All Episodes

April 10, 2024 37 mins
Vikes Bites conversation on Justin Jefferson, the QBs and more, followed by some listener talkbacks, and then Wolves vox Alan Horton checks in from Denver before tonight's game with the Nuggets!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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You homer O good. Yeah.Nine to noon, it is time for
Vibes WDES presented Well before I getto a Thousand Hills, I do want

to say this. BA mentioned itearlier in the show and during the final
hour, I've already received several.I'd love some more because we are doing
talkbacks of the day with the freeiHeartRadio app the miller likee Vikings Draft Party.
It's two weeks from tomorrow and youcan get your tickets now, and
you can you can do that atvikings dot com slash Draft Party. But
by tuning into the fan like you'redoing now and maybe participating with the talkback,

you can have a chance to wina couple of pairs, win a
couple of tickets to the draft party. And all you gotta do is hit
the free iHeartRadio app at the microphone, give us up to your best thirty
seconds and fire away. We're gonnaplay them and we'll pick one and somebody's
gonna get a pair of tickets tothe draft party. So looking forward to
that. Send them in now.But vikes Bites is presented by Thousand Hills

Lifetime Grazed grass Fed Beef and youcan go to Thousand Hills Lifetime grazed dot
com to learn more about what theydo, or you can find thousand Hills
at your local food co op andCoberts, so check out those spots as
well. Thank you, thousand Hills. I'm gonna start here, whether it's
the conversation from the former GM floatingthe idea of Justin Jefferson going elsewhere via

trade or got a trade up toget a QB, A lot of conversation
not only about the pass catcher butalso those that are potentially throwing him said
passes. In twenty twenty four andbeyond. I found this from the from
YouTube and Kevin Hart. Comedian KevinHart has a video podcast. It's an

event. Frankly, I'm not sureexactly what the totality of it is,
but it's called Cold as Balls geez. And well because he just signed on
with ESPN to do one like NBAPlugged or something like that. So yeah,
and he's doing all sorts of differentthings. But I found this YouTube
video. He interviews people and hasfun with it in its jokes, and

I think there's there's an audience aswell, and they getting cold tubs and
he had Justin Jefferson on and youcan find it on YouTube. Just search
Justin Jefferson, Kevin Hart, andI'm sure the video pop up here.
He is talking about the his formerteammates, his former college buddies, Jamar
Chase and Joe Burrow. You playedwith Joe Burrow, You played with Jamar
Chase. I want to know aboutthe dynamic at LSU. Was there a

moment there where you guys knew ourfuture is bright? Oh? For sure.
Of course, me and Jamar arealways confident in ourselves to go out
there and kill anybody that steps infront of us. So Joe was tremendous
man. Just his ability to movein a pocket, his ability to look
downfield and make some accurate throws.We knew once we stepped foot on that
league field there was going to besomething crazy. Was there ever a clash

of the egos of personalities or wasit always something that was in sync the
line? It was a good clash, okay. We always want the best
for each other, but also wewant to be better than one another,
So it was always a competitive thing. But I loved it. I loved
it being at LSU with him.He's my brother, so it's something that's
going to last forever. Him beengoing to get into the Last Football League

and Hi getting to play with Joe, you go, you with the Vikens.
Was it a little bit of jealousythat they get to keep the thing
together, you know, just alittle tag and I love them together.
I love the chemistry that they havewith each other. But you know,
he's definitely some jealousy on that side. Yeah, he doesn't want to be
here. But the first the firstquestion where it's you know, how did

everybody get along with that LSU team? And was there ever any friction?
It would have been so cool ifJustin had it been like, well,
yeah, we just got sick ofhearing Terris Marshall Junior saying he needed more
reps, just like what what thekJ Osborne of LSU fame. There's no
doubt about that. And by theway, you should you should watch this.

