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August 10, 2023 20 mins
08/10/2023 - Been really busy but the show must go on! Today I take only calls from YOU! We hear from 2 show friends that end up getting into it pretty hardcore! Also, a guy calls in to share a story about how he brought his friend to a glory hole!?! You DONT wanna miss this episode!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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You are listening to Kid Chris offair. Hey, welcome to off air
with me, Kid Chris. It'sa little late that I'm even recording this
on an August tenth. I alwaysin my head, I'm like, oh
man, I'll put this up arounddune every Thursday, and every Tuesday and

Thursday I'll get the podcast up.But man, it is fucking hard to
be doing this along with the radioshow. And plus right now is a
busy time with work stuff. Asfar as we are around here in the
Tri State Ohio Valley, we havethis thing happens called the w eb and

fireworks and it's gigantic around here.Now you're wondering fireworks for the summer,
Well, it's for the end ofthe summer, and also it's the birthday
of the radio station and doing itfor forty plus years. And look,
when I first moved here, Iwas like, what the funk? Who
cares? But it's over five hundredthousand people all come down to the river

that separates Kentucky and Ohio and it'sjam packed. So it's like our WrestleMania.
It's like our super Bowl. Soit's a big deal. But at
the beginning, as we lead upto it. About thirty days out,
they start trotting us around like showponies to promote it and all that stuff.
So I'm always out everywhere. Andthen my kids are out of school,

so I'm doing stuff for I'm takingthem, Like tonight, my one
daughter is already at cheer camp,thank god her friend, her friend's mom
picked her up because my wife's outof town. And then tonight at in
a couple of hours, I actuallyhave to take my oldest to her taekwondo.
So and I sitting throughout that wholething, and that's my only downtime

where I could sit and listen tomy wrestling podcast and stuff. But anyhow,
but I wanted to come on here. I guess today I don't have
any guests schedules, so tay,we'll just go through phone calls and stuff.
So I tweeted out or I puton Facebook that I'm taking calls at
five one three eight one three sevennine seven nine. You could call that
number oneever, man, and I'llput you on. As far as voicemails

and stuff, you can actually calland leave a voicemail and say hey,
call me back when you're recording andI'll call and talk to you. Okay,
how about that? Is that acool thing? So leave a voicemail
or text it say call me whenyou're recording for the podcast, and I
will call you. Okay, Sothat works out perfect. I don't know
as far as stuff going on.I had this massive drive filled with audio

galore, stuff that I've been youknow, throughout my whole career. I've
backed up, and that drive crash. It was a four terrabyte drive and
it crashed and I did a wholebackup on it, and unfortunately the backup,
you know, it saves all thefiles and all that, but they're

all labeled, like, for instance, if I had like a I don't
know the O. J. Simpson, the O J. Simpson prank call,
now it's just labeled MP three underscoreseven two six nine. So I
have to go through all this shitand try to figure out what it is.
It is so hard and I haveno way to figure this out none

whatsoever. So that's just a wholeother thing I've been dealing with. And
somebody messaged me from Wichita, gettinga lot of a lot of people,
a lot of traffic from the Wichitaarea, and they're requesting some old school
bits, and I said, oh, man, if I could find it,
I'll put it up here on theoff air podcast. But unfortunately it's

going to take some digging. Okay, anyhow, let's go through. I
see their ringing already, Let's dothis. You're on, Oh, what's
up? What's up? Gotta findthat dude who was having a kid and
wanted the wife wanted to name ither ex husband's name or something. If

there's one thing, wasn't that froma can? I sue? No,
it was I forget. Yeah,he just called in to talk to us.
Now, Yeah, the guy calledin and was complaining that his was
it his wife? Yeah, itwas his wife. Yeah. Wife wanted
to name the baby her her exYeah, it was the same name as

her ex boyfriend. And she justkept saying like, well, you know,
because the boyfriend, I guess brokeup with her. She's like,
well, I always liked that name, but you know, I have some
respect for the guy. Like no, I don't think that's a good idea.
All right, right, yeah,all right, so let somebody else
call in. All right, thankyou very much, all right, so

long for now. Yeah, Sofive one three eight one three seven nine
seventy nine. That is the phonenumber here. I want to set that
hard cock. Bring it on,bring it on? What's up? You're

on the air, all right?Motley Crewe approach quick Pearl jam fuck Motley
Crewe. Fuck yeah, dude,I hate Motley Crewe. Oh okay,
bailed right out. I wonder ifthat was Eddie Vetter himself calling in trying
to get the thumbs up from me. What's up? Man? Hello?

