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April 16, 2024 41 mins
--PA is joined by flame fanner Gabe Henderson and the Athletic’s Alec Lewis!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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to noon Radio is Twin City's OrthopedicsPerformance Center in Eagan, Minnesota, home
to your Minnesota Vikings. In orderto produces and I'm Paul Allen. The
guest for now is Alec Lewis withthe Athletic and the Athletic dot com.
He covers the Minnesota Vikings and afollowing Please via Twitter at aleck Underscore Lewis,

did you really spend well? Ofcourse you did. You wouldn't lie.
You spent two months crafting a storyon just how random the NFL draft
can be, leading you to NobelPrize winning professors and Johnny Manzell and the
messy concoction that makes the event sofascinating. Please take us through it.

Where'd you get that? Sniff,Yeah, I did. I spent two
months, really, I promise you. The last two months, I've done
a lot of mock drafts, donea lot of big boards, kind of
a little bit tired of all ofit. And I'm like, you know
what, I like, how manypeople actually know? Like do the teams
know when they pick these players thatthe player is gonna be good or not?
And how I mean, how doyou know? And after the fact,

how do you figure out why itwent right or wrong? And that
those questions fascinate me because I'm anerd, And so I was like,
well, I don't I'm not thatsmart and I'm a nerd. So I'm
gonna go talk to people who havebeen in the industry and ask them how
random is this and is there abetter way to do it? And there's
research that's been done by behavioral economics. Essentially, I'm like, this is

why you should trade down more often, because everyone thinks they're right. Everyone
thinks they know how to evaluate theplayer, because if they don't know,
then why do they have the jobin the first place. So everyone thinks
they're right, and so they alwaysstick and pick rather than giving themselves more
darts. To throw. So itis a I learned a lot about the
industry. I learned a lot aboutthe dynamics of these buildings and leadership and

how differing opinions often create conflict withinthese rooms. It was it was a
really really fun story. Got totalk to a lot of like really successful
people who have been in the industry. So I loved it. I love
doing that. So well, I'mtrying to get to the bottom of you
know, you said, two monthscrafting a story on just how random the

NFL draft can be. Absolutely lovethat. But how how in any way
can like Sinclair Lewis, Eugene O'Neillor William Faulkner Faulkner former Nobel Peace Award
winners, how can they possibly help? Yeah, well that's what the tweet
said. It said Nobel Prize winningprofessors, So Richard they or is this

Nobel Prize winning behavioral economics who wasa professor at the University of Chicago,
And how can he help? Well, he thinks a lot about decision making
and markets in general. The draftis is essentially like a trade. Is
why Quasiotopha Mitza makes sense for thejob. He's it's essentially a trader's market.
You have thirty two actors all vyingfor different slots and and have different

values, and so it's a dynamicallychanging Market's Richard Taylor and studying that failor
a sailor. Okay, yeah,I can't. I can't. On this
list of Nobel laureate's by university.I think I think you fell into a
flim flam. Yeah, I definitelyfell into a flim flam. I probably
shouldn't repeat that because I don't knowwhat that even means, but I did.

But yeah, so, behavioral economicsfound the economist, excuse me,
found the draft an interesting patriotish forthem to study, and and they first
did it in two thousand and five. They replicated their study in twenty eleven.
And really, I mean the ideais their advice is pretty simple,
like, if you trade down moreoften because you are willing to admit that

you're not one thousand percent sure whichplayer is gonna work out, then you're
gonna have more targets. Now,Viking Vikings fans listen to this, I
know, are like, this guyis an idiot. Rick Spielman traded down
a billion million times and it wasa disaster, and I called Rick for
this story because I wanted to askhim you traded down a lot? Why?

So I called Rick and he said, at some point this tenure,
some analytics people came to him,I think, with a lot of this
research. They told him, themore darts you have, the more likely
it is that you hit. Doesn'tmean you're gonna hit, but it means
the odds are then your favorite.It's like playing blackjack, like someone told
me for the story. It's like, do you ever hit on seventeen?
No? Then like, why wouldyou continuously hit on seventeen? That's what

these teams are are doing constantly byoperating the way they do. So it's
the problem is when you trade backand it doesn't work the way cuas it
open, did you get crushed?And that's part of the reason why teams
don't do it very often. Sovery fascinating, at least to me because
I'm a nerd. Well well,also another piece why from the Athletic.