It's like eleven or twelve minutes long. JJ's fantastic and and even he's
even roasting Kevin Hard a couple ofdifferent times throughout the interview. But jealousy
in some ways pining for that typeof opportunity that that Jamar Chase and Joe
Burrow have down there in Cincinnati.It just adds more fuel to the fire
PA in terms of well, whatdoes JJ want, what's going on with

JJ? That sort of thing.But I just found it to be Justin
Jefferson being super genuine and having fun, Yeah, with a cool opportunity with
Kevin Hart. Yeah, the bitsounded cool, and I like how,
at least with that part how Kevinconstructed his questions Because Kevin Hart is going
to get better or the same answersfrom these superstars as yeah, pretty much

everybody else in the media, butthey're just going to bring it a different
way and maybe even more so fromthe heart. And you could kind of
hear that in Justin's voice. Well, I mean, you know, ever
since ever since Spielman Gate twenty twentyfour and like all that stuff came out,
you know, we've been talking aboutit a fair amount, and some
of the ancillary dot coms you know, who listened intently to nine to Noon,

have picked up on some things thatI've said and have characterized it actually
accurately, with the exception of whenI talk about Justin and I go down
the road of pondering a trade forJustin Jefferson, like even a couple of
thursdays from now. The thing thatI hope listeners don't miss or leave out

like some of the secondary variety,the aggregate, well of the aggregate or
the secondary variety or third dairy variety. But I understand, chipchair Chance,
right is the part when I say, let's unpack it, let's go to
the baseline of what we're talking about, and let's tear it apart, and

you know, just let's look atit from a different view as opposed to
the detail oriented, worry oriented,concern oriented middle seat on an airplane and
you're worried about your connection and youknow the flight attendant's not back there in
time with with a beverage or whateveryou know you got to you can't get

an arm rest, whatever the overarcher with Justin Jefferson, there's nothing that
has changed with what I shared frommy heart or no matter where I got
it weeks ago. Is the teamand I don't like to speak for the
team, and I'm not speaking officiallyfor the team. It's my belief there

is zero desire, zero not onepercent, zero percent desire to trade Justin
Jefferson. So as the unpacking goes. That's one side of the equation.
Takes two to ten go. Iget it. I also stick by the
deal that supposedly got rejected. Theywere very, very close. And you
know what if Justin and Justin's representationrecognize the percentage points the salary cap continues

to go up, why would yousign a deal before you have to,
you know, because it's like salarycap when I'm seven percent? Well,
okay, well, what's next yearout? Probably nine? What if it's
thirteen When you're talking about hundreds ofmillions of dollars, that four percent is
a lot, it is, andand nine to noon at least me.
You know, I'm not gonna speakfor an ordo on this, but I
think it's the show in totality isI'm not one to point at somebody like

Cousins. Bro. You said youwanted to finish here and Cooper loves it
here and just the whole thing's great, and you laughed under the cover of
darkness. Okay, well that dealwas exponentially greater than what anybody, including
people in the league, felt hewas going to get. Yep, I'm
not mad at you for doing that. I'm mad at all. Okay.

So same with Justin where if ifhe and his representation want to see how
far the salary cap goes up again, that's wise. And also I stick
by what I said before that frommy knowledge standpoint, Justin has zero problem

with who the next quarterback for theMinnesota Vikings is going to be zero.
It's a zero, okay. Nowis he going to be like Lamar Jackson
break down tape? Like Lamar isgoing to be watching all these receivers supposedly
and offering up opinions to the generalmanager DaCosta. Justin's in a cold tub
with Kevin Hartz. He's not goingto be breaking down Drake May's footwork.

Okay, He's not going to questionWow, you know the twenty one year
old game manager, and I liketo run down the field. Now,
JJ can do it, Okay.You put JJ with Koc, You put
JJ in this mix and let himspread his wings. JJ can do it.
Soaking Drake May, soaking Jade andDaniels soaking, Caleb Williams, soaking

