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April 12, 2024 44 mins
Chicago radio's Danny Parkins joins to discuss a new book he has on D3 athletes who made it to the big leagues, plus some Bears draft opinions! Then, Vikes Bites and talkers for the remainder of the hour!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Second hour of the presentation is inthe air. It's the Friday Football Feast.
Welcome back. It's Pa in charge, producer Nordo by our side.
Here here is the aforementioned Danny Parkinsof Parkinson Spiegel from six seventy The Score
out of Chicago. He co wrotea book called Pipeline to the Pros,
offering stories of players and coaches,like say Chris Finch, who have ascended

from D three basketball to the NBA. Danny, it's Paul Allen here with
your friend Paul Charchi, and goodto meet you. And first and foremost,
how did you get Jeff van Gundyto the forward? Yeah, you
know, that's an excellent question.He is an incredibly nice man. And
when he found out that we wereworking on a book about D three guys

who made it to the NBA,he was like, there's a book there,
And I was like, yeah,there is, because guys like you
kicked down the door and then startedhiring a bunch of D three people or
recommending D three people like you didwith Stan van Gundy, or hiring guys
like Kid. So I'm sure we'lltalk about and Steve Clifford and Andy greer,

and so as we went through allof the reporting on the story,
and I was like, you know, calling him back to fact check some
stuff. I had practiced my pitchin the mirror. I was like,
honestly, like, there's no onebetter to write this forward than Jeff Van
Gundy. And I do the whole, long, drawn out, ninety second
spiel of a pitch, and hegoes, yeah, sure, and yeah

sure, and and then and thenthis is the best for I'll never forget
this as long as I live,he goes, I wrote the forward for
Coach Patino's book, so I canwrite thee I could write one for you.
I'm like, we don't know eachother like that. Jeff so just
like the nicest guy in the world. And he was. He was amazing
and it's a great forward. Nowis the just to be accurate with this?

To help the cause? Is thebook released next Tuesday? Yes,
yes, I pre order it nowand you have it April sixteenth, Got
it pre ordered now April sixteenth forthe official release. The book is called
Pipeline to the Pros, Mister Charchie. It's about d three athletes and coaches
were able to rise to the levelof the NBA. So let's start.

Let's talk Chris Finch, because he'sgot a great story here. He went
to a school in Lancaster, Pennsylvaniathat I had never heard of before.
Lancaster Lancaster, thank you, calledFranklin and Marshall, which is apparently one
school not too Franklin and Marshall,and I'm guessing the Franklin has been but
I don't know for sure. Talkto us a little bit about about Chris
Finch, our coach here. Yeah, so was able to talk to him

for the book. Fascinating guy,proud of his origin story. Chris Finch
was a hooper like Chris Finch,two time All American in college, filled
up the stat sheet like. Hedefinitely is competitive as hell. You know,
I'm sure like if guys are notrunning the drills correctly, he might

have some delusions of grandeur of yesteryear and show him how to go through
and execute it, you know,below the rim, but still how to
execute the drill correctly. And therewas a great story that I'll give the
truncated version here. But he wasvery, very very competitive and really didn't
back down from anybody. And thebig man on the team was not performing

with the requisite amount of intensity thatChris Finch felt like he needed to.
And one thing led to another inthe locker room, and Chris Finch had
this guy up against the wall.Wow, like yeah, and he was
just like, you know, yougot to get on my level of intensity.
So Chris Finch squeezed every ounce ofhis athletic ability out of himself,

and he demanded that type of accountabilityof his teammates. And Chris is a
Philly guy, So I mean there, you know, it's a there's a
certain level of emotion and or aggressionor angst you're going to get to in
a situation like that. But whenyou get to that Philly level, somebody's
up against the wall, as wejust learned. Now Finch, Yeah,
you know, And I think thatthere's like a little bit of you know,

there was a common thread of theseguys who are just kind of doing
it for the love of the game. They have no you know, delusions
that they're going to make it tothe NBA, but they the humility that
comes with D three basketball. Nothing. It's about the game. It's about
executing correctly. It's okay, thecoach is driving the van and doing the

laundry and were, oh, weactually lost the main gym to the girls
volleyball team. They're social for thebasketball program, and that I think that
level of humility and work ethic wasIt was a constant theme throughout the book.
So you mentioned Jeff Van Gundy wrotethe forward, You talked to Chris
Finch and many others, and we'llhit on some of the others as well.
But did you find Dandy Parkins,author Pipeline to the Pros about D

three athletes who were able to risethe NBA? Did you find that Danny
people were more willing to talk becauseof this subject matter about the D three
journey all the way up one percent? You know, two very big,
very notable figures were not willing totalk despite kind of being chieged that they

