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September 13, 2023 20 mins
09/13/2023 - We are taking your calls today and we hear from a Georgia peach that she puts ALL her business out there. Blake calls in to break down the ‘Foxcatcher’ DOC. A guy who was mixed up in mob-type activities talks about his time in jail.
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Episode Transcript

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You are listening to Kid Chris offAir. Hey what ut man, welcome
to it. It's a kid Chrisoff Air, you know what. I
gotta be honest. I look forwardto doing it now that we're just doing
this on Wednesdays, because it's alot easier for me to think about this

show and uh and to come inhere and not be like, oh shit,
I gotta get this show together.You know, Tuesday and Thursday was
crushing me, crushing me, andthen you know, I'm putting together these
little feature shows like the Freddie Showfrom last week and all that stuff.
That sh It's fun and now Iwant to go through and take some calls
and all that shit. All right, So five one three eight one three

seven nine seven nine. You cantext that. You can leave voicemails obviously
when I'm not in here taking calls. Okay, if you want, you
can text me and say, hey, call me when you're doing calls for
this podcast off air and talk tome and I'll call you. All right.
You can even text me, thiswould be fun. You can even
text me if you want me tocall someone and tell them to go fuck

themselves, you know, like thefuck off thing. I used to do
on the video show. So ifyou want me to tell someone to fuck
off, you can text that number. Just make sure you write you know
the phone number, and then writefuck off afterwards and I'll know what it
is. Okay. So five windthree eight one three seven nine seven nine
calls already coming in here? What'shi? Hi? Who are you?

Min's Mercy? I'm from Rome,Georgia. Oh yeah, nice Georgia girl.
You can't get wrong with the Georgiagirl. Oh you can't. What
do I owe the honor? Anyways? What are you calling for? What
do I owe the honor? Well? I will call him to tell you.
My fiance watches you all the time, and I call him fiance because
we just got engaged. No,you're making a bit right. I figured

you would say that. Yeah,because someone like yourself is probably really hot.
If you're from Georgia and you're onlygoing to be with one guy,
why would you want to starve yourselfof that. I knew you'd say that.
You see, he's afraid, that'swhy he's listening in. He knows
I got thunder absolutely, sir.Yeah, we're all afraid of that thunderstick.

Not the thunderstick. I just knowI could talk right into people's heads
and they understand what I'm saying.He can usually do what I say.
So I'm telling her to leave yourass? Well, might not take much
convincing. Yeah, So, Imean, what is it about this guy
that you like? I don't knowhim. I mean, he's probably the
only guy that's ever been non saving. Oh really part some days, that's

all. But do you know everythingabout each other? Like? Does he
know how many guys you've been with? I think so, yeah, for
the most part, for the mostpart. What do you mean for the
most part. I mean I've neversat down and said this is how many
numbers? But I mean we've talkedabout the people we've been with before.
Uh huh. Have you ever beenwith one of his friends? No?
I actually didn't know him until Imet him, sane. Okay, would

you be with one of his friends? No, because his best friend is
his cousin and that would just beweird. Yeah, but he's got other
friends, right, I mean,yeah, you got a point. No,
I would not be with his otherfriends. Why not? Because they're
just not hot. Oh, so, so your your man is hot?
I mean I think so. Yeah, you do the butt with him?

Absolutely? What? All right?Now you gotta you gotta text in a
picture. We have to see you. You have to see a picture of
me. Yeah, yeah, no, no, no, I mean if
she wants to send up, butwe got to see a picture of you.
You understand me. Yeah, wheredo I text? It takes?

Yeah? You text it right tothis number that you called. Okay,
I'm going to be in the picturetoo. Well, we'll crop you out.
We just want to see her.A girl that does. But we
love that she's looking she's looking goodon the rock. Sure it doesn't to
take a new one right now.I don't give a yeah. Now,
how many times do you do buttwith her? Let's say at least you

answer, I know, like fivetimes a months? Maybe. So you
like that, yeah, like yousay it to him, You go oh
with that accent. Oh, baby, doll, I need it in my
butt. You just like that.Actually, you gotta have the extra syllable
subby baby, I need it inthe butt to not yes, yes,

like yeah, sort of yes.You think that one's a going that's cool.
You guys will have kids yet,dear, no, not yet,
don't do it. No kids notwhatsoever. No, don't do it kids.
Yeah, no, I do,but don't have kids. Don't ruin
it, because then all that stuffwill stop, you know, So keep

