All Episodes

April 9, 2024 36 mins
16 days from the draft, 16 thoughts on PA's mind! Vikings related talkbacks and a replay of Wolves coach Chris Finch's chat from earlier in the show!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Important. Wait wait, stop thepot, stop the talkback, raise the
music. Okay, wait, oneof these week tracks as part of the
wt S week track selections. Yeah, it's sneakily pilfering something from a song.
It's the Brown Arrow. What's thatfrom? I can't remember, man,

my bad man. I can't pickup on a super popular song classic
rock. Maybe. Oh, Idon't know, I'm sorry. Oh,
let's how slowed the bit? Andand I clipped on the talk back and
uh, which is which is finebecause actually I'm playing both off of the
same source. So volume was goingto be an issue. So let's jump
to the talkbacks. Of course,talk back of the day. We'll pick
one before the end of the show. Here's I think this is Gavin.

You remember last year reports came outthat the Vikings made a strong offer to
move up and draft Anthony Richardson.Could this be an indication that the Vikings
might covet a dual threat athletic quarterbacksimilar to Jen Daniels rather than a pocket
passer than we might think, orcould this just be an indication that they're
confident that O'Connell can work with anytype of quarterback that they get thank you,

Roh. The talkbacks are the bomb. They are. The talkbacks are
well, they're not always fantastic,today they're fantastic. Because it's very interesting
how Gavin framed up that first partof the question. I do not believe
the Minnesota Vikings made a grandiose offerto move from where they were. Where

did they picked last year twenty three? It was around there twenty three eight
yep, and Richardson four? Okay, yeah, I don't believe they So
it stems from a report because Ihad to. I looked this up as
well, because after the draft.I'll just tell you that they did.
After the draft, Quac talking tothe media said that Bryce Young was the

only quarterback that they would have beeninterested in moving up for. And so
but all that steam into the draft, He's completely accurate. Was the idea
of well, Richardson sitting there atfour, let's make him an offer they
can't refuse. But this I thinkhis name's Brett Coleman, and this is
from January. He was on withMina Chimes. And here's what Brett said.
I don't think people realize how hardthe Vikings tried to trade up for

Anthony Richardson last year, like thehall that they put on the table was
massive. They were going to giveaway the entire farm and all the cows.
All wrong. They were going togive everything. But it takes two
to tango, and ultimately it didn'thappen. So he was alluding to the
idea of the Vikings might be motivatedto move up again this year, that
that that's elevator music. We canstop right there. I mean, you
can believe what the guy says.You can believe me. You can not

believe you can do whatever you want. Is we We are not. This
is not forest fed radio. I'mtelling you there. I don't believe there
was ever anything that involved x amountlike three four first round. You think
getting from ten up to up tofour is expensive, go ahead and try
to get from twenty three up tofour. I mean, come on,

okay, So whatever that that's myman's intel, and it would have taken
all of the cows. Yeah heis that. He is correct about that
part of it. Yes, allof the cows in two zero two three
two zero two four also, soI mean it it. Yeah, that's
a lot of teats, a lotof a lot of teat milting there for
all Anthony richards I knew we'd getthere. But on the other side of

it, Gavin with with the goodinstincts, is you know it's it's I
mean, there was somebody over therewho really, really, really really liked
Anthony Richardson into the draft. SoI think Kevin O'Connell has as he either
was quoted last year or something whenhe was talking about the quarterbacks. It's
my belief Kevin O'Connell really liked AnthonyRichardson. So I find that part to

be right. The metaphorical selling ofthe farm, I absolutely do not believe
that to be the truth. AllI can think about now is leavel at
the State Fair with a bright OrangeStar Tribune Polo milking the cows in the
farm booth. That's all I couldthink about now. First Tetz would have
gotten since the pandemic. I alwayslove that one. The talkbacks that we're

playing, let's get the talkback boatSailing Talkback Tuesday, KFAM takes some talkback
talkers include opinions on the Vikings andthe NFL draft, and to formulate those
bad boys in a way, youverbally are burning your boats, which means
there's no turning back. Boys.iHeart app baby microphone fully be heard.

