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A whim from the Jethrows Barbecue Studioswhere every Thursday Bubba's boonless wings are half
price. This is Des Moines SportsStation one O six point three k X
and ol Jeez, Murphy, thisis your Andy Fails. Where's the ball?
Let's have some princes you what's goingoff? And let's It's The Murphy
Show on fourteen sixty and now oneoh six point three FM, Hour two
of The Murph and Andy Show onone oh six point three k X.
No. You can find our podcasteverywhere podcasts are found. It's Keith Burvey
and Andy Fails. If you aretuning in, if you're one of millions
of Americans or people throughout the worldtuning in for the gallon challenge, Lucas
has tapped out, blaming hitherburn Side. Woo hoo hoo. He's not tapping
out. He's not doing it today. We're not doing it today. We
have a huge spike and audience waitingfor the gal and challenge that it's not
happen. Are you saying we haveHeather to be mad out about this?
Yeah? Yeah, pretty much.I don't think that's nice for you to
blame Heather. She has the rightto be off. This should not impact
you following through on your commitments.Well, I have the right to say
no to a food challenge. Yousaid, yes, I got a rotting
gallon of milk down in the car. I would have put it in this
refrigerator here, but I didn't wantto cause it to come on more.
I refuse to drink the gallon ofmilk that's in your car now. I
will not be drinking that one.I'm bringing it in next week. You
are today, Yeah, yeah,I drink that one. That's a guaranteed
puke. All right. Well,our guy Brandon who just restocked the fridge,
he said he would like he'd liketo see Lucas do the sprite challenge.
Is the sprite challenge the bananas insprite? Is that what the that's
called? Yeah, that's what Ijust called challenge. It's the bananas spright
challenge challenge. The video essentially hejust said, bright challenge. You see
bad Lands doing that back into thetwo leader and then well, I mean
it was just kind of it wasn'tpuke collateral damage. You ever watched a
dog after it pukes, It canget kind of ugly. I've seen a
gorilla. Do it you talking aboutwhen they eat the puke? Yeah,
exactly. Thank you for removing anydoubts about what I was talking about.
What you guys wanted me to doif they puked in the cheeseball challenge.
Oh yeah, yeah, no,we were just throwing it out there as
a suggestion. All right, wehave a couple of answers that have come
up. Uh, Kirk parents droveto the I Club, so there weren't
two birds in the air late youwere waiting releasable. His daughter lives here
in the area, so he probablycame over and just made an extended visit
out of it. Got that's daughterlives here too, Yeah, got that
information from the Grand Poobah. ScottieScheffler started the PGA Championship with an eagle.
There goes again. He's too goodboring. Why are some guys like
they're so good it's boring. Idon't get that it's so good. It's
just this is unprecedented. He's makinghistory. Other people it's just like it's
just too good. It's too boring. Yeah, why why is that?
What's the difference. Why wasn't TigerWoods boring? Because he he is,
or at least was. Maybe he'sgot he's loosened up a little bit and
he's certainly changed. But Tiger Woods, like in two thousand, when he's
the most dominant golfer any of ushad ever seen, he was boring.
But he had, I mean aboring interview. Well why was kind of
why wasn't Yeah, yeah, Imean he was, he was firing,
he was young, he didn't looklike most of the skin had different pigment.
Is that we're that we're getting thattechnical about it. Yeah, I
mean, but they're just swinging thegolf club, right that. You can't
do anything older than swing the club. Do you think that so many people
find Scottie Scheffler boring because he looksa little bit like Sipker? Do we
think Sipker is boring? He's notboring enough. It makes things more interesting
than they need to be sometimes.Oh yeah, that's a good point.
I don't know. I mean,if you if this is a major that
is constantly overshadowed, and you havethe best golfer in the world, start
with an eagle, is there abetter start than that? It's getting a
lot of attention right now, anduh, Scheffler is not in danger of
leaving the course because his uh finallythey got that eight off his shoulders and
now he's just hitting eagles on wholeone. Yeah. Well, here's the
thing, like Xanderschoffle he shot nineunder today. That's a course record at
Valhalla. It's he has the tiedthe lowest round in major champing. Hang
on, he's already in the clubhouse. Yeah, he's already done. This
started early this morning. He shotnine under. He shot nine under.