were going to talk. And inthe case of the Oklahoma City thunder,
over one hundred pieces of discourse backand forth bringing us along. Wow.
And that was Greg Popovic and SamPresty and Pop Pop famously secretive and Pop
hired pressby Pressty famously secretive, andhe got it from Pop. But honestly,

if you read it in the book, we talked to so many people
around them who had worked underneath themin the front office. Because Pop used
to be a general manager presby obviouslythe best executive in the NBA. These
people who were on his coaching staff, people who were players Pop's academic advisor
back at Pomona. I mean,we did over one hundred interviews for this
book. We did over eight hundredhours of research over three years. The

book is very well reported, andthe secrecy is part of the ethos.
So those two guys did not endup talking to us, even though they
were happy that we were writing thebook we were told, but basically everybody
else was so proud of their originstory and so happy that a light was
being shine on this level of basketballand how yeah, you know, you

can make it from there to theNBA and make it different and it doesn't
really matter that you can't do awindmill dunk. That's a vast majority of
people were willing to talk to us. Does that include Tom Thibodeau, You
know, I could have actually,So we talked to Brad Stevens, We
talked to Frank Vogel, We talkedto Hube Brown and Dick by Tal and
Mike Britello. Tibbs, I guessis the third guy who would talk to

us. We talked to Steve Cliffordand Andy Grae. Yeah, Tibbs.
You know that Really that really upsetCasey Johnson, longtime Bulls Beat reporter,
because he even talked to Tibbs andcalled Tibbs on our behalf. Casey played
d three ball. But TIBs didnot speak for the book either. All
right, Now, that doesn't meanyou can't talk about people like Popovich and
Thibodeaux, right, I mean theycan still be in the book, they're
just don't get to tell their storyfirsthand. Well, right, that's what

I'm saying. We did over onehundred interviews. I mean, you know,
Andy Greer, Steve Clifford, JeffVan Gundy, Stan van Gundy,
like that's the Thibodeau inner circle.We talked to four of the five,
you know, so, uh,we we absolutely feel like we were able
to cover this. And you know, there's so much documentation of these guys
once they get to the NBA thatthere was plenty of secondhand source material on

these people. But it was abit of a bummer. I was,
like Jeff Van Dundee pulled TIBs totalk to me, and he still wouldn't
do it, So that kind ofbummed me out as a bull stand.
Danny Parkins is a radio host onScore six seven EA Chicago. He and
I go back over a decade.Worked with Henry Lake for a long time
in Kansas City. Author of thenew book Pipeline to the Pros. It
comes out next Tuesday, and youcan pre order if I want to pre

order that. What should I do? Danny? Yeah, you can just
you know, wherever you get yourbooks, but Amazon is probably the easiest
you can go to. Tryump bookshis website as well. It's all over
my social media if you need adirect link, but just you know,
everyone's got Prime these days, Sojust search Pipeline to the Pros on Amazon
and you can pre order it andit'll be there for you on Tuesday.
Hey, Danny, if the Pipelineto the Pros ever segues over to the

National Football League, a friend ofmine with whom I worked at the Minnesota
Vikings twenty some odd years ago,Chad Auslin, just sent me a text.
He's listening Commissioner Roger Goodell into Divisionthree Washington and Jefferson in Pennsylvania.
So you can start with Big Redwith the pipeline to the pros, because
I think we have an end tohim. If you want to move it

over to the NFL side, myman, All right, well there we
go. There's the sequel, there'sthe sequel to the book, or maybe
that's for the documentary. Well,I bet Joe we go all sports,
and I bet you, you know, given the the the coaching staffs and
mass and how many players there arein the NFL, I bet you the
pipeline to the pros probably with likeD three. I don't know what the

numbers would be or anything, butjust simply the voluminous nature of the coaching
staffs and the teams, there probablywould be a fair amount, right,
yeah, you know. So that'sactually a big part of how this happened
is a lot of coaches who wetalked to have lamented the growth of the
size of coaching staffs. Out youknow, there's now two rows on the
bench, and there's a shooting specialistand a big man coach, and an

offensive coach and a defense coach.And then the shooting coach and the offensive
got for the big man and ashooting guy for the wing and all these
things. And then but with thatcomes more opportunities, and a G league
staff has more opportunities, and theexpansion of advanced scouting and video coordination and
analytics and data sciences, all ofthose are more opportunities now for guys with

different backgrounds to get into the bookor to get into the league that we
put into the book. And Imean, when I talk about how expansive
this is, when we started workingon it, twelve of the thirty teams
in the NBA, either their headcoach or their top basketball decision maker had
played D three basketball. Wow.So I mean it was statistically you were

as likely to have ran an NBAteam if you played D three ball or
played D one ball, which isjust remarkable. Twitter follower Don is listening
to the conversation now and notes thatthe only D three guy ever drafted in
the first round and the only Dthree guy to win three NBA titles Augsburg,

