumbled into dust by a gorilla.
Is that the gorilla's fault or is that my fault?

I don't throw my kids into the gorilla enclosure in
the zoo, and I also don't send I don't pay
for the privilege to send my children off to be educated.
To despise me in my country and themselves. I don't
do it. Hopefully you don't either. Maybe you don't, because
it looks like people were upset out there. This is

New York Mayor Eric Adams getting screamed at it. I
stayed with you, We stayed with our uncles until we
were able to get that little walk up tenament. And
you didn't have thirteen year olds carrying nine millimeter guns,
you know. See see this is the clown. This is
the clown. This is a clown, and this is people

were tired of the gun grabbing nonsense. Now they're sick
and dagon tired of it, which leads me to this.
This is honestly. Friends sent this to me. First thing
New York Post reports on it. Mexican cartel smugglers are
nabbed with one point two million dollars worth of meth

and fhetamine in New York City. Now I do have
to disclose something. I have to be to be honest
about something. I don't know how you make meth. I
know how to make cheeseburgers. As you know, I'm very
very underrated when it comes to my pancakes. I can
make a good pancake. I don't, however, know how to

cook up crystal meth. Just mom never taught me. I
never learned. I do, however, know enough narco cops to
know this. There's just nothing but poison inside of it.
It's pure poison. And if you have one point two
million dollars of it, you are obviously distributing it, and

you are, I mean, by any measure, you should be
going to prison for a long time. That's the law.
Doesn't matter what you think about it, that's the law.
Do you know what the Mexican cartel smugglers who got
busted in New York City with one point two million
dollars worth of meth or doing? Do you want to
know what they're doing as we speak, As we speak,
as you hear the sound of my voice, they're walking
beside you on the sidewalk. They got turned loose. The

two California men, Luisa Estrada and Carlos Santos, were allegedly
caught red handed by the US Drug Enforcement and Administration.
It's part of a multi agency investigation, Yet frustrated agents
had to stand by and watch as the suspects were
cut loose on just supervised release. The federal agency said.

Now that leads me right into this, and this is
going to sound completely related, believe me, or completely unrelated.
Believe me, it's related. Starbucks is closing sixteen stores in
major cities. Do you want to know why they're closing
sixteen stores in major cities? Increased threats to their staff

in personnel. Now, they're all the cities you can imagine.
I don't have to go down the list, but it's
all the cities who've embraced the George Sorrow's soft on
crime DA's who are turning violent criminals loose and turning
America's cities into uninhabitable waste lands. If we are now
a country where we can't keep drug Mexican drug smugglers

in prison, if we can't keep them in jail until
they go to trial and then send them off to prison,
if that's the kind of country we've become, we have
no chance. And that leads me back to what I've
been saying to you over and over and over and
over again. And I know it hurts you to hear it.
I don't care get out of the city. There is

no saving it because there's no mechanism in place to
save it. You have a George Soros DA. You're not
going to elect a Republican. No American city is. It
doesn't matter. This is not unique to any one place.
No American city is going to elect a Republican as mayor.

Maybe you get one or two squeezed in on the
city council. And so the Democratic Party is completely beholden
to Soros and turning criminals loose, and your city, your
city is going to get worse and worse and worse.
Do you think the homeless problem is bad? Now? You
think the shootings are bad? Now? You think you're run
by idiots? Now, you ain't seen ten years from now.

Ten years from now, it's going to look like a
movie wasteland. It will because there's no mechanism in place
to reverse course. Get to rural America and get there
now where they don't turn Mexican cartel drug smugglers loose
back on the streets. Yeah, Lee, even Starbucks ain't sticking around.

There always been a bunch of communist lunatics. But although
and behold the consequences of their actions. How about that?
You know what we're gonna talk about that? Hang on
a second. It is the Jesse Kelly Show. I think

maybe that particular part of that Hendrix song was maybe
a little too on the nose when we're talking about crime, Chris.
But look again, I would just want to touch on
this really quickly. Companies like Starbucks are pulling out of
the cities because they're too unsafe all these lunatics on
the left who've pushed far left policies forever and are

now being burned by them. Boy, I know I'm a
bad person, but I can't possibly tell you how little
sympathy I have for you. You did this. I think
about this now. I see these actors or entertainees like
Bill Maher. Bill Maher is the new guy the right
loves to fall in love with, because once every four
months he'll say something that's vaguely on the right. Bill

