Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:10):
This is a Jesse Kelly show. It is the Jesse
Kelly Show. Let's have some fun on a Thursday. And
we are inching closer and closer day by day to
Inauguration Day, and that's going to be amazing. We have
Bka joining us about a half hour from now from
southern California talking to us a bit about these fires,
the insurance. I also want to talk terrorism with him.
That dude who blew himself up in front of Trump Tower.
What's going on there. Daniel Turner is going to address
what Joe Biden did with the energy stuff, and you
need to hear that. That'll be next hour. Garth Books sucks,
some emails, all that and so much more coming up
on the world famous Jesse Kelly Show. But I want
to set all that stuff aside. No fires, no terrorism,
no emails, know nothing, And I want to just hit
on this real quickly before we get to the rest
of the show. We Americans, maybe that's a little too
broad anymore. Those of us on the right, wherever you
fall on the right, they were tearing conservative nationalists of
anti communists, whatever you call yourself. You know I'm an
anti communist, but whatever you are wherever you fall on
the spectrum. On the right, we have for the longest
time understandably and justifiably shunned the idea of revenge, and
a lot of that, really most of that comes back
to the base Christian belief system of the right. There
are endless warnings in the Bible from God himself about
vengeance's mind. There are endless parts of that, and obviously
you always want to go ahead and rely on what
God says over anyone else. But as most things, it
can be weaponized and manipulated and used against us, used
by the enemy, and sometimes oftentimes we have to figure
out what is vengeance, what is self defense? What are
these things? Because they are different than what is justice
versus vengeance versus What are the differences in these things?
And here's why I'm talking about this. There's a headline,
this is from Woke Spy that Democrats didn't object to
a Republican president elect for the first time and thirty
six years and they go you can go back and
look at all the research. I know Democrats like to
talk about Republicans denying elections, but that was obviously a
Democrat thing, a Communist thing, and has been for the
longest time. Every single time there's been an election state
and the local Democrats will scream, there was cheating, it's illegitimate,
it was Russia. From Stacy Abrams in Georgia to Hillary
Clinton to before. Every time they lose the election was illegitimate,
and every time they win, they would demand you say
it's legitimate, say it's legitimate, or you don't love America.
So why why now? Why don't you hear that? You
see all these talking heads on TV, all the losers, MSNBC,
all the Democrat politicians. Why is nobody talking about Trump
being a Russian agent anymore? Why? Why are they not
talking about stolen election anymore? They did it every single time.
Hillary Clinton would on a press tour after Trump beat
her the first time Russia stolen the electure was stolen.
It happens all the time. Why isn't it happening now? Well,
you remember what I said, if you were listening back then,
I said after Joe Biden won, that I intended. I
was very honest about it. I intended to call him legitimate, illegitimate,
and question the electoral process for the entire four years
of his presidency, not only because I believe there were
shady things in twenty twenty, and I very much do.
But I I believed then, and I believe now, and
I believe I've been proven right about this. The only
way to get this stuff to stop is to make
them eat it, because we cannot live in a country.
We absolutely positively cannot live in a country where every
time Republicans win, half the country is convinced it was stolen,
and then every time the Democrats win, we're just supposed
to go along with it. I think that is a
path to national suicide. That's why I said it is
critical to question the legitimacy of their elections. Why because
they questioned yours. And if they're forced to eat it
it maybe just maybe because you're not probably gonna change
their morality, it may just force them to back off
of that. They looked at our high example for the
longest time. Well, I'm not going to question elections. We're
not like they are. We're better than that. Have you
heard that your whole life from the right, that's not
who we are. We're better than that. Where did that
get you? And how far it gets you to be
better than that? Got you? Nowhere? It got dirt kicked
in your face time and time again. When the right
finally set aside those childish notions up, We're better than that, guys.
It's nursery rhyme. That's why I call it nursery rhyme conservatism.
When we finally set that stuff aside and started hitting back,
we finally trained the demonic children in the Democrat Party
to back off of some of their insanity. I don't
bring this up to pat you or me on the back.
I bring this up because this is a lesson for us,
not about vengeance, which we don't want to seek. It's
not about vengeance at all. It's not about tit for tat.