Minnesota's Devin Wow. Oh yeah,that's right. Yeah, I forgot
Devin went Dog. So Danny,I think it's pretty cool. Where you
know, when I was researching thiswith reading about Chris Finch, and Frank
Vogel and stuff and and you know, like looking, you know, to
learn more about the book, whichis not out yet but you can pre
order. And I came across andI'm sure you've seen it if you looked

at stuff like this a site calledPages and Pearls, and it was very
cool, I mean, very wellrespected book reviewing website and wrote overall,
Pipeline to the Pros is a mustread for any basketball fan, offering a
captivating blend of history, inspiration,and insight into the inner workings of the
world of basketball. It's a testamentto the resilience and determination of individuals who

dared to dream big and paved theway for future generations in the world of
sports. Those are high accolades.Those are terrific and and and finally,
for me, it's like when whenit comes to non obvious roots to the
highest level the NBA in this case, so the pinnacle of the profession,

but coming from the Division III level, any non obvious roots or angles that
you learned while co writing this,Oh, I mean there were so many
of them, honestly, but yeah, sure, like some of the guys
didn't think even when they had graduatedand had even been approached by NBA teams

that they were going to go anddo it, because they just didn't even
believe that it was possible. RafelStone, who's running the Rockets, was
the youngest legal partner at a lawfirm. Brad Stevens worked at Eli Lilly.
Kobe Altman, who runs the Cavs, was a real estate broker.
Wow, and part of what helpedhim with Dan Gilbert. Dan Gilbert made

his money in mortgages, so theywere able to talk real estate. So
these guys, you know, theTibbs generation who struggled when they were given
you know, from office control.They came up as pure basketball people and
pure teachers. But some of theyounger D three guys, like I just
mentioned Brad Stevens, Kobe Altman,rafel Stone, they younger guys did other

things. Yes, played D threebasketball and had enough basketball intellect, but
they had such well rounded educations thatthey were able to relate to owners more
and say, you know, makinga pitch on a real estate deal or
negotiating something with legal LEAs that's notthat different than a contract or a trade.
And that well rounded education they kindof fell into their pro basketball career

and then they ended up rising tothe top rank. So there are so
many stories like that throughout the book, and it was that I agree with
you, Paul. That was thething that kind of drew me to the
story more than anything else. AllRight, let's wrap it on this.
Danny again, author Pipeline to thePros. You can go to Amazon type
and Pipeline to the Pros. Youcan. You can pre order it there
or learn more about it there.You can also follow Danny on Twitter at

Andy Parkins. There's a philanthropic tieinto this book that is very important to
you personally. Do you want tojust tell people a little bit about why
a portion of the profits go tobrain cancer research? Yeah? Thanks,
charge, that's very kind of you. So I almost been taking the project
on when my best friend since thirdgrade, Ben Kaplan, told me about
the twelve of thirty stat because Ihad a young son, had a second

along the way, my dad wasdeep into a dementia battle, and my
brother had just been diagnosed with terminalbrain cancer, and I was like,
I honestly don't think that I canput another project onto my plate, but
I'm really glad that I did towork with, you know, my best
friend since third grade on something andthen his dad, actually after we started

working on the book got diagnosed witha rare form of cancer and passed away.
So from concept to publication on Tuesday, we both lost our dad and
I lost my brother and Brad passedaway a year ago, basically three days
ago, April ninth to last year, to brain cancer. And I've since
joined the board of directors at alocal charity here in Chicago called Brain Up,

which is quickly becoming the largest braincancer charity in Chicago. We donate
one hundred percent of the money raisedto research here, and Brad was really
into science and research, and soyeah, it's this is not a money
maker for me. I know it'sa niche subject matter, but we're very
proud of the final product, andI will be donating a portion of every
book sold to brain cancer research andhonor my brother. That's beautiful. Thank

both of you for sharing. That'sthat's amazing. Best best routes to UH
to find the book Pipeline to thepros. Yeah, so you get pipeline
Pipeline of the pros. How Dthree small college Nobody's rose to Rule the
NBA, you know, So ifyou could, just if you just google
Pipeline of the Pros, it's it'son Amazon. I think it's the number
two bestseller for new releases in sportsright now. So with that K fan

bump, maybe we can get itup the number to number one, which
be amazing. But yeah, reallyreally appreciate it. Just search Pipeline of
the Pros. You'll find it.Come on, man, you're in radio,
you know, as we are taught, K fan is two pedestrian.
It has to be k F an F an. My apology. Everybody

ninety nine point eight percent of theworld calls a K fan, but it's
a pedestrian. It was going sowell and then I blew the collar.
No, you're fine, You're elite. Thank you very much, God bless
you and your family specifically with thatlast thing you shared. Have a wonderful
weekend, and thank you very muchfor one more. I want a two
word answer, Danny, Yeah,pick nine bears. I want the two
word answer is a first name anda last name. We'll let you go.

