Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
This is huge Radio seven forty kt RH Houston.
Speaker 2 (00:07):
Drive everywhere with the ivenue.
Speaker 3 (00:09):
Now the latest news, weather and traffic. It's more of
what matters to you. From the John Morris Services Studios. Well,
good morning, Happy Friday. Five am is our time here
on Houston's Morning News. I'm Jimmy Barrett. Among our top
stories as we get started this morning, they're saying the
New Orleans terrorism attack. The attacker acted alone. The Vegas
cyber truck driver Ideed is in highly decorated green beret.
Speaker 4 (00:35):
And coming up at five o' eight. You know, the
FBI said it wasn't a terrorist attack, So why should
we believe that there was no conspiracy? Details in the minutes, sayhead,
you're in Houston's Morning News. First, first, let's check out
that drive for the first time. Sky Mike's here, obviously.
Speaker 2 (00:49):
Let's go to the Golf Freeway northbound. Let's take it
up from Texas City. You got the roadwork. It's a
lifestyle from just passed the causeway up to BUCkies both ways.
Little it's a teeny tiny lane's in the text all
wall of death. I don't know how you do that
every day, love y'all, Thank you, but so far no
problems here. From League City, we're looking at twenty nine
minutes up. You're always the first to know what's happening.
It's not me, it's you. Seven one three two one
two t ips. That's our tip line, Skymike and the
Generator Supercenter, dot Com traffic Center.
Speaker 4 (01:18):
From our KTRH top tax Defenders twenty four hour Weather Center.
Clouds early, then partly claudy for the afternoon with the
high temperature today near seventy. Big change whoes are coming
by Sunday night, and we'll get into the details with
Terry Smith. That the Weather Channel in nine minutes right
down fifty seven at your officials severe Weather Station News
Radio seven forty k t RH. It's time now for
the news.
Speaker 5 (01:38):
Here's Cliff Saunders, Thank you, Jimmy, and good morning everybody.
Coming up on five oh two on KTRH.
Speaker 6 (01:43):
Look, we're human beings and there are going to be
some mistakes made, and sometimes some people get radicalass for
a reason that there's nothing you can.
Speaker 7 (01:49):
Do about it.
Speaker 5 (01:49):
That's retired Army Lieutenant Colonel Dan Davis on Fox. As
the FBI claims that New Orleans terrorist attacker Sam Shudding
Jabbar acted alone, that he originally planned to kill his family.
Sixteen people remain hospitalized, eight in ICU. A disturbing development
at the investigation in Jabbar's North Harris County home.
Speaker 8 (02:12):
We have confirmed through a law enforcement source that's been
briefed on this investigation that during the overnight FBI raid
here at Jabbar's North Harris County home, investigators found bomb
making materials.
Speaker 5 (02:23):
Rice Newberry with our TV partner Channel two. Another televised
report says those materials were precursor chemicals. Jabbar was ex military.
The man behind the Las Vegas cyber truck explosion outside
the Trump Hotel was active military, identified as Matthew Leifelsberger.
Speaker 9 (02:43):
A military identification. We also found a passport, We found
a Desert Eagle fifty caliber semi automatic pistol.
Speaker 5 (02:53):
Sheriff Kevin mcmahill still no motive in that explosion, but
officials claim it's on related to New Orleans five H
three on KTRH. Both attacks involved cars, as did the
Christmas attack in Germany. So do the bad guys have
a new method for terrorism?
Speaker 10 (03:12):
Unfortunately, after the last few weeks, it looks like the
answer is yes.
Speaker 11 (03:16):
We see that in their propaganda and their literature and
their chat sites. This is something that the intelligence community
and law enforcement is keenly cognizant of.
Speaker 10 (03:24):
Former FBI agent James Conway says, there are ways to
protect large crowds from these vehicular attacks.
Speaker 11 (03:30):
Parimeters will be hardened with heavy vehicles and also with barricading,
often cement their steel barricaging.
Speaker 10 (03:38):
Conway says the best way to prevent these attacks in
the future is with better counterintelligence. Ethan Buchanan News Radio
seven forty KRH.
Speaker 5 (03:45):
Another sobering thought. America's major cities are full of soft
targets for terrorists.
Speaker 12 (03:51):
We've been kind of complacent. This is a wake up
call to America, especially when you deal with the fact
that in the last four years, millions of people have
come into this country that we don't know anything about.
Speaker 5 (04:03):
Retired police Lieutenant Randy Sutton. There the bad guys are
also using the Internet to radicalize individuals here.
Speaker 13 (04:10):
There's still a significant percentage of thills that actually are
radicalized to follow a foreign ideology.
Speaker 5 (04:17):
In this case isis Doctor Alex del Carmen says the
US needs to keep its guard up. It's five oh four.
President elect Donald Trump is planning a Make America Great
Agan rally in Washington on January nineteenth, that's the afternoon
before he's inauguration. It'll be at the Capital One Arena
with a capacity of twenty thousand. Trump has endorsed Mike
Johnson for Speaker, but at least one Republican is vowing
not to vote for him.
Speaker 14 (04:45):
Speaker 15 (04:46):
You can pull all my fingernails out, you can shove
bamboo up in them, you can start cutting off my fingers.
I am not voting for Mike Johnson, and you can
take that to the bank.
Speaker 5 (04:55):
That's Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massey on A and N. We'll
have more more at five thirty. It's now five oh five,
and with less than three weeks to go in his presidency.
Joe Biden awarded January sixth Committee members Liz Cheney and
Benny Thompson with the Presidential Citizens Medal, claiming the country
is quote better because of their dedication.
Speaker 16 (05:17):
It's absolutely pathetic that kind of weakness portrayed and demonstrated
on the national scale or national stage like it was
today from the White House by our commander in chief
and our head of state.
Speaker 1 (05:28):
It does everything.
Speaker 5 (05:30):
It makes us place an incredibly dangerous Texas Congressman Ronnie
jenckson there. And if you thought the Democrats were crazy,
now well. Mary Anne Williamson, Houston native an activist, has
announced a run for DNC chair.
Speaker 17 (05:44):
What I want to address is the psychological and emotional
factors that not only have to do with repairing our
own relationship with the people whose votes we need, but
also with countering the extraordinary collective adrenaline rush that Donald
Trump is created.
Speaker 5 (05:59):
She ran for the Democratic presidential nomination twice in twenty
twenty and twenty twenty four. Clearly she did not win.
We're seeing some delays this morning at Bush and Hobby
as people try to come home from their vacations right now,
seventeen delays at Bush with four cancelations. Fly Aware also
indicating about ten delays at Hobby. Don't look now, but
gas prices are ticking up. Checking in today at two
point fifty nine a gallon across Houston. The statewide average
of two sixty six is up about a nickel from
last week. But there might be some good news. With
the new Trump administration taking over, lower car prices.
Speaker 18 (06:39):
Twenty twenty five could bring a notable shift in the
auto market, with prices expected to drop between three and
five percent.
Speaker 19 (06:45):
We have a lot of people out there driving really
old cars that are just waiting for that right time,
and I would say twenty twenty five would.
Speaker 2 (06:53):
Be a great time to do something.
Speaker 18 (06:54):
KTIH Carpro Jerry Reynolds says automakers are building more cars
and dealers have better in SAE, including lower interest rates
to get those cars off the lot faster. You can
get more car buying advice from Jerry on the Car
Pro Show Saturdays on KTRH.
Speaker 5 (07:10):
Thank you, Eric. It's now five seven on KTRH. The
Checksans visit Tennessee to wrap up the regular season on Sunday.
Speaker 20 (07:17):
In the season right away, you know, and on a
positive note, so you know you gotta be ready to
play c J.
Speaker 5 (07:23):
Stroud there. How about this for a slap in the face.
The Titans will wear their throwback uniforms. The Houston Oilers
love you Blue Jerseys kickoffs at noon. I'm Cliff Saunders
on Houston's news Weather in Traffic station News Radio seven
forty KTRH.
Speaker 3 (07:40):
What happened, Why it happened? The information you need to
start the day. Now back to Houston's Morning News. All right,
how far do you trust the FBI?
Speaker 4 (07:51):
And if the answer is as far as I can
throw them, then you're probably on the right track.
Speaker 7 (07:56):
Here's the thing.
Speaker 4 (07:58):
Lots of stories appearing today calling for the FBI to
fire the special agent in charge in the New Orleans
massacre probe, because this is the woman that came out
and that first press conference and claimed that it wasn't
an act of terrorism, when clearly it was an act
of terrorism. I mean that, that just tells you the
political slantmind everything the FBI does these days. They don't
that This Department of Justice, this administration does not want
to It doesn't want to acknowledge radical Islamic terrorism. It
never has and it never will. That obviously will change
with the new administration. But there clearly are plenty of
people working for the FBI who have been indoctrinated into
this belief system or perhaps recruited because of it, and
they're gonna have to go. They're gonna have to get
rid of these people. So when we have a story
this morning on Cliff is doing his job. He's just
telling the story that the the I claims that the
New Orleans terrorist attacker acted alone, it was no conspiracy.
He didn't get any guidance from anywhere. Do you believe
this at face value? Of course, not not a face value.
While he was going to attack his murder's family, but
he ended up doing this instead because this is easier.
How much planning goes into something like this. I mean,
we're talking about a guy who's building explosives. You don't
do that in a couple of days. That's not a
last second decision. You know, you have to do research.
It takes a lot of work in order you can
blow your family away at a moment's notice. But you
have to really have a plan to go to a
place like New Orleans and to perpetrate this terror attack.
We don't think he got guidance from anybody else. We
don't think that he was influenced by anybody else. We
don't think that there is a other terrorist in this country.
We either aided and abetted him or from foreign countries.
What do we nuts? That's what the FBI thinks. We
still have a major problem with this entire investigation because
they will not take it where it needs to go.
Five eleven time for traffic and mothers together. Yet the
FBI some slide.
Speaker 1 (10:21):
Yeah right, they saved.
Speaker 2 (10:23):
Us from whatever was in Melania's underwear drawer. We're all
safer because of the FBI.
Speaker 4 (10:28):
Well, thank you for putting that out, sky Mike. Give
him some credit here.
Speaker 2 (10:31):
Let's go to let's take a look at the beautiful
Baytown side of the world. Don't laugh when I say that,
Baytown to laport Let's do the Hartman Bridge here, let's
go to well. Look from the Baytown side. We looked
at from one forty six all the way across eight
lanes of fun here and then North Found from Laporte
back up to Baytown. We're in good shape here. Toll
bridge both ways from north Shore down to Deer Park. Good,
good vibes here down to two twenty five either way,
and if you're coming from the butt l to twenty
five doing the Sherman Bridge, this is the time to
jump on, especially if your hazard is s there. Terry,
We're in good shape. Posted speeds, rest of your freeways rock.
I'm Skylite at your Generator Supercenter, dot Com Traffic Center.
Speaker 4 (11:11):
From r KTRH top tax Defenders twenty four hour wather Center.
Speaker 7 (11:14):
Terry is here.
Speaker 4 (11:15):
The most hazardous thing she has is the forecast starting
Sunday night.
Speaker 5 (11:19):
That is the truth.
Speaker 21 (11:21):
Oh, the cold air's coming, folks, and you've got a
couple of days to be ready for it, so it
doesn't take you by surprise. And it's nice and mild
until then. So this is going to be quite a
slap in the face, I will tell you. So we
are dry today, we'll turn out partly cloudy, temperatures warmer,
upper sixties to low seventies, and tomorrow there's only a
twenty percent chance of a shower and again near seventy tomorrow.
But that cold front sweeps through Sunday and it brings
us an eighty percent chance of showers and maybe even
a few thunderstorms. Temperature Sunday in the load to mid seventies,
and then Monday and Tuesday, when we're sunny and colder,
it'll be about thirty degrees colder, low forties to low
fifties in the afternoon Monday and Tuesday. Loves at night
will be in the twenties, So we're going to be
below freezing at night.
Speaker 4 (12:13):
And by twenties are you talking twenty two to twenty eight?
Where in the twenties are we talking all over the place? Okay,
from the load to upper twenties. Yeah, okay, the low twenties,
that'll be a problem.
Speaker 7 (12:23):
Speaker 4 (12:24):
Temperature right now is let me take a look here.
It is currently fifty seven at your official severe weather station,
News radio seven forty KTRH five eighteen is our time
here in Houston, Flornews. I think maybe the most shocking
thing to come out of the cyber truck explosion at
the Trump Hotel in Las Vegas is that the driver,
the person behind the wheel, finally identified active duty military,
highly decorated Green Beret. Here's what we know about him.
Found in the vehicle, fireworks, gas cans, gun's passport, So
all those things indicate he intended to maybe do greater harm,
you would think, than what he ultimately did. Ultimately, what
he did was commit suicide. He shot himself and committed suicide.
Didn't take anybody else with him. Now we know that
he served at the same Army base as Jabbar, Who's
the New Orleans attacker, the terrorist in New Orleans with
the Houston ties. So did they know each other? Is
there any connection there? The FBI's claiming no, there's no connection.
This guy the motive for the they think the motive
for the cyber trucky. He just killed himself. Well, so
did the guy, so the guy in New Orleans. But
he took a whole lot of people with him, didn't he.
Here is the latest report from Las Vegas on that
aspect of the story from eight News Las Vegas.
Speaker 2 (13:50):
There are two.
Speaker 9 (13:50):
Tattoos, one of which was on the stomach and one
of which is on the arm that we can see
bits and pieces of it as in comparison to.
Speaker 22 (13:58):
In comparison, Clark County Sheriff Kevin mcmahill says to tattoos
belonging to thirty seven year old Matthew Liveelsberger, which police
and federal Asians were using to link the thirty seven
year old with Wednesday's explosion. Livelsburger a highly trained, highly
decorated military man since two thousand and six who served
as a Green Beret, a unit that works to counter
terrorism abroad, serving most recently in Colorado and in Germany.
Speaker 23 (14:23):
We've already received thousands of tips related to this incident.
Speaker 22 (14:26):
Spencer Evans is a special Asian in charge of the
Las Vegas Office of the FBI, but one of.
Speaker 23 (14:31):
The tips that we received just today relates to information
alluding to this subject's personal experiences related to his time
and activity in the military.
Speaker 22 (14:39):
In his time in the military, he was awarded a
total of five Bronze Stars, including one with a Valor
Device for Courage under fire, a Combat Infantry Badge, and
an Army Commendation Medal with Valor. His military ID, passport,
driver's license, photo, and weapons found in the charge remains
of this Tesla cybertruck, along with what was left of
Libelsberger's body, which was so badly burned it took a
good while for police to get him out of it.
Speaker 24 (15:02):
They just live a an ordinary life with their newborn
and taking walk sometime.
Speaker 14 (15:07):
That's really all I know of him.
Speaker 22 (15:09):
Lebelsberger's neighbor, Kenny mack knew something was up when she
heard a helicopter circling above her neighborhood. She says she
doesn't see him around the neighborhood as much as she
does his wife, who she coincidentally just began working out
with at the gym. She knows him to be tattooed,
which tracks with information and photos issued at a Metro
Police press conference earlier Thursday.
Speaker 1 (15:28):
It's one of those.
Speaker 24 (15:29):
Things where you find it hard to believe, you know,
you hear like it could be your neighbor, and then
that's just really sinking in at this point that it
literally could be your neighbor.
Speaker 4 (15:40):
And it was in this case. So what was the
motivation for this guy? We don't know now what happened
in his life? They said him all five twenty one
time for traffic in weather. Together, we're checking out that
drive once again, oh skylike looking for some action out there,
not finding any.
Speaker 2 (15:54):
You know, this is probably just the calm before the
next shoe drops in the woods. Jimmy, let's check out
your visor's side the world here, Katie Threeway as we're
riding it now from you know, they finished that road
work in Brookshire. That's good, so we look good from
the Brazis River over Man, that was a mess coming
over from Igloo Road into the Beltway. We're in good
shape here. Belt to downtown. Rocks along now Grant Parkway,
an easy twenty six minute stroll. Big shots on the
West Park Tollway. So far you got your toll sticker
and you're rocking along from Grand Parkway to the Southwest
problem free. Rest of your freeways rock I'm Skymike. It's
your Generator Supercenter dot com Traffic center from r KTRH
top tax defenders. Twenty four hour weathers under clouds early
part the Claudia this afternoon near seventy mostly cloudy's slight
shower chance tomorrow seventy Sunday showers and thunderstorms, gusty winds
seventy four that'll bring in that major cold front, the
Bowler Vortex comes to town overnight. Low Sunday will be
thirty high Monday only about forty six in the Greater
Houston area. Right now fifty seven at your official severe
weather station, News Radio seven forty KTRH. We're checking out
some of our top stories this Friday morning.