Michael Pennix. Then we get toBoon Nicks where they're starting to be You
heard it from Chavis earlier. We'vejust if you know what to read,
where to read it, and whento read it. You kind of hear
the same things about all these peopleand it's not source. You know,
a source said, and then theydon't mention the source. And then I'm
like, well, why am Ieven looking at Bleacher Report in the first
place. You're getting me it's myfault for looking at it, or that's

just an example, but like awebsite like that, and you know it's
Justin. I think there was astory or a report or something that you
know Justin will have an opinion onthe quarterback or they're going to include him
in the equation or something like that. Well, quite honestly, you're foolish
if you don't. Okay, Now, he's not the line of delineation between

May and m and McCarthy or whomeverin Penix. He he's not compensated or
paid and has not put in enoughtime with the film study and the visits
and the whole thing to get thefinal take on who's throwing him the ball
right, But it's making a mountainout of a molehill. In terms of
Kevin O'Connell himself stating well, ofcourse I've communicated with Justin Jefferson given him

you know what's going on, that'swhat happened in and so suddenly, so
you can take that statement and thenwell, clearly Justin Jefferson is in the
room with Jamaal Stevenson and Munnins andhe's just sitting there at the chairman of
the board style, right, andthey just present him their work on the
quarterbacks. From a scouting perspective,it's probably not the case if you're Justin

Jefferson, and I believe this tobe the case because he's very smart.
Yeah, all you have to dois look at what your performances have provided,
no matter who the quarterback is.Yep, it's the amount of yards
he had last year, despite theamount of games he missed. It's not
bad. Okay, come on,it doesn't matter. It's the quarterback matters

at this stage of the equation withrookie quarterbacks or pre agents like Darnald,
the coach matters more than the quarterback, okay, because if the quarterback is
not getting it to Justin the quarterback, if it's the rookie, if it's
Mayor McCarthy, they'll be talked to. I'm they'll fix it. If it's
Donald, he'll be benched, okay, and they know how that's just how
it goes. Yeah, So Justinhas a high level of faith, trust

and admiration for Kevin O'Connell. Andthat's fact. That's absolute fact. So
when it comes to the quarterback orthe deal, I ain't tripping a lick,
you know. But you know,I understand why it popped up a
little bit because of some reports earlierin the week, But that's just the
unpacking part of it, where ifyou know you're far apart, which they're

not, and if you know thenext quarterback potentially is going to bug him,
which it's not, well, thenyeah, fifteen days from now,
you've got to say he's available.That's zero percent the case. I've completely
settled in, as we've talked abouta combination of two things in this,
and that is I believe it's smartfor JJ to be patient get the right

deal because I do believe that thiswide receiver market is going to freaking crash.
Financially, I do not believe thatthis is a long term trend.
Because of the fact that we areseeing more wide receivers coming out of the
draft, and we're seeing offenses,making them the Nakua's of the world,
and making these things work to sucha degree that I believe Justin Jefferson could

be among the final receivers Jamar Chasein that mix, ceed Lamb, these
could be among the last wide receiversthat get some of these mega deals because
of teams finding options via the draft, and then in combination with that,
when we were talking about, youknow, trade Justin Jefferson that's been floated
out there, trade them to Arizona, for instance, in that fourth pick

et cetera, Well they could sitthere and get Molik neighbors. So you
keep thinking about all of that.Or if we trade Justin Jefferson, we'd
get four first round draft picks,would you No, no, no,
you're not going to get pay ifyou were considering trading Justin to Arizona.
The again, sources from the secondarypieces that I read nationally, they're like,

okay, to get up to fourand you want to include Justin,
well you still got to give upthose two picks. Yeah I'm not correct.
Okay, I'm not correct. SoI guess I'm screwed. But I
guess you're screwed too, because nowyou're sitting here at four with a quarterback
who good luck with him, that'sall I'll say. Good luck with him.
And you just had the opportunity tohave that guy this eleventh overall,

pick this conditional third next year dependingon how McCart or Drake matt depending on
how many snaps they play or howmany whatever they do. It's conditional.
It's a fifth, it could bea third. No, no, no,
I'm not giving you. Come on, bra we got thirty five seconds
left on the clock here, andyou're stalling because I know you got the

