All Episodes

April 12, 2024 37 mins
The final hour features some legal controversy with one of PA's favorites in the music industry, Hall & Oates, then some fiery opinions over the Vikings 2024 win total(6.5)!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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And using the free iHeart Radio app, I got some Miller Lede Draft Party
tickets to give away thirteen days fromtoday, just a couple of thursdays from
now at us Bank Stadium. LocalKFA coverage, by the way, is
brought to you by Pep's Draft HousePizza. But we're giving away tickets via

your talkbacks. So using the freeiHeartRadio app, you hit that microphone,
give us up to your best thirtyseconds or do you think about the draft?
What do you think about conversation earliertoday? You're all in on Pennix
or any of these quarterbacks. Youwant them to stick and take a defensive
player to eleven. Give us yourthoughts the talkback, and one of you
is going to get some tickets tothe middle of light draft party. I'm

breaking news, Paul. What happenedas your As you know, Daryl Hall
and John Oates are at a pivotalpoint of their relationship. Yeah, there
was a restraining order, Like withina year. Daryl Hall surprised the world
when he filed a restraining order againstJohn Oates last year. We now know

more of the details behind it.Well, let me let me just see
because I didn't read a lot aboutthis. I just went headline gazing when
it happened, and that was exactlyit. Daryl Hall has put a restraining
order on John Oates, and I'mgoing to assume that it's something songwriting related

or like I wrote this song andget these royalties and you're you're close,
okay, because Darryl, like Isaw Daryl Hall on and I think he
did a years ago. Bill Maherhas a he has liked this. He
lives in California, where pot islegal, so it's like he you know,
he's, oh the interview bit,Yeah, the interview bit down by
the bar and like a basement,and he just gets high and talks to

people. And he's talking to somebodyand he just fires up the fattest dube
this side of cheech and jaw,and you know, offers it to the
guest or whatever, and they'll sipsome bourbon and just have really relaxed,
chill conversations. I mean, it'sthe bitterness in the heart of my guy.
When I Daryl Hall, when Iwatch that, I'm like, damn
man, you're I mean, likehe owns an island off off Nasau like

in the Bahamas. He owns,castles and money, and what you own
does not in any way guarantee orlead to happiness. But I just got
the feeling, is like when hewas laying out all these bitter things and
none of them had to do withJohn Oates, with the exception of you
know, we did. We werereally took it personally when people called us

all of Oates sounds like we're somefree making farm band from the middle of
Altoon, Iowa, where Daryl Halland John Oates, nobody ever except me.
I've heard that twenty years. Allof notes again, everybody's all notes,
all notes, all of notes,and but the bitterness that he had
for record labels and and and thingsthat were signed before, and people can't

write songs anymore. And it's like, my man is so bitter. This
is aggressive, It really is.So now we know of more of the
details. John Oates, who wantsto sell all of his half of the
music. You know, he wantsto sell his half of the shares of
the catalog off the catalog. YeahHall does. Daryl Hall does not want

him to, and went to ajudge and got a temporary restraining order against
Oates from selling a Steak. IsJohn busted? I mean it makes you
wonder, is not coming true?He kisses kiss on Nobody's List? Seriously?
Is he not rich? Boy?Apparently he's not. Hall describe Oates
actions as an ambush and a betrayaland said, wow, I believe that

John Ross Darryl timed the unauthorized transactionto create the most harm to me personally.
Yeah, that was a quote.By the way, there is a
chance Daryl Hall's son, Darren,who was conceived in Minnesota and at last
check lived in Minnesota. His name'sDarren Hall. Darren Hall, if he's

listening right now. Yeah, Imean there's a sliver of a chance because
he's got to be in his forties, forties or fifties now. But yeah,
there was a I believe it wasfrom I don't know who it was
from, but Daryl Hall was datinga flight attendant named Sarah Allen. And
is that Sarah smiles? That's SarahSmile. And Sarah and her sister Jana