Theathletic dot com yours truly compensated tosay this been a subscriber since day one.
I highly recommend you to pay thenominal charge monthly for the journalistic excellence
that you will find at the athleticand I'm on that site multiple times every
day. Another story was why mightSam Darnold ultimately be a critical aspect of

the development of a potential Vikings youngquarterback? So from what I know,
the people inside this building want totake it very methodically with developing the potentially
draft young quarterback. If he's readyweek one, then maybe they won't take
it methodically, but you always wantto have that the willingness to say,
if this guy's not ready, we'renot going to throw him in the fire.

And that's a great I think that'show they think. That's probably how
are they're going to operate depending onwho they draft. But it's easy to
operate that way if the current guyis performing. So that's why to me,
Sam Donald is a fascinating layer toall of this. Their their situation
is great. You have a tonof skill players, You've got a great
coaching staff with a lot of quarterbackminds who are pretty sharp. But if

the if Sam Donald does not succeedand he's throwing four picks a game to
start the season, the noise isgonna get really loud. To play the
young quarterback. And if you throwthe young quarterback into the fire, ye,
then is that developing them optimally?So Sam Donald's performance, to me,
that's why it matters. And that'swhy you pay a guy ten million
who you think can maybe be prettygood, because then it gives you the

potential runway to develop the guy theright way. Not everyone's gonna be c
J. Stroud and just come inand set the world on fire. The
the in closing, uh, youknow, with with the odds for players
to be drafted and where they willbe drafted, the the I've said this,
this is age old for me,and and it is true. But
not everybody a understands the pluses andthe minuses with like minus two seventy five

or b they don't know where tofind it. But the betting markets for
the top ten to top twenty,well that that will unveil and reveal markedly
more than any mock you're going tosee, you know, one to like
twenty. Okay, so everybody cango Caleb then boom boom boom, and
so you know how it works.So there was a major move yesterday with

Jayden Daniels who Daniels went to What'sknown as minus two seventy five to become
the second pick in the draft.May went up to plus two fifteen.
So if you think Drake May isgoing to be the second pick in the
draft, you put up ten dollars. If you win, you scoop thirty
one dollars fifty cents. Conversely,if you believe Daniels will be second,

which I do, you need toput up your twenty seven dollars fifty cents
to win the casine when the booksten for a scoop of nearly thirty eight.
What do you think of that move? Yeah, I mean it totally
makes sense. There was I believeit. Jayden Daniels pro day at LSU.
Brian Kelly made some comment of like, Jayden Daniels will look good at
Washington. You wonder how much thatplays a role in it. But but

I mean, yeah, it seemslike the industry kind of consensus slash wisdom
right now is Cale Williams one,Jaden Daniels two. I mean it feels
that way, and to me thatwould make sense. And this is when
the I mean the question for theVikings ultimately come becomes Drake May. JJ
McCarthy, Michael like, how muchdifference between all these guys do you have

in your evaluation? And if there'sa massive difference. I think that's where
as Quasi do fa Mensa said,you you're willing to take on more risk.
Again, as I said earlier inthe show, I think they want
to do it. I think that'dbe their preferred situation, right. But
I also think they're going to bediscipline and rational and and what they're willing
to give up, whereas teams likethe Giants, the Broncos and the Raiders

might not be, which may speakto the desperation. Well they okay,
well they're picking from eleven now.Now, the the the over under on
season wins before the draft. Youknow that's laid out. Draft Kings and
Vanduel have gone over this with Anordoand others over the course of the last
week. It's it's the Packers andLions are ten and a half, the
Bears are eight and a half,and it wasn't eight, it went to

eight and a half. So they'rebetting it supposedly the Sharps are betting it
up and Minnesota six and a half. It's tough. So I mean,
if the over under is six anda half on season wins. All right,
they don't you know, I believethey'll be wrong, but they don't
put out numbers that are going tobe markedly off to suck you into bet,

you know, to bet nothing.They would put it at seven if
they felt this was dicey. Sothey so therefore, okay, well,
a lot of ties, a lotof pushes, a lot of pushes.
But I mean, if it's sixand a half, that means six or
five is probable with those who aremore probable than something with those who established

those lines. So now put thatin the in the mix in New England,
Arizona, whomever, considering eleven andtwenty three. And oh, by
the way, even with this guy, and you're gonna start Darnold and everybody
knows it, and you're gonna playhim half the season and everybody knows it,
you're gonna hit a five or asix, and that means we're gonna
get the ninth pick next year.That is I mean, if if somebody

