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April 12, 2024 52 mins
Chad Greenway in studio for most of the opening hour with PA & Charch!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Football feast. Shall we begin anorts hey we stopped this for a second,
yeah, do you you? Ofcourse, Paul charging And remember that
Friday football feast the Lakeville South BandI do infiltrated to a certain extent,

but joined and amplified and was kindenough to be at the Friday football Feast
unbeknownst to us. Yes, Andit's like, all right, well,
you know what's going on here?And the director, the director of music,
the director of the band or whatever, said, well, we've been
working on street beater, the Sanfordand Sun theme, and they really want

to play it for you. Andthat was the origin of week after week
after week after week that year.Wasn't that wild? High school bands were
showing up to the Friday football Feastwith Pa in charge and playing Quincy Jones
street beater, otherwise known as theSamford and Sun theme. And this was
the og of all ogs, ladiesand gentlemen, the two thousand whatever Lakeville

South Band, opening nine to noon, twenty sixteen. Band members go crazy.

Those kids are out of college now, Paul. The attention to detail
with the musicality is impressive. Ay, thank you, thank you. Sorry,

let's feast all right, let's beesyes, yes, and we had
the funny sticking terrorism and of Fridayfor profit antifocating for profit Monday through Friday

at f M one hundred point threek f A n B A in charge
nor too by our side, andhere they are. I mean, I
thought I'd missed Mique, like amI supposed to be talking about back in
the charge? Stop that, honey, we talked about that. What's good?

Hap wemine thought a cave? Allright? All right, sing the
wheels of a noisy bad dream forprophet. This is nine to noon and
the Friday Football Cafe Hoppy, giveme the music that they used as cafe,

give you the music that day usedto Hello, you're on the air,
Thank you, ju last and getwell soon. A soul for holidays
and every Friday courtesy of the fanknown as the Friday a football Feast,
PA in charge. What did youthink of Tiger Woods? Start to the

master? Some would call it afast arc even he was a fat minus
to not make the cut. Ithink it's pretty cool and good morning.
Well, it's good for golf.Anytime Tiger Woods is relevant, whether we
like it or not. He's ahe is a He's a lightning red figure
and mostly people love to root forhim. At this stage of his career,
he's gone completely around the bend wherehe was reviled twelve years ago.

Now people want to see him havea meaningful twilight of his PGA career.
Physically watching Tiger Woods, Paul,he's hard to even recognize. Yeah,
it's it's different, but it's thesame. It's an oxymorn. I had
to do a double take, like, yeah, that's Tiger. Yeah he's

you know, he's significantly heavier becausehe was during his during his prime.
Dude is ripped. You know,this is back when the old guar We're
still out there with the big fatguts. Right when when Tiger came onto
the scene, we were still atthose seventies era golfers, the fuzzy Zellers

of the world, Like, damn, I'm not gonna start doing some push
up walrus. I mean there wereyou know, Craig stanleor there were big
men lumbering down the courses. ThenTiger shows up and it was like,
oh, geez, I got it. I gotta get into shape, And
everybody was all ripped. And forthe most part, they still are now
but not Tiger. Tiger is notripped anymore at all. He's a little

paunchy, he's heavier in the face. He's obviously aged, like we all
have those thick legs though, Andby the way, he can still play
the little golf now he's won over. At the moment his first round got
he had to his first round gotpostponed till tomorrow because they had a late
start and blah blah blah. Butat the point being came back on the

course, he's won over for thetournament. Right now, he has not
yet started his second round because hehad to finish the first, so he'll
be at his second round will beat the end of the day. He's
t thirty six right now as ofthis morning, Bryson des Chambeau is your
leader at seven under. Now,how badly is whomever carries the Masters on

Sunday? Is it? CBS?Let's say CBS, CBS, How badly
is whomever carries the Masters on Sunday? Hoping he goes lights out today and
the lights out tomorrow and the oldred shirt and black PANTSU meaning on Sunday?
What's meaning on Sunday? Within seven? Within seven seven big stretch,

right, how about five? Yeah? Can I give you five? I
make it meaningful? Yeah, Imean CBS. I mean it's just think
about it. Caitlin Clark and TigerWoods in the same week. I mean
drawing in the casuals via the storylinesI think would be good for many involved.
Who's Danny Parkins and what's the tenoh three? Danny Parkins is a

long time acquaintance of mine. Hewas he worked in he was originally from
Chicago, got a radio job withHenry Lake on six' ten in Kansas
City, So spent time around theRoyals and the Chiefs and Kansas City sports
for a number of years. Thenwhen one of my other good friends in
Chicago radio, Dan McNeil, gotlet go, he got hired into Dan

spot in Chicago radio. So nowhe got to go back to the town
he grew up in and got totalk about the sports that he really cared
about. Cubs, you know,White Sox, Chicago sports, and Danny
park He's a great radio personality andhe's written a kind of a brilliant idea
for a sports related book. It'sabout D three Division three athletes coaches who

have made it to the bigs inthe NBA, in particular, like Chris
Finch. Like Chris Finch who wasinterviewed for this book. So we're going
to talk to Danny ten o'clock aboutsome of the D three stories that he
unearthed and how did people who wentto tiny any bitty schools end up having

massively important NBA careers. Right.That's Danny Parkins at ten o three,
And the book does seem fascinating.Parkins and Spiegel is the radio show six
seventy the Score out of Chicago,and the book is called Pipeline to the
Pros. And I believe the releasedate is next Tuesday, but we will

find that out. For mister Parkinsat about ten o three, it's a
D a celebration of all that isD three At ten oh three, Chad
Greenways around the corner. Why areyou so? Why are you tricking yourself
so doggedly into believing the Minnesota Vikingswill not be able to trade up to
three, like let's say three orfour. Three is dead. Vikings are

moving into the top three. Iwouldn't go that far because the Bears commanders
in the Pays I have no noreason to help us and every reason to
keep the pick, to the pointthat the cost we would have to give
up to make that move should makequaisy queasy quait I like craisy squeezy.