Yeah, can we just stop thetournament now? Have him go run the
Preakness. Just run the Preakness.No, sh just hit the head to
head between him and Scheffler, thelast names that start with the man.
It seems like, yeah, maybethe the layout isn't tough enough there.
Well, hang on, another note, we've heard from Katie me being scared
to scare. Lucas is the ultimateUno reverse card. To be clear,
he's never actually punched me. Iknow I now know to scare and then
run. So Andy, this soundsto me like she has concerns that there
could be charges broad up. Imean, yeah, you're he's twenty three,
You get you get to be thirtythree you're like, oh, that
didn't sound quite right. You getto forty three, You're like, I'm
not even bringing that up, right, You're twenty three. You just tell
it exactly like it is. Yeah, Yeah, you don't have a filter,
right, or you're I guess honest, you could say that, but
I mean it's like honest and toohonest. But she says you didn't exactly
punch her. Yuess I didn't.I guess I just remember it differently.
Yeah, so I that's interesting.Why would you Maybe she blacked out after
I did punchers? Maybe? Ohthat makes it even worse. Yeah.
Left, Let's get to trending Iowabefore Iowa powered by Iowa one call one,
uh, Trending Iowa, Murphy andAndy show one of six point three
cakes. Now, let's take alook at some of Kitlyn Clark's props out
of tonight's home opener. So shesaid it twenty and a half points,
three and a half rebounds, fourand a half assists, three and a
half threes. Hmm, all right, Well, I know you guys are
not betting men, but would youlike to take a gander at each of
those? So they got the libertytonight that's uh, that's that's Stewie's team,
right that Breonna Stewart's team six anda half point eight now eight scored
more at home. They're eight point. Boy, they're not good. I'm
gonna take the over on the pointsrebound she had zero, which is hard
to believe. She's like an eightrebounded person game. It would bounce out
to her at some point four anda half assists should get that. Go
with five there, go take theover. Three and a half threes had
what four the first time? Hyeah, take the over on that too.
Yeah, I'll take four threes.Yeah, that's there are prop bets
on Caitlin Clark's totals. This islike on an app. This is unfanduel
DraftKings only as her points. Butyou can't bet. Oh that's right.
She doesn't play for Isowan's a degeneratewith the times. Come on. State
Track starts today and for me,that just means people are parking in front
of my house again. So parkingis a real problem. Mark Freud said
today. He put it. It'son social media, you can look it
up. He said that state parkingat State Track is the absolute worst thing,
the worst thing in all caps,so Andy, the worst thing in
high school state tournament parking period inlife, in life, worst worst thing
in life. I think Mark thatscene needs to have more challenges in his
life. Let me let me readit exactly. There is nothing an he's
never stepped on a lego with abarefoot is nothing, and I mean nothing
all caps worse than trying to parkfor state track. All right, I'm
I'm gonna come in with one thingright away. Cancer, Why do you
have to go there that quickly?Let's I think we got a bunch of
steps between state track parking and therewe can you know, ramp up to
that. Okay, losing your job, getting fired again, also hired than
it needs to be. Let's justsay, losing your cell phone, right,
lose your cell phone, death ofyour parents, Jesus Murph, he
said, no, what shooting themoon all right? All right, the
death of mankind, nuclear war,no, no, okay, come on
right, I'll tell you, it'sjust just just something that's a little bit
worse. You're really looking forward tosomething and then you arrive to see that
thing in the per and says Ican't do it because have there's own vacation.
Yes, yes, that is worsethan State mayor park That is worse.
Did Mark wait? Wait wait,did Mark get to State Fair to
to stay tracked? Did he getto stay? Did he? Did?
We get to do the milk challenge? Boom, right there, Mark Floyd,
put that in your pipe and smokeit. Gallon challenge? All right,
all right, we're just building upa week right along those lines.
