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April 15, 2024 42 mins
Continuing the ongoing conversation from the first hour about "THE" guy and "A" guy for the Vikings and QBs in this draft. Some news in the mix as well!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Man, he's rich from Cape Coral, Florida. I am of the opinion

that if Quazy and Kaos cannot gettheir guy by trading up, we should
stay at eleven and twenty three andsee if what chaos can do with Sam
Darnold period. After all, hewas a third pick of the draft.
A lot of town evaluators saw somethingin the kid. Let's give him a

chance. Okay, all right,well there's that, so some people are
on board with that. Let's saydtalkback machine, it's talkbacks for tickets.
Yeah, yeah, you're here.This class is loaded with forty to fifty
first round caliber prospects. I knowpeople might not like to hear this coming
out of the Spielman era, butwhat if we trade back from eleven,
get more capital, maybe some thisyear, maybe some next year. We

attack positions of need, We getcorner, we can get an offensive line
and edge rusher, all these positionsthat help bolster up the squad, and
then we take a ride with SammyD Baby as an aside. I now
see it on ESPN with Stephen A. Smith leading first take talking about the
NBA playoffs. Yeah, and Isaw it over the weekend on NBA TV.

It's how many Eastern Conference players overall? Tatum but Jannis Bulldog all of
them? How many Eastern Conference playersare you taking over? Jailen Brunson that's
on the screen right now. Whosaw the metamorphois and the wings spreading of

Jalen Brunson? Oh, last Septemberthe god that would be the con and
he played for the con artist andelevated him to the top four. Now
they took an l but the conand emerging elite basketball mind saw all of
this before anybody discussing it on firsttake. Give him the credit he so

richly deserves. Saved the music fireup nine to noon, Please pretty please
the A guy or the guy thefirst of the ten from ten for ten?
Well, what if the belief isbetween Daniels, May and McCarthy.

They're all the same guy for differentreasons, Okay, and they are loved
exponentially more than reachable quarterbacks from recentdrafts more so than so. They're all
the same but for different reasons.Cool, No matter which one we would

end up with, we would preferif they were opening veins, we would
prefer this one. Incrementally clear fromthis one, and why increment. Here
they come down to the finish line. Daniels, May and McCarthy spread across
the track into the final football field, Daniels surging on the inside, May

continuing to fight back, McCarthy indefatigable. They hit the wire. Bam.
Three horse photos separated by noses.That's if you look at it. If
they look at it that way,then a guy becomes the guy. Yes,
and you got three cracks at him. I mean you got a act

at three of them. So yourtrifective box in this thing. If absolutely
if that's the mindset, and let'sjust do it, it's Daniels, it's
May, and McCarthy will say,and that's the that's the trifective box.
Yeah. And no matter what youthink that you can win potentially at the
highest of levels with either of thesewell, in normal drafts, what was
laid out as number one on theten from ten to four to ten,

it that that's eighty seven percent absolutelydead on it. Super fair to spend
multiple segments analyzing. Personally speaking,I don't believe that's the case this year
now, Pennix Nix Rattler. Youknow again there are going to be a

handful potentially after the top four.Jave has brought this up the other day
where two three years from now they'regoing to hit systems and it works and
they get second contracts as starter.And you know there there are x amount
of quarterbacks in this draft where Ibelieve within their first twenty five to thirty

games cousins and what we knew andwhat we saw should be the baseline.
Now that should be the baseline.So now you have more youthful vigor simply
by age. They all have mobilitythat like Kirk didn't have. And remember
that season where Zimmer was the coach. I can't remember the coordinator, Clint