Okay, Rome Anza quarterback, widereceiver. Does he plays the slot?
Doesn't he? Or is he multipositional prove a big body X but
he seems like he can go anywhere. I and Keenan Allen's probably only gonna
be here one year. So justsupport the offense if you're going to quarterback,

if you're gonna move offense and skillposition. I mean, I know
this guy is good, but Iknow the Vikings aren't. I would bet
the Vikings aren't taking a tight endin the first round, specifically with the
Hockinson and the Hockinson deal. SoI just you know, it was like
looking at this brock Bowers a littlebit yesterday in this Morning. I like
Cole Kmet but with DJ Moore,Caleb Williams, the running back situation which

has improved, and Keenan Allen andthis brock Bowers, Holy cow, would
the Bears be permittable? What doyou think, Listen, I it'd be
exciting. I'd be surprised even thatthey also signed Gerald Everett. But as
top offensive player on the board,if it's Joe all Two falls the league
neighbors, who falls Rock Bowers,I think it'll be a done day.

But I just they if they takea defensive player, okay, maybe it's
the final piece to make them thebest defense in the NFL, but support
your young quarterback. So whoever thetop offensive guy is on the board at
nine is who I want Ryan Poldtoday. Yep, the power of KFA
right here. Danny pulled you upon Amazon number one new release in the

sports category. Pipeline to the pros. Hey number one, baby, Yeah,
congratulations, that's the first time it'shit that number. Thank you guys
so much. That's a problem,no problem. Thank you. Great talking
to you, Dan. Thank youfor doing what you do. Danny Parkins
from six seventy the Score in Chicagoand that book a pipeline to the pros.
D three basketball coaches and players likeChris Finch and Frank Bogel and so

on, and Jeff Van Gundy andstand Ban Gundy who have ascended from the
D three level to the professionals.Did it surprise you at all when he
put offense with that ninth pick,because I'm just like, like, you
know, my thought process with theBears has been, all right, you're
gonna get Caleb Williams and you're goingto be right and you're going to win

with him. I mean, you'regonna hit and you're gonna win with him,
but like the next one. Imean, seriously, if they with
the way Montes Sweat played last year, I'm like, whatever, the out
turner, the Alabama ad Jersey whomeever, like you go ahead and bookend
Williams with something like that. Wow, yeah, okay, and that sounds

great, right, So you canabsolutely make a case for the Bears defense
get better. But here's the thing. They just went through an exercise with
justin Fields in which they gave himno offensive line and no receiving targets and
it flopped. They've got to buildaround Caleb Williams. They will go either
offensive line or Rouma Roma Dunes specificallywith that pick, to make sure they

give that quarterback every opportunity. Ithink. See my intel is alt the
Notre Dame offensive lineman to the TennesseeTitans. That's being almost Yeah, that's
the that's maybe the most it's oneof the most bankable spots. Seven in
this first round. There's seven,right, So now you've got Atlanta and
and so like, I agree withyou on the offensive line and skill position

wise, DJ Moore, Cole KmetKeenan Allen or the skeletal remains thereof because
He's right, he's getting close tothe end, although he's coming off another
big season. So running DeAndre Swift, that's right. You can't trust DeAndre,
but when you can trust him,he could be really really good.
Plus the Texas rookie Roshan Johnson issuper fast, pretty good, right,

So yeah, the offensive lineman completelymakes sense. Thank you. When nine
to Noon continues, Bikes Bites onthe field, Welcome back to noon.

It is time for Vikes Bites andthat's presented by a Thousand Hills Lifetime graysed
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co op and Coburn's locations. VikesBites. So you remember the tampering regarded

allegations and conversations around the Falcons intheir pursuit. Yeah, that's the part
I remember, is the Falcons tampered? Well, I caught this from Mike
Floria. Mike Floria, you knowhe's all over this and he will not
let it go, and maybe theleague won't either. We shall see.
Still, just thirteen days until thefirst round of the NFL Draft. But

here's Mike Florio. It's about aminute twenty seconds, Chargy, Mike Florio
talking with one of his cohorts,Sharien Williams, in relation to just that
the tampering and how the league mighthandle it. The Vikings are gonna have
to do something. They're either gonnahave to move up into the top five,
or they're gonna have to jump upinto somewhere in the bottom five,
or they're gonna have to hope andI spitballed about this yesterday, they're gonna