All right, give me something elseme you don't want to participate, Okay,
I'm not ready yet. Yeah,just just just to find finding out,
elevate a little bit, finding outin your early twenties, you're balding
that's worse than state track parking.Do you find that out in one day?
Though? Like one day I graduatehead mirror? Really, you had
no idea and then all of asudden you saw a mirror on a ceiling.
Yes, and I was. Iwas peeing at a trot at a
Memphis barbecue joint. That's how muchI remember it. I was down there
to see Graceland, go visit Elvis'splace. Is there was some buddies.
Elvis had a mirror on the ceilingof a toilet. He definitely had a
mirror on the ceiling. But inthe bathroom, I wasn't peeing at Graceland.
They don't let you use the bathroomin Elvis's house. We went to
see Graceland at a barbecue restaurant,trough peeing overhead mirror where you could see
the top of your head. Andthat's the first time I was like,
oh my gosh, and that thatseemed worse than State track park You know
what would have been worse than that? Though? What blood in your urine?
Yep yep. Again, don't needto elevate that much, but that's
still worse than state track parking.Yep yep. Uh. Also, okay,
here we go. ZiT on theinside of your nose. I don't
think I've had one of them.You haven't, like inside your nostril,
like like you need to scrub yourface more. No, it's on the
inside well, like you touch yournose, ah like brings tears to your
eyes. Your whole nose hurts.How about this biting the inside of your
cheek accidentally, that's bad. That'sbad, And then that causes a canker
sore. Yeah, and it's likeyou can't not bite that lump? Would
you rather today? That, orhave to park over at state track.
Rather park at state track. It'sbad, Lucas. You know, of
course, you just park at yourhouse. Park a park in my backyard,
fancy apartment. You have over therepunching people that startle you. They
never in the face. How aboutthe face? How about getting punched in
the face by Lucas? That soundsworse. All right. You got a
new pair of shoes on, yep, first time you wear him, walk
through the front yard. Okay,then you step in a big pile of
dog Poh, pushoes is worse.Pushes is worse because not only because it
like gets into the track, sincethen then you had to go to school
and then your friends, and thenwhen you tried to clean it, it's
bad. And then you got awet shoe. And yeah, that's just
terrible. That's worse. That's worse. That's definitely worse. War any type
like any type famine. Yeah,all right, so are we suggesting that
he was exaggerating? What are wegetting at here? He said, nothing?
It is worse, Yeah, Imean it needs an asterisk at least
though like nothing like yeah, andyou know, all relative keep this in
perspective for the moment, it feelslike, yeah, yeah, you know
how it is. I mean,you you have a reaction. What what
I don't understand is it's like it'sso bad that he finds the parking spot
and before he gets over it,or maybe even after he actually walks all
the way to the event, hestill has enough rage to fire off the
tweet. Yeah you can. Youcan feel the rage and the caps,
you know, the all caps yea, the word nothing, Lucas. How
bad is it over there by yourfancy apartment. There's no parking on the
street, so it's bad. It'sbacked up. Drake Relays was terrible.
This is just as bad. Doyou know how much you could have helped
Mark if you'd like said, comedown parking. Well, you probably don't
have a driveway. It's a ricketydriveway, but it's the about as far
as you can get from the state. You like, we're pretty much the
last street where parking is going tobe, but our street is still full.
You live off Forest or off University? Off Forest? Oh, which
side of Forest to the north,to the north over toward like, what
what's the what's the cross street?Because that matters. I live on thirty
third, Okay, thirty third andForest, all right, thirty third and
for all right, that's yeah,that's not bad. Well, now everybody
knows where you're living. Yeah,Forest, Yeah, that's too bad.
Yeah, I said at twenty three, right, twenty three. That's it
for trending Iowa powered by Iowa Onecall Call eight one one or click Iowa
one. Call dot com before youdig. Yeah, you tell them you
live at twenty third and Forest.Nobody's messing with your place. Yeah yeah,
we oh okay, let's mess withsomebody else's pace. There is worse
than living at thirty third and four. Andy. Have you seen Tyson Fury's
crazy dad? Yeah? And Iget kind of a kick out of him.