Kubiak maybe, and Kirk's gonna runa little more. Oh yeah, well,
I mean some of it worked.Remember at Kansas City when they needed
like eight or ten for a firstdown? Yeah, and he took off
Kirk's on the run pedal of themedal and you're ready, you're ready to
hit him with first down, firstdown, chains move fresh four and he

slid two yards short of the firstdown, even though he could have gotten
the first down. That's twenty nineteen, right, Why we lost to Matt
Moore, didn't we? Yes?Because yes, Wow, it was Matt
Moore. That's the first time Isaw Patrick Mahomes in person. And I'm
doing Vikings Football Sunday with Muss andit's like, I don't know, eleven
or ten oh four Central, there'sMahomes like stretching and rolling around the field

and I'm like, this what I'mten feet for? This is unbelievable how
this guy looks in person with thelegs and the thickness and he's tall,
and the muscles and the hair.So he moved me that way at that
moment. Clearly has moved everybody else, not only with his physique but the
way he plays. But the pointhere is what is natural and unnatural for

these three that we will be discussingand for Kerr like on the running,
on the running bit, you know, he I think he's run for nineteen
touchdowns something like that, so Imean he's run into the end zone.
Kirk has that he had to runthe Joseph game that I messed up at
the end. Kirk had a runin that game that I think is his
career long well. That no,that was at us Bank Stadium. It

was was against the Cardinals though,because it was Marcus Golden or somebody trying
to turn the corner. It firstgot him to the pilot. Oh,
that's right, when he turned thecorner right side on your side. Yep,
yes, but he had like atwenty one yard run, I thought
at Arizona. But it doesn't matter. Running as a thing is not natural
for Kirk Cousins, for Jade andDaniels. It's preferred for Drake May and

JJ McCarthy. It's natural. Yeah, And that's not an affront to Daniels,
like he can't pass because he can'tpass. But it's a guy or
the guy. It's just my beliefat the stage of the equation those three
all have the guy to them,just for different reasons. And if that

ends up being the case, thenthat's awesome. My The the the idea
behind putting that take into the intothe mist here. Yeah, for text
and talkbacks is well, your facehas changed, My face has changed?
Yeah. I mean Ricky Rubio wasthe first to point it out that I
need to change my face when hewas like pouting on the court too much
or whatever, But I need tochange my face. It was that Shved,

maybe Alexi Shved and I might beI mean, if I'm wrong here
and I'm speaking for you, Iapologize, please correct me. But I
think the last time you and Iwere discussing something like this on or off
the air, I I don't thinkthere are too many people in the country
who were more excited to trade upto get a quarterback than you. Yeah,

okay, well what flipped? WellI I and I still am excited
for that premise. But that iswhere so philosophically talking about that's That's what
I mean is is it goes backto the idea that the Vikings have put
themselves into this position. And itwas a week or two ago Rick Spielman
was discussing the idea that you know, this this, this is what they
have to do, and they're goingto overpay to do it. So a

little bit of subjectivity in terms ofthe the the over paying aspect of it,
but in the end they have tomove up. And so thinking about
it in what I mentioned about JadenDaniels, if you think Jaden Daniels,
or like a year ago when Quacysaid the only guy we would have been
interested in trading up for was waswas Bryce Bryce Young. So if that

is accurate, Let's say Jaden Danielsis your guy, and Jaden Daniels goes
number two, Well, the theare you still interested in flirting with New
England or flirting with the Cardinals?I have to go on reverse. Sorry
to cut you off in klomp.Is a trade up for Anthony Richardson would
have had that would have surprised meless than a trade up for Bryce Young.

So somebody can say this is youknow, and I know what you're
talking about, but it's like gettinghim at one is? I mean you
you can you can say that aboutones or those who go around there and
you're in the twenties for the restof your life, right and nobody can
a You're not going to do iton a lie to dector test, So
nobody's ever going to know the rightanswer. It's now. There were things

that popped up, I think throughguestline in the Star Tribune about Anthony Richardson
and where do you go? Three? He went? Four to the Colts.
Okay, there was there was theESPN guy, Brett Coleman or somebody
like that that said that they werethey had an offer on the table to
basically give away the franchise. TheVikings. Yes it did, Anthony Richardson,

but and I think that was theperception it was going to be available
seven to ten. So three four, that's that's you know, that's that's
farm house, side house, lakehouse, myrtle beat, that's the whole
thing. Right, So yeah,so anyway, but but philosophically, whether
it was Bryce and I'm not sayingand again you're right, you could sit