have to hope that five minutes beforethe draft, the NFL announces that his
punishment for blatantly tampering with Kirk Cousins, the Vikings and the Falcons are flip
flopping picks number eight and eleven.Yeah. Yeah, that would be interesting,
Mike, And it would affect alot of things obviously to have them
do that. And I know youand Miles were going, well, it's

just three picks. Well it's notjust three picks. It's up into the
top ten. How does that affectthe draft? But I do think that
would be a possibility from the league. I do think it would be something
that the Vikings obviously would like verymuch and the Falcons would not like very
much. But it also would affectthe other teams in there, who might

cry foul that the NFL has donethis. But there has to be some
penalty paid by the Falcons, becauseas it was such blatant tampering with Kirk
Cousins, there has to be somepenalty. Whatever that penalty is, there
has to be a penalty paid.And that makes sense that that would be
a reasonable penalty that they would haveto pay for the tampering. So how

about that, mister charging and theidea that penalty the punishment for the and
Sharia nailed it. It was soblatant, so obvious to tampering the concept
of the Vikings and Falcons flipping theeight and eleven overall picks so that the
Vikings are now in the top eightAnd how would that potentially change the idea

of trading up and how much thingswould cost. First it's happened, before
you know, the league has madesimilar actions. There have been five or
six cases or the league has historicallygone in and issued some kind of penalty
for a team that is tampered.There was one hundred percent tampering with Kirk
Cousins. Kyle Pitts has acknowledged inadvertentlyended up confirming it he knew Cousins was

already coming before. It's before thedesignated tampering window open. So there,
I think this thing is ninety ninepercent likely the Falcons tampered. The Vikings
should be working their asses off tomake the league make a decision on this
before the draft, right, becausethe league has done exactly what's being suggested

by Florio here. The league hasa history of forcing teams to flop first
round spots as a penalty, andI think they should do that here.
The Vikings would end up moving fourspots, right, they move from eleven
to three spots, eleven to eight. The catch here, and why it's
maybe not as valuable as I wouldlike, is you still have quarterback needy

teams in the Giants, especially inthe Tennessee Titans right ahead of you.
I think the TS Titans are quarterbackneedy. It's another conversation, though it
doesn't get you past them. Andthose are teams that you may be competing
with to move up. But ifthe Vikings aren't going to move up,
you know that might that might saveyou a second round pick, that might
save you third round pick. Ifyou're going to try to move from seven

to four, seven to three,I could say you next year's one,
right, I mean, because that'smaybe part of a conversation. Maybe it
feels like a lot to save bymoving three picks, but maybe so if
the price gets more palatable, andit might. The Vikers use every tool
at their disposal to force the leagueto investigate this and rule on it quickly,

so the Vikings have time to makethat move. And then you draft
the best edge rusher in the NFLrookie class, and when the Falcons are
at US Bank Stadium, the Falconspick sacks the Falcons quarterback my god Zio
Vikes bites brought to you by thousandHills at Charts, regardless of the QB

who they are and drafted. Althoughthere are some scenarios in which this matters,
so I shouldn't completely discount that.Is there anything that you envision changing
or needing to change in twenty twentyfour with the vice Kings offense, for
instance, Vikings ran the ball justunder thirty percent of the time. In
twenty twenty three, we've mentioned itnot with you here, but but you'd
be you'd be aware of the ideathat in Kirk Cousin's tenure with the Vikings

used to be a lot of undercenter shotgun or excuse me, under center
play action back to the defense,et cetera. Well, Kevin O'Connell's offense
has been very, very even interms of shotgun snaps versus under center.
So in twenty twenty four with theVikings offense, we bring this rookie in
here, we're excited to let thisthing rip. Is there anything that you

picture and you would be pinpointed assaying this needs to change, whether it's
Donald, the rookie, et ceterataking the snaps, Well, yeah,
A lot of it depends on whoyour quarterback is, right, and we
don't know who our quarterback is.I think it's Sam Donald's your Week one
quarterback. For the record, Yeah, I believe that that. I believe
that's going to be the case,and I do put that in ninety percent.

By the way, Wow, okay, no matter who they draft,
Yeah, they signed Sam Darnold andI tweeted as much there was Let's just
say the fan base was not readyto hear that message, but I think
I think they're starting to understand thatnow. So wasn't that while you were
camping? Uh? Probably? Yeah, I think that went down. Well,
I was camping and there was alot of hate coming back to me
in Zion over that. Well,what does the Pelicans power forward have to

do with anything? The football conversation? We've talked about that ball? Yeah,
I hear you the uh yeah,So what on the offense would probably
change? Obviously you're gonna have toget more and more and more rushes and
more consistent production out of that.Aaron Jones honestly better than anybody we had
running the ball last year. Wejust need to keep him healthy. Wow,