anti Vike on the other line,and he's willing to not only give a
family member and just like have himlive there and work for you, but
he's also as Patrick Shirtan the second. So no, we're not giving.
We're not giving eleven and twenty threeand justin for four out of your mind
Woo fightes bites presented by a thousandHills the Jadeen Daniels. This kind of

popped that the Vikings have met withMay and McCarthy and Pennix. Oh,
you couldn't believe the entourage. It'sit's like the old Macato training camp days.
The amount of stuff that they broughtto meet with Michael Pennix Junior.
Yeah, they didn't. That's whyI put it in the sixteen for sixteen
yesterday. Yeah, they were thereto see Penix, they were there to

see others. Yeah, and no, it's it's backed. I mean,
that's why the the that's why asmany went. You know, they have
a receiver whose name I can't remember, which is always convenient draft season.
It's not the oneuse the rome whateverbit. And it's also not the second
guy. All right, it's theone when Pennix got there, somebody blew
up and had eleven hundred yards anda bunch of tds And then what's the

best receiver for Washington's name? Yeah, okay, well it was his turn
last year and another cat well somebodygot left in the wake of a keen
turn of superstar speed. Oh justjust just remember that. So there were
some there for that. They gotan offensive linemen, oh fatanu or fot
news. They got an offensive linemannew short and he's described as having short

arms. And every time I hearthat, it reminds me of a troll
living underneath the bridge hanging out withBilly Gokroth. When they do make it
sound sometimes like he's like he's freakingt Rex out there, arms at tackle,
arm length at tackle. I gota high level of respect for it.
Certainly matters, It really really matters, because then your elbows get out

farther when you're in your stance.But this guy, this cat you just
mentioned, what about playing guard?What about rough and tumble guard? It's
well, is he interested? Idon't care. I took him, he
got paid. We're a team,so you know those are the well Panix
a topic. Yeah, absolutely,I'm getting too many of the right people

in my life. Javis is thenewest Lieber was last week, some people
at the combine. I'm just I'mhearing so many of the right things about
Michael Pennix Junior, you know,and it all comes back to what about
the injuries? What about Yeah,I mean that's all of that. Yeah,
that that matters. I'm not goingto live life scared, and those
drafting should not live life scared.If you like him and if you love

him, and maybe you think he'son par with some of the ones who
are going to go in the topfour, wow, that's that's a conundrum.
Well, it is. I'm notmock draft guy. I never look
at him because they influenced my mythey influenced my thought too much with like
who so and so has here andthere and everything. But everybody who either
has looked at them or listened toanything knows Pennix is a fifteen to twenty

sixth type guy potentially be taken inthere. He's a first rounder. But
I'm now the closer we get.I'm just, you know, like what
Javis said today than the non obviousapproach to the NFL draft. Raise your
hand if you'd heard anybody or readanybody saying he's so good at eluding sacks

and getting out of sacks and hedoesn't take sacks the other quarterbacks take like
damn, I never thought of that. Well, that's part of the equation,
you know. And then it's like, oh, by the way,
Pee, his accuracy downfield intermediate longerwhen he's on the run best of anybody
in the draft. Hey, ohhis deep ball's eli wow. Yeah,
but what about the intermediate or thedeep ball while you're a movie while the

movement the movement factor matters as well. That's hard. I Misschavis. So
I'm glad that we had him ontoday. I need we need a draft
nasty in the mix. If you, sir, mention nolight, how closely
do you think you know? Ipicture like Dalton Riisner got up this morning
and had his coffee, you know, a couple of eggs over easy,
few links and some flapjacks. Howclosely is Blake Brandell watching this entire situation

unfold because he's he's he's almost wakingup, and he's googling Vikings depth chart
and he sees him as the asthe current starting left guard. Dalton Riisner
is still out there, second yearin a row, that has been a
ton of crickets in free agency forhim. But then there is the left
guard situation from a draft standpoint,Well, there's the right guard situation too.