Speaker 5 (17:00):
Here's Cliff, thank you, Jimmy, Marral mcchannal's Who's mechanical is?
Who is sponsoring?
Speaker 25 (17:05):
Speaker 5 (17:05):
Congress returns to vote for a House speaker Today. An
American soldier in Pennsylvania is indicted for attempting to join Hesblah,
and a founding member of the Osmond Brothers is dead.
Wayne Osmond was seventy three. Get the latest news anytime
at KTRH dot com. Our next update is at five
thirty crime is on the rise, our schools are in trouble.
Speaker 14 (17:26):
The next four years, we'll have to get better.
Speaker 3 (17:28):
Telling this story of Houston every day. Quite a story
use radio.
Speaker 1 (17:33):
Seven forty KTRH.
Speaker 4 (17:38):
All right's head back to New Orleans here where we're
starting to find out who some of the victims were
and who some of the survivors are. They actually got
into I don't know how the media managed to. They
had his permission, I guess to talk to him. Jeremy
Sensky is his name. He's he was one of the
people run over by the truck. He was probably one
of the last ones hit because he was right behind
where the truck was when the shooting began, between between
Jabbar and the police. So here's what he had to
say about what he remembers about what happened.
Speaker 2 (18:12):
I was on my way back.
Speaker 26 (18:13):
We were staying at the window level on Magazine Street,
and I was coming down Bourbon towards Canal, and I
was close to the end because I was faced to
call my friends until I was one of him. Because
I met my friends, they went to a bar and
I was on my way home and back to this hell,
and I heard a massive noise and I just I
was facing the other way because I.
Speaker 7 (18:38):
Don't know why.
Speaker 26 (18:39):
I don't know what made me turn around. I heard
a massive noise and I thought that something fell and
I turned around and that's when I turned around. That's
pretty much all that I remember until I was on
the ground and I came back and there was this
people screaming and I was laying on the ground and
I saw all my wheelchair parts on the ground beside me,
and I started scraping looking for my phone. I was
looking for my phone to try to call for help.
I couldn't find my phone, so I started screaming and
no one.
Speaker 1 (19:16):
No one would come.
Speaker 26 (19:16):
Its like I pushed myself on my back and I
saw people and they were taking pictures from the balcony
and I was screaming at helping. People were just looking
at me. Coughs were looking at me, and I know
it's just time that they were looking at me because
I was still alive and they weren't worried.
Speaker 5 (19:33):
They knew I was still alive.
Speaker 26 (19:35):
So I was screaming and finally somebody came out to
me and just looked at me and said, listen, we
know you're hurt, but You're alive.
Speaker 7 (19:44):
That's what they said me.
Speaker 1 (19:44):
You were alive.
Speaker 26 (19:45):
And I was just like, well, someone got to help me,
Please get me out of here.
Speaker 7 (19:50):
And I just waited there.
Speaker 26 (19:53):
And I mean whenever I first hit the ground and
hurt gunfire, and I remember it just and in my mind,
I was thinking, I'm hoping low enough on the ground.
I thought that's why I was on the ground, was
hiding from the gun fire.
Speaker 7 (20:08):
And could you hear the gun fire? I had a gun.
I was for you to be away from the truck.
Speaker 2 (20:15):
The truck was very in front of me.
Speaker 26 (20:16):
But everything happened so fast, and I had I didn't
know what to even think about the gunfire. I didn't
know what was going on while it was happening.
Speaker 23 (20:23):
Did you get knocked over by the car or by
the people?
Speaker 26 (20:27):
I'm assuming I got hit by the truck, but honestly,
no one's ever told me that, and so I don't know.
But my wheelchair was completely bashed and the pieces.
Speaker 2 (20:36):
Were all over the place.
Speaker 27 (20:38):
So something hit me.
Speaker 1 (20:39):
Did you fall on your face?
Speaker 7 (20:41):
On my face?
Speaker 2 (20:41):
So I hit my.
Speaker 28 (20:43):
Teeth off the ground, and I and and.
Speaker 26 (20:47):
I heard I heard the gunfire, and I heard more gunfire.
Speaker 29 (20:51):
But you could tell us on the gunfire from two
different drives. Man was story wheelchair dude just in a wheelchair?
This guy do care who he ran over? Five twenty
seven is our time. Time to take a look at
your money. On a Friday morning, Jeff Bellinger's here, Good morning,
Good morning to you, Jimmy, and happy Friday. It was
not the way Wall Street hoped to start the new year.
The major stock averages closed in the red for a
fifth straight session. Yesterday's losses ranged from two tenths percent
to four tenths percent. Tesla and Apple shares where a
drag on the market and analyst say the New Year's
Day attacks in New Orleans and Las Vegas compounded investors angst.
A supply manager's report on December factory activity will be
released this morning, and Wards will report on last month's
new vehicle sales. And President Biden has reportedly decided to
block the proposed sale of US deal to nip On
Steel of Japan. Biden has been critical of the deal,
but until now, the White House is never sat outright
that the President would take action. Sources say now that
he will move to take and the takeover that would
have been worth more than fourteen billion dollars. I'm Jeff Bellinger,
Bloomberg Busyes, listen Use Radio seven forty KTRH no Houston's News.
Speaker 30 (22:07):
Why there were traffic, plus breaking news twenty four to seven.
This is News Radio seven forty KTRH five Everywhere with.
Speaker 3 (22:15):
The I more of what's happening now from the John
Morris Services Studios.
Speaker 4 (22:21):
Five thirty is our time here in Houston's Morning News.
I'm Jimmy Verrett. Among our top stories this half hour,
the House Speaker vote is today, Joe's not running the country,
so who is? And coming up at five thirty eight,
a Houstonian named Sports Illustrated's sportsperson for twenty twenty four
details in the minutes ahead, you're in Houston's Morning News. First,
we're checking out they drive once again with Skymike Oh.
Speaker 2 (22:43):
Let's come up from beautiful, old historic Richmond. And if
you're coming up sixty nine the Southwest Freeway. Good riding
so far, first callingy mall, past the fountains up to
the Westlap sixteen. We're in good shape. I don't even
have the slow down at the Downtown split just yet.
If you want to do all ninety the most City Expressway.
We're looking good now from fifty nine all the way
up into South Maine. I don't even have the problem
at the South Life at the South Loop red light.
It looks like we're moving well so far all around town.
I'm Skymike. It's your classic pew at GMC Traffic Center.
Speaker 4 (23:14):
From our KTRH Generator Supercentator twenty four hour Weather Center.
Cloud's early part of the cloudia this afternoon. HI today
right about seventy. Enjoyed the temperatures this weekend because come
Sunday night, the bomb's going to fall off. We'll talk
to Terry Smith about that in about nine minutes. Temperature
right now fifty seven at your official severe weather station,
News Radio seven forty k TRH. It's time out for
the news. Here's Cliff Saunders.
Speaker 5 (23:38):
Thank you, Jimmy. Good morning everybody. Five thirty one on KTRH.
Speaker 2 (23:41):
You have maybe one no vote. I think I think
we get it done on the first round.
Speaker 5 (23:45):
That's a confidence sounding Mike Johnson there. The House votes
on speaker today. President elect Trump endorsed Johnson, but will
that be enough?
Speaker 31 (23:54):
According to Red State Senior editor Joe Cunningham, the answer
is yes, Mike.
Speaker 32 (24:00):
Johnson is going to win the speakership.
Speaker 33 (24:02):
I don't think there's anybody who frankly wants the job,
given how much chaos and how much pain and torment
has come with it for Mike Johnson.
Speaker 31 (24:09):
Instead, it's about who wants Johnson to get the job.
Speaker 33 (24:13):
The Donald Trump endorsement is pretty.
Speaker 31 (24:16):
Big and big because Trump's election needs to be certified
on Monday. The voting starts at high noon. Jeff Biggs
News Radio seven forty k TIERI.
Speaker 5 (24:28):
And by the way, Congressman Troynell's joins Jimmy at seven
point fifty here at home. In a move that was expected,
New Harris County DA Sean Tier's office is recusing itself
from the big rigging case involving three of County Judge
Lena Hidalgo's tom staffers. But the case is not going away.
Former DA Kim Oug referred it to the office of
State Attorney General Ken Paxton last year. It's coming up
on five point thirty three. The FBI claims that New
Orleans terrorist Champson ding Jabbar acted all on his own
when he killed fourteen other people New Year's Morning. Sixteen
of the injured are still in hospitals with eight in ICU.
Jabbar apparently inspired by ISIS incoming borders are Tom Homan
blames the Biden administration.
Speaker 34 (25:15):
The incoming administration needs to look at insider threat. I
mean insider threat. The analysis has been put in the
back seat by this administration.
Speaker 5 (25:23):
Homan on Fox more on Jabbar and what was found
at is Harris County home at six o'clock. Now, Homan
isn't the only ones saying that the Biden team took
their eyes off the ball.
Speaker 35 (25:33):
The Biden DOJ has spent the past four years prosecuting
Donald Trump while warning about parents at school board meetings
and pro life Catholics. Former FBI agent Nicole Parker tells
Fox the bureau's priorities are way off.
Speaker 36 (25:45):
They are still focused on January sixth, capital violence. It
is still on the homepage of the FBI's website. They
put the full force of the federal government focusing on
misdemeanors colll In the meantime, we have ISIS inspired Harris
attacks going on.
Speaker 35 (25:57):
Both President Biden and DHS Secretary Aalajandra my Orchis has
stated the biggest security threat to the US is white supremacy.
Cory Yelson, He's Radio seven forty KTRH.
Speaker 5 (26:06):
Thank you Corey. After Biden took fifteen hours to address
the country after the attack, No one's going to blame
you for thinking he's not running things.
Speaker 1 (26:15):
It's clear he was not.
Speaker 37 (26:16):
If it was Donald Trump in the White House, you
would have had comment within an hour.
Speaker 7 (26:21):
Certainly, Joe Biden gave very pablem like.
Speaker 37 (26:24):
Remarks that were written for him, and he basically read them.
But who was making the critical decisions?
Speaker 5 (26:30):
And that's a question that the American thinkers. Brian Jundev says,
we may not get the answer to for a long time.
There's new information on the New Year's Day truck explosion
outside the Trump Hotel in Las Vegas.
Speaker 38 (26:43):
No motive just yet, but police did identify a suspect,
thirty seven year old Matthew lieblos Berger. They couldn't say
this with one hundred percent certainty because the body inside
that Tesla cybertruck was just burned.
Speaker 5 (26:57):
So back Jeff Paul reporting investigator claim they've found no
link between Las Vegas and New Orleans five point thirty five.
Now on their way out of office, the Biden administration
get this their claiming that they've actually secured the border.
Speaker 39 (27:12):
Quite frankly, the number of individuals encountered at our southern
border on a daily basis now is lower than it
was in twenty nineteen, the last year before the pandemic.
Speaker 5 (27:24):
DHS Secretary Alejandro majorcis ignoring the numbers from their first
three years in office, making the Trump mass deportation program necessary. Meantime,
the President elect once the country to or rather the
Supreme Court, to delay the potential ban of TikTok That
has some worried.
Speaker 40 (27:44):
TikTok operates with a very decided lack of transparency. Its
users really have no idea what's going on with their
private data. Of course, a real concern is whether we
should have any unfriendly government, in this case, the Chinese
government of all things, having such a foothold in US
social media.
Speaker 5 (28:00):
To Paul University's Jeff McCall says that Trump should wait
until after the court makes a ruling before looking at
a political solution for the social media app. It's five
point thirty six. Looking at the economy, there are seven
different use in companies on the Forbes rankings of the
top US private businesses right now.
Speaker 41 (28:18):
Those are ones that are not traded on a stock exchange,
typically owned by far fewer owners. The top name in
the Houston area energy producer Calpine.
Speaker 5 (28:27):
That is KTRH Moneyman pat Schin, who says that other
notable names include Tilman for Tita's for Tita Entertainment, and
the Freakin Group. Many of those on holiday vacations are
coming back to Houston this weekend, and we've got some
delays this morning out of Bush according to fly toware
seventeen to be exact, five flights are canceled, nine delays
out of Hobby so far. The port of Galveston, you
may not have known this, it's among the fastest growing
home ports for cruise ships.
Speaker 42 (28:58):
Speaker 5 (28:58):
The environment for growth shit only improve. Is Trump two
point zero gets ready with fuel being cheaper. On their watches,
oil and gas production increases.
Speaker 43 (29:08):
It's how costly that that production is. And what's happened
over the last four to five years is that we've
made the production here in America more expensive than it
needs to be.
Speaker 5 (29:17):
Former Energy Secretary Dan Bruyette says that the White House
ban on liquefied natural gas, the reversal of it will
be beneficial not only for US, but for points up
and down the Texas and Louisiana coasts. Five point thirty seven.
The Rockets host Boston tonight pregame at six on Sports
Talk seven to ninety. I'm Cliff Saunders on Houston's News
Weather in Traffic station KTRH.
Speaker 1 (29:41):
Stay Informed, Stay on time.
Speaker 3 (29:44):
Houston's Morning News continues with Jimmy Barrett and the Houston
Morning News Team.
Speaker 4 (29:50):
How five time, we all doing gymnastics this morning? Wherever
it may be the reason why I mentioned gymnastics is
sim own. Biles was named Sports Illustrates Sportsperson of twenty
twenty four after her performance in the Olympics, where she
won three gold medals in a silver medal, most decorated
gymnasts in history, thirty two global titles.
Speaker 7 (30:12):
Speaker 4 (30:13):
Sports Illustrated highlighted biles gold medals in particular due to
her struggles with the twisties. Hang on the twisties in
the twenty twenty Games. Oh, you mean like the yips?
Any all golf? This a golfer would call the yips.
The yips is when you you know, especially at putting,
you know you're on the green and U and if
you lined everything up and the butt in your mind,
you're putting all this pressure on yourself to make the
spot and then you just you mishit it. So I
guess in gymnastics, if you got a case of the yips,
it's called the twisties. That's that's the one where she
kind of had a little bit of a mental breakdown there.
And you know, but hey, listen, anybody who's ever played
sports will tell you that. You know, when you get
something in your head, I can't make the catch, I
can't make the play whatever it is, you know, or
you miss the play and it gets in your head.
Then the next time you you miss it again, not
because any other reason than it's just in your mind,
in your head. That's pretty much what happened to her
at the Olympics in twenty twenty, but she came back
in twenty twenty four to one gold and another gold.
Then another sports illustrators said she changed the face of
her sports conversations around athletes in general. And she's a space.
She's a black female, and s I would like to
honor black females. I mean, when you're looking for a
sports person of the year, they are, particularly these days
in our politically collect world. They are particularly interested in
women's sports, and she was I think, you know, there's
a handful of people who can hold a candle to
her when it comes to women's sports. There you go
five forty time for traffic and weather together, fifties and
the yip. Yeah, there you go. Jimmy, do you ever
have that dream?
Speaker 2 (31:57):
Because you're an old jock too like me, do you
ever have that dream You're on the radio and your
record runs out, you have another record, and you can't
find nothing but crap to play, and your mouth doesn't
even work.
Speaker 4 (32:07):
I'm always in the bathroom when that happens. In my dreams.
That's the radio dream. If you ever wonder people.
Speaker 2 (32:12):
Yeah, let's go to let's check out the southwest side again.