Remember when Bill Barr said that Bill Barr got up
and tried to break We don't want to do with
tit for tat.
Speaker 2 (06:55):
Those who broke the laws will be held to account,
not be and it will not be a tit for
tat exercise.
Speaker 1 (07:05):
It's not about tit for tat. It's not about revenge.
It's about taking evil people and forcing them to adjust
their behaviors.
Speaker 3 (07:21):
Speaker 1 (07:22):
Why do harsh laws work? Why in h Singapore? You
know what Singapore is famous for. They're famous for a
few things. They're famous for their wealth. It's a very
very wealthy little place. They are famous, infamous. I've never
been infamous for the cleanliness of everything. Have you ever
you want to see something amazing. Here's a little experiment
unless you're driving. Don't do this if you're driving. Go
look up internet videos online of Singapore's airport. If you
go to Houston's airport, you just might get it's stabbed
before you get on your flight. Go look up Singapore's airport.
It looks like an indoor amusement park. Freaking waterfalls from
the ceiling. So they're famous for cleanliness, wealth advancement, and
they're famous for something else. If you so much as
spit on the sidewalk in Singapore, you might find yourself
with a cane across your back. Brutal. And I'm not
even saying I necessarily want to live in that kind
of society, But you know what it gives you, cleanliness, wealth,
because evil people know they have to control their demonic
urges or there will be consequences. I remember I did
a show on Franco one time. I got an email
from a listener. If you sent this in, congrats to you.
Sorry I lost it long ago, so I don't know
how to name your name. But he was talking about
how he had to spend time in Spain under Franco.
He was over there for work and he said this.
He said, Jesse, it was a very strict place. If
you got caught with a bag of weed, you were
going to prison for years. But you could also drive
your car downtown in the capitol at midnight, get out,
leave the doors unlocked, and no one's gonna break in
or take it anywhere. A polite society, as society, must
be maintained by the aggressiveness of the good people in
the society. If the good people in the society decide
to live and let live, hands off, we're not gonna
do a tit for tat, then the evil people in
the society will simply consume it like the savages they are.
Why are the animals in the Democrat Party, Why are
they not screaming Russian collusiveer? Why because we finally made
them eat for four years, we finally threw it right
back in their faces, and now they're a lot more polite.
Let this be a lesson for all of us, not
about revenge, not about tit for tats. That's not who
we want to be. It's about maintaining order in a society,
and that's how order is maintained. All right, all right,
let's talk about some California fires. Let's talk about saving kids,
because there's really nothing more precious. There are so many
great causes out there, and if you're hot on one,
I would never dog it. And we all need to
try to give back, right That's why we're put here
to bless others to give back. But I just have
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sponsored by Preborn. We'll be back.
Speaker 4 (11:44):
I've got on animoiside On'm mean, says YESI Kelly, you're
listening to the Jesse Kelly Show.
Speaker 1 (11:53):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Thursday. And
I almost forgot in the open to tell you that
tomorrow tomorrow is and ask doctor Jesse Friday. All three
hours dedicated to you and your questions. So email them
in right now. They are already coming in hot and heavy.
Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com. We will have a
good time as we always do on a Friday. Now. Uh,
I'm just gonna touch on California for a little bit longer,
and then we're gonna move on to other things. Remember
how last night I was talking about how we take
things for granted. It's human nature.
Speaker 2 (12:36):
I do you do.
Speaker 1 (12:37):
But we've taken living and living in a modern society
for granted. You know, surely the FBI can stop some
widespread gihad in America. Eh, surely if the fires get
bad enough, they'll set all that DEI stuff aside and
they can just fix it. Right, that's how it works, right.
I saw this little clip. This is from Joe Rogan
back in July. There's a firefighter. Listen to this.
Speaker 2 (13:04):
I talked to a fireman once. This is one of
the reasons that freaked me out, and he was telling me.
