All Episodes

April 17, 2024 46 mins
Takes and talkers that are on our minds with 8 days until the NFL Draft! Some NBA conversation during news as the Wolves approach the playoff series with the Suns!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Okay, Nine to Noon has aFriday football feast Friday at Buffalo Wild Wing
Savage, Scott Studwell, Minnesota VikingsDefensive Immortality. I believe we'll be on
air, on site, on demandand on fire with nine to New plus
Kevin Lynch with Bally Sports North withthe Timberwolves playing at two thirty the next

day. Kevin the Lynch is goingto join PA in charge this Friday at
Buffalo Wild Wing Savage, which willbe six days in front of the NFL
Draft, so obviously a football bentbut also hour will love it. Hal
we'll get center stage in the finalhour with the postseason beginning the very next

day. In fact, the NBAhas has released some sket a schedule and
some times and some dates for teamsand pairing and stuff like that. And
I looked at the Wolves earlier,so I know Saturday is two thirty,
and do we come back with acouple of ten thirties after that or do
we got like a seven in there? Well, the home games are looking

nice, So it's two thirty onSaturday. Then Tuesday it's a six thirty
pm tip off. Wow, howabout that? Tris nice? I mean
the NHL would never treat us likethat, There's no doubt. Yeah,
but then you got to go toPhoenix and you hit game three which is
Friday nine to thirty pm. Tipoff on Friday eight thirty pm for game

four in Phoenix on Sunday. Okay, So, but it looks like,
at least the way they're playing itso far, the home games are going
to be reasonable. You're gonna beable to party at Target Center and even
treat yourself on a school night.So it'll be fine. So as as
has been the case the last coupleof weeks nine to now and will be
the case today. We we beinga radio show serving you and for those

choosing to listen to nine to noona KFA in. The least we can
do is give you an opportunity tohave your voice end or opinions heard.
That's via the free iHeartRadio app.It's the Baby Talkback feature with the baby
microphone and thirty seconds, which isnot a lot of time, but you
get thirty seconds to voice an opinionoff by anything you've heard today regarding the

NFL draft or I mean, wecan slide the hewl in there if you
want, because like the last segmentwhen when Nordo and I quote Riff end
quote back back and forth about howthe Timberwolves can win this series. You
know that's a common thread. Nineto Noon has been all season, but
certainly is this week started the radioshow with a learned basketball mind named Dane

Moore who does a podcast called theDane Moore Podcast The Box. Alan Horton
who calls games on Kfan. He'sthe radio broadcaster for the Minnesota Timberwolves radio
play by play as a box.He will start the show tomorrow, I
believe with nine to Noon we're gonnahave Horton and studio for a couple of
segments right out of the gate.Then Kevin Lynch, former mister Basketball in

the State of Minnesota, and that'ssaid. That's I mean, it's quite
the accomplishment, but nevertheless he stillwas mister Basketball in the state. In
the state of Hockey. I alwayslove that one, which has a has
a weird twist to it. ButKevin is an elite basketball mind. He
played in the NBA and he willbe at Buffalo Wild Wing Savage this Friday

with PA in charge. But thatthat would be an ancillary piece when it
comes to the National Football League Draftand your talkbacks with the opportunity to win
ducats, to win comps, towin tickets to the draft party, which
takes place a week from tomorrow.And our draft party, by the way,

is provided by Yeah It's all localKFA, and draft coverage is going
to be brought to you by Pep'sDraft House Pizza. Thank you, PEPs,
got you, Thank you Hardcore Football. Thus eight takes and or talkers
providing and or circular or circumnavigating tediumtrust triumph and there could be some tumult

up in this thing. Yay,yeah this hey eight yeah eight, Oh
my god, Drake May Jill.This has been a common thread for nine
to noon. I mean last threeweeks. I think I attempted to put
together or compile some like we're thirtydays or thirty two days from the draft

or whatever. We did a thirtyfor thirty, thirty for thirty and I'm
like, all right, this canbe cool, you know, Like ninety
minutes later, I still had fourto go, and I'm like, this
sucks and this is hard, Okay. I mean it's when you don't watch
college football and you're not tapping onpeople left and right about non quarterback situations.
This that that was an arduous endeavor, but mind to Noon enjoyed it.