believes that, well, that's amajor factor in this equation. If you
have to give up three, right, no question. And I mean this
is going to sound really maybe negative. I don't know, but I told
Ordo this on on Saturday off air. We haven't talked much about the offensive
line at all, we really haven't. He brought up guard yesterday. It
was a good tex It's not thesexiest talker in the world, but it

just it's just where I there arejust a lot of ifs with where this
roster is. They're just they're justare I mean, you have the offensive
line, like I mentioned, youhave you have just the overall health of
all the skill players. That's anif. Potentially Sam Darnold that's an if.
Defensively, the cornerbacks, in myopinion, that's an if. The

interior defensive line still an IF,and then can the coaching staff maximize the
entire roster it's an if too.So there is a lot of that matters
that that gets you to the sixand a half number and definitely probably has
to factor into to these trade offers. I mean, look what the Carolina
Panthers gave up to get Bryce Youngand then the Bears have the number one

pay I mean that that is it'sit's It definitely will factor into other teams
calculus, no question. Have awonderful day and thank you very much for
helping we. We'd love to haveyou next week as we get closer to
the big day. Okay, yeah, no, thanks for having me.
I really appreciate it. Alex LewisThe Athletic and the Athletic dot com.
The talkbacks for the draft party ticketsare around the corner and Brett Blake Moore

has been listening to those and filingthem away to play them back from nine
to noon. Speaking to double B. He has that cash thing, that
cash thing the fanom big deck dotcom want to give you a shot to
put a grand in your hand atthe National cash Contest. Head to KFA
dot com enter the keyword grand forthis hour. The keyword is grand.
KFA dot com, keyword Grand.Your talkbacks now, if you want to

chime onto what's happening with your favoritekfan shows, you can make your voice
heard on the Bradshawan Brian kf Antext line. Just let us know what
you have to say by texting yourmessage to six four six eighty six.
That's six four six eight six dinnertext message and data rate supply they come.

So what's coming? It would betalkbacks from members of Rube Nation to
the free iHeartRadio app, the locationof the baby microphone, and thirty seconds
of your very best, because nineto noon is that Twin Cities Orthopedics performance
Center home to your Minnesota Vikings.And as you may or may not hear

Kevin O'Connell, they head coach sayin forty minutes when he joins us here
in studio, thear being your bestwhen your best is required, and when
you hit that baby microphone for ascommon would say, hundreds of tens of
fat well a couple of thirteen fourteenfootball loving roobs listening to it copyright Dan

call the common man. You wantto be at your best when your best
is required. You don't want toroll into the cubicle and have Frank from
Fridley right next to you. Yousay, nice effort on the nine to
noon, But holy cal was thatthat was terrible? I mean, where's
you come up with that opinion?And your syntax was awful and I mean
grammars. No, you don't wantto do that. You want to hit

the baby microphone and provide your bestwhen your best is required. Why because
it's there for you to be heard, the fan opinion to be heard,
but also to win tickets to theMiller Lite Draft Party a week from Friday,
week from Thursday. Ords. Yeah, so let's let's jump back to

the studios. I know, Brett. At some point we'll let us know
who the winner is and they'll geta pair of tickets to next Thursday's draft
party. Miller Lte. Thank youfor that. Also thank you to Pep's
Draft House for sponsoring all KFA andcoverage PEPs Draft House pizza. But Brett
hit us off the coff with awith a Vikings related talkback. Please Yeah,
and we'll have a lot of youknow, x's and o's draft talks.

But I wanted to start here.Hi, It's is call from South
Amanda, North Dakota. I havea Draft Day slogan for you guys,
trading the farm for Drake May's arm. You're trading trading the farm for Drake
May's arm. Well, I likedthe the the city, man, Dan,

I thought it was South Amanda becauseI'm like, I'm from I'm from
North Audrey. Holy cow, that'swhat what what a Yeah? You know
I grew up in North Ashland.Man, That's that's got to be pretty
close to you. I like itI like the I like the I like
the way he laid it out,and I also like how he went to
the to the deep voice card.So that uh, if only because it

was first, there is your leader. What's next? Do we think that
possibly JJ McCarthy is a little bitmore game ready or NFL ready, just
because he's got the national championship underneathhis belt and I've seen pictures of him
meditating at the goalpost. Do youthink that's a quirk thing or do you
think that actually helps him? Doyou think I will carry over into the