Fight is what Saturday? Yeah,yep, Saturday with Alexander Us And
it's it's early here, right,It's like an early afternoon fight. Yeah
whatever. So I you know,I have like a fascination with Tyson Fury.
Uh. It's like the first timeI saw him fight. I saw
him fight with Vladimir Klitchko, andyou you see him and you're just like
this guy is is terrible. Youknow, he's just so so tall and
he's not caught really, he justkind of look like a giant out there,
just kind of like somebody was like, hey man, you're you're you're
big box. It's like if Jokicwere a boxer. Yeah, that's what
it looks like. He looks likeYolkic is a boxer, but actually he's
he's much more skilled than you thanyou realize that. He's got all this
personality. He's a goofball and andand you know, his he comes out
and says that, you know,his wife woman, a woman's place is
in the kitchen or on her back. Well, his wife like fires right
back at him, is just youknow, shut the f up. And
you know, I hate it whenhe talks to me like this, and
he needs to shut up. Andyou could basically sit and she's just this
short, you know, regular sized, blonde woman who's just like you.
You hear her talking immediately you're like, oh, yeah, I don't care
how big he is. This isthe one who wears the pants in that
family, right and this guy ispaying for that right now. He is
on the couch. So but soit's just kind of a funny family.
And then they do this Netflix documentarywith him, you know, with following
after he tries to retire, butthey also do an HBO Real Sports on
him, and he's really kind ofinteresting in that he's again he's a goofball,
but he's he is a gypsy ora he's a romani a traveler as
they call him from that basically thatsubsect of of people and he's been traveling
his whole life. But he's gotthis huge family and his dad is in
the story too. His dad islike this total character. Now, he's
violent to the point where that's howhe earned his living was bare knuckle fighting
out in the street with other travelers. That's how he like fed his family
by fighting. So his dad iswired completely differently, and you know,
occasionally the fights get out of hand, you know, case in point,
he does this interview he had justgotten out of prison because he thumbed the
guy's eye out. I out gougedthe guy's eye out with his thumb.
But he was like, well,you know, I shouldn't have done that,
And he's really apologetic about it,but as like proud and and and
you know kind of centered and grounded, is he seems in the interview you
can still tell, oh, yeah, that's a crazy dad. Well,
and it turns out the other daythey're having this you know, pre fight
promotion Tyson Fury's dad headbutts one ofAlexander Uhsik's entourage, like right in the
face, and they're both all bloodiedand everything. And it makes me think,
did you when you're growing up,did you did you have a friend
with a crazy dad? Yes?I did too, Yeah, couple but
sports dads, but like a ina over the top crazy way where for
a while I was entertained by it, and then I got older and little
wiser I was like, oh,this guy's nuts. Yeah, And you're
like, do do you ever lookback now? And you're like, that
guy is lucky that nothing happened.Absolutely. My friend Scott's dad was like
they his parents had him when theywere like his mom was fifteen, his
dad is seventeen, so they didn'treally like have a childhood, and they
weren't, you know, that mucholder than their kids, you know,
really so and then they went andhad three more kids, which is just
nuts, right. But I canremember Scott's dad, you know, we
he had this chunky above ground pooland we'd all be in the pool.