It triggered some talkbacks, caused thecon to h to walk into the
six five one carpets plus studios withthree sheets of paper and say, dude,
you do know there are one hundredtalkers that have come out of this
and I'm like hey, So subsequentlywe moved on with it. I think
there was a because I'll put steamin it, but I just won't say

it's steam, and I won't.I'm never going to be, you know,
a source guy. I just Imay say it, or I may
reference it occasionally, but I'm notlike breaking. I got a source who
told me this, But I fellinto a Kentucky running back name that I
think we've we've we've put in thereover the course of time. And I
got a quarterback for you today.And then May McCarthy. McCarthy, May,

I mean, I think I thinkwe're still in the same fishbowl,
maybe just under different rocks. Bossespounding on, pounding on your boy,
pounding on yours. Truly with thewith the quote, you know it's not
bad if they take two defensive playersat eleven and twenty three, And you're
right, I mean two first rounddefensive players in a draft that is the

first round is super offensively heavy throughthe first half of it. Yeah,
you could get you could get probablyNordo's turner cat and maybe the super special
Toledo corner. Or you could sellthe metaphorical farm and get a quarterback and

then buy hashtag football faith. Hopeyou're right, which I don't think is
that much of a leap, giventhe head coach and then the complementary players
skill players around a said Slinger,who, by the way, I would
I would speak in of metaphorically bettingfarms if I had one and I like
walked up to the door and went, I am Paul, do you mind

if I buy your farm and didsomebody steal my computer? If that were
the case, I always love thatone. Then yeah, I would say,
I would say that that what we'retalking about again, the yeah,
the meta uh, the metaphor ohthat the whomever they draft, well won't
won't play the first game, firstregular season game, probably we'll play,

but don't know when. But Iyeah, I would that would be the
metaphorical farm. Did you steal mycomputer with Darnold starting the season. Number
one. So what we're doing hereis around the corner we we will opine
on these if indeed there is anythinguh yes, six four six eighty six
for the Brian Shawn Brian KFA andtext line. You won't win tickets that

way, but if it's more convenientfor you to to opine uh Nordo mat
producer as the text machine right infront of him and for the purpose of
the draft party tickets courtesy of PEPs, the talkbacks are required. Number one
late NFL Draft Steamy Steamy steam isthe Giants are in this quarter race.

Now that's popped up a lot withstories and publicly and everything. But this
squad, at this stage of theequation, it's been a let's say,
non sequitur. It's been a sidepiece. It's been the the the Bears
commanders along with New England and Minnesotaand Denver and Vegas and well that's been

the Thanksgiving meal. But like anancillary side piece to it, the Cranberry
or whatever has been the New YorkGiants and like what do they have up
their sleep? I mean, thissquad is looming somewhat as a silent yet
rank outsider, and many are gettingloud about it. And nine to noon

definitely is hearing those who are gettingloud about it, whether it's getting loud
under the cover of darkness or it'sstories that we read from people we trust,
like Peter Schrager and his mock atNFL dot com. So it's it's
when I say late NFL draft steamysteam, well, that's because it's really

starting to pop up now. It'sbeen there, but it's starting to get
loud. Now. Yeah, widereceiver has been a talker for them,
but now it's I've even seen tradeup scenarios at this stage. So number
two of the eight days from thedraft, thus eight takes and talkers it
it. I mean it kind ofkind of answers the question as to whether

the steam potentially is more than loomingas somewhat a silent rank outsider. Number
two, Daniel Jones got Peaches fired. There was no meatal Lands miracle to
pull him out of this one.I always love that one. We'll just
leave it at that. Daniel Jonesgot Peaches fired. I always love that

one. Quarterback from the New YorkGiants. Number three, all right,
here we go. This This playsoff a little bit what you dropped her
invits by. It's a long shot, but Courtland Sutton a wide receiver for
the Denver Broncos. Who Courtland Suttonis skipping Broncos off season workouts, reportedly

because of a contract dispute, whichcould mean he sign and tradable worthy to
say Arizona with that twelve spot andwhatever else. So anti bike ain't afraid.
The anti bike is not afraid.The antibike is a lot of things,

and one of them is he's notafraid. Well, all of a
sudden, they got a problem withCortland Sutton. Now Courtland's in the back
half of his career, not surecontractually exactly what that looks like or what
he makes. But Arizona wants areceiver, all right, So now you
start thinking about this giant steam that'slooming. It's looming and it's percolating,

it's hotter than ever. Well,the Arizona Cardinals are the wild card with
the Giants, because the Cardinals wanta receiver, and they want a receiver
badly. So you swap with theVikes, you go back to eleven.
Maybe you don't get exactly the receiveryou want. You swap with the New
York Giants. At six, youget exactly the receiver you want. You

you swap with the anti Vike attwelve, all right, well we'll roll
with number two Lsu guy, orwe got a sneaky you know, the
Washington cat. He's gonna be longgone. That that's who I think they
want. The Cardinals adunza adundundunzea dounzapi tisa, pisa tissue. Right,

the Cardinals want a receiver, soit's easier to get exactly who they want
at six that would be the Giants. What if the anti Vit calls and
he's like, well we got Cortland, you can have him and and and
the twelve well, I mean heis a very good receiver back half of
his career, very good receiver.So just noam just pondering a little bit,

because we're eight days from the lifechanger. Yeah, Thus the eight
takes and or talkers. I toldyou that provide tu mault and tedium and
twists and eventually try um. Welcometo the team, Drake may or JJ
McCarthy. I'd like you to meetJosh Reynolds. He just came in from