Janna wrote music. Well, Jannawas part writer for Kiss on My List.
I think you make my dreams.So like Jana Allen wrote a bunch
of songs and Daryl and Sarah weretogether. Sarah was a flight attendant.
Thus, from the Abandoned Luncheonette album, Darryl wrote a song for her Darryl

and John called Las Vegas Turnaround.Yeah, Sarah's off on a turnaround,
flying gambling fulls to their holy land, Las Vegas. Sometimes she's here,
sometimes she's not around. Turnaround.So it was a it's called Las Vegas
Turnaround, the Stewardess song, Wowand and so anyway, but that's right
around the time Darren Hall was conceivedin Duluth, Minnesota, I believe,

and at last check still lived hereand we might be listening right now.
You don't get a lot of detailon the conception of people vote well for
that. That's not Daryl's real lastname. He was born and Darryl Franklin
h O h L Darryl whole.It's the it's the O or the with
the two dots over it. TheyYeah. So its German of by descent

from Puttstown, Pennsylvania, and hismom unbelievably accomplished I think gospel singer in
the Pennsylvania area outside of Philadelphia.And so therefore that's how Darryl started learning
to sing from his diaphragm at avery young age. She sounded the book.
But there's a book called Dangerous Dancesthat does you know, it's like

thirty years old, but of courseI've read it and like it was almost
militaristic how his mom was making himat a very young age learned to sing
from his diaphragm. Wow, likehe would do like these you know the
way it's described some type of likedrill or exercise to get him to sing
from his diaphragm. I mean,good for Darryl that his mom that worked

out because it worked, and shetaught him to play piano. He's an
unbelievable pianist. But anyway, JohnOates has a new solo album you may
or may not know, ironically wasat the Fine Line recently ironically called Reunion
is the name of it. Nowwe got a little more detail on why
Oates does wants to sell his halfof the catalog. He says during the

pandemic, when they could not tour, he realized he didn't want a tour,
that he was done touring. Andthe quote here from John Oates is
I understand why people come and wantto hear the big hits and those songs
are going to live forever. ButI wanted to relegate them to the classic
file that they're in, and Iwanted them to be heard in the best
possible light the way they were whenthe Spark was on in the seventies and

eighties. That's when those songs reallyresonated. To keep playing them for me
was no longer interesting, and Iwant to do something else. Wow,
that's unfortunately once out of his halfof the business, and Darryl Hall won't
let him out. I've always kindof wondered that about long standing bands,
like you know it's Daryl Hall andJohn Oates performed at Excel Energy Center within

the last five six seven years,all right, and I thought it was
going to be the cut off,the thing in the middle, and it's
like se circle because they couldn't sellit out. I was wrong. It
didn't sell out, But they're probablylike thirteen fourteen to fifteen thousand people.
That's pretty impressive. Well that's thisis like twenty seventeen, eighteen. Well
they're getting like they're getting, youknow, like three hundred and fifty thousand

dollars that night that night, ay, And I think Darryl was at the
time seventy or seventy one. Johnwas right around there. But to fly
in the face and antithetical to John'spoint, right, I mean, you
don't want to sing man Eater forthe nine thousand, ninety thousandth time,

but people are there to see it, and they want to hear it,
and they want it if there's atwist to it, because that's always been
a That's one of many things thatreally drew me into them when I first
saw them live on the Man Eatertour in nineteen eighty three, when I
was a junior in high school.I saw them at the Forum where the
Lakers played in eighty three, andit's like their songs from the albums would

be three and a half minutes,you know, four minutes whatever, but
the like six minutes. Certain onesare like six, Like I can't go
for that. They stretched us Suckerout to seven minutes end shows with it.
The sax guy goes for a minutea half that's not on the song.
Then there's a bass solo and thingslike that. So the music,
their musicality is elite. It's eliteof elite. The particular nature you can

just tell it was important to DarylHall and John Oates that we don't want
to be like Van Morrison. I'veseen Van Morrison. It I like some
Van Morrison songs. It was everythingwas exactly like what you would hear on
the radio. No byplayer or interactionbetween the sounds, fun, which is
fine. And the whole thing tookless than ninety minutes, you know,
so it's Prince was like this too. It's the the making the sound.