As we look around the Southwest Freeway, I'm going to
come around here, big shots, but we'll start from Fort
ben County, and we look good coming up from the
Brass River Southwest Freeway now outbound. They did that lane
shift and there's going to be some stuff going on
there in twenty twenty five. Well, I'll keep you up
to date. There, Grab Parkway looks good all the way
up to Grand Lakes. Then you hit that spackle fry
road to Highland Knowles. That's not slowing you down just yet,
but it's a skinny lane text dot wall of death
spot here. The rest of Grand Parkway all the way
around to your golf ball terry is looking good. I
don't even know what kind of heater you have in there.
I'm skylike on the Classic Buick GMC traffic Center.
Speaker 4 (32:54):
I hope it's industrial strength from Mark katyrh Generator super Center.
Twenty four hour Weather center is here. We're all going
to get a workout for our furnace here starting next.
Speaker 14 (33:03):
Week, Oh my goodness, we are.
Speaker 21 (33:05):
It is going to be an extended period of cold temperatures.
I think that'll continue at least into the middle part.
Speaker 14 (33:11):
Of next week.
Speaker 21 (33:13):
But right now we're enjoying some rather mild weather and
that continues through the weekend. Dry day today, upper sixties
to low seventies. Tomorrow, there's only a twenty percent chance
that somebody is going to get a shower to temperatures
again upper sixties to low seventies. Coldfront's on the way Sunday.
You'll notice the winds picking up. We have an eighty
percent chance of showers and storms, temperatures in the load
divid seventies on Sunday, and then mother Nature says haha,
and brings in the colder air Monday and Tuesday. It's sunny,
but our high temperatures in the low forties to low fifties.
That's more like our low temperatures this time of year.
Speaker 4 (33:53):
Yeah, that's true, right down fifty seven at your official
severe weather station, news radio seven forty KRH five forty
at a time here in Houston's forty news right to
say that the current administration has not been very friendly
to business, but I think it's an understatement. I saw
Ej Antoni. We've had him on our program many times.
Ej is a research fellow with the Heritage Foundation on
the economy, more specifically at the Grover M. Hermanness Center
for the Federal Budget, and he was talking about the
lack of business friendliness with the Biden administration and how
that's going to change for the next four years.
Speaker 44 (34:28):
Well, Dagan, I think when you have nothing to run on,
you sometimes have to run on a lie, and that
seems to be what they've been doing, unfortunately for the
American people, for the American workers, though those lies aren't
going to pay the bills, especially with today's cost of living.
And the truth of the matter is this, as you
just laid out, manufacturing is intercession has been for quite
some time. And frankly, the data that we've gotten not
only from official government sources like the Federal Reserve, Board
of Governors or the regional Federal Reserve, but also private
data such as purchasing manager indexes, they all show exactly
the same thing, which is that this administration's regulatory and
tax policies have greatly contributed to crippling our manufacturing sector
and industrial production.
Speaker 45 (35:16):
So how much more damage can this administration do in
the last twenty days and what are the two or
three most important things that Trump has to do to
alleviate that damage?
Speaker 2 (35:30):
A great question.
Speaker 44 (35:32):
Unfortunately, this administration really does seem hell bent on doing
as much damage as they go out the door as possible.
I mean, look what they're doing with the border wall,
for example, all of the pieces that were already purchased
but haven't been assembled yet, they're auctioning them off as
quick as they can for essentially pennies on the dollar,
just so Trump can't finish his border wall with them.
I mean, it's an absolute travesty. They clearly don't care
about the country. All they care about is harming their
political opponent. So with that in mind, I think the
amount of harm that they can do again going out
the door is tremendous. Now, the only good news here
is the fact that things that are done with executive
order can almost always be undone with an executive order,
And so the harm that the Biden administration is doing
or trying to do unilaterally, I think much of that
can be undone by the Trump administration again also unilaterally.
Speaker 4 (36:24):
Yeah, but whoever they are right is we're featuring in
our newscast this morning with Cliff who's running who's running
the government? It's not Joe Biden. It's his aides obviously,
who are doing all this? Which makes you wonder, I mean,
how many of them are making these decisions? How many
of them are having the influence five point fifty one
time for traffic, oh maybe weather together?
Speaker 2 (36:43):
What's guy, Mike, dude, if we could have went nine
more minutes, we'd have had a perfect score for five o'clock.
But I think I've got something on the board. Chambers
County the most helpful law enforcement dispatchers tells me there's
a wreck on one forty six in front of Iguana.
Joe's right before it ten. Now why do I have
the seconds on Iten down? Because I could swear there's
something at Chevron Phillips hard hats. You know what to
do to help me out? Seven one three two one
two t ips Hey.
Speaker 25 (37:07):
Good morning, Michael Pullou listen cavail from springal from spring sailing.
Speaker 32 (37:12):
And down from ninety nine out twenty nine to twenty in.
Speaker 28 (37:16):
Tomball just slinky time.
Speaker 25 (37:18):
Have a great day and a great weekends.
Speaker 2 (37:19):
As you get a heartsticker to go with the banana
stickers here. You know, if I go six more weeks
Jimmy on this losing streak, I'll save about eighty more dollars.
Skymike and Classic fuic GMC Traffic Center, brom r KTRH
Generator super Center, twenty four hour Weather Center.
Speaker 4 (37:33):
Clouds early party, Claudia. This afternoon looks like about seventy
mostly cloud. It's like chance of a shower around seventy
Tomorrow Sunday showers and thunderstorms, gusty wins. They'll get to
seventy four, but it's down to thirty degrees by Sunday night,
Hi Monday, struggling to get to forty six temperature. Right
now is fifty seven at your official severe weather station,
News Radio seven forty k TRH. Time to get you
caught up on some of our top stories this morning.
Here's Cliff.
Speaker 5 (38:01):
Helps when you turn the mic on. Five point fifty
two on KTRH. Were sponsored by Morrow Mechanical. The FBI
says New Orleans terrorist sam Shu Din Jabbar acted alone.
President Biden reportedly could announce a decision on the acquisition
of US steal by Nippon Steele today and the copyright
officially expired yesterday for thousands of book songs and movies
from nineteen twenty nine, including the comic strip Popeye. Get
the latest news anytime at KTRH dot com. Our next
update is at six o'clock.
Speaker 2 (38:32):
Fifty nine.
Speaker 5 (38:33):
Inbound at the loop is always a problem.
Speaker 3 (38:35):
KTRH time saving traffic connect on the ten.
Speaker 4 (38:40):
Well, these aren't little kids, though, These are people working
for the Chinese government who hacked into the United States Treasury.
Why would they want to hack into the Treasury? What
information did they get? Firsall hacking into the US Treasury
for a Chinese hacker is probably not that hard to do.
What the motivation is, we don't know. Horse Chine. No,
we didn't do that. I mean maybe somebody in our
country did that, but they don't work for us, of course,
not because the folk. The Chinese government always tells the truth.
Here's a report from CBS News.
Speaker 46 (39:11):
The Treasury official actually said cyber criminals breached federal workstations
remotely accessing unclassified documents, and in a letter to lawmakers
sent Monday, that Treasury official explained that cyber criminals gained
access by using a key stolen from a third party
vendor called beyond Trust, overriding the security of their cloud
based system. That official called the attack a major incident.
As you pointed out, the vendor notified the Treasury back
on December eighth. Now, while we know that none of
the information accessed was classified, still a number of questions
remaining for the Treasury, including how many documents were stolen
and did they contain any crucial information, any taxpayer information?
For instance, what is.
Speaker 47 (39:57):
The Treasury Department doing in the aftermath of this hack,
and is the Chinese government responding?
Speaker 1 (40:02):
Speaker 46 (40:02):
Well, a Treasury Department spokesperson said it's taken that service offline,
and it added in a statement that there's no evidence
indicating the threat actor has continued access to Treasury information.
So they're now working with the FBI and the nation's
top cybersecurity agency, called SISA to determine really what was
the exact impact here as for any reaction. A Chinese
embassy spokesperson has called the disclosure here a smear attack.
Beijing's Foreign Ministry is also responding, saying that the PRC
has quote always opposed all forms of hacker attacks.
Speaker 4 (40:37):
Yeah. Sure, it's precious, isn't it. Oh, yeah, we oppose
all forms of hacking attacks. We would never do that.
We would never spy on the people of the United
States through TikTok, We would never. We would never, you know,
we would never steal information from businesses. We would never
do any of that kind of stuffe As far for
us finding out exactly what they got and how it
might impact us personally, because after all, the Treasury has,
you know, tax information on everybody. Do you think we'll
ever find out No, probably not. I would very much
doubt that we'll ever find out exactly what was taken
because it's too embarrassing and isn't that nice a third
party vendor. You think that third party vendor is still
working for the United States government. Sure, yeah, they don't
fire people for things like that. Five point fifty six
is our time here in News Radio seven forty k TRH.
Speaker 1 (41:33):
This is HUS Radio seven forty kt RH Houston Ive
Everywhere with ther now.
Speaker 3 (41:41):
The latest news, weather, and it's more of what matters
to you from the John Morris Services Studios.
Speaker 4 (41:48):
Six am is our time here in Houston's Morning News.
I'm Jimmy Barrett. Among our top stories of this half hour,
they're saying the new orleand terrorist acted alone. That's what
the FBI claims, the Vegas cyber River ided as a
highly decorated Green Beret. And coming up at six o'h eight,
they're giving Liz Cheney a medal. Details in the minutes. Sayhead,
you're in Houston's Morning News. First, let's get you up
to date.
Speaker 7 (42:12):
With the drive. You're sky Mike, all right, it's all.
Speaker 2 (42:14):
You radio with your host you Let's go to Trucker Scott.
He's on Trucker Scott's on it in East Yeah, I'm right,
I believe that float down out there big overside.
Speaker 48 (42:26):
Hot there just getting ready and start down on the
service road.
Speaker 2 (42:29):
Bad fire, all right. I saw some suckond jumber by
Chevron Phillips at one coming over from one forty six
Don from Alvins on two eighty eight.
Speaker 25 (42:37):
Guy Mike may to say this, I'm the big offender
here on to eighty eight today. Uh huh, I'm at
the on ramp at my card with a big old
flat tire fixing me a big hou high out here.
Speaker 2 (42:47):
All right, law enforcement ninjas, can we give Don a
little protection there at maccart Skymike and the classic view
of GMC traffics.
Speaker 4 (42:53):
We say he needs to watch out for his huh
from mar katrh top tax defenders. Twenty four hour weathers
that are clouds early hartly gloudy of this afternoon about
seventy for the high temperature today, we'll get Terry in
here with the complete forecast in the weather channel in
nine minutes. Temperature right now still fifty seven at your
official severe weather station News Radio seven forty k TRH.
It's time now for the news. Here's Cliff Saunders.
Speaker 5 (43:16):
Thank you, Jimmy six oh one on KTRH. We are
sponsored by ISO farmack in our top story this morning.
Speaker 3 (43:22):
Sadly, we're right back in the soup again, precisely where
we were in January twenty seventeen with ISIS.
Speaker 5 (43:28):
Former Trump CIA director and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo there.
This is after the FBI claimed New Orleans terrorist attacker
shamsou Din Jabbar acted alone, inspired by ices. His original
plan apparently was to kill his family. Eight of the
sixteen still in the hospital are in ICU. So when
did this radicalization of this former military man begin?
Speaker 49 (43:53):
He stated he had joined ISIS before this summer.
Speaker 5 (43:57):
FBI officials yesterday the investigation that Jabbar's North Harris County
home turned up bomb making materials, specifically precursor chemicals. Again,
Jabbar was former military. The man behind the Las Vegas
cyber truck explosion outside the Trump hotel this week was
active military.
Speaker 47 (44:16):
Thirty seven year old Matthew Livelsburger of Colorado Springs. They
say he's a decorated Army soldier and most recently a
Green Beret who was on approved leave from Germany. They
believe he was the lone driver. They also say they
were concerned about his well being.
Speaker 5 (44:34):
Apparently, Christina Coleman reporting there. The FBI has not revealed
a motive in this case, but also claims it had
no connection to what happened on Bourbon Street six oh
three on KTRH. After a series of these car attacks,
including the Christmas attack in Germany, it's become clear that
vehicles have become a new go to for terrorists.
Speaker 11 (44:56):
There will be a hyphened sense of situational awareness with
law enforcements and people that are going to be attending
the college playoffs and the inauguration and all of the
big events that are coming up.
Speaker 5 (45:08):
Former FBI agent James Conway telling KTRH that the best
way for law enforcement to fight these attacks is with
better counter intelligence. Another issue that's concerning for all of
us the amount of soft targets that the bad guys
can choose from the.
Speaker 10 (45:23):
Trouble is, every big city has become a target rich
environment for terrorists.
Speaker 12 (45:27):
The unfortunate reality is where there are events that are
attended by masses of people, those are targets for evil doers.
Speaker 10 (45:36):
Retired police Lieutenant Randy Sutton says that even our utilities
could become targets for terrorists.
Speaker 12 (45:41):
There are numerous vulnerabilities within our electrical grid and water
supply always been pointing out non numerous occasions.
Speaker 10 (45:49):
Sutton says that Americans have been complacent when it comes
to preventing these attacks and hopes that this is a
wake up call.
Speaker 5 (45:54):
Ethan Buchanan News Radio seven forty KRH and there's this
The Chevron Houston Marathon, which is two weeks from Sunday,
could be another inviting targets welby hundreds of offers. There'll
be intelligence apparatuses that are out there.
Speaker 7 (46:07):
We start planning of this thing literally almost a year out.
Speaker 5 (46:09):
That's former HBD Captain Gregory Freeman with our TV partner
Channel two six oh four on KTRH. President elect Donald
Trump is going to hold a campaign style rally the
day before his inauguration on January twentieth. It'll be at
the Capital One Arena in Washington, d C. Now, Trump
wants Mike Johnson to remain on as House Speaker, but
we may find out later this morning that that's not
a sure thing.
Speaker 49 (46:36):
Losing more than one vote could extend the speaker's election.
Kentucky Republican Thomas Massey opposes Johnson, saying the speaker is
quote not up for this task. Lawmakers dread yet another
protracted speaker election like two years ago.
Speaker 5 (46:50):
Chad Pergrim on Capitol Hill. There well, with seventeen days
before his presidency ends, Joe Biden awarded January sixth, Committee
members Liz Cheney and Benny Thompson the Presidential Citizens Medal.
That's the second highest civil honor in the country.
Speaker 1 (47:07):
Riley offended, but I'm not surprised.
Speaker 12 (47:09):
Joe Biden and his White House have lived in the
bizarro land where no other Americans really exist.
Speaker 5 (47:16):
That's Florida Congressman Byron Donald. And just when you thought
Democrats couldn't get any more bizarro, Mary Ann Williamson announces
she's running for DNC chair.
Speaker 17 (47:26):
What we need to do is transform this party. What
we need to do is to look in the mirror,
and what we need to do is to rebuild the
freight bonds of affection between the party, the Democratic Party,
and particularly the working people of the United States.
Speaker 5 (47:39):
Williamsin the Houston native, ran for the Democratic presidential nomination
in twenty twenty and twenty twenty four. Six six on
KTRH got some delays at our airports to tell you
about this morning at Bush that seemed to be the
bigger problem. Nineteen flights delayed, five cancellations flighter. We're also
showing nine currently at Hobby Airport, a potential breakthrough for
car buyers. New prices for cars, or new car prices,
I should say, are finally showing signs of coming down.
Data from Kelly Book shows that the US inventory for
new cars surpass three million vehicles in October, representing an
eighty four day supply, the highest in six years.
Speaker 19 (48:23):
The automakers are really building a lot of cars, and
they're pushing them hard on the dealers, and the only
way they can make those go away is with good incentives.
Speaker 5 (48:34):
KJRH carpro Jerry Reynolds. There, it's now six oh seven.
If you've already failed at your New year's resolution, it's
probably because you bid off more than you can chew.
Maybe literally, it may just be too much.
Speaker 50 (48:48):
Like you decided your resolution will be losing thirty pounds.
But how Houston Area relationship coach Julie Nice says it
works much better to take it in increments, like a
goal of using three pounds in two or three weeks
with a slightly different diet and more water and more sleep.
That's something even I could do.
Speaker 51 (49:08):
Three pounds less this week is great. I can already
see my clothes fitting different. You know, getting better sleep
makes me feel more energetic. I'm drinking more water, I'm
better hydrated. That feels good in my body. So these
are all motivational things toward pleasure or toward your goal.