We are sixteen days from the NFLdraft, so why not unfurl sixteen takes
talkers and or tidbits off which youcan play if interested, or just drive
those opinions like you ain't got adime in a copyright Russ or Ross Bohattie.
I believe it's Russ. Number oneSpielman getting loud about the Vikings moving

up to draft JJ McCarthy still befuddlesand intrigues me. Number two Spielman suggesting
that Justin Jefferson trade makes sense allright? Three two Spielman suggesting a Justin
Jefferson trade makes sense still intrigues meand is a bit befuddling too. Number

three where I got motivated to writethe bid wondering aloud what Rick Spielman has
up his sleeve with those assertions.It's the splashiest he ever has gotten as
a media member or GM Number four, whether attending the draft party at us
Bank Stadium or taking it in elsewhere. If the Vikings can't or don't trade

up for a quarterback, what willyour reaction be? Talk back Tuesday,
free irradio app baby microphone file away. What will your reaction be after everything
we've heard and ascertained and former gms, you know, given guarantees and things
like that, what will your reactionbe if they don't trade up for a

quarterback? Number five? If theVikings were drafting JJ McCarthy, why would
they reportedly send their entire coaching andpersonnel staff to the Michael Pennix workout?
Six? The Washington Huskies had quitethe explosive offense the last couple of seasons

with mister Pennix, so maybe thatentire coaching staff was not there for Pennix.
They were there for offensive lineman TroyFautanu, deep first round type on
the shorter side, which means he'dbe a mean game changing guard here.
Yeah, I said it. Numberseven. Feeling like the trifecta to start

things in sixteen days will be Williamsinto Daniels into May. Would you bet
that pick three or are you findingthat I'm wrong? That'd be the trifecta,
the pick three Williams Daniels May third. I'd make that favored. But

being in this market, as weknow, sometimes long shots win, but
totally able to regroup that it's pokedaway by Burke, who takes over pushes
it off ahead of a holy Crosscoming down with a three on two Forcgregor
from the right side centeric P sorryk Fair number seven, feeling number eight.

If I gave you twenty to one, Rube Nation, If I slash
we nine to noon gave you twentyto one, the Bears will have the
offensive and defensive rookies of the year. Would you take it Caleb Williams and
defensive player Doujore add or around nine. If I gave you twenty to one,

would you bet ten to scoop twohundred, one hundred to scoop two
grand the Bears will have the offensiveand defensive Players of the Year rookies offensive
and defensive or Rookies of the YearNumber nine. NFL dot COM's Chad Reuter
has the Vikings staying put at elevenand twenty three, stopping stopping and selecting

Texas defensive tackle Byron Murphy the secondand Oregon quarterback Bonix. He also has
Denver trading to four for JJ McCarthyik Fair number ten. Sixteen days in
front of the National Football League DraftYours truly motivated until that three o'clock piece

started with people speaking into microphones whoaren't necessarily made by God to speak in
front of that many people. Somebodycouldn't figure out their buttons with the lights
being red and green, kept havingto call the guy's name, and it
was one of the most boring thingsI've ever watched in my life. May
God bless everybody. So sixteen takestalkers, tdum, tidbits and all that
sixteen days in front of the NationalFootball League Draft Number ten speculation can't figure

out which key name I like thebest, kool Aid, McKinstry, Chop
Robinson or t J. Tampa.Hello, You're on the Air. Number
eleven DraftKings odds and ends. JadenDaniels is the minus one sixty favorite to

be selected second. Drake may isthe minus one thirty five and favored choice
to go third, Marvin Harrison Juniorminus won seventy five to be selected fourth,
and J. J. McCarthy plusone seventy five to land in that

spot. To some might look goodenough to eat, Hello You're on the
Air. Number twelve NFC North Speculation. Draft Kings has Detroit and Green Bay
co favored with a wins total often and a half. This is NFC
North's speculation. DraftKings has the Kiddiesand the Packers co favored with a wins