Maher brought all this insanity into mainstream right where it
is now. Now you don't get to stand up and
say the world's gone crazy. But people don't own anything anymore.
They don't own anything. These corporations as they've destroyed, especially cities,
they don't own it. Starbucks, you're pulling out of sixteen
major cities. You should stay right there, because that's exactly

what you deserve. Speaking of people not owning anything, here's
doctor Fauci. I was vaccinated and doubly boosted, and I
believe if I did not have that degree of background protection,
I would have had a much more serious course. My
course was relatively light, minor symptoms, and right now I'm

completely allowed symptoms, and I feel very good, very energetic,
So I believe I'm vac to normal. However you feel
about the are we still calling it a vaccine? That's
probably not accurate. But look, however you feel about the
therapeutic are you at least a little bit creeped out
by how many of the vaccinated and boosted people get

it and they all trot out the exact same line,
Thank you Jesus that I'm vaccinated and boosted. It would
have been way worse. It's honestly like someone holds a
gun to their head every single time they catch it.
It is. Oh, maybe you're sitting there saying to yourself, Jesse,
this is out of the blue. We were talking about

something else. Why would you be bringing this up. No, no, no,
no no, I'm not bringing it up. They're bringing it up,
and maybe you should be paying attention. What I will
tell you is that come to fall and winter, most
everyone who's an expert on pandemics and these viruses will
tell you that strong chance that we see we'll see

a resurgence of the virus, whether it's the variants that
we have now or a new variant, and we got
to be ready. That's the HHS secretary. Did you know
the US government just extended its quote COVID emergency time. Oh,
don't think it was just doctor Fauci there. Don't think
it was just the JJS secretary. Here's the head of

the CDC, Rochelle Willinski. Many Americans are under vaccinated, meaning
they are not up to date on their COVID nineteen vaccines.
Not all people over the age of fifty have received
their first booster dose. Of those who received their first
booster dose, only twenty eight percent of those over fifty
have received a second booster dose. And of those over

the age, I just want to pause here real quickly.
Why do they think that is somebody over the age
of fifty already took two shots initially, right, because of
course they didn't tell you that right off the bat,
But you took two shots initially you're over the age
of fifty, and then you went out and got your
booster shot. But only twenty eight percent of them have

gone back for a second booster shot. Has Rachelle Willinski
or anybody have they really sat down and asked why
that is? Or do they already know that people are
starting to get really scared about how these things are
making them feel, and they're worried it's never going to
end anyway. So sixty five only thirty four percent have
received their second booster dose. So my message right now

is very simple. It's essential that these Americans, as doctor
Jas said, get their second booster shot right away. I'm
gonna play for you something. It's long. It's not my voice,
it's not me you're going to be hearing here. This
is doctor Peter McCullough and doctor Richard Bartlett. They're on

this big panel and they're studying a Swedish study about
all this stuff. I don't want to put words in
anyone's mouth, and as you know, I have a community
college level education, so I don't even know what half
these big words mean. But however, you stand, wherever you
stand on all this, I want you to sit back
and listen, tell us a little bit about the study

that just came out of Sweden that is just so alarming.
The news is buzzing out of London University, Malmo, Sweden.
Marcus Alden is the first author the first demonstration in
a human hepatic or liver cell line that the Fiser
vaccine in fact reverse transcribes and installs DNA into the

human genome. Wow. And so in simple terms, what does
that mean, doctor Bartlett? Basically, there's an enzyme that can
take that messenger RNA vaccine information and put it into
the DNA of the person, into their DNA. And we
were told that could not happen. So this is in
a lab, but it's showing that the you remember, the

vaccine is messenger RNA, and we were told that that
messenger RNA could not go into your DNA. But this
is showing that in a lab it can. And so
what happens when it does? Well, I can I answer
slightly different than your questions because there's actually federal law
that you cannot discriminate against people for genetic discriminate. Genetic discriminations.
I forgot the acronym. I think it's a gene and
ga ga. Right. So this now opens the door to

saying that if you're not allowing somebody in who chose
not to get the shot, that you are actually engaging
in genetic discrimination. So I think there's this Sweden's study
I think opens the door to a new type of lawsuit.
You make your own choices with your own body. But
I'm telling you, I'm going to continue bringing this stuff
to you as it gets brought to me. All Right,

all right, Now, before we get to the deception, the
level of deception we have with our corrupt government, and man,
the more the more you dig into our government, the
more you realize how truly broken and corrupt it has become.
Before we get to that, I think we should sit back,
and I think we should pay homage to Crean Diversity

