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September 6, 2023 9 mins
Been way too long! Let's check in with Neal McCoy. Was every really considered to take Blake's chair on the voice? Hear his answer.........
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Bob Picking talking with this is oneof the greatest entertainers that I have ever
seen. I've seen a lot ofentertainers. This guy knows how to put
on a show and I love hislast Neil mccooley, how are you doing,
man, I'm good, Bob Hey, I know you said one of
the greatest. You know, MichaelJackson and Elvis are going. I think
it's technically the greatest and the greatest. Well, I you know, I've

seen all of this, and Isaw Michael's sister. But that's a different
story for different times. That's anotherstory in another channel ahead. Okay,
I just got through watching you.You still do this? You still do
the national anthem? I mean,are you still do the Pledge of allegiance
on Facebook? Every morning? Howmany days now? How many days?

Two thousand and seven hundred and uhninety nine. That is little over seven
years and eight months. When I'mmissing a day, nothing stops you.
Even when your bus is burning inthe background, nothing stops you. I
know. Yeah, I'm crazy.That's pretty crazy. I shouldn't have probably
done that. Well, I didcheck. I know my wife would have
got on to me, so Idid call everybody had already called their family

and let him know there are right, So okay, well, no one's
gonna freak out. Well, letme tell you, by the time you
get around to call in your insuranceguy, there's a proof right there that
something really happened. Okay, that'sexactly right. You can't see it.
You got a problem, that's allI'm saying. Hey, listen, we've
known each other for a long longtime. But there's a lot of people
that don't know how you got discovered. And to me, that was always

a great story. How well theearly days and stuff. Yes, sir,
Janey Fricky discovered you in a talentshow? Were you the winner?
I ended up winning? Yeah,she was a judge of the finals.
Yeah. And through that contest shehad she was being handled and booked to
manage a boy, Charlie Prince bookand AC out of Dallas, right,

And she said, I you knowI'm handled by Charlie's company. I know
he's already helped he'd already helped millsab Earl, Thomas Conney, David Sugar.
A lot of folks get their namesout there and get discovered. And
she said, I this is eightyone and she said, I don't know
if he's still doing that or not, but I'd love for you to meet
him, and just y'all determined onwhether he could help or not. So

about two weeks after I met her, my wife and I drove back to
Dallas and we went to Charlie's office. Of course, the whole hallways lined
up with platinum and everything's gold records, and we went in and visit with
them. Him and his wife rosein and they took they took kind of
mellenda I under their wings and justkind of groomed us along and let me
open show us with him all overthe world for about four or five years.

And then about four years later,after he told me, he said,
you know, to make it,we've we've tried to get you in
front of people that we know,but that something's just now. Haven't you
gonna have to get out on yourown? So that's when I got on
my own. And then finally nineteenninety one of his one of his management
team, flew out called me andsaid, I we're flying out to Arizona
where you're playing a little club areand I'm bringing h Nelson Larkin, who

was coheads of the Atlantic Records thathad just come to Nashville. Atlantic Nashville
so that they flew out and likedme and end up sign record deal.
So I thought, well, okay, I'm very rich. And then through
another seven singles and got at leastseven videos. I was way poward than
I came in. But he heldon in the ninety three on our third

album, Verry bigger dude, nodoubt about it. And Matt that's what
got you. Charlie Pried was sucha great guy. Mister Pride told me
one time that you stole his stageack, that you stole everything that you
know I must have because he didn'thave any lafts. He had such high
praise for you. Anyway, let'sget it. You become pretty close to

Blake Shelton. How did that relationshipdevelop? You know, it's Blake tells
the story. I was with AtlanticRecords, been there for about it's probably
ninety I think ninety five. Hehad just come to town. He was
delivering magazines for I don't know ifhis cash box or whoever was and he
said he walked in Atlantic Records,and I was when I was in town,
I'd go up there and I said, often just goof around. So

it just so happened. I hadhad kicked the receptionists out of her chair,
and I was answering the phones,so and I just put people on
hold. I wouldn't even I wouldn'teven put the call through. I would
just say, yes, hold onplease, and I would just put him
a hold. I had, youknow, Sebmary people on hold. And
Blake walks in with these magazines andhe looked over and he thought, that's

Jim McCoy and he said, Iknow he's just coming off a couple of
number one songs and he's having ananswer the phones. He said, I
better rethink this thing. And thenwe just did hit it off ever since.
And I wish I'd have been inhis shoes when when I had the
opportunity. I think I wouldn't probablybeen as successful as Blake, but just

had those opportunities because he's very quick, very witty and really smarting, great
singer. He got it going home. So he stowed your stage jacks,
what you're telling me right, then, that's exactly right as it? Odal
okay, tell me about tell meabout the voice. Man. I was
hoping. I was praying I wantedyou to take his chair on the Voice.