Speaker 50 (49:23):
So it's not so much about a goal, it's about
setting an achievable goal. Michael Shiloh News Radio seven forty
k tra.
Speaker 5 (49:31):
And I'm Cliff Saunders on Houston's news, weather and traffic
station k TRH.
Speaker 3 (49:35):
Listen to news Radio seven forty k TRH on the
free iHeartRadio app. It's all your news, music, sports podcasts,
and talk free. Never sounded so good.
Speaker 4 (49:47):
Of course, the current occupant of the White House part
time occupant of the White House, a President Biden, thinks
that Liz Cheney is one of those people who saved
the world as a part of the January sixth panel.
You know, one of the first things I'm sure that
is it in trumple do when he gets office is
to pardon all the imprisoned people who still find themselves
in jail after January of the sixth. In the meantime,
President Biden is going to award the Presidential Citizens Medal
to former Representative Liz Cheney and the rest of the
House panel investigating the January sixth attack on the US Capitol. Specifically,
here's what the White House said about her. Let me
find that around two decades in public service, including as
a congresswoman for Wyoming and vice chair of the committee
on the January sixth attack, Liz Cheney has raised her
voice and reached across the aisle to defend our nation
and the ideals we stand for, freedom, dignity, and decency.
Her integrity and intrepidness remind us all of what is
possible if we work together. In other words, she's a
as the people of Wyoming noted and voted her out,
you know, she's a died in the wool rhino. Then
happy to work with the Democrats because she isn't basically
a Democrat.
Speaker 7 (51:04):
Six ' ten.
Speaker 4 (51:04):
Time for traffic and weather together. Oh by the way,
Prey up to pardon probably coming for her too, just
to make sure that she doesn't get prosecuted for what
she did on the January sixth panel. Sky Mike is
here ready to fill you in on the drive you
got a problem.
Speaker 2 (51:16):
Out there, A couple of problems here. First of all,
we had that wreck that Chambers County gave me one
forty six around Iguana Joe's that's right before you hit
itm just watch out both ways. It does look people
look like people are getting through just fine. And then
we had kind of a spackle on iten east, we
had truck or Scott tell me we had a big
wide load there. Ed from Mott. BELvue is going to
chime in.
Speaker 32 (51:38):
God, Mike, that'll sound nearly as nice.
Speaker 7 (51:41):
As camill Spring. I know she's like, good morning, Michel,
All right, go ahead.
Speaker 52 (51:45):
Westbound is backed up past one forty six.
Speaker 48 (51:49):
I can't see what's happening in front because I took
the exit.
Speaker 32 (51:54):
All right, we're gonna king with a whole lot of
other people.
Speaker 2 (51:57):
I saw a pack cup FW just minutes ago. All right,
back to truck, Scott, dude, we got my.
Speaker 22 (52:01):
Gay follow up Devron Piddlip.
Speaker 32 (52:03):
Right now.
Speaker 3 (52:04):
Everything is unsquatched, though people.
Speaker 32 (52:08):
They can sure come down.
Speaker 53 (52:10):
I can't.
Speaker 32 (52:11):
There is a lot of traffic, but it is movie.
Speaker 2 (52:13):
Oh that is some excellent verbiage. Extra points there, Banana
stickers all around. Unsquatched Terry you think that you think
the weather will be unsquatched this weekend. I'm in the
Generator Supercenter, dot Com Traffic Center livit.
Speaker 4 (52:26):
You can unsquash something, whether it's frozen. From our etrh
stopped ax Avenders twenty four our weather center, Terry is
here and some cold weather's coming. So better get out
there and enjoy the next couple of days and get
your home prepared.
Speaker 14 (52:38):
That's right, everybody, I want you to be ready.
Speaker 3 (52:40):
Speaker 14 (52:41):
Speaker 2 (52:41):
I just wanted to say, Hi, you're trying to get
a love sticker with your banana sticker.
Speaker 1 (52:47):
I want to love sticky con Pi this morning.
Speaker 7 (52:49):
Jimmy, this is mode.
Speaker 21 (52:52):
I just couldn't resist pulling out my scarlet O'Hara, so sorry.
Speaker 7 (52:57):
Oh my, don't get the vapis.
Speaker 14 (53:01):
I do love Scarlett. She's awesome, all right.
Speaker 21 (53:03):
So our weather's not too bad. I'm kind of liking
it right now. I'm not sure I'm going to say
the same thing come Monday morning. But we are dry
today and we'll see some sunshine, and the temperature's warmer
upper sixties to low seventies today. Twenty percent chance that
you'll get wet tomorrow in temperatures near seventy ad a
lot of rain on Sunday. Here comes that cold front,
eighty percent chance of showers and storms. There is a
slight risk of some severe weather. We'll be keeping an
eye on that load of mid seventies on Sunday. And
then Mother Nature is just downright rude because we go
from the seventies on Sunday to the forties on Monday
and Tuesday.
Speaker 7 (53:43):
Speaker 4 (53:43):
You're right now still fifty seven at your official severe
weather station, News Radio seven forty ktrh. Bogus ticket for
TikTok going in front of the Supreme Court, which smart
Money says would rule in favor of the US government
in banning TikTok if it's alone by the Chinese. But
there are a couple of American potential buyers out there.
Kevin Well one's Canadian, actually Kevin a lark shark tank guy,
evidently interested in buying TikTok. So is billionaire entrepreneur Frank mccourts.
He was asked about the possibility he could buy TikTok.
Speaker 28 (54:17):
We've put all of our ducks in the line.
Speaker 54 (54:19):
We're ready to buy the US app US portion of TikTok,
assuming that by Dan sells it. And we're going to
know the answer to that very very quickly, because the
Supreme Court is hearing their case. It's there, you know,
it's their hail Mary pass, which is not going to
work in my opinion. That hearing is on the tenth
and conventional wisdom is that the Supreme Court will rule
against Buy Dance, supporting our government and our people because
TikTok is a real national security threat, and then by
Dance is left with the option of shutting it down
or selling it. And you know, we're we're standing by ready.
Speaker 28 (54:54):
To buy the US TikTok without.
Speaker 54 (54:56):
The algorithm, by the way, which China has said they'll
never part with.
Speaker 47 (55:00):
Can you talk to us about that, because you've said
that you're not interested in the algorithm.
Speaker 36 (55:04):
Kevin O'Leary, someone again that Jack you mentioned that we
talked to He likes the app frankly for the algorithm.
Speaker 27 (55:09):
What is it about the app that you like x algorithm?
Speaker 54 (55:14):
Yeah, Well, you know, Kevin and I have had a
number of conversations about this, and I really think that,
you know, Kevin is starting to see the value in
buying TikTok without the algorithm. There will be an algorithm,
it just won't be the Chinese algorithm, and it will
the user base will own and control their data and
their relationships. So you'll still have the benefit of big data,
you'll have the benefit of algorithms, but it won't be
a Chinese algorithm, and it won't be one that takes
advantage of American citizens. Look, we've seen China hacks now
right in October, it was the presidential campaigns, November, the telecoms.
Speaker 28 (55:53):
Last month, we learned about the Treasury Department.
Speaker 54 (55:55):
We need to protect American people, and TikTok as it's
currently designed, is a national security threat. And so let's
let's move TikTok over to a clean American stack, protect Americans,
and keep the platform going so that everybody that's enjoying
TikTok can continue to do so.
Speaker 4 (56:15):
Okay, So basically what he wants to do is he
wants to take control of the US portion away from
the Chinese and take control of himself with his own algorithm,
which means course he'll get all the same information the
Chinese get.
Speaker 7 (56:29):
He just won't be a national security risk.
Speaker 4 (56:31):
Six twenty one, we're going to talk a little bit
more about New Orleans and vehicular traffic and using cars
to run over people. But first we got to go
ahead and bring on sky Mike to talk about the
drive North Bell.
Speaker 2 (56:44):
Don't go there westbound. I've got matching sukins. Now we've
got the roadwork at all named Westfield. I've got a
wreck at the Harty Toll Road. It's awful. North Freeway Gerald,
Conroy Stem.
Speaker 32 (56:54):
The traffic is great from Conroe. Although day the Greens
Point Boob. The only thing I had to dodge was
a garbage full of civilian service medals. Don't worry, I
didn't put any of them on.
Speaker 2 (57:05):
Dontell Liz, I'm skylike and Theegenerator Supercenter, dot Com Traffic Center.
Speaker 4 (57:09):
KTRH Top Tax Defenders, twenty four hour Weather Center. Clouds early,
partly claudi for the afternoon. Today looks like seventy, mostly
cloudy's slight chance of a shower, about seventy Tomorrow showers
and thunderstorms. We'll bring in that cold front on Sunday
when temperatures are going to drop. We're talking about thirty
probably twenty eight to thirty Sunday night and about mid forties,
maybe upper forties for a high temperature on Monday. Temperature
currently is still fifty seven at your official severe weather station,
News Radio seven forty KTRH. Check out some of our
top Friday morning stories. Here's Cliff, thank you, Jimmy. The
House votes on a speaker later this morning.
Speaker 5 (57:44):
Texas DPS license offices are open once again after an
outage shut them down for several days this week, and
four Houston Texans have been selected to the Pro Bowl,
including Nico Collins and Joe Mixon. Get the latest news
anytime at KTRH dot com. Our next update is at
six point.
Speaker 1 (58:02):
Thirty from the Sugarland area, Javier Port area.
Speaker 3 (58:06):
You're reliable forecast next on the ten on seven forty KTRH.
All right, So the FBI started by saying that the
attack in New Orleans was not a terrorist attack. They
soon reversed course on that one. Now they're saying that
there's no relationship. They don't believe there's any relationship between
the attack in Las Vegas and what happened in New Orleans.
And they think that the New Orleans attacker was a
lone wolf, that he didn't get any help or influence
from anybody else. James Conway joins this former FBI special
agent will get into the method these terister using it.
Just second, James, but I'm just kind of wondering. I
don't know what years you served with the FBI, but
it certainly seems like in recent years there's been a
lot of flipping back and forth from the FBI when
it comes to sharing information and being transparent.
Speaker 7 (58:57):
Well, Hi, good.
Speaker 32 (58:58):
Morning, Jimmy.
Speaker 53 (59:00):
Yeah, this situation with the young lady who was the
assistant special Agent in charge saying it's not a terrorist event.
Speaker 32 (59:11):
You know, it was early on things that just happened
a couple hours earlier, and I think that they wanted
to make sure that they it could be a criminal act,
it could be a terrorist act, and I think that
they felt as though they didn't have enough variables to
declare it as a terrorist event.
Speaker 4 (59:30):
Yeah, but she specifically said it wasn't a terrorist attack,
which is you know, that's telling you that they believe
it is something incompletely different when they obviously weren't quite
sure yet what was going on.
Speaker 32 (59:41):
Well, what happened in Las Vegas was obviously a criminal event,
and what happened in New Orleans it was a terrorist event.
So you know, I know, it sounds like splitting hairs.
But in retrospect, everybody with an ISIS flag and all
the variable it took place, and in New Orleans, clearly
it was a terrorist event. But the thing is is,
you know what you have to have in order for
something to be declared a terrorist event or a terrorist
incident is obviously there's three components. By definition under the
law as well as the FBI's definition of that is
it has to be violence against innocence, and clearly you
had that, But there also has to be an ideology
behind it, whether it's political or religious, economic, whatever that
ideology is. And I think that they wanted to make
sure that that was there before it could be declared
a terrorist event. But you know, it was I think
pretty obvious.
Speaker 4 (01:00:47):
Yeah, you got the nicest We didn't matter of an
hour or two that he got the nicest flag in
the back of the truck and the life name Tobar
is probably a pretty good chance that that's what you're
dealing with, James, I what at I to talk to?
Speaker 7 (01:00:59):
About? What New Orleans?
Speaker 12 (01:01:01):
You know?
Speaker 4 (01:01:01):
Obviously No Orleans had some issues in dealing with this.
They didn't have the right equipment of it. They were
getting ready for the Super Bowl. We're told this seems
to be the attack at least right now. Choice when
it comes to terrorism, I don't know how long this
is going to be attacked, they seemed. Terrorist organizations seem
to be very good at moving on to the next
thing before we figure out what to do with what
they're already doing.
Speaker 32 (01:01:25):
Yeah, the use of vehicles, the vehicle borne devices as
they're called, have been used. It's part of the modus
operendi of terrorist organizations around the world. We saw it
in Nice, we saw it in Muscles, we saw it
in London, we saw it at the Christmas Market a
few weeks ago in Germany. So yes, it's part of
their modus operendi as part of what they do. You know,
a vehicle really has two different components. It could be
used purely as a missiles, as a as a device
to run people over and kill them, as we saw
a Nice, as we saw in the London bridge, but
also terrorists utilize explosives combined with vehicles and use those
vehicles to detonate explosive devices and move explosives into specific areas.
We saw that with the US embassy bombings in Africa.
All the way back in the nineteen nineties. So, yeah,
vehicles are a methodology that and a modus operandi of
terrorist organizations, and you see that on their chat rooms,
you see that in their propaganda and so forth. Jimmy,
it's a hard target today, and you know, obviously these
bad guys collect intelligence. This guy, the police did have
the street barricaded, not a real hard barricade system, but
he knew that, and he was able to drive up
on the sidewalk and obviate the the physical security and
of course run over a number of people, killing fifteen
of them. So it's a horrific act, but it is
what it is. Terrorist organizations are hell bent on doing this,
and this is really an anomaly. This guy is a
former military guy, he doesn't really meet the profile. He's
in his forties. But I think the thing that we
learn from this, it's frightening, is we learn that terrorist
organizations today are really utilizing cyberspace, not just for propaganda
and fundraising and so forth, but also for training.
Speaker 7 (01:03:41):
Speaker 4 (01:03:41):
Well they're clearly clearly very good at recruiting, there's no
doubt about that.
Speaker 7 (01:03:45):
James. I have to run, but thank you for your time.
Speaker 32 (01:03:47):
Good at training, good at passing information, good at raising funds,
and it all takes place on those cell phones that
are in our hands in cyberspace. It's a hard target.
Speaker 4 (01:03:58):
It is Thank you so much, sir, appreciate Former FBI
Special Agent James Conways. Six twenty eight. Let's take a
look at your money. Here's mister Bellinger.
Speaker 42 (01:04:06):
And Jimmy wall Streets hoping to break a five session
losing streak. Futures are all positive right now. The now
futures up ninety four points. I'm Jeff Belinger, Bloomberg Business
on News Radio seven forty KTRHAN.
Speaker 7 (01:04:22):
You are no Houston's News.
Speaker 30 (01:04:24):
Why there are traffic plus breaking news twenty four to seven.
This is News Radio seven forty KTRH.
Speaker 1 (01:04:31):
Five Everywhere with the IRF.
Speaker 3 (01:04:34):
More of what's happening now from the John Morris Services Studios.
Speaker 4 (01:04:38):
It is six thirty now. If you're in Houston's morning news,
I'm Jimmy Barrett. Among our top stories, this fur Now
speaker vote is today, Joe's not running the country, so
who is? And coming up at six thirty eight. The
FBI may not think there's a conspiracy, but Tom Homan does.
Details in the minutes ahead. You're in Houston's warning news. First,
let's chick out that morning drive again with skyminer North Sam,
don't go there westbound. You have the roadwork at Alde
in Westfield. That's enough of a smunch.
Speaker 2 (01:05:05):
Then you have a complete scunch also westbound at Hardy Toll. Word,
it's a minor wreck. Everybody's okay, Holy wow, that's about
a twenty minute drag going that way. Don't do the
north Sam, darn from Alvin's updating me to eighty eight guy, Mike.
Speaker 25 (01:05:18):
Dude, I cleared my own backup toe trucking injes on
the way and a big shout out to Fairland Police
for follow me to the next egg bit with my
flat tar.
Speaker 2 (01:05:27):
Huge banana sticker to the pair lam police. Don I'm
a little low on budget, so you just get a
civilian service medal. I'm skylike in a classic few at
GMC Traffics.