I mean it's I stand by everythingI've said about editing Ingram over two
years. You you are I'm not. Here's the reality guy. But I'm
telling you, if you think edIngram's rookie year was an L, you're
an L. You're wrong because thereare a lot of mistakes. But when
you start every single game as aninterior offensive lineman, I think you played

every snap as a matter of factevery snap and made every practice, Well
that's a do w. Okay,that's a dou w. And now the
next if you're going looking to analyzeor or distribute ols, well then the
next layer of that would be allright, well that's the best you can
do. Then you know, outcomethere wasn't better, debt or whatever.

I'm not that guy, but ifyou are, I understand, you know,
because you're you know, because thatadd some rough moments is rookie year.
But when you play every nap ofevery game and you're reliable like that,
that is a W. And there'sno other way to look at it.
So what happened the next year?Did it get better? I can't
say that. Did it stay thesame, I don't know. Did it
get worse? I don't know.Did he miss time? Yes? So

it's it's to fortify the Minnesota Movingcompany. Is the interior of the offensive
line, I believe has to bea focus when you start picking after the
first round or in the first round. And I don't know where this guy's
going to get done, is goingto get drafted, But you know again,
it's it's nine to noon. Doesnot pretend to be college football all

twenty two guys are guys now isis I will get touted by the right
people and I will share them.Nordo will listen, He'll tell Sauce.
It'll be on Twitter in a halfhour or on Saturdays with Sauce. And
that's just how the surrogate life works. And that's okay. I've always been
a vault when you've told me certainthings or wasn't there like a Vontez perfect

thing that I was just rambling aimlesslyabout and you had hit me privately about
something, you know, and Ijust randomly started spitting that out onto the
airwaves. Yeah. No, it'slike eight years ago. Well, the
only time where I knew you werewrong about something but I didn't want to
tell you because I didn't know howwas we're out. Let's not name the

players, but they were defensive players, Okay, you remember, Yeah,
Okay, And I'm like, Ijust want I don't want to hear this
anymore. With all due respect,doesn't mean this guy's going to be right.
But let's call this guy. Hey, so and so. You got
him on the freak out phone.You're on speaker of the producers here.
You know my level of trust isgood. All right, what do you

got? What do you think ofthis guy? Four minutes later? Well
what about this guy? For minuteslater? Boo oh. I was so
proud of those two guys. I'mlike, yeah, they're an absolute fit.
They're going to be underrated studs.Yep. And then you're right.
And when somebody, hey, whensomebody puts work in formulates opinions, I

love that. That's what makes thisfun. And if you're wrong, that's
fine, and if you're right,that's fine. And he was dead on
about this. I've done it amillion times, but he was dead on.
I mean, we're now four yearsinto it and neither one could play
that's correct. But see what youwere doing is it's part of the learning
and the vulnerability that's that you havewhere is transpiring in your life in that

the the you. It was wherethe team was picking the vikings. Yeah,
okay, so you're looking for playersaround there, trying to fit them
into that spot. That's why Idon't look at mocks absolutely because now all
of a sudden, I'm pissed off. I can't get your mirror Gibbs at
twenty six, you know what Imean? So I just can't look at
mock drafts and I don't. Youknow, if you like them, that's

great, that that's fun, youknow it's but it influences, is what
I'm thinking too much, as opposedto air a bird singing or an eagle
landing and then just sharing it likethis. I have too many people in
my life who know what they're talkingabout. It matter elevating my opinion of
Michael Pennix Junior, which is fine. If he's the quarterback here, excellent.

I hope doing a super Bowl withhim. But it's that wasn't the
case last week. No, itwas not. Uh that's real. That's
it for Vits Bites, brought toyou by Thousand Hills. We're gonna pause.
I'm gonna pause for the call.I'm gonna play some some talkbacks.
We're gonna pick a talkback winner.But then I got a special guest.
Oh we have the box. Yeah, run a box, get the old

mile, Get high City. MisterHorton has has agreed to join us on
the fly final segment. Let's talkback and let's text and talk back more
than people know. It's what wedo on KVAM. Yeah, going to

now talkbacks free. iHeartRadio. Appyep, hit that microphone. Give us
your best thirty seconds. We're goingto start here. Let's listen. What's
up nordo Opa? This JJ disgruntledtalk is killing me. It doesn't make
sense. What makes sense to me? It's human nature saying, Okay,