The song sounds like what you havecome to expect, but not exactly like
the album. You know. Thatwas important to that. I think that
is important. Now if you're ifyou're John Oates and you've decided you're basically
done singing those old songs, whynot sell your catalog? Right? Why
not sell it? Maybe? God? You know it? We know like
the the Beatles was like, Idon't know a billion dollars, but they're

the Beatles. Yeah, you know, it's going to be many millions of
dollars for Oates's side, and athis age, you better get it now,
he's got to be close to eightyyears old. I think Bieber sold
his and I could be wrong onthis, but I thought it was like
two hundred or three hundred million dollarswow to sell the rights to the to
the catalog, and the Hall ofOats catalog is becoming less valuable with time,

Yes, just because they're so old. Songs are now thirty and forty
years old. You know, soShe's gone. You know that song?
H of course, Well that causeslow ish, very R and b R
song seventy two or three, Sonineteen seventy two or three, So that
that's that was. It was liketheir first hit. Their next hit was
Rich Girl or Sarah Smile and wehad a little break and then the video

age began and you got the Voicesalbum, and from the Voices album they
took the Righteous Brothers You Lost thatlove and feeling and blew it up.
And then family Man on the ManEater album. I believe family Man.
That wasn't their song either. Theytook a song called family Man that was

a non player in maybe the fiftiesand took that and made a lot of
money off that. Well. Andthen see just the Bitterness of My guy
Daryl Hall. It's now in eightythree, I think it was eighty.
I was an intern at Kiss FM, so it took place when that was
taking place, Rick Dy's in themorning and stuff like that. Because this

song came out, Paul Young tookthe last song on their nineteen seventy nine
Voices album, a seven minute churchsong, church music, church organ,
very slow, one guy, justone guy singing, just a keyboard,
maybe a little drum, called everyTime you go Away. Well, Paul,
you know, every time I knowyou've heard it. Of course it

b up and well, Daryl Hallwas so bitter that that song was taken,
and it basically they multiplied the earnings, multiplied off a song that was
too long to play on the radiothat Daryl created, so Paul Young shortened
it, sped it up and crushedas a one hit wonder. Daryl was

bitter, and I was always thinkingof Daryl cast the Royalty checks, Rah,
how can you be bitter when youpicked off the Righteous Brothers? And
that was like one of your firsta huge hitch, you know, with
you lost the eleven feeling. Butanyway, Town Oates might be the good
guy in this story. I mean, you know, I don't know them
personally at all, and you mighthave more insight into who they are as

people. But Oates might be likethe normal grounded one. Maybe you know,
he wasn't the singer, so hewasn't the face of the band nearly
as much. Yeah, so yeah, I don't even know what a metabolistic
star is. But like Daryl Hallhad this metal, some weird are on
his shoulder. Then he explained atone time and nobody else it was a
tattoo. Yeah it's not. Idon't know what it is, but he

but he you know. But thenlike middle of the eighties in the calendar
section of the La Times or RollingStone, one of the two. I'll
never forget it, you know,because I was a giant Daryl Hall fan.
And when I moved from Washington,d C. To Los Angeles in
seventy nine, and you know,I'm a big Daryl Hall guy coming from
d C. You know, it'slike when when you're in an all virtually

all black and Puerto Rican neighborhood andyou're me and so you know, in
Lucia's Tisdale's backyard barbecues every week I'dwalk in, it was he waving boogie
nights. And then it would goto the Commodores, not easy, not
brick house, machine gun, orjust to be close to you or sweet
love, you know, just obscurestuff. That's how I fell in love
with that music. Well, youknow, when you're twelve or thirteen,

you're getting picked on a little bit. Well, now here comes this six
three white guy with blue eyes andsings like the guys all my friends,
like my parents love him like hey. So that's why I started to part
my hair in the middle, foldingup my jeans, getting some off white
colon's popping my collar. I'm like, God, I wanted to be Daryl
Hall and it helped me. Itkind of helped me fit in better within