His dad would get out there andhe's throwing throwing everybody around the pool and
we have thought it was all fun, but he would like get way too
rough, you know, not anykind of creepy way, but just like
throwing everybody around, throwing people outof the pool, throwing them into the
pool, holding you under water fora little too long, like you're almost
gonna drown. Just too competitive,just just too mushy, like just didn't
ever really have that kind of intermediatetime between childhood and adulthood where you kind
of figure out where the line is, you know what I mean, Yeah,
it's it's it's it's Denzel Washington andhe got game, you know,
yeah, taking that game, andwhich also played out in the real movie
Hoop Dreams where the dad, yesit is really trying to be the kid,
the great Santini or something like youjust like, okay, this guy
is way too much. You know, this guy doesn't realize that, you
know, not only are you supposedto be like the father figure and above
that kind of stuff. You're kindof glad you have that position, right
because you get to step out ofthat kind of stuff. But these there's
always a dad that doesn't outgrow thatstuff or doesn't realize that, Okay,
I can't do that stuff because I'mtoo big, right, I'm gonna hurt
somebody. And there's just this crazydad element there, and you're like,
you know, when the parents participatein something, the crazy dad is always
way more into it than everybody else, way more into it. The competitive
dad, like you do the likethe Pinewood Derby and the Cub Scouts,
and it's like the crazy dad.He'll put illegal weights on the cap.
Oh yeah, he like cheats shit, gets weight. He's like yelling at
the you know, just way toointo it. But that's Tyson Fury's dad's
looking at him, and I'm justhaving flashbacks to my own childhood. I'm
like, oh yeah, crazy dad. Mark Lay would have definitely done that.
We have a keyword for you hereon a Murph and Andy Show Thursday,
win one thousand dollars now from oneoh six point three k X and
O k X and O's bonus bunkskeyword is when? When is the keyword
in this national contest had a localwinner on cakes No last night from Marshalltown,
but not Shane and not Christopher Cross. When we come back. More
including the most normal place in America. Something really really good and something that
couldn't be worse. Maury is broughtto you by either or Eterian Patio sixty
to twenty two Grand Avenue in Westof Morning. What a beautiful day to
check out the patio. Have someof the food. I'd like to be
on a patio right now. Goget yourself a cocktail. My wife's favorite
there the Corpse Reviver number two,classic gin cocktail, spirit Forward. What's
what's in that? I like gingin, fresh lemon juice, quantro or
any other type of clear orange liqueurand a French white wine called lillet blanc.
Yeah, it is a classic cocktail. To make it really really well.
There also has a little sprits ofabsent Jesus. Yeah, it's really
really good, good summer drink.My wife's favorite. They make it very
well as the bush light Apple.Yeah, I don't think they have that
there. According to new data fromthe US Census Bureau, the three fastest
growing cities in the metro at leastbetween April of twenty twenty, when this
is the last time an official censuswas taken and the end of the first
quarter of last year, are asfollows, Walkee, Norwalk and Bonder.
It kind of what you would expectthem to be. Yeah, because you're
not talking about, you know,ones that have added necessarily the most people.
Just how much is their overall populationgrown? Walkee, Yeah, is
growing constantly, adding like two hundredpeople a day. Ancony Netherxy not as
big as these three. Norwalk thoughgrowing. Yeah. Down there's all kinds
of construction going on all the time. Don't get down there very much.
But uh, moving on now moreUS Census data. It was used on
thirty different socioeconomic factors, including race, religion, income, education, jobs,
and social issues to find the statesin America that are the most representative
of America overall. Which is themost normal state? Which state looks is
the most like America itself? Whenyou say it looks, do you mean
by right? You take all thedemographics and you blend them all together,
you put them all together, takethem all into consideration. Which state do
they look? What does it lookmost like does America? Which individual state
represents America as a whole the most? Florida no is on the list the
top ten. Illinois is number one. Imagine much of that comes from Chicago.
The rest of Illinois looks a lotlike Iowa, Missouri, or even
down south kind of like Kentucky.But overall Illinois is that's probably where they
should have the caucuses, where theystart out, you know. I mean,
that's really kind of sets the tone. That is the most normal state.
It's racial make the most liked thecountry overall, with the same percentage
of white, Hispanic, Black,Asian, and Native American residents. Also
bringing in socioeconomics, bringing in religion, all that stuff, Illinois is the
most normal. Red Lobster announced theimmediate closure of forty eight restaurants on Monday.
This has made a lot of news. I know what really made Lucas
said, comes after the company lastyear reported record losses of eleven million dollars.