I'm the best receiver in the NFL. I'm going to wait to sign until
Ceedee Lamb signs his and Jamar Chasesigned his so that I could be the
highest paid wide receiver because I ambetter than either of those two receivers.
That's it. Wait for them tosign. JJ's gonna sign. It is
that simple. Well that's an excellenttalkback. I always know it really was,

and I want to go quickly herebecause we have the box from Denver
around the corner and a break.But well, I mean the theory and
the idea was right about waiting forsomething else. But I mean, perhaps
he's waiting for Darne Mooney to setthe market. I always love that one.
You also can be the forefront ofthe market and you can set it.

So yeah, it's not everything.It's a lot of what you said,
specifically with Cede Lamb, but alsothe salary cap increases, you know,
the increase to the cap that playsinto it too. Excellent, talkback
there, my brother. All right, how about this one here? Hey,
Tyler from Fargo. Here, Igot to talk back for you.
How about the Vikings trade up?Get Drake May. I can see Pa

in the booth right now, Maydrops back, fixes Aaron Jones looks right
back left, Lets it loose passes, got JJ touchdowns. We're headed to
the big easy. Sounds pretty good, doesn't it. Love the show guys,
Thank you Fargo. I'd take itbecause I love Drake May. What's

next? Pa? And Ordo?What's up? This is Nick from Two
Harbors. Hey, my draft takeis easy and low hanging fruits. The
Vikings and Bears are picking quarterbacks thisyear. But what I don't hear a
lot of talk about is how itimpacts the NFC. Yeah, golf Detroit,
love in Green Bay, Minnesota,and Chicago selecting two franchise quarterbacks coming

in fresh and ready to role.Our division is about to become the most
dominant in the league, setting upthe table for all four teams making post
season play. That's awesome. Imean, well, he's right, because
golf is not only underappreciated, buthe's quite good. Love is is good
and getting better. And then thefranchise pieces. Heck, yeah, I

love that. Which one you wantto which one do you think should win?
Well, I'm going to uh well, I mean it's I set it
up, the one from making twoHarbors two Harbors to say, any congratulations,
Let's let's chat with the Wolves,Vox Allen Horton next, Hey Vox,

thanks for the time. What's goingon, brother, Yopa? Well
you got getting set to go heretonight. It all comes down to this
basically, yeah, kin, Imean kind of more so for the Nuggets
than the Wolves. I mean,I ain't saying, you know, if
Denver loses tonight, it's a sinchto beat Wemby, but it is a
sinch to beat Memphis. And thennow we got Dejonte here on Friday and

the Suns on Sunday, and whoknows what that situation is going to be
after what you called last Friday night. I mean, I had a previous
commitment, so I couldn't watch thegame. I was sour too that I
missed the game because of the BigThree playing for Phoenix. And then I
looked at the score, and I'mlike, damn, man, we got
eighty seven points through three quarters againstthe Suns. Oh no, that's the
final What the hell happened there?And so anyway, it's that game you

have tonight in the Mile Get HighCity at the ball Arena. Wow,
box, what a cool game you'regoing to be calling at nine o'clock on
KFA N Yeah, it's gonna bea lot of fun. It's kind of
reminiscent of the end of the seventeeneighteen season when it was Game eighty two
at Target Center for the winner ofNuggets Wolves went to the playoffs and one

of those rare end of season therewas no other scenario. It was winning,
you go to the playoff, losergoes home. And I think that
game of PA not to get offtrack, but that kind of spurred I
think the NBA to try to createthe play in because they love the excitement
of that final regular season game,and so the Wolves and Nuggets had a
hand in that, I think backin the end of the seventeen eighteen season.