that with within that community. Andjust when I got all that set,
of course, we moved to southernCalifornia and Mick Jagger. Mick Jagger was
asked at one point about best voicesin the history of music, and people
were rattling off names and everything,and he said something along the lines of,
well, how do you leave thisguy out? Okay, I mean

this guy what if you Yeah,if you know what you're looking for in
a musical voice and the range withinone note and what he can do,
there's nobody that's ever been better.Wow. And that's Mick Jagger. So
I'm like, you know, I'mlike, now, granted I'm in the
Los Angeles area at that time,but I've fold that thing up. Send
it back to the Miles Spire family. Try to get Luc Tisdale's address.

See told you he could sing,told you he was as good as Luther
Vandross. We argued that for anentire year when I was in like seventh
grade. Come on, man,I got Mick Jagger on my side.
Yeah, so Mick Jagger, Yeah, where you got Bootsy Collins on your
side? But Rick James ever sayVandross sings better than Darryl. Come on,
I'm definitely on Oates's side. LikeKiss sold there. I found some

website. Kiss is sold for threehundred million dollars, Rod Stewart one hundred
million dollars, Bob Dylan three tofour hundred million for his catalog, and
then Sony got the master recordings anotherpotential two hundred million on top of that.
Yeah, I mean, Katy Perryhas sold it. It's quote a

litmus Music a bundle of music rightsfor two hundred and twenty five million.
Yeah, I mean, I ifyou know, and maybe kind of like
any investment you could hold on toit. But if you're in the music
business, and maybe these guys arein their seventies now with as charts is
right, I mean, it's getout there, you go. Correct.
This would be on the declinemate.It's opposite the NFL salary cap. And

like if Justin Jefferson is like waitingfor the salary cap to go up,
you know, like so supposedly hewas. He and his camp rejected deal
from the Vikings. My intel isthey were quite close, you know,
And and then maybe Justin's the salarycap leap this year was greater than a
lot of people thought that it mightbe greater again. So I mean,
if you're waiting for that, I'mnot mad at you. For that price

of Church's favorite band, Explosions inthe Sky, they actually had to pay
to get rid of their music.Pay somebody to take Yeah, I'm kidding.
Yeah, Nashville, Uh, letto stop right there, you give
the initial let me ask you this, let's piss off common if if okay,

the Beatles, all right, forgetour musical proclivities are what we enjoy
for music, you know, whetherwe like the and yeah, then really
not the high watermark for the Beatles, I don't think it was a massive
hit, massive hit, okay,but then again, so was Bop by

Hanson. All right, So whenwhen common says seven out of every ten
people are anyway, if the Beatlesflew over, okay, so we got
no Beatles. If they fly overnow with that floppy hair and the black
suits and the white shirt and theskinny black ties, you let me,
yeah, yeah, yeah, Hey, Jude, fantastic song, come together,

fantastic song. I think I gotabout ten fifteen that I legitimately like.
But if they flew over, now, what do you think their impact
would be? None? Negligible?No, yeah, I mean just you
know, two am, it's azero, yeah, you know, And
it's it's not because they're not goodartists or musicians whatever. They're great.
But they were great in their time, advancing all of rock and roll forward

with their sound, yes, andhow they do, how they developed DIA's
artists. But that was fifty plusyears ago. Because Ringo music's moved on.
Ringo would be a DJ and Maartneyand Lennon or there's one of them's
on auto tune. The culture ofmusic, you know, has been so
corporatized over the last twenty five thirtyyears that a Beatles and there are still

you know, it would be doingit a great injustice to not acknowledge how
many awesome singer songwriters are out there, well name somebody k new you know,
and they're you know, obviously somepeople are clued into it more than
we are. But but that wouldbe the Beatles. They would exist in
obscurity for sure. So then likethe animals and the monkeys, the ones
who tried to be the Beatles andalways opened up for them, I mean,