Detroit. Marvin Mims and little JordanHumphrey. What your top three targets anti
bikes signed to Josh Reynolds. JoshReynolds is the no. He was.
He was kind of clutch for Goffinright, right, and so therefore Tim
Patrick hasn't been healthy in like threeyears. Yeah, and kJ Jerry Jet

number four. I find myself reallyinterested in Michigan defensive tackle Chris Jenkins,
whose dad, Chris Senior started amillion games for Carolina and he was a
menacing presence. I mean, Ididn't look this up. I'm just going
to go off the instincts provided bythe gridiron gospel. Chris Jenkins Senior beefeeder

in the middle, quick twitch,think Pat Williams more than Kevin Williams,
but he could get to the quarterback. My man had to be an All
Pro forget the Pro Bowl, that'sa popularity contest. Had to be All
Pro first or second team at leastthree times, and Chris Jenkins played eight.
I don't know if he played hisfowl career with Carolina, but Chris

Jenkins Sr. Was a stone calledbadass as a defensive tackle. Okay,
well, his son was part ofthat elite Michigan defense where a lot of
high end players, as I've learned, have in certain situations pulled away from
other high end players. So you'relooking at number twenty my stealing the show.

Fourteen tackles, seven tackles for loss, two sacks and two picks.
All right, Well, like thisguy over here who wears whatever, he
paved the way for all of it, but he's not getting the credit.
And then you get Chris Jenkins Junior, who's a menacing presence, and all
right, everybody's focusing on him.Well, there is a corner who locked

somebody down, lockdown Marvin Harrison Juniorone on one so beautifully that it afforded
Jenkins Junior and or other defensive linemento be able to do their thing.
I mean, the can you tellthe word unity is the common thread with
faith in Gold today. Unity,harmony and lacking acrimony is what that Michigan

defense was all about. People feedingoff each other in the ultimate team game
and not caring who goes first andwhy. And Chris Jenkins Junior was part
of it. So but it seemslike it's gonna bug the con because he
has that Priday Show with Saucy andwe don't have any picks. It seems

like Chris Jenkins Junior like he's onethat will fall in. Let's just call
it the Friday Football Least. Ialways love that one, the Friday Football
Least in the day. We haveno picks. Chris Jenkins Junior, don't
leave home without him, really reallywould love to have him on the Minnesota
Vikings. Number five. What's morelikely? What's more likely? The Vikings

trade up for a quarterback and siton him a majority of the season and
win so few games the pick theytraded to get said quarterback is top five
and twenty twenty five. Or theystay healthy and start hot with Darnold.
New guy has to play for whateverthe reason and is ready to go,

and they win at least ten games. What's more probable? The way I
laid that thing out, chew onthat. We'll talk about a next segment.
Number seven con wants a guard.So we went sniffing and came up
with Michigan Zach Center. By theway, Josh mittellis a former Michigan Wolverine.

Indeed, it's on the radio showabout forty five minutes from now.
Yes he is. So here's thedeal. Zach Center broke his leg November
of last year. All right beforethat, he already was named first team
All American. But we got brokenleg terrorism, which is perfect. That's

perfect. I'm sorry you broke yourleg, but it's really gonna help us
if you fall in the draft toa certain spot, because I think he
would fit in here and con wantsa guard. Yes, major key,
this Zenter to maybe the best offensiveline in the land. He was a
team captain three time Big Ten firstteam offensive lineman all right, three time,

and now I think one cat wetook years ago, Ya Davis,
Let's put him off to the sidefor a second. Yeah. Correct,
they're outliers, okay, but they'refor every outlier, there's a Joe Jamas.
So for every outlier, there isa that guy. Free time Big
Ten first team offensive lineman generally workout in the NFL, all right,

but he broke his leg very latein the season. Thus, I think
it would be cool were this thefirst Saturday snatch for the Minnesota Vikings.
Oh I love that. That wouldbe the fourth round, Yes, sir,
number seven last six drafts. Threeguards have been selected on average in

the fourth round, most of anyround. Finally number eight, depending on
how this whole quarterback wandery goes,depending on how the functioning snipability works,
depending on whether Daniel Jones gets Peachesfired twice, depending on what the Giants
op to do, depending on whatthe anti Vike does not talking to Courtland
Sutton, depending on Arizona's desire toget a receiver at six or eleven or

twelve or thirteen. Already with anembarrassment of riches for these cards. Six
picks in the first ninety Holy cow, that's cuttiness. So whether you take
a quarterback via trade up, andso you know, now we're thinking Saturday,
like the Saturday snatch to start theday being Zach Zenter the guard from

Michigan. I'm in on that.Well, let's just keep going. Let's
just keep going to see what happens. Let's keep quarterback draft threach in to
announcer and others, believing there willbe right around the handful of those on
Saturday who get second contracts as startersare high end backups. Kirk Cousins in
twenty twelve was one of those.So so that that's what. Now,

Now, Kirk's a high end Saturdaypick. Let's be honest with each other.
But something like that. So whatdo you want me to do here?
You want me to drop the nameor you want to tease it and
do it around the corner. I'minto the tees, into the tea,
I'm into the tees. Yes.When nine to Noon returns, we are
going to present a quarterback for you, a rookie quarterback who deeply intrigues me

and can be had deep in thedraft. And I'm going to share why.
And this is not in lieu ofa Thursday trade up, a Thursday
trade up for any of the operablenames. Now this is along width.
Okay, this is again deep quarterbackdraft. Nine to Noon is not fighting
it like we did in twenty twenty. Nine to Noon with the wide receivers.