Speaker 4 (01:05:36):
I got your medal right here from our KTRH Generator Supercenter.
Twenty four hour weathers under clouds, early party Claudia this afternoon,
about seventy for today. That's going to feel profital compared
to next week. At least early next week we'll talk
to Terry about that in nine minutes. Temperature right now
still fifty seven at your officials, Severe weather station News
radio seven forty k TRH. It's time now for the news.
Here's Cliff Sumbers.
Speaker 5 (01:06:00):
Thank you, Jimmy at six thirty two on KGRH our
top story.
Speaker 54 (01:06:04):
We can't have a lot of internal fighting and spend
days or weeks on differences of opinion.
Speaker 5 (01:06:10):
Louisiana Congressman Steve Scalise on the Brian kill Me Show,
hoping to avoid a protracted speaker battle. Red States Joe
Cunningham believes that Donald Trump's support of Johnson will be
enough for him to keep the gavel.
Speaker 33 (01:06:24):
That Trump endorsement pretty much steals it.
Speaker 28 (01:06:27):
In my mind, they.
Speaker 33 (01:06:28):
Have two hundred and nineteen members. If Thomas Masseew says noo,
Mike Johnson only needs too eighteen to get the speakership,
I think he's got it fairly early on in that process.
Speaker 5 (01:06:37):
The first vote takes place at eleven o'clock. Congress needs
to have a new speaker before they can certify Trump's
election win on Monday. Trump's cabinet nominees could begin preliminary
confirmation hearings as early as next week, with many Republicans
calling for quick action, Oklahoma seditor Mark Wayne Mullen says,
the Americans deserve quick change.
Speaker 44 (01:06:59):
The world wants to change, America wants change, and we
need to confirm President Trump's cabinet picks and director picks
as soon as possible.
Speaker 5 (01:07:07):
Elon Musk has threatened to fund candidates opposing Senators that
don't support Trump's cabinet.
Speaker 27 (01:07:14):
Here at home, no.
Speaker 5 (01:07:15):
Surprise, New Harris County DA Sean Tier recuses himself from
the COVID bit rigging case involving three of County Judge
Alna Hidalgo's top staffers, but former DA Kim aug referred
the case to the office of the Attorney General Ken
Paxton last year, so the case isn't going away. It's
six point thirty. The FBI claims that shamsu Din Jabbar
was a lone wolf and there's no connection between the
New Orleans and Las Vegas attacks, but there is this
Jabbar was former military. The man behind the Vegas incident
was current military.
Speaker 34 (01:07:51):
We need to really dig down into insider threaten our
military in our federal service, whether it's the FBI, whether
it's no other agencies, whether it's the military.
Speaker 5 (01:08:01):
Incoming borders our tom home, and after defeating them once,
Ices is now back for Trump to deal with in
his second go round.
Speaker 55 (01:08:08):
A lack of trust with federal agencies has led us
backward to being in two thousand and one.
Speaker 54 (01:08:13):
We're back at a point in time with great deterioration
from the Bibe administration, from an FBI that has turned
its priorities against its own citizens.
Speaker 55 (01:08:22):
We're a tolment of right on crimes, says lack of
communication has impeded the ability to stop terrorism. Florida Senator
Rick Scott tells Fox that Trump's return, though we'll fix
a lot.
Speaker 39 (01:08:31):
Of it, We've got to get his team in place
because something's got to change.
Speaker 11 (01:08:35):
The American public has completely lost trust with their federal government.
Speaker 55 (01:08:38):
Tolmanad's incidents like New Year's will inspire more radicals. Andre Perard,
News Radio seven forty KRH, Thank.
Speaker 5 (01:08:45):
You, Andre. The ice has inspired attack raises new questions
about the Biden administration's national security priorities. Former FBI agent
Nicole Parker says the bureau is far too focused on
politics as opposed to public safety.
Speaker 36 (01:09:00):
Diversity, agent recruitment events. There was this diversity push going
on in New Orleans back in July. It happened in
the Miami Division where I served as well. If you
were focused on anything other than the mission at hand
to protect the American people and uphold the Constitution, it
is a distraction.
Speaker 5 (01:09:14):
It can be very dangerous. The DOJ was busy prosecuting
Donald Trump this year, and these attacks happened a year after.
FBI Director Christopher Ray says there were red lights going
off everywhere.
Speaker 56 (01:09:25):
Well, there may have been times over the years where
individual threats could have been higher here.
Speaker 1 (01:09:30):
Or there than where they might be right now.
Speaker 56 (01:09:33):
I've never seen the time where all the threats, or
so many of the threats are all elevated, all at
exactly the same time.
Speaker 5 (01:09:41):
That was Ray at Congress in December of twenty twenty three. Meantime,
TikTok they're considered a foreign threat by some President Elect
Trump is looking for a political solution to a potential ban.
Speaker 57 (01:09:54):
Trump is hoping to find a way to keep TikTok
operating in the States.
Speaker 40 (01:09:58):
Trump does seem to have some sympathy for TikTok now.
TikTok's reach helped him to access a number of voters.
Speaker 57 (01:10:05):
Professor of Media studies, Jeff McCall says a delay on
a potential ban is now in the hands of the
Supreme Court.
Speaker 40 (01:10:11):
It's a little bit concerning because I really think that
he wants a political solution to this problem, but I'm
not sure we can really look for a political solution
at this point.
Speaker 57 (01:10:19):
A new law says the social media video company must
divest its Chinese ownership. Jarret Lewis News Radio seven forty
KR eight It's now six thirty six.
Speaker 5 (01:10:27):
Despite Bidenomics, Houston remains a hub for business. We're third
in the country for Fortune five hundred companies, with twenty
four headquartered here, according to the Greater Houston Partnership.
Speaker 41 (01:10:41):
The list includes some names you'll know, such as Exxon, Chevron,
Phillip sixty six, as well as names you might not recognize,
such as West, Blake and Group one Automotive that.
Speaker 5 (01:10:50):
Is KTRH, money Man pet Shin There. Many of those
on holiday breaks are coming back this week and beginning today,
and we've got some delays to tell you about. According
to flight aware dot com, we have eighteen delays at
Bush with five cancelations, and at Hobby we still have
those nine delays that we have had all morning long.
Coming up on six thirty seven, the Houston Texans visit
Tennessee Sunday afternoon to wrap up the regular season.
Speaker 20 (01:11:17):
You know that's a good defense up there here. You
have a lot of good players, so you know, got
a better game and you know cut in the season,
aren't we.
Speaker 5 (01:11:24):
That's quarterback c. J. Stroud. The Titans will wear their
throwback jersey Sunday. They'll look familiar. They're the old Oilers uniforms.
Kickoff on Sunday in Nashville is at noon and the
Rockets host the Celtics tonight pregame at six o'clock. You
can listen to the game on Sports Talk seven to ninety.
I'm Cliff Saunders on Houston's News Weather in traffic station
KTRH for.
Speaker 58 (01:11:48):
Better Boulder, Richard, Safer and Stronger.
Speaker 1 (01:11:51):
The Return the Great of America, American Comeback on News
Radio seven forty KTRH.
Speaker 4 (01:12:00):
Right, not the better of the good conspiracy theory right.
Six thirty eight is our time here in Houston's Born
of the News. I guess you could probably tell from
my questioning of Farmer FBI special agent James Conway that
I definitively think that the FBI purposely said at the
beginning that it wasn't a terrorist attack because that's what
they wanted to believe, because they wanted to believe, you know,
they didn't want to believe they had anything to do
with radical Islamic terrorism, and they went out of their
way to say that that's just who the FBI is now,
that it's who they are. I don't think it's the
same agency that existed when James Conway was there. I mean,
there are some very good people there, but the new hires,
the people coming in, you know, the people who are
put in charge of some of these investigations, you know,
they're they got their own political grind acts to grind.
So I saw Tom Homan. I don't know. I don't
necessarily believe even though they served of the same military
base that could be coincidental. I don't necessarily believe that
the green bereat who blew himself up in his cyber
truck in front of the Trumpo Hotel in Las Vegas
is connected in any way, shape or form, even though
he used the same app. They may not be connected
at all to each other. The new you know, Jabbar
the New Orleans terrorist and this guy in Las Vegas
might not have anything to do with one another, but
there's enough coincidence there that Tom Homan still thinks that
there is a connection.
Speaker 34 (01:13:39):
The further investigation goes, I think they are going to
find a connection between the two incidents. But look, they're
both suicide events. The man in New Orleans certainly had
no plans of going home for getting out and trading
gunfire law enforcement. So I think both these men realize
they weren't going home atter this event.
Speaker 7 (01:13:57):
But the threats aren't over.
Speaker 34 (01:13:59):
I've been on this that work for four years talking
about the threats coming across the southern border, and we
got a record number of known guideways. Over two million
people enter this country. We don't know who they are,
or where they came from, or where the purpose come
to this country. They weren't vetted, they weren't screened, they
weren't fingerprinted. We don't know who they are. And since
of BORBITROAL and CBP arrested over three hundred, well over
three hundred people on terrorist watch list. How many of
that two point two million who escaped apprehension, who escaped vetting,
who escaped fingerprinting came from country sponsoring terror. Even Christopher Ray,
the Director FBI, said numerous times under testimony in front
of Congress, said this is the biggest national security of the.
Speaker 27 (01:14:41):
Vulnerability he's seen.
Speaker 2 (01:14:42):
I agree with them.
Speaker 34 (01:14:43):
So we're not out of the woods. This country is
in grave danger.
Speaker 7 (01:14:47):
We need to secure that border.
Speaker 34 (01:14:48):
And despite what's happened the last two days in Las
Vegas and in New Orleans, this administration is not stopping.
There's still really some thousands of people every week through
the CBP one app, the ACCHMB and Borbital continues to
release people in this country without proper vetting. This is
not a good thing. And I can't wait for the
new administration to take power and secure this border and
protect our national security.
Speaker 4 (01:15:10):
Am into that there's any down in your mind. We
didn't surprise you in the lease. By the way, if
it turns out that Jabbar at the least was recruited
by somebody who got into this country illegally, who has
directized ISIS in the ISIS tear network, wouldn't surprise me
in the least. I mean, the recruiting and the training
might be going on right under our nosis. Probably is
sake forty one time for traffic and weather together. We're
checking out that drive again. Here's the guy mine man.
Speaker 2 (01:15:37):
You know, if you're on the North Sam you should
feel very unlucky right now because you're probably in the
only big squatch that we have this morning. Thank you
truck or Scott for the new verbage we have. First
of all, you have the roadwork at Alding Westfield. Then
you've got a wreck at the Hearty toll Ward. It
sure looks like they're about to clear that up here.
We are back to speeding up a little bit, but
there's still a thirty seven men dragged heading over from
JFK over to forty five. Rest of our freeways, well,
the Katie Freeway we just cleared Darry Ashford. That was
the reckon to manage lanes. You can't even tell that
was there. So we're good. Twenty six minutes from Graham
Parkway into the President's Heads. Southwest Freeway still rocks sugar
Land nineteen minutes up into the Canyon to ninety. You
had a grand march at your wedding Cyprus. You're seventeen
minutes into the west flop six ' ten and it
we had that slow moving load. That was kind of
a wide load around Garth Road and it was slowing
things down between there and Chevron Phillips. But that's out
of the way and it in aast. Who's helping me
out there?
Speaker 32 (01:16:34):
Gylke Carla from Carla.
Speaker 7 (01:16:37):
From sALS Me.
Speaker 2 (01:16:39):
I wonder where LORI from Winnie who sounds like pacompis
this morning? It in east is good and golf Freeway.
I don't even have the problem at park Place yet.
I'm SKYLIGHTE get your Generator Supercenter dot com Traffic Center.
Speaker 4 (01:16:50):
From r KTRH Generators super Center, twenty four hour Weather
Center Terry Smith. This year, I guess we can all
feel better about our temperatures when we realized that the
central of the United States is going to have a
mar snow slash ice storm.
Speaker 7 (01:17:01):
Oh it's gonna be a mess man.
Speaker 21 (01:17:04):
Yeah, let's see starting Saturday night, watching that storm making
its way out of the Rockies where the snow is
supposed to be, but heading into the Plaines and not
just snow but ice and all that cold air and
an extended stretch of cold weather for them as well.
So you know that's just gonna make things even more miserable.
For us, we will be dealing with cold air and
at least we'll be dry. And right now we're enjoying
the warmer weather. The next couple actually through the weekend,
it is going to be quite mild, and today's a
dry day. On top of that, upper sixties to low
seventies today, Tomorrow only a twenty percent chance of getting
wet upper sixties to low seventies tomorrow.
Speaker 14 (01:17:46):
Sunday's even warmer.
Speaker 21 (01:17:47):
We've got some rain though, in eighty percent chance of
showers and storms, and then the cold air moves in
Sunday night and shows up Monday morning when you're walking
out the door. The afternoon highst Monday and Tuesday today
will be more like our typical low time temperatures in
January low forties to low fifties Monday and Tuesday.
Speaker 4 (01:18:08):
Right now fifty seven at your officials, Severe Weather Station
News Radio seven forty k TRH.
Speaker 1 (01:18:14):
You are commute, you are forecast your news.
Speaker 3 (01:18:17):
It's Houston's Morning News, brought to you buying new Southway,
those solutions coming up on six fifty here in Houston's
warn News.
Speaker 4 (01:18:25):
I should mention this. I keep forgetting to mention it.
For those wondering what happened to the timeline. Not to worry, Timeline,
we'll be back. It gets We got caught without some
prizes around the holidays, so we should be back on
Monday as far as I know. So again, Timeline will
be back. Not to worry. Six fifty time for traffic
and weather together, we're checking out that drive here, skymind, I.
Speaker 2 (01:18:48):
Hate to waste a good timeline. Laugh from Carla from
salesby Jimmy, let's go right to the north, Sam, don't
go there, all right? We did clear. Christina said that
was a stall, not an accident. Okay, my work wife,
Christina Cruz, thank you. Westbound Harding till ward. It's gone.
I'm seeing people revin back up that white books. We
have the suckage at Alding Westfield for roadwork.
Speaker 7 (01:19:07):
Put it together.
Speaker 2 (01:19:08):
I still have an eighteen minute delay, so skip over
to will Clayton Parkway. You could take my secret hack
to get over that way. You can head over to
the Hardy Airport connector. Gerald from Conrod gave me a
clear forty five north. He gets a banana sticker and
a Civilian service medal. I'm Skymike in the classic Buick
GMC Traffic.
Speaker 4 (01:19:26):
Center from our KTRH Generators super Center twenty four hour
weather Center. Clouds early, partly Claudia this afternoon. It looks
like about seventy today. Tomorrow mostly Cloudie's like chance of
a shower around seventy. Good day to maybe take down
the Christmas decorations because Sunday we're gonna have showers and
thunderstorms and gusty winds seventy four, but then it's gonna
turn gold. Temperature right now still fifty seven. At your
official severe weather station, News Radio seven forty KTRH, we're
checking out some of our top Friday morning stories. Here's Cliff, Thank.
Speaker 5 (01:19:56):
You, Jimmy. It is six point fifty one. The FBI
claims that New Orleans terrorist originally planned to kill his family,
And an update to what we told you an hour ago.
It now looks like President Joe Biden officially blocks the
sale of US steel to Napon Steele and the Rover
Spirit landed on Mars back on this day in two
thousand and four. Get the latest news anytime at KTRH
dot com. Our next update is at seven o'clock.
Speaker 3 (01:20:22):
I live in Pasadena, Sharptown, Southwest next on the ten
time Saving Traffic con seven forty KTRH.
Speaker 4 (01:20:31):
Well, I know about believing in a flat earth. I
don't believe in that, But do you believe in a
flat tax? You know where where you just you file
on the postcard. It's a straight percentage whatever that percentage is,
no deductions other than maybe a personal deduction for yourself
or your child. None of the other write offs or
loopholes put a lot of people out of business, a
lot of tax accountants out of business. I guess by
the economist Steve Moore is hopeful. He's hoping that president
and he can convince President Trump to buy into a
flat tax and that he does something about it during
the next four years.