NFL when he's really playing with thebig boys. Let me know what you
guys think about that. Hmm,Well, most pro ready right now,
Well that's Caleb Williams. That's theone who's been crafted in a lab like
like some basketball players you know wherethey they go through the the AAU programs

and they're just crafted. They're morethey more so have a crafting upbringing than
they do like a childhood. CalebWilliams has been crafted for many years for
this moment and he's earned the rightto be the first overall pick in the
draft. And you know, eitherfor me, just gut feeling off what
I know, which is not asmuch about this than certainly those who follow

it more closely. I would thinkWilliams would be first with a bullet to
jump in and help. And afterthat, I think Michael Pennix Junior probably
would be my next choice, simplybecause of his a, his maturity,
the amount of games he's played,the adversity he has overcome, not only
with the injuries but the transfer fromIU. And and yeah, so I

think I think it'd be Williams,then a Pennick junior. With JJ McCarthy.
That's that's a wild card question becauseI you know, with with JJ,
I think with all of them youcan win by using them right out
of the gate. But you know, this is kind of amplifying something Nordo
said last week and he may noteven remember. It wasn't about winning with

rookie quarterbacks right now. It's aboutthe structure of what each of of what
individuals have around them. So ifyou have a defense that is on the
reload or on the rebuild, Iain't starting a rookie quarterback if you have
an offensive line where you have somequestion marks and you're you know, it's
if they all can move see seethat's like yesterday when I said if the

if, if this team is accurateand through say six of them, maybe
up to eight, this is goingto be one of the d in the
history of the NFL for quarterbacks.Well, with the first four, the
baseline has to be Kirk Cousins allright, and Jared Goff. Now I
like Jared every bit as much asKirk, and they're both both two of

the more underrated players the last tenyears in the NFL because they're not flashy.
It's like Eli Manning I mean,or Joe Flacco I mean, it's
fantasy football. Roobes will knock Manningand Flaco until they see them hoisting Super
Bowl trophies and you're like, yeah, it's a team game. Others played
into it. Well, the othertrophy as is the MVP. So there's

so much more that goes into jumpingright in, fitting right in. But
what you have around you matters somuch. And Caleb Williams, you know
he's going to start now what hehas around him probably leaves a little to
be desired, but that's their lotin life. That that Jaden Daniels will

start for Washington if newing Lynn staysat third at three, I'm not completely
convinced the new quarterback will start.I think he may have to wait a
little bit behind Jacoby Brissett. AndI think that will be the case.
Well, absolutely would bet you know, all right three two, I believe
that could be the case here behindSam Darneld. So that was a thought

provoking talkback. Thank you for that. We've got time for one more,
Brett, one more? He doone more? Apa as a Bears fan
of listening to a lot of drafttalk and seemingly inevitability that the Vikings will
trade up to get a guy,is there a chance the Bears will trade
down to keep the Vikings out ofthe top four? H oh geez.

No, So let's see they gotnine. Okay, Well, so the
Bears going from nine up into fourto three to two is what he's saying,
right, I think so that theBear them out. Well, the
Bears only have four draft picks rightnow, that's the bit. So I
don't know what kind of currency theycould use to move up from nine.
Yep. Now, he wasn't inferringthe idea that they would trade back from

one. What a he trading downfrom one's? That's what I've got here.
Okay, So if that's the case, now he's route now he were
relying on. Would an Arizona moveup to one and sacrifice that that twenty
seventh overall pick. Well, thinkabout Dimico Ryans and the GM for the
Houston Texans. I'm forgetting my man'sname, Nick Casario. Maybe thank you

looks like Cesario. It's Casario,all right? Three two? Well,
I mean what they did last yearwas under the cover of darkness. I
mean, nobody wrote about it.Nobody pondered it. The Houston whatever newspaper,
the beat right now, nobody waslike, well, they're gonna absolutely
take a quarterback, but be waryof something else. No, they just

came all the way up and wentquarterback Will Anderson. Yeah, twelve to
three maybe, yeah, was atwelve to three something like that. Yeah,
so that you know, that's interestingwhat the talkbacker said. I mean,
you never draft in a in thefirst round. You never move up
to block another team. Not inthe first round. It can happen in
other spots of the draft. Itjust takes too much and it's too risky

if if things don't work out.However, the way that was laid out,
and I don't know what they haveto give outside of the picks that
order talked about, but I'm surethey have a first next year. I'm
sure they have a lot next year. You know, we want to get
up to two, Washington has togo to nine, right, Yeah,
that's not gonna well, I think, you know, putting a putting a