Nine to Noon is not fighting itlike we did last year with the
tight ends where the old school,best school, get off my lawn approaches.
That's a fact. I'm Paul,have you stolen my computer? It's
not like that. What it isis I like to see a season and
a half to twenty to twenty fiveof them before I start saying this is

the best. Somebody challenged me yesterday. Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm
not even gonna here what it isbecause I want to do it maybe tomorrow,
or I'm just gonna start reading younames and then I'm gonna read you
another set of names, and thenI'm gonna we're gonna rely on your quick
twitch discernment to just see what's betterand why. Yeah, but it involves
that twenty twenty wide receiver draft.Okay, I mean when I held out

the sheet and I'm like, broJustin, hey, really well, yeah,
but Davante, let's pump the brakeshere. Okay, let's talk this
out critically and maturely. So that'sthat's coming. I'm so full of diatribes
of tentacles, today's and agenda.It's ridiculous. Coming up next a quarterback
name who will go in the draft. You can get him on Saturday,

and I think he's going to beone of those guys who gets a second
contract as a starter or a highend backup. If you could see the
look on the countenance of the producerright now, it would be that of
a cheshire grin. You're listening tonine to noon, and here's the cash
thing fan. Along with big deckdot com, they want to give you

a chance to put a grand inyour hand with the National Cash Contest.
Go to KFA dot com. Enterthe keyword money. You might win some
The keyword is money. KFA allright. Eight days from the NFL Draft,
Eight takes and talkers full of aTedum triumph to malt and titilation.

Number one was the steam with theGiants about moving up for a quarterback.
I believe is very real. WhenI say very real, I don't you
know, have any information on it. Like David Gettlman, their former general
manager, somebody I don't know hasn'tlike tried to sabotage everything they're trying to
do there and like send out atext or something like that. At least
to me, it's just the waythe Giants are looming in silent fashion and

the fact that they have to know. I mean, Daniel Jones didn't even
play half the season last year year, and you know, when Daniel Jones
has played, Daniel Jones overall hasnot been very good. So contractually speaking,
is there an easy out for Jonesin the next X amount of years?
We don't care. I'm just sayingtaking a quarterback the Giants, taking
a quarterback at four is more plausiblenow than I thought it was last week.

Daniel Jones got Peaches fired. CourtlandSutton is skipping Broncos offseason workouts.
Reportedly, could he be included ina trade up by the anti Viking the
Denver Broncos from twelve to get whateverthey want? Anti Viking of Prade.
I have fallen in love with Michigandefensive tackle Chris Jenkins, junior of late.
Don't know how and or when wecan get him because the Friday after

the Thursday for the Minnesota Vikings,the way the picks lay out now,
well we call that the Friday FootballLeast. I always love that one.
Wondering what's more likely The Minnesota Vikingstrade up way three first round picks and
draft a quarterback and sit on himfor a majority of the season and win
so few games the pick they tradedfor the twenty twenty five draft becomes top

five, or they stay healthy duringthe season early part of the season and
they start hot with Darnold and thenthe new guy has to play for whatever
the reason. The new guy playsand is ready to go and they win
ten games or more. I'm wonderingwhich is more plausible, which is more
probable? Free, iHeartRadio, appbaby, microphone talkbacks, tickets to be

given away, which is more probableto you in quick fire fashion, more
probable at this moment would be theit's tough. I do think it's the
first one, though. I thinkif you're gonna go polarizing, it's either
they win ten plus games or thereare issues and there's a setback. I

have to lean setback at this moment. Setback that puts the pick in the
top five. I mean, that'sa hell of a setback. But if
I had to pick one or theother, I'm picking that got you,
and it is a hell I agreeyou. Elle con wants a guard,
went sniffing Zach Zinter broken leg,three time All American Big Ten. They
generally work out, probably can gethim early Saturday. Number seven. Last

six drafts, three guards have beenselected on average in the fourth round.
That's most of any round. Andwe drop that in simply for the producer
of the radio show. And finallynumber eight BYU quarterback Keaten Slovs intrigues me
deeply for the deep part of thedraft. And here's why Keten Slovas.