The losses have been largely blamed ontheir endless shrimp deal. People ate
so much shrimp. They lost money. Yeah, thet they would lose money.
People would, you know, staytoo long. They didn't buy anything
else. They just for twenty bucks. It used to be twenty bucks.
I think it's twenty seven dollars,which now, which is still a really
good deal. But they would justsit there all day and drink water and
just eat the endless shrimp. Maybejust end the special instead of closing all
your restaurants. I'm sure it wasmuch more than just that, but that's
kind of what the most obvious factorlooked like from the outside. So people
were blaming it on that or otherpromotions like that. There's only one thing
worse than Red Lobster closing these restaurants, parking at the stage track media.
Yeah, so customers have taken tosocial media to say goodbye to the beloved
chain, even though it's not totallygone yet. One woman took to TikTok
claiming she once ate one hundred andeight shrimp at Red Lobster over four and
a half hours. She's the problem. Yeah, she sat there for four
and a half hours. Thanks forclosing Red Lobster. Lady just eating shrimp.
Lucas won't do that shrimp. No, she's eating one hundred ane.
That's a lot of shrimp. Somebodyelse said, only in America could Red
Lobster be eaten into bankruptcy. True, that's so true. It's a good
point. Today's stupid criminal is fromIowa, Iowa. Yeah. Yeah,
an intoxicated driver in Iowa was pulledover for radic behavior, provided police with
a state ID card that Whoops listedhis height is eight feet tall. That's
tall, He's only five eighth.Joel Solorzano Valeda Joel Valeda, thirty three
years old, was behind the wheelof a Ford Focus swerving all over the
road, showed clear signs of impairment. Also had an open beer can in
his car in case you needed more, and meth when police stopped him Phony,
Minnesota, I d that Valeda gavecops came back with no return when
Chack, likely due to the absurdeight foot stature claim, also came back
with a warrant, as Flida wasalready wanted in another county for a previous
drunk driving offense. The suspect,who lives in Little Rock, Iowa,
don't know where there's a little Yeah. I thought there was just a little
Rock arcis yeah, Colin Ray sayingabout it. That's how you know that
there's a little Rock, arkansaw on, not the fact that it's the state
capitol or the largest city or correct. He now faces charges including narcotics possession,
drunk driving, and providing false identificationto police, and just being a
stupid criminal for having an ID thatwould draw attention to him like that eight
feet tall. This is eight feettall. Let's check this guy extra close.
It's time now for tell me somethinggood. For the first time ever,
the Dow Jones Industrial average has toppedforty thousand, stock market's highest point
ever. Great news for your retirementsavings, your four or one k's,
your iras, your mutual funds,et cetera. Here's something else that's good.
Congress gave its approval to a onehundred and five billion dollar bill yesterday
that looks to increase the number ofair traffic controllers, add more safety inspectors
to a aircraft factories, and forceairlines to automatically refund fares to passengers whose
flights are canceled or delayed for severalhours, regardless of the of its weather.
If it's weather, it's still stillyou get a refund. That's it,
get a refund. Yeah, it'syeah. No, there's gonna be
a fight about this, but theyare pushing back, but the Senate passed
the bill last week. The Housevoted three hundred and eighty seven to twenty
six yesterday to send it on toPresident Biden's desk. That's a decisive that's
a win. Yeah. Uh.The measure would also ban airlines from charging
fees to let families sit together.Good. Now, hopefully people won't abuse
that, which of course they will. Yeah, is my brother, it's
my brother, because they are atingin wheelchairs to get on the plane first.
If you're going to dip that,well, you will certainly pretend like
you're related to somebody, that you'renuts. You can sit by them.
Uh. We go from that tosomething you don't want to know. Annie
Jacobson, a journalist who spent yearsresearching the efforts of nuclear war, says
there are only two countries where youcould safely survive when the bombs drop.
When the nuclear winter is upon us, let's go to the United States.