bow on this. Similar to theconversation about the Giants moving from six to
four. You broach that topic,and it's not that it couldn't happen.
And I do like six as aquarterback spot. If a team like the
Vikings don't move up and grab aguy, yeah, but if you're the
Cardinals, now you're moving, You'realready in a spot where if you need
Malik Neighbors, you need Marvin HarrisonJunior, you're gonna have that opportunity at

four. If you're going to tradeup to one, you're giving up capital.
If you're going to trade, let'ssay with the Vikings, you're potentially
getting that extra one. So similarto that conversation with the Giants, who's
a better trade partner and the gravityin which they can improve by making that
transaction with moving up to one,benefit if they were. If the Bears

want to move back and block theVikings, I'm not We're taken four.
We're not letting the Purple move upand get their guy. Well, why
would the Cardinals do that if theycan sit at four and get their wide
receiver without spending capital? And similarly, if you're the Cardinals, why would
you trade with the Giants to movetwo spots versus the Vikings who are going
to give up that extra one?So I think capital plays into it.

I don't see them trying to getcute with it and move up from nine
if you're the Bears, because theyhave so few picks. I'm not against
them moving back from nine to getmore picks. But in the end,
I don't know how the Bears,specifically in the tight way that the top
ten is fit, that they couldthey could affect what the Vikings ultimately want
to do if if they do chooseto move up and throw some picks at

it. This is your happy birthday, Ella Henderson, Leader the Fan and
k f a n dot Com andher daddy joins nine to noon next Fama

Planes stand the planes nine to noonon a Tuesday and planes when a victory
for old Hell you go you go, l you do it? Go lu
go l U. There is anl N l U got. Did you
guys take a lot of ls whenwhen you when you played wide receiver for

Liberty Marie, like one of thoselike thirteen and one FCS teams trying,
you know, like complaining that youcan't get into the ball games and then
it all changed. I think welost four games my senior year and that
was the most we had lost inone season when I was in college.
We won four conference championships though wentto the playoffs nice my senior year.

But yeah, to answer your question, yeah, we were at the thirteen
and one North Dakota States. That'sGabe Henderson Gabe A. Henderson via Twitter,
Please follow him at Gabe A.Henderson via the x Machine, and
he's part of a super gifted anda very deep Vikings Entertainment Network staff and
also does some stuff with the Vikingsdot Com. Also does a little side

work practicing with the Minnesota Linx andthe Links added some players yesterday. I
don't know how closely, Like,I didn't watch the WNBA draft. I
was a little out of pocket,but I caught up on some things,
and I retweeted something early this morningthe Indiana Fever players who were at their
draft party, and then you know, with the first pick, the Indiana

Fever select Caitlin Clark and they knewit was gonna happen, and did you
see what I'm what I'm talking about? And then they jumped up and went
crazy and they're out on the courtand everything with the lads go and crowd
and nice crowd. I mean multiplethousands of people were there, but you
know, it's it's I was justthinking of the the the other side of
the Proverbial album. It's like thatwas so authentic and precious and pure and

real and happy. Ain't no waycan you expect or can we look back
at, like, let's go tolast year, Devin Vassel, Jeremy so,
Sean and Zach Collins sitting on thefront row of a bench at wherever
the Spurs play at a draft party. But when begnon, they ain't gonna

jump up and like god, jumparound and act like that and stuff.
I just I just thought it wasreally really authentic and just beautiful. I
think that's the part of at leastthe w NBA or female basketball that a
lot of fans would gravitated towards isthe authenticity of the game. I think
now with the numbers and nil andeverything that's happening in men's sports, it's

becoming more of a business. Sowhen you look at the WNBA or just
female sports, the passion is stillthere. Like granted those you know girls
are getting the money that they deserve, but still like that passion. You
kind of miss that when it comesto just amateur sports or just well,
I guess professional sports in this case. So I guess when you look at
the Indiana Fever, looking at thattweet that you're just talking about, you

really don't know until you know whenit comes to that first overall selection,
Like the Chicago Bears right now withCaleb Williams, they don't know that Kyla
Williams is going to be their quarterbackand to the actual name it's called Like,
we've seen some crazy things happen onDraft night, So I don't expect
Chicago to be rejoicing like the IndianaFever was last night. But it's KYLEA

Williams going to be the number oneoverall pick. I guess we won't know
until next Thursday. Well, Idon't know. But if I'm DJ Moore
or if I'm Keenan Allen, likeKeen Allen went to Caleb Williams's pro day,
I think I think they might jumpoff the couch. Oh wow,
don't you think they would? Imean in some ways it's like off the
couch. Yes, at a draftparty in the front row with thousands to
see. Now, men don't actlike that. Well, I mean,