total season wins ten and a half. Next the Chicago Bears eight and a
half wins, Then the Old Vikingsat six and a half wins. Sorry,
fair hung a six and a halfon us? Just say six and
a half Measley wins? Come onNumber thirteen. Who thinks the Vikings win

more or fewer than six and ahalf games next season? Text and talk
back more than people know on thatone. Please six and a half wins?
Are you kidding me? Number fourteenwondering if defensive coordinator Brian Flores has

interest in Dolphins Xavian Howard, acorner he coached in Miami, who,
by the way, is still afree agent, and Xavian has had quite
the accomplished career. Of course hewould come here and Spearfish would make us
call call him XAVN and he'd getbeat fifteen times. I always love that

one, just how it works.Number fifteen Thursday, nine to noon is
at Twin City's Orthopedics Performance Center andgeneral manager Quasiadopho Mensa is scheduled to join
the show. That's Thursday, nineto noon twin City's Orthopedics Performance Center,
Quasi Adopho Mensa, the GM Yourstruly nine to noon. Finally number sixteen,

Sauce asked me yesterday for the seventyninth time, if I haven't yeah
I got any steam? And Iglared at him because I was in a
bad mood and hurt his feelings.So I found him and reminded him,
Saucy, I love you, andthen said, Steam, what do I
look like? Rick Spielman? Ialways love that one. And all is
good with the five thirty am tonoon Covenant Talkbacks tickets. Next in let's

find a talk back champion of theWorldy Yes, got anything left? Hell
yeah? And thanks to everybody thatdoes this. By the way, listening
to the free iHeartRadio app, youhit the microphone, you give us up
to your best thirty seconds. Andas I mentioned earlier, somebody's gonna win
a pair of passes to the MillerLite Vikings Draft Party. We've been doing

it now for nearly a week anda half, two thursdays from this Thursday.
Thank you Pep's Draft House pizza.But I've got a couple of talkbacks
here. Let's start with this onewith Spielman's recent comment about what the Vikings
are going to do with trading up. Does it further confirm the idea that

they possibly have a handshake deal withthe Patriots or Cardinals to get up to
three or four with all the peoplethat Rick knows within the organization, you
know, did somebody leak that informationto him? Conspiracy theory stuff, But
it just kind of adds fuel tothat fire. Thanks guys. I kind
of like his tinfoil hat a littlebit just and we mentioned, you know,

maybe it was closer to when Houstonhad a we did the trade with
Houston were we acquired the second firstround pick. That kind of felt like,
Okay, maybe there's a conversation withMani Austin Ford with the with the
Cardinals. I forget what the newguy's name is in New England with the
Patriots. It's not Bill, weknow that. No, it's the It's

Stuart Elliott or Wolf Elliott Wolf,Thanks who it is? Yes, it's
Ron Wolf's kid. So the ideaof at some point they've had those conversations,
they've floated the idea across the tablevia a phone line to somebody that
that there would be a handshake dealin place. And on top of that,
there's also I got another talkback,but it was so staticky and garbled,

I just wasn't gonna play it onthe air. But there was a
listener who kind of asked, like, what's the like, can you just
call the Cardinals and say, hey, here's what we got, but call
us back if somebody has a betteroffer, and maybe we'll work with that
or adjust to it. Like interms of the draft day trading process,

like how that whole thing works,and I feel like most people would be
in the dark. We see videosfrom time to time of somebody making a
an eleventh hour deal within the tenminute period to make something happen and move
across the finish line, but kindof the idea of whether it's a handshake
deal on the front end, it'salready almost set in stone or at least
the concretes drying, and what thedraft day trading fiasco or frenzy looks like.