Oh that's brilliant. I got toremember that. The Yeah, so if
you're the Bear's Commander's Patriots, youtake your quarterback and then you just build
around the quarterback right then, youdon't have to. And if you're worried
that the kid isn't ready to startyet, fine, yeah, get him
on the bench. But go getyour quarterback when you're at the top of
the draft. But all of thoseteams think they're not going to be in
sniffing range of the top three picksagain for a long time. They don't

want to. They don't want torisk being where the Vikings are next year,
sitting at eleven and hoping they cansomehow get a quarterback. You go
get your quarterback when you can.One through three are dead. That is
not realistic. Viking fans think theleague's got some obligation to make their mock
drafts work out, making Vikings willwill. Why are you saying by this

because our fan base is I believedelusional on this point. Of course pick
four is realistic to some degree.Arizona has a ton of needs and presumably
has their quarterback of the future inKyler Murrill. Can I throw out a
side in that I think is pertinentper the analysis? Please? What if

Elliot Wolfe, who runs the NewEngland Patriots, what if he likes Michael
Penis Junior every bit as much ashe does who he believes will be at
three may or whoever who he believeswill be at three, And what if
he believes he can angle his wayto Michael Pennis Junior at eleven, which

he could, Well, then thatmeans the three would be available bucks only
if you do believe that Michael Penixand I don't think it's even close between
him and Drake may But if they'revaluation is that, then yes, I
think that's that would be it.That'd be a realistic scenario. Yeah.
I don't think almost anybody believes thatto be true, but some might.

I certainly don't. I guess one, you know, I'm worried, Yeah,
yeah, but it's got to bethat worried about what I'm worried about
Michael Penix. So we highlighted thisa little bit with Greg Kosel. So
is the NFL because they're only goingto bring fifteen players to the Detroit draft
to try to avoid the A Rodgersitting forever terrorism for whomever it was.
Most recent, Penix isn't on thelist. Penick Junior and bo Nix did

not get invited to the which meansthe NFL does not believe or the intel.
It's either intel or a metaphorical rollof the dice that they don't believe
Pennick Junior and or Nix will bedrafted in the top twenty. Now.
What's also interesting with the invitation relatedstuff is JJ McCarthy was invited to the

NFL Draft in Detroit thirteen days fromtoday, has not responded really as a
decide he's going to go. Ialways love that one. NFL rescinded invite.
I always love that one. Nowyou can't go really in miss it's
in Michigan, Woway. I rememberwhen Joe Thomas was everybody thought Joe Thomas

was going to be the first playertaking in whatever draft that was like two
thousand and nine or something, andThomas is like, not only am I
not going to be at the draft, Uh, huh. I'm not going
to watch the draft. I'm goingto be fishing and I'm not bringing my
phone with me. Do you rememberthe defensive end for the I believe it

was the Cincinnati Banka. The Vikingswere courting a defensive end Aaron Smith or
something like that. It's many,many years ago, and they were courting
a defensive end from the Cincinnati Bengalsand Aaron Smith. It was a long
time Pittsburgh Steeler defensive end. Butfor the purpose of the conversation, I'm

not remembering the name, but Iremember he came here and had a visit,
and they did the man He's bit, and they sit down. Here's
the facility, and it's Winter Park. We apologize for the antiquated nature of
it. By the way, there'sBud Grant. By the way, there's
where fran Tarkenton used to sit.And they did all that and everything,
and he seemed to be quite infatuatedwith the situation, and I believe they

felt they had him signed until hisnext free agent visit was with the San
Francisco forty nine ers. And whatthey did is instead of taking him to
Scoma's al, Scoma's an elite seafoodplace at Fisherman's Wharf. They chartered a
helicopter and flew him all around thebay area. Hey, let's go.

We you know who this was.It was it TJ. Hushman Zada.
Wasn't Hushman Zada? Are you sure? Yeah? For sure. I thought
it was a defensive end before theHushman Zada relatedself. But but they flew
him around the entire bay area.He got bit by the beauty and then
when he thought it was done,they're like, well, now we're not
done. We're going to We're goingto chopper. We're going to helicopter.