having sex in the butt. Youcan't get pregnant. That's true. That's
what I keep telling. It's nature'scondom. It is nature's condom. You're
right, good man, He's okay, but keep Yeah. Well, before
you guys get married, though,I gotta have my shot, my run
first. Okay, Okay, let'shear it, Chris, let's go.
No, I need I mean,I want to do butt with you.
It's not cheating, really, ohis it? Though? No, I

don't know if you can reach it. I'm hanging out, but no,
fuck you. I sent the pictureto get it. Yes, I'm looking
right now. Oh my god,you do that? Yeah, well you're
you're I gotta say. Your boyfriend'sa dog. Yeah. I don't don't
judge why he looks sad. Thankyou forgot to shave. Okay, now

hold on a minute. Now,can I show this on the stream?
Sort? Yes? You like howyou like how I said let's send a
picture of both of us, andthat she didn't you like that? I
think something's going on. Here.It's not yet man, you are.
Yeah, that's typical Georgia girls.Georgia girls are babes, and you know
it's the accent. We suck youin with the accent, but then we're
really all crazy as hell. No, I'm looking right now, and it's

not just accent, big girl.Oh okay, yeah you look, you
look fine. Please put it inmy butt? Well usually usually what he
actually hears his babe, make sureyou hand me the vibrator while you're at
it. Oh okay, so soyou go, you go there and he

goes in the butt. Yeah,yes, she has this crazy thing.
It's not even like a it's thisweird thing that like has a suction like
thing. It's crazy. That's cool, it's pretty sweet. Now what's your
name again? Girl? It's MercyMercy, no Mercy like Mercy Brown.
Oh Murphy. Okay, so,uh Murphy. How many guys have you

been with? Like, I don'tknow, like twelve maybe? Really?
How old are you? Yeah,I'll be thirty in November. Okay,
that's a I mean, I don'tknow how many how many dudes at one
time? I always this one Idon't share. Okay, all right,

but what about two dudes in onenight, Like do you ever have that
where you leave in one guy's houseand then you get a text from another
dude? No, okay, howold were you when you lost it?
I was seventeen. God, that'sawesome. And then when who was it?
Who was the first lucky guy thatgot the butt? Like who said
yea, I want to do thatand then you said, okay, let's

try the butt? It was actuallymy fiance? Oh really? Yeah?
Now how much older are you?Sir? Okay, that's not too bad?
Not bad now? And where didyou meet her? She worked at
a bet office and I took mydogs there and he pursued me on the
internet, book and Instagram. Wow, it took a lot of pursue.

Actually, all you had to do. Like if a girl just pursues me
and say hey, I like itin the butt, I'd be like what
time? Yeah? So she messagedme like a couple of times, like
two or three times for me tobe like, oh she wants it.
Wow, See why would it takethat long? Like at first, what

were you thinking? I mean,I'm just looking at it right now.
I'm a fucking idiot, I guessyeah, because she could have been the
next day, a hotter guy couldhave walked in and she would have been
like, you know what I message, Yeah, exactly right, tricked and
now she's mine for now for now. You don't you don't do a free
internet show. That's true. That'strue. I don't. That's true.

That's true. Yeah. Yeah,I have awesome spiky hair, awesome glasses
either glasses that that get darker inthe sun and uh and a salt and
pepper shit. Yeah, salt andpepper and established turns like sunglasses sort of
thank you. See that's why rightthere, that's right, and that's why

Murphy and I were clicking. That'sright. So transitions for me. Yeah,
Murphy, do you let him puthis face in the butt? Yeah?
I mean technically yeah. Oh that'sgood. That's real good. I
guess what her favorite kind of pieis? Air pie? No, no,
no, you know she will notlet me pull out. She loves

scream pies. Murphy. I loveyou. Get rid of this, dude.
I can't. I can't. You'realready married, so what Okay,
then you get married, you getmarried, and then I'll just come over.
I'll come to Atlanta, you know, as a matter of fact,
I'm due. I'm due for avisit. Hell yeah, we'll loop will

loop up a little bit, andit's squeaky and smash it good. That's
the key, literally, loop upand smash it. Indeed, a l
I can't stop looking at him,but listen, I gotta go. I
can't spend the whole day talking toyou about your and your button stuff.
But feel free to send more pictures. Send pictures of yourself like like and

cut off jean shorts and cowboy boots. You know that whole fucking thing.
Do that? Got it? We'llfind the picture, Murphy. Tell him
to stop talking. It's killing theboner, killing your chebby. Yeah,
I'm hard just a little bit.It'll come back. Yeah, No,
it's actually not hard. I don'tknow that thing's out. It's out of
commission, all right, see you, oh man Blake from sales, Blake,