he catches the ball specifically, Tadler, Aaron Jones is on a different
level, or at least he hasbeen, and we assume he's not going
to fall off the cliff here atage twenty nine. I believe for Aaron
Jones, Man, if there's onething, there's answer to your question,
what can what can be a bigchange to this offense? Really, regardless

of who's that quarterback throwing the ballto our running backs, Aaron Jones is
a top seven receiving running back inthis league. Let's do something we've never
done. Well. Let's under underKevin O'Connell. Let's start throwing to our
runners, bikes, bites. Ithought they threw to Cook quite well two

years ago. I think we cango a whole level past that year.
Maybe I'd have to look at hisstats, but yeah, I did feel
well, Okay, screen game?How about screen game? What do we
think like the run against Indianapolis toDalvin after they stopped Matt Ryan on fourth
down, then that screen to Dalvinthat win a million yards? That was
sweet. That was a nice touchdownright there. Dalvin could catch you,

absolutely could. I'm trying to I'mscrambling. So here's I got it.
His final season in Minnesota, yep, can I guess? Go ahead?
Forty six receptions look, thirty ninereceptions for four hundred yards to ninety five.
It was only seven to six perreception, but it was as high

as like a three year span.It was his most targets going back to
twenty nineteen. Yeah, Aaron Joneshas got sixty reception upside in him if
he plays, if he's healthy forthe full season, I think they're there.
Well, I know but I justdon't know exactly how to explain it
until either I'm told awi to explainit or I see it. There are
different running back routes that you cando or utilize with Aaron Jones that you

can't with a lot of running backs. And I'm not saying Dalvin's one of
them. Like you know Dalvin screens, yes, good. The screen is
an angle route or a wheel routeinvolves like becoming a receiver. A screen
is a running back waiting for theoffensive lineman to get in front of him,

and there has to be a beator two and a pause when you
get it so they can set upshop. That's a struggle. Adrian Peterson
all way. That's why they neverscreened Adrian. He just couldn't wait.
I mean, he'd get the balland be like, Okay, who do
I kill? Who do I runthrough? Now? You'd think you could
through eight years he was here orwhatever. I think you could train that
into him. I'd have to learnmore about the analytics with Love and Jones

and Rogers and Jones. I don'tthink the screen bit was super high.
The angle routes, you know,so x amount of steps stay to the
right hard cut left over the middlekind of a running back version of an
angled shallow cross and then go thatway and the blockers are out in front
of you, or the wheel route, which every team does with every running
back over the history of the NFL. But they're just different things I'm being

told you can do with Aaron Jonesin the passing game for sure, Vikes
bites final thing for you, atleast for this segment. The Vikings total
via fan duel right now is it'ssix and a half. About that?
Would you hammer one side of thatin particular? And clearly the implication here,
and that's the lowest total and Ihave the division rivals here, but

six and a half. Clearly theimplication is that there's a continued setback or
a continued downturn, a continued regression, given how twenty twenty three ended just
six and a half, gentlemen,I was going to bring that up to
you later in the show. Iposed the question or the statement a couple
of days ago from DraftKings though,but it's the same number, and it's

Green Bay and Detroit are each tenand a half wins. Now, we
got overs and undershaded here, butjust numbers wise ten and a half,
the Bears eight and a half.Yeah, well, this is obviously you
know pre draft wagering, and youjust you don't. There are certain limits,
you know, before the draft,The limits increase after the draft,

the limits increase after training camp starts, stuff like that. But Nordo's right,
I mean at FanDuel and DraftKings,your football teams at six and a
half, I mean, in thiscolor a cheerleader, radio, homerrific radio.
Uh. Something I'd never do.Uh, but it just like you
would. You would never do anyof those things. No. At first,
blush, it feels it feels liketwenty two grand to win ten on

because it's it's it's it's it's no, it's not minus two twenty excuse me,
it's But nevertheless, the over Idon't know what it is like,
the minus whatever, but six anda half period, what do you think,
Oh, I'll tell you the twentytwo to win ten that I was
thinking. I didn't write it down. It's when I was researching this early
in the week. It's Banduel orDraftKings are both, but the total for

quarterbacks and oh no, I sawit in the Tolstoy. Yeah, four
and a half. So then Idouble checked it. It's still four and
a half, but it's it's it'sminus it's now minus two sixty. For
the over you had it too,twenty it's minus two sixty. We'll talk
about that later. The six anda half for the Vikings, what do
you think six and a half?Hitting me? So the how of this

turns into a Sam Darnald discussion.I think Sam Donald's even if this team
drafts somebody at moves to three orfour, or if they draft somebody at
their natural positions, there's a goodtassa kids sitting and sitting for a while,
And so this becomes, in parta discussion on Sam Donald and if
you think Sam Donald can generate winsfor your team, So let's just it's