Is this country Jeff? He's sure? Mayon? What's up? What's up?
Country Jeff? He would on thatboard downtown. Why didn't you ask
me? I'm no, it's onlywatching away from where I will do.
No, we didn't want you there. I don't see why I'm making money
for that fucking radio show? Willbe your worst? Are you really?

How are you doing you? Howare you doing that? Go ahead?
I'm getting your writings up. I'mpromoting your shit every time I go out
there. How would you do that? I promote where's them? Where you
know? Where the country? Giftor ship doesn't say my name? I'm
there at all? No, youall give me a kid christ because you're

too fucking right. But okay,but you're you're leaving the topic here.
My name or radio station logo isn'ton that shirt at all. So again,
how is that? Now you've donethat for a reason. But they
know me from being on that shown, then they're not. Then you're not
promoting the show. If they alreadyknow you, that means they already listen
to the show. They know you, So I'm promoting you, not the

other way around. Well, youneed to help me out with some more
ship, and there you go.That is why we don't invite you in
anything, because you just come andby. I don't see why, because
you guys invite all these other dumbmotherfuckers, but you guys ain't inviting me.
I don't invite any dumb motherfu Idon't invite anybody to my ship.
People show up, but oh I'mnobody. People ever were shut up for?

Was that fireworks thing? That was? Yeah, nobody wanted you there
either. But you come up andyou just beg. You beg for shit.
Nobody wants that. I didn't begfor ship made. I got my
own money. No, you youalready you you're already begging for shit.
Now I'm begging for nothing. You'rebegging me to invite you. Got my
wait, I got my serious yousome girl. Jeff leg comes. We're

hearing about two hours and he's pissedthat you cut your Jeff. Yo,
I'm got to drinking, dude,and stop calling Chris every stick with day
because I can hear you too.You're freaking any here. Yeah, I
can hear man. I'm not ondeath through a row. You're freaking idiots.
I'm good for you. What areyou? What are you calling about
tonight? Dude? I'm I'm kindof you to fuck off and started while

saying it. Now I was doll. Go to our fucking bar and shuck
the hell up? Will Why whenI go to a bar? I got
from a bar home? Oh youdo. We'll just go through to just
go back to our to our drinkand hear you, dude, nobody what
hear you every single day on wE eight p m. Talking about the

same show. We'll call up everyday. I get tired of you.
I have you can understand me.I can't understand you. Stuttered John or
whatever name. It's constant, constant. So what's up there? You?
You know what came to our pilly? So picking U shock show? Me
your ship down, I can go, uh, I can show your story

you coming, so you can comein and I can take your ass.
Yeah, COTTI would beat the shitout of your country, Jeff, I'll
beat the crap at you. I'llcall I'll call everybody from from from my
pilly holding knows me and no,and they'll put you right in your right
in your spot sixth Street underground.So everybody team Connie or team Jeff hashtag

that Yeah. Yeah, American idolguy. But he could beat his way
out of wet paper bag. Comeon, is that true? Connie?
Could you beat your way? That'snot you, No, that's not me,
that's him. Yeah, that's him. Yeah, that's me. Yeah.
Whatever you ever come on to Cincinnati, Hey give you, Yeah,

I'll give you. Ever give youa door, I'll give you, and
then heybe the Cincinnati hats cannot cannotcome in. I tell me to to
throw it out the first pitch becausebecause because to tell you pitch, Yeah,
that Cincinnati red, I'm gonna tellme to come over and and I'm

gonna throw it out for first pitch. Was all of them. Yeah,
yeah, you're going to do it. Yeah, what happen? I los.
It don't wonder why Cincinnatti don't likeyou cause you lose your dude.
They need some funny from from mypenny that I can handle the job out
in Cincinnatti. I can, Yeah, Anny, long enough without the starter

and yeah, that'd be great.I bet you, I bet you.
I have most Cincinnatti fans fan totwo you and Chinny five. I fetch
you. I got more Cincinnati.I don't know my Twitter things look things
to tell me. I got fifteenhundredth more. You probably won't something in
your life. Yeah, whoo,yeah, I got the post Man.