Speaker 58 (01:21:06):
One of the points of our piece said, boy, it's
gotten a ton of attention, and a lot of people
really liked what we were saying because what we do
is vastly simplify the tax system. You would literally have
a postcard tax return, Brian, You'd be able to do
your sophisticated taxes in about fifteen minutes.
Speaker 27 (01:21:23):
And all of us would, and so you know, it
just makes so much sense to do that. And what
we argued.
Speaker 58 (01:21:31):
In this piece is that the twenty seventeen Trump tax
because which absolutely do need to be made permanent. They
took us a long way towards a flat tax by
doing two things.
Speaker 27 (01:21:42):
We lowered the tax rates.
Speaker 58 (01:21:43):
Which was great, and that brought a lot of capital
and jobs back to the United States. And we also
did something that doesn't get a lot of attention. We
doubled the standard deduction. In other words, people could just
check the box and they didn't have to, you know,
shoe boxes full of receipts about here's my charity, here's
my mortgage, here's this, that the other thing. And so
now the only people really who take itemized deductions for
the most part, are very very rich people.
Speaker 27 (01:22:08):
So our argument is lower the rate, get rid of all.
Speaker 58 (01:22:11):
The deductions, all of them, clean out the stables and
the tax code, make it really simple. And can you imagine,
by the way, if we got that rape Brian out
of fifteen sixteen, seventeen percent, it would be like rocket
fuel for the US Acosta. And one last point, if
you want to if you want to drain the swamp
in Washington, which I bet almost everybody in the show
wants to do, then no better way than to do
it than to take away all the tax loopholes and
deductions and special interest favors in the tax code. That's
where you know Kiris buys and sells these tax credits
all the time.
Speaker 27 (01:22:46):
It's just it's so bad.
Speaker 4 (01:22:49):
You know, something has to change, right, I mean, we
talk about tax reform all the time. Wouldn't it be
nice to have a simpler system. Wouldn't be nice to
know that everybody who has an income pays some sort
of an income tax. Wouldn't it be nice to you know,
if you most probably most of you listening to our program,
you're paying more than fifteen sixteen seventeen percent, right, so
it would lower your obligation. We would be taxing more people,
we would be bringing in probably more money. It would
be simple, it'd be easy. The problem is how do
you convince an entire industry of things like tax accountants,
you know, people who are preparing tax tax forms for
for businesses. I guess for businesses it would still exist, right,
you know, taxing a business is different than taxing somebody's
personal income. But good lord, I mean there's a lot
of money I think to be saved there, and a
lot of simplicity just about anything's better than the way
we do it. Now, there's got to be a simpler,
fairer way to do it, aside from completely eliminating it,
which I would not be opposed to. I realized there's
some ways the United States needs to make government, but
you know, make money for the government to run the government.
But they don't need to make more than they're making.
Speaker 12 (01:24:15):
Speaker 4 (01:24:15):
That's for dog on Shore six fifty six on news
Radio seven forty k TRH.
Speaker 1 (01:24:23):
This is use Radio seven forty kt RH Houston Live
Everywhere with now the latest news, weather and traffing.
Speaker 3 (01:24:33):
It's more of what matters to you from the John
Morris Services Studios.
Speaker 4 (01:24:37):
Seven AM is our time here in Houston's Poring News.
I'm Jimmy Barrett. Among our top stories this half hour,
they're saying that the New Orleans terrorist acted alone, the
Vegas cyber truck driver I did as a highly decorated
Green beret, and coming up at seven o eight, I'm
safe from this one recalled Broccoli. Details in the minutes,
say head, you're in Houston's porning News. First Procley, we're
checking out the morning drive here sky Mike. I love
it all right, Let's here's our deal.
Speaker 2 (01:25:05):
I have shared with the pretty ladies on TV the
suckage on the East Freeway. This is a slow moving
wide load and right now it's coming up. It looks
like it's coming up around the Sandjacenter River Bridge, almost
a Thompson Road. I don't know if they're getting off
at the truck stops. You see some big squatchry here
on the indbound here, So thanks for your thanks for
your help on the tip line. Jennifer just gave me
this Southwest Freeway wreck. Thank you there. It is Elgin.
Which way are we outbound southbound? That's gonna mess up
your east tax elevated all the way from minute May
and check on the north Sam. We had that stall
at the Hardy Toll Road. That's out of the way.
The pack up is still there. From Aldan Westfield No
all the way back to JFK. This is all westbound.
Skymichael the Generator Supercenter, dot Com traffic Center.
Speaker 4 (01:25:47):
From r KTRH top tax Dependers, twenty four hour Weather Center.
Clouds early partly cobby this afternoon. We're looking at a
high year seventy four today. We'll get you the complete forecast.
Just get a lot colder by Sunday night. We'll talk
to T Smith about that in nine minutes. Temperature right
now fifty seven at your official severe weather station, News
Radio seven forty KRH. It's time now for the news.
Here's Gliff Saunders.
Speaker 5 (01:26:11):
Thank you, Jimmy. It's coming up on seven oh two
on KTRH. We're sponsored by Iso Farmeric In our top story.
Speaker 6 (01:26:17):
Look, we're human beings and there are going to be
some mistakes made, and sometimes people get radicalass for reasons
that there's nothing you can.
Speaker 7 (01:26:23):
Do about it.
Speaker 5 (01:26:24):
That's retired Lieutenant Colonel Dan Davis from the Army on Fox.
The FBI claims that the New Orleans terrorist Champson didn
Jabbar acted alone, that he originally plotted to kill his family.
Sixteen people are still in the hospital this morning. Eight
we know are in ICU. A disturbing development in the
investigation at Jabbar's North Harris County home.
Speaker 8 (01:26:47):
We have confirmed, through a law enforcement source that's been
briefed on this investigation that during the overnight FBI raid
here at Jabbar's North Harris County home, investigators found bomb
making materials.
Speaker 5 (01:26:59):
Bryce with our TV partner Channel two, another televised report
says those materials were precursor chemicals jabbar former military. The
man responsible for the Las Vegas cyber truck fire and
explosion outside the Trump Hotel active military identified as Matthew Levelsberger.
Speaker 9 (01:27:19):
A military identification. We also found a passport. We found
a Desert Eagle fifty caliber semi automatic pistol.
Speaker 5 (01:27:30):
Sheriff Kevin mcmahill there's still no motive in that incident,
but official say it's not related to New Orleans seven
ZHO three on KTRH. Both attacks involved cars, as did
the Christmas Day attack in Germany. So do terrorists have
a new go to method to commit mass murder?
Speaker 10 (01:27:49):
Unfortunately, after the last few weeks, it looks like the
answer is yes.
Speaker 11 (01:27:53):
We see that in their propaganda, in their literature and
their chat sites. This is something that the intelligence community
and law enforcement is keenly cognizant of.
Speaker 10 (01:28:01):
Former FBI agent James Conway says, there are ways to
protect large crowds from these vehicular attacks.
Speaker 11 (01:28:07):
Parimeters will be hardened with heavy vehicles and also with barricading,
often cement their steel barricade.
Speaker 10 (01:28:15):
Conway says the best way to prevent these attacks in
the future is with better counter intelligence Ethan Buchanan, News
Radio seven forty KRH.
Speaker 5 (01:28:22):
Thank you, Ethan. This week's attacks or a reality check.
As America's major cities are full of inviting soft targets.
Speaker 12 (01:28:30):
We've been kind of complacent. This is a wake up
call to America, especially when you deal with the fact
that in the last four years, millions of people have
come into this country that we don't know anything about.
Speaker 5 (01:28:42):
Retired police Lieutenant Randy Sutton says, even our utilities, power stations,
water plants could be targets for terrorists, and terror groups
are finding soft targets as well, using the Internet to
radicalize people here in America.
Speaker 13 (01:28:56):
There's still a significant percentage of those that actually are
radicalized to follow a foreign ideology.
Speaker 5 (01:29:02):
In this case isis criminologist d in Texas, A and
M University Regent's professor, doctor Alex del Carmen says, we
have to keep our guard up. Seven ZHO four. President
elect Donald Trump is planning a Make America Great Again
rally in Washington January nineteenth, that's the day before he
takes the oath of office. It'll be at the Capitol
One Arena with a capacity of twenty thousand. Trump has
endorsed Mike Johnson to remain as Speaker, but at least
one Republican says there's no way he'll vote for him today.
Speaker 15 (01:29:34):
You can pull all my fingernails out, you can shove
bamboo up in them, you can start cutting off my fingers.
I am not voting for Mike Johnson, and you can
take that to the bank.
Speaker 5 (01:29:43):
Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massey on A and N more at
seven point thirty. Well, with less than three weeks to
go in his presidency, Joe Biden awarded January sixth Committee
members Liz Cheney and Benny Thompson the Presidential Citizens Medal,
claiming the country is wait for it better because of
their dedication.
Speaker 16 (01:30:03):
It's absolutely pathetic that kind of weakness portrayed and demonstrated
on the national scale or national stage like it was
today from the White House by our commander in chief
and our head of state.
Speaker 1 (01:30:14):
It does everything.
Speaker 16 (01:30:16):
It makes us place an incredibly dangerous.
Speaker 5 (01:30:18):
Texas Congressman Ronnie Jackson on Fox, Well, if you thought
the Democrats were crazy, now just wait. Mary Anne Williamson,
the Houston native and activist, is running for DNC chair.
Speaker 17 (01:30:29):
What I want to address is the psychological and emotional
factors that not only have to do with repairing our
own relationship with the people whose votes we need, but
also with countering the extraordinary collective adrenaline rush that Donald
Trump is created.
Speaker 5 (01:30:45):
Jimmy stops shaking your head. She ran for the Democratic
presidential nomination in twenty twenty and twenty twenty four. There's
a word selling in there somewhere. We'll be unburdened by
that soon enough. Seven h six on ktr H. We're
seeing some delays this morning at Bush and Hobby as
people make their way home from holiday vacations. According to
fly toware Bush's nineteen delays in five canceled flights. We've
got nine flights affected so far out of Hobby. Don't
look now, but gas prices are ticking up. Checking in
a two fifty nine a gallon across Houston. But there
could be some good news with the new Trump administration
taking over. Get ready for lower car prices.
Speaker 18 (01:31:24):
Twenty twenty five could bring a notable shift in the
auto market, with prices expected to drop between three and
five percent.
Speaker 19 (01:31:31):
We have a lot of people out there driving really
old cars that are just waiting for that right time,
and I would say twenty twenty five would be a
great time to do something.
Speaker 18 (01:31:40):
KTRH Carpro Jerry Reynolds says automakers are building more cars
and dealers have better incentives, including lower interest rates to
get those cars off the lot faster. You can get
more car buying advice from Jerry on the Car Pro
Show Saturdays on KTRH.
Speaker 5 (01:31:54):
Thank you, Eric and the Houston Texans visit Tennessee to
wrap up the regular season on Sunday.
Speaker 20 (01:32:00):
In our way on a positive note, so you know
you gotta be ready to play.
Speaker 5 (01:32:05):
That's quarterback cj stround kickoff at noon. I'm Cliff Saunders
on Uston's News, weather and Traffic station k TRH.
Speaker 2 (01:32:12):
Crime is on the rise.
Speaker 5 (01:32:14):
Our schools are in trouble the.
Speaker 1 (01:32:15):
Next four years.
Speaker 46 (01:32:16):
We'll have to get.
Speaker 1 (01:32:17):
Better telling the story of Houston every day. Buite a story,
use radio seven forty KTRH.
Speaker 4 (01:32:27):
All right, hold off on the shopping broccoli thing if
you got it at Walmart seven doll eiter start time. Yes,
we have a recall for tainted broccoli. Voluntarily recall. Do
the presence of listeria discovered during routine testing by the
Texas Health and Human Services Department. Well, I guess that
means that we're a victim of this too. Yep, Texas
among twenty states including Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Utah, Washington,
and Wyoming. It's a lot of places. It is Braga
fresh broccoli. Braga b r a j g A b
r a g A Braga fresh broccoli. I mentioned this
is an impactor. I should say recall that does not
impact me because I'm one of those people who absolutely,
horrifically detests broccoli. I will not eat broccoli. If broccoli
were the last thing on planet Earth, I would starve
to death. Skymike doesn't feel the same way about broccoli.
Can you eat Can you eat broccoli straight up?
Speaker 1 (01:33:39):
Speaker 2 (01:33:40):
I can. I can eat it straight up. I can
eat it steamed. I can eat it with cheese.
Speaker 7 (01:33:45):
Speaker 2 (01:33:45):
Anyway you make you can make it, you can boil it.
Speaker 7 (01:33:47):
I need it, I'll go.
Speaker 4 (01:33:48):
You know, you could put maybe you might be able
to put enough stuff or enough cheese on top of
it that I could actually no longer taste the broccoli.
Speaker 2 (01:33:55):
There's some tabasco on it if you want to.
Speaker 4 (01:33:57):
But but at that point it's not broccoli anymore, right,
I mean you don't really like it. If you have
to put cheese on it, well, you need.
Speaker 2 (01:34:02):
To thank your stars that you grew up in the north,
because Southern boys, the bane of our existence was poke salad.
That was real.
Speaker 7 (01:34:10):
I've heard about poke salad. It grows wild here.
Speaker 4 (01:34:13):
That's crazy, now, you know, for a boy who grew
up north, you know, you know, one of my favorite
you know what, one of my favorite vegetables.
Speaker 2 (01:34:19):
Is Brussels sprouts. Okrah okra did okra up north?
Speaker 7 (01:34:23):
Speaker 4 (01:34:24):
Oh no, but that's a Southern It's a Southern thing.
Once I once I got introduced to okrah, I was
all about it.
Speaker 1 (01:34:30):
They imported it from the South.
Speaker 2 (01:34:32):
Get it anywhere these days. I'm gonna send you some
poke salad.
Speaker 7 (01:34:35):
I don't need any of that, Thank you.
Speaker 4 (01:34:36):
Seven to ten Time for Driffick in Weather Together Sky
Mike Europe.
Speaker 2 (01:34:40):
All right, let's do Southwest Freeway. Jennifer from TV credit
where Credit's do? She pointed this out to me. That
is which way we're going southbound? Right, southbound. It's a
wrecked Elgin. It's in the canyon, Dad gumment. We got
trouble in the canyon. Now, this is not only messing
up your southwest freeway right there coming down from forty five,
it also smunches up your East Chech Freeway. So you've
got the big breaks now from I ten from right
by the ballpark, take forty five, get around that business.
Terry your hazarders go ahead and jump on six to
ten instead. We've got the North Sam cleared, the wreck
at Aldan Westfield at Hardy Toll Road behind it all
Dean Westfield. That is roadwork. We're not going to get
rid of that twelve minute drag going that way. And boy,
you know what they do are clearing now within this
month they're going to clear that West Sam. Awful roadwork
between Harwin and bel Air. Jim from Friendswood's on the
working side of town.
Speaker 48 (01:35:30):
Dude, Hey, sky Mike, there's a bunch of hooper skankree
on it heading westbound just before the Channelvie Bridge. Those
loads one of them stock on the signposts. They couldn't
get underneath it.
Speaker 2 (01:35:43):
All right, that's inbound and we are watching that. They
were on the feeder. It didn't cause any problem, but
now you've got this big problem. So let's get on
ninety if we can. Rice Country. I got Lori from Winnie.
That sounds like the Coompi.
Speaker 32 (01:35:56):
The Morning ten is Annywood epics.
Speaker 25 (01:36:00):
But everybody's playing.
Speaker 53 (01:36:01):
Nice and it's moving.
Speaker 26 (01:36:03):
Just tie are out there making sure of it.
Speaker 14 (01:36:05):
Y'all have a good day.
Speaker 2 (01:36:07):
We love you, Lori. Banana stickers and civilian service medals
all around. I'm skywike on the Generator Supercenter dot Com Traffic.
Speaker 4 (01:36:13):
Center from r kt RH top tax Defenders twenty four
our weather center. Terry Smith is here. Vegetable you will
not eat under any circumstances would be yams, yams, yams?
Speaker 14 (01:36:25):
Speaker 2 (01:36:26):
Sweet potatoes nah no, from Georgia.
Speaker 14 (01:36:29):
I know, but I ain't so sweet.