He was Sam Darnold's replacement in twentynineteen at USC Darnald got drafted third by
the Jets. In eighteen, herecomes Keten Slovas, I think from Scottsdale,
Arizona. He starts as a truefreshman at a blue blood big school
in a big conference. My manthrows thirty touchdowns and he's off to the

races as a true freshman. Bythe way, how about this in twenty
nineteen at USC, for could benew main man Keton Slovas or something called
Keaton Slovis. His wide receivers includedMichael Pittman Junior, Amen Ross Saint Brown,

Drake London and Vaialist Jones Junior.Just to run the tricks, I
always love that one. Are youkidding me with that embarrassment of riches?
Wow? All right, So whatdo you do? What do you do?
Keton? I mean, you're aUSC rob Pat Hayden, James Harris,
Matt Lionerd, Carson Palmer, goeson and on and on. We're
going to start you as a freshman. He throws thirty touchdowns, all right?

Now? He has high end players. That's the key. He has
high end players around him, that'sthe key. He did at least and
starting as a true freshman like eighteenor nineteen a's that's fantastic. Thirty touchdowns.
So Caleb Williams forces him out intwenty twenty two. All right,
so his last year twenty twenty oneof williams first year twenty twenty two.

Here comes caleeb Here comes Caleb's dad. Well, Heaton Slovis is in the
belly of the beast. Now,this worm is not going to turn.
So I'm leaving because that's the dayand age. That's just how it works
in the day and age of thetransfer portal. I'm leaving. I've had
enough of this and I'm sick ofit. Honey, I'm leaving. And
so he leaves, and yeah,he goes to Pitt all right, he's

the Pitt Panther a year after JordanAddison leaves. I always love that one
to go to USC this right,so this ain't gonna work. I mean,
he's gone, I got nothing.Holy cow, I gotta leave again.
I'm beat up and I'm not takingit anymore. So I think I'll

go to Brigham Young University the yearafter Poka Nakula leaves. I always love
that one. My man had nothingand had had less than nothing on the
offensive line. Give the man somehigh enders like Jefferson and the Gang,
and I like how he plays whenhe has requisite talent around him, high

end tackles as in Darisaw and O'Neill, and you get you get well.
I mean, yeah, so ifyou take one and then you take this
guy and you use Arnold well mayorMcCarthy or whomever, they're the first in
line. But I just want thiscommodity on my team. Of this commodity.
When he was eighteen years of age, ranted throwing to Michael Pittman Junior

and a'man Ross Saint Brown and DrakeLondon and then he had Vailist Jones Junior
there Brandon Powell for the tricks.Yeah it worked, but you know what,
there are a lot over the annalsof time who have had massive talent
around them and it didn't work atages eighteen, nineteen, twenty twenty one,
twenty two, or if you're BoNix or Michael Pennix twenty eight.

I always love that one getting theirsecond contracts along with their arts. I
always love that one, Keten Slovas, Keten Slovas from us, from from
BYU? All right, and yeahyou can. You can find some of
his highlights and stuff like that allover the internet. What a weird career
he's had. By the way,his fifty eight touchdown passes for the Trojans,

it's a fifth all time. What. Yeah. His his seventy five
hundred passing yards at USC is seventhall time. Wow. So I assume
every would have guessed that. AndI don't think it's just Caleb Williams.
He h, Lincoln Riley becomes thehead coach there. So I may have
been rinking Lincoln Riley rolling into townand going, it's we're happy you're here,

Keton, But just so you know, yeah, it ain't gonna happen.
Is Lincoln Riley still the coach atUSC? Yeah? Well okay,
well, making decisions like that one, it was Caleb Williams. Okay,
I was gonna say, making decisionslike that, you ain't gonna be there
along with all that cash. Okay, Well cool, how would you like
to be Keton' Slovis? Okay?I understand this kid's bally hood and you

can hear his father from from Comptonto Gardena because he talks so loudly,
and he talks all the time,and he's puppeteering the whole thing. Okay,
but then again they learned that atUCLA with Lonzo Ball's dad. So
you know, being on the WestCoast, I've been around all that.
I understand. I'm seventh all timein what passing yards? I'm fifteenth or

fifth? Ugh? What fifth alltime? And TD passes? That's me
in three years and I started whenI was eighteen. He's holding the peace
side up and before you got here, Before you got here, I had
Pittman Junior, Drake London, andaman Ross Saint Brown with Vailist Jones junior
on the side, and I dideverything they asked. Oh, by the

way, including throwing thirty touchdowns thatyear. What happened, I don't know.
I don't know who I mean.This is unbelievable. So he gets
one thousand yards out of Amen Ra, twelve hundred yards out of Michael Pittman.
Oh gee, he's seventeen touchdowns betweenthe two of them. This is
his freshman season. Yeah, you'redeep diving right now with stadhead, which