Yeah, I got, Yeah,I got I'm hosted a man new don't
Hanny, You're you're the winner,Connie. Who's who's the winner? Who's
the winner today? Me? That'sright? No, no, no,

yeah, that's cot Yeah, yeah, that's right. Chris, it's me.
Well, Cotty was good talking toyour brother. Good talking to Chris.
All right, you take care byChris. All right, there he
goes. It's oh that ship wasfucking hilarious. That was like a war,

those two fighting. Hey, what'sup? Yeah? What's up?
Chris? How are you many?All right? So I took my buddy,
So my buddy's kind of going throughsome ship and I'm going to a
bookstore and told bookstore one night totry to get a blow job, and
he's like, well, where areyou going? I told him, like,
God, I'm going to the bookstore. What the fuck are you going

to a bookstore for? Well,I bring them when we show up,
and if their fucking Christmas party.Literally every time I've ever been there as
like ten fifteen people in there.Like then that's a busy night. There's
probably eighty people. And it wasthe most disturbing thing he's ever been to
in his life. No, holdon a minute. You went to a
book store to get a like anadult bookstore. Yeah, Like they have

like glory holes, they have likea theater room. They have like all
these like little sections. They usedto go with my ex girlfriend from time
to time and like fanger Out andeveryone watches, you know. So wait,
wait a minute, where are youcalling from. I'm in tire Hill
in New Jersey. So where okay, Well where what adult bookstore does that?
Well? This one's Berlin news Agency, but there's like four in the

area. Blake would Blake probably knowswhere they are. To be honest with
you. I doubt it. We'rekind of into like the same kind of
stuff. Well, I like,I like the glory hole ideas, like
where I live, and they don'thave those around here, I don't think,
but I worry. He looks.If you google adult bookstores, if
they have like preview of booths,most most of them have glory holes in

them. Yeah. The one inSyracuse had the booths. The arcade at
adult World. Yeah at Adult World, right, but they didn't have booths.
They had windows, and uh,you know I didn't. I don't
like that ship. Yeah. Thesethose are like straight up boosts. Yeah.
But so anyway, so every timea dude would start banging a check,

everyone in the whole place was likelike cattle silently move across like the
building and they're all jerking their PUDswhile fucking doing it. Yeah, and
my friend timidly said there He's like, dude, like, he looks so
uncomfortable. I'm like, yo,we can leave if you want. He's
like, no, man, I'mjust taking this in. So the next
morning I call him and I'm like, so, what did he think of

last night? He's like, yo, I seriously think that was the most
fucked up dream I've ever had,and that doesn't really exist. I got
you know what, I watched thosevideos online when that shit happens. I
We're in the same type of shiptoo, so you know, it's dude,
very very entertaining. It's even cooljust like hang out and watch like

yes one like skinny black dude isfucking drilling. I mean all the girls
are ugliest ship, of course,but the skinny black dude is like plowing
his fucking white chick and like hejust like let's out like this animalistic fucking
roar. That was like the coolestthing I've ever fucking seen. This dude.

There there is on ex Hamster mynew thing is uh I think it's
called the fuck box or something likethat. Now, it's these rooms where
they're not glory holes. They're thesewomen they have just there they're like bottom
half sticking out of this fall soall right, yeah, so they're like

laying down and like that. Youcan't see their like from the waist up.
You can just feel like they're pussingtheir asshole is literally walk up and
suck them. Yeah, And onthe video it's great because you could see
them. You know, the guybanging the girl through the wall and you
just see her pussy in her asshole. But then they have a camera on
the other side where you could watchher face. It's so hot. That's

the ship that I like. Like, I like watching like some fucking like,
you know, some fucking stupid housewifegetting drilled by some fucking giant BBC.
Oh yeah, watching her fucking reactionto it, like watching her faith
and like her fucking mods and shipme too. It's so hot. They're
they're here in town. Uh,there's a group called the the Cincy BBC