Sorry, it took so long toget to you. I have other
calls of stuff. That's all right, pumpkin, how are you? It's
so funny. Blake hit me uprandomly and said, hey, have you
have you seen this documentary called TheFox Catcher and the Hot Guys in their
singlets. It's about that guy thatwas like a zillionaire and built like a

whole little community in Philadelphia, paidfor a bunch of wrestlers, Olympic wrestlers
to come and train on his land, took care of their family, who
gave them little houses on the property, like just let them train so he
could have them go into the Olympicsand win. Because a lot of other
countries they would take care of theirOlympic athletes and they wouldn't have to have

other jobs. But in America,we didn't do that. So the fox
Catcher dude was like, I'll dothat, I'll take care of these guys
and all that stuff. But thething is, though, the guy was
like he was a millionaire billionaire andhe just liked being around wrestlers. He
like wrestling and stuff. I mean, that's a little weird. I wanted
to talk to you about this becausewhen I was at Camp Hill, which

is part of the state penitentiary system, there's a place there called our Blocks
and it was donated by the DuPontFoundations, which he said, just du
Punt, yeah, which is himbecause he went to prison and I guess
he found the conditions to be deplorable. So he donated a bunch of money
to the state prison system. Andnow it's the shitties. It's the shittiest

place you could ever be too,Like it's where they first bring you.
When you go there, it's likeice cold showers. You're stuck in there
at things. But do you haveto wrestle? Interested in I was very
interested in this guy because I thinkhe was They mentioned it he might have
been a coke addict all the time. Yeah, yeah, And there's something
in the world called like it's calledcocaine psychosis, where you do so much

coke that you become like you startedhaving paranoid delusions in schizophrenics. I think
I think the guy was had somany he was just mental right. And
then and then when when he shotthat dude, Uh what was his name?
Steve? Was it Steve? Hewas like like the greatest Olympic wrestler
of all time. He was theretraining and helping other guys and all that
stuff, and John DuPont was payingfor everything. But yeah, this this

guy, John DuPont just showed upand didn't even leave his car. He
had the guy come out of thehouse and he shot him. In front
of his wife and kids, right, and the DuPont guy had that security
guard guy with him. Yeah,and then he ran into the house and
locked himself in the house and thecops wouldn't go get him. They're like,
hey, come on out, John, you know it's gonna be okay,
come on out, and he's like, no, I want to make

a deal before I come out.It's like, oh, this guy,
how does he get all this cloud? Do you think he shot that John
guy? Because he had so muchbody hair? Maybe he was very hairy,
very hairy and very you know thatthat wrestler ripped no body fat,
you know, and it looks weirdbecause they're so ripped. But he was
so hairy it looked like a hairypiece of board. He was. He

was puffing out of the single,Yeah, popping out. And you would
think when you're when you're wrestling otherguys that like those little hairs would get
pulled and stuff and that would suck. You know. What's funny is they
never mentioned on the show that theyDupuk guy. There was rumors that he
might have been gay, which Ithink makes a lot of sense now it
does. He was like sexually sexuallyfrustrated, and he's always hot guys around.

I mean sometimes I want to killa guy too, you know what
I mean? Yeah, now killit, yeah, kill it the right
way. Though he was he washe was married at one point to some
uh some chick named Gayl who wasa therapist, but that didn't last.
But I know his estate. Theypaid the family pretty well, excuse me,
pretty well, the family that ofthe wrestler, Dave Schultz, that

was his name. Yeah, theydidn't mention what the amount was, but
you gotta figure it was a fourtune. Oh yeah, I had to
have been because he was going awayanyway. So do you think he just
would like like get video tapes ofhis guys working out and stuff and jerk
off to it. Oh yeah,later, But there goes Blake, Blake

from sales. Let's go here,We got to bounce out of here.
What's up? And you're on?Uh? I want to hear some of
Blake's prison stories. He's told meentertaining he's told some before. He told
us about the gig dude that uhthat liked his Uh. He would smell
his boxers when he wasn't in thecell because they were Oh my god.
Yeah, they were cummy. Hesaid they were very cummy. Oh my

god, what's the miss that?Thank god? Yeah. See, you
know what I should say, moreattention to the show, because I'm oh
my god, that's terrible. Doeshe e were talking about like fights and
stuff like that. No, Imean I don't. I mean I don't
really give a shit about that.I like the darker stuff. Listen as