He goes, Dude, one day, he goes, it's just going
to be the right wind and fire is going to
start in the right place, and it's going to burn
through LA all the way to the ocean, and there's
not a thing we can do about it. I go, really,
he goes, yeah, we're just we just get lucky. He goes,
we get lucky with the wind. She goes, But if
the wind hits the wrong way, it's just going to
burn straight through LA and there's not going to be
a thing we can do about it. Because these fires
are so big. Dude, when they were talking.
Speaker 1 (13:33):
You want to talk about prophetic and you have these
guys like Gavin Newsom, this is what you were lect
Palsage ran out last night and the hydrants. I turned
the firefighter in this block.
Speaker 3 (13:47):
They laught because there was no water in the hydrants here.
Speaker 1 (13:49):
The local folks are trying to figure that out.
Speaker 3 (13:52):
I mean, just when you have a system basically.
Speaker 1 (13:54):
M mm hmmm. We'll speak to b K, my buddy
BK with World News with Buk's in southern California. We're
going to speak to him in about five minutes about
what's going on there, why it's going on there, get
that kind of stuff from the ground. But one of
the things I'm going to ask him as well was
the insurance issue. People are screaming and yelling, I don't
have insurance. There's no insurance. They won't cover us for
insurance anymore. Steve Hilton when I'm Fox News. This is
what he had to say.
Speaker 5 (14:21):
Why are insurance companies pulling out of California? One because
of the elevated costs of rebuilding anything thanks to all
the regulations, the environmental regulations, the labor regulations, all of
it massively increase the price and cost of building anything
in California, making it so expensive. That's why they're pulling out.
The second reason is artificial caps on the rates that
insurance companies can charge imposed by Democrat politicians in California.
So every single aspect of this disaster, the long term
failures that made it so much worse, the short term
failures of the warning and the response, and the crisis
response in terms of people trying to put their lives
back together, Every single aspect of that has been made
worse by Democrat policies.
Speaker 1 (15:09):
And I don't think the media gets enough hatred, believe
it or not. I know you dog on them all
day long. I dog on them all day long, but
we really don't hate them enough. We really don't. I
played a little bit of this last night because they're
talking about the hydrants running out of water, but I
didn't play it to the end. Just remember before I
play this, I know you already know, but the media
they view themselves as communist foot soldiers. Now they understand
they can't advertise that, but that's how they view themselves.
So whenever there's a Democrat in trouble, if they absolutely
positively have to, they'll cover it for the bare minimum
amount of time and then try to move on because
they view part of their role as protecting the communists,
the Democrats, and if there's a Republican in even the
tiniest bit of trouble, they will aired to shreds. They
view their role as being the protectors of democrats and
the sword against Republicans. Listen to this newscast, Wow, you
want to talk about revealing.
Speaker 4 (16:17):
Former LA mayoral candidate and real estate developer Rick Caruso
criticizing the city's response to the windstorm and fires. He
says officials should have been more prepared.
Speaker 6 (16:28):
The real issue to me is twofold. We've had decades
to go remove the brush in these hills that spread
so quickly. And the second is we've got to have water.
And my understanding is the reservoir was not refilled in
time and in a timely manner to keep the hydrants gone.
So that's a failure, whether i'm DWP's part or another
city agency. But this is basic stuff. This isn't high
science here.
Speaker 1 (16:57):
Just I'm going to set this up. I'm gonna let
them keep going, and they're about to go back to
the reporter in the studio, and the reporter because Rick
Caruso wasn't running as far left, he has to correct them,
of course.
Speaker 6 (17:09):
And it's all about leadership and management that we're seeing
a failure of. And all of these residents are paying
the ultimate price for that.
Speaker 4 (17:18):
Despite what you have heard from Caruso, No, firefighters have
told us that they are running out of water.
Speaker 1 (17:25):
And now they're going to toss. This all happened immediately.
This isn't edited. They tossed to a reporter on the ground.
Her connections little shaky, but you'll hear it clear and
stay listen to what she says. Let's go out to grass.
Speaker 4 (17:38):
She is live in Pacific Palisades.
Speaker 3 (17:40):
I know your signal's not the best, but Gigi, what
can you tell us?