at twenty three like the Vikings,did they get Addison and say that the
only person we were even remotely interestedin trading up for is the guy that
was obviously going to go top two. Similarly, this year, if your
favorite guy and it isn't incrementally,it's Grand Canyon s chasm between Jade and
Daniels and Drake May and then downto JJ. My only point in this

is is going back to twenty eleven, the team takes Christian Ponder, not
necessarily because Christian Ponder was a guythat they identified. Christian Ponder was a
guy that existed and was there andavailable when they took him at eleven.
So if Jaden Daniels is your guy, or eleventh hour Washington's like, you
know what, let's go back toback tar Heels Gay didn't work out with
Sam Howell, we're gonna take hisbest buddy, Drake May, and we're

gonna draft him seconds now Jaden's available, but Drake May was your guy.
Are you still gonna move up toget a guy versus who? Again?
The quarterback coach marriage that Kos's talkedabout many times, as important as that
is, does he believe equally thathe can consummate that marriage with either one
of those three and he can makeplays and win a ton of games.
Or if it's their guy and he'sgone it too, you got to start

thinking about chilling. And then suddenlyit's Pennis and Nix oh my, and
suddenly Spencer Rattler with a dead threeappearance type of thing. So you're laying,
hey, guy, that's that's mything, right and and but my
only answer is all three are theguy. And then if that is the
case, I can't and I can'tpossibly state that is the case. It's

one of those Okay, Well,if we're going to put the guy in
the middle and they're going to tellthe truth because there's a bet at stake,
that's the take I would have isthat I wouldn't describe these guys as
a just just a guy. Andso therefore that then if you're if we're
putting faith in this regime, thatthey have d identified the guy or multiple

the guys, we'll get you up, move up and handle business, eliminate
the drama on Thursday. The twentyeleven piece that you tripped on, well,
that that ties into this because Ibelieve the Vikings. Let's see,
it's twenty eleven drafts of twenty tenbad year, Yeah, six and ten.

They're at the Senior Bawl. Don'tknow if they're coaching the Senior Bowl
staff or the Senior Bowl. Okay, there was one year the Vikings coached
one of the Senior Bowl teams.Well, Russell Wilson was the quarterback for
their team. And it doesn't matterwho said it. That would be twelve.

Yeah, it doesn't matter. It'sit's metaphorical water under a proverbial bridge.
But you couldn't have heard any moreglowing things about a person heading into
the next stage of your career thanI, or maybe some did about Russell
Wilson born leader. Does this?Does that? Runs big arm accurate draws

it up on the chalkboard, spectacularly. But he's five to three, but
he's too little. But transfer thistoo little? Well E win the third
round. So you know, multipleteams passed on him multiple times because of
that. Twenty eleven, that guywas Jake Locker, and it's either the

Vikings coach, the Senior Bowl team. Somehow they fell in love with Jake
Locker's leadership, and that's that's theone I believe they wanted. So I
don't remember what was shared or spreadup to the draft. You know,
Ponder always was the guy. Weliked all of them, and we would
have taken all of them, butChristian was the one that we liked the

most. I Cam goes first,take him out of the equation, make
him Caleb Williams. Locker was theone where you see here. You know,
if what I'm saying is true,then that ties into this year because
if you believe Locker, Gabbert andPonder in in really with all due respecting

as they we we've now seen avery low rated race. I mean it's
it's we got, you know,we got he props to blame though,
for finding his way on rosters forwhat north of a decade. Now,
good job brother. But for firstround quarterbacks as the guy or this is
it? This was the essence ofa guy. That wasn't it. It
was the essence of jag. Justa guy. But if they wanted locker

and felt they could sit wherever theysat to get him, didn't work,
got sniped. So McCarthy, mayDaniels or chill, we're good, we're
good. What well you didn't say, what well you didn't say you know
when we talked about Yeah, butgame change is competitive business. It's not
for the weak of heart. It'snot for the faint of heart. So

you just got to be careful whenyou're doing, no matter if you have
if you're giving three first round picks, you have to be careful because team
it benefits teams from a business standpoint, to play other teams against each other
and to lie. It benefits peopleto lie in this situation, which is

not a big shocker given the entitywe're talking about. But we digress.
So you know, it's here.We are ten days in front of it.
Now, we're four days in frontof it. Now, it's day
of Now, Caleb Williams goes,we got it, Cole, It's going
to be good. Then, youcall, and as you're calling, you
look up there, with the thirdpick in the twenty twenty four National Football