one hundred to win, just underseventy by the way, is it yep?
One it's minus one forty four.Yeah, thank you. Here's what
we know about Sam and that's apretty heavy number. By the way,
A one. It's like the higheryou get, it's going to go up
a half, you know what Imean? If they keep crushing the over.
You know, with Donald did notplay meaningfully last year, but he

was if you go back two seasons, he was Carolina's backup behind Baker Mayfield.
But then eventually they cut Baker Mayfieldout right and he went to the
Rams and that whole thing with BakerMayfield and then Sam Donald in a playing
in those six games that he playedat the end of left into two years
ago with Caroline, he won fourof them. That wasn't all bad.
Seven interceptions, but no seven touchdownsseven touchdowns, thank you. Three picks

like two or three picks, right, But in totality it's not very good.
He's played. He's played thirty eightcareer games I believe. Yeah,
thirty eight career games with the Jets. The only one thirteen there is winning
percentage is three seventy five. Imean that's well, we'll chat about it
in the final hour. That's almostdraw a line through the past performance because

of the skill position players are lackedthereof yea that they had compared to like
what he will have. This isthe best spot he'd be in as a
starting quarterback ever by a million miles. So if he's throwing to Justin Jefferson
and TJ. Hockens, Edison andJones on the angle all right, so
you laid it out nicely. Well, have the rubber meet the road,
because you are futures guy on andsee this is you're under six and a

half, I am, which meansit, you know, for six and
a half means we believe you're gonnalose twice to the Lions. We believe
you're gonna lose tw ice to somebodyelse in your division is split with the
other team. Yeah, I do. I think there's I think we're looking
at like one win in the divisionas it sits right now, pre rapt
and I get to change my mindbetween now in September, of course,

as we sit right now holding elevenand twenty three, and with Sam Darnold
is their starting quarterback, I thinkthis team is in the five to six
win range. Those are vikes bites, Bikes bites, by the way,
provided by Thousand Hills Lifetime grazed grassfed beef. You're listening to the Friday
Football Feast on k Ev. Yeah, what I was, what I was

referencing is the the well, thethe nugget that you had in as we
call the Tolstoy, but it's ait's it's Tolstoy War and Peace esque each
and every Thursday, from the wellprepared Paul Charchian. But it's his book
of bits, it's it's it's thenotes that he will send nine to noon

in advance of a Friday football feast. And one of the notes that you
had in there was quite intriguing tome, and it was quite telling,
and I just couldn't believe what Iwas seeing, and I forgot to relook
or to look to see if it'sstill the case. But it was.
It was from fan Duel, andit was quarterbacks drafted in the first round

and the over under according to theTolstoys four and a half. Yeah,
and the the over if you thinkthere will be more than four and a
half quarterbacks drafted in the first round, more than four. So if you
think five or higher, well that'syou. You have to put up your
twenty two dollars to win somebody else'sten or now it's twenty six I believe,

which I can't believe. It's minustwo sixty and they haven't moved it
to a five. But see,moving it to a five could lead to
a push, and then they reallydon't want that. So I mean,
how are there not five quarterbacks drafted. How is this not a twenty six
grand to win ten? I meanjust not that you can bet that amount,

but I mean you can spread itout all across the country under world.
But Williams Daniels, McCarthy, MayPennix Junior, I mean, how
is that not an absolute first five? I got five on it first round.
Since so I'm with you, itfeels like Knicks or Pennix is going

to find his way into the firstround by some team that wants maybe the
extra fifty or guarantee for a quarterback, or maybe it's a team that passes
on quarterback in the first round.Let's just say the Giants, for example.
Let's say the Giants dupe don't goquarterback in that first round. Ye
Now they're looking at the second round. They go, you know what,
if we move up just a handfulof spots, we can go into the
first round and go get Pennix orKnicks that may have fallen still be available.

There's a lot of scenarios. TheVikings left two cracks at Nix and
Pennix two cracks. Perhaps the chiefscenario is all of the offensive players that
are going to go in the topten. So therefore, the defensive players
that are going to drop, youmight get teams that are like, yeah,
I like Michael Pennix Junior. Yes, I like bow Knicks for these

nine reasons. And yes it isa deep quarterbacks draft, But are you
kidding me? This Toledo cornerback,we had him mocked, simulated slotted in
the top twelve, and area isat twenty two. We have to take
him, and that will happen quarterbacksback. Now, now, all of
a sudden, you're sweating a fatwager and you're stuck at four, and
like, well, Pennix Junior,I mean has to go right with the