Speaker 1 (17:46):
Well, firefighters have told me they have no water on
this block, and you may be able to make out
the Ember storm that we're in the middle. They just
can't help themselves. Is this gonna make Democrats look bad? Quick?
Everyone lie? They can't help it, Sally, look at it.
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nerding out. I'm gonna go ahead and watch them all
again when I'm done. All Right, World News with BK Next.
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Jesse Kelly DC. It is the Jesse Kelly Show on
a Thursday. I don't know. I feel like maybe I've
woken up in some sort of an alternate universe. That
was actually hold on BK's joining us now host of
World News with BK former Air Force PJ. But that
was good music and pleasant to listen to. BK. Are
you is this really you? Or is this an imposter.
Speaker 3 (19:53):
This is my this is my duress. Call like that.
This is how you know it's Nazi when you call
me because I'm playing something that you would like, because
you're old and you like old people music. Yeah, Jed,
I figured I threw you a bone. Man, it's the
first of the year. You know. I'll be easy on
your ears. Next time is going to be five times
as not.
Speaker 1 (20:10):
Okay, well, thank you, And I think I speak for
everyone actually when I say thank you, Okay, d kay.
There's a lot I want to get to with you.
Let's focus on the big news story briefly here California.
A lot's been said about it, obviously, there's a lot
of rumor going around, but the truth is it's a
place that has been mismanaged for a very, very long time.
These people have trashed paradise and now we're all looking
at the horror in LA and it's just awful. I
hate watching beautiful be destroyed, and it's.
Speaker 3 (20:44):
Awful to watch, Jesse. I mean, I don't think people
have wrapped their heads around this. The scale of destruction
here is going to be like nothing we've ever seen,
probably in the continent of the United States. Even I
was looking doing some research, and you remember the big
the fires from a few years ago in twenty eighteen,
the Paradise fire were like one hundred and thirty people died, right,
I mean it was it was. It wiped out a
whole town. The damages from those fires were about twenty
five billion dollars. That was in the middle of nowhere, California, Jesse.
I mean what we're looking at here, we're talking about
the most desirable neighborhoods, some of them in the United States. Malibu,
all those houses along the ocean, Jesse, those Malibu mansions,
they're gone. Palisades, Pacific Palisades is where you know, these
these big time lawyers and showbiz people live. I mean again,
one of the most desirable neighborhoods there is absolutely spectacular
neighborhood if you've ever driven through it. Beautiful homes. It's
very suburban, you know, and it is it's gone. And
these houses are like, I mean, you can't even find
to find a shack for three million dollars, which by
the way, is the cap on California's emergency fire insurance plan.
They'll pay out three million dollars tops to lose your
home and that's like the insurance plan of last resort
for Californians because a lot of these other insurance agencies
have decided not to renew policies. It's too expensive for them.
They're losing money. They're not in the business of losing money.
And it's not getting any better. Jesse. I'm just watching
the local news. We're looking at the Santa Anna's kicking
up again tonight. They thought the worst is going to
be over. I mean, it's ongoing. They're hoping by tomorrow
it'll have calmed down. But I mean it's like, dude,
I've driven to these neighborhoods one hundred times, Jesse, and
they're gorgeous, and it's just a it's a complete tragedy.
And for the people that sometimes you know, Jesse, you
and I like to mock California as well me as
a longtime resident. Everybody does right, all the lives. Well,
let me tell you something, Pacific Palisades, contrary to what's
been going around on Twitter, they didn't vote for Karen Bass.
They voted for a different mayor. They voted for Rick Crusso,
the real estate developer. Right, So people are like, oh,
you get what you vote for you know, they don't
vote for this, and it shouldn't matter anyway. Right, This
is like something like you said, is the end result
of a very long, many decades process of mismanagement and
resting on the law garls of the men who came
out here and made living in this desert possible with
their aqueducts and their reservoirs and everything else. And we
took that legacy and we've been squandering it because we're
hamstrung here by far left, radical state politicians who will
not let you do anything, whether it's energy related, fire related,
or water related. And we've just assumed, well, that's fine,
and Jesse, it's boring to talk about, right, all that stuff,
so boring talking about fire and water policy. But this
is the end of it, and we're looking at right now,
and it's heartbreaking looking these pictures. I'm shook, it is.