we're I mean, with all duerespect to a place I've been a
million times. Yeah, well they'rethey're lucky to be a Bunker's on a
Monday night. Correct, I'm notin this day and age. All right,
it's eleven to twenty six. You'relistening to nine to now. Yeah,

nice a Friday football feast, eleventhirty am. And I appreciate all
of you sending talkbacks free. iHeartRadioapp hitting that microphone sounding off and talking
about the NFL Draft. And Igot a few that I'd like to play
here. And one of you isgoing to get a pair of tickets to
the Vikings Miller like draft party atUS Bank Stadium just two thursdays from now,

looking forward to that. Here's numberone, Hey, Pa in charge,
Monty here from New Hampshire. I'mjust wondering about the what you think
about the six and a half wintotal for the Vikings this year? How
much of that could be due tothe fact that all the teams in our
division have seemed to be getting betterand we've kind of stayed still and presumably

going to draft a rookie quarterback.I think it's a lot. Well,
I think it's a lot because mostyears you play schedule right, or yeah,
we didn't finish last No, it'sthird place, finished the third play
schedule, yeah, third place schedule. Most seasons we could roll in going
two wins against Detroit, two winsagainst Chicago in all probability three at the

worst case. Okay, this yearthat's that is not the case of all.
It is this a harbinger. Seriously, I just went to Vikings dot
com to get the twenty twenty fourschedule and it says, sorry, broken
link, you're lucky suckers. I'mnot kidding. Sorry, broken link.
Take me to the homepage. Wow, yeah, you know we know the

teams are trying to be a harbinger. We know if they're we don't.
I don't think we know all theaways and homes, right, we know,
we know the opponents, we knowthe opponents. You don't necessarily we're
going to lose a home game toLondon. So yeah, that's not going
to be a divisional game. Soit's a it's yeah, we got we
got nine home ede a way,and and one of them is going to
be one of the home games isin London. So but it is indeed

a third play schedule. Yes,I just I don't know. I mean,
look, a lot's gonna change.We could feel very differently, and
we'll probably get a lot more optimisticas we had closer to this. There's
the alphabetical schedule. Okay, sothe the the schedule I believe. So
let's see, the NFL is playinggames on Christmas is on Wednesday. Yeah,

so let's see we have two Christmasgames on a Wednesday. Yeah.
You know, the the NFL wasjust so super giving and kind and thoughtful
to not have Christmas Eve games.Yea, even though arms were being twisted,
They're like, now you know what, Nope, very important day for
people. So we're not gonna doit, but we're gonna have two on
Christmas Day. Well, oh,by the way, just monopolizing the NBA's

real estate. Christmas Day games yearsin the NFL just said, yeah,
that's that's that's oursonality. Okay,you want to talk about monopolizing moments,
Wait till wait, wait till theschedule release. Bit. I'm telling you
right now, they'll wait until apart of May, until it's game seven
of some Well what do we got. We got Avalanche and Vancouver game seven

here, and we have Boston andMiami game seven here. Yeah, let's
release the schedule that day at aboutsix o'clock, right in the face of
it. But you know what,it's the most it's it's the most popular.
Uh. And if you don't believeso, just ask it. But
nevertheless, so the schedule will comeout somewhere around mid May. But alphabetically,

I mean, let's you know,let's do the old win loss thing
just to get mental gymnastics. Yeah, mental gymnastics. Off the off Monty
from New Hampshire's talkback, Monty,what's up Arizona and US Bank Stadium win
when Atlanta US Bank Stadium win comeon against Kirk Hey letting Kirk wrote,

you think Flora. Do you rememberyou remember Kirk against the floor as defense
during training camp? You probably don't. That's an idea. Not Atlanta's not
as good as everybody else says.Okay, they're not a sinch to win
their division. They were all out. They have flashy names, but what
do they what do they get outof it? You know, Kyle Pitch,

What have they gotten out of it? So we'll see, we'll see.
But I could they could win thatgame. It's home game, Bear
split sweep or get swept. Vikingswill lose both to the Bears. Okay,
Lions lose both Packers, so you'reout of your mind. Spend your
entire weekend arguing with people who areagainst your take, and you got something

to do. They're gonna win oneagainst the division. I don't know which
one, but and probably the Bears. But that's I think that's it.
You think, well, I ain'tgonna say this on the radio. I'm
gonna go to break in a second, and I'm I'm inches from taking all
your money. We'll just leave itlike that. If you tell me one
winning the division. Yeah, okay, well we're going to discuss this.