Our way another hour north so youcan see the Sierra Nevadas. I always
love that one. And Lake Tahoeand that's South Lake Tahoe. And that's
North Lake Tahoe. You like toski, and my family love skiing.
Well that's what you mostly do inNorth Lake Tahoe. But South Lake Tahoe.
You see that run right there withall that snow. That's called Heavenly
and next to it is Caesar's Tahoeand Harris Tak And I mean it was

like Aaron was like and we losttime. We took him to Eli.
So I mean it's whether it's freeagency or the draft, circumventing, circumventing
other teams, and aligning your rootof attack with the individual that may fly
in the face of like everything youjust said about the top three or what

anybody thinks absolutely makes sense. Whenthey hit the finish line, you never
know whose nose is going to bedown first until they're in the winter circle
and we're all smiling for the cameraand cashing bets. I always love that
one. This is nine to NewChad Greenway about Gray Duck Vodka and Great
Duck spirences around the corner, andwe will be football feasting with you up

until noon. It's Pa in Chargeon f M one hundred point three k
f a N timber Tech timber techdot com. Thank you for the What's
on Deck step list. Check outtimber tech dot com if you are in
the market for a nude deck.Thank you for listening. It's the Friday
Football Feast on the fan, hardcorefootball. Hey as the linebacker and the

fantasy freak kibbitz or kibbits Ye,I'm gonna ask you a question that that
that I am going to present forthe cast or perhaps I'm not, but
it's I immediately thought of you whenlet's just say this thought came to me.

That's the best way to put it, and it happened yesterday. Would
you prefer if the Minnesota Vikings tradeup for a quarterback? Right, all
right, and we happen to believethere's more probability to that than the co
host, wouldn't you agree? Absolutely? Yes? Okay, Well, I
mean he's down a one two threepercent, so even if we're at nine
percent on nine to noon, thenwe believe there's more of a chance a

man. Absolutely, I'm a coinflip guy right now, leaning lean the
over. Yeah, and yeah,I'm coin flippish guy radio show facility yesterday.
I'm on the heavy side of thecoin flip. Oh. It's like
if it's like you know in thebusiness, you know, when this goes
legal, they the the way itwould be put is the over they the

over is it's shaded over. Yeah, we're using weighted dice right now,
thank you. So it's not oneten either way, I'd make it.
If it's a coin flip, it'slike minus one fifty on the over for
the for the at least the thoughtprocess, which would you prefer if a
trade up indeed is in the cardsnight of the draft around six thirty pm

or next Thursday, a week beforethe draft. Laughing, Well, I'm
laughing. I almost didn't want tobring it up because I know you're going
to think about it all weekend.Well next Thursday, I mean, the
sooner that we get finality to that. Yeah, that was my ant.
Excuse me that that's what I thoughttoo. And we're going to go through

it today and we're loving it.And it's quarterbacks and and and all of
that. And I'm going to getafter charge during Vike's bites about having a
left handed quarterback bias as it pertainsto Michael Pennix. But it's again,
it's we need a domino to fall, man. I mean, the coaches
don't like having left handed quarterbacks,as I've learned of late. Well not

only have I learned that, butbut I found an article from a few
months that kind of details it.I got Steve Young and the Scott Mitchell's
of the World and Tuaun till you'resatisfied that's a real thing. But but
back to the to the end ofit, I want to Domino to fall
man, I mean think, andso if they trade up next Thursday,
in some ways that peels away justa hair of drama from Thursday night.

It's a nine to noon, it'snine to boone, it's a boone.
But we get to settle into isit May is it McCarthy, because they're
not trading up for Jared Verse.So now that really that really dials in
the conversation. So I'd pick nextThursday. If they're going to make a
trade, make it pre draft,give us a couple of days to wheel

this thing and get to work itinto a froth, into a fervor.
Yeah, and it's gonna be it'dbe a blast if that happened. He's
the here's the scenario. Here's thehypothetical. Mister Birchie, Birchie, good
morning, Jack Greenway, and goodmorning. How are we pretty well?
Great dog boga, great expirits,Jack Greenway, five two Radio, and
here we are. Which which wouldyou prefer if a trade indeed was in

the cards for the Vikings moving upfrom eleven to say, let's say three
or four night of the draft,around six thirty or next Thursday, which
would you prefer? And why,Well, because the team's got two picks,
I kind of think it'd be morefun to do the move in advance.

So then at the draft party,you know, that gives us a
week to talk about which quarterback canfall? Is he going to be Drake
May's going to be J J.McCarthy, And then at the rough party,
we still get to talk about picktwenty three. Yeah, that would
be great. Any news is goodnews right now because it's just like the
dol drums of like you said,posturing and talking and just like guessing and
wondering. So like any news aheadof, you know, day of or

day before would be excellent because itjust gives you juicy talkers. So and
uh, last time, I willbring this up this week and and and
it's you played for the Minnesota Vikings. Well you were drafted by Were you
drafted by Rick Bielman or fran Fowleyfran Foley Foley. Yes, that was
quite a few might elongated running hada general manager Minnesota, met him one

day and he was fired three dayslater. It was weird. People forget
people forget about that whole situation,like when he was hired. I have
to look back at the day hewas hired, the day he was fired.
He was here for like a monthas wild. Yeah, right,
where do you think he is now? Just if you're in a guess what
what ended up with? Because whywould you say that? How would you
run the guy down? They're talkingabout it being fired? Nobody even knows

who he is. You might bein town. It's like the intel was
he was too abrasive or he's ledon the resume? Was that what it
was? That's what I think?It led on the resume? Yeah,
that was that was the bit.If you're light, if your resume is
light and you're abrasive, how didyou get hired in the first place?
Yeah, yeah, that's what's agreat point. But you know what,
crazy you've been here for so longyou got hired? Yeah, I know

right, I'm quite abrasive and veryloud. I was very light on the
resume when I got hired. Afterthe Vikings, fran Foley spent time at
zero development director at Baptist Health Foundation. Are you sure that's the right fran
Boley? And then in twenty tenhe joined the Maryland Terrapins football team as
the director of operations. That's apretty good gig. W you know,