Speaker 1 (23:35):
It's terrible. And you mentioned those beautiful homes. I was
actually at back when I was running for Congress and losing.
Not to brag, but bag of I was running for Congress.
I actually went to Malibu for a fundraiser in the
most beautiful home I've ever been and had an elevator
Beka an elevator inside of the home, and it was
the most and it's gone now, well I think it's
gone now. I was trying to check it out today.
From what I understand, it's just disappeared. Tell me more
about the insurance situation, as in the California insurance situation.
How can even a state as rich as California afford
to insure it if the insurance companies can't.
Speaker 3 (24:12):
Right, And you know that's a big problem. And Jesse,
the thing is too the situation living in Los Angeles
has changed since the nineteen sixties. We've had a massive
increase in population, a massive increase of construction. Building goes
farther and farther out into those Northern California neighborhoods, right,
because people are just trying to find an affordable place
to live in a home. But it's heavily forested and
it does get dry. We don't do very well with
forest management. And now I mean this, they tried, they're
trying to undo some of the policies. I know California
just say made some major changes to their insurance roles
and how insurance companies do business here. Because like you said,
they're just shutting down, and so they came up with this.
One of the things California did was try to come
up with a state run insurance plan. But it doesn't
have nearly enough money. And you know, I mentioned the
stat earlier. You get capped out at three million dollars
for a residence, right, I mean, dude, some of these houses.
I mean, you're looking at ten million dollars for a
starter home in that neighborhood, and that's not and that
doesn't take into account all the pipes and the wiring
and the electricity and all the infrastructure that's going to
be completely gone. I mean, you're looking at decades to
repair this problem, and not to mention the air quality
and all the third order effects going on people homeless,
and you know people bag on them too. These are
the people who make all the content like we like
to consume, and people who work very, very hard. You know,
they're all not a bunch of like you know, fruits
and nuts libs out here, including myself, and they work
very hard and they've earned that we're a capitalist country,
and they had these beautiful homes. They're able to work
hard and make that and to see it it's just
all gone up in smoke and it's travesty.
Speaker 1 (25:48):
B kay, talk to me about the arson problems. I
know there are a bunch of different aspects to this,
but I know, at least in Montana where I grew
up in the Rockies, Yeah, there are forest fires because
some idiot flicks a lot dart out the window. That happens,
of course, But I know that there have been greenies
who have been caught these these whack job types just
with an axe to grind. I see a lot of
my southern California friends talking about homeless druggies doing it,
greenee types doing it. What do you know about the
arson problem down there?
Speaker 3 (26:19):
Very well, I will tell you that's you know, they
nobody ever wants to talk about it, right, But Los
Angeles City Fire puts out statistics routinely. They respond to
you know, thousands of five little fires a year, and
about eighty percent of them are found to have originated
with a homeless camp or a vagrant, some sort of
vagrant related activity. And this is part of the mismanagement.
Instead of going up these hills and dismantling them immediately,
especially when there's high fire danger, we have you know,
these leftist mayors who don't want to do anything, and
they're just starting to do stuff now. They had to
wait till the Supreme Court and came out and said okay,
even though they didn't need the Supreme Court for that.
That was all smoking mirrors, But they allowed these encampments,
and these fires get out of control very very quickly,
whether these degrants are doing cooking food or you know,
having drug use and all that. And it's if you
have all these people in these very bushy valleys and
these kinds of areas, things are going to go bad.
And La City is constantly responding to them. It doesn't
get near enough coverage. I mean, the destruction if this
turns out to have originated with some vagrant fire, oh my,
I can't even imagine the outret or people out here
are already pissed. It sucks that they had to found
out the hard way, Jesse, because you and I have
been talking about these issues for many, many years, these
boring big air quotes issues like you know, waters, vagrants,
water management, fire resources and everything else, and they're just
like now waking up to it, like discovering, like what
the f And I'm like We've been trying to tell
you guys about this kind of stuff and it's but
people are awake out here and they're really pissed.
Speaker 1 (27:53):
Speaking with BK, host of World News with BK. BK.