Speaker 4 (01:36:31):
What about a sweet potato waffle fry? Would that be
enough to turn your head?
Speaker 7 (01:36:34):
Or none?
Speaker 14 (01:36:35):
Come on, not turn my head? If I was starving,
I might eat if.
Speaker 4 (01:36:39):
I throw some ranch dressing on top of it, marshmallows, sweets,
some cinnamon and maple syrup.
Speaker 13 (01:36:46):
Speaker 7 (01:36:47):
Oh okay, all right, there you go, sweet tooth, can
you get in?
Speaker 5 (01:36:49):
Speaker 4 (01:36:50):
Yeah, yeah, Well we're all going to be looking for
comfort food comes Sunday night and Monday.
Speaker 21 (01:36:54):
Yeah, like uh, pots of chili and chicken, little soup
and all that kind of war stuff that you like
to eat when it's cold. Because it's cold, folks, it's common,
and just be warned and be ready. Nice weekend, though,
I'm loving this weather. Today a dry day and we're
in the upper sixties to low seventies, and tomorrow there's
only a twenty percent chance of rain and temperatures back
up near seventy Tomorrow.
Speaker 14 (01:37:18):
Sunday's even warmer, believe it or not.
Speaker 21 (01:37:20):
We have an eighty percent chance of showers and storms.
Highs in the load to mid seventies on Sunday, and
it is all gone, and it is so far gone.
Speaker 14 (01:37:29):
By Monday and.
Speaker 21 (01:37:30):
Tuesday, it's sunny, but highs will range anywhere from the
low forties to the low fifties, and it'll stay cool
into Wednesday as well.
Speaker 4 (01:37:38):
Right now, fifty six at your officials, Severe Weather Station,
News Radio seven forty KTRH.
Speaker 3 (01:37:43):
It's Houston's Morning News, brought to you by New South
Windows Solutions. Now back to Jimmy Barrets and the Houston
Morning News Team all the info you need did take
on the day.
Speaker 4 (01:37:54):
So since this terrorist attack in the New Orleans, it's
kind of made us take a look and sort of
re examine, especially here in the Houston area, because I
feel like, but for the grace of God, it could
very well have been us, because after all the guys
living in North Houston. Now, I don't know if he
didn't attack here because he could find an event where
there was enough people or why. I'm grateful that. I'm
not grateful that New Orleans was attacked, but I'm certainly
grateful that Houston wasn't. But what happened in New Orleans
in the French quarters, I guess what you would call
a soft target. You know, there's not a whole lot
that you can do, or at least that was done
to prevent something like this from happening. But we need
to take a look at our own backyard. I mean,
how many hard targets versus soft targets do we have
in Houston? For example, this is the port? Is the
Houston Port? Is that a hard target or a soft target?
The energy sector, all the refineries that we have in
the Greater hist An area hard targets are soft targets.
More on that coming up next. First though, traffic and
weather together's check up the drive. You know that's pretty
scary when you live in East Houston too. Right TOAs
right along the port. Let's go to downtown the canyon.
Got some trouble here southbound at Elgin. They're just about
to clear that.
Speaker 2 (01:39:18):
The spackle is going to be there for a little
bit off the East Tex elevated, So if you're going
down sixty nine, you're packed up from minute made. It'll
stay like that for a little bit. Jump on forty
five if you can. The problem we had on the
East Freeway that was an oversized load. Guy can't get
under the sign banana sticker for gym from Friendswood. This
is inbound right before the San Jacento River Bridge. So
now the East Freeway is stopped. It's all lanes blocked.
Let's skip over to skip over to either to twenty
five or ninety instead. I'm skylike on the classic few
at GMC Traffic Center.
Speaker 4 (01:39:49):
From r KTRH top Tax Defenders twenty four hour Weather
center for today clouds early part of the claudia of
this afternoon looks like about seventy mostly cloudy's like chance
of a shower height of you're about seventy four. Tomorrow
Sunday showers and thunderstorms, gusty winds, whole front comes through.
We go from a hive seventy four down to thirty
for Sunday night, and then Monday, we'll be lucky to
get to the mid forties temperature Right now fifty six
at your official severe weather station. News Radio seven forty KTRH.
We're checking out some of our top Friday morning stories.
Here's Clive, thank you, Jimmy.
Speaker 5 (01:40:22):
Congress votes on a new house speaker. Today. Two people
are dead nineteen others injured after a small plane crash
at a California warehouse. And despite the calls to do
so because several of the inductees are not rock and roll,
the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame says it will
not change its name to something more generic like the
Music Hall of Fame. Get the latest news anytime at
KTRH dot com. Our next update is at seven thirty.
Speaker 1 (01:40:50):
Used weather and traffic updates.
Speaker 27 (01:40:52):
It makes my day easier.
Speaker 1 (01:40:53):
Remember the rule of three can make the day better.
Speaker 30 (01:40:57):
On News Radio seven forty KTRH.
Speaker 4 (01:41:02):
But I feel better if I knew that most of
the potential terrorist targets here in Houston are hard targets,
but I don't know that to be a fact. I'm
trying to recall who we had on the other day
talking about Energy as I asked specifically about Energy Stadium,
because Elizabeth and I went to the National Championship Game
two years ago and it didn't feel like there was
a huge presence there. I mean, there was a police presence,
but it didn't I mean you didn't drive in and
feel like, wow, look at all the cops or or
look at all the barriers. It felt like it was
not that hard to access. But as it turns out,
it was a lot harder to access than I thought
it was. There were barriers that were set up, you
just didn't notice them because of the way they were
placed around the stadium. There are placed to keep vehicles
away from getting too close to the stadium to cause trouble. Now,
i'd like to think that the energy sector realizes that
it is potential target, and quite honestly, I would like
to believe that they have done a lot of things
to make sure that you couldn't have a vehicle like
what happened in New Orleans get anywhere near a refinery
or anywhere near oil and gas or anything else they
could blow up, because we have a lot of things
in the Greater Houston area they could blow up. But
I don't know exactly, By the way, should we know.
I guess exactly what it is that they've done or
they're doing, because that just if you know all that,
then you're giving information out to potential people who can
cause you harm. One of the things I do know
is the people told is pretty devastating. We haven't really
talked a lot about the people in New Orleans, the
people who were you run over by this vehicle driven
by this madman. One survivor they did. The media did
manage to get into the hospital and talk voluntarily. Talk
to one survivor here. He tells a little bit of
his story of what it was like. But he remembers
from the attack.
Speaker 27 (01:43:08):
I was on my way back.
Speaker 26 (01:43:09):
We were staying at the window of the vel on
Magazine Street, and I was coming down Bourbon towards the canal,
and I was close to the end because I was
sased to call my friends and tell him I just
one of him.
Speaker 7 (01:43:22):
Because I left my.
Speaker 26 (01:43:23):
Friends, they went to a bar and I was all
the way home and back to the hotel, and I
heard just a massive noise and I just I was
facing the other way because.
Speaker 7 (01:43:34):
I don't know why.
Speaker 5 (01:43:35):
I don't know what made.
Speaker 26 (01:43:36):
Me turn around. I heard a massive noise and I
thought that something fell, and I turned around and that's
when I turned around. That's pretty much all that I
remember until I was on the ground and I came
back and there was this people screaming and I was
laying on the ground and I saw all my wheelchair
hearts on the ground beside me, and I started scraping
looking for my phone. I was looking for my phone
to try to call for help. I couldn't find my phone.
I started screaming and no one, no one.
Speaker 5 (01:44:12):
Would commis like.
Speaker 26 (01:44:13):
I pushed myself on my back and I saw people
and they were taking pictures from the balcony and I
was screaming at helping. People were just looking at me.
Coughs were looking at me, and I know it's just
time that they were looking at me because I was
still alive and they weren't worried.
Speaker 5 (01:44:29):
They knew I was still alive.
Speaker 26 (01:44:30):
So I was screaming and finally somebody came over to
me and just looked at me and said, listen, we
know you're hurt, but you're alive.
Speaker 7 (01:44:40):
That's what they said me.
Speaker 1 (01:44:40):
You were alive.
Speaker 26 (01:44:41):
And I was just like, well, someone got to help me,
Please get me out of here.
Speaker 7 (01:44:46):
And I just waited there.
Speaker 26 (01:44:49):
And I mean, whenever I first hit the ground and hurt, gunfire,
and I remember, it's just.
Speaker 1 (01:44:57):
In my mind.
Speaker 26 (01:44:58):
I was thinking, I'm hoping well enough on the ground.
I thought that's why I was on the ground. I
was hiding from the gun fire. And could you hear
the gun fire? I had a gun. I was for
you to be away from the truck. The truck was
very in front of me. But everything happened so fast
I had I didn't know what to even think about
the gunfire.
Speaker 5 (01:45:17):
I didn't know what was going on while it was happening.
Speaker 23 (01:45:19):
Did you get knocked over by the car or by
the people?
Speaker 26 (01:45:23):
I'm assuming I got hit by the truck, but honestly,
no one's ever told me that, so I don't know.
But my wheelchair was completely bashed and the pieces were
all over the place. That guy was in a wheelchair. Yeah,
that's the thing about terrorism, and it's completely non discriminatory.
They go over every after everybody. You think this guy
cared that he was running over some guy in a wheelchair.
Now seven, it is time to take a look at
your money. Jeff Bellinger is here, and Jimmy, there's late Woord.
Speaker 42 (01:45:52):
President Biden has blocked the proposed takeover of US Steel
my Nippon Steel of Japan. The President issued a state
saying the nation would be less strong and less secure
without domestic steel production and domestic steel workers. Executives of
Paramount Global and Skydance Media are defending their planned merger
in a regulatory filing. Officials of the two media companies
say critics have failed to show that they would be
harmed by any deal. There are more homes on the
market to tempt would be buyers. Redfinn reports the number
of new listings and the total number of homes for
sale last month were higher than in December of twenty
twenty three, but buyers looking to finance their purchases will
be taking on expensive mortgages. Interest rates are once again
nearing seven percent. Stock market futures all positive as Wall
Street hopes to break a five session losing streak. Dow
futures are up one hundred and eighteen points. I'm Jeff Bellinger,
Bloomberg Business on News Radio seven forty KTRH.
Speaker 5 (01:46:53):
You are no Houston's News.
Speaker 30 (01:46:55):
Why there are traffic plus breaking news twenty four to seventh.
This is us' Radio seven forty ktrhild Everywhere with.
Speaker 3 (01:47:03):
The more of what's happening now from the Sean Morris
Services Studios.
Speaker 4 (01:47:09):
Seven thirty now here on Houston's Morning News, I'm Jimmy Barrett.
Among our top stories this half hour, the House Speaker
vote is today. Joe's not running the country, so question
is who is? And coming up at seven thirty eight, Hey, guys,
the latest fashion trends for twenty twenty five are coming
from the nineteen seventies. Details in the minutes ahead. You're
in Houston's Morning News. First find that leisure suits guy
Mike will be good to go. Short shorts all right.
Speaker 2 (01:47:34):
East Side working Side got that big smush on the
East Freeway at Wade Road. It's an oversized load and
they can't get this guy under the sign. They have
moved it over. I've got a lane open. But if
you're coming in from Mott Bellvue, let's switch over to
one forty six. Come around to three point thirty. You
can get to the bridge, but it's completely well, it's
all one lane that's getting by at Wade Road. It's
a big mess. Cleared the canyon that was a wreck.
Southbound on the Southwest free Way at Elgin. If you're
trying to get through downtown southbound, let's jump on the
Peer Salvated instead. Oh, you're asking me, a bunch of
you asking me questions on social media. I'll answer it
at seven forty and the Generator Supercenter dot com Traffic Center.
Speaker 4 (01:48:13):
From our KTRH Generator Supercenter, twenty four hour weather Center.
Cloud's early partly Claudia this afternoon, with the hike today
right about seventy gorm for the weekend, but cold starting
Sunday night. We'll get the last on the forecast with
Terry Smith when we talked to her in eight minutes.
Temp ature right now fifty six at your official severe
weather station, News Radio seven forty KTRH. It's time now
for the news.
Speaker 5 (01:48:35):
Here's Cliff Sanders, Thank you, Jimmy seven thirty two on
KTRH our top story.
Speaker 2 (01:48:40):
We'll have maybe one no vote. I think I think
we get it done.
Speaker 7 (01:48:43):
On the first round.
Speaker 5 (01:48:44):
That's Mike Johnson, a confidence Soundinghouse speaker. There is the
House votes on that roll today. President ELEC. Donald Trump
endorsed Johnson. But will that be enough?
Speaker 31 (01:48:55):
According to Red State Senior editor Joe Cunningham, the answer
is yes, U.
Speaker 32 (01:49:00):
Mike Johnson is going to win the speakership.
Speaker 33 (01:49:02):
I don't think there's anybody who frankly wants the job,
given how much chaos and how much pain and torment
has come with it for Mike Johnson.
Speaker 31 (01:49:10):
Instead, it's about who wants Johnson to get the job.
Speaker 33 (01:49:14):
The Donald Trump endorsement is pretty big.
Speaker 31 (01:49:17):
And big because Trump's election needs to be certified on Monday.
The voting starts at high noon. Jeff Biggs News Radio
seven forty k T eight.
Speaker 5 (01:49:28):
Texas Congressman Troy Nells joins Jimmy at seven point fifty well.
In a move that nobody is surprised at, New Harris
County District Attorney Shawn Tierr announces that his office is
re accusing itself from the bid rigging case involving three
of County Judge Lena Hidogo's top staffers, but the case
isn't disappearing, as former DA Kim aug referred to Ken
Paxton's office last year seven p. Thirty three. The FBI
claims that New Orleans terrorist Jampson did Jabbar acted alone
when he killed fourteen other people. Sixteen of the injured
remain hospitalized. Eight in ICU Jabbar x military inspired by
ISIS and incoming borders are Tom Homan blames the Biden administration.
Speaker 34 (01:50:13):
I think the incoming administration needs to look at insider threat.
I mean insider threat. The analysis has been put in
the back seat by this administration.
Speaker 5 (01:50:20):
Holman on Fox, and he's not the only one saying
the Biden team took their eye off the ball.
Speaker 35 (01:50:25):
The Biden DOJ has spent the past four years prosecuting
Donald Trump while warning about parents at school board meetings
and pro life Catholics. Former FBI agent Nicole Parker tells
Fox the bureau's priorities are way off.
Speaker 36 (01:50:37):
They are still focused on January sixth capital violence. It
is still on the home page of the FBI's website.
Put the full force of the federal government focusing on
misdemeanors call.
Speaker 1 (01:50:47):
In the meantime, we.
Speaker 36 (01:50:47):
Have ISIS inspired terrorist attacks going on.
Speaker 35 (01:50:50):
Both President Biden and DHS Secretary Allejandra Majorcis has stated
the biggest security threat to the US is white supremacy.
Corey Yelson, He's radio seven forty KTRH.
Speaker 5 (01:50:59):
It's seven thirty four. And after Joe Biden took fifteen
hours to address the nation after the New Orleans attack,
nobody is going to blame you for thinking that he's
actually not the one making decisions.
Speaker 37 (01:51:10):
It's clear he was not. If it was Donald Trump
in the White House, you would have.
Speaker 7 (01:51:14):
Had commet within an hour.
Speaker 37 (01:51:16):
Certainly, Joe Biden gave very pablem like remarks that were
written for him, and he basically read them. But who
was making the critical decisions?
Speaker 5 (01:51:25):
Yeah, the American thinkers. Brian Jundov says, that's a question
we may not get the answer to until well after
Biden leaves the White House. Well, there's new info on
the New Year's Day Tesla truck explosion outside the Trump
Hotel in Vegas.
Speaker 38 (01:51:40):
No motive just yet, but police did identify a suspect,
thirty seven year old Matthew liiblos Berger. They couldn't say
this with one hundred percent certainty because the body inside
that Tesla cybertruck was just burned.
Speaker 5 (01:51:53):
So back Jeff Paul Reporting investigators say they have found
no links so far between the Vegas and Land's incidents
seven thirty five, and on their way out of office,
the Biden administration claims they're securing the border.