You know, Well, all Ihave to add to that is per
the question do I or we believethat he's been tipped off, and the
answers yes, and I'm not Idon't know where. Yeah, I believe
the answer is yes because Rick knowshow it works. And Rick also knows,

you know, even even overboard,like when he was GM. You
say something like that, people pickup on it. Then somebody picks up
on that, and somebody picks upon that. Then it catches fire and
you get to answer questions. Well, he's not the general manager of this
team anymore. So I'm not sayingthere is a nothing to lose approach,
but I mean, why this teamthat move up for that quarterback? Why

not Vegas move up for whatever?Why not Denver move up for whatever?
Why not so and so moving upfor Marvin Harrison Junior because he's been tipped
off and the having done this aslong as I have, the only way
to have my discernment lead me tothe fact that he's been tipped off to
potentially exactly what the Minnesota Vikings aregoing to do in the first round is

he put a name to it.If you don't put a name to it,
well then it's innocuous. Then it'shigher end of everything. Everybody hears
or reads or sees. But whenyou put a name to it and you
have that cachet having been a GMin the league two years ago, Yeah,
yeah, I absolutely believe he's beentipped off. Would have no idea

from where talkback machine, Pa Jacoband Kimball. I'm a self proclaimed proletariat
football mind because I just spent thelast fifteen minutes scarring the dark corners of
the web in search of quarterback compskicking it off. Caleb Williams is Russell
Wilson, Jaden Daniels as Jalen Hurts, Drake May is just Herbert. JJ
McCarthy is Kirkcoat Chains, Bo Nixis a poor man's Drew Brees, and

Panix is to to you to You'resatisfied based on these comps, who do
you like? Uh? Go onand tou tou You're satisfied? Whatever it?
TOUA hold on a seventeen eighteen?What that's it? And song's over.

Proletariat workers of working class people,working class yeah, regarded Yeah,
working workers or working class people regardedcollectively, regarded collectively the growth of the
industrial proletariat. Hey, well done. I learned a new word, and
I like to learn words. Imean, there's so much bit in that

thing. He's just trying to wina bit. What's the next talkback he
can win? I mean the bitwas good. That was that. That's
my talk back of the day.Yeah, the bit was terrific. I
love that. I can't remember thequestion. If there was a question,
it doesn't matter, well, justwhich of the which of the comps.
But that leads me to uh,and I have the text from that talkback
as well. Let me play thisfor you APA and Nordo. Travis here,

Hi Travis. I'm wondering what areyour guys' thoughts on staying at eleven
and getting one of the high enddefensive players available, and then also sticking
out at twenty three for either aPennix or a bow Knicks. I for
one, have been a fan ofbow Knix's, but I wonder if the
people, the fans, and thethe organization think bow Knicks and Sam Darnold's

ceilings are the same. I'll takeyour thoughts. It after everything about which
we've chatted for the last month anda half. Yep. And then the
former GM comes over the top withwhat very well could be accurate steam and
you stay at eleven, and youstay at twenty three, that would be
an l for today. What's next? So the well, the I want

to continue you down that road fora moment, just because trade up,
Trade up, Trade up, tradeup. But there has been a swell
from those that why don't we stayat eleven? You know, the conversation
around Kevin O'Connell identify the the ideaof guys being drafted into systems. Are

we trading up for JJ McCarthy becausehe's absolutely just that much better than a
Michael Pennix or a bon Nix?Is it's such a glacier shelf, a
a grand canyon esquechasm where it's anunanswerable question, and it certainly is so,
But that leads, and that's that'swhy I give it. I give

it some credence in the idea ofwe're about to trade up for a guy
we're going to we're gonna laud KevinO'Connell because he's this quarterback whisperer that he
has a system and he has avision that the guy he identifies to lead
that that that's a guy that hecan turn into a high ender. And
so does it require that they tradeup, and so that goes now into

what's your flavor? Right the talkback in the day is it tua tua?
Is it a poor man's Drew Brees, et cetera. So you know,
is if we're gonna laud Kevin O'Connell, because how quarterbacks are drafted,
the teams they go to, thesystems that they land in are so important
to their ultimate success in the NFL, we're gonna laud him for his system.