I didn't ask you beforehand, as I never do because
I'm a stupid person. But do you mind staying on
for another segment? I actually wanted to talk a bit
about tear Las Vegas, New Orleans, things like that. You
get another ten minutes for me?
Speaker 3 (28:10):
Yeah, let's do it.
Speaker 1 (28:11):
Okay, I'm gonna will be write back with some World
News with BK, But first I want to talk to
you about brisket chicken. I want to talk to you
about how to how to make these things right, because
you know, I'm an idiot and I don't know how.
You know, the only thing I can do well is burgers.
So how is it that I actually get my brisket requested? Now? Well?
I have the little IQ sense things from chef Man.
What are the things? They're thermometers, but they're not like
normal thermometers where you open it up, you stick it in,
you get the temperature. You can buy them in one packs,
two packs, three packs, but it hooks up to an
app in your phone. You stab your biscuit with it,
or your chicken or whatever you're cooking, You throw it
on your smoke or or whatever, grill, whatever oven, and
you just watch your phone. And I take that back.
You don't even have to watch your phone. You can
set a temperature your phone or alert you when it's done.
I don't do anything special. I rub it, I said
it on there, I walk away. Boop, it's done. I
go pick it up. Everyone praises Jesse for making a
world class brisket. Chefman's where you get it, chef Man's
where you get that amazing obliterator blender that's the one
ob makes our smoothies with every single morning. Pizza makers,
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F M. A N dot com, Chefman dot com, or
you can go to your nearest Walmart and get an obliterator.
Speaker 6 (29:45):
Speaker 1 (29:45):
We'll be back. You're listening to the Jesse Kelly Show.
You're welcome. It is the Jesse Kelly Show, coming back
with horrible intro music. Because Vay was kind enough to
join us for one more segment, Joining me now again
host of World News with Buka, my friend. All right, buddy,
New Orleans. Horrible terrorist attack Las Vegas. Odd thing happened there,
Green beret And of course this is that kind of
thing that's only going to turn the Internet loose when
it comes to rumors conspiracies. I don't know what to believe.
What do we know? What do we believe about this
Green beret who blew himself up, shot himself, I don't know,
in a cyber truck outside of Trump Hotel in Las Vegas.
Speaker 3 (30:34):
Yeah, Jesse, so yeah. On last podcast was about Saturday.
It's almost to come up on a week. I kind
of laid out my case that this was a guy,
in my opinion, who had a long spiraling meltdown and
had a break with reality because who is exposed to
many many blasts and had probably has some ct in
his brain. I mean, I know every wanted to believe
that this is some kind of psychologue to co operation
by our government. They wanted to believe that, you know,
he was trying to send a secret message, and everybody
argued his politics. I mean, the man when I read,
when I was really sure was when I was read
he when I read the famous email that was sent
by him, and when she's laying out some of the
grievances he had, right, and right away I'm zoning in
on the one about the drones with the supposed anti
gravitational technology. Well, Jesse, you know, as you probably, that
really doesn't exist, Okay, And people are like, oh, that's
what they want you to think. Now, the way science
and these breakthroughs are discovered, that would be impossible to
keep from a greater scientific community. I read multiple detailed
scientific articles about it, saying that it is such a
thing would basically make us have to rewrite the entire
book of physics if it was discovered and there's no
evidence at all of it. And then he went on
to say like, well, this provides unlimited payload capacity. That
phrase jumped out at me because again, that's not a
thing that exists according to the laws of physics, right,
So I just believed that this man, unfortunately, and along
and you also saw I'm writing about, like you know,
he was being followed, which is classic classic effects of
that sort of thing. I mean, I don't I guess
nobody remembers like Junior stay Out, the former All Star
NFL player for the Chargers, beloved figure in San Diego.
Guy went insane right out here and killed himself in
dramatic fashion. And this is what kind of happens with
these repeated lasts ahead. And I think this guy was
going through it for a while, managed to hide it. Nobody,
as you know, Jesse, nobody wants to go to the
dock in the military because all the doc's going to
do is make you sit out of everything, and you
can't go train with the boys. So nobody's going to
do that. No operator, certainly no pilot would And I
just think he wanted to send a message, and he
knew he was savvy enough to know the best thing
to do is start a little fracas in front of
a Trump hotel. And I believe he purposely did not
build anything that complicated a bomb that would hurt people.