Crew or something, and they justthey just banged these local chicks. And
there's one where this Indian girl.She's wearing a mask, so you don't
know who she is, but shekeeps she keeps begging for it in the
key start and she starts screaming itis so hot. God. Yeah,
all right, so listen, Ifucking said, I'm not gonna tell you

this story. I'm not gonna tellyou this story, all right. So
all right, I met this fuckingI'm on set life and it's like a
website for all like different pinks andkind of shit like that. Right,
So I met this chick on Saturdaynight, I message her and I'm like,
yeo, why don't we go outfor breakfast the next morning? So
literally we go to breakfast and we'resitting there bullshitting, like, you know,

I'm in sales, so like Ican conversate with anyone, you know.
So we have breakfast. I'm like, what do you want to do
now? She's like, oh,I like shooting pool. So the fucking
pool hall opens at like I don'tknow, eleven o'clock and we're there like
at that moment, we shoot poolfor an hour. We go back to
my house fucking we started like makingout and ship. She rolls over on

her stomach. I start pounding herfor in her pussy right, It's like,
you need to fuck my asshole thathard, and dude, I just
literally just fucking spin on my dick, shoved in her fucking asshole and pounded
the fuck away. God, whereare these girls? I mean, they
weren't around before. They're not around, dude. But there's at the age
that like, all right, soI'm thirty eight, I'm a little bit

younger than you, but like atthe age that we're at now, the
women that are into that ship arefucking into it. Yeah right, they
don't get because they want to getfucked. They had their marriage, they
had that bullshit fucking life, andthey want to get fucked. I'm trying
to tell my friend now, like, girls really just want to get fucked.
Like that's all they fucking really want. They don't care about the whining

and dining and all that bullshit.If you know how to fuck, you
can get any fucking girl. Wellthat, you know. I think you're
right, because yeah, like yousaid, they're all they've already been through
there, you know, the thewhite picket fence and the kids and all
that shit, and and and alsothey're past the whole high school thing where
they're worried about, Oh what arepeople gonna think? Who gives a fuck?

Exactly? Who? No one cares, dude, who cares? Like
everyone's like, oh, well,I don't want you to treat me different.
And it's like, look, ifwe fuck today or we fucked two
weeks from now, it's going tobe the same. I'm gonna rate you
on how rates the fucking sex oneor how shitty it was. Yeah,
yeah, advice exactly, dude.I don't have a giant cock It's like,
look, if you're a size,we're not going to work out,

right. But at the end ofthe day, if you know how to
do it, you know how tofuck you know. Yeah, well I
agree, So let you want togo, you want to go play pool,
let's do it. I look upsome cool shit on an ex hamster
and I stumbled across that because Iwas looking at you know, you go

an ex hampster any type and wifeat glory hole or whatever, and some
good amateur ship shows up and thenuh, you know, down below it'll
say it'll say stuff like, ohyou'll like this. I started seeing the
fuck Box or whatever it was called. Now I'm addicted. I know now
those are produced and you can tellobviously, but man, I would love
to walk into a room and thenfall into that situation there. Oh fuck

fuck a yeah. Another Philly caller, Yeah, hey, Suber, are
you gonna get a Johnny five oror We'sen's face, Drunk Best or Barry
on the on the radio more oftennow, I hope, so all right?
Cool? Yeah? I love Johnnyfive, Yeah, me too,
and Drunk Best and Barry. Imean they're just a basket case. I

like hearing about their troubles. Iknow, well, it pissed me off
about Beth. Drunk Beth and drunkBarry came down a notch for me,
simply because they were all into us, putting the cameras in their house and
doing the twenty four hours stream wherewe could watch them and stuff. Yeah,
and then Barry tried to pull someship, and then it piss me
off. So all right, dude, all right, thanks man later,

all right, good round of calls. I'm gonna bounce out of here.
I'll see you on Tuesday, allright, and please spread the love of
the kid Chris off Air Podcast.And I don't know, we'll continue to
grow this thing. Who knows,maybe I'll visit a city and do one
live somewhere. I know. Everythingis up for grabs as far as ideas.
All right, all right later,thanks for listening to off Air

KiddChris - OFF AIR News

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