Speaker 39 (01:52:07):
Quite frankly, the number of individuals encountered at our southern
border on a daily basis now is lower than it
was in twenty nineteen, the last year before the pandemic.
Speaker 5 (01:52:20):
DHS Secretary Alejandro majorcis there ignoring the numbers from their
first three years in office, making Donald Trump's mass deportations necessary. Meantime,
the President elect wants the US Supreme Court to delay
the potential ban of TikTok. That has some worried.
Speaker 40 (01:52:38):
TikTok operates with a very decided lack of transparency. Its
users really have no idea what's going on with their
private data. Of course, a real concern is whether we
should have any unfriendly government, in this case, the Chinese government,
of all things, having such a foothold in US social media.
Speaker 5 (01:52:54):
DePaul University's Jeff McCall seven thirty six. Seven different Houston
companies make it onto the Forbes R ranking of top
private American businesses.
Speaker 41 (01:53:02):
Those are ones that are not traded on a stock exchange,
typically owned by far fewer owners. The top name in
the Houston area energy producer Calpine.
Speaker 5 (01:53:11):
That's KTRH moneyman Pat Shin, who says that other notable
names on the list include Tilman for Tita's for Tita Entertainment.
For those of you coming back or expecting other family
members to come back from holiday vacations, Flaware says we've
got delays building up at Bush. We've got nineteen flights delayed,
five cancelations, with now ten flights delayed out of Hobby.
The port of Galveston is among the fastest growing home
ports for cruise ships, and the environment for growth should
improve as the Trump team says fuel will be cheaper
on their watch as oil and gas production increases.
Speaker 43 (01:53:50):
It's how costly that production is. And what's happened over
the last four to five years is that we've made
the production here in America more expensive than it needs
to be.
Speaker 5 (01:54:00):
Former Energy Secretary Dan Burriette says just the reversal of
the Biden ban on liquefied natural gas will benefit not
only US, but ports up and down the Texas and
Louisiana coasts. Finally, the Rockets host Boston Tonight. Pregame is
at six and the game is on Sports Talk seven ninety.
I'm Cliff Saunders on Houston's news weather in traffic station
k TRH.
Speaker 3 (01:54:23):
In form for Today's World, for Tomorrow's America and connected.
Speaker 2 (01:54:28):
To Houston Now I can stay in the no.
Speaker 1 (01:54:30):
News Radio seven KTRH.
Speaker 4 (01:54:35):
You remember that opening the scene from Saturday Night Fever
and the outfit that John Travolta is wearing.
Speaker 7 (01:54:45):
Ready for a comeback? Here we go.
Speaker 4 (01:54:47):
According to this story in USA Today, I got in
the name of Derek Guy who writes about men'swear, said
that the seventies are making a big comeback. First of all,
the seventies colors are something that you're probably gonna notice
in fashion. You remember some of those seventies colors, you know,
like harvest gold, avocado green, orange, brown, a lot of
those kinds of colors. Those are making a comeback. But
more even more specifically bell bottom pants, boot cut pants,
rayon shirts. Do I have to do I have to
unbutton it down to my navel? Do I need to
get some sort of a gold chain jewelry to wear
with that?
Speaker 12 (01:55:37):
Speaker 4 (01:55:37):
And do you remember the really wide lapel's not just
on sport coats, but on shirts. On those rayon shirts.
You know the collars they were like four inches. It
felt like they were like four inches thick. Just amazing.
But all that stuff evidently is making a comeback, and
it's the same old story. If you are a vintage
clothing fan, or if you have if you actually had
a parent or grandparent who was around and then in
dressing that way in the nineteen seventies, you may want
to look for some of their old boxes because you
might be able to just rate raid their clothing and
save yourself some money by going to shop for the stuff.
Speaker 7 (01:56:12):
Speaker 4 (01:56:13):
The problem is is that we're all a lot thinner
back in the seventies, So will the people of twenty
twenty five be able to fit into any of this stuff?
Seven forty time for traffic and mother beyond shirt? Is
that the silky shirt? Yeah, that's oh, synthetic shirts. You know,
I have no chest polyester? Oh everything was polyester And
they said.
Speaker 2 (01:56:32):
We get those short shorts back to Oh Jimmy, I
want you to say it louder. For the people on
my Facebook page about Timeline, why we didn't have Timeline.
Speaker 4 (01:56:40):
We didn't have any prizes this week. Everybody's gone for
the holidays. It should be back on Monday, so it's
back on Monday. We did have prizes.
Speaker 32 (01:56:47):
Avilion Service Medal.
Speaker 2 (01:56:48):
Cheryl from Conrad said we could have gave white civilians
are just called the White House.
Speaker 7 (01:56:51):
They're passing them out like Andy Boom.
Speaker 2 (01:56:53):
Right there, let's do the East Freeway, all right, I'm
looking at a lane here at ten thirty two. It's
weight inbound. That's a big oversized load. He's got these
two giant container thing of the jigs and we've got
one lane getting by. That's a big mess all the
way back before BUCkies from Garth Road. And that's got
to be I don't have a good time stap, but
that's more than thirteen it's got to be at least
twenty four minute drag. Let's jump on ninety if you
can do that way, or if you're coming in from
mont Belvie, skip over to one forty six, come back around.
You could get up by three point thirty and get
back to the bridge that way north Sam We've got
this problem here eastbound. TC Jester Stee from Spring says
it was actually a rollerver vehicle, but he landed on
his tires, but he's completely smashed up. This is two
left lanes north sam eastbound at TC gesture. What else
do I have? I've got Southwest Freeway. We cleared the
canyon two eighty eight out maund Lance for Magno you go, dude,
Thanks you got Mike.
Speaker 32 (01:57:48):
Now would be a great time for the salesman.
Speaker 2 (01:57:50):
To put in tire rotations, front in alignments and free gas.
Speaker 32 (01:57:55):
On the timeline.
Speaker 2 (01:57:57):
It's back Monday and now Lance gave me a clear
forty nine. I'm in the Generator Supercenter dot Com Traffic Center.
Speaker 4 (01:58:03):
From our katrh Generator super Center twenty four hour Weather's
under Terry Smith is here. Yeah, you're gonna want to
check the tire air pressure probably come by Monday night.
It's probably gonna be down about four pounds.
Speaker 14 (01:58:14):
Oh yeah, yeah, keep your eye on that.
Speaker 21 (01:58:16):
And if you get one of those little lights that
says your tires flat, it's probably just that it tire
pressure has dropped quite a bit because it is going
to be so cold, folks. It is Arctic air that
is on the way right now. We're enjoying some very
comfortable weather, a dry day, upper sixties to low seventies tomorrow,
a twenty percent chance of a shower again close to
seventy tomorrow. When the cold front gets into Southeast Texas.
On Sunday, there's an eighty percent chance of showers and storms.
Now it's still warm, load of mid seventies Sunday, but
the cold air moves in Sunday night and it hangs
around for the first part of the week. Lots of
sunshine Monday and Tuesday, but high temperatures what are too low?
Temperatures are in January anywhere from the low forties to
low fifties for highs Monday and Tuesday.
Speaker 4 (01:59:07):
Temperature right now fifty seven at your official severe weather station,
News Radio seven forty KTRH.
Speaker 1 (01:59:13):
What you need to know for the day ahead.
Speaker 3 (01:59:16):
This is Houston's Morning News, brought to you by New
South Windows Solutions.
Speaker 4 (01:59:21):
So there's a big vote coming up this morning. In fact,
I wonder if there'll be more than one vote today.
I know who to ask. Congressman Troy Nails will be
joining us in just a moment. They'll be voting on
Mike Johnson, the Speaker of the House. He has the
support of President Trump. Even Marjorie Taylor Green, who was
trying to oust him last year, is now in support
of him. So I guess the question is to Jip Roy,
is everybody else coming along? Are the Republicans uniting over
this or not? We'll talk to Congressman Troy Nails next
and allow to allow I should say a little extra
time or is going to do a little traffic and
weather together early.
Speaker 2 (01:59:57):
I can still be short.
Speaker 7 (01:59:58):
But you can take your time because I'm coming early. Scummer.
Speaker 2 (02:00:01):
Thank you, Nord Sam eastbound at TC Gesture steep from
Spring Banana sticker and a Civilian service medal for you.
That is an overturned vehicle. He landed back on his wheels,
but we're messed up. Two left lines back up from veterans.
Let's see, you've got that big problem on your East Freeway.
Just one lane getting by a wade road inbound. It's
an oversized load. He can't get under the sign. Hard hats,
thank you Gray.
Speaker 29 (02:00:23):
Mind people come to the Mount Belview.
Speaker 32 (02:00:24):
They can also take guard throw the Wallersville to get
back on there at main feedback on our kid.
Speaker 2 (02:00:29):
You know, if I send everybody down there, it's just
one lane. So for now I'm going to stick to
one forty six as an alternate route. Of course, you
can completely avoid the suckage by taking ninety in. I'm
Skymike and the Generator Supercenter dot Com traffic Center.
Speaker 4 (02:00:42):
From our KTRH Generator Supercenter twenty four hour withather center.
Clouds early, partly cloudy this afternoon, about seventy today mostly
cloudy'slight chance with shower round seventy Tomorrow Sunday showers, thunderstorms,
gusty winds seventy four before the cold front comes through,
brings that polar air in and drops the temperature down
to about twenty eight to thirty degree for Sunday night
only in the forties on Monday. Temperature right now fifty
seven at your official severe weather station, News Radio seven
forty KTRH S. Check out some more of our top
stories on a Friday. Here's Cliff, Thank you, Jimmy.
Speaker 5 (02:01:13):
The new Congress is sworn in today and Texas Congressmanship
Roy says Mike Johnson may not have the votes to
keep his speakership. And the college football playoff semi finals
are set. We've got Texas taking on Ohio State, Notre Dame.
We'll play hen State. Get the latest news. Anytime at
KTRH dot com. Our next update is it eight o'clock.
Speaker 1 (02:01:35):
Used weather and traffic updates.
Speaker 14 (02:01:37):
It makes my day easier.
Speaker 1 (02:01:38):
Remember the rule of three can make the day better.
Speaker 30 (02:01:42):
On news radio seven forty KTRH the.
Speaker 4 (02:01:47):
Seven fifty now here in Houston's Bording News. So we
have a vote today for House Speaker. Does Mike Johnson
have the votes to get it on the first ballot?
Here's a guy who probably knows Congressman Troy Nails joins
us presentative. What do you think have you got enough
people on board to vote for this guy yet or
do there still holdouts?
Speaker 52 (02:02:06):
Well, good morning, Jimmy, thank you for having me. I
met with Speaker Johnson last night. I had a great
conversation with him. I believe he will have enough votes
in the first roll call.
Speaker 2 (02:02:16):
I do believe he'll get it.
Speaker 1 (02:02:17):
Okay, there's no one else.
Speaker 52 (02:02:19):
So just you know the thing about it is everybody says, well,
I'm not going to vote for him.
Speaker 12 (02:02:22):
I may not vote for him.
Speaker 5 (02:02:23):
I'm undecided.
Speaker 2 (02:02:24):
I don't like him, I don't.
Speaker 52 (02:02:25):
Like his performance over the past twelve months. Well then
who If it's not him, then who? And we don't
need to embarrass our party like we did when we
went through three weeks of shenanigans.
Speaker 5 (02:02:37):
You know, with Speaker McCarthy.
Speaker 4 (02:02:40):
I know you're typed with the President, and I won't
pretend to put the words into the President's mouth. But
the President came out the other day he endorsed Mike Johnson,
and I think I think he's probably thinking the same
thing you are. If not him, who And if we
don't get a House speaker, you know, we're not going
to get the election certified and a whole bunch of
other things are going to be on.
Speaker 52 (02:02:58):
Hold a great conversation with President Trump the other day,
and listen, he understands how important this is. And the
point is is that we have an enormous amount of
talent in the Republican Conference. I mean, Jim Jordan's a
great guy, a real fiscal conservative, a great guy. But
Jim Jordan couldn't get the votes. He wouldn't get the votes.
And I don't think there's anyone else in our conference
that could get the votes other than Mike Johnson. Having
just a few that have expressed concerns. I've expressed concerns
about Mike Johnson, but we don't need to embarrass ourselves.
We have to certify the elections on the sixth, and
we need to get off out of the starting gate
very quickly, very strong, to ensure that we can get
all of Trump's policies started right away on January twentieth.
We need to We need to give the president the
head start here and help him out because the American
people demand it. They demand now Congress to do something right,
something good for the American people. Put the American people first,
and we shouldn't get in the way of that, because
quite honestly, Jimmy, we wouldn't have the House of Representatives
if it weren't for Donald J.
Speaker 32 (02:04:10):
Speaker 4 (02:04:10):
You're right about that, all right. Texas Congressman Ship Roy's
been one of those holdouts. Where do you think he
is this morning?
Speaker 53 (02:04:16):
Speaker 52 (02:04:16):
I think Chip is going to I think Chip will
end up voting.
Speaker 2 (02:04:19):
Yes, I don't. I don't see the upside.
Speaker 52 (02:04:21):
I don't see the upside because I would and I
think Chip is a very gifted and talented man. But Chip,
if it's not him, then who and no one would
get close to Mike Johnson.
Speaker 1 (02:04:32):
That's the issue.
Speaker 52 (02:04:33):
Do we want to sit here on the fifth on
the sixth on the seventh, trying to figure out who's
going to be the speaker when ninety probably ninety nine
percent of the Republican Conference say Mike Johnson should should
keep the gabble. So let's just let's unite, let's get
behind Mike Johnson, and then let's get out there and
do everything. Do everything Donald Trump asks us to do right,
because Donald Trump, by humble opinion, is always right.
Speaker 2 (02:04:57):
He's right, He's right.
Speaker 4 (02:04:59):
I'm not going to argue with you about Jack. Do
you feel do you feel confident that Speaker Johnson will
bring forward the Trump agenda he says he will. Do
you feel confident that he will?
Speaker 52 (02:05:09):
I believe he will because the American people had the mandate.
I mean, there are a lot of us that think,
is he gonna win all seven swing states? He won
all seven. So if that isn't a message to Speaker
Johnson and the rest of the Republican Conference, even in
the Senate with the majority leader, though, if that's not
a message, listen, Donald Trump is the leader of our party.
Speaker 32 (02:05:31):
He delivered the.
Speaker 52 (02:05:32):
House and the Senate for us. Now let's do what's
right and support the leader of our party and fall
behind his leadership, fall in line with his leadership, because
he's he's proven to four years he was in office.
I mean, the United States.
Speaker 5 (02:05:45):
Was powerful, we were strong.
Speaker 52 (02:05:48):
I mean it was just a beautiful era under those
four years, a beautiful time.
Speaker 2 (02:05:52):
So let's get back to that.
Speaker 7 (02:05:53):
What time is the vote? What time is the vote today?
Speaker 52 (02:05:56):
We get back in session right at noon, so I'd
probably say you could see it about go through some proceeds,
probably twelve twelve thirty, you'll see the first roll call,
and I think we'll have it done by one.
Speaker 4 (02:06:05):
Okay, I want to ask you quickly about this before
we let you go. If you're only too well aware.
We had a horrific terror attack in New Orleans that
unfortunately also has a Houston connection to it. The FBI
was very quick to come out of the very beginning
and claim that it wasn't terrorism. Are you concerned or
are you confident that we're going to get the real
story of what happened from the FBI.
Speaker 52 (02:06:27):
You're not going to get it before January twenty. If
I don't believe, I think with cash Battel, once we
get him in there, you want to talk about a
gifted and talented individual, Cash Battel needs to be confirmed
immediately and get him as our director of the FBI,
and he will expose what we've witnessed over the past
four years, which is just an FBI that is with
an enormous amount of corruption and bias against the American
people and people with a dissenting point of view. So
you're not going to get anything before January twentieth. You're
not going to get anything from this administration for January
twenty all.
Speaker 4 (02:07:01):
Right, fair enough, Congressmen, have a great day. Thanks for
joining us, appreciate it, Thank thank you. That is Congressman
Troy Nails. Y'all have a great weekend. Yeah, the weekend's here.
See you Monday morning, bright in early five am and
this aftoon at four on AM nine fifty k PRC.