I didn't do yesterday, but heplayed. He But here's the key though,
with Slovas, with your guy's Slovas, Lincoln Riley's like I need somebody.
Yeah, he played all twelve gameshis freshman year, played a total
of fifteen the next two. Sowhat's up with Slovas and Slovas gets was
he playing slow? Okay? Well? But nevertheless through all of the questions

and the tedum that's part of thetedium with the eight days from the draft,
thus eight takes and talkers which couldinclude tedium and tumult. Well,
no matter how we got to thewinner circle, he's in the top ten
all time at not cal State Fullerton, not Utah State, right, not

August Dan to go crazy at thefreaking University of Southern California. It's not
bad. That's not bad. No, it's not so. But who's the
guy? So going back in timea year ago, now, it doesn't
We just saw one season, sothere's room to grow. But if you
talk to the guy that said you'regonna love Jaren Hall, are you talking

to that same guy about Keaton Slovisa year later? Me or whoever?
Whoever, Yeah, whoever, wasreaching out for intel on Jaren Hall and
Jaren Hall had Pooka. He didhave Pooka. Slovis didn't, so might
be golden. Then bar Hills withKeaton Slovis, there might be, so

that would be I was expecting you. I'm not gonna lie to you.
I was expecting you to hit mewith what Milton Spencer Rattler, Joe Milton
and Cannon. No, it's thisis maybe the good looking cat from Notre
Dame O harm Man. Yeah,all right, well maybe for tomorrow or
the next day, because I justput way too much time into this.

Yesterday, I'll just job. Imean, I'm so, I'm so tentacle
laden today, I'm so scattered,I'm so chatty. I'm so I'm a
human wild card today. And Iunderstand that. So I what hit me
yesterday out of the gridiron Gospel wasthe number one thing. This is after

I read Schrager's mock. Yeah,and he has he has Peach's former team
trading up to get the quarterback.So he has us taking bon Nix no
Bis. So now with no biswho if he went to Cleveland would be
running play action to chick Nub.I always love that one the with bon
Nicks. Okay, bon Nicks,all right, cool, let's unpack it

a little bit. All right,what's the epiphany from the grid Iron Gospel?
The number one thing when it comesto a quarterback that matters to Kevin
O'Connell is what what is it?Accuracy? Bam? Who's the most accurate
of all of the quarterbacks coming intothe draft? I always love that one,
No, Bix, it is No. Seven, like seventy seven percent

last year, seventy one before,seventy two or seventy one. Well,
then you get down to the goodlooking kid from Notre Dame you described.
I don't know what he looks like, but I know his last name is
Hartman. I mean I had tohide my eyes when I looked at that
completion percentage. I'm looking at SpencerRattler's completion percentage and I'm like, a
Cobra snake would be better than thisRattler if accuracy is what you're looking for.

Right at Penix too, I'm gonnaaccuracy problem with Penix with some of
these numbers. You know with JJhow you don't you know with Drake and
you don't with bon Nix let's keepthat in mind. This is your Keaton
Slovas Leader the Fan and Puka Nakuadot com fan. Hey, it's news

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So get to Canterbury Park dot Comfound out all the event details. Love
you Canterbury, Love the NBA.As far as the Timberwolves are concerned.
Saturday Game one, the time hasbeen announced. It'll be a two thirty
pm tip off and you should beable to hear that right here on your
home for all sports, but specificallythe Howl. That'll be a two thirty

pm ish tip off Game one atTarget Center against the Phoenix Suns that were
some playing games last night PA Lakers. It was close and frankly, even
if the Pelicans will get to thePelicans momentarily because they still got one more
chance at getting into the playoffs.Zion had to leave. Looks like he
was hurt and he might be iffyfor his status, which is an absolute
crushing blow to the Pelicans. Simbut different of course, Giannis on the

East Eastern Conference side of things,dealing with injury as the Bucks look to
start the start the postseasons. Totrouble there for Zion. The Lakers move
on. They're the seventh seed,one ten, one oh six I believe
is the final. They'll travel toDenver, so the seven to two matchup
is set. Sacramento Kings absolutely demolishedthe Warriors last night. Pa, you

got Clay Thompson, He's going zerofor ten, basically punchless except for Steph.
They lose one eighteen ninety four.So the Sacramento Kings are now going
to beat in New Orleans to playthe Pelicans on Friday night for the eighth
seed, and they would face OkayC on Sunday. So looking forward to
that Eastern Conference tonight. Miami atthe Sixers. This is a badass play

in game Sixers get healthy with embidback, They've mostly won every game since Embiid
got healthy. Jimmy in the heat. They kind of just mess around and
Jimmy's just chilling. We're about theplayoffs. Well, now they're in a
tough spot because they maybe they figurethat these Sixers would be stuck and then
they're climbing the charts again. Almostgot into the sixth seed. But they'll