I mean, remember the conversation withthe Green Bay writer who tried to tell
me I was lying about that AaronRodgers stuff. And I'm like, I
got a briefcase next to me.I'll find ten thousand dollars. I'm putting
it into that briefcase, bro,and I'll meet you in Hudson and I
will show you my phone and whereit came from and we will call that
person. Oh, by the way, the firestorm after kind of justified what

I was saying, and I'm like, you bring your ten grand I'll bring
mind. I'm taking your money.Yeah, but this is that's that's totally
different than speculating wins the rest thepoint. The point is schedule is when
the credibility A or the football mindB is challenged that much, that leads

to the old put your mind onthe money and your money on the mine.
Now that I got me some seagumsnords, yeah, I mean going
if you're going one, I dothe rest of Yeah, I don't know.
But if you're going one in fiveand I visually off and we're talking
about that six and a half total, so you got to you gotta go
six and five against the NFC West, I think is in the mix.
We'll forget forget all that for aminute, please, with all due respect.

Okay, Yeah, the over oneand a half wins in the division.
Yeah, over one and a half, under one and a half.
I mean, I'll give you threeto one. That's a three to one,
my three against your one. Notright now, No, that doesn't
go on the microphone. Too manypeople listen, but it's it's something to
think about. Okay, A lotof that stop stop? Is is it

one? And is it one winor not? I think one and a
half's a fair over under? Isit one win in the division or not?
Yeah? Zero one? Got it? That's unbelievable. Now. The
big thing that this will hinge on. I understand what you're saying is the
health of the other quarterbacks. Butyou know, if you told you know,
but it hinges on this two.It hinges on us sucking more than

sucking ever has sucked. It's uscopyright Jared Allen into twenty ten. Embrace
the suck. It's heading into theseason knowing you're terrible. I mean,
we're gonna we're gonna head it inthe set win one or zero games in
their division, are freaking relegated inthe Premier League. I mean, you're
making it sound like aston Villa.Are you kidding me? Sam Donald?

I got Watford up in this thingright now? Today? Hey, two
weeks before the draft, we're we'restarting Sam Donald. Uh. He's got
a career three seventy five winning average. Okay, he might be better than
that now, he could be allthe way up to like three eighty five.
Yeah and yeah, I just youknow, I don't walk in with
a ton of confidence right now.I understand. Well, with the with

the right to change, I understand. Talk to me after the draft.
Why don't you give me half themoney you were gonna fan? Then you'll
go out there, I'll kick youin the nuts and we'll call it a
day. So what else from theTollstoy did you want to dive into.
I want to talk about this,Paul, because nobody's talking about it.
Why doesn't anybody ever talk about theVikings moving down? Everything in the draft
is move up, move up,move eleven back twenty three. Yes,

and here's why, because it doesn'tmake sense, and only you think it's
going to happen as it stands,they've got eleven, they've got twenty three,
and then they will not pick foreighty five straight selections. Right,
trying to tell the good players intheir chart, trying to move twenty three
especially down so that you can getseconds and thirds get back into the strap.