But yeah, I mean the twoteams are tied right now. This
is you know, after this you'vementioned two games to go for both teams.
It's funny to hear the comments too, and it was like, Yep,
we know at the stake it's abig time game. Nikola Jokic after
the game in Utah last night,after their win, he's like, Hey,
no big deal where it's one ofeighty two. He's kind of downplaying
it. And I think the Wolves, I think we'll know how big this

is. I think they really wantthis, and I think the Nuggets do
too. They just go about ita little differently, especially when when Jokic
is involved. Oh the and andand thanks for the solid last night.
I take a class in Lakeville everyTuesday night. So when I was driving
back, of course, I waslistening to the Timberwolves channel on the iHeart
radio app and there you are andand so I'm listening to it for about

twenty five minutes. And a name, a name that I keep a visa
or whatever. You said it theright. How do you say that guy's
name, Oh, Abdia, it'sAbdea. Who knows, No, it
doesn't look like Abdea. So thankyou, thank you for the solid on
that. But how about last night? The okay, I mean, you're
you're losing to one of the worst, most embarrassing teams in the NBA for

more than more. Well they arewith how they the whole pool thing,
and their best player, Kuzma's noteven playing. They trade their center Gal
Galford Gafford to Dallas, so they'rethey're sizeless and and I'm like, come
on, man, but how aboutlast night with your squad they were able
to push a button, blow bya bad team and win by multiple lengths.

That's that's maybe not preferred, butthat's what the good teams do,
right, Yeah, I mean,that's certainly not the game plan. It
wasn't to fall behind by twenty onepoints and Washington with their depleted, depleted
lineup, I mean, it wasjust it didn't look like it was going
to be competitive. And then theyjump out to a twenty one point lead.
And I don't care who you're playing, it's not easy to come back

from twenty one. But they finallybuckled down. They were better in the
second, better in the third,better in the fourth, and so it
was a weird kind of game.It was a game that I think that
the arena was kind of, Hey, let's put our foot down and stomp
on these guys, it didn't happen. Now we got to come back and
all of a sudden, Ants gettingthirty thirty five, forty forty five,
and the game's still relatively close,so he's still going and he gets to

fifty one points, just the eighthto fifty point game in franchise history.
He's only the sixth player to doit, and the first guy off the
bench to greet him was Karl AnthonyTowns, which is really cool to see
because Kat's done that three times.We know that how much that has meant
to him. He's had a coupleof sixty point games, but he was
really happy for Ant. You cansee how much it meant to Edwards,

and so it turned out to bea really cool evening. Hey, and
tonight it'll be a really cool eveningon KFA And this is Alan Horton.
He calls Wolves games for Kfan andthe iHeart Radio and Media Family nine o'clock
Ball Arena. First place in theWestern Conference at stake when Karl Anthony Towns
returns. Where do you think itwill help most? I think it will

help offensively, although when you lookat the numbers since Carl's been out,
technically the Wolves have been a littlebetter offensively. It really kind of figured
things out. I just think itwill help offensively and help with their depth.
The key to me is just workinghim back in and not making it
about Carl's return and making it aboutthe Timberwolves win. How can he work

his way back in while still beingheart of this success that the Wolves have
going having won eleven of their lastfourteen games, They're really on a nice
stretch. How does that? Ithink noswell, as he's shown he can
come off the bench, he canstart. I think that's kind of the
goal is for him to work inas seamlessly and as he can not kind

of come in and try to dominateand jack up twenty five to thirty shots,
so he can try to get ina rhythm, because that would take
the rest of the team out oftheir rhythm. So I think that's kind
of the goal. Worked him inas seamlessly as possible. Now with the
Nuggets, Unlike last time when theWolves put on a clinic and beat them
wire to wire Jamal Murray, theyhad like twenty eight last night, played

twenty seven minutes, shot fifty fivepercent the parts. After listening to you,
I got home Wolves, game wasover. They were like seven minutes
to go in the fourth quarter.Utah was relatively close, but then Denver
pushed the button and ran away.But Jamal man I mean, Jamal was
sharp last night. You're gonna getJamal tonight with you think, Yeah,