be in Philly tonight for that sevento eight matchup. Jimmy, Jimmy's like
Hyan trip and I bounced Giannis asa one last year. Yeah, but
we'll see Jimmy. I don't know. I don't like how your team finished,
and I don't like not only howthey finished, but how the how
the Celtics have really, I mean, they've separated themselves in every bit of
the Eastern Conference conversation this year.I think second, I think the second

seed Nicks were fourteen games back.I mean it was it was a show
by the Seas. But it's Atlanticat Atlanta at Chicago, and then the
winner of that game will face theloser of Jimmy or the Sixers for the
eight seed, and then they'll getthe chance to be swept by the Celtics.
Heay, you know how, andthis is legit because the past performances

won't be it may not be indicativeof future results, but the past performances
are true. With Grayson Allen,it's in the in the I've said it
five times this week. But thelast four games, the sons of loss
Grays and Allen shot thirty percent andhe hit a three a game out of
like thirty tries. All Right,so you got to put grace I mean
with it's canna handle that NB three. It can't be an NB three and

a half with the Duke kid.Okay, that's the end of the story.
Well, how about for Philadelphia?I mean, it's I forgot he
was on the team. I'm assuminghe's healthy, But they got a sneaky
new contributor to the old postseason thisyear. You shoot a little bit from
the outside. Why are you talkingabout Buddy Buddy Healed, Buddy Heeld,
It goes Buddy Heal, Buddy Heeldrafted deep in the draft. Why he's

from the Bahamas. No, thathas nothing to do with it. He
came into the league of like twentyfive he did. It's the age bit.
He's the Michael Pennick junior of theNBA. Damn, what school was
he was he Oklahoma, Oklahoma,and that's where Trey Young was too,
right, Oklahoma. Maybe I don'tremember what I look like Jay billis,
but you're right. Yeah, Buddyheld Rolls in twenty four or twenty five
is in draft pick. Tobias Harrisis fifteen eight and three. He assists

every game all of his life.Okay, you might get a twelve in
there for the rebounds, but sohe's the same. Yeah, I don't
know what happened to d Anthony Melton. Hopefully everything's okay. So you think
about like who they have and whatthey have. Something called Paul Reid that
they keep pushing on us the lasttwo years. Oh the big Man.
Yeah great, well they got Buddy. You gotta have an MB three,

embiid maxy. Who's the other one? It has to be Buddy? Healed
it probably, it could be absolutelythe only thing else could be like the
corknudes and whatever that fork nazk isit? Fork nas? Watch your language
in front of the lady's punk.I'm so dumb right now. Does the
NBA recede after the first round oris it a straight bracket? Well,

that's what I'm like. David Stern. Well, I'm trying to. I'm
trying because if you look at theSixers right now, if they face the
Knicks, I like the Sixers inthat series and then as it and then
if you're looking, yeah, whatabout Mitchell Robinson stopping joe El embiid Robinson's
back? Who cares what Joel embidis going to do to Mitchell Robinson and

Isaiah Hartensteinstein should be a felony inforty eight States. And Hartenstein was so
good for the Ton and LFL acouple of years ago. And you're going
to see in the postseason Jalen Brunsonregular seasons for Doe and postseasons for show.
If if I mean he gets thecat on him the former, he
has to deal with Maxon So theNBA does not recede, which means that

they would likely they would face thewinner of the Bucks series the next time
around. I mean the Sixers,Well, the Bucks are dead exactly.
No, you know what, it'sDame and Yannis with Middleton. It was
good, but it wasn't as goodas I think everybody thought it was going
to be. It's seriously, whenwhen you have that, when you have

two Alphos. All right, That'swhy I freaked out last week after watching
a quarter and a half of KyrieIrving and Luka Doncic, because I've watched
him a lot over the course ofa year and change and it hasn't been
good, and it's been selfish andit's been agenda basketball. That was not
the case at the end of theyear with what I saw, right,
So they got these alpha dogs,They got these alphas to mesh well with

the team with Milwaukee, with theHonis and Dame. I don't think it
meshed. I mean you looked atI don't think it's meshed most of the
year. You looked at Dame's boxscores the majority of the year. Yeah,
I mean there were so many DamianLillard box scores that did not look
close to what they looked like inPortland. Yeah, eight of twenty seven,
right, Yeah, just awful fromdeep. He's missing free throws,

the whole thing, and he's noteven you're not even seeing that fill out.
Oh well, at least he gota couple of steals. Yeah he
had. He did have like afifteen assist game, but yep, the
regularity of filling out other aspects ofthe game. He kind of disappeared at
times. But Damian Lillard is stilldead. Is a dog. Yeah,
Damian Lillard just did ya. Yanhas played against us, but then he

got without trouble or something. ButI've seen Damian Lillard lead that team without
Yiannis to victories. Like they werean underdog at home within the last week
and a half to Orlando because thingsain't been going well. Giannis is heard.
I don't know, maybe Portis wasn'tplaying or no Middleton was out too.
They were three point underdogs at homewith Damian Lillard playing. You can

have Ben Caro, you can haveboth the Bogners. They ain't Dame.
Okay they're not. They're just not. They're good, but they ain't Dame,
and Dame beat them, so hecan do that. So this,
you know, I'm thinking, likeMilwaukee's dead because of the Gianni's news and
everything might not necessarily go that part, but can he do that? I
mean, the Pacers matchup is interestingbecause both of that that's their babies.