it's as I mean, it's afall from NFLGM man. It's a good
gig. Though. Then he gotfired in twenty fifteen abrasive light resume though
no known interactions in the world ofsports or anything else. We have no
updates since twenty fifteen. Maybe hewent to Thailand with Cliff Kingsbury. Well,
he probably retirely, fran stayed.Maybe he's on LinkedIn. I'd assume

he'd retired right because of age.Well he's only he's sixty three now,
so that means he stopped working atfifty three. Yeah, No, that's
not usually retirement age. And Idon't know if you made enough money to
do that. Not my business rightnow now. Via the text line,
I'll be you know, I don'tprefer being called an fing idiot, but
that's fine, it's all good.The room makes a fair point. The

idea that if you make that trade, let's say you trade up to four
a week before the draft, you'regiving you're given the anti Vike and anybody
else the opportunity almost a full weekto potentially jump to three. Excellent,
So you have to weigh those implicationsas well. For sure, as you
get into that mix. That's athat's a fair point, correct, But
then that would be the I mean, the analysis there would be that you

think they're fifty to fifty the twothat are going to be there, and
like you'd be completely happy with eitherone you got. So therefore, go
ahead, give up, you know, eight first round picks to jump ahead
of somebody. We're cool being inthis spot, yep, and we're cool
with who we're going to get.I'm just wondering, like if it happened
before the draft, like what wouldit be like in the nine to noon

stable? I mean on exciting.Yeah, I wouldn't be able to do
the feast next Friday at Buffalo WildWing Savage with charge. I mean because
I'd vomit. Well, because you'renegative on the Vikings trading. This is
no, that is not true.Just one second, let me lay this
out and then you can open It'sI'm looking at it as a catch forty
four, okay, I mean you'redoubling down on the catch twenty two.

Not only are you negative on theMinnesota Vikings trading up to four or three,
you're not necessarily a fan of SamDarnold. I always love not.
I mean, it's like, wait, I agree with those exclusive I mean,
I guess here comes the Wildcat offense. That's why Aaron Jones signed.

He wants to be a Wildcat back. Let's go. It's gone with that
single wing twenty ten. Though,the funnier part about it is that he's
not he's he's he's out on thetrade up, but then he's also so
down on Penix. That would bethe guy that the team ends up settling
for unbelievable trade out and all ofa sudden, a person whose life and
career has been predicated on offensive talenthas become an elite defensive film I always

love that. But what if he'sright, well with what charge his opinion?
I mean already had nine and hestarted yelling. But just I mean,
we've had a lot of opinion.It's been thrown around with the idea,
like we talked about the left handedquarterback, right we talked about what
Penix did in college, and like, it's one of those situations if you
talk to a receiver who played thegame with right handed quarterbacks, they don't

like catching the ball from a lefthanded It spends the spends the opposite direction.
Wow, messes with the eyes.It's different look and there's just something
about it now again, like youroffense has to in a lot of cases
flipped because what's the strong side ofthe field nock for the quarterback and the
other your offensive line is now differentbecause the backs turn different directions. Now
the left tacker is the right thatrights the left. Neil gets paid like
a left tackle. Yeah, that'sexactly exactly right. So you got to

think about but those knows, thosethings that positionally are you set up for
to bring something like that in.I remember the initial concerns, complaints and
angst that was generated by the reverseball spin of the left handed quarterback,
and I believe it was hindering thecareers of John Taylor and Jerry Rice.
I hope, and they just Imean, just think what they could have

been. Yeah, well they couldhave been if Montana just stayed longer and
not gone to Kansas City. There'salways anomalies, Yeah, I know,
yeah, there always is. Youknow, Mike Vick, you know there's
a couple of them out there.But let's look at the percentage. Don't
let me google Basa. How aboutthe percentage of left handers that exist in
the world. And then how manystarting quarterbacks by percentage there are compared to

rights. What is the left hand? What's the left hand? What do
you think the left hand righty breakdownis across the entire populace. I think
it's about ten percent. And there'sonly one guy that threw a pass in
the NFL last year that's left handed. Wow, and that's Tua Oh Wow.
I think he's the only left handedthat threw a pass last year.
Right. Sound that sounds about right? Sounds like less than ten percent.

You know, Tyreek Hill just couldn'tget past it. Horrible. I mean
it looked like a knuckleball coming outof the hand of Philip. I didn't
know what to do. He wasmy quarterback, Tim Wakefield. This is
crazy. If your kid can throwleft handed, you got a lefty kid
and he can throw baseball. Youdon't even have to be that good right.

And here's a fifteen year career lefty. You know, with your five
points this year off speed curve ball, let's go. We're in. That's
all you gotta do. Love.My buddy Paul Fern was so desperate to
have a lefty kid that when thekid got to be about toddler age.
He would tape down the right armand play ball with him for hours and

just start working with it. Iwonder if if writing left handed with the
super special number two pencil. Sonow we're in middle school, we're in
high school. Taekonder Roga too,So I mean I was more of an
ever heart favor perfect whatever ever heartfavor, Taikironda at Irondacks you have.