Nope, wrong, inner estimation.In the first three days after everything goes
to hell, over five billion peopleacross the globe would die, but the
three billion or so survivors would befaced with incredible hardship. According to Jacobson,
thick smoke from fires across three continentswould trigger a mini ice age,
making it almost impossible for the survivorsto grow food. She explained, most
of the world certainly the mid latitudeswould be covered in sheets of ice.
Places like Iowa and Ukraine would bejust snow for ten years. On top
of that, you have the radiationpoisoning because the ozone layer will be so
damaged and destroyed that you couldn't beoutside in the sunlight. People will be
forced to live underground. It's prettybleak, right, This is worse than
state track parking. Yeah, right, totally. But Jacobson says there are
two countries where people might have afighting chance. What are they? Australia
and New Zealand Because they're so theycould actually sustain agriculture in the wake of
a nuclear winter. Everywhere else inthe planet agriculture would be impossible, and
when it is possible, people willdie. That's it. Australia and New
Zealand they be far enough away.This day in nineteen seventy seven, that's
terrible. I told him, youdon't want to know that. It didn't
make you day any better. Theday in nineteen seventy seven Muhammad Ali Tkos
Alfredo Evangelisto to retain his heavyweight title. Day in nineteen seventy five, Ali
t Ko's ron Lyle to retain hisheavyweight title. Between beating Joe Frasier in
nineteen seventy four at Madison Square Gardenand losing to Larry Holmes in nineteen eighty,
Ali had fifteen title fights good olddays in six years. Fifteen fights
in six years. And that's MuhammadAli. This is not a guy that's
trying to fight his way to thetop. He's already at the time.
That was good for the sport toothough. It keeps you more engaged when
you have another fight coming out.Oh that right, There is a huge
reason why boxing isn't what it usedto be. I mean, the biggest
star in the sport, the biggeststar of the sport has ever had,
was fighting almost three times a year. That's incredible. This day in nineteen
fifty four, Ted Williams returns froma broken collar bone, some concerns over
whether he'd lost his batting stroke.Well, the Red Sox played doubleheader and
Williams got eight hits. The collarboneesfine. Nate Bargatzi will be here this
weekend Wells Fargo Arena. Here heis talking about aging forty three. You
still think you're young, Hi,I have this jacket on and there.
I'll hang out with a twenty threeyear old and I'm like, you get
a dude. We're just a coupleyoung dudes kicking it. Some guy will
walk up, he's like, I'mforty five. I'm like, well,
don't you beat it, old man. I can't believe that guy had the
nerve to think he was our age, right, dude, that's crazy.
Let's go sit down for a littlebit. Finally, an Indiana judge has
ruled once and for all that tacosand burritos are Mexican style sandwiches after a
mall rejected a bid a bid fora taco place because it only allowed sandwiches,
but Judge Craig Bobe denied the rejection, saying things like tacos, euros,
and non all fall under the rulingof international sandwiches. What's the judge's
position on hot dogs? I washoping that that would somehow be included,
but I'm gonna guess he didn't sayanything about hot dogs, but I'm gonna
guess that hot dogs would be asandwich. Do you think of a burrito
as a Mexican sandwich? I don'tknow, but it is. I mean,
that's flower yeah, or corn flowerburritos. Flower, it's flower.
I mean it's just flat. It'sI mean, you really do have to
make tortilla dough and just smash itflat. I mean it's but really,
what mall is turning anybody away thesedays? That's what I want to know.
I'm sorry this mall here. We'vegot standards. We've got tacos.