Were you serious about doing that withIs that something you would have done
if you were asked to do?Yes, or I would have. And
I really expected at least to inviteto come out. Since since no,
they didn't get me an invite,no, I think I think they're when
when they when Blake just stepped outout of nowhere and said, I think
Neil McCoy we should always had into feel my spot, I want to

leave, and I'm sure that allthe people engage with the Voice started their
minions saying, find out who NeilMcCoy is. Find out who Neil McCoy
is. And and by the timethey found out, I know I wouldn't.
I just wasn't big enough artists tobring in the numbers that they these
other artists bring in from a viewership. But I promise, I told them,
I said, you know, ifI ever got an opportunity, I
think I'd be really good at thisjob. They never did even yeah,

I think so. But oh well, to make my own show up now,
maybe we can start a campaign toget you, you know, to
walk into the show every once andnot as a contestant of course, but
as a tour that's what we wantright there. I was just curious about
that, but I was serious aboutthat. Yes, so we're gonna be
able to see you. Ernie's aBentwood Saturday looking forward to the show.

I am too, and I appreciateyou just ten visiting with me. Bomb.
I know we go back along way, and I know you've come along
way and you're Hall of Fame,And I didn't know if you're Hall of
Famers the entertainer of the Year likeyou are. Man, I don't have
the Entertainer of the year. Youknow actually that you did well essentially you
do with in the Hall of Fame. I ain't got to Hall of Fame
nothing. Yeah, I'm behind themic. You're in front of the crowd.

Man. One of the best entertainers, seriously is Neil McCoy. And
if you've never seen him in aconcert, you have got to see him.
I yeah, we were talking aboutour age. Does it get any
easier to jump up on stage?Is it something? I mean, you
know what the place it is easierto jump is when I'm up on the
stage or alive. I just youknow that I ran came myself physically in

good shape, vocally in good shape, and and I just I live for
shows. That is that's what I'msupposed to be doing. So when I'm
up there on the stage, that'sI am. We're I'm happiest. So
we were we were talking before westarted taping the interview. You it took
you a long time. You justfinally wrote your first song. Yes,
the first one that's ever been asingle. Yeah, what's the name of

it. Uh, It's called usedCar Okay, and it's it's really good.
And I hope I hope people andyou know, I know it's it's
gonna be tough because don't have apromotion team or label or anything like that.
So I'm just trying to put itout like a can digitally on some
downloads and you know, some ofthe streaming services, and a lot of
people have heard it and really reallyliking a lot of them going and bought

it. But it's one of thosethings where I'm realistic, Bob. I
know, the dodds are getting playedat mainstream radio are almost impossible because there's
they're getting your hammered on. Youguys are getting hammered on by a bunch
of labels and stuff, always tryingto get their actions. But I just
put it out there, and I'mgonna try and keep some stuff out every
every sixty eight weeks. So wherepeople been here and let them know at
least I'm still in the serials,stier, recording, and most of all,

I'm still out here entertainment. Socome see me out of show you
got to. I can't tell you. If you get a chance, go
go to his website. Listen tothe song because if you're not able to
relate to the lyrics, you couldtell they come from your heart. It's
really about a car that you had, which is no longer in the garage
leaking oil right now. But youreally did go through your second engine on
that car. I did. Iwas on the second engine. Yes,

if you could have any car inthe world, you know, any car
in the world, what is itthat you would love to drive? God,
you know, I'm an old pickupguy, so I don't know car
wise, any truck, any pickuptruck you could drive, what would it
be? Yeah, dog, Idon't know. I'm I'm in a pretty
good old Dodge twenty five hundred rightnow. You would you drive an electric

pickup if they forced me, andif it was free, okay, okay,
see there. But but you know, and I would just drive it
every once a while because I don'tknow. I'm I'm still kind of used
that old gas engine. I likeit to make a little bit of noise,
you know, old school red na. I've been I've been shocked too
many times when it comes to electricto you know, I don't want to

be shocked behind the wheel. That'sexactly right. I agree with that wenna.
Start using that. Yeah, thenew songs used car. Please listen
to it. It comes from hiscart and please go see this man in
concert. And McCoy one of thegreatest entertainers of the world. Mister McColl
on this right now.
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