I just wonder the methodology of whereyou have to sit in a classroom if
you're looking to cheat off somebody else'sants. I always love you, but
it generally is a right handed writer. You know, you just think about
how you angle your head side lookinginto the right thing. So I think
you move the desk back a littlebit so you can see the proper bubble.
I think right side. I don'tknow. I don't know that you

actually want to be sitting middle lookingout so that teachers desks in the middle.
The left. He's always had allthe ink and stuff all over their
sleeves right, because you know you'reright left to right, and then you're
dragging your sleeve across the gross.Well, it's it's the it's the it's
the pinky side palm, I rightleft handed. Oh yeah, and you
get your hands dirty football, it'sreally impediment. Why why so this is

serious about ink on shirts and hands? Gerty? Absolutely, it was never
a sleeve issue. But yeah,the base of your palm is it just
drags across the pencil or ink here. Yeah, and and I had really
set me back. It's wire here. Now I write with my right hand,
and the remnants of some ink stillare on a couple of my fingers.
It had nothing to do with writing. I just chewed a pen I

always love that. Very just starteddripping on me than the headphone cord that
I've seen. Totally. I'm soglad those days are gone. We're largely
gone. Rear view mayor pa incharge Friday football Feast. Here's here's Chad
Greenway, Great duc Vodka, GreatDuck spirits. What uh what did the
girls think of the n cua AWomen's title game? Uh? First of

all, great game. I mean, obviously, look at the the the
folks, the viewers, the viewership, I mean eighteen plus million. It
was incredible. Obviously, you know, Mom and I are hawkey alum.
So we're going for the Hawks.And I thought it was a great game.
What about the girls are three too? Girls are girl? Girls?
Are just a lot of Hawkeye fansin there, Yeah, one hundred percent.
The oldest is the oldest is kindof in the middle. Now,
be talking on the side watching basketballat that level, was somebody pulling up

from thirty eight feet? It's justare you hitting me? With that?
Thirty eight foot shots she hit?It doesn't make any sense to those who
were watching it. You become numbto how often she's doing it and how
good it is. It's like watchingSteph Curry b just incredibly gifted at what
he's doing and literally changing the game. And she's done that from that perspective
of pulling up from that deep consistently, pretty consistently hitting shots and the fact

you have to guard her at thirtyfive feet is incredible and you don't realize
that to you go in basketball courtand look at that shot and realize what
she's doing consistently. I think,just to see where the women's game and
how she help bring it there inthe last few years to another level,
it's a it's been rising, beendriving forward, but you know what she's
done and a lot of these othergreat players have done these last few years,
have just put another planet and changedthe game. So I know,

with a dad of four girls thatlove sports, yeah, love hoops,
I mean just it's the it's they'reprime, prime to move into the next
level at some point hopefully and youknow, partaking that fun. So will
the viewers follow, you know,will that? Will the buzz continue unabated?
When Caitlin Clark is playing this summerfor the Indiana Fever, I'd say
absolutely. I well, you canalready see with how there you know,

Las Vegas Aces, they're moving thevenue when the Fever come to town because
they need a bigger venue. Ithink they're putting the Fever on TV right
the majority of the games because theyunderstand it looks like they're trying to take
advantages from a business standpoint, whichway into the day shall move the needle.
But the like Indiana Fever, LasVegas Aces, ESPN Saturday at seven
o'clock whatever, I mean, thatain't ten fourteen sixteen million. But I

mean for the w NBA exactly,I mean, you cross whatever barrier across
viewership and you're heading the right way. Yeah, to me, when you
listen to some of the conversations ofthe current WNBA players, you get it.
You get a sense of a littlebit of angst and jealousy or bitterness
about you know, we've been here, we've been doing this, you know,

Dinah Frosty. There's a several exampleson TV top But but but the
reality is, if you're them,you want her more than anybody because all
ships rise and a rising tide,Like, am I gonna get mad that
that linebacker's gonna get paid more thanme? No, because that means that
my salary is going to go upeventually because he's driving a new market.
If she can come in and drivea new market, all ships rise,

the league is going to get moreattention, more eyes, more streams,
more or if it's what do youmean, Eh, that's just reality.
Yeah, But a lot of alot of the grousing are for people who
are from women who are out ofthe league. Now. They're not gonna
get help. They're not getting helpby this, not as much as I've
seen. I mean, I'm talkingabout the I'm talking about the folks that
were super Bird is out right,so she's now done. But there were

several current players that are talking abouthow she's a welcome to the you know
WNBA moment, all this kind ofstuff like, well, who doesn't.
First of all, everybody goes throughthat and every way. That's everyday stuff.
But I'm talking about like the nextlevel stuff. If the complaint is
we're not getting paid enough or paidto the level we should be. When
a player like this comes in andstarts filling stands and putting you on TV

and ratings get higher, you know, And there's several beyond Caitlin Cameron Brink
coming in to the league, there'sa bunch of them coming in that are
really good. It's like that's goingto move the needle, and that should
that should help everybody, right,I think I think the majority to churches
point about people out of the league. It kind of feels like there's a
former Viking who did quite well asa member of the Vikings, and every

time I've heard him speak and lovethe guy he taught, there's a there's
a resentment of the contracts they're gettingtoday, you know, the the how
much money they're getting. And that'skind of how I felt when I heard
whether it was Lynnette Woodard who heldthe record before or Cheryl Swoops, et
cetera. Cheryl Swoops was just blatantlymaking things up. It felt like when

she was talking about that game,that's true, but it's kind of like,
well, in my day, Ihad to struggle just to get to
the league, and it was friendsand family night every night. Now she's
filling out field houses across and she'sgot multimillion dollar national. I felt it
was more like back in my day, we still had to have another job
to sustain. That's how I lookedat a lot of that bit. I