Now, is it blowing up?I got seven texts in the last
ninety Okay, we're not mad ateach other. Okay, that's just it's
radio. You can't see us.Five of them are from Howard and the
mail Man. I winked at himthree times. Okay during the conversation,
but the jet, the landing spotof the conversation remains the same. I'll

just leave it at that. Butno, we're not mad at each other.
I rarely yell like that, sobut I was not yelling in mad
fashion all friends and family members whohave known us together for nearly a quarter
century. No, I'm not goingDarryl Hall on his musical catalog. Okay,
So anyway, go ahead, Viking. So if the right player isn't

there at eleven, the fall thevikings that the draft just doesn't fall quite
right at eleven or twenty three.I think there's a there's a real trade
down scenario so that Quac doesn't haveto go eighty five picks without a pick,
right, and nobody nobody talking abouttrade down. I think it's I
think there's a real chance that thereis going to be a trade down from

Minnesota. There's somebody we both knowwho's associated with said collars. Just just
want your opinion on this. Yeah, the home games, okay, so
Bears L, Packers L, LionsL. Probably Yeah. Well, no,
it's I got that. I've gotthat one win. Yeah, okay,
so you're deducing Yeah, okay,the rest of the home games,

you're ready. Arizona's a win,Arizona, Okay, after that doesn't I
was trying to think of the worstteams in the NFL, lie to you,
but they're actually already kind of onthere, Like Jets but a Rodger's
back, Niners, Yeah, Cardinals, Colts, Yeah, Yeah, bring

it, Jonathan Taylor, bring it. Anthony Richardson. Richardson, Yeah,
gotta look at Brian Flores against runningquarterbacks over the history of the NFL and
tell me he's not gonna throttle him. Davey, I'm super excited for him.
Now. It's Texans. They're awful. Oh no, wait, they
got CJ. Stroud. They do. The Texans are gonna No, by
the way, they're due a regression. You need to reshape your mind.

Yeah, super Bowl winning Texans.Okay, Texans. I think Texans are
going winning the Super Bowl. Ithink Texans are going wing to the Super
Bowl. I've already I've bought myticket at Diamond Joe's. I wouldn't I
wouldn't book that bad. Let's putit that way. I mean it's got
to be what twenty to one,twenty three? Yeah, well, I
think the Vikings are eighty to oneone, like forty to get to it,

eighty to win it. Yeah,okay, so why know we got
wins Palm Palm Radio. I'm cheerleaderGuy Barney, the Purple Dinosaur. All
the stupid metaphors or comparisons or imageryor whatever over the course of the years.
But the six and a half,I mean, that's that's Paul.
They won seven games last year,had four freaking quarterbacks, including one who

only could run, couldn't pass andalmost got kJ Osborne and Justin Jefferson killed.
They They had a seven win seasonlast year. They had a seven
win season in twenty twenty. We'retalking at the pandemics. They saw cousins
rolling into those seas. Nobody sawthe pandemic games. Okay, they just
were made up on TV. Theydidn't really exist, bad heads in the

stands, they didn't exists. Thetwenty twenty season was that of a big
foot siding. Okay, it waslocke ness, monster terrorism. I think
the vikings they do that first yearwith Keo's half the game worse than the
twenty twenty three and twenty twenty seats. Okay, and you and you have
a right to have that opinion.That opinion until further until further notified is

going to be known as Damian Pierceprattle. And we'll just leave it at
that cu cuit until the mob andyour talkback winner, your talkback of the
day winner is Yo, what up? This is? Dad? And Duluth

say. I don't mean to getall obscure, but I'm just kind of
curious if there's been rules to curbthis. What if one of these top
quarterbacks comes out and says, uh, Chicago, sorry, I don't want
to play for you or Washington.I don't think so. You guys better
not draft me because I'm not coming. What if they come to Minnesota love

it and say I need to gohere and tell the top teams see you.
I'm going to m n baby.Well if if the excellent talk back
by the way, my man,if the general managers, team presidents or
whatever for those teams catch win,that may be the case. I mean
it like say they the Bears,let you know, instead of Ryan Pauls,