That matchup is basically what got AdrianGriffin fired because it was they were like
two hundred and seventy point totals inthose games because neither team played defense.
Yeah, Halliburton's going for forty thatsort of thing early on in the season.
If Giannis doesn't play the first coupleof games, Ken Dame hold them
in that series until Jannis is readyto rock. I take Dame against Indiana.

I would take Damian Lillard in thepostseason to win a game over anybody
on the Indiana Pacers, and thatincludes Tyrese Alibert. That's fair a game,
yeah, yeah, a game.So then you win and you get
both of them at your house.The next one is a game, right,
Okay, So it's just that that'sthe That's the biggest thing that is

concerning me with this Wolve series isbecause the games are going to be close,
it's one of two things going tohappen. Is they're not going to
be able to get hold of thisfirst quarter thing. Outscored by forty points
in the three games this year,and with Gobert and Kat, I mean,
they're just I don't want to saythey clop, but it's just the

big bit is not working against thatsmall team. But I think Pitchy knows
that. He knows that. Sobut if you get down to the nitty
gritty of what we're just talking aboutwith Dame. Do we trust Devin Booker
to hit a big shot? Yeah? I do? Yeah, Kevin Durant
yeah, Bradley Beal Yeah, we'llstop there. Anthony Edwards, yes,

give me the next one. Itrust kat Okay, I do. I
do. I trusting it by faithbecause we've never seen it. So it's
it's well, he's hit big shots, not playoff shots. I mean,
that's the difficult thing that we're talkingabout there. I don't know if Carl
Anthony Towns has ever walked off hittinga game winning shot in his career with

the Minnesota Dember. You know theI think Kawhi Corner Eastern Conference Finals against
Philly and the ball bounced like fourtimes off the rim. I'm just saying,
hit it. You know, it'slike steps hit him. I mean
we we just okay, maybe hehas, you know, maybe there has
been a walk off. That's whathe needed. Everybody embraced him and loved
him. Or remember what he hitthose free throws. H he hit those

free throws to walk off. There'swas like a movie there, that's right.
And that was after he said thatthat there's room for two legends on
a team. I'm like, youjust called yourself a legend. That's weird.
I hope you're right. I trusthim to make a shot. I
don't know if it's the shot andso, but it's a metaphor. I

do I under who the people arein this situation. Well, it's it's
the dynamic duo of what you're talkingabout, Kyrie and Luca, Maxi and
embiid is as high end maybe inthis entire playoffs as you look at a
duo if Embad's healthy, Tatum Brown, Adam Brown, well, Tatum Brown.
But the three is Derek White.Okay, Derek White was the bomb
in the post How about Derek Whiteemerging from San Antonio obscurity. That'll be

their best guy basically on that Celticsteam. It was the playoffs last year.
He blew up in the postseason andhe's like the best shot blocking guard
in the NBA. So he's kindof there. Good MB three ish and
who else do we have here?Well, ok see, you got you
got Gilgas, Alexander and then isit that Jalen Williams. Probably Chet,

it's got to be Chet Holme grinChat. That's a baby team that's super
fast. We'll walking sticks, We'llsee. But but you get the point
here. Yeah, but with ourseries, so anyway we got we got
trouble in that regard. Oh wewin the series, man, I hope
we do too. Uh, lastbit as we we hit the braake here,
Twins blown out yesterday. They're sixand ten of the season, eleven
to three the final. They've nowlost three straight. That that that Ris

Paddock got his ass kicked yesterday,gave up nine runs. That picture for
Baltimore yesterday, by the way,racing rod Rings or something like that.
Man, that guy's a badass,Holy cow, super high. I didn't
know he was that highly touted yearsago. There were a hundred win team
last year, weren't they? Idon't know, I forget, but they
were. They were in the playoffs, and I think the Rangers waxed them.
But yeah, it all looked likeEarl Weaver. Well, I mean,

Buxton's awful, Carlos Santanas, peoplewishing Joe Joey Gallo was still here
truly, and everybody's regressing. Yeah, it's really bad baseball right now for
the Twins. So hopefully Pablo canhelp them get it W and Nooner in
Betown today sat down with Josh mctellus, the Swiss Army Knight for the Minnesota
Vikings yesterday at Twin City's Orthopedic toPerformance Center. I put five questions on
a card in this conversation with morethan twenty minutes, because Josh and I

just kept going back and forth aboutthings that I thought provided hilarity. Also
some Vikings related speculations, JJ McCarthyspeculation, and much more so we'll play
that back around the corner. You'relistening to the band
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