think I know the ex Viking you'retalking about, and I think it's it's
hard to be from an era whereyou changed the game and you literally put
everybody who's making a dollar now,including myself, on another trajectory to make
the league what it is to putit on TV. We owe them one
thousand percent everything we were able toearn and accomplish, There's no question about
that. Yeah, But how doyou apologize for doing the same thing that

they did. It's just the waythat the world goes. It's like,
if you look at an NFL contractat linebacker now, it's probably double what
I was making six years ago.I mean, am I going to be
upset? I mean, just progress. It's how It's how the world goes
around. Yeah, now at theend of the day, like you know,
should they be scooping some of thechips somehow? I'm not sure.
It's just not how the business works. So I mean you just have to
move on and try to again takeadvantage of it while you're in it,

to build a business or to dosomething else. It's it's not I read
something from an old school NBA player. I don't know what it was within
the last tex amount of years,and it was down this road where it's
like, you know, we it'sback in the Wilt Chamberlain and Bill Russell
and Bob Coozy and Oscar robertson daysyou know we shaped everything and look at

the money and stuff like that.Now, what my man failed to leave
out is in nineteen seventy eight seventynine point eighty that the NBA was in
peril man. The games were onat eleven in the evening, nationally televised
like Friday night game. They wereon super late. It wasn't readily available.
They were live. They were likesay, delaying the Knicks until eleven

at Night of them were, Butthe NBA had such an emerging gambling and
drug problem in the late seventies thatthat sucker. I'm not saying contraction,
it was rudderless. And then herecomes Irving Magic Johnson, here comes Larry
Bird. That rivalry saved the notsaved, but led to the explosion of

the NBA. And then after thatyou got Isaiah Thomas and Michael Jordan and
doctor j Yeah, you know,and a chem Olajahwan. So you're saying
individuals, I'm saying that moved theneedle can impact the le full league big
time, which is a mean,which is what we're kind of talking about.
Indiana Fever, Indiana Fever. It'sI heard this yesterday. Indiana Fever

games thirty eight of the forty aresold out for next season. Well,
how you know they're gonna pick CaitlinClark though, come on, come on,
okay, well, well they're notbecause they like money, charge and
yards, because they're giving up toomany picks and she doesn't play defense right
if and she shoots with her lefthand sometimes. David Kahn is their general

manager. Okay, careful, Steph. Curry's not in the dragon. That's
cool. We'll get somebody from Yukonwho like skittles, like Johnny Flynn and
yeah, right, uh, butbut they're you know, she she'll bank
a ton of endorsements and I thinkshe she made more than five million dollars

five ish whatever over X amount ofyears. Well you know when this all
was a thing, and you know, she took off. But you know,
there are either current or old schoolNBA players who are like, I
mean, it's just it's how itworked with her, and she became the
the nation. She captured the imaginationof the nation. The nation casuals like

I watched five NC Double A women'sbasketball games up to the title. I
just you know, it's not thatI don't like the sport, it's just
never really fit in that way.Oh it was. It was appointment television
from my household. Orda was watchinga lot of it too. So we're
the casuals. But you know thattheir X amount of ladies out there are
kind of like, let me getthis straight. Yeah, I made like

sixty five so I was a starin the league. I made like sixty
five thousand dollars from Team Doujore andI had to go to Prague in the
off season to play for one hundredgrands beautiful though, and three quarters of
the time I wasn't even sure thechecks were going to clear. Yeah,
and then we had to fly onthese crap airplanes which I was like one
wings dangling. And then she's uphere scooping three million one year, two

whatever the other year, and likethe it's not the world has laid out
the red carpet for Kitlyn Clark.Ladies, it's Caitlyn Clark has earned a
spot to walk on that red carpet. Yeah. And the timing of just
the society, I mean, thenil just came about how many years ago,
three years ago, I mean fouryears ago, right right when she
came into college and I was comingin and shifting the Lances gaver many years

that's been, I don't remember.But it's about timing. I mean,
it's about Windy. You know,it's luck. I mean, at the
end of the day, she's she'sgot a mix of incredible talent and skill.
She's able to do it in thehighest pressure moments. She has a
coach that's allowed her to make takecrazy shots. You're gonna be in the
team gota have teammates around you toget you in that position that make shots

when you kick it. You haveall these factors that come together and it's
just how the world works. AndI mean every college athlete previous to Caitlin
Clark and any of these athletes thatare in there now can have that same
gripe say, but I could havemade this when I was in college.
I had taken extra hundred bucks incollege, I was broke. Yeah,
some are better about it. Yeah, I mean, you can choose.

You can choose to be better,but you should also look back at like
how many opportunities did I miss becauseI wasn't willing to do something extra?
Go work harder, or go getmy degree, or go get a job,
or go start a business. Andthere's you can look at your own
life and be like, you canalways place to blame somewhere else. You
can always take the bull by thehorse and say hey, I'm hot right
now, rather than saying look howcool I am and be like, I'm
gonna go do something else. Withthe voluminous amount of film watching Chad Greenway

has done on these rookie quarterbacks cominginto the draft, and they have been
pining to ask him this question forweeks, maybe months, Who is this
favorite quarterback that he'd like the Vikingsto draft? And why that emerges around
the corner on KFA. Just Lessen, Just Lessen, So, I mean

it's it's the Friday football fees,whether it's Gray Duck baka Great Duck Spirits,
Bomba Juice or whatever. We don't, you know, we don't require
We just require your attendance, yourfriendship, and you smile. Your smile
has been a plus ever since Imet you, and and and the roma.