League Draft, we have a trade. The Las Vegas Raiders select Drake May,
quarterback North Carolina. What happened?Yeah, it's like what happened?
I mean, like with KD.Booker and bo and Grays and that.
What happened? How come it's neverclose it so you just got to be

careful of that. But well,and it's funny. I don't. I'm
just I'm not playing I'm not playingthe right game to play here, Okay.
The right way to play Monopoly isto play it by the rules and
try to stick Abbot with Baltic andMediterranean, try to get into Leber's neighborhood

with those orange properties, and ortry to get into Sauce's neighborhood with those
like Marvin gardens. But we're allsearching for boardwalk in park Place. So
that's the right way to play thegame. That's Berrero's neighborhood, the best
way. But the way this gameis played, it is won by those

who hide their five hundred dollars billsbelow the board to make it look like
they only have two seventy five andthey're stuck, and all of a sudden
they whip out six orange pieces ofpaper. Let's play. So there's de
Yeah, they're they're the right wayto play the game. Which you're describing

two first round picks voids in afair amount of places, mostly would be
perceived defensively, pass rushing, defensive. Brian Flores is fantastic at his job.
And now you have, for betteror for worse, analyze it however
you want. Smith by them,Mattellis, Evans, Blackman, Murphy,

Murphy, hmm, Bullerd just allPhillips, all of them. Now it
should be second nature, it shouldbe quick twitch. Okay. And there
was a patch last year with ratherobscure names where Flores had the back of
a failing offense. And when Isay failing, it's not like they weren't

rolling up and down the field puttingup yards. The freaking fumbles and they
kept fumbling inside the twenty, youknow, inside the bad twenty, the
negative twenty, when you're starting todrive Laura's defense. Buck up, Yeah,
got some young ho what's the guy'sname, some young coup some yeah,
no way, young your hoe,Oh young way coup young Way Falcons

kick. Yeah, but one ofthe words looks like ho. Yeah,
I think, but it's young Waygot it young Way. Yeah, so
up and Lanta's feeling good about itself. Flora's defense might have sent him the
other way ten yards field goal,Lambeau. You know it's there, it
is, it's it's you know,they get in trouble again and it's nearing
the end of the game. Iwas the Jaron Hall pick, right,

it was the strip sack strips.Preston Smith got him inside the fifteen maybe
right around there, and and theythey stuck him. Well, they went
backwards, Love and Crew went backfor backwards, went forward and fourth and
goal and got shut down. Yeah. So flores defense, the the the
the well. They ran out ofgas last year, right, I go

back. I would bet that HarrisonPhillips and some of these guys playing career
high and snaps it led to careerhigh in production. Lack of bodies man,
So yeah, some people get tired. Turner verse a super special Toledo
corner, something called kool Aid chop. They're all good. That's great dynamite.
Best of luck to you, ajepinessa. Best of luck to you

the rest of your career. Youdore gross Matas. I don't give a
flying bleep what they give up toget one of these three quarterbacks. Just
do it. I don't care.I couldn't care less. This has nothing.
Oh well, you've called game forhim for whatever, twenty whatever years.
You know you got to be closeto the end. It's you know,
it's nothing to lose or no.I care about the structure and totality

of the team, just you know, just by calling the games or being
a fan or doing the show.It's not I would never be you know,
I would never say voice of thefans. But we are you,
you are us. We just havedifferent jobs. So I get the FOURTIFI
here, FOURTI five there, tradeback. Add yes, it all makes
sense. Not this year, Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope

nope. The twenty twenty two draft, with all due respect, might be
an utter failure. How much didit set the team back? So you're
still playing? From that move forward, things got better. Addison pace and
the underrated asset of Quasia Dopo Mensa'swork that not many talk about. We