twenty seventh pick, defensive player withthe twenty eighth pick, second tight end
with the twenty ninth pick. Ay, I mean that'd be crazy. And
if the Vikings pass at quarterback attwenty three and get us the coveted fifth
quarterback, they won't raft twenty three. Let me give you a couple other
scenarios where quarterbacks could go Dallas twentyfour. Yes, they're at a they

are at a breaking point. They'reat their Kirk Cousin's moment with Dak Prescott.
Yeah, so similar, Jack makinga ton of money hasn't equated to
enough playoff success for them can fillstats, you know, and he wants
a gigantic next contract. They're there, to a certain extent, taking the
same approach with him the Vikings tookwith Cousins. It's a line of delineation

we have. Yeah, we wantyou back, but we want Dak back
back Deak. But here it isand that's it. I mean, so,
I mean, we ain't going todollar over and and it's it's I
brought this up a little bit inPassing yesterday because of a Florio piece of
PFT I read the other day aboutthe trend of the way Jerry Jones is

is is moving with manipulating contracts.Oh just for Ceedee Lamb, Michael Parsons,
right, Dak Prescott. It's likehe's he he's serving the underlings because
it's easier and you're gonna get fewerno's. But with this superstar, he's
like messing around with all of them. Well, so let me ask you

this. You're Jerry Jones, andyou can keep two of those three Micah
Parsons, Ceede Lamb, Dak Prescott, and you have to pay them market
value they have the first two.I think so too. Yeah, I
think Dak would be third, Micahabsolutely, And then man, I mean
Ceedee Lamb is Cooper Rush though,and Ceedee Lamb will cost you half of

what Dak Prescott will cost. Now, you know, Dak's going to be
fifty million dollars a year and that'sa you know, that is a massive
commitment to a quarterback who has beengood, I mean by any measure good,
yeah, but not great. Butif you had to make if you
had to, like say, youwon something and the bonus was at whatever

casino, whatever landing spot, whateverit's, you have to bet this twenty
six grand on a single wager.No parlays, no teasers, no pleasers.
It's anything that you see in frontof you. And one of the
options is more than four and ahalf quarterbacks in the first round. And

well yeah, but I mean theother side of it though, the plus
two ten I'm I mean twenty sixlarge on a plus two ten You kidding
me? Yeah, it's plus onefifty on FanDuel right now? Is it
four and a half? Yeah,it's four and a half, thank you.
So what's what's the the over thanthe over be like two ten,
two five. Oh Wow, theover's gone down, So I think you'd
Wow, there's part of me i'dwant to take take a sucker back the

plus one and a half, I'dI'd probably i'd bet the under. I'd
throw one hundred bucks on that.If I'm betting a bunch of props for
the draft, and I mean,it's because you're betting on getting weird too.
You're betting on the idea that itisn't actually just bang bang bang bang
and everything that we've been talking aboutfor two months. It's absolute chalk.

The draft rarely ends up being likethat, So betting on it getting weird
only four going and instead of teamsjumping up into the late twenties, you
do it like people did with WillLevis last year, the Titans jumping up
on early Day two to grab theWill Levis. You just need two guys
to fall Nix and Pennox. Yeah, and you're getting paid one and a
half. But think about the lateststeam that I brought up earlier from the

NFL I saw at ProFootball talk dotcom. Because the NFL must not believe
Michael Pennix Junior and or bow Nixare going to be taken in the top
twenty. They didn't invite them tothe Detroit draft because they didn't want one
of them or both of them sittingaround with the cameras on them all the
time, saying, well, anotherpick went by. It's another defensive player

vern see by the way, we'rebehind it. But that is so annoyed
on the NFL part. You knowhow easy it would be to tell ESPN,
tell NFL network. How about theproducer stops panning and stops choosing the
camera on Will Levis as he sitsthere and he and his girlfriend become an
internet meme. How about you don'tabsolutely bring it up every single pick.

It's such an easy fix. Thesekids want to go to the draft picks
in the end, if they gotto stay another another night in a hotel
waiting for their name to be called, playing this invite system, that's so
stupid. But then if you havethe shield dictating to ESPN producer guy where

to put your camera and where notgo ahead and give Florio about thirty seconds
to catch that information. And startingwhere else are you controlling the producers?
Where else are you controlling the directors? Where else are you manipulating the game?
You're playing on Fridays, you're playingon Christmas, You're going to play
on Tuesdays. Now you're manipulating producersand directors. This has to stop.
Well, Floria would absolutely do that. But in the end, if you

just said, how about no camerasin the green room, I mean that
that's pretty simple. Yeah, don'tshow kids pouting in them? So easy,
I know, but it's so sadwhen you see it, I know,
and it is sad and limited fifteenthis year. Yeah, and I
think that's I just think that's dumb. I think there's such an easy fix
to this final hour of the FridayFootball Feast on this beautiful Friday from the

Cornfields. After that,
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