I if there's a promotional event,not full hysterics, but they're gonna get
up and clap and root on theirfans. You're Keenan Allen, backside of
your career, you just got deltto the Bears Windy City, and now
you don't know who your QB is, although technically you probably do because it
might likely will be Caleb. Ithink they should pump that up a little
bit. But yeah, w Imean they're still riding that vibe from the

tournament, and you know, we'llsee how the viewership and the fanfare and
those things continue to connect or followCaitlin. And we've seen it with ticket
prices and some things. Who knowswhat the long term is going to look
like, but you know what ifI'm DJ Moore and I'm Keenan Allen,
even if I'm Cole Comet, I'mstoic. I'm Cole Comet. I don't
say much when they draft. Whenthey draft Caleb Williams, I'm jumping off

of that couch because I'm thinking careerhigh in stats. Baby, let's call.
We're gonna be airing it out withthe defense. Isn't bad? Like
we're instant, Like we're a talkernow for the division, which is super
weird. Man, I'm jumping offthat couch. I'm I'm hosting a draft
party, and I'm getting up offthe couch when they say his name.
Man, that's that's a little that'sa little extreme in order to host a
draft party for the number one overallpick. But I get it. I

get what you're saying as far aslike, all right, we finally got
our guy. I know we're goingto get some more catches, especially for
Cole Comett in your in your inyour rhetoric there Cole being a tight end
as a quarterback, a young quarterback, you're not going to trust throwing the
ball to the outside right away,so your tight end is going to be
your primary target. So out ofthe three guys you just named, probably
Cole Comets throwing the draft party forhis family and free. So those red

zone targets that Cole Comett is gonnaget through the roof. Just just pay
attention. Watch it. You betterstart cheering now, Cole. Now you
guys, go ahead and keep sleepingon. Gerald Everett called Gerald Everett stroking
the post touchdown bears the black NFCnorth Harrison Smith though, now speaking of
draft parties, and I was thinkingabout this over the weekend. It's say

the Minnesota Vikings trade both picks thisyear in the first round or next year,
all right, I mean I ain'ttrying to get into the third Floori's
pockets a year in front of something. You know. It's like, you
know, we know we get atrip on tomorrow, enough to deal with
today, and that's a year downthe road. But if if that scenario

transpires, and that scenario could transpire, I mean, do you do you
have a draft party? You know, well, ways probably will trade us
back. Well, no, youdon't have a second either, So I
mean it's gonna take. It's gonnatake a lot to It's like, well,
what about the Miller lot. Allright, three two, let's double
the crowd of Buffalo wild wings andhave Paul Say cores and Miller light more
often. All right, three two? Well, you know what the future

is now, Just keep trading futurefirst round picks to keep moving up into
the first round. No next year, I mean, is it? Is
it a draft party if we don'ttrade every trade all of our picks this
year for the number one overall pick. Okay, that's what That's what fans
want at this point. Like tradethe kitchen sink to get the quarterback that
you want this year. That's whatfans want. But we know Quacy and
the staff here, they're a littlebit more strategic than throwing away everything to

get I guess someone that the fanswant. So it's a delicate balance if
they want to trade three first roundpicks, no way for a quarter for
a quarterback. Kevin O'Connell lobs.Okay, how are you not in?
Okay, you do it? Imean, I'm I'm absolutely in. And
again the phraseology here. You ifyou are trading three first round picks to

start for a quarterback, Kevin O'ConnellLobbs, then shove it in I think
Kevin O'Connell, if he loves aguy, will go all in for that
guy. And if your ownership orif you're Quacy and Kevin, Kevin having
the quarterback background that he has,I believe to your point, everyone would
be all in on that. It'sjust you think of Whenever I talk to