do here because it matters getting theroster younger and finding free agency money,
so that you're oh, like,say you have Jefferson signed before the season,
you'll still have like ninety million dollarsunder the cap. Yeah, to
get the new Grenards and the newVan Ginkols and the new cash Men's and
the new Aaron Jones. Well thatwasn't the case for a long time with

that metaphorical window open. Yeah,like fifteen years, it wasn't the case.
So that counts to in the equationof how somebody's handling a job.
So we start off behind a proverbialeight ball and it ain't great, but
it's gradually gotten better in certain areasthat can't be disputed. However, like
I said last week, is myman the general manager emptied his holster in

free agency and cutting Eyeballing Dalvin Cookand saying you have to leave is not
easy. Eyeballing Kendricks who is Viking'slinebacking immortality and asking him to leave is
not easy. But again another thingpeople don't bring up. Got out on
Kendricks on the right time, atthe right time, got out on Cook
probably at the right time. Thatcounts too, But none of it matters.

Of course it matters, But let'sspeak in grandiose metaphorical fashion. All
of that is secondary, all secondary. Correct not matters is too strong to
me. It doesn't matter. Sopeople can frame up the semantics however they
want. If the silver bullet inyour holster does not hit the beast,
the beast known as the next quarterbackin a quarterback rich, thick, deep,

talented draft, then it's all secondary. As you would say, that
beast has to hit. That bullethas to hit the beast. It's the
silver bullet, especially if you lookat the way the division's going. Man,
And that's a separate conversation. Weknow it. We won't really talk
about it that much. But they'reall heading the right way in a hurry.

Yeah, and your silver bullet needsto slay that beast not known as
the werewolf, but known as thefuture quarterback of the Minnesota Vikings. And
you have the currency, will youhave the partner? I believe you will.
And it has to so Okay,boom, got it, silver bullet
hit? No, I didn't.Guy's got to play. Guy's got to

be able to play. Okay.I mean, if the werewolf turns into
Frankenstein and runs like cousins, we'rein trouble. So the silver bullet has
to hit, but it had thebeast has to stay here. You're watching
some turner class. I have noidea where I was going with all of
that, but I think I gotit home, all right. Yeah,
So get the guy that's it.Get your guy. I'm trying to say

it differently from the way I hearit eight thousand times. Get your guys
probably the best way to do it. You understand what I'm saying. Be
right back. Welcome back nine tonoon, and we're going to kick things
off with thanks to Clearcut Exteriors.Yeah, go ahead. Oh it's a
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calm final round of the Masters,How did you stay so calm with all
of that? Yeah? I didmy best. You know. I tried
to stay patient on the course andwas able to make some key shots and
key putts today to kind of keepmy round going. And you know,
Lovely played played great today. Hemade a good move at me there on

the back nine, and I wasfortunate to kind of hold him off there
towards the end. Yeah, ScottyScheffler wins his second Masters, and then
in the last three years Pa elevenunder at a four stroke finish lead over
Ludwig Oberg and then behind him TommyFleetwood, Max Homo, Colin Moricara Morikawa
excuse me, finishing tied for third. He was staying calm because his wife

is about ready to give birth toa baby. Saw my lunch yesterday and
I had to check in with Mollyand say, hey, okay, ok
so, if I'm on the vergeof winning the Masters and you go into
labor, what's the play here now? Scotty Scheffler said he had an escape
plan, so that's all good.Yeah, Mollie, she says, what's
how we're feeding the family? Yeah, go ahead and win the Masters.