I think he just wanted to like send a message.
So that's in my opinion based on all of it
since I've seen, that's what happened to that guy.
Speaker 1 (33:03):
B Kay, can you as best you can explain the straw?
I mean, you'd be better that explain it than certainly
I would, or a lot of people distrain. The Special
Operations community has felt during the GEWA during the Global
War on Terror. It's been uniquely felt by them. I mean,
I know, guys, I know, you know, guys, we're talking
ten plus deployment. See, that's that's madness to me. I
deployed once. Yeah, I couldn't even I couldn't even imagine
that just so much of the burden of those conflicts
fell on them. And I know we like to look
at them as superhuman, but they're not. They're still human beings.
Speaker 3 (33:40):
Yeah, and you know, it's no joke, like you said,
some of these deployments. These guys are going on for
like twelve I knew a guy who was deployed for
eighteen months and he did two of those, and he
was a sniper in the Army, and he saw some things,
you know, and you can't help but be changed as
a person. Even one deployment will change you. But now
you're talking about guys who go over there, and especially
the infantry and special operations. Dude, they're like going over
there and getting in horrific combat day after day, and
then they got to come home. And when they're home,
they'll get like a week or two off, and then
they start training up for the next one. And you know,
your personal relationships suffer, your health suffers, your mental health especially,
and nobody got out of that unscathed. And that's why
one of the many reasons I was very upset with
the whole way all these wars were conducted. It was
just like nothing for people to keep sending our troops
back there, even though we had thousands of our best
people die, tens of thousands more maimed horribly or mentally
just beyond repair. And it is a tragedy.
Speaker 1 (34:39):
It sucks, b kay when it comes to terror. Obviously,
it got right back in the news after that terrible
terror attack in New Orleans. What do you believe about
who is here? What their capabilities are? We're always treated
to another headline or theory that there are a bunch
of them here and the you know, a bunch of
cells are going to be activated and stuff like that.
And obviously I'm not naive. I know that's something that
can happen. Why hasn't it? What do we believe? What
do we know about what's here?
Speaker 3 (35:10):
I mean, Jesse, I don't really believe there's any large
scale cells operating in this country. I'd be much more
concerned with like regular drug activity, like the cartel threats
in the south of the border. We know they're operating
in every single state, So to me, that's like a
far more dangerous adversary. But that's not an ideological adversary, right,
that's just about straight business. But I think most of
the guys is like what we saw with New Orleans.
You know, these dudes they self radicalize. I don't know
what that guy particular problem is. That guy seem to
be doing well at life, I mean normally, Jesse. My
theory is that all these mass attackers are involuntary celibates,
and ninety five percent of the time they are because,
like I often stay on the podcast, no guy who's
getting any is really interested in seeing a lot at
that moment, you know. But this guy, he had like
three wives, and I saw the last one and she
was pretty hot. But he started looking at the videos
for some reason, something clicked in him and he's like, yeah,
I need to carry out God's plan. This is a
last plan. And it kind of blows my mind. He's
a very unique case. He seemed to have any of
the great job too, So I don't know where that
one came from.
Speaker 1 (36:16):
Well, let that be a lesson to guys everywhere. Even
a beautiful woman can grind you down to the nuts.
Bk Is, host of World News with DK thank you.
It's always my friend. I appreciate you. Thank you.
Speaker 3 (36:30):
Jesse out.
Speaker 1 (36:32):
Yeah, that's sort of the that's almost scarier. What is
scarier than a cell one dude, one lonely dude sitting
in his apartment in his underwear, getting radicalized as he
watches YouTube videos. What's the defense against that? The problem
is there's really not not if you want to live
in a free society, if you want to live in
North Korea where they cut off internet access though scary anyway,
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Let's talk about banning men from women's sports. Mexico is
finally helping out with immigration and more. Hang on,