Quaycy, I always say, youknow, you're always Cauacy always talks about,
you know, on one day ata time, one day at a
time. When I'm like, well, if you're a general manager, what
is that number, he says,a day and a half, because you
got to look towards the future.So I'm interested to see how he values
the future when it comes to thequarterback position. Here and and here's you
know, like Ricky Rubio before yougot here, he had a quote that

was super precious and the way hesaid it was adorable. But I mean
he was talking about showing I believe, showing negative emotions during games when he's
turning it over they're losing or whatever, and he said something along the lines
of I have to change my face. Okay, Well, that's metaphorical to
do a lot of things, includingthe general manager of the Minnesota Vikings if

you know, and I don't knowexactly. Of course I don't know,
and I don't think you know anyof us know or really outside of maybe
a handful of people exactly know whatQuasy's duties are. Okay, So it's
it's how am I gonna put this? If I just can't see. I
don't believe Quays is film grinding mytake on the technique of a player and

why it's better than this player.I don't all the selections will be tied
to Quasi udopha mensa. However,I don't believe that he's the one wholeheartedly
completely making all the picks. Sohe laid that out with collaboration in the
beginning. But I mean, andhe also hit hard on the stock background

and the analytics background and the footballanalytics development background. Now we're with Andrew
Berry, and now we're here withGregson and his staff and O'Connell and his
staff. So it's just when Isay faces need to be changed with the
general manager role as we've known itfor decades, I don't believe that to

be the case here. Yeah,and I mean, he is the face
of it, right, So hegets the praise he gets the the the
you know, the the slander whenit comes to a right So I think
Craycy knows that. But to yourpoint, I remember talking to Quaycy on
your show at the Combine and hetalked about how he's trusting the Demetrius Washington's,

the Chisholmopars, the Jamal Stevenson's ofthe world in their you know,
their film study to be able tohelp Quacy make the right selection. I
believe it becomes to a point.It comes to a point where those guys
start to process of elimination and thenwhen they get to a certain number,
they present that to Quasy and thenon draft night, Quaycy collaborates with the

guy those guys, Hey what aboutthis? How are we weighing this?
And ultimately it becomes a team decision. So yeah, Pa, to your
Pointquaycy is making the calls, andyes he is saying, hey, I
want this amount of I want that. I want Jordan Adison with the twenty
third overall pick. But that collaborationinvolved. I believe Quaycy hasn't trusted the
right guys to be able to doso, and hopefully, I like that

that will be this year. Whenit comes to whatever way the wakons it's
not to go in the draft.Now, with that said collaboration and all
included, he still has to feelthe urgency of getting stung with the trade
back a couple of years ago.It's not his fault with the broken leg
in London, et cetera. Buthe has to be feeling the urgency of
now moving forward, whether or notit's it's totally his intel on things.

It's why you have a scouting department. I'd imagine the head coach specifically,
as we've talked about trading up fora QB, his voice is probably loudest
in the room as it pertains tothat particular discussion. But even if it's
not his, he's he's under fireright now, like he has to know
that. He doesn't need us totell him that, but he it's it's
the you know, the motivation,and that's where you can go down many

roads in terms of why people makethe decisions they do self preservation, best
for the organization, best selection atthe time, based on your intel.
But he has to feel max urgencyright now to jump out of the gates.
If you are going to move up, it has to be a home
run. It has to to bea guy. Like Pa said, it's
not I don't think it's it's criteriathat should be anything then necessary that KOC

loves this guy, move up andgo get him right. I think this
year is the year to trade upfor the guy that you want. What
that looks like, what you haveto give up, I don't know,
But going into year three for thisfront office and head coaching staff, this
is the year where you start toplace your identity on the team. I
mean every coach goes to this.If you get a chance to get to

year three, this is the yearwhere we're supposed to start to feel Okay,
this is what Quacy, this iswhat Kevin wants. So if that
means trading up for your guy inthe first round to go get him to
hopefully propel you over the hump inthe year four, then I think this
is the year to do so.Gabe Henderson, Vikings Entertainment Network and Vikings

dot Com with nine to Noon.About ten minutes from now, Kevin O'Connell,
coach of the Minnesota Vikings, willbe joining the nine to noon radio
show. We are at twin CitiesOrthopedics Performance Center in Egan. So I
I think also the that Quaysy's cominginto this. It feels like there's a
fair amount of confidence. Now.He spoke to the media last week and

he said this, I'm trying tofind the quote. There we go.
Everybody talks about the low hit ratebecause anybody, and I put a poll
up on kif AND's x account earliertoday. You want to stick and pick
at eleven? You want to payanything to move up? Uh? Do
you want to be like Rick andtrade back and trade back and trade back
come home? So but and andmost people are still in that. It's

it's it's actually a hell of alot closer to fifty to fifty than I
thought. Yeah, Tracy equated,Quacy traded back and he cannot lie.
Yea passed him by. Yeahuacy don'toptions, Quacy don't dance. He just
pulled up his pants and rock awaytrade back. So he resist them.