Scotty Scheffler is. And and I'mgoing to put golf in with the the
core four of team sports. Imean, this is this is an individual
game. Okay, it's a sport, but you know, for the context
of the conversation, it's a game. I guess. I guess you have
a team and your teammate would beyour caddie, and that undoubtedly matters with

whatever the caddy offers during the courseof a run, which probably is a
lot. But when I'm thinking fiveon five, eleven on eleven or whatever,
it's in an individual type sport liketennants. But I'm going to put
it in with superstars from all sports. What what an incredibly humble human beings.
Scottie Scheffler is. He's great.I mean he is just you watch

him after amazing shots or how hehandles problems or consternation or bad shots,
I mean, like awful shots aremissing, like little tiny short punts,
tantrums, throwing clubs, dropping fbombs like Zach Johnson that that doesn't seem
to be the case with him.He seems to be super even keeled,

incredibly humble and that of humility.So I watch golf four times a year
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clearcut exteriors. Clearcutexteriors dot com forfree roof analysis. It is exteriors with
an X and clearcut. Thank youfor the clear cut clip from the weekend.

A couple more for you here toclose and the end first of baseball
Twins split in Detroit. They winthe doubleheader on Saturday, but they book
ended that with Friday and Sunday losses. Carlos Korea kind of news over the
weekend. He's to the ten dayIL with an oblique strain. Yep.
So you got Duran who had hisoblique strain in mid March, still not
back yet, I don't believe.Now we got Royce Lewis just trying to

round second base and he's out fora month. And now Carlos Korea.
So continuing to weather injuries theme themeof the day and theme of the month
so far for the Twins. They'reat Baltimore and then they're home versus the
Tigers starting on Friday. To theNBA Boday, quickly, what the hell
happened yesterday? I mean it's aten to three nothing lead, right right.
I think they're six and eight,all right, But I mean they

kicked the bleep out of the Tigersin that double header. I mean,
we're running around bases like it's likeKirby God rest his soul, Herbeck Gyetti
Gladden in the Gang and like reallygood World Series winning teams like that.
So Randon, we score three thenext day, which is quite Twins esque

for twenty twenty four. But they'rewinning three zero on the bottom of the
eight, right, So it lookslike this is gonna be a dub.
It's gonna be three in a row. It's gonna be three in a row,
four Rock go in a row,four Rock Go. So I didn't
watch that part of the game.Clearly it's the bullpen over over in the
brief part I was watching was terrific. I mean, he he I thought

he was six, shutout three,k I don't my man was in carg
Yeah, absolutely, but so Idon't know the names. I mean,
it's the bullpen, I get it, but holy cow, four in one
inning after scoring none the entire gameand struggling to score the previous day in
a doubleheader. That's baseball, Iguess. Yeah, theielbar got beat up.
Was it theel bar? It wassteel bar? And Griffin Jacks came

in he might have gotten tagged foran XUE one. Yeah, you got.
I mean, when your battling,when you are a team of this
caliber, whether you think it's highend or lack thereof, and you're losing
more than you're winning, and you'regoing punchless into virtually every day and every
night, and you got a threezero lead on the road against a team
that might win the division and you'reinto the bottom of the eighth, that

has to be a victory. Idon't care if it's a marathon or a
sprint. For a team made uplike this team, that has to be
a dob they think, I mean, that's that's kind of a bad loss.
Speaking of bad losses, or atleast tough losses, the Wolves weren't
able to figure out the Phoenix Sunsthis year. Zero and three against the
Suns, the only team in theWest that they didn't win and maybe the

only team in the West they didn'thave at least a five hundred record against.
But the Wolves lose one twenty five, one oh six yesterday, and
as part of that, because OklahomaCity and Denver both won, Okay,
sees your number one seed in theWest, they're waiting for play in action,
the Denver Nuggets waiting for playing actionis the number two seed, and
the Minnesota Timberwolves are actually playing thePhoenix Suns. So hopefully yesterday is not

indicative of the series. But Iwant to hit you with this though,
playing games, So La La isat the Pelicans this week, yep,
for the seven to eight play inand the winner of that game Pelicans hosting
the Lakers will be the seventh seedand they'll go to Denver. The nine
and ten play in the Kings andthe Warriors. So a little it's it's

gonna be area of funk, baby, Oh, it's gonna be awesome.
And you know, we were playingthat game of who do you want to
face? Where do you want tosit? You know, even if even
if we win yesterday, I thinkwe still end up the second seed.
So if we move on when we'rehosting the Nuggets instead of going to Denver.
Yeah, me too. Well,I've watched all three of the games
this year and I'm not going tosay they can't beat them, but man,

oh man, have those three Imean that eighty seven? I mean
yesterday the first quarter was ridiculous.Yeah, how they had one level of
intensity and teamwork and physicality, andwith all due respect, we weren't close,
right, So then it evened outa little bit once Bradley Beal and
Anthony Edwards almost got Bradley Beal triedto goad Anthony Edwards into a fight.