they're a different team when he's onthe floor. They're forty one and fourteen
this year, so they've got anexceptional win percentage when he's there. And
it's just it makes a big difference. You know, one of your top
two players, when one of themisn't there, it makes a huge difference.
That's a big load for anybody tocarry, even a even a multi
time MVP like Jokic. But youknow, he looks better there. You

know they ramped up his minutes theselast two games. And I looked at
his shooting numbers, you know,before the knee injury. He's shooting about
you know, right around forty percentover his previous five six games. That
tells me that something's bothering him.You get that kind of rest. I
think he rested for seven games therethey went four and three. Now he's
back and appears to be healthy,and that makes all the difference because you
know, Jokicic can't play forty eightminutes, and they really missed Jamal Murray

leading the team. They're so dependent. I mean, Jokic and Murray are
so good, but you become dependenton those two guys. And so when
you will take away one of thoseguys from the equation, all of a
sudden, you know, Aaron Gordon'snot a guy who can create his own
shot. Michael Porter Junior doesn't reallycreate his own shot. They play off
of Murray and Jokic are really goodat that, and so that made a
big difference, you know. Butbut here in Denver, they quickly mentioned

that Kamal Murray didn't play in thatgame, and there's no mention the Towns
didn't play for the Timberwolves. It'sit's kind of a missing thing the Wolves
have seen when they've traveled around.They've won these games on the road.
And then the Lakers, well wewere without Lebron and and Ad for most
of the game, and you're like, hey, we're missing an all NBA
player right here as well. Thatdoesn't get mentioned. So the Towns will

not play tonight, but it's goingto be exciting to kind of get him
back, and hopefully you'd love alittle bit more of a runway to get
him back, maybe a week orso of five or six games, but
that's just not going to be thecase. The good news is the Wolves
get a week off starting on Sunday. It's going to be weird not being
in the play in after a coupleof years, and and now be one
of those teams that sits and waitsand gets healthy and rested up and gets

some practice time in. Because Itell you what, Pa, the last
two years, that play in comesquick. You're facing a new opponent.
It is NonStop, and then allof a sudden you jump right to a
seven game series opponent and I thinkyou do it. Takes a lot out
of you to get to that point. Meanwhile, that other team has been
sitting resting for a week. Alan, You're awesome. Thanks for riding home
with me last night. Metaphorically speaking, we'll be listening tonight. Thanks for

the time on short notice. Can'twait to do it again soon. Okay,
you got a PA. Thanks seeyou, Bud. Alan horton the
Box Radio Vox for the Minnesota Timberwolvesnine o'clock tonight. The Wolves and the
Nuggets tied for supremacy in the WesternConference, and those entities meet in the
Mile Get High City this evening andreally nothing has to give Baxer against the

Wall and a games are required,Douka, So listen to Alan tonight.
Thank you very much for listening tonightand to noon today. Yours truly is
at twin Citi's Orthopedics Performance Center tomorrowand general manager Quasi Adofo Mensa joins the
show. Here comes Norda with arap on the show. By now,

thanks Casey's for bringing you the nineto noon show wraps, get into a
Casey's today, Love you. Sowe're stretching and doing extracalisthenics, extending takes
in opinions on Michael Pennis. Wealways appreciate some late draft steam. Wouldn't
mind if the Husky ended Thursday onour team. But at which pick eleven
or twenty three? Sean Payton Larkinpockets out, wait and see let him

leverage the future on one of theother kids. Well, Pennix and JJ
had the bank. It's lifting thelid now The record stops for the draft
party crowd, no trade up thedinner crones and Booze are getting loud like
you're now getting turned away at thegate for bringing her large purse. Groups
let down, if pick eleven's JaredVerse and tomorrow heading the tco Quacy joins
us to tell us everything he knows. Maybe like the wolves, Tonight,

we feast on small crumbs, draftaddicts. We're chewing our lips and quidland
thumbs. Thank you many, thankyou, good podcast, Today's Paul Allen
Show. We're listening back to showand interview site going to the iHeartRadio app
or kf a n dot com
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