Why was there never a line ofcologne that went Ralph Lauren, Polo,
dracar and Aroma should do? Howwas there never Aroma? What are
you wearing? A missed opportunity?Aroma shod do? But so we don't,
we don't require much of you withthe accession of the cachet of this

tide with your name, hoping itmoves the people meter. But anyway,
so film watching like requiring you tobe the next Mike Mayock or anybody that's
not that's that's you know, that'snot realistic. But from what you know,
what you feel, whatever gift ofdiscernment you have or have been given.
If if the Minnesota Vikings left Roundone with a quarterback not named Caleb

Williams, who would you prefer andwhy? And I have Caleb Williams somehow,
some way. I mean, youlook at the top end of the
draft and you look at the guysthat everybody's talking about. It's it's hard
to poke holes from. You know, I haven't done a deep dive.
I haven't watched years of film.But the reality is is you look at
those guys that have unique abilities thatclearly set them apart. Uh. The

one I like for our for ourcurrent system, that I think would would
match the best would be May atNorth Carolina. I like him the most.
I don't like that he wasn't necessarilya high level winner at North Carolina.
Man the team around him, I'mnot good. Yeah, But at
the same time, you know,like I do, like I think,
I think drafting a winner. I'mnot sure historically. I'm sure there's data

on this, but it just feelslike drafted a winner from college makes sense.
But again, that has a lotto do with recruiting teammates, et
cetera. Love the LSU kid,I mean, just a complete freak athlete
and just does some crazy things withthe football. I'm not in love with
Panix either. I just don't knowthat his game translates. I don't like
the injury. I don't like theage. There's a lot of factors that
go into that that I'm not I'mnot excited about now. If we had

him leaving, I'm also a homeSo if he's in, I'm all in,
baby, I mean, let's go. But the reality is is I
would I would take May. Ilike I like Drake May a lot more
than most people do. It appears, and there are some people that are
really down on him. Kurt Warnerand Chris Simms, notably, are having
at like five and six, andthey're in their rankings good fall right to

twenty three. Let's take him,Sims, he might be like six,
seven or eight. I mean,wow, it's like he's gotten down there,
way down there. Bad offensive linethat he has to overcome all the
time, bad receivers who rarely gotseparation. I like Drake May. I
like the arm strength, I likethe mobility that you don't expect for him
to have, and he doesn't rouse, but he doesn't rely on it.
Where he's gonna miss receivers because hishead's down and he he does he keeps

his eyes up and downfield a lot. He had to scramble out of bad
plays all the time. He runswell in those situations. Androcess is the
field. I just don't Yes,did he Are there some easy throws that
he should have made better? Yep? But also half the time he's got
a defender draped on him in thoseI think part of I think, part
of why I like him and whyI picked him is because he's maybe the

most realistic one we could get withoutgiving up a bunch. So that's kind
of why it's to me, itseems like it's a reality that could actually
happen, and it's all hope thatSims is right and he's the guy.
Because if you want to get aquarterback in one, if it's a sitting
at the spot you're at, right, is this you gotta you gotta find
uh. You got to find theright guy, and sometimes that guy can
fall right to you. You neverknow. Now, the reason I chuckled

and or giggled with the trolls thatleft handed when you know you said eyes
on, and it just it causedme to hearken to the only time I
remember Paul Charchi and walking into theVikings locker room, and those were the
first two words. I always lovethat one. Eyes up. I'm sorry,
I'm so sorry. All right now, let me let me hit you

with this before you related story forthat is I don't think I've ever told
on Aaron. Okay, you probablyshouldn't know, because you uttered that same
when we were on Xerxes at AMeleven thirty kfan and it involved five car
dealership and realizing the negatives of cardealerships and we only lost seven hundred and

thirty thousand dollars in advertising. Wellhere he is, and that was twenty
years ago, about one point fourmillion. Now with Greenway's inflation, Holy
cow. All right, let mebefore you leave, let me ask you
this up for you two charge justuh with the with the with the Minnesota
Timberwolves, like what are the playoffexpectations? I mean forget you know,

like, wow, I got tosee how they get in the first round.
Yeah that's fair. But I meanI have the belief no matter who
they hook in the Western Conference,and that includes Denver, there will be
meat grinder games. I don't.It's they're not they now are not the
type of team that's just hey,we're in it and boom now we're out
four. Oh yeah, just gotswept and be fifteen by fifteen every game.

They're not that squad. Doesn't meanbut they could get meat in the
first round even with home court advantage. So New Orleans, Sacramento, some
other teams are you know, thepotential candidates, but whatever, just the
makeup of the team with the returnof Karl Anthony Towns and a two or
three seed, they're not going toget the one. I mean, Denver