Well, he talked about it afterthe game too, And that's their goal.
If you look at Anthony Edwards thisyear, the rising star that he
absolutely is. Fourteen points a gamehe averaged against the Suns, like they
figure out a way to limit him, frustrate him. Maybe not as overtly
in the previous games as it wasyesterday, but that's their mission is shut
him down and then say what elseare you gonna do? So guess what

if Edwards gets thrown out, wehave less than a five percent chance to
beat them. Correct, If Booker, Durant or Beal get thrown out,
they have more than a five percentchance a beating us. And that's the
problem. Yesterday it was Beale forthirty six. Booker can go off.
I think in the first matchup ofthe year it was Kevin Durant who couldn't
miss a freaking shot in the game. So this team throughout the year,

I just can't wait. You're gonnahave Grady, You're gonna have Jim Peaton
studio here at the top of thehour to dig into it. Just the
first quarter team that the Wolves havebeen this season. They didn't do that
yesterday. So if you look atthat small sample size, whatever happened yesterday
dre in the first quarter, allthose turnovers eight or ten in the first
quarter alone, like twenty in thefirst half. Obviously that can never happen

again. But jumping out of thegates for this team, they're a fast
start operation. They've been a thirdquarter, closed the door operation for the
most part this year. Let's findthose things. Finchy's got five days to
put it all together for Saturday.Okay, A couple of nuggets for you,
A couple of tidbits from the Wolvesand the Suns this year of the

I heard Alan Horton say this onthe radio yesterday. Of the five largest
deficits the Wolves have had this year, three of them have taken place against
Phoenix. So I mean, ifwe're getting our down thirty on, it's
generally either here against them or inthe Valley of No Fun. Secondly,

the Wolves, the timber Wolves werenever within single digits versus Phoenix in any
second half this season. Okay,we got six quarters for a grand total
of twenty four forty eight seventy two, So we got seventy two minutes of
basketball and we never were down.It's ephn like a nine, nine or

fewer. It was always ten ormore. Yet, I mean, I
just I can't. It's it's lookingat Scoresanodds dot Com. I think that
that's where I looked last night.The Wolves are favored by one and a
half in Game one, and theseries is fifty to fifty, like one
to fifteen both ways. Are youI mean seriously no, It's I can't

believe what I'm saying. Whatever thatmatchup is, Like, hey, look
at how well the Wolves matchup againstthe Clippers. We've seen different variations of
this team. White, by theway, Cat back in the mix yesterday
wasn't in the mix for the lowscoring one? Was that in Phoenix?
I think the one couple of weeksago and then and then the blowout earlier
on they got us from the beginningthat was very similar to yesterday. So

what cat was a shine was theonly shining point when they scored one thirty
three honors or whatever in that firstgame. Yeah, I think Kat had
a big game in that game.Okay, so you know where are the
outliers in those three games? Isit the weird low scoring? They'll figure
it out exactly so it will layon it segment and after segment after segment

the rest of the week and Finchand Mike and Noorian company have to figure
that out too. That's news Denordbrought to you by the casino at Canterbury
Park. By the way, it'spoker, it's blackjack, table games all
year round. Canterbury Park dot comto find the live racing schedule only spot
you should figure out how to spendtime with your family all summer long at
Canterbury h Thank you for that.Now, Michael Grady and Jim Peterson,

who call Timberwolves games on TV,they will be in studio with the nine
to noon team about fifteen minutes fromnow, and we're excited about that much
more. Around the corner, it'skvam fadda Nordo. You know, it

may be April right now, butcome to twenty fifth. I think it's
gonna look a lot like May mayDay, May Day, may Day.
McCarthy takes the snap, takes thehand off to Joanes, shakes the shoulders,
fires deep left side to Jefferson JJ, JJ lead. It's twenty three,

twenty Minnesota. All right, Paul, I've got a take for you.
I think JJ McCarthy is this year'sWill Levis. I track drafts every
year, right and mock drafts specifically. I look at what the analysts say.
I think just about everyone had WillLevis in the top twelve last year.