It's only sandwiches is We're not lettingthe taco place in. We've got uh
got too many of other people inline here. You let the tacos in,
then you gotta let the hot dogsinto this mall here. We got
standards, gotta uphold that your moreeverybody. Next thing, you know,
Panda Express is trying to get inhere. We can't allow this Lucas next
thing, you know, it'll befull. You know our man Brandon that
came by and restocked the fridge.Yeah, yeah, all right, he
would like you to drink guzzle chuga twenty ounce sprite. That's just can
you do that tomorrow? No?I could try, but I can tell
you right now I'm not gonna beable to do it. Why why,
that's that's not that big a deal. It's just a can of sprite,
yeah, there's no well, ora bottle of spread, yeah, bottles
fry. So you have to you'regonna you're gonna need to try not to
burn. But it's that's impossible.It's going to be inevitable. Andy,
remember when what was that crap wedrank on found off one night? Tasted
like a totsy old chocolate cherry drpepper diet, doctor pepper diet. And
it tasted like uh tasted it tasteslike a like a like a chemical TOUTSI
pop. Yeah, oh god itwould Man, it was bad. There
was there's a lot of burping.I think you can do it, Lucas.
All right, when we come back, the raccoon is on the loose,
uh murv and Andy Shaw on oneo six point three cakes. You
know, for all of you whoare tuning in to find out if Lucas
completed the gallon challenge, he didn'tdo it. He didn't do it.
He blamed Heather for taking a vacationday. So sorry, crushing disappointment.
Maybe experience it. Well, Ididn't talk to Lucas. Not Heather's fault.
Well, it's really kind of Sean'sShawn's fault. Yeah, he's the
one making Lucas do the show withhim. All right. All I know
is we had it already going.I got a gallon of milk that at
this point only Ron Burgundy would drinkdown in the car. How did you
bring that inside? You know wherethere's a refrigerator. Yeah, you got
one, right. I didn't wantto give it a reason to kick on
more. Great leadership takes blame wheneven not at fault. I'll take blame
today. I appreciate you guys.You know understanding I got three hours to
do here. They don't understand.This is the worst thing that's ever happened
to us. Next to the bik, I came into Heather. Heather's bike
was downstairs, so I thought wegot a normal day here, all right.
Time for the audio drop. It'spresented by the Cellular Advantage. Uh
So, yesterday a raccoon got looseduring a soccer game and the announcer did
their best Kevin Harlan impression while givingthe play by play of the raccoon on
the loose. There's three or fourof people around him, and still the
raccoon goes on. This is marvelousentertainment. At what point I we just
rooting for him. Derry Nelly gotaway, Cold Raccoon, Dorry Nelly,
go to what you can get outTon Hudson. They got in, They
got the raccoon. That didn't soundat all like Kevin Harlan. No,
but Kevin Harlan gives the play byplay of the Streakers. Yeah, it
didn't sound like Yeah that I meanthat. You you do play by play
of a raccoon. You can doplay by play of a Gallon Challenge or
Salt Team Steam or Cheeseball Challenge.That was two hours worth, two hour
lee. This was supposed to bean hour. This was supposed to be
one supposed to be an hour,and I was expecting that glass to be
painted white by now the results.We should do it with chocolate milk so
then you can really see where thefute goes WC Eye pools and spots.
Yes, we had a quickie polltoday. Here's what it says. Don't
read the one about the Gallon Challengebecause we don't post that one. Which
July nineteenth release excites you more?EA Sports College Football twenty five or twisters.
Okay, let's go around the room. Which of those excite you more?
The movie Twister? They come outthe same day. EA College Sports
announce today July nineteenth, same dayas Twisters the movie. I'm more excited
about Twisters the movie. You oh, the video game. I've been waiting
years for the sports. Yeah,yeah, the video game. Even though
I'm I'm not going to see themovie. I'm not gonna play the video
I'm gonna add I was gonna ask. I'm like is Andy Davlin in the
I love video games. I lovevideo games. I just probably won't get
this one. Is Eddie gonna play? Probably not. He's got like man,
he's got like this rotation, andhe's got a mother that gives him
a massive stink eye every time heturns his video games on. The poor
kid can't enjoy video game and peace. Did he finish by the book?
I don't believe so. I don'tthink so he's got I'd like a book
report on that, please, Iwould too. Yeah. Ten page,
ten page, I say from Earth. All right, Well, as we've
established her, as Lucas is established, Heather's not here today, which is
why Lucas said he didn't do thegallon challenge. But Sean is here,
and Nurkus is here, and hedoesn't have milk in his stomach.