Higher who says everything's great. And so look, the president
is going to be focused. We have a st economy.
We are going to uh you know, as we're talking
about inflation. Our plan right now is to do that
transition from that the growth that we've seen in the
economy to a more stable and steady growth. And we've

seen that in the numbers last week with the jobs numbers.
You know, what they're saying, inflation is going to be
eight point eight percent. That's over the course of a year.
Just so you know, that's that's compared to June of
twenty twenty one. That'll be June twenty twenty two to
June twenty twenty one eight point eight percent. Now we

all know the number is much much higher than that.
But even if you use their fluffy numbers that are
there to make you and I feel better, you're eight
percent poorer today than you were last June. That number
is a forty year high, forty year high. But don't worry.
They totally understand what you're going through. Sixty three percent

of Democrat believe the country is headed in the wrong direction.
How do we explain them, Well, we understand what the
American people are feeling. We understand that. We're not going
to pay attention to polls. That's not what we're going
to do here. What we're going to focus on is
delivering for the American people here. Yes, they very much
understand what the American people are going through. They really

understand everything. They care very deeply. How much do they understand, Well,
I have one of the great pieces of audio we
have ever discovered on this show. It's from CNBC, of
all places, and I'm going to play that for you
in just the moment. But just again, I want to
reiterate this. We can talk about all the shootings and
stabbings in the conditions of the cities as much as

we want, but you have to understand no one's coming
to save you, nobody. You have to find a way
to protect yourself. Now you do. Go get yourself a
Hero non lethal gun. And this is more important than that.
Get one for your loved one, that daughter you did

send off to college, son off to college, off to
work remotely, your mom who lives alone, your wife, your
husband's something to keep in their car, keep by their bedside.
Get a Hero non lethal gun. It shoots these pepper
balls one hundred miles per hour. They hit you, they explode,
and then you're engulfed in this chemical pepper cloud. You'll
get the Hero Arrow, the new thing that shoots the

double barrel blast of the Pavo gel in your face.
It will save your life. Doesn't require a concealed carry permit.
Anyone can use it anybody point and squeeze. Go to
Hero twenty twenty dot com. Use the code Jesse because
that gets you a special discount Hero twenty twenty dot
com code Jesse. State restrictions may apply. Jesse Kelly backs in.

It is I see Kelly on the Jesse Kelly Show,
wishing you are very married. Boinus Tardez from us to you, Chris,
don't shake your head. You don't understand change. We're changing
people's lives on this show, and I still can't stop
laughing about this really creepy PSA. If you don't have one,
get as far into the middle of the building as possible.

If you were outside after the blast, get clean. Immediately
remove and bag all outer clothing to keep radioactive dust
or ash away from your body. Step three, Stay tuned,
follow media for more information, don't forget to sign up
for Notify NYC for official alerts and updates, and don't

go outside until officials say it's safe. All Right, you've
got this New York's running PSAs on how to survive
a nuclear blast? Does somebody know something they're not telling
us about? Here? All right? That's not what I wanted
to play you, because I have more I need to
get to. I have. This CNBC audio is so good

because Remember, the communist lives in a world entirely of
make believe. We talk about that all the time. He does.
He exists in a world that is not real. This
world has been created for him by a disgusting education system,
by an entertainment system that believes the same thing. The
media makes everything worse, so he's never actually had to

confront reality. He lives, works, he doesn't worship, but he
exists entirely in a world and make believe. So whenever
you can manage to pin one of these people down
and present him with reality, they generally don't do that. Well,
here's Congressman Jeffreys getting introduced to reality. You don't think

there's anything that you can do in Congress or to
convince a Biden administration. You don't think there's any regulations
need to be eased. You don't think there's any offshore
activity and war Keystone, Uh, you don't take any responsibility.
It's just all a putin price hike. Yeah. Part of
the challenge domestically in terms of production is that the

oil and gas companies have refused to actually act on
the permits to drill that they totally that that's kind
of a red Herring current. So there's there's leases, there's
you know, there's also just the overall pressure from ESG
and the green lobby about whether an oil company is
gonna make plans five or ten years down the road.

So would you invest hard earned capital on a five
year project or a ten year project now? And if
you are a fossil fuel company, yeah, I mean it's
not clear to me that the oil and gas companies
really care that much about the so called green lobby.
They have made clear in their earnings calls and in
their representations the shareholders that they do care about the
record profits that they've been making on the backs of

increase gas prices. The American people, they're not making what
they made ten years ago. So their records based on
the last two, three, four years, five year But no one.
I don't remember you feeling bad for them when they
lost twenty billion dollars in twenty twenty either. So I mean,
it is a very volatile business that they're in, and

that's unfortunately that's the way capitalism works. Some years you
do well, other years you don't do as well. That's
how you introduce a communist to reality. That was beautiful,
Oh did I mention we were making fun of Starbucks
earlier for suffering the consequences of their own actions. We
want to make sure we make these corporations that turn