A lot of them had him numberfour, a couple of people even
at number two, and look whathappened to him. I think the same
thing might happen with JJ this year. Well it did that. I like
the talk back a lot because whenin there daggering, some significant points offered
up a comparison. I you know, I don't happen to completely agree with

the comparison. But then again,we haven't seen McCarthy play in the NFL.
I like Will Levis, the mostplayers do off what I know from
him last year. It's I justit's I don't know, I do know,
but I mean it's people overly glorifyor are overly harsh about people too

soon. And you know, youcan make it a metaphor for life,
or you can just look at anNFL analysis. People jump. We don't
have to score a touchdown on thefirst play every game. We don't have
to implode the building because the concoursesaren't wide enough first time. Somebody says
this building sucks. Time for anew one. I mean there, So

let's let we'll play a little bithere. Let's let will play a little
bit with a new coaching staff andno Derrick Henry on whom and he's good,
but on whom you have to relyx amount of times a game.
All game plans are built around arunning game. Let's see what happens when
all game plans are built around apassing game with a receiver. They may
take at like pick six or wherepick seven, wherever they are, so

Levis, But when it comes tothe everybody said. That's when I say
I don't look at mock drafts becauseI don't want and this is again I'm
not even gonna qualify it anymore.Because mock drafts are popular, people like
to do it. I don't gofor the everybody said, because the everybody
are those who select in the NFL. So everybody said Levis should fall about

there. Every not everybody said JamiirGibbs should fall there, but enough did,
including one. You see what I'msaying, yep. So yeah,
it's the those laying out the subterfuge, those looking for website clicks, or
those just flat lying and pretending theyhave sources that subterfuge season. That's the

everybody said this should happen that Ican't follow that. I just I can't
follow that. But on the otherside of it, I'm not, you
know, gonna lay out like aone through thirty two of my own because
I don't follow it. But Imean, you know, nine to Noon
says we don't follow it, sowe have fun not following it. And

I'm either in eagerly either is goingto land, which happened many many years
for yours truly walking into the powertrip mock draft and saying it's Anthony Barr
saying it's Percy Harvin saying it's this. That's not the case anymore. And
I like that because it helps usget to the answer different roots, and

it just makes for more juicy,bountiful talkers where I think I have the
answer, but I'm not completely sureto the talkback machine more on these qbs.
This guy doesn't want to take therisk of waiting morning Fellas. I
just wanted to ask when Qracy cameaboard three years ago, was he asked
by ownership to keep roster as itwas as opposed to kind of going to

get his players right away, thinkingownership knew that they had a championship roster.
So maybe now we're starting to seehow Qracy cooks with this free agent
class that he brought in. Andof course draft hasn't been great, but
he's got a big one coming uphere. So thoughts do you think the
competitive rebuild from management is what forcedhim to do what he has been Well,
A big part of that conversation,thank you for the talkbacks, has

been the fact that it feels likein some ways and Quacy has been asked
this, he hasn't answered it inin true forth right, open book style.
With the idea of getting younger andbeing more flexible, flexible a term
that has been indeed thrown about TCOdown An Egan many many, many,
many many times. Most recent examplemight be this transaction they did with the

Texans, creating flexibility in the firstround. Getting younger, more flexibility and
going and getting your guy seems tobe on the to do list for the
general manager. Those talkbacks free iHeartRadioapp at the microphone, give us up
to your best thirty seconds and whenwe return in studio courtesy of Ballely Sports
North the TV the Dynamic duo MichaelGrady Jim Pteron in studio Final Hour talking

about the Wolves and Phoenix Suns aswe enter the NBA Playoffs, where you're
home for the Howl, where you'rehome for nine to noon. It's the fan
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