So context would be since twenty eleven. Since twenty eleven, nineteen of forty
one first round picks, so justless than fifty percent have gotten a second
contract as a quarterback. So nineteenof forty one since twenty eleven New CBA.
I think that's why that's a goodplace to start from a cutoff,
he writes, everyone talks about thelow hit rates, but is that because

the player wasn't good or because thissituation wasn't great? And so I feel
like there's there's confidence, and we'reso tied to this team emotionally, employment
wise, and all of that included. So there's there's certainly biased in the
mix. But I'm thinking we're abetter spot offensively than the Bears. I'm
thinking we're a better spot offensively thanthe Commanders, the Patriots most certainly.

So when you speak to it andyou think about it like that, the
confidence that Quasi has is you know, Chaos's gonna love a guy? Is
that Jayden Daniels, for instance,that's an unattainable asset. He's just he's
going to the Commanders, it's gameover. But if we can end up
with a Drake may or a JJMcCarthy, that this situation is just so
good and so pure from a developmentstandpoint, with the quarterback in some ways,

you can't lose, even if maybeyou grade them a little differently than
what you end up with. Ithink you hit that right on the head.
As far as Quacy is confident inthis coaching staff enough to be able
to put the players in the rightposition to be able to make plays.
I mean, you look at Imean, just look at our I know
we're talking offense, but look atour defense last year, just on paper,
the names that were on paper andwhat Brian Flores did with those guys.

That gives a general manager confidence becausewhen you're able to, you know,
be top five and run defense,you know, blitz as much as
you did, have the effectiveness onthe defensive side of the ball, and
then on the offensive side of theball, you have enough guys to be
able to make plays because of thecoaches you have in place. Ultimately,
that gives your general manager the utmostconfidence that we can get this done.

If not this year, then nextyear. I think this we will finally
get a chance to see what thiskoc Quacy led Minnesota Vikings team will finally
be in the year twenty twenty four. And I think that gives a lot
of confidence for Quasiadolpho Mintsa This year. If the Minnesota Vikings make a trade
in the first round of the draft, like say they come up with a

New England or Arizona. Just takethose two. If that's going to be
would you prefer to have the publicor announce that trade, say Monday,
say tomorrow or two days from nowThursday week in front of the draft or
Monday or when we're at the USBank Stadium six o'clock, the draft starts

fifteen minutes later the first pick,Now your sweat, and maybe Washington will
do it fast. Well, thenall of a sudden, I mean,
it's I don't know what it's goingto be like it's it's it's going to
be as the kids would say hype, as the kids would say lit lit,
it's going to be the vibe andthere's going to be fantastic. Or
would you prefer if that were tohappen that it just happened before the draft
and you don't have any names tiedto it, but then you can start

banding about named as a fan oras a employee of the Vikings employee employee.
I will much rather see the Vikingstrade on draft day, like let
us let us build up all thisdrama and all this hype saying the Vikings
are going to do this, andthen on trade night I mean, then
on draft night everything changes and thennone of this really matters what we're talking

about today. Right, Wait tilldraft mat Wait till draft Mack great saying
you appreciate you, p I havea wonderful day, and we're doing a
podcast at the noon. It'll beon Vikings dot com later this week with
je Nelson. Yes, sir,when we'll later this week? Yeah,
most likely Thursday. Most likely ThursdayVikings dot Com. Uh and uh.
Over the next thirty seconds, youget it all. Fondest memories of the

first year with your child, Ella, who turns one year of age today.
Man, what do I start?We're a year and she's still going
through a sleep regression. But thebest part is just seeing her smile whenever
I walk in the door. Sheknows me by dad dam Now so she's
saying it. Yeah, she saysDadella's first like Derek was hot tea.

One of them was daddy. Ohwow, that was Stella's Smeella, Stella
was daddy. Ava was something unintelligeddot dot, which means Mom's all over
the place. Keep taking l's forprofits. They've chosen her many times.
Yeah, she's the best man.She I mean, she's my world.
Everybody knows that. So I'm justlooking forward to not rushing the next seventeen

years of life before she has tomove out there. Well, there's a
sleep regression, which means eventually,and I promise you this on the other
side of it, a sleep progression. I love that you just can't see
it, but it'll happen. Goodseeing you. Appreciate you gave Henderson at
Gabe Henderson via Twitter and around thecorner, ladies and gentlemen, KOC Yeah,
you know we. Kevin O'Connell,coach of the Minnesota Vikings, joins

nine to noon for an old uhx's and o's off season one on one
sit down with yours truly on KFAN
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