But we also then, yes,we absolutely have to trade up.
There's no way that if the Viking'sstuck at eleven and got a bone Nicks
or they or maybe they waited untiltwenty three, like the talkback, that
there's no way that that that wouldturn out to find and yield some of
the same results of making this moveand leveraging currency for a may or McCarthy,
I give credence to the talk,so do I. But it's an

unanswerable question and always will be becauseyou can't take quarterbacks. Oh this is
a high end example and the Aucamquarterbacks in the year Brady was drafted.
Okay, you can take quarterbacks inthe first round and then take him and
then say look, what's possible.Yeah, well, I mean he got
into a situation that was perfect forhim and then he flourished. So I

mean Caleb Williams may be in anawful situation. And I believe ninety percent
of head coaches or play calling headcoaches, if they could have any one
of these quarterbacks, they would takeCaleb if they could just pick one.
Well, that's not a dead cinchthat he's going to be better than Drake
Made, Jayden Daniels, JJ McCarthy, Bo Nicks or Michael Pennix. Because

it's unanswerable. You can answer itas time goes on. Okay, obviously,
but it's like if Pennix falls intoa ravens Asque system, well then
he's not going to be able toflourish with the passing game the way Williams

will with DJ Moore and the otherguy they got and O'Connell's sixty one percent
passing and how about that though,by the way, Keenan Allen and Keen
and out Moore like rolling into thatsystem, that's a nice spot for Caleb.
You're so it's that's why I thinkit's unanswerable. It's fun to talk
about if you ask me like ifwe went down the road on a segment

on which Okay, so the Vikingswrapped a quarterback, who cares? Where?
Yeah, Darnald and Mullins battling toplay five games. If you ask
me after watching a week of trainingcamp, which one is the right one
and why, I could talk itout for an hour and I can make

it what I think is interesting.When it comes to why McCarthy and not
Nicks, I don't know, andI'm not the rube that pretends to know.
I you know, it's like Bensaid, I and we have access
to people thought and takes that mostpeople don't, so therefore, born of
trust, you talk to them.They don't tell you exactly clear how it's

going to go, but they laythings out like this guy's better under center,
this guy's better when the offense isrun this way, this guy's better
with his shoulder shake to get asafety to move, and then you just
kind of put it all together andyou just let the discernment lead the way.
And I'm still not at a pointbetween May and McCarthy where I mean,

I'm fifty to fifty. It's Iwould have bet I would have bet
you know, it wouldn't have beena pick three, pick four or pick
five, because you got fools tryingto eliminate things that have been around forever,
and it's just stupid and petulant andfoolish. But nevertheless, I would
have bet a lot of money ona certain quarterback two weeks ago. That's
not the case anymore. But thecloser we get to the draft, you
know, hopefully, hopefully the eaglelands. Likewise, for the Minnesota Timberwolves,

if the eagle landing could be atop seed in the Western Conference,
they got four to go. ChrisFinch, coach of the team, started
this talker Tuesday. We had aten minute conversation. We'll play it back
after that, Yo, Chris,we are striving for that one seed.
A lot of action going on cappotentially on the mend. How you doing,

I'm very good, yourself pretty goodback from Los Angeles. I can
see you have a little pep inyour step into the final week of the
of the regular season. Then theplay in piece and you're not part of
that, and I know it's veryimportant to you that you're not part of
that. And then you dust yourselvesoff after a week of practice, and
you get after it. That gota little pep in the step, don't

you. Well, yeah, absolutely, this is the time you need it.
It's kind of crazy, last weekof the season. We still have
four games left to play. Feelslike a lot, but we're going to
get it started tonight here at Washingtonand approaching the finish line. Indeed,
with four to go, coach,not just for yourself, but like,
do coaches and players start to getexcited for what's next? Or is it

a little grindy because you know what'snext and you still got four in front
of you, a non playoff teamto start, a playoff team to finish
it with Phoenix. What what what'sit like for for the others? Yeah,
you know what? To me,I think there's excitement for sure about
the playoffs, and there's you know, I think if you have to ask

the guys, there's you know,some element of you know, wanting to
kind of hurry up and get there. But to their credit and just really
with everything that's still on the tablefor us, it feels, you know,
to me, it feels little moregrindy. We still got some grinding
to do. You know, there'sa lot, there's a lot of steak.
And you know, we've set oursites to go for the number one

seed. So that's what we're goingto try to do here in the last
four games. And that's beautiful.And and you and Denver, Denver and
you guys right down to the wire. I mean that it's been an exciting
season, but but it's even betterright now with this fine awaken and Washington,
your Wizards are here the save name. Uh, You and I about
the same age, both from theEast coast, You Philadelphia and me Washington,

d C. Do you remember thoselate seventies playoff battles between the Bullets
and your Sixers? Holy cow,I do. I said, some of
the first basketball memories I have aslike a young fan, you know,
so definitely those are kind of burnedinto my mind. If you if you
now, I think it was BulletsSpurs with George Gervin, Larry Keenan,