left on us, we want to make sure we do
punish them. You shouldn't be buying your coffee at Starbucks.
You shouldn't. We Also, there's a second part of that.
We want to make sure we're rewarding our friends when
we do have corporate friends who stand up for what
we believe in. I've always believed this and always will
believe it is important we patronize those places. If you

have any betting needs at all, pajama needs, slipper needs, whatever,
you really should go to my Pillow. And it's not
like it's some sacrifice. The prices are great, the quality
is unreal. I've told you before the my pillow fixed
my wife's freaking neck. And you're supporting a person, You're
supporting a company that not only shares your values, actually

fights for your values. How many corporate CEOs are out
there on TV fighting for you and your values? How many?
Can you count? Me? Five? Mike lindel Is, they're having
a flash sale on my pillows right now. You can
get them as low as nineteen dollars in eighty eight cents.
My goodness, you want to talk about stock up on
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the radio listeners specials in the promo code jesse my
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get one today to a couple of emurals. Mister pink Flower,
I just spend out today something that angers me to
the Corps. I am a twelve year USMC that's US
Marine Corps USMC VET served it all based out of

MCAS Miramar in San Diego. News broke today that for
the first time ever, the marine band from Miramar would
be participating in the Pride Parade here in San Diego.
They took over July in my Marine Corps June. Actually
is what you mean? Still looking for their base CG.
That's Commanding General and Public Affairs emails to fix it

before it's too late. I know you fixed another parade,
but can we fix this one. Please use my name
if you read this. His name is Sergeant Williams Brother.
If I could save our military, I would. If I
could do something about what's happening, I would we have
to understand what we're up against, the forces we are

up against. It's about so much more than a parade.
We're up against people who are devoutly religious to their
communist God. And that's so hard for people like you
and me to understand when we just want to live
and let live. I want to do my thing, you
do your thing. It's hard for us to understand we

are up against ravenous wolves. I'm gonna play you something
right now, and I want you to listen very closely.
This is a teacher. Well, I'm playing you as a
teacher courtesy of e TC on Twitter. By the way,
this is a teacher. Listen to this, Listen to how
they think, Listen to how purposeful they are. I notice

that there is a large community of teachers on TikTok
sharing tips and tricks, which I think is great. And
there's also a large community of socialists and people on
the left on TikTok sharing political ideas, and that's also
really amazing. But I don't think there's really anybody talking
about the overlap between these two. So after a few
years of college, I joined d to say the Democratic

Socialist of America and a few years into that, I
sort of started meeting some people who were teachers and
I noticed, Wow, there's a lot of teachers in DSA.
What's that about. So I just talked to some comrades,
I read some great articles, and I started started to
realize that if I wanted to do comrades, notice should
talk to comrades all that are keep going socialism at
my workplace. And I wanted to continue working in socialism.

It's something that I cared very, very deeply about, and
I couldn't imagine a job where I could do that,
where I could be at work, I could do my
job and love my job, but also be a socialist.
And these comrades that I talked to made me realize
that teaching is an extremely strategic place for socialists to be.
There are many many reasons why teaching is strategic, but

I'll just go through some of the basic ones. So,
first of all, teaching cannot be outsourced. So it is
an industry that we need in the US no matter what.
We need teachers in every single city, every single town.
It's one of the last public institutions in the United States.
So this means for teachers when we go on strike,
everything shuts down. Strategic She wants to be a teacher.

Did you hear it in her verse? She wants to
be a teacher. Why did she want to be a teacher?
Did she say, I want to shape young minds. I
want to I want to take this knowledge I've been
given and I want to give it to young people.
I want I want to help people succeed. Is that
what she said. No, she wants to be a teacher
for how she said strategic reasons. She strategically knows that

there's a bottleneck when it comes to the education of
your children. She is basically putting herself in the middle
of that bottleneck. So you are going to have to
filter Aiden, Jaden, and Braden through her socialist ideas if
you want your child to be an educator. I didn't
say I didn't tell you that or play you that
so you could be outraged. I told you that so

you can understand how committed and how purposeful these people are.
Why did they ruin our military? Because they ruin everything.
I can't do anything to stop a Marine Corps band
from playing at a Pride parade in San Diego. I
take that back. Maybe I could, maybe I could whip
up enough outrage about it that I could get them
to pull out and cancel it. Maybe I will, But

even that that's just taken ibrprofen for a headache when
you have a gigantic brain tumor. We have got to
go much, much, much deeper and run these people out
of our public institutions. Now, speaking of public institutions, just
how much is the federal government lyne to us? And
about what I've got some stings you need to hear.

Hang on
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