Kevin Warren gets to make the callto some old friends here in Minnesota,
it's like Rob, how you been? Yeah? I know you know
the the asking price because we talkedabout it, you know, just in
passing was this, this, this, this, this, this and this
for Caleb, we'll take twenty three? Want to hand checked? What?
Yeah? Just twenty three? Well, what's wrong? Do you have one

leg? Or but that's what youdo. I mean, if you catch
wind, that's something like that isgoing to happen, or somebody's going to
be playing the fools card and notwant to roll into a situation, then
obviously you try to trade. Idon't think that's happening here. If the
Bears have already sussed this out fully, or they would never traded justin fields
away. How about our feast nextFriday at Savage after the Vikings trade up

to three or four Thursday. OftenWait, I'm not opposed to that happening,
and I'm making the whole thing up, but like say, something like
that happened? Yeah, please,please, please, for the love of
my fifty eight year old heart,tell me you're not going to spend the
first fifteen minutes bitching about the deal. Please it depends, Please don't up.

I'll leave, hopefully not. Iwill leave. I will leave Buffalo
Wild Wing Savage and head into theweekend. Do not abandon the feast.
Well, do not throw a dampdon't throw a wet blanket on top of
an historic situation, or you know, something like never happened. We never
get trades like that well before thedraft. No, and I don't think

we're going to get one next Friday. Probably not. And you're going to
ruin it. I've been I've beenpositioning this whole time. Yeah, that
the Vikings are not going to endup finding a trade partner and moving in.
No, that's not that's not tosay that I don't want them to,
right, No, it is okay. No, with all due respect.
That's why you got louder early.Here I read your notes. The

audience doesn't. Okay, I cantell we've been friends for twenty years.
It's about the twentieth anniversary of youtaking me and Kamla to South Florida with
Bo Mitchell and Guy Green for Fantasyfootball the golf the magazine golf version where
I met Frank Navolo, and Imet VJ. Singh, and I met

Montana. Montana Thompson, the caddiewho had multi colored eyes and it's like,
looks like David Bowie. I wantedhim to sing to change as so
like I stood next to VJ.Sing I thought I was, you know,
next to Mark Eaton with a tan. I mean, that's how big
and thick he was. So that'show long our friendship goes. What are

we talking about again, No,we're talking about want the Vikings to trade
up because you don't want to bewrong with your take, be honest.
No crap, that's not a wine. I just don't see a viable pathway,
very likely pathway. So you're rightin the world wrong. Yeah,

what everybody says, including me?Yeah, who come on, man,
I mean, here's here's the thing. You're being way too prideful with this.
Maybe that's possible, No, thatis fact, that's possible. I
just don't think one, two,and three are available, and I the
first three picks are not going tobe available for trade. You're out of
your mind. I think there's toomuch competition for the picks at four and

five, and those teams don't needto move. But you're forgetting to key
part of the equation that maybe themaybe the constituents running three, four and
five think they can get exactly whatthey want at eleven. Maybeybe maybe,
Hey, yeap, what do youthink? Otherwise, this is your mantra

for the draft of the Vikings.This team is all about defense and breaking
hot. Excellent job today, Thankyou very much. I have a good
week and love you very much.Say it back, love you, love
you, Love you too, Nardo. And here comes a wrap on the
show. Wraps on the show,Now to doone, brought to you by
Casey's Casey's Reward saving on food andfuel and the pizza. It's all time
pizza at cases. Near the end, the Friday feast gets tense. I

mean charts never known for sitting ona fence. The duo were almost in
a verbal car collisions charts things.The bikes only get one win in the
division and a take that is certainlya fire feeder dabber down in the Perpetual
Purple Cheerleader, not exactly a winnerfor the people meter. Unlike Lakeville South's
rendition of street Beater, it's athree seater here on the Friday Feast Chad

Greenway in the mix. He washeavy on the yeast. One topic show
no more room in the boat witha small deviation turmoil with halland Oates.
After an easy winter, no onewas scarred. Now the sun is here.
Time to work in the yard.First time in a decade. I
didn't use my snowblower. Time tocrack a beverage, go for a ride
in the lawnmower. What you justsaid is one of the most insane,

idiotic things I have ever heard.The podcast Today's Paul Allen Shaw or listen
back to previous show and interviews sitegoing to the iHeartRadio app or kfan dot com.
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