Mark Olberding, Billy Pultz, guyslike that. It wasn't the Sixers.
But Dick Motta has that all timefamous phrase. So you know, hopefully
you don't get down three to onein a series when the playoffs begin,
but if you do, will yousay to like John Krasinski, The opera
ain't over till the Fat Lady sings. I hopefully we can avoid that situation

altogether. I don't have to comeup with any clever, clever thing,
go ahead and go with that onein twenty twenty four. I mean you
talk about finding yeah, about findinga way to ruin a playoff series.
Holy cow? Now when when?When? When you play non playoff teams
snipping the off season? It's isit important to jump non playoff teams early

or certainly at some point of thefirst half and let them know this bad
boy's over. Well, that's whatyou would always like to do, get
off the great start, and that'ssomething we've been trying to focus on,
particularly at home, you know,as we as we come down to stretch
here and get ready for a playoffs. But you know, sometimes you know,

the game turns when it turns,so you just gotta you know,
But ideally you'd like to be superfocused, come out with all the intent.
Are you executing the game plan?You know, are the efforts all
there? And sometimes it has todo with your schedule, Sometimes it has
to do with your opponent. There'sa lot of things that factor into it,
but you know, we need tobe focused and ready tonight and and

tonight the Whiz here seven o'clock atDenver and Ball Arena tomorrow night. And
and the Nuggets, with whom you'retied atop the West, they're at Utah
tonight and probably will win. Soquite the slugfest between you two down to
the wire for that one seed.Why have you always liked the way you
guys match up with the Nuggets?Well, I think you know, we

we have size, of course,that helps us. You know, it's
been such the trend in the leaguefor everybody to go with shooting and small
ball and put a lot of shootingaround maybe one big guy. But you
know, Denver's they have their theirbest player is Nicolie Jokicic. They're not

going to take them off the floorto go small. You know that that
allows us to continue to play ouryou know size, and you know we've
pretty much committed to doing that regardlessof what teams do anyway, So we're
very comfortable that's part of our identity. And you know, I think that's
part of I think that's part ofit. You know, just they've been

you know, some version of themselvesfor a number of years too. They
you know, made small roster changes, significant small but significant roster changes for
sure, and they've gotten better withtheir roster construction. And they I think
have one of the most perfectly complimentarystarting fives in the league. But you

know, when you play, whenyou have like this knowledge that you build
up over playing team over and overand over again and just kind of a
bit of a refining process. Andand and I say all that to say,
like it's really really hard. They'rea great team, and every time
we play them, you know,we have to make a thousand adjustments within
the game and it's never the same. So, uh, but we're you

know, we've been we have aconfidence we play them, and I think
that just comes from like a collectiveexperience over the last several years. Atlanta
and de Jonte here Friday, thenthen the Sun Sunday at Target Center to
close the regular season. And creditcredit the Suns for last Friday. Right,
how did you see that game?Yeah, I mean a great job.

By then. They've been playing inan outstanding rhythm coming into that game.
Uh, you know, we toldthe guys that they've been getting off
the big start that New Orleans andthe Cleveland games. They jumped them early.
They came out and jumped us early. Uh, and then they just
kind of never never relented. Wehad one of those off nights offensively,

you know, credit to them again, some of it was there doing.
Some of it was just bad,you know, bad shooting luck. We
couldn't get anything to drop. Weturned it over a bunch early that kind
of fed to their run. Soit's kind of a bad night. We've
had our worst offensive performance against Phoenixand our worst defensive performance against Phoenix.