somebody who almost went to prison.I got lucky because I didn't. I
had a good lawyer. Yeah,which was interesting. I was stealing,
Like I said, I told youthis before. I was stealing due amounts
of scrap metal. Oh yeah,yeah, yeah, I remember this.
Yeah. Yeah, and uh.I have a friend who's a cop.
And when I when I got introuble, when I told him what happened

what I did, he didn't know, of course, but I told him
after I got you in trouble,he was like, wow, he expected
me to be going away for awhile. But when you pay people back
and you have a good lawyer andyour co defendants are has already been convicted
of murder and stuff like that,they look more favorable. Yeah. Just

stealing it. Yeah, you're you'reyou're the small Yeah, you're a small
time compared to all the other ship. Yeah, well was it mob related?
Shit? Yeah, this guy definitelywas good. I mean, I'm
glad I didn't go to prison.We uh we dabbled with the mafia a
little bit in Philadelphia. That's that'sthe thing. I remember. One time

a dude called up and said thathe was like fucking crazy. He's like
if that mother fucking Blake thinks hecan skip out on his debt and go
to uh where the hell was inPortlands or whatever he coming? Oh yeah,
I remember that, remember? Yeah? Yeah, that was that was
like I can reach out and touchhim. Yes, that's right. Yeah,

I don't remember what that was about. I think because because Blake was
on pills and stuff, he mighthave fucked somebody over. Yeah yeah,
I mean, I'm just dude.I did, like I got arrested one
time. I did like two hourspart time in a city joh and that
was enough for me. Man.The only time I ever got trouble close

to that was when I was ateenager. That was it. When you
guys are robbing the open cars forchange. No, we didn't get caught
with that, and I don't evenknow what would have happened if if that
happened. Yeah, that was Yeah, that was dumb when your kid do
dumb ship. But I wasn't akid when I got in trouble. Yeah,
I had no excuse. Yeah,And it wasn't like a big deal.

It was us just going in thecars and stealing. Uh, like
the change that people would leave intheir cigarette. Uh. You know,
as trick, you realize that somepeople would come out with a gun and
fucking hold you with a gun onyou so we can Yeah, I mean
it's crazy ass people off there,I know. And this was yeah,

Uh, this is upstate New Yorkwhere everybody is a hunter, so everybody
has guns and stuff. And wewere doing it. And that was the
other thing. We did it inthe neighborhood next to mine because we didn't
want to walk too far. Youguys are sucking master criminals though, Yeah,
just like I was. But youknow what I was, I was
ma daddy man. I was makingso much fucking money. I was fucking

paying for everything, my friend,my you know whatever, having a good
time. And then when you getthat fucking call, that's hey, dude,
the police call me. Oh,that's fucking the feeling of being trapped.
I'm telling you, man, it'sit's just not worth it. Yeah,
it's not. But did you didyou take some of that did you

did you hide some of that moneyaway? Yeah, but it all went
to the lawyers and everything. Man. Yeah, but still wait wait,
you know what also they what Itook? They said I took three times
more me and the people I waswith. So what I took, they
made me pay back three times whatI took plus lawyers plus fine all that
ship. Well, that's funny.They were saying, like, you stole

all this much, probably waiting foryou to go uh. Instead of saying
I had nothing to do with it, you were like, that's bullshit,
and take that much? Oh shit? You know what's funny? You know
it's funny. John Gotti Junior.They raided his social club one time in
New York, right, yeah,and they said we got one hundred thousand
dollars out of the wall in yourshows club. He goes, that's bullshit.
I had six hundred thousand and likea good job, stupid good All

right, brother, thanks for callingman, that's a good story. Okay,
I love your show man. Allright, love it all right,
brother, I appreciate that, dude, all right, see you mane bye.
All right, I'm gonna bounce out. Thanks again for checking it out,
Kid Chris off Air. Every timeI sit in the studio and record
some calls and stuff, I'll tweetout and all that stuff. So you

gotta follow me on all the socialmedia at kid Chris k I, D
D C h R I S,also on Apple podcasts and even on the
Spotify podcasts. I don't know ifothers do it too, put like a
comment on there, you know,to spread the love and give it a
five star rating and all that shit, okay, because it helps out a
lot. I guess I don't know. I just hear other Like all my

favorite wrestling podcasts, they say todo that, so I'm gonna say it
too. All right. I'll seeyou next week. Thanks for listening to
off Air.

KiddChris - OFF AIR News

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