Wolves would have to go boom boomtonight, Atlanta here, Kevin Durant,
Devin Booker, and the Suns hereSunday. They may sit all of them,
they may not have anything for whichto play. Denver's at San Antonio.
I believe San's Wemby, but eventhey'll still win with Wemby. And
then they're at crap Memphis on Sunday. So Denver's going boom boom. We're

tied with OKC. If at theend of the equation the Wolves and Oklahoma
City are tied, the Wolves winthe tie breaker. You got to get
down to the fourth bit, sothat could be a two seed, but
just so they're going to have homecourt advantage at least for two rounds.
Yep, let's say for at leastone or two rounds with the makeup of
the team. And I know youwatch and I know you follow him,

know you like the NBA. Likewise, for charge, just like, what
are what are what should our expectationsbe in a week and change when this
bad boy starts? Well, youknow, I'm not a suck for luck
guy, but this is about matchupsin basketball, and I think you want
to look at what you potential matchupin first round and position yourself by resting

players to maybe get there somehow.I think Western Conference finals or bust.
Well, I wanted I want toI want to go to a Western Conference
final game and have it be athome. Perhaps you know this or have
forgotten or missed it, because thatwould be me early in the week and
I knew it forever. But likethe play in clipp, well that's next
week. So the team's not inthe play in clip, I mean they're

practicing, they're chilling feed up,like that's going to be vital for not
only reintegrating Karl Anthony Towns into themix. But Anthony Edwards getting off his
freaking feet after playing all these minuteshe's played, and you know, he
and Gobert kind of carrying this thing. So they will get that rest and
reorganization piece next week then to makethe run. So you say Western Conference

Finals, what you're expecting, That'swhat I mean. I want to mean
what you want. I just Ijust the excitement around this team has been
building, and everybody's got that samemindset mentality of wins the shoe gonna drop,
and this team's kept fighting and gotsome big wins and been played pretty
dang good down the stretch without Cat. I'm mostly nervous about Cat coming back
into the rotation. See how that'sgoing to impact the game, the flow,

the roles, everything's gonna go backto out was you know, six
weeks ago, four weeks so,six weeks or whatever long it's been.
I would take that they were playinggreat right when Kat went down. Yep,
and and I just but it's againa reintegration. Like you mentioned,
I think the minimum for this team, based off this year and the expectations
that I have is let's make thatWestern Conference final. Let's win a couple.
You know, obviously starts with winninga series, right, I mean,
we got to get over the humpwin a series. But I mean,

yeah, that's that's you want.You don't want to say it's expected
because we haven't done it, butit's got to be the mentality if we
want to get to that final.That's that's just my opinion. We've been
the one seed for ninety percent ofthis season, yep, you know,
you Western Conference finals. So now, if you told me the Timberwolves were
going to yield to the Nuggets yepin the Western Conference finals right now,

I wouldn't love it because I wantthis team to go to the championship.
But I would go, Okay,I can understand that with all the equity
that they've got and the playoff experiencethey've you know, they're still the reigning
champions, like, okay, Butman, if we yield to the freaking
Clippers, you know, Mavericks.You know, that's mavericksk and that the
the I spent about five minutes onthe Mavericks yesterday. I'm waiting for the

Wolves and Nuggets the other night.And you know, I mean, we've
all seen Luca. We've all seenKyrie. We've all seen Luca and Kyrie.
I hadn't watched them play together inquite some time. It's like it's
either Luca's out and Kyrie goes forforty or Kyrie's out and Luca has the
fattest triple double ever. But playingtogether with as I put it yesterday,
agenda free basketball. When I sawwhen and they've twelve of thirteen, sixteen

of eighteen, and along the way, they beat Denver, they beat Golden
State, they beat Sacramento twice,They've beaten some squads. It's when I'm
watching that thing, it's it's it'sit was Dallas at Miami, all right,
because this is the time of theyear. Last year, like Jimmy
Butler, whether you like him ornot, he takes games off in the
regular season to get ready for thepostseason. And it'll be you know,

bilateral left knee, so general soarness, thank you that general soreness. But
he'll skip games. He regular seasonsfor showing postseasons for dope. They NBA
insiders ripped the bleep out of himlast year. Well then he went out
and beat Giannis the one seed.It's like box, sit down and do
your job and I'll do mine.So they're trying that again this year Dallas

murdered them. Luca and Kyrie justran circles around these old guys Irom Kidd
like Tyler heroes playing Bama out ofBYO, a couple of former Kentucky Wildcats
on top of their games. Sowhen Kyrie fell, he took a hard
fall in third early fourth quarter,here's Luca sprinting thirty yards or let's know,
let's say thirty feet whatever to likehelp him up. And I'm like,

and I saw some things in thegame around, I'm like, oh
uh oh, there's no agenda.It's they've hit it. They because you
knew it would hit stride. They'retoo good and talented for it not to
if they don't have agendasred percent,who shoots how much? And why?
Well that's not the case there withthe Mavericks right now. So this I

just think that I think they're becomingmore of a Western Conference problems. Yeah,
it goes to that. It's afifty win team too. I think
basketball and I don't know hockey nearlyas much, but obviously basketball is a
matchup game when you only have fiveon five when you when it's not you
know football, it's an individual matchups, yes, but eleven be eleven a
lot of moving parts. Five onfive is about matchups. That first round

is gonna be critical. Can youget a right matchup? Do you not
that you want? Again? Yourest accordingly to give guys an opportunity.
But the same time, we're gonnahave a rest period for the playing as
well, so you gonna be carefulof off too long. So it'll be
interesting how it plays out, howFinch handles it. So let's see,
Hey, buckle up, and whenwe get a home game, can't wait,
cannot wait? Hey, show outBuffalo Wild Wing Savage next Friday.
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My brother. Assumably we will seeyou the day after Round one of the
NFL Draft, and that will beright here in the six five to one
carpets plus studios. Thank you,safe travels, Thank you. Nine to
noon continues after this
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