So they've gotten our number twice ina big way. So you know,
we're gonna have to kind of addressthat and figure out who we are against
that team on Sunday. Chris,in what ways will next week with some
days off help you guys physically?Yeah, physically for sure. I think

you get a chance to kind ofregroup, get get a you know,
kind of planned rest, and youcan really periodize your training so they can
ramp up perfectly. And and Ithink also just mentally, you can just
take a little bit of a break, kind of enjoy the season for what

it was. We may not knowwho we're playing based on the play in
scenario where we finish. So we'llhave to wait to see where that unfolds.
But if we do know early,then you can start really focusing in
your training. So you know,all that just kind of helps your mental
and physical preparation. And and whatwhat with Anthony Edwards, more so physically

than mentally. I mean, heplays such big minutes and he's such a
great contributor and the largest reason quitehonestly or right there with Rudy as to
why you're in this position. Butlike, you know, if Anthony Edwards
could get off his legs for Xamount of hours or days in what ways
do you think that would help him? Oh? I think it would help
him tremendously. You know, everybodyat this point the season is you know,

is either fatigued or banged up insome some way. So you know,
guys will find it another gear forthe playoffs. They always do.
But to be able to rest andrecover heading into that is you know,
going to be key for for himand everybody else. And and I think
the other thing, sorry, theother thing with with Anthony. You got

to remember, like he played USAbasketball, so he had a long summer
and I do believe there were timesthis season when that's kind of all all
piled up on him, you know. And and as asumably we'll have a
chat next week, so so moreon this and more on the playoff airing
and stuff like that like that nextweek. But but with Karl Anthony Towns
is it ramp up time next week? Well, we hope to have some

clarity, uh, this week aboutwhat next week looks like for him.
So yeah, but it's all allpointed in the right direction. You know,
all Simes are are good, butthe work has been amazing. The
progress has been on point. Soyou know, let's let's see what the
next couple of days bring and thenwe'll be able to have a plan,

I would hope, And would thebelief be with nas Red after starting so
many games and playing against ones orstarters for every team for so long,
you know, maybe if he reassumesa secondary role and hooks backups at certain
times of the games, I meanthat that that could only benefit him,
right Well, I mean that's youknow, how he's that's basically you know,

the season he's had for us.To me, he's the sixth man
of the year and he's done anincredible job of moving seamlessly into the starting
lineup, and his confidence has beenskyhigh all season and I don't see any
reason for that to change, youknow, head heading into the playoffs here,
no matter what his role is.Thank you very much for the time.

I know you have a coaches meetingcoming up in a minute, and
we'll talk next week. Best ofluck with this week from from Washington through
Phoenix. Keep them all healthy andI look forward to our next chat.
All right, Hi, thanks paay Man Brother. Tomorrow nine to noon
the return of Corey Chavis from DraftNasty dot com to analyze the draft and

some quarterbacks, plus Mike Florio fromPro Football Talk dot com. Thanks for
listening. I'm Paul Allen. Herecomes to con Here comes the rap for
the show. Thanks to Cases forbringing the nine to noon show wraps.
Whether it's Casey's rewards, Caseys pizza, it's always good stopp into a Cases
Today, I'm trying to write therap and I'm planning out what to say.

Commons behind me singing Purple Prey tuningin at noon Open's never the same.
I mean, I'm hoping to getan update on his daily golf game.
Anybody wore an eat for this draftand means some of these talkers are
needing a life raft. Same names, different angles, the different ways we
craft some ideas. I'd like tothrow down an elevator shaft just like this
Kirk Cousins thing played the same tuneuntil the snap of a guitar string.

He did a domino to fall,be able to look back. Now he's
pumped to retire a falcon, ashe told Shack, and we're on track.
Wolve's hosting The Whiz, keeping thetop spot of the West vital as
it is Twins offense under a spelllike five pitches, I mean that breezy
feel that's our squad within at pitches. I'm a key HIGHK podcast Today's Paul

Allen Show, or listen back toprevious show and interviews. So I go
into the iHeartRadio app or kfan Don
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